• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,574 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 17 - The Cherry Festival

Very early the next morning Arc and company gather around the kitchen table for breakfast.

“So, is everything ready for the festival?”

Cherry nods! “Yes Arc! Thanks in no small part to you and your friends!”

Ember smiles! “It was our pleasure, Cherry! I'm looking forward to my first social event here in Equestria!”

Auriel looks over shyly. “I too am excited! But, the thought of so many others sort of... scares me too.”

Dinky puts her small hoof on Auriel's claw. “Don't worry Miss Auriel! My dad and I will protect you!”


Arc turns to the others. “Other than tea parties with Twilight and her friends, this too will by my first time attending an event such as this! I'm quite excited at the prospect!”

Ember turns to their host. “Cherry, are you sure you don't need our help setting up? It won't take long if we all pitch in.”

“Thank you, but I want you all to have fun! You should see about getting some costumes before you do anything else!”

Dinky looks to her father, excitedly! “Can we help out after that?!”

Arc nods. “I don’t see why not! What time should we head over to town?

Cherry looks at the clock. “Probably right after breakfast. You can beat the rush on the Costume Shop.”

Dinky hops down from her chair. “I'm ready now! Can we go, dad?!”

“We can as soon as Ember and Auriel are done eating.”

Ember stands and puts her dishes in the sink. “I'm ready to go!

“Um... me too, I guess.”

Arc stands up. “I guess we're off then!”

Arc, Dinky, Auriel and Ember make the walk toward town. The main street is jumping with activity! Most of the townsponies seem to be setting up booths! The group quickly finds the “Costume Shop” near the Train Station.

Dinky looks around wide-eyed as then enter the building. “Wow! This place has EVERYTHING!”

Ember nods! “Color me impressed!”

A unicorn salespony approaches, albeit nervously>.

“Um... can I help you?”

Arc gestures to Dinky. “Yes. My daughter here would like a costume please.”

The salespony smiles at Dinky. “What would you like to be, miss?”

“Well, do you happen to have a Hero of Light costume!”

“You're in luck! My boss is expecting that to be a very popular costume, so there's plenty of them in stock!”

The salespony takes a costume down and gestures toward a makeshift Changing Room.

“Why don't you go try it on? Make sure you like how it looks on you.”

Dinky takes the costume. “Thank you. I will!”

She heads to a changing room as the salespony turns to Auriel and Ember, seeming to warm to her task!

“Have a look around! I'm sure you'll find something that suits you! Let me know what you would like and I can probably alter it to fit you in just a few minutes.”


Both her and Auriel walk around the store together. They look over the wide selection before heading to the changing rooms. The mare looks to Arc, apologetically. “I'm very sorry sir, but I don't think we have anything large enough to fit you.”

Arc smiles. “Don't worry about it. I already have a costume.”

He looks around the shop with a turn of his head.

“So, did you make all of these yourself?”

“Yes sir I did! Although someday I hope to make real clothes, I can't seem to catch a break!”

She looks at Arc's attire.

“Your own garments appear to have been made by a master tailor! If I may ask, where did you get them?

“A friend of mine made these for me. She owns the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville.”

“You… you mean Miss Rarity?!”

Arc nods! “Oh? You know her?”

“No, I don't! But I've been an admirer of her craftsmanship for many years! This example is a simple, yet sheik design! Functional, yet with an air of elegance!”

“Thank you. I've always been happy with her work!”

The salespony smiles and extends a hoof.

“By the way, my name's Sassy Saddles! I run the Costume Shop here for Mr. Rich. He lives in Ponyville as well!”

Arc grimaces! “Yes. The two of us have... met before. Have you been doing this long?”

“Oh yes! About five years now! Mr. Rich says if I do a good job, someday he may hire me to design clothing for his store!”

“Well that’s good to hear! Oh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners? My name is...”

Dinky suddenly comes running out of the changing room.

“Dad! See how cool I look now?!”

Arc laughs as Dinky does her best to strike up a heroic pose. “Yes, Hero of Light Dinky! You look extra cute now!”

Sassy Saddles smiles at the filly! “There's a helmet that goes with that outfit!”

She walks behind the counter and picks up a helmet. Returning to them she puts it on Dinky's head.

“How do you like it?”

Dinky smiles! “I love it!”

Sassy Saddles turns to Arc. “The helmet does cost extra, but it really does bring the outfit together, don’t you think?”

Arc nods! “Yes, I agree!”

