• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Questions of Philosophy

Arc awakens early the next morning. He looks out the large window next to his bed at the dawn’s light before gazing down and smiling as Derpy and Dinky lay on either side of him happily. Smiling, Arc strokes their manes for a few moments before carefully Blinking out of bed. Looking back he makes sure his family is covered with a blanket before heading for the door.

“Rest well, you two. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

Slipping out quietly, Arc heads for the VIP suite. Opening the door silently he looks toward the beds. Frank and Ember are sleeping soundly. Cherry calls out to him telepathically.

“Are you going to wake them?”

Arc shakes his head as he closes the door and heads down the corridor. “No. They should probably rest. After all, it’s not every day we can kick back and relax like this.”

“You should do the same, you know.”

“Huh? But I am.”

Cherry giggles. “You forget, I can see what you’re thinking.”


“I know you’re already planning your next move back on Earth.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, we have to be prepared.”

“That may be. But prepared for what? We don’t know what Diva or The Organization are up to, or why.”

Arc frowns. “Diva, or Sunset Shimmer if you prefer, just wants to put herself on top of the world. Nothing special there.”

“I don’t know about that. She was arrogant and brash, yes. However, she didn’t strike me as someone who has such small plans as world domination.”

“Taking over the world is a small matter to you?”

Cherry sighs. “I’m sorry. But when you can see things as I do, one world doesn’t seem like such a big place. While I know that sounds heartless, it’s just because I can’t think of any other way to put it into words.”

“If that’s the case, what do you think Diva’s up to then?”

“No clue. But I still believe there’s more to this than meets the eye.”

Arc sighs as he approaches the Main Hatch. “I hope you’re wrong.”

“So do I.”

He walks down the gangplank and across the landing pad before gazing at the sunrise for a moment.

“It’s just so peaceful.”


Arc gestures with a wave of his hand. “Look around, Cherry. You’d never guess that this was the site of a battle not that long ago.”

“Bad times don’t last forever, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. But then again, neither do good times.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean… the days I’ve spent here in Equestria with Derpy and Dinky along with you and my friends have been the most amazing time of my life.”


“Eventually it’ll all end. Dinky will grow up and leave. My friends and I will grow old. And… eventually all of us will be gone.”

“Don’t give into discouragement, Arc. After all, when that time comes, we’ll all be together again.”

Arc smiles sadly. “That’s the only thing keeping me going.”

“But you’re not afraid?”

“Not of my own death, no.”

“Then what…?”

“The death of those I care about.”

Cherry sighs. “It comes for everypony eventually. While I never saw my own end coming, I still believe I lived a fulfilled life. But tell me something, Arc. You’re not staying the Hero of Light in an attempt to… die, are you?”

“No, Cherry. Quite the opposite actually. I do these things in an attempt to prevent others from dying. But if I should fall, I’ll do so knowing that they survived and that you’re waiting for me.”

“That’s a noble ideal. But don’t be in any rush to come to the end of your path.”

“I’m not. Right now I still feel like there’s so much left for me to do and experience.”

“Agreed. But let’s start by meeting up with Twilight, shall we?”

Cherry giggles. “Sure. We need to get moving anyways.”

Arc heads down the path toward Ponyville and the Golden Oaks Library at a brisk pace. Arriving at his destination he finds the front door ajar. Stepping inside, Arc sees Auriel walking up the basement stairs with a crate.

“Good morning, Auriel.”

Auriel yawns. “Morning? Already?”

“Um… can I assume you two were up all night?”

Auriel sighs. “I guess so.”

“Kinda expected that. And Twilight?”

Auriel looks over her shoulder and down the stairs. “She’s resting in the nursery.”


“Twilight was tending to the plants earlier and sat down to rest. Next thing I knew, there was snoring coming from there.”

Arc sighs. “Well, at least she’ll be somewhat rested.”

“Probably a bit more then me. But in any case, I’ve gathered up everything we’ll need for this experiment.”

She gestures to three crates in the corner as she yawns again.

“Good. But you should probably take a load off for a bit.”

