• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 14 - Broken

The days and weeks came and went. Doctor Whooves worked tirelessly with the princesses to help them regain their strength. Early one morning Arc enters Princess Luna’s room to find both princesses there with Doctor Whooves for their wake-up exercises.

“How's it coming you two?”

Luna stands up shakily. “Much better than last week.”

Cadance slowly rises from the floor. “We're able to stand up unaided now, and even walk a little!”

Both Luna and Cadance slowly and painfully take a few steps toward Arc. They make it about halfway there before stumbling! Arc leaps forward to help them! He wraps his arms around their necks in an effort to steady them!

“Don't worry, I got you!

Luna sighs. “Thank you Arc.”

As he helps them straighten up, Arc smiles at the pair! “You two are doing much better these days!”

Doctor Whooves walks over! “Indeed, they are! You two will be fit as fiddles soon!”

Luna looks to the floor, clearly embarrassed. Yes, well... walking is still a work in progress.”

Cadance nods. “Our energy levels are pretty much back to normal. That is assuming we don't do anything too strenuous... like walking, I guess.

“It sounds bad when you say it like that Cadance.”

Arc nods! “Considering what you two have been through, it's a wonder we were able to get you back at all.”

Cadance smiles at Arc! “Agreed! Thank you for not giving up on us!”

Luna sighs. “Or allowing us to give up on ourselves.”

“Sometimes we all just need a little encouragement. Which is actually what brings me here this morning.”


Arc frowns. “I had a rather long Town Council meeting yesterday. The pulse of the city is a bit... worried.”

Luna looks confused. “What seems to be the problem?”

“I understand why, but ever since you two came back to the waking world, no one has seen you in the public spotlight.”

Cadance sighs. “We're sorry about that, Arc. We've just been so busy with our therapy sessions, medical tests, and spending time just resting.”

“I completely understand. Please don't think I'm blaming you for staying out of sight! After all, that was my idea. I just didn't want the citizens to see you in such a weakened state.”

Luna does her best to stay standing. “This has been a... difficult time for Equestria, as well as for us!”

“Indeed, it has. However, I was hoping the two of you would be up for a bit of action today.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“How about the three of us do something together that Kibitz is always telling me I need to do more often.”

Luna frowns! “Public appearances?”

Arc nods. “You guessed it.”

Cadance sighs. “It's not that we don't like being amongst the populace. It's just... they always make a big fuss over us!”

“My sister always seemed to enjoy it. Not sure why though.”

Cadance smiles at her friend. “I think she was just putting up a happy face for the citizens.”

“All you have to do is just sit there and smile. I'll do all the waving if you want.”

Doctor Whooves thinks for a moment. “This might be a good chance for the two of you to exercise. As your doctor I recommend you go through with it!”

“We could also use the fresh air and sunlight, Luna!”

“I don't know about this...”

Arc sighs. “There's actually another reason I have for suggesting this little field trip. You see... I'm worried that the transition back to your reign from a Lord Regent's rule might be a bit of a shock to the country. I need to slowly start backing off on my duties, as you pick them back up.”

Cadance nods. “Slowly giving up your power, Arc?”

“In a manner of speaking. Just trying to make this transition as painless as possible! We can keep the ride short! I know the two of you are still easily fatigued.”

Luna sighs. “Your idea does have merit Arc. Very well. We accept.”

Doctor Whooves turns toward the door. “Well then, I'll leave you three to plan this little journey.”

“Thank you Doctor Whooves. You've done a wonderful job getting them back to this point!”

“Yes, well... there's still a lot of ground to cover in that regard. By your leave...”

Doctor Whooves bows and leaves the room as Arc turns back to the princesses.

“This will mean so much to the populace!”

Cadance chuckles. “You're starting to sound like a royal, Arc. Thinking of the citizens over your own needs.”

Arc smiles. “I'm just trying to do my best to maintain our land's peace. Now then, why don't the two of you take a bit of a rest break before we get underway?”

Luna nods. “Thank you Arc. I think we will.”

She slowly makes her way to the bed as Princess Cadance sits down on the couch.

Luna, having a bit of difficulty getting into bed, looks to Arc and sighs. “This is embarrassing but... could I have a bit of help Arc?

He walks over. “Having trouble?”

“A bit, yes. I'm sorry to trouble you with such a menial task but...”

Arc uses his magic to gently pick up Princess Luna's hindquarters. He helps her into bed and makes sure her body is properly aligned before covering her with a blanket.


“Yes, thank you. Um... do you think we could keep this just between us?”

Arc nods. “Of course. I won't tell anyone about this.”

Luna yawns. “I... appreciate it.”

“We all need a little help once in a while. There's no shame in that. I'll come get you in a couple hours when it's time to go”

Luna falls asleep as Arc walks over to the couch.

“Princess Cadance? Can I help you back to your room?”

“Thank you. I'd like that.”

Arc helps Princess Cadance to her hooves. They slowly walk down the corridor hand in hoof. He holds only her tightly as she stumbles.

“Easy there. Just take it slow. There's no rush.”

Cadance breathes heavily! “I'm sorry for being such a burden.”

