• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - The Planning Stage

Arc, Ember and Sereb walk down the road toward Ponyville. Sereb turns to Ember.

“Ember, is this really necessary?”

“It is! Let’s keep this moving!”

Arc sighs. “Why did I ask for your help?”

Ember frowns at him as she literally pushes Arc down the path. “Because you needed it! Keep marching! Don’t worry, Arc! Everything is under control!”

“Why did I agree to this?”

Before long they arrive at Carousel Boutique. Rarity and Sassy Saddles are hard at work. Ember opens the shop door with such force that some mannequins across the room topple to the floor.

“Rarity! We have an emergency need for new clothes!”

“Oh my! You’re certainly in a hurry today, Ember!”

Sassy Saddles nods as she looks Arc up and down. “His clothes look all right to me.”

Her and Rarity walk around Arc as they look him over. Ember shakes her head.

“No, no! He needs a new suit for a VERY special occasion!”

Rarity trots in place happily. “Is this for the signing of the treaty?! Oh, I’m SO looking forward to opening a shop in the Griffon Kingdom!”

Sassy Saddles laughs “She’s been looking to expand for a while now.”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. However this is for an equally auspicious occasion.”

“It must be something grand then!”

Arc sighs. “Uh… kinda. I guess…”

Ember nods forcefully. “Arc’s going on a date with none other than Princess Luna herself!”

Rarity and Sassy Saddles’ eyes grow wide at this revelation. “WHAT?!?!”

Arc sighs as Rarity quickly retrieves her sewing tape from a nearby workbench and takes his measurements.

“Don’t worry about a thing, Arc!”

Sassy Saddles nods as she quickly writes down the numbers as Rarity calls them out. “Yes! We’ll make sure you look your absolute BEST for your date!”

“It’s not really a date so much as a…”

Ember interrupts him. “Should we go with cuff links?! There will certainly be a formal dinner during the evening!”

Rarity smiles up at him. “I must say, Arc. You’re even braver than I originally gave you credit for being.”

“How’s that?”

“Princess Luna has quite the reputation for being at bit… short with commoners.”

Sassy Saddles sighs as she pulls some fabric samples off a table. “That’s putting it mildly. Everypony is saying the only reason Princess Cadance came back to Equestria from the Crystal Empire was to try and keep Princess Luna from going too far!”

Sereb frowns. “Too far? Regarding what?”

“Her royal edicts and diplomacy. Rumor has it the Princess Luna has a red-hot temper!”

Sassy Saddles nods as she looks to Arc. “You know her better than anypony, Arc! Is she really that hard to work with?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. I mean… no more than anyone in her position, I guess.”

Sereb shakes his head at the debacle before him. “Arc… as attractive as Princess Luna is, I do not envy your current position.”

After quite some time of Arc standing on a pedestal with different fabrics draped over his shoulders they finally settle on a pattern and material. Rarity walks Arc and his friends to the door.

“I’ll get to work on it right away!”

Sassy Saddles smiles as she opens the door for them. “It will be our greatest outfit EVER! This much we promise you!”

Arc steps outside. “Um… thanks you two. I’m sure it’ll be great.”

They leave the shop. Rarity turns to Sassy Saddles as they return to their workbenches and push aside their current tasks

“I do hope Princess Luna doesn’t treat Arc too poorly on their date.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Agreed! But why didn’t YOU invite him to dinner? I know you’ve been wanting to do that for some time now.

Rarity smiles and blushes slightly. “I… I really just wanted to do a little something to repay him for what happened between us a while back.”

Sassy Saddles looks over her shoulder at Rarity and smiles. “A blind mare could see you’re sweet on him.”

Rarity sighs as they get back to work. “Well, he IS what every mare wants in a stallion, after all. Strong, trustworthy, Loyal and handsome. But we all know Twilight has her eye on him. She really should have the first chance.”

Sassy Saddles giggles. “I thought you said Pinkie Pie also took a shine to him.”

