• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 9 - Talking it Out

Hours later the last audience of the day concludes. Arc slouches on his throne.

“Whew! That was exhausting!”

Raven nods to him. “You did just fine for your first audience session, Lord Arc.”

“I'm glad you think so Raven. I'm going to be second guessing a few of my judgments.”

“Like the mare who wanted to know if her attire was worthy of a formal dinner?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that judgment is one that I have no doubts about! Stripes with plaid?! Who sold her that outfit in the first place?!”

He stands and walks with Raven toward his office.

“I was thinking more along the lines of the stallion who wanted advice on how to propose to his marefriend.”

Raven turns to Arc, confused. “Really? I thought your recommendation was quite good. Few things are more romantic than a candlelit dinner for two followed by a nice walk in the moonlight.”

“That's what I would do to propose anyway. But after he left, I was thinking to myself that I really didn't know anything about his marefriend! If she is a social butterfly, maybe asking her during a friendly gathering would have been more appropriate.”

Raven opens the door do his office as the pair step inside. “I'm sure the princess themselves have similar misgivings about their decisions. It's not like you have a lot of time to weigh the pros and cons of every matter that's brought before you.”

“I understand that. While I'm sure none of today's judgments will have world-changing consequences, to give bad advice would certainly shake an INDIVIDUAL'S world!”

As the pair enter the office Kibitz greets them.

“The results of today's audiences were mostly positive sire! Most impressive!”

Arc sits down at his desk and pulls out his stamp from his ring and the ink from a desk drawer. “Well, at least I made SOME ponies happy today.”

Raven nods. “One day at a time, commander.”

Arc nods as he stamps his signature on the day's papers. “I know that eventually I'm going to make a bad choice and let someone down. To me it's not a matter of if but when!

Kibitz sighs. “I would advise you not to dwell too long on such matters, Lord Arc. They will only serve to undermine your confidence.”

Raven turns to her grandfather. “A self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts?”


Arc sighs. “That's easy for you to say! You don't have the same responsibilities!”

Kibitz nods. “That may be true. However, as an adviser of royalty, I too carry a great deal of responsibility! The thought of giving bad advice to the princesses used to keep me up at night! It wasn't until I stopped thinking so hard about every little thing I said, and just did my best, that I was able to sleep.”

“I'll certainly give it a try! Thanks for the pep talk.”

“Anytime sire!”

A short time later Arc finishes ‘signing’ the paperwork.

“It's still boring as can be, but this is MUCH faster than the old way!”

He looks over at Kibitz.

“That reminds me. Kibitz, do we have some kind of search and rescue squad here in Canterlot?”

Kibitz looks confused. “I'm sorry sire, but I don't quite get your meaning.”

“To be more precise, who would I call if I needed someone located?”

“The castle sages could probably locate anypony for you, commander.”

“Good idea. Raven, can you summon Sunburst for me please?”

Raven picks up the desk phone. “Yes sir!”

A few minutes later Sunburst enters the office.

“You wanted to see me sire?”

“Yes. We have a possible lead on the princesses’ condition. I need the sages to locate someone for me.”

“Yes sire. Can you tell me their rough location and description please?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “All I know is she’s a striped pony, possibly a zebra, who lives in the Everfree Forest. At the time she lived within walking distance of Ponyville in some kind of a tree house. Her name is Zecora.”

Sunburst takes notes as Arc speaks.

“She shouldn't be too hard to locate as... unique as she sounds.”

“Let me know the minute you have her location pinpointed.”

“Yes sire. We'll get right on it!”

Sunburst leaves the office. Arc turns to Kibitz.

“Now that we have that ball rolling, what's next on the list?”

Kibitz examines his scroll. “Well, with the time you saved on that paperwork, you should probably make a public appearance.”

“Such as...”

Raven nods. “Princess Celestia often liked to ride her chariot through the streets of Canterlot.”

Arc sighs. “Let me guess... smile and wave?”

Kibitz nods. “Indeed sire!”

“Let me take a rain check on that. Raven, can I assume Cerulean Skies gave her statement early this morning and headed back to Baltimare?”

Raven nods. “Yes. I took her statement before the sun was even up! She said there was a lot to do in Baltimare and that she wanted to get to it!”

Kibitz smiles! “Ah, to be young and vibrant again!”

Arc picks up his phone.

