• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Military Manipulation (Part 3)

For a long moment no one moves. Suddenly one of the guards makes a break for the alarm button. However Hammer stretches out a hand as Arc casts another Telekinesis Spell and rips the device roughly from the concrete wall. It clatters to the floor at Auriel’s feet. Gritting her teeth she points a finger at the escapee angrily.


They charge forward at ‘Diva’s' command. Hammer shakes her head and lifts a hand again. Arc picks them up with yet another Telekinesis Spell and tosses them into Hammer’s cell. Stepping back, the young woman pretends to pick up the ruined door and wrap the steel around the bars to seal them inside. Turning back to ‘Diva’ she laughs maniacally.

“Guess it’s just you and me, colonel!”

Auriel grits her teeth. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, traitor!”

Charging up, Auriel rips the lights down from over Hammer’s head. Arc casts a Barrier Spell to stop them as Hammer looks up and holds her hands up to her face instinctively. The debris crashes to the ground around her as fireballs form in Auriel’s hands.

“Take THIS!”

Throwing them with all her might, Auriel grins wickedly. With a swing of Hammer’s hand (and an invisible counter spell from Arc) the flames disperse all around her leaving trails of flames burning all around her. The soldiers watch on awestruck as Hammer grins.

“Come on, colonel! Try to give me a challenge!”

Screaming angrily, Auriel charges forward. Throwing a punch, Hammer grabs her fist ‘effortlessly’ and begins squeezing. Auriel gasps as she falls to one knee with Hammer looking down at her smugly.

“What’s wrong, Diva? Lost your edge?”

Auriel grits her teeth as she ‘strains’. “How… how did you…?!”

Hammer smirks as she interrupts. “...get so strong? Well, that’s a matter for me to know and you to find…”

She is cut off as Hugh sneaks over and ‘punches’ Hammer in the side of the head. She falls to the ground and does not rise. Max hurries over to Auriel from near his place at the telephone and moves to help her up.

“Are you…?”

Auriel slaps his hand away. “Don’t touch me!”

Getting to her feet, she looks to the guards in the cell and shakes her head.

“What a bunch of good-for-nothings.”

Turning to Hugh and Max she motions to Hammer.

“Get her to Doctor Rieper’s lab right away. He’ll have the implements there to properly restrain her.”

“Yes, colonel.”

Grabbing Hammer by her ankle, he and Max begin dragging her away as Auriel turns to follow him. The soldier in charge calls out after them.


Auriel rolls her eyes and turns around. “What is it now?!”

“Aren’t you going to get us out of here?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

“But we could help you escort the prisoner to…!”

“Help?! You already tried to do that! And just look where it got you!”

She turns and walks away as she speaks.

“All of you can just sit in there and contemplate your tactics. Do a good enough job of that and I MIGHT just send someone to come get you in a few hours.”

Laughing wickedly, Auriel follows Hugh and Max out of the Brig. Once they reach the corridor she flags down a squad walking by on patrol. They hurry over to her as the pair hands Hammer over to them.

“Two of you will help me deliver this prisoner to Doctor Rieper’s lab. The rest of you will guard the Brig. Oh, and if any of the imprisoned guards there ask you for help getting out, do yourselves a favor and ignore them.”

Nodding, two of them step forward and grab Hammer as the others hurry past to take over guard duty. Auriel and her entourage follow (with Arc stealthily behind them) the pair to the lab. Entering, Rieper motions to a large examination table.

“Lay her down here.”

The soldiers comply. Strapping her down to the table they turn to the doctor for direction as he goes over a stack of files.

“Leave us.”

“But sir…!”

Auriel screams at them. “NOW!!!”

They run out the door together as Hugh and Max follow them. Auriel pushes it shut and locks it with a Telekinesis Spell before walking over to the table. Max and Hugh look around as the rest of the soldiers hurry away. Hugh points.

“This way.”

Max grimaces. “Let’s make this quick. After all, we can only keep this ruse going for so long.”

Heading back to Rieper’s room they open the door and get to work searching it. Meanwhile, Auriel taps Hammer’s arm three times, the young woman opens one eye and smirks. Turning to the doctor across the room she calls out to him.

“The sergeant’s waking up.”

Rieper grins as he hurries over. “Good!”

Standing over her, Rieper presses a button on a nearby machine before he taps Hammer’s forehead gently.

“Time to wake up, little one.”