“You're no such thing Princess Cadance! Just take it one step at a time and we'll get you there safely.”

“I'll... do my best.”

Slowly but surely Arc and Cadance make it to her room. Upon entering Arc looks around.

“I thought Twilight was supposed to be here.

Cadance pants as she makes her way over to the bed. “I... asked her... to... run a few... errands. She'll be back... soon.”

Arc remains by her side. “Can I give you a hand Princess Cadance?”

“Thank you... but... I really need to... do this... myself.”

“Alright. Just be care...”

Arc's sentence is cut short as Cadance slips part way into her be! Arc quickly turns to grab her but he is off balance! The pair crash to the floor as he grabs her and turns to take the impact himself! Cadance lands on top of Arc! She shakily raises the front part of her body to a sitting position, blushing heavily!

“I... I... I...”

Twilight enters the room levitating several bundles.

“Cadance, I was able to find that tea you wanted in town. But the bakery was out of...”

Twilight stops dead in her tracks as she sees the provocative position her friend is in! Her face turns beet red as she glares at Arc!


Arc shakes his head, frantically! “Twilight! What have you learned about not jumping to conclusions!!!”

Twilight takes a few deep breaths before leveling her gaze back to the pair. “Fine. What exactly am I looking at then?”

Cadance blushes! “It's my fault Twilight! Arc was helping me into my bed and I fell! He tried to catch me but... well, you see how that ended!”

“Sorry Princess Cadance. I tried.”

Twilight looks away awkwardly. “Oh... um... well then... I guess nothing bad happened after all then, right?”

Cadance nods! “Right!”

“Agreed. Would you do me a favor though, Princess Cadance?”

“Of course, Arc! What is it?”

“Can you get up please? I'm beginning to lose the feeling in my legs.”

“Oh my! I'm so sorry Arc!

Twilight rushes forward and helps Cadance stand up and get into bed as Arc dusts himself off. She covers her friend with a blanket and steps back.

“There you are Cadance! Get some rest now.”

Cadance nods sleepily. “Thank you, I shall.”

In a few moments Cadance is fast asleep. Arc and Twilight quietly leave the room together. She turns to him as he closes the door behind them.

“I'm sorry for being short with you Arc. I thought... you know...”

Arc smiles at Twilight as they walk down the corridor together! “Well thank you for not blasting me through a wall or opening a portal to Tartarus this time”

Twilight blushes! “Squee!”

Arc sighs. “No... seriously... thank you.”

Twilight does her best to change the subject. “So... what are you up to today?”

“The princesses and I are going to ride around on the chariot later so we can smile and wave.”

Twilight looks concerned! “Isn't it a bit soon for them to be out and about?”

“We've already cleared it with Doctor Whooves. He says they need the exercise! Don't worry! I won't keep them out there too long. Just long enough to get some air, stretch their legs and let everyone see that they're alright.”

Twilight looks down nervously. “Just... take care of Cadance for me, will you? She's... a very special friend to me!”

“Yes, I can see that. Don't worry, she'll be fine!”

“Do you think they'll be strong enough to attend the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Arc nods. “Doctor Whooves says they should be recovered enough to attend, yes. They won't be doing any running, jumping or flying though.”

“I would hope not! This is the most formal event in the land! Um... do you think you could... you know...”

Arc laughs! “I've already seen to it you and your friend's names were added to the guest list. Your tickets should arrive in a few days!”

Twilight giggles, slightly embarrassed! She continues almost in a whisper.

“Thanks! I... um... I was just wondering...”

Arc stops outside Kibitz's office.

“Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go over a few things with Kibitz now. Was there anything else you wanted Twilight?”

“Um... it can wait!”

He opens the door and steps into the office. “Alright! See you at lunch then!”

Arc closes the door behind himself. Twilight sits down and stares at the door for some time before whispering the words she could not say to him…

“Arc... would you... go to the Grand Galloping Gala with me?”

Twilight slowly gets up and walks away. She looks down sadly at the floor.

“I'm hopeless. What chance does a librarian like me have with a Lord Regent anyways?”

A couple hours later Arc walks toward the princesses' rooms with Doctor Whooves and a nurse. Each of them is pushing a wheelchair. Arc quietly opens the door to Princess Luna's room with Doctor Whooves as the nurse proceeds to fetch Princess Cadance. He approaches the bed and gently pats Luna's cheek.

“Princess Luna?”

Luna slowly opens her eyes and looks over at him, sleepily.

“Huh? What's going on?”

“We're ready to go. Are you feeling up to this?”

Luna sits up and rubs her eyes. “Yes. Just give me a moment.”

Arc waits patiently as Doctor Whooves massages Luna's front and back legs.

“Let's get that blood moving, princess.”

Luna winces slightly in discomfort. “Th-thank you doctor.”

In a few minutes Arc helps Princess Luna into the wheelchair.

“This really isn't necessary. I can walk to the hanger!

Arc nods. “I'm sure you could. However, once you got there do you think you would have any energy left to stay awake?

“I... suppose not.”

Doctor Whooves looks to Luna. “If you're feeling strong enough, you can walk back afterwards princess.”

They proceed to the hallway. Princess Cadance is sitting in a wheelchair waiting for them. Arc turns to her as Doctor Whooves pushes Luna down the hallway.

