• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 19 - The End of an Era

Arc, Luna, Ashe, and Hammer reappear in Arc’s quarters aboard The Equinox. Luna sighs as she looks to Arc.

“I, um… I think I should go call Twilight in Canterlot. Let her know what happened here.”

Arc nods soberly. “Alright. Tell her that I’ll… get in touch with her later too.”

Luna calls out as she heads for the door. “She’ll be looking forward to it, I’m sure.”

Hammer looks to Arc and frowns as Luna leaves. “I still don’t get why you’re so upset by all of this, Arc. I mean, they killed a LOT of innocent griffons with their crazy antics. Or so I’m told.”

Arc sighs. “Very true, yes. However, I don’t believe executing them will do much of anything to stop the rebellion’s ideals as a whole.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Agreed. If anything, it will strengthen those whom are left.”

Hammer shrugs. “Well, I’m going to take a rest. All that excitement’s got me worn out.”

Arc lifts his hand. “Alright. Catch up with you later, Hammer.”

He watches as Hammer leaves the room. Turning to Ashe, he speaks.

“Hey, um…”

Seeing that Ashe has made her way over to the couch, Arc walks over to join her. Taking the spot next to her, Arc puts a hand on the ambassador’s shoulder as he continues.

“I’m sorry about what Hammer said. Remember, she doesn’t know who you are. Or were.”

Ashe sighs. “It’s alright. I suppose that if the lieutenant knew my true history, well… let’s just say that I doubt she’d even be willing to allow me to walk the ship freely.”

“Very true. But Hammer doesn’t have to find out. No one does at this point.”

“But is such a thing really for the best? I mean… those griffons at the trial are going to lose their lives because of me.”

“That’s true, yes. However, it’s like you said before. They knew the risks.”

“However, they wouldn’t be in such a position if I hadn’t…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Ashe, I want you to listen to me. We were both at the trial as it happened. And we both saw and heard the same things. Those griffons they caught didn’t utter a single word while in front of the king. Why was that?”

“Because none of them knew anything.”

“Very true. But I also want you to take note of what it is that they didn’t say.”

Ashe appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Not one of them tried to save their own skin by turning on their companions. No one tried to get away in a last-ditch effort to stay alive. And no one broke down and begged the king for mercy.”

“You’re right, of course. But why didn’t they?”

“Because they didn’t want to give the king, or anyone else for that matter, the satisfaction. All of them knew that they would be condemned to die for their beliefs at the end.”

Ashe moves to stand. “I… I really should be there for them. See if I can attend the execution.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “That would raise the suspicion of the king though. Needlessly, I might add.”

“But don’t they deserve to die alone!”

“They aren’t alone, Ashe. All of them fought for equality together and chose to die together.”

Ashe bows her head. “I’m honored to have served by their side, of course. And still want to be there for them.”

“Then honor their memory, their sacrifice… by continuing their fight.”

Ashe smiles sadly. “Are you saying that I should reform the rebels?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ashe. From now on, you should fight with words and peaceful actions to slowly change the way things are done in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ashe groans as she leans back. “That will take years though. Decades even.”

“Right. You and I may not live long enough to see a truly free Griffon Kingdom at all. However, we can set the groundwork for such a thing and allow for others to pick up the torch when it is time to be passed.”

He looks out the window at the Aviary in the distance before continuing.

“As your rebels will soon do.”

“I’ll do my very best to make sure that they haven’t died in vain. The Griffon Kingdom will one day be free. That will be my life’s work. I swear it.”

Arc smiles at her. “Very commendable, Ashe. And I’ll help as best I can too. Even if the work won’t be done in my lifetime.”

Ashe stands. “I think I’m going to go back to my room and do some brainstorming on this.”

Arc nods as he too rises with her. “You do that, Ashe. Meanwhile, I’m going to head over to the ship’s bridge and tell Captain Soarin to prepare to fly the ship back to Equestria.”

Ashe appears confused. “Really, Lord Arc? But what about the Equestrian embassy plans?”

“They can’t really move forward until the powers that be here in the Griffon Kingdom to their part and appraise the Goldstone Estate so that they can offer us a price. We can start drawing up blueprints back in Canterlot as well while we wait.”

Ashe sighs as she opens the door for him. “I suppose there are a number of things that could be done on that end, yes.”

Arc nods as the pair make their way down the corridor together. “And like I said right before we came back to the ship… I’ve had enough of the Griffon Kingdom and its draconic laws to last me a lifetime.”

As they continue onward, they see Natalya step out of Gallus’ room. Spotting the pair, she walks over to them.

“Um… hey.”

Arc stops as they reach her. “What’s up, Natalya?”

“I, uh… I’m sorry things went that way at the trial.”

Ashe sighs. “It was coming. We all knew it.”

Natalya turns to her husband. “Yes, well… I was actually coming to find you, Arc.”

Arc appears confused. “Me?”

Natalya nods. “It’s a rather personal matter though.”

Ashe smiles sadly. “Then I won’t keep you any longer, Lord Arc. And… thank you for the talk.”

“Anytime, Ashe.”

Ashe turns and quickly walks away. As she enters her suite some distance down the corridor, Natalya turns to Arc, confused.

“What was that all about?”

“Sorry, it’s a… it’s kind of a state secret. Best if you don’t know anything about it, believe me.”

“Then I won’t push the matter.”

“Thanks. So what can I do for you?”

Natalya gestures to the door. “Gallus wanted to show you something.”

“Ah! Lead the way!”

Taking his hand, Natalya leads him toward Gallus’ quarters. Opening the door for him the pair enter. Arc immediately spots Gallus standing in the middle of the room wearing the dress he purchased for him. However, this time the young griffon is also wearing earrings, a necklace, and even some light makeup. Seeing him, Gallus instinctively looks away nervously as Natalya closes the door behind them. Finding his voice after a few moments, Gallus speaks.

“Um… hey, Lord Arc.”

“Hello, Gallus.”