“Let's see how things are going over there.”

A moment later a secretary picks up.

“Yes, Lord Regent?”

“I'd like to speak with the Main Desk at Baltimare Courthouse please.”

“Yes sire!”

After a few moments they are connected. Arc pushes the speakerphone button and hangs up the receiver. A Royal Guard picks up, sounding bored.

“Baltimare Courthouse. Front desk.”

“Good afternoon. This is Lord Arc. Is Lieutenant Flash Sentry available?”

The sound of crashing can be heard on the other end of the line!

“Uh, everything okay over there?”

A few moments later the Royal Guard speaks, albeit nervously! “Y-yes sire! Everything's under control here! Situation normal!”

“What happened?!”

“Ah… we had a slight... furniture malfunction. But everything's perfectly alright now! We're fine, we're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?”

Arc pushes the mute button, chuckling! “I think I just woke him up.”

Kibitz shakes his head. “Disgraceful!”

Arc unmutes the phone as he does his best to sound serious. “Should I send help?”

“Um, ah... negative, negative! We have a... um... paperwork overload here! Yeah! Uh, very large, very dangerous!”

Arc shakes his head and facepalms. “Very well. Now have Flash Sentry brought to the phone.”

“Yes sire! Another guard is already on his way to summon him. He should be here in just a few moments.”

Arc nods. “Very good! Now I have a bit of advice for you, guard. Be careful when reclining in your chair. It can be a bit... unsteady. Especially when you fall asleep.”

“Yes sire, I'll remember that.”

Flash Sentry approaches the Main Desk. The Royal Guard hands him the phone and turns away, muttering to himself.

“He knew... somehow, he knew!”

“Yes sir!?”

“Hi Flash Sentry. Just calling to make sure you and Cerulean Skies got there safely.”

“Yes sire. It was an uneventful trip.”

“Good! How's the investigation coming along?”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I think this is going to take quite a while, sire. There is quite a bit of evidence here.”

“How long?”

“Probably another day.”

Arc nods. “Fine. Just be sure to do a thorough job there.”

“I will sir!”

“How's Cerulean Skies doing? I mean with her wound an all.”

“It doesn't appear to be slowing her down much. She's a whirlwind around here!”

Arc smiles! “Alright, I'll let you get back to work then. One last thing though... see to it Cerulean Skies gets home in time for supper! I want her home before dark!”

Flash Sentry nods, confused. “I'll see to it personally.”

“Keep up the good work, lieutenant! Goodbye.”

Arc presses a button on his phone and severs the connection. Raven smiles!

“It's good to know things are going well in Baltimare!”

“Indeed! Now Lord Arc... about that public appearance...”

Arc turns to leave the office. “I think there are other things to be done that are much more important than me parading around the streets of Canterlot.”

“Commander? Is something wrong? You seem awfully keen on not showing your face in town.”

Arc sighs. “Well, part of the reason is it just feels like a waste of time.”

Kibitz shakes his head! “I can assure you it is not, sire! The populace needs to see that there is somepony there watching over them!”

“That's the other part! I'm just concerned that I would frighten the masses. If I was a pony, this would be easy!”

Raven nods. “Sir... most everypony in Canterlot knows you're not a pony. I really don't think you understand just how far and wide your name has spread!”

“Indeed! Probably only remote towns and villages that are voluntarily cut off are ignorant to your reputation by now! Please sire! It would mean so much to everypony!”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Call my squad and tell them to ready the chariot, or whatever vehicle Princess Celestia uses for this.”

Kibitz walks out the office door. “I'll see to it, sire!”

“What else is there to do today Raven?”

She looks at her clipboard. “You have a supper engagement this evening with General Virtuous Lance to discuss recent military developments.”

“Is it good news or bad news?”

“Hopefully good news commander. If it were bad news, I would think he would not tarry in appraising you of the situation!”

Arc nods. “Anything else?”

Raven again looks at her clipboard. “Looks like it's time for you to review our Town Guards.”

“What does that entail?”

“Basically, you watch as they march by.”

Arc looks to her confused. “Why?”

It's good for moral! For the princesses, or you now I suppose, to take an interest in them is the highlight of their job!”

“Very well. I'll do it.”

“Very good, commander! Lastly, The Grand Galloping Gala is coming up soon. You need to speak to Captain Decimus about added security for the event.”