“Are you ready for this Princess Cadance?”

“I am!”

Arc nods to the nurse who begins pushing the wheelchair.

“To tell you the truth, I'm a bit excited! Luna and I didn't exactly have time to do things like this before! We were always so busy!”

Arc nods, understanding. “Well, now there's time for it! Let's do this!”

Cadance giggles! “Yes! Let's!”

The group proceeds to the hanger where Arc's squad and a few other guards are hitched up to the chariot. They bow low as Arc and the princesses arrive!

“Max. Are these enough stallions to pull the three of us?”

“Yes sir. Thank you for the extra help!”

Xenos chuckles! “Not that we need it. You have me, remember?”

Hugh sighs. “Trust me, we need it!”

Viktor nods. “Agreed!”

Arc helps the princesses board the chariot which has been modified with several soft pillows taking the place of the throne in the middle.

“Are you two comfortable?”

Cadance nods. “Yes, thank you.”

Luna sits down slowly. “I'm fine. Shall we be off?”

Arc climbs aboard. “Very well. Just... please speak up if either of you needs anything. If it's too much, just say the word and we'll turn around.”

He nods to Max and the chariot slowly makes its way out of the castle. Arc sits down between the princesses.

“Here we go.”

Cadance looks to him, confused. “Arc? Shouldn't you sit in front of us? After all, you're still the Lord Regent.”

“Not for much longer. Besides... the population wants to see you two right now.”

Cadance bites her lower lip nervously. “Um... Arc? I just wanted to... apologize for what happened earlier.”

“No need for that Princess Cadance. It was clearly an accident and nothing more!”

As the chariot passes through Canterlot slowly, both princesses look over and wave as best they can at those they pass.

Cadance smiles as the crowds cheer and wave back. “Wow! This is fun!”

Luna waves to a group of foals. “Trust me, it gets old fast. Did you do this often Arc?”

“Not as often as Kibitz wanted me to, no.”

Cadance sighs. “That's a shame! This simple gesture makes everypony so happy!”

Arc shakes his head. “They missed you two!”

“They had you to protect them though Arc.”

“I was but a substitute. You two are the real thing!”

The chariot walks along the streets for half an hour. Suddenly Cadance puts a hoof to her forehead!

“I'm... feeling a bit lightheaded.”

Arc turns quickly to Max! “Back to the castle!”

Arc looks over to Princess Cadance. He puts his hands on her shoulders and helps her lie down. She smiles up at him weakly.

“I'm alright. I think all this excitement was just too much for me.”

Luna uses her magic to levitate a pillow over to Cadance. “Shhh... just rest now.”

Arc nods and touches his earring. “Kibitz! Are you there?!”

“Yes sire!”

“Princess Cadance is not feeling well! Have Doctor Whooves meet us in the hanger!”

“I'll see to it at once sire!”

“Thank you! Arc out!”

Arc adjusts the pillow under Princess Cadance's head and gently strokes her mane. “Not to worry. We'll be back at the castle shortly.”

Cadance smiles and closes her eyes. “Thank you Arc.”

A short time later the chariot pulls into the hanger! Doctor Whooves, with a nurse, is waiting for them along with Kibitz who is pacing the floor nervously! As the chariot stops Cadance moves to sit up. Arc puts his hands on her shoulders!

“Please Princess Cadance! Let the doctor look at you first!”

Cadance nods and lays her head back down. “Alright.”

Doctor Whooves quickly boards the chariot and gets to work examining Princess Cadance!

“How do you feel princess?”

“Okay, I guess. I may have overdone it on the waving.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “It would appear so. I'd like the two of you to get some rest now. I'll have lunch brought to you later.”

Arc helps Cadance into her wheelchair. “Let's get you back to your room Princess Cadance.”

Luna turns to look after the pair as Arc and Princess Cadance make their way out of the hanger.

“They do make a lovely couple, don't you think doctor?”

Doctor Whooves looks confused. “Beg your pardon?”

“Arc and Cadance! Can you not see the way he worries about her? Tries to make her comfortable?”

“You mean the same way he treats everypony, your Highness?”

Luna nods. “Perhaps you are right doctor. Maybe I am just imagining it. I may not be the Princess of Love, but I see the way she looks at him.”

She chuckles to herself as Doctor Whooves begins to push her back to her bedroom.

“Can you imagine a pony, much less a princess, and a human being in love?!”

“I admit it would be a bit... out of the ordinary. However, love knows no bounds, Princess Luna.”

“Again, maybe I'm just seeing things, but I can help but notice how he looks at her as well.”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “I'm no expert on the subject by any means, but he and I have spent quite a bit of time together these last couple months. Before you and Princess Cadance awakened, he would often come to your rooms in the morning to check on both of you. The way he looks at the two of you now is the same as then. While I do believe he cares about your well-being, it appears to me more like friendship than love.

“Thank you doctor. I will have to speak with Cadance on this.”

Three weeks later. Arc stands in front of his balcony window to raise the sun. He sighs contentedly.

“Today’s the day!”

There is a light knock as Shining Armor and Trixie enter Arc's room. He salutes Arc with Trixie!