“She did. He… he said it was too soon. Cherry Jubilee… the funeral. I don’t really know if he’ll EVER get over her!”

Sassy Saddles walks over to Rarity and puts a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t give up hope, Rarity. You’re one of the most beautiful mares in town! If anyone can turn a stallion’s head, it’s you.”

Rarity sighs. “Well, we have that much in common. But as busy as he is, I don’t see that happening.”

Meanwhile, the trio makes their way down the road together. Sereb sighs as he looks to Ember.

“While I may not like the answer to this question, where are we going next?”

Ember looks over from pushing Arc down the road. “To Sugarcube Corner!”

Arc looks confused. “What?! Why?!”

“To order a pie or something sweet!”

Sereb frowns. “Is that… important?”

“She’s a princess! They like sweet food!”

Arc groans. “I won’t even ask where you heard that one from.”

They arrive at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie is shining the display case glass with a rag. Upon them entering she bounces over.

“Hi Arc! It feels like forever since you were here last! Are you back for a while?! Your family too?! What was Earth like?! Was it cold?! I could…”

Ember puts a claw over the mare’s mouth. “Pinkie! We have a sweet emergency!”

In a flash Pinky is back behind the counter with a serious look on her face.

“How can I help!?”

Sereb sighs. “We are in need of a very tasty dish.”

Ember nods. “But not just anything will do! We need your absolute BEST!”

Pinkie looks confused. “Best? Best what? Cupcake? Doughnut? Punch?”

“I… I don’t know.”

Ember turns back to Arc.

“What do you think Princess Luna would like?”

Pinkie lets out a gasp before leaping into the air and floating there for a moment in extreme surprise.

“Princess Luna?! The file I have on her isn’t too descriptive!”

Arc looks confused. “File?”

Pinkie smiles nervously. “Um… forget you heard that!”

She looks around the room before beckoning them to come closer with a wave of her hoof. Pinkie’s eyes dart nervously around the room as she begins to speak in a low voice.

“Now then… this is all second-hoof information I’ve picked up from other party planners who’ve worked for royalty in the past. Don’t… tell… ANYPONY about this, okay?!”

Arc nods. “Um… okay.”

Pinkie continues to look all around the room as she speaks. All the while lowering her voice even further. “Very little is known about the Princess of the Night’s… nocturnal habits.”

Sereb frowns. “Are there rumors?”

Pinkie nods. “Some say she flies through the sky at night devouring those who would cause harm to the innocent!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That’s… kinda unlikely.”

“Oh really?! There have been numerous accounts of her flying through the skies of Canterlot VERY late at night!”

Ember shakes her head. “It’s probably nothing.”

She looks nervously over at Arc and Sereb.

“It is nothing… right guys?!”

Arc and Sereb look at each other and shrug.

“Pinkie? Are you trying to tell me that Princess Luna… eats bad ponies?”


“I find that rather hard to believe.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed. The populace would not hold her in such regard if such claims could be substantiated.”

Ember sighs. “Can we please get back to the kinds of food she likes?!”

Pinkie nods. “Fine.”

She beckons them closer again.

“They say she loves one thing above all others!”

Sereb nods. “What is that?”


Ember frowns. “Pineapples?”

Pinkie nods and continues in a serious tone. “Pineapples. It’s said she can’t get enough of them!”

Ember imagines pine trees full of strange looking apples.

“Do they… look like pine cones or something?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No Ember.”

Arc turns to her. “They come from a short shrubby looking plant close to the ground.”

“Are they good?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Meh! They’re okay.”

Sereb sighs. “Could you bake something tasty with them?”

“I could. But the rumors say she likes them… PLAIN!”

Arc sighs. “So, should I just cut one up?”

Pinkie shakes her head. “No. She like to eat them WHOLE!”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “That is a bit… out of the ordinary.”