“Decimus is on vacation at the moment. I've instructed Captain Shining Armor to take over as Captain of the Royal Guard in his absence. And what's this ‘gala’ anyways?”

“It's a formal gathering of Equestria's elite for a night of cocktails and conversation mostly.”

Arc sighs. “So it's a time for the high rollers to flaunt their wealth and status?”

“To put it negatively, yes.”

“Can't I just cancel it on the grounds that the princesses need their rest, or something?”

Raven nods. “As the Lord Regent that choice is certainly within your power.”

“Good. In that case...”

She quickly interrupts him! “However, I must caution against such action. The nobility is not exactly... loved by the rank and file. But Princess Celestia has always regarded them as a necessary evil, so to speak. They're not all bad mind you! Fancy Pants, as you have no doubt found, is quite the gentlepony!”

Arc nods. “I can kinda understand that. Earth too has its share of wealthy bigots who think themselves above everyone else. While I don't know any of them personally, I'm sure there are those who use their wealth to help others.”

He ponders his next course of action.

“Very well. The Grand Galloping Gala will go on as planned.”

“Yes, commander.”

Kibitz enters the office.

“Preparations for your public appearance are complete sire. We can get underway as soon as you are ready.”

Arc stands and walks toward the door. “I'm ready. Kibitz, inform the Town Guard I will end my public appearance at their headquarters.”

Kibitz looks confused. “Sire?”

Raven looks to her grandfather. “We were just going over the rest of today's schedule.”

Arc nods. “I may as well take care of inspiring the Town Guard while I'm out there.”

“Bravo sire! You're clearly ready for some ‘advanced scheduling’ in the future!”

Arc looks confused. “Um, is that... good or bad?”

“Both actually! Good that my grandfather puts so much faith in your abilities! Bad inasmuch that your schedule will become that much more full!”

Arc sighs. “...great. Well, let's get to the Hanger.”

Kibitz nods. “I will get to work writing your schedule for tomorrow, sire!”

“Very well Kibitz. Raven, you'll come with me.”

Raven looks to him, surprised! “Um... okay.”

The pair make their way to the Hangar. Arc's squad his hitched up to a smaller chariot. This one has wheels. Arc climbs aboard with Raven.

“You boys ready to parade through Canterlot?”

Xenos trots in place! “Are we ever!”

Hugh nods! “We're chomping at the bit, sir!”

Viktor laughs! “It's not as fun as going on a mission with you sir, but we're with you!”

Max turns to Arc and smiles. “An honor as always, commander!”

Arc sits down on the chariot's throne. Raven stands at his side as the chariot moves toward a side exit.

“Commander, I'm a bit confused. Why did you want me to accompany you?”

“I just thought you would like to get out of the castle. A change of scenery and all that.”

She nods, nervously. “Thank you commander, but I...”

“Come now, Raven! Other than my surprise party, when was the last time you left Light's Hope?”

She looks down at her hooves. “Um... I...”

Arc leans over to her, quietly. “Raven, does this have anything to do with the incident we spoke of earlier?”

“Y-yes commander. I... I just don't feel comfortable outside these days!”

“Raven. I think you and I need to have a talk about this later.”

She suddenly looks uncomfortable and jittery!

“You're not in trouble Raven. I'm just... worried about you.”

“Commander? Thank you...”

“What for?”

“For... caring, I guess. Sorry! I'm not quite sure what to say right now.”

The chariot makes its way down the streets at a modest pace. Those who see Arc bow respectfully and smile.

“Pst... Raven... am I supposed to be doing anything right now?”

“Just smile and wave.”

Arc does so.

“Is that all?”

“Try to make eye contact with as many ponies as you can. It's thought of as an honor for the princesses to look somepony in the eye as they parade around the city.”

Arc nods. “Okay, I'll try.”

The chariot canters around the city for over an hour. Raven looks at a nearby clock.

“That's probably long enough, commander.”

“Good. My arms were getting tired! Boys, take us to the Town Guard Headquarters please. I have some more inspiring to do.”

“Yes sir!”

A few minutes later the chariot stops in front of a small but well-kept building. Arc and Raven disembark as he turns to his squad.

“Need a break guys?”

Hugh shakes his head. “Nah. Walking along the ground is a LOT easier than pulling a fully loaded chariot through the air!”

Xenos shrugs. “Really? Feels about the same to me.”