“Good morning sir!”

“You're looking ready for a new day!”

Arc turns around to face the pair. “Good morning to you two as well. Shining Armor, how are your preparations going?”

“Everything is in place for tonight Arc. I even took the liberty of increasing patrols throughout the castle during the event.”

Arc sighs. “I envy them.”

Trixie looks confused. “Come again?”

“Believe me, if what I've heard about tonight is to be believed, guard duty would be MUCH more exciting.”

Shining Armor nods. “I know. But your presence there is required as the Lord Regent.”

Arc chuckles. “You mean I can't just slack off on my last day?”

“No Arc. But look at the bright side! After today you'll be back at Light's Hope in Ponyville with Twily and your family!”

“I admit I am looking forward to that! Have I told you two that my family and I are planning on going camping after I get back?”

Trixie laughs! “Only every day for the last few weeks Arc!”

“Sorry, but I can't help it! Our first vacation together! Well, other than our trip to Cherry Hill Ranch when Dinky was a baby.”

Arc suddenly looks downcast. He turns to Shining Armor.

“Has there been any word on that?”

“No Arc. Nothing.”

Trixie sighs. “If she remembered, I'm sure she wouldn't waste a second trying to contact you!”


Shining Armor walks over to him. “I'm sorry Arc. This must be very hard on you.”

Arc nods sadly. “It is. But I'm still holding out hope that one day the old Cherry will come back to me!”

Trixie nods. “I hope she does Arc. I really do!”

“Thanks. Well... I'm showered and ready for a new day. Let's get it started.”

Arc, Shining Armor and Trixie leave his quarters and walk slowly down the hallway.

“Tell me sir, where are your bodyguards this morning?”

“I told them to guard the princesses until tonight's festivities are over. The official transfer of power back to them will be witnessed by those whom attend the Gala tonight.”

Trixie nods. “So, what are your plans for today, sir?”

“I don't have any other official duties to do other than raising the sun this morning. The princesses have again taken over paperwork and are even able to hold audiences now! As I’m sure you've noticed, for the last week or so I've mostly been the Lord Regent in name only.”

Shining Armor smiles. “Feeling a bit like a third wheel, sir?”

“I do. But that's okay! Two of the three princesses have been restored to their rightful place and the kingdom is at peace! That reminds me! Whatever happened to the Griffon Kingdom and the Changeling Empire!”

Trixie shrugs. “I actually forgot about them!”

Shining Armor grins! “When you defeated Prince Rutherford it gave all the surrounding nations pause! They took note of your strength and military cunning, sir!”

“I'm guessing my adventures in Abyssinia helped too.”

“Indeed it did. One doesn't vanquish a powerful foe such as the Storm King and his forces without turning heads!”

Arc sighs. “I had a lot less to do with that than they know. The Storm King killed his OWN forces, and my squad finished him off!”

Trixie nods! “That may be true sir. But it's not how our neighbors see it!”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “The way you handled Captain Decimus was the last act to seal your reputation! Everypony now knows that you won't show mercy to those who cause harm to others, without exception!”

Trixie giggles! “If you hadn't been instrumental in saving so many innocent lives in Abyssinia, I think the surrounding nations would be quaking in their boots at the very mention of your name!”

Shining Armor laughs! “Indeed! They view you as an ally to the innocent... but a nightmare to your enemies!”

“Quite an enviable position I must say, Arc!”

“Power... influence... status... you have all these things, sir, and could exercise them at any time~ Yet you choose to restrain yourself.”

“Trixie believes you could have marched on to conquer the surrounding lands and bring them into an Equestrian Empire! She believes that little to no resistance would have been met! Would that not have led to an end to war in this land? You and the princesses could have watched over everypony as Emperor and Empresses!”

Arc shakes his head. “Maybe Trixie. But it could have led to a very costly war which would have devastated all lands! As far as creating an Equestrian Empire... I believe in our neighbor's sovereignty and individual needs. They should rule themselves! Not take orders from an Emperor in a faraway land!”


Arc holds up a hand for silence. “The countries on Earth have tried to do so many times. Uniting an entire continent under one ruler. One Emperor! Let's just say it was never a lasting solution.”

Shining Armor frowns. “What happened?”

“In the end, they always splintered off to form their own nations again. But it was the citizens that suffered the most! They had no rights, no freedoms and no voice with which to address their leaders!”

Arc shakes his head and turns to look out a window at the beautiful rolling hills and sky!

“I'll die before I see such a fate befall this beautiful land!”

“Trixie is sorry sir. She only wants what is best for everypony!”

Arc nods. “I know that Trixie. But the surrounding nations know what their citizens need better than anyone else. Especially me!”

“Well put sir! If you will excuse us, we need to get back to our duties!”

“I understand. Make sure everything is in order for tonight.”

“Trixie and Shining Armor will do their best!”

Arc mutters to himself as the pair walk away. “I know you will!”

He looks down the hallway toward the War Room.

“I wonder how Spike's doing in his duties.”

Arc makes his way to the War Room door. Swinging it open he quickly walks inside and heads for Sunburst's office. He knocks and waits. In a few moments Spike answers.