Auriel sighs as she walks over to the crates and sits down. “Maybe just a short rest. Would you mind fetching Twilight, please?”


“I’ll… wait for you here.”

Arc nods and walks downstairs. Heading for the closet he finds Twilight curled up on the floor next to a watering can and her pruning shears. He walks over and kneels down beside her.


She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him.

“Arc? What are you doing here?”

“I came to help you and Auriel carry your things to The Equinox. The experiment, remember?”

Twilight appears confused. “But you weren’t supposed to come until morning.”

“It is.”

“Oh. Did I fall asleep on the floor again?”


Twilight smiles nervously. “Squee!”

Arc sighs as he helps her up.

“You can’t keep doing this, Twilight.”

“I know…”

“Do I have to come by every evening and order you to go to bed?”

Twilight sighs. “It might help. But I know you don’t have time.”

“Yeah, I really don’t. So please… try to take better care of yourself.”

Twilight nods as they leave the closet. “I’ll try.”

She points a hoof at a nearby lab table. What appears to be a mini keg sits in its center.

“This is the extract we’ll need for the experiment.”

Her horn aglow, Twilight moves to pick it up. She yawns, momentarily losing her concentration. The sound of the steel mini keg hitting the floor jolts her back to reality.


“Twilight! You okay?!”

“Y-yes, I’m fine!”

She looks at the steel container and sighs.

“I… I think you should probably be the one to carry this.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Stooping down, Arc carefully picks up the drum and looks it over.

“It doesn’t appear to be any worse for wear.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I shudder to think of all our hard work spilling out all over the floor.”

The pair head for the stairs. Twilight looks to Arc.

“By the way. How did you get inside?”

“Auriel let me in.”

“Really? I would have thought she’d be in bed by now.”

Arc turns to her, confused. “But like I said, it’s morning.”

“Oh… that’s right. Sorry!”

Arc sighs as they climb the stairs.

“Well, I think you could learn from her in that regard. After all, I think she has enough sense to head to bed before…”

Arc and Twilight stop as they reach the main level. Auriel is sitting on a crate fast asleep as she leans against the wall. Twilight turns to Arc.

“You were saying?”

Arc sighs. “Never mind.”

He attempts to put the keg in his ring, but nothing happens.

“What the…?”

Twilight looks over to him. “Is something wrong?”

“The keg won’t fit in my ring.”

“That’s strange. Could it be full?”

“I wasn’t aware that was even possible.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Theoretically it HAS to have maximum capacity. But your ring’s upper limits are something of a mystery.”

“Well, I’ve stored quite a bit more in it than this in the past. Could I shrink it down?”

Twilight shakes her head. “That isn’t a good idea. The science behind this substance is still in its infancy. For all we know it may not react well to being compacted.”

“Alright. I guess we’ll just have to transport it, as-is.”

Carefully setting the mini keg on the floor, Arc walks over to Auriel and kneels down. Putting a hand on her shoulder her gently shakes her.


The young demoness does not stir. Twilight walks over and smiles at her.

“She works so hard. Too hard this time it would seem.”

“Just like you, huh Twilight?”

“I suppose so.”

Arc looks at the crates as he stands up. He walks over and shrinks them down with the Matter Compacting Spell before carefully putting them in his ring. Returning to Auriel’s side, he stoops down he carefully picks her up.

“I think I’ll just let her sleep.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. No reason to wake her needlessly. Um… she’s not too heavy for you, is she?”

Arc shakes his head as he calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “No. In fact, she’s a lot lighter than I thought she’d be. Uh… please don’t tell her I said that.”

Twilight smiles and nods as Arc carefully rolls the barrel toward the portal with his foot. The pair enter the swirling energies and find themselves in Arc’s quarters aboard The Equinox. With a quick movement of his head Arc motions for Twilight to silently follow him out the door. She turns to him as she closes the door behind them.

“Thanks again for doing this, Arc.”

“It’s no trouble.”

Twilight looks over her shoulder to his cabin door. “Um… did I see somepony in your bed back there?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Derpy and Dinky.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Ah!”