Hammer groans slightly and begins to stir. Frowning, Rieper slaps her cheek roughly. Her eyes fly open and she looks up at him angrily.

“Hey! What’s the…?!”

Auriel cuts her off. “Shut up, Hammer!”

Rieper chuckles. “No need for that, Diva. After all, she has a right to be curious.”

“Damn right I do!”

She raises her head and looks around.

“Uh… where are we?”

“My private laboratory. Not to worry, as we’ll have absolute security and privacy here, my dear. But first I must inform you of something rather important.”

He points to the machine overhead before continuing.

“I’m told your magical energies are quite the sight to behold. This device overhead will nullify them and keep you from demonstrating any more... magical antics for the time being.”

Hammer scoffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Chuckling, Rieper pulls a remote from his pocket and presses a button. The scene of Hammer blowing her cell door off its hinges and taking on Diva play out from a security camera down the corridor. Turning to her the doctor smiles.

“That was quite impressive you taking on Diva like that.”

Auriel scoffs. “’Impressive’ might be going too far, doctor.”

“Perhaps. However she did appear to have you on the ropes back there, Diva. Lucky for you that soldier took Hammer down when he did.”

Hammer smirks. “Lucky blow, that’s all.”

“Yes, well… tell me something, sergeant. However did you manage to increase your power so exponentially?”

Hammer grins slyly. “Eating right and exercising mostly.”

Auriel glares at her. “Answer the question!”

“But I just did!”

Rieper folds his arms over his chest. “We both know you’re holding back, Hammer.”

“Prove it!”

“Oh, I will. With a few tests, that is.”

“Do your worst!”


Picking up a pair of scissors from a nearby table Rieper looks Hammer up and down. Diva frowns and grabs his hand as he moves toward Hammer.

“What are you doing, Rieper?! Remember, we need her unharmed!”

Rieper pushes Diva’s hand away. “And she will be. Believe me when I say that I’m not about to permanently damage such an interesting specimen.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Specimen?! I’m a PERSON!”

Rieper shakes his head. “Whatever.”

Scissors in hand, Rieper deftly slices through Hammer’s shirt. Continuing his work he cuts up each sleeve which allows him to pull the cloth off of her. Tossing it into a nearby waste basket he looks down at the topless woman before him.

“There. That should make this a bit easier.”

Hammer chuckles. “Pervert.”

Rieper shrugs as he picks up a clipboard and begins to write. “Don’t worry. I’m a doctor.”

Auriel looks to him. “Want some help?”

Rieper shakes his head as he looks over nearby screens. “No, Diva. In fact you may leave at any time.”

Auriel folds her arms over her chest. “That’s not happening.”


“She’s dangerous. Magic or not, she’s not someone I’m willing to leave alone.”

“Aw… concerned for my well-being now, Diva?”

Auriel scoffs. “Hardly. But like it or not you’re an important part of this organization’s future.”

“Then I’d best get some results.”

He pulls a syringe from a nearby drawer and turns to Hammer.

“Now then, would you mind if I took a blood sample, sergeant?”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “I’d like to say that I’d rather keep my blood inside me. But at the same time I don’t think you’re going to listen.”

“No I am not.”

Rubbing an alcohol pad on her arm, Rieper sticks the needle into Hammer as Auriel pulls a second empty syringe from the drawer and picks up the clipboard silently. Passing both to Arc as he opens his cloak she steps away as he sits down on the floor. Completing his task, the doctor looks it over for a moment before pulling out the capsule of red liquid and setting it on the tray next to him with the rest of the syringe. Looking around he frowns.


Auriel frowns. “What is it now?”

“I seem to have mislaid my clipboard.”

Auriel rolls her eyes. “Are you sure you even had one?”

“Perhaps I left it in my office. Be a dear and keep the sergeant company, Diva.”

“Fine. But let’s try to keep this process moving, shall we?”

Hammer chuckles. “Take your time, doc. I’m not going anywhere.”

Rieper turns and walks into his office. As the sounds of him rummaging around ring out Auriel turns around as Arc hands her the empty syringe and exposes his bare arm. Working quickly, she jabs Arc, draws a sample of his blood, and pops the capsule out. Picking up Hammer’s sample she switches it with Arc’s and trades it for the clipboard before calling out.

“I found it, doctor.”