“Good morning Arc!”

“Hello Spike. Uh... is it safe in there?”

Spike steps aside to let Arc enter. “Sure! I've been working really hard to get it to this point, you know!”

Arc cautiously enters the office. All the piles of books are neatly shelved and the stacks of papers cannot be seen.

“Most impressive Spike! This place looks great!”

Sunburst stands up from his desk and walks over to Arc. “I agree sire! I wish I'd had Spike around years ago! He's the best assistant ever!”

Spike laughs! “Thank you sir!”

“Not only is my office neat and organized, but it's somehow affected out investigation into Princess Celestia's whereabouts! We're able to search, map and catalog things much faster now!”

Arc nods. “Could it be due to the fact that your tomes and files are now in order?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Unlikely. I always knew where everything was!”

“True sir! But how did you get to it?!”

“I admit it did take a bit of time, but I always managed!”

Spike rolls his eyes. “I can't imagine how.”

Sunburst gestures to his assistant! “Now I just tell Spike here what I want and he brings it to me! Tops in efficiency!”

“Glad to hear it! Oh! That reminds me Sunburst!”

Arc removes the pendant from around his neck and gives it to Sunburst.

“I won't be raising the sun and moon anymore, so you should probably take this back.”

Sunburst accepts the pendant and lays it on his desk. “Thank you, Lord Arc. I'll see to it this is safely stored away in my safe again.”

Arc nods. “So how goes the search?”

“We're certainly making progress sire! It's probably still going to be another nine months or so until we have anything concrete, but we're not giving up!”

Spike nods! “Shall I show him our progress, sir?”

Sunburst nods and walks back to his desk! “Yes indeed, Spike!”

He takes Arc’s hand! “Come on! This way!”

Spike and Arc leave the office. Sunburst smiles and mutters to himself.

“So much energy for such a small dragon!”

The pair head over to the large table in the center of the room. Spike points a claw at the map.

“Sunburst says you were right in starting with this country here! He says she's DEFINITELY there somewhere!”

Arc nods! “Good! We're that much closer to finding her then!”

Spike gestures at several points on the map. “As you can see, they're slowly narrowing down the area by searching in a grid-like pattern! It's really only a matter of time at this point! But even if we do find Princess Celestia, how do we get to Earth to rescue her?”

“Princess Luna says there's a book in the Royal Armory that talks about inter-dimensional travel. The answer is probably in there! She told me that I could have the book when she and Princess Cadance were strong enough to open the vault.”

“When will that be?”

Arc smiles! “Today after breakfast. They said I should have the book before I left for Ponyville later today.”

Spike looks suddenly depressed. “Ponyville, huh?”

“Do you want to come with me? I'm sure Twilight really misses you.”

“She's... come by a couple times since I started here. I do miss her and would like to go back! But... Sunburst needs me! Finding the princess is much more important than dusting the Golden Oaks Library after all!”

Spike sighs and leans against the table.

“I told her I'd come home after we located Princess Celestia. I'm sure she understands! She writes me a letter almost every day you know!”

Arc nods. “Do you write back?”

“Sure do! Every time I get a letter! I also call her once a week!”

“Good! I'm glad you two have made up! Hopefully Sunburst will locate the princess soon so things can be completely back to normal!”

“I'll see her tonight at the Grand Galloping Gala! I'm going there with Sunburst!”

Arc smiles! “That should make Twilight very happy! It's been quite some time since you left her.”


Arc looks at his pocket watch.

“Well, I should be getting to the Dining Room. One last meal with royalty before returning to my life as a commoner!”

Spike waves after Arc as he leaves the War Room. “Have fun!”

Arc returns to the corridor and quickly makes his way to the Dining Room. Upon entering he finds Luna and Cadance there along with Twilight, Ember and Sereb.

“Sorry I'm late. I had a few things to take care of before breakfast.”

Luna laughs! “Working hard to the end, Lord Arc?”

“Yup. I'll do my best as long as I have that title.”

Twilight smiles at him. “You're such a hard worker Arc. But I don't believe it's a good idea to work TOO hard!”

Ember laughs! “You're one to talk, Twilight. You should've seen yourself when we found you in Arc's room!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. I am certain the cleaning staff had quite the job in cleaning that room. To say nothing for removing the smell.”

Cadance looks over, concerned. “Twilight? What happened?!”

Twilight sighs and her ears droop. “I... may have worked a bit too hard looking for a cure. It's for the best that Arc found me when he did.”

Arc sits down next to Twilight and puts a hand on her shoulder, soberly. “May have?! Twilight... I NEVER want to see you in such a state again!”

“I'm sorry for making you worry about me.

Arc pulls Twilight into an embrace. “It's okay. Just don't do it again, alright?”

Twilight returns the hug. “I won't... I promise.”

The food is brought out and the group eats together. Luna dabs at her mouth with a napkin.

“One last meal together.”

Arc nods as he pushes back his empty plate. “One last meal before my retirement as Lord Regent.”

Cadance smiles at him. “Are you going to miss any of this Arc?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I'll miss spending time with you two, Shining Armor and Trixie. Other than that, no.”

Twilight frowns! “You're not being banished Arc! There's always time for a visit.”