Viktor nods. “I'm good.”

Max salutes Arc. “Thank you for the thought sir, but we should be there to guard you.”

“From what? I mean, the thought is appreciated and all, but aren't I going to be surrounded by Town Guards in there?”

Raven turns to Arc. “The princesses are NEVER seen in public unguarded! Doing so would be a needless risk to our national security, commander!”

Arc shudders at the thought of Captain Decimus on Equestria's throne. “Okay, I'll give you that one.”

The squad forms a defensive perimeter around him.

“Raven, you'll accompany me as my aide.”

“Yes, commander.”

Arc and company slowly walk toward the building together. As they enter the Main Hall, they find the Town Guard Commander and his troops standing at attention! Arc approaches them.

“At ease!”

“Lord Regent, we're honored by your presence! What brings you here today?”

“Please forgive this intrusion. I simply came to visit Canterlot's brave defenders. You and your Town Guard's response were quite impressive during the recent attack on Canterlot.”

The commander salutes. “Thank you sire! We did our best!”

The stallion gestures toward his troops. All are lined up awaiting inspection!

“These are some of our best and brightest! Would you care to address them, sire?”

Arc nods! “Thank you. I shall.”

He turns toward the guards. They look to him respectfully.

“I know you are very busy, so I will try to keep this brief. All of you have been given the task of protecting the citizens of Canterlot. While this may seem... inglorious or unimportant I can assure you it is not!

Arc looks up and down the line of guards before continuing.

“Some of you may see the Royal Guards or other soldiers defending the realm from invaders or monsters, while you defend it from vagrants and pickpockets. I'm sure all of you can imagine what this land would look like without the military defending it!”

The troops shudder at the thought.

“The various towns in ruins. Ponies running for their lives. Total chaos would ensue! That much I'm sure we can all agree on.”

The troops nod.

“Now… what do you think Canterlot would look like with no Town Guards? Rampant crime, garbage piled high in the streets, no one would be safe ANYWHERE! I don't know about you, but I would find it rather hard to do MY job with the sights, sounds, and smells coming from town in such a world! So as Equestria's Hero of Light and Lord Regent, I just want to say thank you for your service to our land.”

Arc walks to the front of the line and extends his right hand toward the Town Guard. He slowly raises his hoof as Arc shakes it firmly. He then goes down the row and does so for every Town Guard and thanks them personally before returning to their commander.

“Thank you for listening to me ramble. I won't take up any more of your time.”

Their commander looks to his troops. “Dismissed!”

The Town Guards disperse.

“Thank you Lord Arc. I'm sure your time here means the world to my guards.”

Arc nods. “I felt it was the least I could do considering all they do for us on a daily basis.”

“Would you care to inspect the facility?”

Arc turns to Raven. “Do we have time?”

“My apologies, commander, but we should be getting back to the castle. Remember your state dinner?”

Arc turns back to the Town Guard Commander. “Sorry. Perhaps another time.”

“Very well Lord Arc.”

Arc and company return to the chariot. He turns to his squad.

“Uh… you guys can talk once in a while.”

Max shakes his head. “Such is not the role of an Honor Guard, sir.”

Raven nods. “As your Honor Guards, it is their duty only to observe and protect. Doing anything else, including talking, could compromise your safety!”

Arc sighs. “Okay, I get it. This makes me long for the old days of cupcake eating in my old office while making plans to safeguard the land.”

Viktor smiles. “Nothing lasts forever sir.”

Arc climbs aboard the chariot with Raven. “I know. But... I just never thought it would be over so soon.”

They return to Canterlot Castle's Hanger and disembark.

“Are we on time for my supper audience, Raven?”

Raven nods. “A few minutes early.”

“Just the way I like it!”

Arc turns to his squad.

“Good work out there today! Take a well-deserved rest you guys and have some supper. You've earned it!”

They salute him and part ways. As Arc and Raven walk down the hallway together toward the dining room, Arc's squad heads toward the cafeteria.

Hugh looks to Viktor. “I think the commander is taking to his new role well.”

Viktor nods. “Better than I thought he would anyway.”

Xenos laughs! “Well, if it involves food, the commander is all over it!”

Max sighs. “Indeed. However I shudder at the thought of Equestria going through these troubled times without him! I mean, we're lucky he's here!”