Ember nods. Still imagining pine cones. “I’ll say!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Maybe this is a silly question, but… does she really eat them… rind and all?!”

Pinkie nods. “Right! She’s a little bit out there, if you get my drift, Arc!”

Sereb shrugs. “Maybe not. If I had an entire country to run with that level of responsibility, I might have a couple strange habits as well.”

Arc looks at Sereb as he folds his arms over his chest. “Really?!”

Sereb turns away from Arc as he remembers his time as the Lord Regent. “…I’m going to be quiet now.”

Ember sighs. “Well… where exactly would we get one of these ‘Pine Apple’ things anyway?!”

“They grow far to the south! I can get one here by tomorrow if you want!”

Arc nods and puts some bits on the counter. “Sounds good! But could you get more?”

Pinkie nods. “Sure! How many do you need?!”

“How about two? I haven’t had a pineapple myself in quite a few years.”

“I think I can manage that!”

Ember suddenly looks frantic. “Are you absolutely CERTAIN they’ll get here in time?!”

Pinkie nods as she puts a hoof to her eyeball. “That I am! Cross my heart and hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye! Pinkie promise!”

“Thanks Pinkie! I knew you wouldn’t let me down!”

Arc and the others turn to leave as Pinkie waves a hoof after them.

“Don’t you worry about a thing! I’ll have them here in time for Princess Luna’s visit!”

Sereb shakes his head. “She is not coming here.”

Ember nods as she walks through the door. “Yeah! Arc’s taking her out on a date. See you later, Pinkie!”

The shop door closes with a positive thud in Pinkie’s mind. Her pupils shrink and her hair deflates. She sits down sadly on the floor.

“A… a date?! With the princess?!”

Suddenly angry, Pinkie jumps up. Her coat turns a deeper shade of pink, as does her mane as steam whistles from her ears.


Pinkie sighs and smiles a very small smile.

“I made a Pinkie promise to Arc, and I always keep my promises! Even if I am jealous of Princess Luna!”

She sighs yet again as she walks toward the phone on the wall. Dialing, Pinkie muses to herself.

“Besides… I should be happy for Arc! Not jealous! After all… he has a chance to date a princess! What hope does a lowly baker have against the beauty, intelligence, and station of a princess?!”

She places the order after making sure they will arrive on time. Pinkie hangs up the phone and looks out the window, sadly.

“None… none at all.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company head down the road.

“Are we done now?”

“Almost, Arc! Let’s head to the Golden Oakes Library and see if they have any books on royal etiquette!”

Sereb sighs. “Are we perhaps going too far, Ember?”

“Hardly! We’re not going far enough!”

Arc frowns. “But it’s only one evening!”

Ember nods. “Right! But if you mess this up, she might never want you to show your face in Canterlot again!”

After a short walk they arrive at the Golden Oakes Library. Ember knocks on the door as Arc tries to reason with her.

“Look, her and I have always had a decent working relationship!”

Ember nods. “Well, let’s try to keep in that way, alright?!”

In a few moments Twilight answers the door.

“Hi everypony! Come in, come in!”

She steps aside to let them pass as she closes the door behind them.

“I see you, Ember and Sereb made it back to Equestria safely. Did you have a nice Hearth’s Warming on Earth?”

“We did! It was a good time with some of my childhood friends and family.”

Twilight leads them into the library. “So what brings you here today?”

Ember pipes up. “Arc here needs some books on royal etiquette.”

Twilight looks a bit confused. “Royal etiquette?! Arc, are you taking over for the princesses again?”

“No, no! They’re fine!”

“Then why…?”

Ember interrupts. “He needs to know what not to do or say to a princess at dinner!”

Sereb nods, a bit embarrassed. “We’re probably going a bit further than need be, but…”

Twilight walks over to a bookshelf and pulls a few tomes off. “Well… this is about all we have on that subject. It this about some kind of diplomatic affair?”