Rieper emerges from the office and takes the clipboard from Auriel. After writing a few notes he picks up the blood sample from the tray and walks it over to a strange looking machine. Putting the sample into a slot he presses a button before turning to the adjoining computer screen.

“Now we’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.”

Auriel nods. “Yes, we will.”

A few moments later data begins scrolling across the screen. Rieper turns and begins looking it over. He frowns.

“This can’t be right.”

Auriel frowns. “Doctor?”

“Sergeant Hammer’s readings are out of this world!”

Auriel scoffs. “That cleared it up.”

“I mean that her magical levels are off the scale!”

“You mean she’s close to my own power level?”

“That’s difficult to say.”

Auriel glares at him. “It’s a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’, doctor!”

“No, it isn’t.”


“Not only are her magic levels much higher than before, they also appear to be a very different type of magic altogether.”

Auriel frowns. “That isn’t possible. Run the tests again.”

“I just did! The results were the same!”

He turns to Hammer and frowns.

“What did you DO?! And HOW?!”

Hammer grins. “I’d shrug, but I’m kinda tied up at the moment.”

“Nevertheless, I’ll get to the bottom of this. With or without your help, my dear.”

“Just try it.”

Auriel crosses her arms. “Let’s go back to my original question, doctor.”

“Which was…?”

“Has anyone ever been recorded as having their powers do anything similar to this?”

Rieper shakes his head. “Not a chance. I’d have been involved if that were the case.”

“Even slight increases?”

“Well… there were a number of early studies that had showed promise. However nothing of this magnitude.”

“Perhaps you should cross reference your archived data just to be sure.”

Rieper scoffs. “I think I’d have remembered…”

Auriel interrupts him. “How many years have you been working on this, Rieper?”

“Decades. You know that.”

“And you remember each and every experiment... along with the results?”

“Of course not!”

“So you admit that it is possible that you’ve seen something like this in the past, even if only vaguely similar?”

Rieper sighs. “I’d have to check my records.”

“Then do it!”

“Very well. Just a moment.”

Walking over to a wall safe, Rieper types a code into the pad before him. Finishing, he puts a hand on a plate and scans it. Dinging, an ocular scanner opens in front of him. Looking into it for a few moments he waits for it to finish. Arc watches and frowns as he muses to himself.

“Talk about paranoid. It has to be in there though.”

A few moments later the safe opens. Reaching inside Rieper pulls out a device. Auriel looks it over as he hooks it up to a nearby computer. She thinks for a few moments as Rieper begins a search. Motioning in the direction Arc is, she makes movements indicating that he should wait for her signal before proceeding. Walking over to Rieper she stands next to him and looks over his shoulder at the series of folders on the screen.

“You really have been doing this for a while.”

Rieper frowns as he works. “Someday when you have something to make your life’s work you’ll understand.”

“Very organized too.”

“Put things away properly and you can easily find them in the future. It makes searching for data MUCH faster.”

Auriel watches as he types parameters into a search function. “Kinda broad.”

“I prefer to think of it as casting a wide net, Diva. From there we can narrow it down until we have our answer.”

The storage device lights up as the doctor stands.

“There. It’ll take some time to complete naturally. However I have more tests to run in the meantime.”

“I will observe.”

Rieper frowns. “Are you certain? Not all of them are…”

Auriel interrupts him. “You’re not going to be alone with her, doctor.”

“Very well. Just don’t get in my way.”

Pulling a number of tools from several cabinets, Rieper puts them on a cart and wheels it over to Hammer. She yawns sarcastically as he comes back into her field of vision.

“Aw… and here I thought you had forgotten about me.”

“I need some more samples from you, my dear.”

Hammer scoffs. “You already did a blood test.”

“That I did. However I need to know more about possible avenues by which you may have taken in your additional magical powers.”

“What, you think I shot it up like a druggie or something?!”

“Maybe not in the traditional sense, no. But it had to enter you somehow. And I plan to find out exactly how.”

Picking up a pair of surgical gloves the doctor puts them on before picking up a sample bag. Rieper cuts a small bit of hair from Hammer’s scalp as she frowns.

“Hey now! You’ll mess up my whole look!”

“I’m not taking too much. That and it’ll be covered properly when you get up.”

Sealing the baggie, he labels it and sets it aside before looking Hammer’s face over. Pulling back her ears Rieper looks in her nose, shines a light into her eyes, and collects saliva samples. Carefully looking over both arms Hammer sighs impatiently.