“I will do that on occasion, or it there's trouble. But I have a lot to do in the meantime.”

Twilight laughs! “Like what? Eating cupcakes?!”

“That too! But in all seriousness, after breakfast the princesses are going to open up the Royal Armory for me.”

Luna nods. “There is a book in there regarding inter-dimensional travel that I want Arc to have. With it, he should be able to find a way to return to Earth.”

Twilight looks ready to faint! “Return... to Earth?”

“I need to check on my old house and make preparations to lead a force to rescue Princess Celestia.”

“Are you... planning on staying there?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I'll probably be bouncing between Earth and Equestria regularly. In the end, this land is my home though Twilight.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! I'd miss you too much if you decided to never come back!”

Arc laughs! “Don't worry about that! I have too many friends here to abandon them for a life on Earth!”

Luna stands up. “It will be time for audiences soon, Arc. We should head to the Armory now.”

Cadance looks over to her friend. “Would you care to join us, Twilight?”

“Yes indeed! I've never seen what's in the vault!”

Luna walks toward the door. “Very well. If everyone would follow me please.”

The group makes their way to the vault. Ember looks to Cadance.

“So... what's in the vault exactly?”

“The most dangerous items in all the land! Arc himself has put a couple things in here in his time as the Hero of Light!”

Arc sighs. “I doubt it will be the last either.”

“Cadance is correct. However, some of the things in the vault are merely there for safekeeping.”

Twilight looks confused. “Like what?”

“Some very old and priceless historical artifacts for starters.”

Cadance nods. “There's also a good number of books in there as well.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “How can a book be dangerous?! It just sits on a shelf!”

Sereb turns to Ember. “The physical book is harmless. Its contents may be another story entirely.”

Luna nods. “Correct. While some of the books do indeed contain dangerous information, still others are simply too precious to sit on a shelf in a library.”

The group arrives at the vault. Luna and Cadance stick their horns into two separate holes in the door and cast a spell together. The doors slowly open with a creak and a groan. Arc turns to Sereb and Ember.

“Watch for trouble!”

The pair nod and position themselves in front of the vault's entrance as the others enter. Luna casts a light spell to illuminate their way.

“Follow me.”

Cadance shudders as they approach the rear of the vault. “This place always gave me the creeps!”

Twilight smiles at her friend. “It's just a bunch of inanimate objects Cadance. Nothing to be scared of.”

Luna nods. “Cadance is right to be worried. Inanimate objects have done quite a bit of damage over the millennia.”

Twilight gulps as Arc turns to Luna.

“Why are the books all the way in the back?”

“Forbidden knowledge can be the most dangerous of all weapons in the wrong hooves.”

Twilight nods nervously. “Makes sense!”

In a few moments the group stands before a large bookcase. Luna and Cadance look over the bookends. Twilight spots a book with no title.

“What's this?”

Luna glances over. “Star Swirl the Bearded's personal journal.”

Cadance looks over. “You mean, it's like his diary?”


Twilight’s face lights up! “REALLY?! He's been my idol since I was a foal! I'd love to know his personal thoughts on a number of subjects!”

Twilight moves to open the book but Luna takes it from her.

“Come now Luna! You don't really think Star Swirl the Bearded would have written something that dangerous in here, do you?”

Luna puts the book back on the shelf with her magic. “I do not. However, this book is... very precious to Celestia and I.”

Arc nods. “I understand. We'll respect your wishes, won't we Twilight?”

She sighs and narrows her eyes. “Fine...”

Luna pulls a book off the shelf and gives it to Arc.

“Here is the book I spoke of. Please keep its contents to yourself.”

Arc takes the book and puts it in his ring. “Thank you. I'll keep it safe.”

“See to it that you do. It has been theorized that other worlds exist beyond our own for years. Your arrival proves that this theory is indeed true! However, I must insist that you do not allow ANYPONY else to read this book!”

Twilight looks confused. “Forgive me Princess Luna, but what's the danger of others knowing about alternate dimensions?”

Cadance looks to Twilight. “In the wrong hooves somepony could use this information to explore these dimensions and possibly bring back terrible otherworldly invaders or dangerous weapons!”

Luna nods. “Indeed. The risks greatly outweigh the rewards on this one.”

Cadance pulls a book off the shelf. “Wait! I don't remember this book.”

Luna looks over Cadance's shoulder. “Now that’s a book I’ve not seen in a long time! Star Swirl chronicled his failures as well as his successes. He always said it was so those that came after him wouldn't waste time on things that he had already tried.”

Twilight looks at the book with a hungry look in her eyes. “Can I read it?!”

“I don't see the harm in it. Luna?”

“Very well. Just keep it safe and return the book to us when you are finished.”

Cadance levitates the book over to Twilight. “Thank you so much!”

“You are welcome, Twilight. Now that we have what we came for, let us depart.”

The group walks back to the entrance as Twilight puts the book safely in her saddlebag. Ember looks up.

“Did you get it, Arc?”

He pats his ring. “Mission accomplished.”

Cadance and Luna close the Armory door.

“Come Cadance. Audiences await.”

“Very well. Good luck with your books you two! See you tonight at the Gala!”