Natalya gestures to her brother. “Gallus just wanted to show you his progress.”

Gallus smiles nervously. “I, uh… thought that since you were the one whom told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be you’d be a fair and Honest judge of this.”

He does a little twirl before continuing.

“So… how do I look?”

Arc nods approvingly. “Very nice. I have to say, the jewelry is a nice touch.”

Natalya straightens a hem on the dress. “What do you think about the makeup, Arc?”

Arc smiles. “It really brings the whole outfit together, yes.”

Gallus beams. “You really mean it, sir?!”

“That I do.”

Natalya giggles. “See what I mean, Gallus? You really are very pretty like that.”

Gallus puts a talon on his chest as he turns to look in the mirror. “Thanks, sis. I really do feel great when I’m in this outfit.”

Arc walks over to take a closer look. “It appears that you and Natalya did a really nice job putting that ensemble together too.”

Natalya shrugs. “Gallus had me try it on first. But admittedly I didn’t look the greatest in it admittedly.”

Gallus scoffs. “Don’t sell yourself short, Natalya! You looked great!”

Natalya giggles. “Well, you look much better in that particular dress.”

Gallus smiles. “Thanks for saying so, sis. Maybe someday I’ll have the courage to show the world who I really am.”

Arc puts a hand on his shoulder. “Natalya and I will support you all the way in that when the time is right.”

“Yes, we will.”

Gallus looks away. “Yeah, well… I don’t think I’m ready for such a thing just yet.”

Arc appears confused. “Ready?”

“To wear stuff like this on a regular basis, I mean.”

Gallus turns to Natalya before continuing.

“For me, it’s enough that you and Lord Arc are willing to accept me as I am. And I hope that one day I too can find someone that I feel comfortable enough to share my secret with. That and allow them to take my backside and do with me whatever they want.”

Gallus looks to Arc nervously.

“Um… stuff like that IS legal in Equestria, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes, it is. Assuming both parties involved fully consent, that is.”

Gallus blushes and smiles. “Then I’m looking forward to the future.”

Natalya puts a talon on her brother’s shoulder. “And I’m looking forward to that day as well, Gallus. You finding someone to spend the rest of your life with would be very nice.”

“Um… can I ask you two for a really big favor?”

Arc smiles. “Don’t worry. We won’t tell anyone until you say we can.”

“Thanks, sir. But that isn’t what I meant.”

He turns to his sister before continuing.

“When my big day comes, do you think… that I could wear your wedding dress, sis?”

Natalya grins widely. “Of course, Gallus! I’ll even have it altered to fit you perfectly when the time is right.”

“Thanks a lot! But it won’t be anytime soon, mind you.”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Yes, one mustn’t rush into marriage.”

“That’s true, I suppose. But I have a favor to ask of you too, Lord Arc.”


Gallus smiles nervously. “When my big day comes and I’m all decked out in Natalya’s dress, do you think that you could… you know… walk me down the aisle?”

Arc smiles at him. “I would be honored, Gallus.”

Natalya puts her talons on Gallus’ shoulders. “You’ll have whatever it is that you want for your big day too.”

“Thanks, Natalya. But I don’t want you spending too much on me.”

“I can afford it. That and I want to make sure that it’s perfect for you. Gabby too someday.”

Gallus sighs. “As long as you know it won’t be for a long, LONG time though.”

He looks down at himself before continuing.

“After all, I think that I still have a lot of… growing up to do.”

Arc gestures to the door. “We all do, I suppose. But I should probably be getting over to the Bridge.”

Natalya grimaces. “Is something wrong, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “I’m just… really tired of this whole place. We’ll be taking off soon to return to Equestria.”

Gallus grins. “Now you’re coming around to my way of thinking, sir!”

Natalya looks out the window toward the city. “Mine too, I’m afraid. The Griffon Kingdom and its policies are just… too much for me.”

Arc nods. “We’ll take care of the rest of the Equestrian Embassy idea from Ponyville then. That and I think we’ve all earned some time off.”

Gallus shrugs. “I just want to get back to the orphanage.”

Natalya bows her head. “As do I. In all honesty, I’ve missed both the younglings and foals alike.”

Arc looks out the window wistfully. “And I’ve missed having family time with Derpy and Dinky. And the others too, of course.”

Gallus turns to Arc. “Um… sir?”

“Yes, Gallus?”

“I just wanted to say… thanks. Again, I mean. For helping me come to terms with who I really am.”

Arc smiles at him. “All I want is for you to be happy, Gallus. And as long as you have that, you pretty much have everything.”

Turning, he leaves the room and heads for the bridge. Entering, Arc makes a beeline for the captain whom is looking over a book in his chair.


Jumping slightly, Soarin looks to Arc and quickly salutes.

“S-sir! Forgive me! I was just…!”

Arc interrupts him. “It’s fine, captain. I just came to tell you that I’m finally ready to return to Equestria.”

“To the capital, sir?”

“Light’s Hope, actually. Tell the crew that they’ll be able to have some shore leave for a while when we get there too.”

“I’m sure they’ll like that. But aren’t you afraid of something potentially coming up here in the Griffon Kingdom? It does seem to be a hotbed of political activity lately.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not much here for me to do now. That and I’ve left a couple sigils to allow for me to return as needed.”

Soarin nods as he stands. “I’ll call the crew to their stations and have them prep the ship for immediate takeoff.”

“Good. I’d like to get underway as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thanks. Well… carry on.”

Turning, Arc leaves the Bridge and hears Soarin’s voice over the ship wide loudspeaker announcing their upcoming takeoff. Sighing, he walks down the corridor toward the Observation Lounge. Spotting Luna sitting in a chair and looking out the window he makes his way over to her. Sitting down, Arc speaks.


“Good evening, Arc.”

“How are you holding up?”

Luna sighs. “Alright, I suppose. Considering the fact that we failed to help those condemned to die this day.”

