• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Unpleasant Decisions

A short time later Arc opens the bathroom door and carries Shelly to the living room. She is wearing a pretty purple sun dress and matching sandals. He sets her down on the couch next to Derpy and Dinky.

“There you are. Nice and clean.”

“Thank you, Arc. Um… were you able to get ahold of… you know…”

Arc nods. “Max should be here any time now. I’m not sure what’s keeping him.”

There is a knock at the door. Derpy smiles.

“That much be him now.”

Dinky jumps up. “I’ll get it!”

She runs to the door as Shelly turns to Arc nervously.

“How do I look?”

“Very nice. I admit, I can’t remember the last time I saw you in something like that.”

Shelly smiles. “Well, today is a… special day.”

Derpy appears confused. “Is it?”

“Yes. It’s not every day I…”

Dinky leads Max into the room. He looks to Arc, sheepishly.

“Sorry I’m late, sir. There was a big rush of customers downstairs and Lily needed some help.”

Shelly blushes slightly. “It’s fine. I… uh… had some issues earlier anyways.”

Max appears concerned. “Are you okay?”

Shelly nods. “Yes. My medicine is helping.”

She turns to Arc.

“You and your family should go have some fun. Daylight’s burning, Arc.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

Shelly nods. “I will. After all, Max will be here to take care of me.”

“Yes sir. I won’t leave her side.”

“Well… okay. But only if Shelly’s okay with this.”

“I am, yes.”

Nodding, Arc motions for Derpy and Dinky to follow him.

“Take good care of her.”

Max nods as Arc and company head for the door. As it closes behind them he turns to Shelly.

“You… look really pretty today.”

Shelly giggles. “Thank you!”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress. Other than your waitress uniform, I mean.”

“Like I told Arc, today’s a special day.”

“It is?”

Shelly nods and pats the cushion next to her. Max walks over and sits down as she takes his hand and rests her head on his shoulder.


“Why’s that?”

Shelly smiles at him. “Because you and I get to spend it together.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his family descend the stairs and walk over to the cash register. Stepping behind the counter Arc presses a few buttons to type in their total. The drawer opens and he puts the money in the till.

“There we go.”

Dinky looks around. “Where’s Miss Lily?”

“Probably in the kitchen. It can’t be easy running something like this by yourself.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Why don’t we see if she needs a hand?”

“That’s probably a good idea. She needs to know about Shelly’s condition too.”

Stepping through the door to the back room they find Lily managing four frying pans while mixing items on a nearby counter. Derpy hurries over and grabs one of the pans.

“Let me help you with that.”

“Thanks. It didn’t burn, did it?”

Derpy shakes her head. “No, I got to it just in time.”

“What are you making, Miss Lily?”

“Omelet batter. I start with a bunch of eggs and add whatever each customer wants to a separate portion that’s measured out as ordered.”

“Can mom and I help?”

Derpy nods as she works the stove. “It looks like you could use it.”

“Thanks. This is pretty hard without Shelly here to watch the stove.”

Dinky giggles. “What do you want me to do?”

“Just crack all these eggs and mix them up, dear.”


“Um… Lily?”

“Yes, Arc?”

“Can I talk to you?”

“Sure. Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. Shelly was having some additional trouble earlier.”

Lily gasps. “What kind?”

“The big ‘D’.”

“Oh my! Was she able to make it to the bathroom in time?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, I got her to the toilet. She looked pretty miserable sitting there though.”

“Did she get her medicine?”

Dinky nods. “My dad saw to it already.”

“Right. She’s on the couch now with Max.”

Lily looks relieved. “Thanks for getting him down here, Arc. He and Shelly really seem to get along. It’s as if they’ve known each other for years.”

Derpy looks over. “Is that good?”

“Very. She doesn’t get out much, so making friends is really hard.”

Lily sighs.

“And keeping them is even harder for her since she can hardly ever go out and do anything.”

Derpy smiles. “Anything we can do to help her?”

Lily shakes her head. “Not really. You’ve already been a great help today. Shelly gets lonely up there when I have to work the restaurant.”

Dinky frowns. “But you can’t do all this by yourself!”

“Our customers are very understanding of our situation. That and your father’s friends stop by regularly to help out too.”

“Dad, can we stay and help?”