Arc takes the books from her and puts them in Sereb’s saddlebag. “No, nothing like that. You see…”

Ember interrupts. “Arc’s taking Princess Luna to dinner!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You’re what?!”

Arc nods sheepishly. “It’s just a way to get her out of the castle and give her a bit of a break from ruling.”

Twilight looks suddenly nervous. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Arc! Princess Luna isn’t exactly Miss Congeniality!”

“She’s always been kind when I’ve seen her. Well, there was that one time when she and Princess Cadance got into a fight. But let’s just say the events leading up to the were REALLY off the wall!”

Ember growls. “What?! You never mentioned that to us!”

“I know. It was a really long time ago. Right after Trixie attacked Canterlot Castle actually. Look, it was a crazy time for everyone! Things were said, someone took things a bit out of context, and everything degraded from there.”

Sereb looks to her. “What do you know about Princess Luna, Twilight?”

Twilight’s ears droop along with her head. “She’s… never really liked me.”

Arc frowns. “Really? Why?”

Twilight turns around and walks toward the window as she speaks. “I don’t know. Maybe she views me as a threat to her relationship with her sister, Princess Celestia.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “How would you…?”

Arc steps forward. “Has she ever said or done anything to you?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. But to be completely honest with you, she gives me the creeps!”

“How so?”

“Every time I’ve ever seen her, she completely ignores me.”

Ember frowns. “That’s not exactly what I would call cause for concern. Maybe she just views you a below her or something. She is royalty after all!”

Arc looks confused. “So she’s never said ANYTHING to you?”

“Not that I can recall, no. Not even a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’. She’s just really rude! Frankly I don’t think she’s worth your time, Arc!”

Arc sighs. “Well, I’ve already asked her out. Can’t really back out of this now. Besides, I really do want to get to know her better.”

Sereb looks to him, surprised. “You do?”

Ember glares at him. “Why?! Haven’t you heard a word that’s been said about her today?!”

“Because for the most part she’s always been kind and willing to listen to what I have to say. We’re going to be working together for quite some time anyway. Best to get to know her better if I have the chance.”

Ember shakes her head. “If you have the CHANCE?! Arc, I’m a freaking DRAGON, and she creeps me out!”

Sereb looks to Ember. “Since when?”

“Since I found out she’s such a weirdo!”

Ember turns to Arc.

“I really think you should call this whole thing off! Make something up! Say you have to pop on over to… I don’t know… Abyssinia, or something!”

Twilight sighs. “While I’m not much for lying and deception, Ember might be right on this one!”

“Of course I’m right! Heck, we could go to my house back in the Dragon Lands for the night if you want to! It may not be much, but…”

“No, Ember. I asked Princess Luna out on a date, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

Twilight sighs. “But…”

“My mind’s made up on this one, you two. I’ll be fine!”

Ember looks over to Arc. “Can I come?!”

“Of course not!”

Twilight frowns. “At least take Sereb with you then!”

“If you want me to, I will come Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. I have to do this on my own.”

Ember sighs. “Well… okay. At least you’ll have Cherry watching her, I guess.”

Cherry calls out to them. “Uh… I was actually planning to stay with… somepony else that night.”

Twilight looks confused. “What?! How?!”

“Simple! Arc would just have to let me enter his helmet, then set me down somewhere.”

“You can come if you want, Cherry. I really don’t mind.”

“No, Arc. That wouldn’t be proper!”

Ember clenches her fists together. “How can you be okay with this, Cherry?!”

“Because that’s what Arc wants to do, and I trust his judgment. Please do the same you two.”

Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t really like this, but… okay.”

“Thanks. I’ll be fine. I’d even venture that most of what we heard about Princess Luna was just rumor and hearsay.”

Sereb nods. “That may be. You will just have to find out for yourself.”

“And I will.”

Ember turns toward the door. “Well, we should probably be going now. Arc has to read those books and commit them to memory.”