Dinky turns towards Arc. “Can I have it dad?! Please?!”

Arc laughs! “Sure thing, sweetheart!”

Auriel emerges from the changing room and approaches Arc. She is wearing a nurse's outfit and blushing a bit!

“Ember said this would make me look cute. While I'm not sure if she was right or not, I do like this look!”

Arc nods. “If it makes you happy, I'll buy it for you.”

Auriel smiles. “Thank you. I appreciate your Kindness!

Ember's voice can be heard from the changing room.

“Arc, are you still out there?”

He raises his voice slightly to be heard. “Yes Ember. Are you all right in there?”

“Um... kinda. You see, I wanted to try something a bit new. Get out of my comfort zone.”

Arc nods. “Very admirable.”

Ember sighs. “The thing is... I think I may have gone a bit TOO far!”

Auriel shakes her head. “Nonsense Ember! I'm sure your costume is just fine! Can you come out so we can see it?”

“Well... okay. Just please don't laugh! This is harder than you think for me!”

“Sure, Miss Ember. Come on! How bad can it be?!”

“Okay. Here I come...”

The door slowly opens to a heavily blushing Ember who is clad in a beautiful aquamarine colored gown complete with matching tiara.

Sassy Saddles smiles! “Ah, I see you have found my first attempt at making real clothing! I was going for a Princess' Grand Ball Gown look. It actually suits you quite well, miss!”

Arc blushes slightly. “She's right Ember! You do look very beautiful like that.”

Ember blushes even deeper. “You... you really mean that?!”

Dinky nods happily! “Yeah! I like seeing you like that too, Miss Ember!”

Arc turns to Sassy Saddles. “We'll take these!”

Sassy Saddles walks over to the counter and rings up their purchases.

“Very well! I'm sure you will be very happy with your purchase! And do enjoy the festival!”

Arc gives her the money for the costumes. “Thank you. I'm sure we will!”

The sound of a train whistle can be heard in the distance.

“Sounds like I'm about to get busy! Everypony on the train will want a costume!”

Arc turns toward the door. “Well we had best be moving on then. Thanks again!”

He and the others leave the shop. Sassy Saddles waves after them as they leave.

“What a strange group they were. The filly I can understand, but why did the other two want costumes when they were each already wearing one?!”

Arc and company head over to Cherry 's stall. Dinky runs up to Cherry and Ruby!

“Look at me! I'm the Hero of Light!”

Ruby laughs! “Hey Dinky! Nice costume!”

“Thanks! Now I look just like my dad!”

Ember laughs as she looks to Dinky. “Are you going to take over for him when he retires?”

“Yeah! Bad ponies beware! There's a new hero in town!”

Auriel looks confused. “Retires?”

Cherry turns to Auriel. “Retirement is when you cease working permanently usually due to old age.”

She thinks for a moment. “Is that what Equestrians call ‘death’?”

“What?! No dear! It's a time in one's life where you finally have time to do the things you want to do!”

“But wouldn't it make more sense to do things like that when you are young and able to enjoy them?”

Ember nods. “She does raise a good point!”

Ruby turn to Arc in an effort to change the subject.

“Does Canterlot give you some kind of pension plan Arc? I would hate to see you living on the streets in your old age!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I don't think so. From what I have gathered, Heroes of Light don't generally live long enough to reach retirement age!”

Dinky smiles! “I guess you'll be the first, dad!”

“I sure hope so, sweetheart!

Cherry grimaces. She turns around and pretends to busy herself with something. Ember notices Cherry's reaction.

“Hey, why don't we walk the fair now! See what it has to offer?”

Arc nods! “Sounds like fun!”

He turns to Ruby and Cherry.

“You two going to be all right while we're gone?”

Ruby nods! “Yes, please enjoy yourselves! Don't hurry back now!”

“YAY! Come on! Let's have some more fun!”

Arc and the others walk away. Ruby turns back to check on her sister. She walks over to Cherry and puts a hoof around her shoulders.

“Sister... don't you worry now! Arc's far too strong to fall to just anything! He'll be fine!”

Cherry reaches up and puts a hoof on her sister's fetlock. “I... I sure hope so, Ruby. To tell you the truth, I don't know what I would do if he...”

She begins to cry softly as Ruby does her best to comfort her sister. Meanwhile the stalls have all opened for business!

Dinky looks to her father, excitedly! “Where should we start?!”

Auriel looks to Arc. “The logical place would be at the beginning.”