“I… guess so. That is, if it’s okay with your mother.”

Derpy calls out from the stove. “Sure! It’ll be fun!”

“Guess that settles it.”

They help Lily in the kitchen through the morning and into the lunch rush. At 2:00 P.M. Lily closes and locks the front door. She turns back to Arc and company whom are wiping down the tables.

“Another day comes to an end.”

Dinky giggles. “That was fun!”

Arc turns to her. “Lily does this every day though.”

Derpy smiles. “It’s very similar to what we do at the orphanage.”

Dinky smirks. “Yeah. The only difference is our ‘customers’ are a lot shorter.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s one way of looking at it.”

Lily turns to them. “Thanks for your help everyone. I should probably head upstairs and make sure Shelly’s doing okay.”

Arc nods. “We should get moving ourselves.”

“Would you like to say goodbye to Shelly, Arc?”

“Yes, I would. That and we can drop Max off at home when we leave.”

They head for the stairs and enter the apartment. Lily calls out.

“We’re back, Shelly!”

There is no response. Arc looks down the hall.

“Anyone here?”

Silence ensues. Entering the living room they find it empty. Lily shrugs.

“Maybe Shelly’s sleeping in her room?”

Dinky calls out from the bedroom. “It’s empty!”

Derpy looks to Lily. “So’s yours.”

Arc frowns. “That’s strange. There’s no one here.”

Lily calls out from the living room.

“I found them.”

Everyone enters the room as Lily points out the patio door. Across the lawn they spot Max and Shelly sitting on a blanket with a small basket between them. Arc chuckles.

“Look like they went on a picnic.”

Derpy gasps. “But how did they get out there?”

Lily giggles. “Max must’ve carried Shelly down the exterior stairs and around the building.”

Dinky looks to her mother. “Should we join them?”

“I… don’t know. Arc?”

“Might as well.”

Heading for the side door, Arc leads everyone down the stairs and around the building. They hear the pair laughing as they approach. Shelly looks over.

“Hello everyone. Lily, is it closing time already?”

“Yes. We just finished.”

Arc turns to Max. “Decided to get some air?”

“Yes sir. Shelly was feeling a bit better, so I suggested we spend some time outside.”

Shelly nods as she points to the basket. “The picnic was my idea. I couldn’t remember the last time I went on one.”

Lily smiles approvingly at her friend. “You should have called, Shelly. I would have made something for your picnic.”

Max shakes his head. “We didn’t want to inconvenience you, Miss Lily. After all, you were very busy.”

“Max made us some sandwiches and filled up a couple water bottles for drinks.”

Derpy smiles. “Well it looks like you two enjoyed yourselves.”

Shelly giggles. “That we did. In fact, I was just about to ask him to stay for supper. Everyone’s invited, of course.”

Arc points with a thumb behind him. “We were actually about to get going. I wanted to spend some time around town with Daisy and Dawn before tomorrow.”

Lily appears confused. “Why? What happens tomorrow?”

“I’m taking them back to their hometown.”

“Yeah! My dad’s going to be staying awhile too!”

“That I am. Daisy really needs a lot more attention than I’m currently giving her.”

Shelly looks suddenly worried. “When will you be back?”

“I’m not sure. It’s probably going to be for quite some time though.”

Lily sighs. “We understand. Daisy and Dawn need you too, Arc.”

Shelly appear hopeful. “Are… your friends going to be staying in town?”

Arc shakes his head. “They’re going to be coming with us too and permanently relocating.”

Shelly gasps as she looks to Max. “You’re not coming back?!”

“I… don’t think so, no.”


Lily puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Shelly and I will miss all of you, of course. But this isn’t goodbye forever, right?”

Arc chuckles. “I doubt it. I mean… where else could I get a Shelly Burger!”

Max nods. “And I’ll come visit sometimes too.”

Shelly’s face brightens. “Promise?!”

Max nods as Shelly leans forward and takes his hands.

“You be sure to call us as often as you want!”

Lily giggles. “That goes for you too, Arc.”

“I’ll try to.”

Shelly smiles at Max. “Would you please stay for supper tonight then? I’d like the chance to properly say thank you for all your help.”

“I… um…”

The young man looks to his commanding officer. Arc shakes his head slightly as he mouths the word ‘no’.