“Something wrong?”

“No, no! I was just a bit… um… never mind.”

“In any case, let’s get you and Auriel to bed.”

Twilight yawns. “That’s probably a good idea.”

Arc leads Twilight to another VIP suite. She opens the door as he carries Auriel inside and to one of the beds.

“There you go, Auriel.”

The young demoness rolls over contentedly, but otherwise does not stir. Arc turns back to Twilight.

“Get some sleep. I’ll head to the Bridge and tell the captain we’re ready for takeoff.”

Twilight yawns. “Thank you. That does sound nice.”

Arc heads for the door.

“And don’t worry about your equipment. I’ll see to it personally that it’s stored safely below deck.”

Twilight calls out after him.



“I… um… never mind.”

“Oh… okay. Rest well.”

Twilight nods as Arc leaves the room. She lies down and sighs.

“I have to stop doing this. It’s not… he and Rarity… they’re…”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way to the Bridge. After informing the captain all are aboard, he stows the crates of gear and mini keg in the Cargo Hold before heading back toward his room. As he passes Frank and Ember’s room however the door opens and Frank hobbles out.

“Good morning, my friend.”

“Frank? You should be resting.”

“I’ve done enough resting for one lifetime these past few weeks.”

Arc turns to his friend as they walk slowly down the corridor. “You never were one for inactivity.”

“Same as you, I would imagine.”


Arc turns to his friend, soberly. “The difference would be the means by which we achieve our goals. Our methodology.”


“There’s another way, Frank. It doesn’t have to be strongarm tactics.”

“That is correct. However, I don’t believe those at the bottom of the totem pole need to live in the muck and mire of the world their whole lives.”

“We do agree on that.”

“Then what is the problem, Arc?”

“Like I said… methodology.”

“Ember and I spoke about this at length last night.”

“I can imagine what about.”

“She told me all about your exploits in this land.”

Arc chuckles. “You were always the inquisitive one.”

“One doesn’t broaden their horizons by keeping themselves from the truth.”

“So you’re saying you believed her?”

Frank nods. “Yes. After all, she had nothing to gain by lying. But I must admit, it was quite the story.”

Arc sighs. “It has been quite the ride.”

“And that ride does not appear to be over.”

“Not by a long shot.”

Frank turns to him. “By the way… where are we going?”

“Someplace you can get a fresh perspective.”

They enter the spacious Observation Deck. Arc leads Frank over to a window and the pair look out over his base.

“Quite the facility!”

“That it is.”

“As is this vessel.”

“I suppose so.”

“Tell me something, my friend. When you were king, how did you resist the urge to use this land’s resources to their fullest potential?”

Arc frowns. “First of all I wasn’t the king, but the Lord Regent. Second, I don’t get your meaning.”

“Ember told me you were beset upon by the surrounding lands. The ponies of this country possess the gifts of flight and of magic. Had you and Ember combined your forces with those of the dragons, it is likely you could have easily crushed this land’s enemies under your proverbial boot. I’m asking why you chose not to bring about world peace.”

“You mean subjugation?”

“Perhaps we could compromise and call it ‘forceful diplomacy’.”

“Call it what you will.”

“You would have become a living legend, my friend! Either way, I’d honestly like to know.”

Arc looks out over Light’s Hope as the ship slowly takes off.

“Because doing so wouldn’t make me a legend. Just a tyrant.”

“A personal sacrifice I would have been willing to make for the greater good.”

Arc turns to Frank. “Did Ember tell you about what happened in Griffonstone?”

“Which part?”

“The political upheaval.”

“You’re referring to the rebels?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“She told me about their goals and their willingness to risk everything, even their very lives, to bring about peace.”

“Did she tell you what they did to their prisoners from the Aviary?”


“During their attempted coup, one of the kidnapped nobles tried to make a run for it. They were shot by a crossbow in the back of the neck.”

Frank sighs. “Had they listened…”

“Don’t you see?! That incident was just role-reversal!”

“How so?”