Ember nods! “Good idea! We can work our way from one end to the other. That way we won't miss a thing!”

“I can live with that!”

The street is now filled with excited ponies enjoying themselves! Arc and company make their way to the furthest stall. Approaching it they see a few familiar faces! Arc throws up a hand to the mare and stallion running the booth!

“Hi there Steel Hammer… Silver Hammer… Platinum Valve!

“Mom! Dad! We have company! Mr. Arc! How are you doing today?!”

Arc smiles at the filly before him! “Just fine Platinum Valve! Are you helping your parents this weekend?”

“Yes sir! They really needed to get away from it all!”

Silver Hammer walks over to him sheepishly. “I hope that's okay with you Arc. We really should have said something before we up and left town.”

Arc smiles at the family. “It's fine with me. I too was informed that I needed a vacation! We're staying at Cherry Hill Ranch.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Thanks for understanding, Arc. Your base has enough weapons and armor to equip all of your guards now. We'll see to it the rest of the Armory is stocked when we get back.”

He looks over to Ember and Auriel.

“Good to see you again Ember! You too Auriel!”

Ember nods. “Sup!”

Silver Hammer looks to Auriel. “How are you enjoying your stay in Equestria, Auriel?”

“I must say it's nothing like Tartarus was! Everyone I have met so far has been very kind to me, and the food is amazing! But...”

Auriel looks down at the ground sadly.

“… I admit, I do miss my father.”

Dinky looks up at Auriel. “Can't you go visit him?”

She shakes her head sadly. “No. I was banished, after all. There's no returning home for me now.”

“I could take you back there for a visit one of these days.”

Auriel looks up at him, confused. “What? How?”

“Well, I'm one of the few individuals who can enter AND leave that place any time I want.”

Ember nods. “True. But why you would WANT to go back again still eludes me!”

“To tell you the truth, I don't actually want to go back! But if it makes Auriel feel better I suppose I can escort her there.”

Auriel looks frightened! “But what about the other demons?! They would tear me to pieces! To say nothing of violating my father's royal command!”

“Auriel, you forget that I’ll be with you. No demon would dare attack ME!”

Ember laughs! “Not unless their suicidal, that is!”

“Thank you for offering Arc, but I would rather stay here than have you risk your life needlessly for my sake.”

Arc nods. “Well okay. But if you change your mind let me know.”

He turns back to Silver and Steel Hammer.

“Thank you all for your hard work! I look forward to having the Armory filled again.! This time with weapons and armor that I can be proud to give my soldiers!”

Silver Hammer nods happily! “Yes sir! We'll get to it as soon as we get back to Ponyville!”

Platinum Valve’s eyes light up! “Oh, by the way Mr. Arc! I fixed those Hoof Cannon modules for you! If you’d like, I can install them in just a few minutes!”

“Sure. Sounds good!”

Calling forth his gauntlets, Arc hands them over to Platinum Valve.

“Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner about this. I've just been so busy lately!”

Steel Hammer nods as Arc slides the gauntlets toward Platinum Valve. “It's fine Arc. You forget... we understand where you're coming from on this!”

Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer smile and wink at Arc!

Auriel looks to them. “What do you mean by that?”

Arc turns to Auriel. “Let's just say the three of us have quite the past!”

Silver Hammer sighs. “Please don't take this the wrong way Auriel, but my husband and I have done things in the past that we would like to keep to ourselves!”

Steel Hammer nods. “It's not that we don't trust you, but... let's just say sometimes you have to break the rules in order to do the right thing.”

Auriel looks confused. “I don't understand what you mean.”

Ember chuckles. “Stay with us and you'll find out!”

“Let me put it to you this way. As the Hero of Light, I have the authority to do... certain things that would earn anyone else considerable jail time.”

“Like what dad?”

“Well, do you remember when I attacked Matron Tempest and nearly destroyed the New Beginnings Orphanage, sweetheart?”

Dinky nods. “Yes, what about it?”

“Anyone else would have certainly gone to prison for such actions, wouldn't they?”

“But dad, you were trying to save the orphans!”

“Exactly! A normal investigator would have had to go through proper channels. Do inspections, have meetings, interview witnesses, collaborate with the proper authorities, have more meetings, and so on. I just went there, saw what was happening, and quickly put a stop to it!”

Steel Hammer looks at Dinky and smiles. “I suppose what your father is trying to say is that the Hero of Light is, more or less, above the law.”