“I’d… love to.”

Shelly gasps happily. “Wonderful! Lily and I will make you something special!”

Arc frowns. “Sounds like you three are going to have quite the evening.”

Lily kneels down. “Yes. Now why don’t I help you inside, Shelly? It’s about time for your nap.”

Shelly nods as Lily moves to help her up. “I suppose it is.”

Derpy walks over. “I’ll help too.”

With Derpy’s aid they get Shelly on her feet and slowly walk toward the restaurant. Arc turns to Dinky.

“Would you grab the blanket and basket please sweetheart?”

“Sure dad. You coming inside too?”

“In a minute. I just need to have a word with Max here.”

Dinky does as she is told. As she walks around the side of the building Arc turns his attention back to Max.

“What the heck are you DOING?!”

“Sir… I…”

“I KNOW you saw me shake my head!”

“Forgive me, sir, but… I… I just…”

“You WHAT?!”

Max sighs. “I just wanted the chance to say goodbye to Shelly properly. She’s really grown on me these past several months.”

Arc furrows his brow. “What did I tell you and the others about forming attachments here on Earth?!”

“I know, sir. But Shelly’s just such a wonderful woman!”

“Back then I specifically told you guys not to for this specific reason! You aren’t going to be long term residents of Earth!”

Max hangs his head. “Sorry, sir.”

Arc sighs and puts a hand on Max’s shoulder.

“Look, it’s not that I don’t want you to be happy. But Shelly isn’t the right woman.”

“But she’s perfect, sir!”

“I know. However, her condition is worsening. You’ve seen her go downhill just since we’ve been here. I’ve been watching this go on since we were kids.”

“How do you do it, sir?”

“Do what?”

“Form an attachment that you know won’t last.”

“I… don’t know. But I do know this. You can’t be falling in love with a terminally ill Earth woman when you know you can’t stay!”

Max sighs. “My head understands that, sir. But my heart is having trouble accepting it.”

“Well then, let me make it easier for you.”

Arc clears his throat before continuing

“As the Hero of Light and your commanding officer, I hereby ORDER you to break off your relationship with Shelly tonight.”

“But sir…!”

“No, Max! I know you told Shelly that you’d come back to visit, but we both know that isn’t a good idea.”


“How do you think Shelly would take the news of learning you weren’t a human, but a pony instead?”


“That and she isn’t long for this world. I don’t want to see you two become any more romantically involved than you are now. We all know it wouldn’t last.”

Max bows his head and nods silently. Arc sighs.

“I’m sorry I have to do this. But it’s for your own good, as well as Shelly’s.”

“Yes sir.”

“Enjoy this last meal together with her all you want. But before you leave tonight you are to break up with her. Do you understand me, Max?”

“I… I do, sir.”

“Good. Now I’m going inside to get Derpy and Dinky. We’re going to enjoy our last full day as residents of Earth.”

“But sir, you ARE a real human. Do you mean you’re not coming back either?”

Arc sighs. “Probably not. It’s… most likely not going to go well tomorrow night. That is assuming we survive.”

“Won’t you miss them too though?”

“More than words can express. I… I really want to be there when Shelly… worsens. To hold her hand along with Lily when her time comes and let her know we loved and cherished her right to the bitter end. To walk Lily down the aisle. To… to grow old with her and Frank. But my feelings need to take a back seat to this mission and Equestria’s continued existence. If the ponies back there are to survive, they’ll need Princess Celestia back.”

“But Equestria has you now, sir!”

“Yeah? But for how long?”

“Quite a few years one would hope, sir.”

Arc frowns. “You know Heroes of Light don’t usually live too long. What then? Should the two remaining princesses have to lead without their matriarch? You know they can’t do this forever. Equestria needs it’s lost princess back.”

“Yes sir.”

“That and, like Shelly, I won’t live forever. Princess Celestia and the other princesses will. Don’t you see?! Like I said, we’re ensuring the future of an entire country!”

“I’ll do as you say, sir.”

“Good. Someday I hope you understand why this needed to be done.”

Arc turns and walks toward the building leaving Max alone in the backyard. He stands there motionless for a few moments before slowly following the path back toward the stairs.

“I… hope so too, sir.”

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