Arc nods soberly. “The king had it in for them. And such a thing isn’t exactly unjustified, all things considered.”

“Yes, I cannot deny the fact that they killed so many with their antics. However, this matter just seems so complicated.”

“Agreed. However, at the same time, he couldn’t really have just let them go. That and the prison system here is such that they would have soon begged for execution.”

“I don’t think there was a good outcome available here.”

Arc sighs. “Part of me kinda wants to break them out of the dungeon before the sentence can be carried out.”

Luna frowns. “It is not likely that such a thing would sit well with the families of those hurt or killed in their bombing though, Arc.”

“Yes… that’s what’s keeping me from intervening. But I still think that the king is making a mistake in just killing them.”


“If anything, this will just show the rest of the citizenry that they were ready and willing to die for their beliefs.”

“And cause others to take up their fight.”

Arc looks to the setting sun. “Even with the sad state of their prisons, a life sentence probably would have been the better choice.”

“Perhaps. But the victims would must certainly sleep better knowing they were gone for good.”

“I really can’t argue with that logic. However…”

Luna holds up a hoof “Arc, please. We both know the dangers of a leader second guessing things.”

“Yes, I suppose we should just accept that this is a Griffon Kingdom matter and leave it to them.”


They turn and look at the sunset for a few moments before Luna speaks again.

“I, um… would like you to know that I had a talk with Rainbow Dash after you and her returned from your date on Earth.”

Arc turns to her warily. “What about?”

“She had wanted to apologize for our past… interactions.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, she talked about what was bothering her to me and we worked through it.”

“That may be. But our conversation was very… in depth.”

“I won’t bring it up again then.”

“N-no, it’s… um…!”

She fumbles with her words before continuing.

“Rainbow Dash… suggested that I would be… given a fair chance should I decide to join your herd.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

“She apologized for thinking that I was trying to take you away from her and the others before offering to give me a chance.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Luna, I’m really sorry about that! Rainbow Dash apparently misunderstood what I meant when I…!”

Luna interrupts. “It’s alright, Arc. In fact, I’m rather glad she brought the subject up.”

“You are?”

Luna nods. “Yes. It made me consider a few things.”

“Like what?”

“Well… that I now have friends whom care about my future. Twilight… you… and now Rainbow Dash.”

“I don’t understand your meaning here.”

“In the past, I always just saw myself simply as the Princess of the Night. Someone whom ruled the nation by Celestia’s side. And that such was all that I was destined to do. However, I now know that I can do more than that. Be more than just a princess of Equestria. Experience things outside of ruling.”

“Like what though?”

“Have friends. Maybe… maybe even follow Cadance’s lead and… find somepony.”

“Our herd?”

Luna looks away and blushes slightly as she continues. “I honestly never considered looking for love, and certainly not within a herd. But… I admit that I would certainly entertain the idea if it meant finding happiness.”

“So… are you saying that you have feelings for me too, Luna?”

Luna sighs. “Honestly, I don’t really know. Remember, the idea of friendship is still a fairly new concept to me.”

“Then let’s try talking this out. How do you feel right now?”

“A bit nervous admittedly.”

“Anything else?”

“Hopeful. And optimistic. And you?”


Luna nods. “While Rainbow Dash never came out and said it, she more or less indicated that you were willing to give anypony whom wished to join your herd a chance. So, I just wanted to know how you felt about me. Not as a princess, mind you, but as a mare.”

“I do believe that you’re a very nice individual, Luna. And I Honestly do think of you as a good friend of mine.”

“So does that mean that you care about me?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But admittedly I’ve also never really thought about you romantically.”

“Neither have I for you truthfully. My apologies if I’m making this more difficult than it needs to be though. You have to understand that I don’t really know what I’m doing here.”

“It’s okay, Luna. As long as we’re being open about what we’re feeling, whatever is said is just fine.”

“I spoke to Twilight about you a short time ago. Asked her what she liked about you.”

“And what was her response?”

Luna smiles. “That she enjoyed your company. The fact that you allowed her to just be herself. And that you were so good at calming her when she needed it.”

Arc shrugs. “Just doing what I could to help.”

“It did her more good than you know, Arc. Since you and her became engaged, Twilight has become a completely different mare.”

“How so?”

“She now acts with such passion for her duties.”

Arc chuckles. “That sounds more like the old Twilight to me.”

“I feel as though everything she does now is for your sake.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “My sake?”

Luna nods. “As if she were doing her best to make you proud of her, I mean. To be… worthy of your attention.”

Arc frowns. “Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing though.”

“Normally I would say it were bad. However, she doesn’t appear to be acting out of obsession or fear of losing you. But… I suppose the best way to put it would be akin to a filly trying her best to make her parents proud of her.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “A very interesting way of looking at it admittedly.”

“You have that air about you though, Arc. I must say that I myself have fallen prey to it in the past.”


Luna nods. “Oh yes. When I saw just how hard you were trying to make a difference in the world, I felt that I too had to dig my hooves into whatever I was doing in order to help out. To put it another way, you just seem to bring out the best in everypony.”

Arc chuckles. “Glad to be of service.”

“But it would appear that we have now come full circle.”

“Back to your conversation with Rainbow Dash?”

Luna nods. “Right. She extended an invitation for me to have a chance at joining. Admittedly, when she first mentioned the idea, I was merely humoring her in an effort to try and bridge the gap that existed between us.”

“So, what made you consider it?”

“I suppose it was the way she spoke about the herd. How it was a place for everypony to belong. Equally, I mean. A concept that I had long forgotten even existed.”

She smiles and sighs wistfully before continuing.

“I suppose that such a sentiment might sound silly to you. But you have to understand that as a princess I’ve spent so long on a pedestal that the notion of being just another face in the crowd isn’t something I can even remember at one point being.”

Arc shrugs. “Not really, no. I actually can understand what you mean. Being the Lord Regent the first time was a very lonely experience for me. Everyone was bowing and scraping before me and the work hours were long and hard.”