Silver Hammer nods to her husband. “I always saw it more as the Hero of Light IS the law, dear.”

Arc looks at Dinky. “In any case, for that reason, the princesses must be VERY careful whom they endow with such power and authority! If they chose just anyone, it probably wouldn't be long before they started abusing their authority!

Dinky smiles! “That must be why they chose you dad! As long as I can remember you've always done the right thing and protected those who needed you!”

Platinum Valve approaches with the freshly modified gauntlets.

“Here you are Mr. Arc!”

Arc examines the gauntlets as Platinum Valve sets them on the table. “They don't look any different than they did before.”

Platinum Valve nods! “Right! It's what's on the inside that counts though! The internal workings are significantly more complex than just your standard Hoof Cannon! If you tried to do this without the proper energy modulation circuits they would probably explode!

Dinky looks at the gauntlets, nervously. “Are you sure this is safe? I don't want to see my dad get hurt!”

“Not to worry! This device is designed to take QUITE a beating, being military grade and all! From the condition it was in when I got it, I would say the engineering that went into this was top notch!”

Auriel looks over the gauntlets on the table before them. “Fascinating! I wouldn't mind talking with you more about the inner workings of this device. I'm pretty good at making weapons myself! Would you mind if I stopped by later?”

Platinum Valve looks over to her father. He nods.

“Sure! We can talk all about it over lunch!”

Auriel smiles! “Thank you. I look forward to it!”

“So, how do these work now?”

Platinum Valve points a hoof at a small knob. “This controls the energy output. Turn it this way for a standard hoof cannon shot. Keep turning it for a Power Shot! Bear in mind this will use CONSIDERABLY more energy than a normal shot. You don't want to use all your batteries up that way!”

Arc nods. “Good to know!”

“Now, if you turn the dial the other way, you can redirect the energy to manifest themselves as Magic Blades. Turn the dial further to make your blades larger. Again, this will heavily tax your batteries, so be careful!”

“Thank you for making this happen Platinum Valve.”

Platinum Valve smiles at him. “No, Mr. Arc. Thank YOU for the opportunity to work on such amazing technology!”

As Platinum Valve moves to push Arc's upgraded gauntlets across the table towards him, there is a sudden flash of light! Arc and the others step back, confused!

“What was that?!”

Silver Hammer looks to her husband. “Dear! Look!”

She points a hoof at Platinum Valve's flank! The filly turns her head to see what all the fuss is about.

“Huh? What?!”

Platinum Valve’s flank now depicts a sparkle and wrench cutie mark!

Dinky claps her hooves! “Woah! Awesome cutie mark!”

Ember stares, wide eyed! “First time I've seen that happen! Neat!”

Arc smiles at the ecstatic filly! “Congratulations Platinum Valve!

Auriel examines the mark closely. “Cutie mark?”

Dinky looks to Auriel. “It's supposed to show you what your destiny is! I can't wait to get mine!”

Steel Hammer puts a hoof around his wife.

“She's growing up so fast.”

Silver Hammer nods! “Yes dear! It feels like only yesterday she was learning to walk and talk!”

The couple walk toward their daughter and embrace her.

“Your mother and I are so very proud of you!”

Silver Hammer turns to Arc! “Yes we are! Now it looks like we have yet another reason to be grateful to you Arc!”

“Aw... I can't take the credit for this one. I'm sure it was you and Steel Hammer who pointed her down the path that led to this moment.”

Steel Hammer nods. “We did. However, you have been with us for much of the journey! Remember when you helped us find our missing daughter?”

Arc thinks back to when he first met the Hammers. “Honestly, that feels like forever ago!”

Silver Hammer walks toward Arc. As she approaches, he kneels down to her level. She puts a hoof on his shoulder and looks him in the eye.

“If you hadn't been there back then, I don't know what would have happened to our little Platinum Valve! Thank you Arc! Thank you for always being there for our little family!”

“You’re very welcome. But I didn't really do all THAT much.”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “Oh no? You solved the mystery of our disappearing daughter, gave her the chance of a lifetime to work on Hydra Scale Armor, found a way out of our contract with Filthy Rich, helped us get back on our feet by giving us the job of replacing your base's weapons and armor and reunited us with Princess Luna.

Silver Hammer smiles. “Still think you really didn't do all that much?”

Ember nods. “I think she's got you on this one, Arc!”

“Wow! Even I didn't know you did all THAT, dad!”