“I’m telling you there’s nothing to find!”

Rieper calls out as he works. “Standard procedure, sergeant. We have to check everything to get to the bottom of this.”

After writing some notes down on his clipboard, Rieper reaches for his scissors again. Hammer groans.

“How much hair are you gonna take?!”

“I have enough hair from you. Now then, please lie still.”

Reaching forward, Rieper cuts the strip of cloth between her bra cups. Pulling them aside he exposes her breasts. Hammer blushes as he does so.

“What the heck are you…?!”

“I said lie still.”

Examining the skin around her areola, Rieper feels them gently before giving her nipples a few squeezes. Hammer gasps.

“Hey now! Stop!”

Rieper rolls his eyes. “I’m just looking for any abnormal discharge, sergeant.”

Hammer glares at him. “I ain’t lactating, Einstein!”

“I apologize if this is uncomfortable. However as I said before, I’m just checking everything.”

Auriel scoffs. “Why would she be producing milk though, doctor?”

“Magical energy can have strange effects on all the body’s functions. Including the endocrine system. This has been witnessed in past experiments as I’m sure you remember.”

Hammer grunts. “Be easy on those puppies, will ya!”

Finishing, Rieper closely examines the skin on the rest of Hammer’s chest before moving down to her belly and sides. Recording several notes on the clipboard, he picks up another pair of scissors and cuts away her pants. Auriel pulls them aside and drops them into a trash can along with the remains of the bra as the doctor continues working. Going over every inch of her hips, legs, and feet Rieper checks between her toes. Picking up a pair of toenail clippers he takes some samples of her nails before examining the bottom of her feet. Hammer makes a face as he does so.

“You got a foot fetish or something?!”

Rieper does not look up as he works. “The foot has many places where things can be hidden.”

“Like what?!”

“Needle marks.”

“But I already told you that I’m not…!”

Rieper interrupts her. “Just let me do my job, sergeant.”

Completing his examination, Rieper makes a series of notes. Looking Hammer in the eye as he drops his clipboard on the tray and tosses his gloves in the trash he frowns.

“Alright. Now then, I have good news and bad news, sergeant. Well, actually it’s more like bad news and worse news”

“Give me the good-ish first.”

“The bad news is that I have to take a digestive tract sample next.”

Auriel frowns. “Gastric suction?”

Hammer frowns. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

Rieper groans. “Well, that’s the worse news. I… actually don’t have one of those machines here.”

“Then how are you going to…?”

Hammer stops talking as Rieper pulls out another pair of gloves. She shakes her head slightly as she continues.

“No. No, no, no, no, NO!”

Auriel makes a face. “So you’re going… up there, doctor?”

“It won’t be that bad. I just need to take a sample.”

Hammer gasps and begins to struggle. “You keep your fingers out of my…!”

Rieper interrupts her as he holds up a sealed package. “My fingers are staying out, yes. Just a swab is going up there.”

“How far in is that thing going?!”

Rieper chuckles. “Let’s just say that there’s a reason it’s long and made of flexible plastic. But just so you know, it’s going to take a bit of time to get all the way in there safely.”

Auriel grimaces. “Just remember that the general will be quite upset if anything happens to her, doctor.”

Rieper nods soberly as he uses the scissors to cut away Hammer’s panties. “Don’t worry. I’ll go slow.”

As Rieper opens the package he presses a pedal on the floor. Hammer’s leg restraints pull her legs apart to expose her nether regions. Meanwhile, Auriel makes a motion with her hand and Arc makes his way over to the computer. Putting a flash drive in the back of it he presses a few keys, moves the mouse, and selects ‘copy’ from the drop down menu. Minimizing the dialogue box displaying the progress he looks over to Hammer as Rieper walks over to the foot of the table with his swab. Hammer squeezes her eyes shut and grits her teeth as it slowly enters her. Moving slowly as promised, Rieper carefully inserts it until only an inch or so sticks out. Turning it and moving side to side, the doctor slowly pulls it back out, puts it into a vial, snaps off the end, and caps it. Removing his gloves he looks to Hammer who is now visibly flushed and breathing heavily.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Hammer shakes her head weakly. “Not… something I want done... regularly. But I’m… I’m glad it’s over.”

“Oh, I didn’t say anything about it being over.”


Auriel raises an eyebrow. “But what other sample could you possibly…?”