“Such is the weight of the crown though, Arc.”

“Very true. But it was the thought that I was doing it all for Derpy and Dinky back home in Ponyville that kept me going day after day. Not to mention my other friends as well too. I worked so hard to bring you and Cadance back in order to help Equestria. However, at the same time I also wanted to do so in order to get my old life back.”

Luna bows her head. “While I don’t say this very often, it seems at this point in time that I don’t really know what it is that I should do.”

“Do you want a suggestion?”


“Alright. I think you should talk to Twilight about this conversation.”

“Talk to her? About what exactly?”

“Everything. Get her opinion on it. And if she thinks it’s a good idea, then you should come to tea with her and the rest of the herd at their next meeting.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “And that would be alright with you?”

Arc nods. “Of course. All I want is for you and them to be happy, after all.”

“But if I did have tea with everypony, what would I even say?”

“That you’d like to hear what they have to say about your current state of mind. Maybe your place is with us within the herd. Maybe it isn’t. But you’ll never know if you don’t raise the important questions with everyone.”

“I… shall talk to Twilight about this when we return to Canterlot.”

“Why not just call her on the phone?”

“It’s alright. After all, I’m sure you’re anxious to do that very thing yourself.”

“That I am. However, you can go first.”

Luna stands. “Very well then. Thank you for the opportunity. I’ll do my best to keep our conversation short.”

“No need to do that. Take all the time you need, Luna.”

“Again, I thank you, Arc. Shall I tell Twilight that you will call her later tonight?”

Arc nods as he too stands. “Sure. After she and I finish supper, we’ll talk.”

Luna looks at the sunset. “Then I should probably get to it.”

Arc chuckles. “I guess so. If you’d like some privacy, feel free to use the phone in my office.”

Luna smiles. “That I will, thank you.”

Turning, she walks toward the door as Hammer enters. The young woman steps aside to allow Luna to pass before approaching Arc nervously.

“Hey, um…”

“Something wrong, Hammer?”

“I heard that we’re taking off.”

Arc nods soberly as he turns to look out the window. “Yes, I’m anxious to leave.”


“What for?”

Hammer sighs. “Everything, I guess.”

Arc chuckles. “Care to narrow it down a bit?”

“I really can’t. It just seems like every time I turn around I make you look bad lately.”

Arc shrugs. “No one is perfect, Hammer.”

“Like when I forget, numerous times, to lock doors?”

“Admittedly, that was pretty bad. But I don’t think you’ll be doing that in the future.”

“I won’t, no. However, there’s still the mess regarding that prototype thingamabob that was stolen.”

“We’ll get it sorted out.”

Hammer lowers her voice. “Any word on that thing?”

Arc nods soberly. “Let’s just say that it’s probably in the best interest of everyone that it went missing.”

“That bad, huh?”


He pats his ring before continuing.

“The parts are close at hand though.”

“What about the boom-boom components?”

“Auriel and her mother are looking into identifying them so as to figure out how to safely dispose of the substance.”

“So… can I help?”

Arc shakes his head. “Unless you have some sort of a degree in theoretical chemistry, I would say probably not. But thanks for offering though.”

Hammer sighs. “Figured you’d say that. But I had to throw the offer out there.”

“In any case, don’t feel too bad about what you did at the warehouse.”

“Leaping without looking has always been my weakness.”

“Everyone has faults though.”

Hammer groans. “Not you!”

Arc turns to her. “Come again?”

“I can’t think of a single thing you’ve ever done wrong!”



Arc folds his arms over his chest. “What about leading you on when we first met?”

“You had to do that to get to Princess Celestia!”

“Doesn’t make it right though.”

Hammer groans. “You’ve got to stop beating yourself up over it!”

“Just like you need to stop apologizing for the past, Hammer.”

She is silent for a time before speaking.

“But… but I did stuff that made you look bad!”

Arc shrugs. “True. However, they were all accidents.”

Hammer facepalms. “Like what I did in your quarters at Light’s Hope when you came by with Princess Celestia?”

“There was no way you could have known I was going to come back with her of all ponies though.”

“It still feels wrong though.”

“You could just not lie in wait like that then.”

“But that’s my thing! Sponten… Spoontien… um… being unpredictable!”


“Yeah, that!”

Arc chuckles. “I do like that about you.”

“Which is why I keep doing it!”

“Then do what makes you happy.”

“I just don’t want to make you look bad though!”

“So what are you going to do, Hammer?”

Hammer groans. “I dunno.”

“How about this then?”

Hammer turns to him, confused. “What…?”

She is cut off as Arc grabs her roughly by the front of her uniform and pulls her in close. Kissing her passionately for a long moment, they eventually break apart. Hammer grins.

“You know I like it rough.”

Arc smiles at her. “You’re the only one I do that to though. Anyone else might really get hurt.”

Hammer beats her chest with a fist. “I can take it.”

Shoving him roughly to the floor, Hammer lands on top of Arc and continues making out with him. As she pulls back, she grins widely.

“But I’m not the only one whom can take it.”

Arc chuckles. “I suppose not.”

“Look, I’ll try to be a bit more… um… choosy about when I do stuff like this though, Arc.”

“How about just doing it when you’re out of uniform then?”

Hammer nods. “That would probably be for the best, yes.”

She quickly begins unbuttoning her uniform tunic as Arc rolls his eyes.

“Seriously, Hammer?”

Hammer laughs heartily as she rebuttons. “Yeah, I’m just messing with you!”

Arc sighs as the ship slowly begins lifting off. “Thank goodness.”

Hammer extends a hand and helps Arc to his feet. “So how about you and I head back to your quarters so I can…?”

She stops talking and focuses on something behind him. Frowning, Hammer points out the window.

“What the heck?!”

Turning, Arc squints and looks outside. Seeing a lone griffin flying toward the ship at high speed he frowns.

“Who is…?”

Hammer cries out. “He’s armed!”

“With what?”

“Looks like a spear!”