Auriel looks to Arc. “Such modesty in the face of these grand accolades is quite a refreshing change from the boorish behavior that I was accustomed to in Tartarus.”

Arc turns to Platinum Valve. Yes well… maybe I can find some more work for you one of these days, my little Magitek Engineer!”

Platinum Valve thinks for a moment before smiling widely! “Magitek Engineer?! I like that title! If you ever need ANYTHING Mr. Arc just let me know!”

“I will! Now how about I let you and your parents celebrate this milestone together?! We still have much of the festival to see!”

The Hammer family waves goodbye to Arc and his group as they walk down the street. Auriel turns to Arc.

“That was certainly unexpected! I was not aware a pony's flank markings meant anything. When will you get yours, Dinky?”

Dinky shrugs. “They're everything to us! And I don't really know. It almost seems like it's random!”

Ember smiles at Dinky. “Well, don't fret too much about it now. With a father like Arc, your cutie mark will most certainly be AMAZING!”

Dinky nods sadly. “I sure hope so.”

The group approaches another booth. As they do the mare behind the counter stares at Arc with her mouth agape! Auriel turns to Ember.

“What do you suppose she is staring at?”

Ember shrugs. “Us I would imagine.”

Arc looks up at the sign over the booth.

“That explains a lot.”

He points at a sign that reads “Equestrian Anthropology Society” as the mare from behind the costume approaches him.

“Excuse me, but could you tell me where you got your costume? I have a friend who would LOVE to buy one of those!”

She walks around Arc and studies him closely.

“The attention to detail is STARTLING!”

She looks up at Ember and Auriel.

“Sorry! You two look amazing as well! It's just that my friend has... let's just say, an unhealthy affinity for humans! If I could get her a costume of that caliber, it would really make her day!”

Arc looks at her. “I'm sorry Miss...”

“Just call me Bon-Bon. I'm here to keep my friend Lyra company while she runs the stand.”

Ember suddenly looks nervous! “Lyra? Uh oh... this could end badly!”

Auriel looks confused. “What do you mean, Ember?”

“You'll see soon enough.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well Bon-Bon, I don't really know how to break this to you, but... I'm not wearing a costume.”

Bon-Bon looks a bit confused.

“But... how is that possible?! Unless...”

Her eyes widen!

“My name is Arc. And yes, I really am a human.”

Bon-Bon looks at him, amazed! “So Lyra was serious?! There really IS a human in Equestria!

She suddenly jumps behind the counter! Bon-Bon peeking out from the relative safety of her booth, shaking!

“Please don't hurt me, human!”

“Uh... I wasn't planning on it.”

Auriel turns to look at Bon-Bon. “I don't think you need to worry about him hurting you miss. Although I haven't known him very long, he really is quite passive.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “Tell that to Tempest!”

Ember shakes her head. “That's not really helpful right now, Dinky.”

“Sorry. I'm just so proud of my dad!”

Bon-Bon looks at Dinky, quizzically. “Dad? But how can a human and a pony make a...”

A familiar green coated mare trots around the corner carrying a bag of cherry-based goodies!

“Bon-Bon, I'm back! Did you want the...”

She quickly notices Arc and his friends at the booth. Her eyes light up!

Arc sighs. “Oh hell...”

Lyra runs over to him, excitedly. She trots in place as she talks! “Arc, you came! With you here as a visual aide, maybe we can get more ponies to stop by our booth and learn about humans!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Lyra, I question exactly how much you yourself know about humans!”

“Oh come now! Last time was a fluke! Don't worry! I'll find a way for you to get in the sack with...”

Bon-Bon quickly covers Dinky's ears and turns a deep shade of red!

“LYRA! Small ears!”

Auriel narrows her eyes. “Even I understood that one.”

“Look Lyra, I'm glad you're here. I think I need to set the record straight on a few things... like human's...”

Arc covers Dinky's ears and whispers.

“...mating rituals.”

Lyra nods happily! “Really?! Do tell! Please, have a seat!”

She uses her magic to pull over a couple chairs to sit in front of the booth. Lyra then pulls a large notebook out of her saddlebags along with a pencil!

Bon-Bon giggles! “This should be interesting!”

Lyra sits down, pad and paper at the ready. “Okay, I'm ready!”

Ember glances over at Dinky. “How about we meet you back at Cherry's booth later, Arc?”

“Good idea.”

“See you in a bit then. Are you coming Auriel?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No thank you. I want to stay here and learn more about Arc's kind!”