“The nobles and council hold the citizens in a perpetual police state. They’re virtually prisoners in their own homes and lands. When the rebels took the nobles hostage, they merely became the jailers themselves. And when push came to shove, they were quick to kill any whom objected. If the rebels were to take over the Griffon Kingdom they would simply become just like the council and king they worked so hard to overthrow.”

The pair are silent for a time. Eventually Frank speaks.

“I respect your views in this matter, Arc. Truly I do. However, Ember also told me about what happened at your peace summit recently.”

“Which part are you referring to?”

“The battle.”

Arc grimaces. “Not the best time I’ve had.”

“According to her, your base was beset upon by a rebellious faction. The enemy attacked, and you raised the stakes. They saw your addition force and upped the ante to match.”

Arc sighs. “Yes.”

“While I approve of your peaceful methods, I am surprised that you chose to escalate the violence.”

“Honestly, I didn’t want to.”


“But I knew if the Council of Shadows was victorious it would mean the death of the world leaders, save for Equestria’s. Their nations would certainly have retaliated and it would have plunged this entire world into war. The ensuing battles would turn the planet into a perpetual bloodbath for quite some time.”

“You seem quite sure of that.”

“Look at Earth’s history of war. Do you honestly think something like that couldn’t happen here?”

“An interesting concept.”

“I didn’t want to risk that. I couldn’t.”

“For your subjects, Lord Regent?”

“Yes. But also for Dinky.”

“The little pony?”

“My daughter. I don’t want her to inherit a land filled with death and suffering.”

Frank frowns. “Then why didn’t you go all-out during that battle? Supposedly you only raised the bar incrementally. Ember didn’t say anything about you calling for reinforcements from the capital.”

“If I had taken my battle strategy that route, I would have been no different than the Council of Shadows. Doing whatever was deemed necessary for victory. Willing to pay any price. Sacrifice anyone on the proverbial pyre they must to win.”

Arc points out over the horizon.

“Look out there, Frank. This is a lush and beautiful land, wouldn’t you agree?”

“That it is.”

“To save this world, the Council of Shadows would burn it all to the ground.”

Frank sighs. “Success at any cost.”

“Right. Now I ask you. What’s the point of a country achieving victory… if the citizens are all dead or scattered.”

Frank is silent for a time.

“I think… that this land is very fortunate to have a protector as selfless and dedicated as you are, my friend.”

“Thank you.”

“I just hope you’re right.”

Arc looks out over the land again. “So am I.”

“I am curious. When things were at their worst and all hope seemed lost, how did you keep going?”


The sound of hoofsteps coming down the corridor can be heard. Frank turns to Arc.

“It sounds like a few of your subjects are coming this way.”

Arc chuckles. “I’m not the Lord Regent right now, Frank.”

Frank shrugs. “Citizens then?”

“More so than that.”

Derpy and Dinky step through the doorway. Dinky runs over to her father and leaps into his arms for a hug.

“Good morning, dad!”

Arc grins as he returns the hug. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you and your mother sleep well?”

“The best! But where did you go?”

“Sorry. I had to run to the Golden Oaks Library to help Twilight and Auriel.”

Derpy smiles as she walks over. “Your father said he was going to do that, remember sweetie?”

“I do now. But he didn’t come back to the room.”

Frank chuckles. “You can blame me for that, little one. I wanted to speak with him about some adult matters.”

Derpy appears nervous. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, Derpy. Everything’s fine.”

Dinky grins. “Good! How about we make breakfast together now?!”

Arc sniffs the air. “It smells like someone is already doing that, sweetheart. Would you like to help out?”

“I sure would! Let’s go!”

The trio heads for the door. Arc turns back to Frank as Derpy and Dinky head for the Cafeteria.

“You want to know what kept me going, Frank? Truth be told… fear.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “For someone as powerful as you, I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

“I was scared that Dinky would have to grow up without me in a land of chaos and strife. I’ll give it my all to see to it this land stays peaceful and safe for its citizens.”

“That may not be possible. After all, as I’m sure you understand there are many circumstances outside even your control.”

Arc sighs as they head for the door. “That there is. But my best is all I can give.”

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