Arc touches his earring. “Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“This is Lemon Hearts. Go ahead, sir.”

“There’s a griffon approaching from the rear of the ship.”


“I want you to open the main hatch and allow them aboard.”

Hammer gasps. “What?! Are you nuts?!”

“Maybe. Lemon Hearts, tell Thunderlane to continue on our course back toward Equestria. But at the slowest speed possible until further notice.”

“Yes sir. Wrangler’s opened the main hatch and I’ll tell Thunderlane to slow our departure as best he is able. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that should do it. Lieutenant Hammer and I will head over there now to meet our guest. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. Turning to Hammer, he motions for her to follow him. Together the pair make their way to the main hatch. As they do so a large griffon lands on the deck and rushes inside. Arc slams the main hatch shut and turns to their visitor.

“Good evening, Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Ghaleon nods soberly. “Not exactly the word I would have used.”

Hammer frowns. “Something up?”

“I just needed to say something to you, Lord Arc.”

Arc gestures down the corridor. “Shall we head to my office then? I can tell the captain to hold the ship as well if you’d like, sir.”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “No, I… won’t take much of your time.”

Sighing, the arbiter walks over to a window and looks out at the city below as he starts to speak.

“I’ve been in my position for a good many years now, Lord Arc. During that time, I’ve seen many things happen in the Griffon Kingdom. While at the same time nothing has changed.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?! That doesn’t make a lick of sense!”

“Talks are made, policy is enacted, but the land remains as it was before.”

Looking to Arc, Ghaleon continues.

“When I was a youngling, my parents convinced the previous Lord Goldstone to take me on as a protector of sorts for his son.”

“A young bodyguard?”

Ghaleon nods. “Yes. However, I was also to act as a companion to him. A personal friend, if you will.”

Hammer shrugs. “Nothing wrong with that, I suppose?”

“We grew up together, he and I. Every night he would ask me of the land outside of the family estate. How the commoners lived. And I would tell him.”

Arc sighs. “It doesn’t appear that such knowledge did much for them though.”

“He originally intended to though. Goldstone would talk of ways to fix certain problems facing the nation. How he could solve their problems and bring about peace and order to the land.”

Hammer scoffs. “That didn’t really work out though.”

Ghaleon sighs. “I suppose not. But he studied hard to learn how to make his plans a reality one day. As did I.”

Arc nods. “In the armed forces?”

“As per his father’s wishes, I followed him into the military academy. Goldstone was hated… reviled by the others because of whom his family was. I wasn’t thought of as much better though, due to my association with him. So he and I did all that we could to show everyone that we were the best and brightest.”

Hammer smirks. “A competition?”

“Of sorts, yes. There was always a sort of friendly rivalry between the two of us in this matter. But with our constant pushing of one another to get even better, we became the best of the best. Breaking numerous records that had stood for many years, no one could even come close to matching us in combat.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s rather surprising to hear. Had I not faced him myself in the Gladiator’s Arena, I wouldn’t have thought he was a fighter.”

“After the death of his father, Goldstone returned home to take over his family’s estate and his father’s position on the Council of Lords.”

Hammer frowns. “Leaving you in the military?”

“Not exactly. The first thing he did as the new Lord Goldstone was to put forth a statement to the rest of the council recommending me to become the Griffon Kingdom’s new Arbiter.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And thanks to your record, you were confirmed.”

“More or less. It wasn’t an open or shut case by any stretch of the imagination. However, he was able to convince the other three members of my worthiness.”

“I don’t understand, sir. Did you fly all the way out here just to tell me this?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “No, Lord Arc. I’m coming to my point though.”

Gesturing to the city below, Ghaleon continues.

“Lord Goldstone and I always planned to help guide the Griffon Kingdom toward a more equitable system. However, for many years he felt that there was something else to be done first. A business dealing here… a meeting there… and before we both knew it, years had gone by.”

Hammer chimes in. “And nothing changed.”

“Very true. However, a year or so ago you came to our land to extend the idea of a treaty to our leaders, Lord Arc. One that was taken up and signed into law.”

Turning to look Arc in the eye, he sighs.

“Since that point in time, I’ve seen so much progress made to help our citizens. Thanks to the actions made by Equestria as well as you personally, Lord Arc. I’m ashamed to say that you’ve done more in that time than Lord Goldstone and I could have hoped to in our entire lives.”

He gestures to his spear before speaking again.

“I was appointed to my position in order to keep the leadership of the Griffon Kingdom in line. To mete out justice as it was needed and to protect the innocent. But I failed in all of those tasks. Spectacularly, I might add.”

Hammer shrugs. “You’re just one griffon though. Strong as you may be, no one can change an entire nation by themselves.”

“Very true, yes. However, it seems that Lord Arc has seen fit to do my job for me a time or two.”

He holds out the Spear of Justice to Arc.

“I came here today to give this to you, as you’re a much more worthy bearer of it than I am.”

Arc gasps. “But isn’t this supposed to be a national treasure of the Griffon Kingdom?”

Ghaleon nods. “It is the icon of the nation’s greatest warrior, yes. Proof of my position and rank. To be wielded in defense of the land and its inhabitants now and forevermore. But such a title should really be yours, Lord Arc. For all you’ve done to help our nation’s citizens.”

“Sir, I…”

Ghaleon interrupts him. “It was given to our nation by Princess Celestia many long years ago. And thanks to Equestria’s aid to our citizens, I believe that it should once again reside there.”

Arc takes the weapon soberly. “Our nation will of course do our best to be worthy of it. But I should probably tell you that I plan on returning it to Princess Celestia in the near future.”

“I’m told it was her personal weapon from time immemorial. Do with it what you will, Lord Arc. But I should depart now before your ship gets too far out.”

Arc gestures to the spear. “Yes, of course. And thank you for this. I’ll see to it that it’s cared for properly.”

Ghaleon nods soberly. “Yes, I’m sure you will.”