Rieper holds up a strange looking set of tools. “Your vaginal cavity.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “AW, HELL NAW!”

Rieper smirks as he puts on a fresh pair of gloves. “Not to worry, sergeant. The few times I’ve done this in the past have shown me that for the patient it’s quite… pleasurable!”

“You stay away from me!”

Arc turns to the screen. Seeing it at fifty percent he grits his teeth and mutters to himself.

“Come on… come on…!”

Positioning himself at the end of the examination table again, Rieper situates himself next to Hammer. Carefully inserting the tools into Hammer’s… (okay, I’m not typing that again), he gets to work. Hammer gasps and writhes as he does so.

“Relax, sergeant. You’re doing just fine.”

“This… feels… WEIRD…!”

Rieper grimaces. “Just try not to orgasm all over me.”

Auriel blushes slightly. “Oh my… is that really a possibility?!”

Rieper turns to Auriel and frowns. “Look where my hands are and ask yourself the same question.”

Returning to his task, the doctor continues slowly inserting the instruments. Hammer squeezes her eyes shut and lets out a low moan. Auriel sighs inwardly as she thinks to herself.

“Guess that answers THAT question.”

Rieper slowly removes his tools and places the sample into a test tube before sealing it. Turning back to Hammer he smiles at her as he removes the soiled gloves.

“Thank you, Sergeant Hammer. You’ve been most cooperative.”

Hammer seethes. “YOU’RE A SICK FREAK, REIPER!”

Rieper sighs as he gathers up the samples and picks up the tray. “Hate me all you want, but believe me when I say that I took no pleasure in that.”

Auriel clears her throat loudly. “What’s next, doctor?”

Hammer groans as she lays her head back down. “Please! I don’t know just how much more of this I can take!”

“You may take the sergeant now. I’ll go over the data I gathered from her and perform more in depth experiments on her as needed.”

Hammer gasps. “Experiments?!”

Auriel nods as she walks over to the table. “Thank you for your contribution to the cause, Sergeant Hammer.”

“Bite me, Diva!”

Rieper heads for his safe. Opening it again, he carefully puts the samples inside what appears to be a refrigerated section. As he does so Arc spots the status bar reach one-hundred percent. Closing the window, Arc pulls out the flash drive. He puts it safely in his magic ring and moves quickly over to Auriel’s side. Tapping her back three times he moves toward the door as Auriel looks to Rieper.

“Thank you for your time, doctor. I’ll have some soldiers take her back to a cell now.”

Rieper nods. “See to it she’s kept under heavy guard. Sergeant Hammer is quite the enigma. She may hold the key to realizing The Organization’s long term goals.”

Auriel nods as she pulls a sheet out from under the examination table and moves to cover Hammer’s naked body with it. “I’ll see to it personally that she gets back there safely.”

Rieper calls out as he secures the safe door. “Perfect. But before you go let me check one thing.”

Walking over to his computer he looks it over for a few moments before shaking his head.

“It’s as I thought.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Doctor?”

“To answer your earlier question, no. There has never been a creature that has had anywhere near such an increase in magical power with or without external stimuli.”

“Thank you, doctor. I’ll leave this research project in your hands then.”

“Tell General Mustang that I’ll get to work on this first thing in the morning and that I’ll keep him appraised of any new developments.”

Auriel smirks as she heads for the door. “I’ll do that.”

Opening it, she motions for Hugh and Max to enter. Pointing to the examination table, she motions for them to pick Hammer up. Hugh grabs her ankles while Max puts his hands under her arms. Lifting, they slowly walk out the door as Auriel closes it behind them. Spotting a janitor’s closet door slightly ajar Auriel looks around to make sure they are alone before opening it and stepping inside with the others. Closing the door behind them they spot Arc standing in a corner in his magic cloak. Setting Hammer down, Arc hurries over to her and kneels down.

“Are you okay?!”

Hammer looks away nervously. “Y-yeah. But can we get the heck outta Dodge now?”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

Casting the Matter Compacting Spell on Hammer, Arc shrinks her down to roughly the size of a small elementary student. Picking her up in his arms he pulls her inside the magic cloak and vanishes from sight again. Hammer snuggles up to him as he speaks.

“Don’t worry, Hammer. We’ll get you out of here.”

Hammer closes her eyes and smiles. “I know you will, Arc. I know you will.”

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