The four nod soberly. Meanwhile Arc and Raven continued on their way to the dining room.

“My apologies, commander. My grandfather likes to combine activities if at all possible.”

“What do you mean?”

“Such as this meeting being a meal."

Arc smiles at her. “It's okay. Truth be told I look forward to some company at suppertime! Yesterday's evening meal was quite... lonely for me.”

“My apologies commander! I had no idea!”

“It's not your fault Raven. In fact, it gave me some time to think. The princesses have lived this life for years! I always believed they were prisoners to their work. But now I see it more like solitary confinement!”


“They can't really get close to anyone, or be involved in anything other than platonic relationships without causing a political nightmare!”

Raven puts a hoof to her chin as she considers this. “I guess I never really thought about their personal lives. That's really sad!”

Arc and Raven arrive at the dining room doors.

“Well, this is where we part ways, commander. I... I hope you have a better dinner than last night.”

As Arc enters the dining room he turns back to her. “Thank you Raven. I believe I will.”

Raven walks down the hallway alone as she mutters to herself. “I'll do my best to keep you company, commander. But I don't know just how much help I can be to you!”

Meanwhile, Arc enters the dining room. The kitchen staff are just finishing setting the table. Saffron is overseeing the preparations. She sees him and walks over!

“Welcome commander! I hope you're hungry!”

Arc nods! “I am! Sorry for being a bit early.”

Saffron giggles at his response. “You forget, commander... this is YOUR castle for the time being!”

Arc nods. “I suppose it is. Although I do miss Light's Hope and my family back in Ponyville. Hopefully soon the princesses will be back on their thrones, all of us can go home and this will be nothing more than a memory.”

Saffron sighs. “I hope so too commander.”

The dining room doors open. General Virtuous Lance and Lieutenant Spitfire enter! While the general is dressed in his finest attire the lieutenant is still clad in her battle-ready armor and weapons!

“If you will excuse me sir, I will see to it dinner is served as quickly as possible!”

Arc nods. “Take your time Saffron. I'd like a bit of time to chat with my guests.”

“I understand sir!”

Saffron returns to the kitchen as Arc approaches his guests.

“Good to see you again, general! You too lieutenant!”

“Likewise, sire! I'm looking forward to a marvelous evening!”

Spitfire stands at attention, saluting him. “Sir!”

Arc gestures to the table. “Why don't we sit down while we wait for dinner to be ready?”

Virtuous Lance nods! “A good idea, sire! We have much to discuss!”

“Let's get to it then.”

The three sit down at the table.

“Where do we stand, general?”

“Our enemies are now fully prepared for war, sire! However, I must point out that they have not made any movements toward our borders!”

Spitfire nods. “Their actions confuse me. When last we spoke, war seemed only hours away! For some unknown reason they have been given pause.”

“Even the Bugbear Nation seems to have calmed down if only slightly!”

Spitfire grimaces. “The only nation whose intentions are still unknown is the Changeling Empire. Any ideas why, sir?”

Arc nods. “The only thing I did was to send letters to our enemies stating I wished to talk peace. Although I’m not… fully sure how I'm going to get a letter to the Changeling Queen. Ideas?”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head. “None sire. At lease none that wouldn't put our messengers in harm's way!”

“No idea sir. If I may be so bold, was the purpose of those letters to discuss terms of their surrender... or ours?”


Arc holds up a hand for silence. “It's fine, general. I think I understand what Lieutenant Spitfire is getting at. That and she did ask a legitimate question.”

Spitfire bows her head. “My apologies, sire. I meant no disrespect.”

Arc looks at the pair. “Let me be clear about one thing. I will NOT surrender Equestria to our enemies! I'd rather fall in battle PERSONALLY, than see our towns occupied by foreign soldiers!”

Spitfire nods. “A refreshing attitude sir! So, you are seeking THEIR surrender then?”


Virtuous Lance thinks for a moment. “I'm the one who is confused now, Lord Arc. What DID you say in your letters?”

“Let me answer that by telling you what I DIDN'T ask for. I don't want their lands. I don't want their resources. And I don't want their fealty.”

“Forgive me for my directness sire, but what IS IT you want?!”

“Peace. Nothing more... nothing less. I'm sure when we get right down to brass tacks that's what most of them want too. I've also agreed to meet with them personally if need be.”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “Sire, I do wish you had consulted with me before doing that.”