Heading back toward the main hatch, Ghaleon puts his talon on the door release. Turning, he looks at his former weapon one more time before opening the door and flying through it. Hammer smacks the button to close the hatch again as Arc looks over the spear.

“Amazing that this thing has held up over all these years.”

Hammer walks over to him. “It doesn’t look that old to me.”

“Centuries at least though.”

“Guess it just goes to show that if you make something to last, and then take care of it, they can stay in tip top condition darn near forever.”

Arc chuckles as he hefts the weapon over his shoulder. “Can’t argue with that.”

“So… should we head over to Princess Celestia’s suite to give it to her right away?”

“We could. But I think she was supposed to be busy tonight talking about governmental matters with Twilight this evening.”

“Tomorrow then?”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose. After all, she gave this to the Griffon Kingdom hundreds of years ago.”

Hammer grins. “What’s one more night then?”

The pair make their way down the corridor together. Reaching Arc’s quarters, they enter to find Natalya sitting on the couch reading a book. Hammer appears confused as she walks over to her.

“Uh… hey, Nat.”

Natalya closes her book and smiles at Hammer. “Good evening.”

Arc looks to the book. “What are you reading?”

“It’s a book I found in the ship’s library that talks about Equestrian relationships.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You seeing someone back home?”

Natalya giggles. “Kinda.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “Natalya wanted to talk to you and the others regarding her feelings.”

“Arc and I really bonded during our engagement. I was hoping to learn more about relationships and love so as to better communicate with them, you, and Arc in the future.”

Hammer grins. “So you fell for him too, huh Nat?”

Natalya smiles and blushes slightly. “I think I may have, yes. But I don’t really know for sure as all of this is still very new to me.”

Arc chuckles as he sets the Spear of Justice on the table. “We’ll all have plenty of time to talk things over and get acquainted back in Ponyville.”

Hammer chuckles. “Before the next adventure, you mean?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. The biggest thing I’ll be doing for quite some time after this is helping do my part to get the Equestrian Embassy idea off the ground.”

Natalya smiles. “And having a house of your own built too, I would hope.”

“First the embassy though. After all, I still have my room back in Light’s Hope as well as Derpy’s house.”

Hammer smirks. “It’d sure be nice to know that you had a place to go home to at the end of the day though, Arc.”

“I guess. But I’d rather spend that time getting to know you and the others better, Hammer.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “And me, Arc?”

Arc smiles at her. “And you too, Natalya.”

“Thank you. I’ll do my best to get along with the others.”

Hammer grins. “They’ll love you, Nat. Trust me. But we should probably hit the hay now. After all, it’s been a long day.”

Arc nods as he yawns. “No arguments here.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Um… do you think I might join you and Hammer?”

Arc chuckles. “Join us back in Ponyville?”

Hammer grins slyly. “Or in bed?”

Natalya nods. “In bed, yes.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “Woah! Seriously, Nat?!”

Natalya appears confused. “Arc and I slept together last night though.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it was our wedding night.”

Natalya turns to Hammer. “I understand if I’m overstepping my bounds here, but…”

Hammer interrupts her. “No way! After all, you and Arc are officially married now!”

Arc chimes in. “As soon as the paperwork goes through, that is. And as such we’d be happy if you’d join Hammer and I, Natalya.”

“Yeah, Nat. Just as long as we talk to the others about all of this when we get back to Light’s Hope.”

Arc nods as he pulls back the covers. “Which should be by tomorrow morning, I would imagine.”

After Arc and Hammer change into something more comfortable, she and Natalya allow him to get into the bed first. As he does so, the pair crawl in on either side of Arc. Pulling the covers over themselves, they snuggle up to him and sigh contentedly. Smiling, Arc looks to the pair as he speaks.


Hammer grins. “Very!”

“As am I, Arc.”

“Good. Now then, off to dreamland.”

Hammer reaches over and turns off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Both she and Natalya snuggle up to Arc and get comfortable. Soon the trio are fast asleep. However, a couple hours later they are awakened by a frantic pounding at the door. Getting to her feet, Hammer walks quickly over to the door and opens it as Arc turns on the lights. Ashe hurries inside and over to Arc.

“I’m very sorry for waking you, Lord Arc!”

Arc rubs his eyes. “Ashe?”

Natalya sits up. “What’s wrong, ambassador?”

“Your communication’s officer just picked up a transmission from the Griffon Kingdom on the emergency wavelength!”

Hammer frowns. “Something happen back there?!”

“I don’t know! The emergency band causes every radio in range to go off! It’s to let everyone know to turn them on to hear an important message!”

Arc stands up. “What was said?”

“It was just an automated communication saying that the king would be addressing the nation in just a few minutes!”

Natalya looks over at the clock nearby. “At this hour?!”

Ashe grimaces. “Something serious must have come up! I don’t know what, but this certainly isn’t a drill or anything like that!”

Arc grabs his clothes as he turns to Hammer. “Get dressed! We’ll head to the bridge to hear what King Guto has to say!”

Natalya hops off the bed. “I’ll come too!”

A few moments later the four run toward the Bridge door. Entering, they hurry over to Lemon Hearts whom turns to them.

“It’s starting, sir. Shall I put it on the speakers?”

Arc nods. “Yes, but just in this room. No need to wake up everyone aboard the entire ship for whatever is going on.”

Nodding, Lemon Hearts complies. Pressing a few buttons, static comes forth from the speakers. Turning a few knobs, she dials in and focuses the signal. A few moments later the static clears and a voice begins to speak.

“Good evening my fellow griffons.”

Ashe’s eyes grow wide. “That’s…!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Shush, Ashe!”

“My name… is not important right now. You need only know me as the leader of the rebels.”

Natalya gasps. “The rebels?!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Guess the guards somehow missed him when they rounded up the others!”