Cadance and Luna walk away with Ember and Sereb closely following them. Arc turns to Twilight.

“I'm heading back to Ponyville. Want a lift?”

“Sure! I have a few things to take care of before tonight.”

Arc opens a portal. The pair step through it and arrive in Derpy's small house. As the pair walk out the front door together Arc turns to Twilight.

“Want me to transport you and your friends to Canterlot Castle tonight?”

“Thank you Arc. That would be nice! We can all head there together!”

Arc turns to head towards Light's Hope. “Don't worry about telling them, I have a lot of errands to run in town, so I'll let them know myself! Meet me in front of Light's Hope with our friends at five o'clock. I know it's a bit early, but I have something to... show all of you. I'll meet you there with my date.”

Twilight smiles and waves. “See you then!”

She turns to head toward town when she suddenly stops and mutters to herself!

“A date?! Who is Arc bringing with him?!”

She ponders this as she races back to the library

“Cadance said Cherry Jubilee is suffering from amnesia. Ember maybe? No, she's not much for that! Besides, she's still guarding the princesses. Auriel? They ARE both humanoid! No, she would have said something! Derpy? Probably not, as she's so busy with her job. Coco Pommel? No way! She's even busier! And a bit old for him! C-Cadance?! N-no! She wouldn't keep a love interest like THAT from me of all ponies! Who could it be?!”

Twilight bursts through the door! “Auriel?! Are you here?!”

Auriel comes up the stairs quickly!

“Your bush-thing is coming along nicely Twilight! It should start bearing fruit in no time!”

Twilight trots in place nervously as she removes her saddlebag. “That's great Auriel! Say, did Arc ask you to the Grand Galloping Gala by any chance?!”

Auriel looks confused “No. Why? Is he looking for a date?”

“Apparently, he already has one! But I can't figure out for the life of me who it could be?!”

“Is that a problem?”

Twilight nods frantically! “Yes! I have to KNOW!”

“What should we do?”

“I have an idea! Come on!”

Auriel and Twilight rush out the door together! They quickly make their way toward the edge of town and hide in some nearby bushes. Auriel looks to Twilight.

“What are we doing?”

“This path leads to Light's Hope, right? That means Arc has to take it to get to Ponyville!”

“What if he teleports to Derpy's house?”

Twilight smiles wickedly! “I know Arc! He has nothing but time on his hooves until this evening. Trust me... he'll walk.”

A short time later Arc is seen walking down the path toward town. Twilight hisses at Auriel after he passes.

“You see! Walking!”

“Okay, you were right. What now?”

Twilight keeps an eye on Arc as he walks down the road. “We follow him! Maybe we can get a clue on who his date is!”

The pair follows Arc at a safe distance as he makes his way toward Ponyville. He steps into Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight and Auriel peek through a window to see Pinkie Pie hand Arc a cake box. She then smiles compassionately and gives him a big hug!

“Pinkie?! Is... is he going with her?!”

Auriel shrugs. “She doesn't seem quite his type.”

Twilight and Auriel hide as Arc steps out of Sugar Cube Corner after putting the box in his ring and continuing on his way. The pair let him get a sizable lead before following him.

Auriel points a claw. “Looks like he's heading for the Carousel Boutique now.”

“I suppose he does need to pick up his clothes for tonight.”

The pair peek inside to see Rarity give Arc a very nice black suit which he puts in his ring. Auriel looks to Twilight.

“That will look good on him.”

Twilight blushing slightly. “Yes, it will. But it's not quite what I was envisioning him wearing tonight. It's not exactly a party outfit. Wait! What's Rarity doing?!”

Rarity suddenly takes Arc's face in her hooves. Closing their eyes, she and Arc touch foreheads.

Twilight hisses quietly! “What was THAT all about?!”

Auriel shrugs. “Maybe it's a... human thing?”

“You don't suppose... no. He and Rarity?!”

The pair again hides as Arc leaves the shop.

Arc turns back before he closes the door behind him. “Thank you, Rarity. I really appreciate this! See you tonight!”

Twilight turns to Auriel as they watch Arc walk down the road. “Did you hear that?! He's going with Rarity!”

Auriel shakes her head. “Maybe not. He was planning to see all of you tonight!”

“I guess. Come on!”

They follow Arc to Sweet Apple Acres and hide behind a tree. Applejack is just coming out of the house. The pair talk for a moment before the pair head over to the barn. She emerges a few minutes later with a bottle. Arc takes it and gives her some money before putting it in his ring. The pair talks for a few minutes before Applejack removes her hat and gives Arc a big hug.

Twilight watches them intently! “That was Applejack's finest hard cider! But Arc doesn't drink! And why did she hug him?!”

“They are friends after all. What else would he do with it other than drink it?”

“I don't know, but this is getting weird!”

They follow as Arc makes his way to Fluttershy's cottage. The pair watch from the safety of a nearby bush as Arc knocks. A moment later Fluttershy opens the door and the pair exchange words. She retreats into her home but returns a few moments later with two beeswax candles. Arc gives her a few bits and then puts them in his ring.

Auriel looks confused. “Candles?”

Twilight frowns. “Those are far too large to go on the cake!”