“My apologies general, but I believe our neighbors are only reacting to a ‘bloodthirsty human warrior’ sitting on the Equestrian throne. Think about it... if a demon were to suddenly rise to power in, for example, Griffonstone what would we do?”

Spitfire replies with conviction! “We would prepare our troops... for... battle.”

Virtuous Lance nods in agreement with his lieutenant. “Maybe you are right, Lord Arc. I suppose we have no choice but to proceed in this direction now though.”

“I'm glad you see it my way, general.”

The chefs emerge from the kitchen with several plates of food. They set them down in front of Arc and his guests. Saffron herself puts a large portion of Roast Cockatrice in front of Arc.

“Enjoy your meal, sire!

Arc picks up his silverware. “Thank you Saffron! This smells wonderful!”

Saffron and the other chefs return to the kitchen as Spitfire eyes Arc’s plate suspiciously.

“Sir? What are you eating?!”

Arc looks up to meet the lieutenant's gaze. “Roast Cockatrice. This is one of the birds that my squad and I culled in the Everfree Forest a while back. Waste not, want not.”

Spitfire appears a bit squeamish. “That seems a bit... extreme, don't you think general?”

“Indeed. We aren't too keen on eating our fallen opponents!”

“I understand. However, humans can't eat flax or hayburgers. Other than my dinner, a human's diet is similar to a pony. Eggs, pancakes and fruit for breakfast. Sandwiches, soup, and vegetables for lunch. And some kind of meat dish for supper. The meat contains protein and some important trace minerals that a human's body needs to stay fighting fit! As the Hero of Light, I need to be at the top of my game to keep everyone safe!”

Arc and his guests go back to eating.

“In any case, I do hope to hear SOME kind of response from my letters soon.”

Spitfire looks up. “And if you don't?”

Arc sighs. “Then at least I can say I tried.”

“A noble effort, sire!”

Arc turns to Virtuous Lance. “General, can I have your advice on something?”

“Of course, sire.”

“Assuming the worst... let's say all our enemies were to attack together. Can Equestria stand against them?”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “As we stand right now, no sire! On the positive side, I don't see them working together anytime soon.”

Spitfire nods. “None of them really like one another either.”

“I guess that's something to be grateful for. Another thin, general. Does Equestria have any allies? Meaning, can we call for help if need be?”

“Trade allies, yes. Military allies, no.”

Spitfire chuckles. “The land has been peaceful for so long, militaries are something of an afterthought.”

“It's good for the budget, as maintaining a military is quite costly. But bad for times like these when a strong force is needed.”

Arc sighs. “In that case I guess we really have no choice but to rely on diplomacy.”

Spitfire shakes her head. “I'll rely on my blade before words any day!”

“And you may have to if I fail in my task, lieutenant.”

A Royal Guard enters the Dining Room and approaches Arc. He sets two scrolls down next to him.

“Lord Arc, these just arrived for you!”

Arc accepts the scrolls. “Thank you guard. Please inform Captain Shining Armor that I would like to see him and his lieutenant please. They can have dessert with us.”

The Royal Guard salutes. “Yes sire!”

As the Royal Guard leaves Virtuous lance turns to Arc. “Trouble in the castle, Lord Arc?”

“Nah. I just wanted to go over castle security with him. Perhaps you and your lieutenant can weigh in.”

“We will.”

Arc opens the first scroll.

“Let's see what we have here...”

He reads the scroll to himself.

“Well... this is encouraging.”

Spitfire looks confused. “Sire?”

“This letter is from the King of Abyssinia. Apparently, he’s very anxious to meet with me and talk.”


Arc looks over the letter again. “It says here that he's extending an open invitation for me to visit him in his capital city of... Panthera.”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Does he say anything else?”

“Only that he asks me not to bring more than a handful of Honor Guards.”

Spitfire frowns. “This could be a trap sir! He could capture you and then try to use you as leverage against us!”

“What do you think general?

“The inhabitants of Abyssinia are not much for face to face combat. Stealth and subterfuge are their weapons of choice. If you do go, watch your back! Lieutenant Spitfire may not be far off in her assessment of the situation.”

Shining Armor and Trixie enter the Dining Room and salute. Trixie appears to have learned her hurried lessons well! She really does look like a bona-fide lieutenant.

“Reporting as ordered, Lord Arc!”