“A few short hours ago, my fellow rebels were executed. Butchered within their cells below the Aviary. Their blood flowed freely for our cause and was spilled for the commoners of the land. For you and all those whom do not have a voice in the Griffon Kingdom. They and I together sought to free everyone from the crushing yoke of King Guto and the Council of Lords. Sadly, with their deaths marks the end of our rebellion. However, this heinous act of stomping out the lives of those whom simply wanted a better life has shown me a great truth. That our actions in the past were not enough to bring about change to our land.”

Natalya frowns. “What is he talking about?!”

Hammer scoffs. “Yeah! They killed a ton of innocents with their crazy bomb stunt!”

Arc waves a hand. “Everyone, quiet!”

“Therefore, I am left with naught but the most final of resolutions. The last resort by which freedom might be gained for all. One that, ironically, came from our very own King Guto.”

Ashe gasps. “The king?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Unbeknownst to all of you, the king commissioned a weapon of unimaginable power recently. I had originally thought he had done so with the secret aid of the Equestrians. However, recent events have exonerated them of any and all responsibility in this matter.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “Do you think he’s referring to the device stolen from the warehouse?”

“Must be.”

“Even now the guards are coming for me. Hoping to silence my voice as they did my brothers and sisters earlier this evening. But I… I will not be quieted. I will not be censored, restrained, restricted, or suppressed in any way. From this day forward no griffon will be.”

Hammer frowns. “What’s he talking about?”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin. “I don’t…”

“King Guto’s weapon was one he had hoped to use as a final defense for the Griffon Kingdom’s future. And he was right in thinking that. It will be used to defend the ideals of the weak and oppressed. I’m sure he would disagree, of course. However, he is no longer capable of doing such a thing. Our beloved king joined my fallen rebels in the Great Beyond just a few minutes before I started this broadcast.”

Natalya gasps. “He… he KILLED King Guto?!”

Ashe instinctively takes a step back. “But that’s impossible!”

Hammer mutters under her breath. “Scumbag kinda deserved it.”

Arc glares at her. “Hammer!”

“What?! It’s true!”

“For those whom are frantically searching for me, I am broadcasting this message from the king’s personal suite. And as such, you will not be able to reach me in time to stop what is coming. However, before I finish what I set out to do, I must say one last thing. If you are listening to this, Lord Arc, I left a package in your upper left desk drawer with some information that I’m sure you will find useful.”

He pauses momentarily before sighing and continuing.

“I started down this bloody path to help others. All I wanted… all I ever wanted… was to make our land better for everyone. However, I along with my compatriots failed in that task. As far as I know, I am the last surviving member of our group. There is always the chance that a few escaped the king’s raid earlier. But nowhere near enough to continue this fight in earnest. Therefore, I must do what I can to finish this matter. To set things right… once and for all.”

The sound of him taking a deep breath rings out before he again speaks.

“To that end, I have used the vast supplies gathered by our operatives, along with copies of the weapon’s schematics, to cobble together a number of the a fore mentioned devices. They will bring forth the peace that we crave. And to that end… to all that can hear my voice, let this be known as the final rebel’s cry… before our eternal silence.”

A few moments later static rings out through the speakers. Arc turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Did… did we lose the signal?”

Lemon Hearts shakes her head. “Yes sir. The signal simply… stopped.”

Wrangler gasps. “Sir! I’m picking up bizarre readings from six o’clock!”

Arc frowns as he hurries over to her station. “Back in the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Yes sir!”

Soarin turns his head. “Moon Dancer! Analysis!”

Moon Dancer looks over her console. “On it, sir!”

She is silent for a few moments before her eyes grow wide.

“This can’t be right.”

Ashe grimaces. “What is it, miss?”

“Unknown energy waves are bouncing all over the place. But they’re not like anything we’ve ever encountered before.”

Hammer frowns. “Any idea what it is?”

“I’m analyzing them as we speak. But it’s not… logical.”

Natalya grimaces. “Tell us anyways!”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Moon Dancer sighs. “Well… if I’m reading this correctly then a number of devices were set off back there at the exact same time.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “What’s so strange about that?”

Hammer shrugs. “Right. It’s not too hard to make things happen at the same time.”

Arc looks to Wrangler. “Were they bombs of some kind like he was suggesting?”

“The soundwaves suggest large explosions, yes.”

Moon Dancer nods. “Right. But the sound waves and energy emitted from them are like nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

Thunderlane calls out from the helm. “Incoming shockwave! Estimate thirty seconds to impact!”

Soarin presses a button on his console. A klaxon goes off throughout the ship as he speaks into the intercom.

“This is Captain Soarin! All passengers and crew brace for impact! Repeat, brace for impact!”

Arc and the others head for seats near the back wall as Natalya runs for the door. Hammer calls out to her.

“Nat, what are you…?!”

Natalya yells out as she passes. “I have to get to my siblings!”

Arc runs after her. “Me too! Everyone else buckle up!”

Running down the corridor together, Natalya looks to Arc and cries out.

“I’ll get to Gabby! You get Gallus!”


Bursting through her little sister’s door, Natalya sees her sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Gabby looks to her confused.

“Natalya? What’s…?”

She is cut off as Natalya leaps onto the bed. Digging her talons deeply into the bed frame the young griffon calls out.

“Hold onto me tight, Gabby!”

Hearing the urgency in her sister’s voice, Gabby complies. Meanwhile, Arc runs into Gallus’ room. He spies Heathcliff frantically shaking Gallus in an effort to wake him up.

“Master Gallus! Please open your eyes!”

Arc looks to the elderly griffon. “I’ve got this!”

Holding out his hands, Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell. Lifting Heathcliff and Gallus, he suspends them in the air as the captain’s voice rings out over the loudspeaker.

“Hang on, everypony!”

A moment later a massive shock rocks the ship. Arc is knocked to the floor but focuses on maintaining his spell. A few moments later the turbulence subsides. Carefully lowering Heathcliff to the floor as he stands, Arc turns his attention to Gallus whom is slowly opening his eyes. Looking around confused for a few seconds, his gaze eventually falls to Arc whom is still holding him aloft.