“Well okay. If you're sure. Just be careful you don't learn TOO much about humans!”

Ember and Dinky walk away. Auriel looks to Arc, confused.

“What did Ember mean by that?”

Arc sighs. “Stay here and you’ll find out.”

He turns back to an expectant Lyra.

“Oh, before we begin! Lyra, this is Auriel. She's a demon from Tartarus.”

Auriel sighs. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

Arc shrugs. “With Lyra, you have to be blunt.”

Lyra writes. “Interesting! Have you two ever...”

Arc and Auriel yell at her in tandem. “NO!”

Lyra rubs an ear with her hoof. “Okay, okay! Sheesh!”

“Let’s just stick to questions about humans, shall we?”

Lyra looks to him with a huge grin on her face! “I've waited for this moment for so long! Please don't keep me in suspense!”

Arc takes a deep breath. “Okay. Derpy brought me up to speed on what you THINK you know about... that subject. The truth of the matter is, SOME humans are exactly as you described. Over the years I’ve met some who would match that description. They always seemed to have their next sexual encounter on their minds!”

Lyra writes excitedly! “I knew it! Oh, how I wish I could witness it first-hoof! It must be absolutely amazing for them to spend so much time and energy on such things!”

Arc shakes his head. “Really? I find the thought of such things absolutely revolting!”

Lyra stops writing and looks up at Arc quizzically. “What? But I thought...”

Arc interrupts her. “Let me put it this way Lyra. Think of your favorite special occasion food. How the thought of eating it makes you look forward to the meal to come!”

Lyra begins salivating!

“Now I want you to imagine eating it for EVERY MEAL, EVERY DAY!”

Lyra frowns! “WHAT?! But that would make it so much less... special...”

The realization of what Arc is trying to tell her finally sinks in. Lyra puts a hoof to her chin.

“I guess I never really thought about it that way. But answer me this! Would you ever consider mating with somepony REALLY special?”

Arc shakes his head. “That isn't really an option here with me being the only human.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “I think Lyra was asking if you would mate with a pony, Arc.”

Lyra nods. “Exactly! Derpy is very special to you, is she not?! If she was willing... would you?!”

“Derpy is indeed a very special friend to me. We both care deeply for each other! She's... just so kind! That and... please don't repeat this, but... I do think she really is quite pretty!”

Lyra looks to him excitedly! “So... you would consider it?!”


“What?! But you said...”

Arc holds up a hand for silence. “It's for the very reasons I just listed that I don't! Doing so would completely change our relationship! That and I don't need to do such things to show her that I care for her!

Arc turns to see that Bon-Bon appears equally confused>.

“Let me ask you a question of my own, Lyra. How do you feel about Bon-Bon?”

Lyra looks at him, a bit taken aback. “Um... she's my friend. How else would I feel?”

“We've known each other since we were fillies!”

Arc nods. “Can I assume you two care about each other?”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon look at each other for a moment and nod.

“We do! Bon-Bon is my best friend after all!”

Arc looks to the pair as he continues. “Now Lyra, just for the sake of this example, let's say you woke up tomorrow morning and discovered that you had become a stallion. Would you consider mating with your friend Bon-Bon?”

Lyra shakes her head with conviction! “Certainly not! I care about her too much to do something that might hurt her!”

Bon-Bon nods. “I think I understand now. Turning the question around, I wouldn’t mate with Lyra either, for the same reason!”

Auriel chimes in. “For what it's worth Lyra, most demons are much like the humans Arc described earlier. They prefer the physical pleasures of life over pretty much everything else.”

Lyra looks to Auriel, quizzically. “Most demons?”

Auriel nods. “I prefer my books and lab over such things.”

Lyra considers this for a time. “Fascinating! Perhaps there is a link between demon-kind and human-kind! I must study this more intensely! Arc! Do you think you could...?”

Arc shakes his head angrily! “There is no way I am taking you to Tartarus to watch demons have...”

Lyra looks at him pleadingly! “Please?! It's for the sake of research!”

Auriel turns to Arc. “I don't think any demon would mind if she just wanted to watch as they…”

Arc turns a bit green. “NOPE! NOT HAPPENING! Happy thoughts... HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!”

Lyra looks disappointed. “Awwww...”

Meanwhile, from around the corner, Ember has been listening to the conversation intensely!

“Arc... I had no idea you felt this way about Derpy! I... I feel so... guilty.”

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