“What can we do for you?”

“Have a seat. Dessert will be served soon.”

Shining Armor and Trixie sit down at the table.

“General Virtuous Lance and Lieutenant Spitfire? Meet Acting Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor and Lieutenant Trixie.”

The four nod at each other respectfully.

“What do you think of our castle's security Shining Armor?”

Shining Armor sighs. “Well, I have to be honest with you sir. There were a couple rather large holes in our defenses! A drainage grate was unsecured, some rather large vines next to a balcony, and a couple outer doors with broken locks!”

Virtuous Lance frowns. “Have you already taken action to remedy this situation?”

Trixie nods. “We already took care of the problems, sir. The Lord Regent can sleep knowing all is secure!”

A chef emerges with a large chocolate cake and several plates. He serves the cake and puts a slice in front of each guest. Virtuous Lance turns to the chef as he moves to pick up what's left on the platter.

“Leave the cake.”

The chef obeys and returns to the kitchen.

Arc looks to the general and smiles! “A stallion of taste, I see!”

“I've also ordered around the clock guards to be stationed outside the princesses’ chambers, as well as inside and on the balcony. They will rotate every two hours. After all, we don't want them slacking off due to boredom.”

Spitfire nods approvingly! “It seems the two of you have thought of everything.”

Trixie nods. “We've done our best.”

Arc nods. “Thank you for your help, Shining Armor. Were there any other changes you wanted to make to our security?”

Shining Armor looks a bit nervous. “Well... there is one last idea I had, sir. But it's a bit... out of the ordinary.”

Trixie nods. “It's about as normal as Equestria being ruled by a Lord Regent, sir. No offense to you of course, Lord Arc.”

“None taken.”

“I believe it was wise of Doctor Whooves to put the princesses in the same room. Not just for medical necessity, but for security as well.”

Trixie chimes in. “It's easier for our guards to watch one room versus two!”

Spitfire nods. “That makes sense!”

“I would like to take the idea a bit further though. Sir, I'd like to suggest that you move into Princess Celestia's room for the duration of your reign.”

Virtuous Lance raises an eyebrow! “What?! But why?!”

Trixie looks to the general. “With the princesses and Arc next door to each other, we can divert patrols to that section of the castle at night.”

Shining Armor nods. “As it stands now, we have to heavily guard the section of the castle the Hero of Light's room is in!”

Arc nods. “I understand what you're saying, but the patrols didn't stop me from having an early morning visitor today.”

“A what?! Who?!”

“Before I raised the sun this morning, I found Tempest sitting on my balcony.”

Spitfire draws her blade! “WHAT?! THAT TRAITOR WAS HERE?!”

Trixie looks wide-eyed at Arc! “What did she want?!”

“Oddly enough, she just wanted to talk. I won't go into details on the conversation, as it was about very... personal matters.”

Shining Armor frowns! “Sir! As your Captain of the Guard I must INSIST that you relocate to Princess Celestia's room starting tonight!”

“Yes Ar... I mean Lord Arc! Your safety is of paramount importance!”

“Are you sure Princess Celestia would be okay with this?”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Given the circumstances I'm sure she could be convinced to see our point of view. I agree with the Captain's assessment of the situation and his recommendation, Lord Arc!”

Arc nods. “Well, all right then. Captain, inform the support staff of this change.”

Shining Armor salutes. “Yes sir! I'll take care of it personally!”

Arc reaches forward to the other scroll in front of him. “Well, let's see who else sent me a letter today.”

He opens the scroll and reads it silently.”

“Looks like it's from a ‘Prince Rutherford’ of Yakyakistan. He says that yaks are stronger than ponies, blah blah. Yaks are best at everything, blah blah. You come here, see us, yaks smash, blah blah. That's pretty much the gist of it.”

Virtuous Lance smiles! “Congratulations Lord Arc. Prince Rutherford is inviting you to visit him!”

Spitfire looks to the general, surprised! “He is? I took it more as a personal threat than anything else!”

“That is how the yaks are, sire! Prince Rutherford simply wishes to test you and see if you are worthy!

Arc nods. “And what does that entail?”

Spitfire sighs. “You just have to impress that walking mound of meat. Easier said than done though.”

“The yak culture values perfection and strength above all else.”

Trixie appears confused. “So... Lord Arc has to go there and do what exactly? Punch this prince in the face?!”