Arc and Fluttershy talk a few moments longer before she wraps her front hooves around him in a loving embrace!

Twilight sighs. “What's with Arc and hugging everypony today?!”

Auriel shrugs. “Maybe he's going to the Gala with all of them as his dates?”

Twilight blushes. “That's... not proper Auriel.”

Fluttershy closes the door as Arc walks away. They follow him back toward town. However, before he gets there, Rainbow Dash lands in front of him with a small bundle in her hooves! She gives it to Arc and he gives her some bits.

“What do you suppose is in there, Auriel?”

“I don't know. But it smells nice whatever it is!”

Arc puts the bundle in his ring. He and Rainbow Dash speak for a few minutes before embracing. Rainbow Dash looks very sad, before she flies away! Twilight sees her mouth the words ‘I'm sorry’ to Arc. She leaves and Arc continues on his way.

Auriel puts a claw to her forehead. “These items... they don't seem to have anything in common.”

“All the more reason for us to keep following him! Something... something is not right here!”

Arc walks back toward town and makes his way toward the market. The sun is beginning to set and many of the vendors are cleaning up as they prepare to close for the day. He walks up to the flower stand.

“Finally, something that makes sense.”

Auriel looks confused. “What?”

“He's buying flowers for his date. It's a tradition here in Equestria.”

The flower vendor reaches under the table and pulls out a small box.

“What's that?”

“Probably a corsage. It's a bracelet with a flower on it. A stallion gives one to a mare before they go to a dance.”

Auriel watches the scene before her closely. “Why?”

“So the other stallions know she's there with someone and that she's taken.”

“Make sense. But what is all THAT for?!”

Twilight looks up to see the vendor give Arc two large bouquets of white roses along with a smaller bouquet of pink roses.

“I've heard of being in love before, but THAT'S just too much!”

Auriel sighs. “Now I'm even more confused.”

“You and me both!”

The pair follow Arc as he slowly walks back to Derpy's small house. Twilight frowns.

“Why would he come back here? Derpy's still at work!”

“Maybe it's a human thing?”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “Considering the items he bought today, I'm not so sure!”

A few minutes later Arc emerges wearing the black suit. Twilight blushes slightly.

“He looks good in that. But he'll still be a bit out of place wearing it at the Gala.”

Auriel frowns. “Rarity knew what it was for! Why would she let him show up like that?!”

“That and it's still too early for him to be leaving to meet my friends and I. This just doesn't make any sense!”

The pair follow Arc back to Light's Hope. He enters the base and closes the door. Auriel turns back to Twilight.

“We need to be getting back now, Twilight.”

“What?! But we haven't figured out who Arc's date is yet!”

“You can meet her tonight right here. Now please... let's go home and get you ready.”

Twilight and Auriel walk back towards the library.

“Oh no! I forgot to pick up my dress from Rarity!”

“Don’t worry, Twilight! I took care of that yesterday.”

She breathes a sigh of relief! “Thanks...”

Twilight and Auriel make their way home. They spend quite a bit of time making Twilight look presentable!

“There you are! All done! Are you ready to go?”

Twilight sighs. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

She is wearing a blue dress with white stars at its hem, aquamarine colored dress slippers, a light blue saddle adorned with large star sequins, light blue earrings and a large white star brooch on her chest.

Auriel smiles at her friend! “You look beautiful Twilight!”

“Thanks, Auriel. Are you sure you don't want to come?”

“I'm certain. Such things... make me nervous. You go have fun!”

“Alright. Wish me luck!”

Twilight walks through the front door. Auriel closes it behind her.

“I wonder what Twilight needs luck for tonight.”

She makes the short walk to Lights Hope. The sunset has colored the sky a beautiful orange hue. Her friends are waiting for her in their own ball gowns looking a bit downcast.

“Is everypony ready?!”

The others nod sadly. Twilight looks to them confused.

“What's going on?”

Applejack steps forward. “Didn't Arc explain it to you?”

“It's just... I...”

Rarity sighs. “You see Twilight...”

She is interrupted as Arc opens the front door with Dinky at his side. He is wearing the black suit from earlier and looking a bit upset. Dinky does not smile.

“Thank you all for coming. Please follow me.”

Everyone nods but Twilight. They wordlessly follow Arc around the side of the base to the field in back. Arc approaches a large tree near the edge of it. There is a large stone marker there that Twilight and her friends had never noticed before. In front of it is a low stone table that sits only about six inches off the ground. They stand there a moment before Arc slowly walks forward with Dinky at his side.

Twilight steps forward. “What...?”

The others look to her soberly and silently shake their heads.


Arc kneels down in front of the stone marker and smiles sadly. He pulls out the box from Pinkie Pie which contains a cake. He sets it down in the center. On either side he puts the beeswax candles in a pair of beautiful holders! Next he lays the two bundles of white roses on either side of the candles. In front of the cake he sets two crystal glasses and fills them with the wine. Lastly, he puts a small tray in front of the wine with two sticks of incense in it. Touching the sticks of incense and the candle wicks with his fingertips they begin to burn.

He looks to Dinky, sadly. “It's time. Go ahead, sweetheart.”

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