“Uh… what happened?”

Arc sighs as he sets him down. “Big explosion.”

Gallus gasps. “What?! Gabby!”

Running out into the corridor, he opens the door across from his to see Natalya lying on top of Gabby whom is hugging her tight.

“Are you two alright?!”

Natalya nods as she lets go of the bedframe. “I think so, yes.”

Looking down, she calls out.

“You can let go of me now, Gabby.”

Gabby shakes her head. “No way! That was way too scary!”

Gallus breathes a sigh of relief. “I’m sure the ship is okay. Lord Arc saved Heathcliff and I. At least I think he did.”

Arc and Heathcliff run into the room together. Heathcliff is the first to speak.

“Mistress Natalya! Mistress Gabby! Are you two alright?!”

Natalya nods. “Yew, we’re fine.”

Gabby slowly lets go of her sister. “What happened?!”

Arc sighs. “Well…”

A door across the corridor opens as Luna and Celestia rush outside. They join the others as Celestia grunts.

“Are we under attack?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It was a shockwave from an explosion that may have originated back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Luna looks out the window. “Then how did we feel it all the way out here?!”

Arc frowns. “Good question. But first let’s get back to the Bridge.”

Everyone runs down the corridor to the Bridge. Arc looks to Soarin.

“Damage to the ship?!”

Soarin shakes his head. “Nothing major, sir.”

“Good! Thunderlane, turn this ship around and get us back to the Griffonstone Skyport as fast as you can!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc turns to the science station. “Any headway on what happened back there, Moon Dancer?!”

“I’ve confirmed that the explosions came from the Griffon Kingdom, yes. And that there have been no others since the initial blast.”

Wrangler grimaces. “That doesn’t mean that it’s safe to go back there though!”

Arc frowns as he clenches a fist. “That is irrelevant! We’re going! Soarin, call for all power to be diverted to the engines!”

Turning to Lemon Hearts, he continues.

“Any chatter from the Griffon Kingdom?!”

“None, sir.”

“Raise Canterlot then! Tell them to send every available ship to the Griffon Kingdom to lend aid!”

“They won’t get there until midafternoon at the earliest though, sir.”

Arc nods. “Then they’d best get started!”

Luna steps forward and looks to Lemon Hearts. “Order the Lunar Destiny to recall any troops in the area and take off! I want them to join us in this effort!”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Ashe gasps. “But that would leave the border to the Badlands completely unguarded, your highness!”

Celestia stomps the floor with a hoof. “When innocent lives are at stake, we cannot allow one of our most powerful ships to remain unutilized!”

Arc looks to Wrangler. “Was the city of Griffonstone the only one hit?”

“It doesn’t look like it, sir! The computer shows explosions as far out as our sensor range can pick up!”

Natalya looks to Arc. “We don’t have enough supplies or helpers to lend aid to an entire country though!”

Gallus turns to look out the window. “And we’re still a long way out!”

Arc calls to the helm. “ETA, Thunderlane?”

“At our top speed I can get us back there in two hours, sir!”

Heathcliff pulls out a pocket watch. “Roughly dawn then.”

Gabby grimaces. “There must be something else we can do though!”

Ashe nods. “Right! The citizens will need more help than we can provide!”

Arc frowns. “Agreed.”

Looking to the comms station, Arc continues.

“Lemon Hearts… raise Abyssinia. Tell the king and queen that I’m asking, no… begging them to send every available set of paws they have to help with the rescue efforts.”

Celestia shakes her head. “They would never agree to help the Griffon Kingdom though. There’s too much animosity between them for such a thing to happen.”

Luna turns to her sister. They will if the message comes on behalf of Arc.”

Arc nods. “Make it clear that I am personally making this request, Lemon Hearts.”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it.”

Heathcliff gestures to the door. “In the meantime, perhaps we should all try and get some more rest. After all, once we land sleep will be a precious commodity.”

Gabby yawns. “I don’t think I can though.”

Natalya leads her sister toward the door. “Try, Gabby.”

“Okay, Natalya.”

Luna turns to the door. “I’ll see about helping our support crew get the ship’s medical supplies ready.”

Celestia follows Luna. “As will I.”

Gallus turn to them. “Then I’ll help too, your highnesses. After helping Natalya put my little sister to bed, that is.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “We should see about those papers the rebel leader said he left in your desk.”

Arc nods as he heads for the door. “Agreed.”

“What do you suppose they are though?”

“We’ll know soon enough.”

Coming to his office, Arc opens the door and hurries inside. Pulling on the drawer, he finds a package. Pulling it out and setting it on the desk’s blotter, he opens it and pulls out a folder and looks at the top sheet. Sighing, he looks to Ashe.

“I’m guessing this is the chemical composition of the bomb’s payloads.”

Ashe sighs. “It’s beyond me.”

Arc grabs the paper and sits down in his desk chair as he grabs the phone. “Let’s get someone whom can then.”

A few moments later Lemon Hearts responds.

“Go ahead, sir.”

“Raise Canterlot Castle and tell them I need to speak to Auriel right away about a very important matter regarding her current project.”

“Yes sir.”

“Have you had luck with Abyssinia?”

“The king has promised to send as much aid as possible to the border at once. They should be in position to enter by the time we arrive in two hours.”

“Good. Ring me the moment you get Auriel on the line. Arc out.”

Setting down the receiver, he leans back in his office chair and looks to Ashe as he holds up the paper and continues.

“I can read this off to Auriel and her mother back in Canterlot. With any luck they can probably analyze the data on this and tell us if we should expect some kind of fallout from those bombs.”

Ashe shudders. “I sure hope my father is alright.”

“As sturdy as his manor is built, I would assume so, yes. But right now we have to worry about the big picture.”

Ashe sighs. “The country as a whole. My father would have said the same were he here right now, I imagine.”

Arc nods as his phone rings. “Right. And helping save as many griffons as we can.”

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