Virtuous Lance chuckles. “In a manner of speaking. There will most likely be a fight, but your victory must be perfect!”

“How do I do that?!”

Virtuous Lance shrugs. “To tell you the truth, I'm not actually sure. You would do well to stall for time in order to learn more about their culture. Nopony has visited them in generations! Occasional correspondence via letter is the only reason we know they're still up there!”

“Up… there?”

Spitfire nods. “Yakyakistan is due west of the Crystal Empire. It's almost inaccessible by hoof most of the year due to the ancient mountain pass being covered by snow most of the time.”

Shining Armor frowns. “So how would Lord Arc even get there?!”

“Airship would be the method of choice. Oh, and don't take a small pleasure craft! Besides the extreme winds and treacherous ice storms, the yaks will expect a strong showing up front!”

Spitfire nods! “You should take the new airship out for its maiden voyage, sire! One could certainly consider it ‘perfect’!”

Arc stands and looks out one of the dining room windows. “I'll do that. Well, this has been quite an evening! I would like to thank all of you for coming and offering me your insight and advice.”

Virtuous Lance nods. “It was my pleasure Lord Arc. I wish you luck in your meetings with the various leaders. Feel free to call upon me if you need my help or advice.”

He and Spitfire leave the Dining Room as Shining Armor and Trixie also stand.

“Thank you for dessert Arc. It was delicious.”

Trixie smiles at Arc. “Yeah! And it gave us a chance to see you too!”

Arc nods. “Thank you both for coming. Hopefully when all of this is over and the princesses are back to normal, we can get together again and have a nice chat over tea and cupcakes!”

“We would like that Arc!”

“Both of you keep up the good work! Watch out for trouble and keep this castle secure! Oh yes, I almost forgot! I'm told the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up. I need the two of you to coordinate with Kibitz to arrange security for the event.”

Trixie nods. “We will!”

Shining Armor salutes. “You can count on us sir!”

The pair leave the Dining Room together with Arc.

“Shining Armor. Could you go find Sandstorm Mirage and send him to my office please?”

“Yes sir!”

Arc proceeds down the hallway to the Audience Chamber. Entering it he finds the evening sunlight shining through the windows!

“Lovely. I wish Derpy and Dinky were here to see it.”

He proceeds to his office and sits down in his chair. A few minutes later there is a knock at the door

“Come in.”

Sandstorm Mirage cautiously enters the office. “You wanted to see me sir?”

“I did. Have a seat.”

Sandstorm Mirage sits down in a chair in front of the desk.

“I have a very dangerous job that needs to be done. You're familiar with the troops, right?”

“Y-yes sir! But Lieutenant Flash Sentry is…”

Arc interrupts him. “...sadly not here at the moment. You are. Just give me your opinion.”

“Alright sir.”

Arc pulls a scroll out of his ring and sets it on the desk in front of him.

“I need someone who's stealth skills are top notch to deliver this scroll to the Changeling Queen! It's a message asking for peace between our two nations. With any luck this one scroll could stop a war with them before it even starts!”

Sandstorm Mirage smiles! “That would be wonderful sir! Nopony would get hurt then!”

“Right! The only problem is I have no idea how to get this message there without sending someone! Any ideas?”

“I could take it there sir! I'm the best there is at moving silently and not being seen!”

“Are you sure? Remember, I'm not ordering you to do this!”

“Don't worry about a thing sir! I won't let you down!”

Arc hands the scroll to Sandstorm Mirage. “Thank you for doing this, sergeant. Now remember, you don't have to stick around and explain it to her! Just make sure she'll find it and get out of there! No unnecessary risks, alright?!”

“Understood sir! I'll get some sleep and head out sometime tonight.”

“Good! I'm not trying to make you nervous now, but the fate of Equestria may very well be in your hooves! When you get back report to me immediately! I don't care HOW late it is, okay?! I'll be in Princess Celestia's room.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods! “Yes sir! Wait! P-p-princess Celestia's room?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I'm told there is a need for tighter security. Therefore, it was suggested that I move closer to the sleeping princesses. Easier to keep us all safe.”

“I… guess that makes sense. Well, I'm off sir!”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes and walks out the door, closing it behind him! Arc sits back in his chair and contemplates his choice.

“I know you can do this, Sandstorm Mirage.”

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