Twilight nods. “I suppose so. Do come back in a few days though, Arc.”

“Don’t you worry about your books, Twilight. I’ll return them as soon as I can.”

“Yes, well… Auriel and I would like to show you what we’ve been working on. She and I haven’t hardly left our labs!”

Arc nods. “Okay. Next time I come, I’ll be sure to have plenty of time to spend with you two.”

He looks toward the basement door.

“Uh… she’s okay down there… isn’t she?”

Twilight nods. “Oh yes! She passed out a couple hours ago.”

Sereb shakes his head. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I covered her with a blanket. In a few hours she’ll wake up raring to get back to her research!”

Arc notices the bags under Twilight’s eyes for the first time.

“Go to bed early tonight, okay Twilight?”


“Because I’m worried you aren’t sleeping like you should.”


“Do I need to come back here later and put you to bed myself?!”

Twilight sighs. “Fine…”

“Thank you. Tell Auriel to do the same, would you? Can’t have my friends falling asleep in the lab and getting hurt now.”

“We’ll do it.”

Twilight walks the trio to the door and sees them out.

“Come back soon! The two of us can’t wait to show you all we’ve come up with!”

“Looking forward to it, Twilight! Give my best to Auriel when she wakes up!”

Twilight waves after them. “Take care!”

She closes the door and returns to the basement lab. Auriel is still asleep in front of her workbench as Twilight makes a beeline for the sheet covering her work area. As she works, Twilight mutters to herself.

“I WILL have this ready for you by then, Arc! I HAVE to!”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Sereb walk down the beaten path together. Arc turns to Ember.

“Now are we done?!”

“Are you kidding me?! We have a LOT more to do before your big date!”

Sereb chuckles. “Somehow I knew she would say that.”

The trio spend the next several hours running errands and preparing. Finally they return to Light’s Hope for a late supper. The sun has long since set as Arc, Ember and Sereb return to his quarters.

“That was more walking than I care to remember!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“Maybe so! But it’ll be worth it in the end, Arc!”

They sit down on the couch as Sereb stretches out in front of the fireplace. Arc pulls out one of the books and opens it.

“Might as well get a little reading done before bed.”

Ember takes one of the books and reads it herself. “Glad to see you’re taking this seriously.”

“I’m always serious!”

Silence reigns over the room for a time before Arc looks up.



“Can I ask you something?”

“Go for it!”

Arc looks past his book at her. “Why are you so insistent that this ‘date’ goes well? I mean… you’ve never been shy about your… uh… feelings for me.”

Sereb stands up. “And that’s my cue to take a walk.”

He deftly leaves the room and heads for the Cafeteria to give the pair some privacy. Ember does not look up from her book.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Arc sets down his book> “Yes you do.”

Ember pokes her head out from her own tome. “Is it really that obvious?”

“That you’re pushing me to do well, yes. I just don’t understand why.”

She sighs and closes her own book.

“Look, Arc. You already know how I feel about you, and that we can’t really… be together.”


Ember folds her claws and stares intently into the fire. “I… I’ve been thinking a lot about your future since Cherry’s funeral.”

“You have?”

“Yes. Her death reminded me just how little time we may really have together! I mean… I’m a dragon, and should live for tens of thousands of years!”

Arc nods. “But…”

“But who really knows just how long they have?! Heck, I could be killed on the battlefield in thirty thousand years… or thirty days from now!”

“Let’s try to avoid that, shall we?”

“I thought you and Cherry would have a long and happy life together.”

Arc moves closer to Ember and takes her claw in his hand. “No one could have guessed that General Wind Rider was going to do what he did that night.”

Cherry sighs. “I don’t blame either of you for what happened to me.”

Ember nods. “Right! But… but maybe… just maybe… you could have a future with someone else.”


She looks up at Arc with sad eyes.

“Princess Luna.”

“What?! But… but she’s royalty!”

Ember nods. “Right! But she’s also one of the few inhabitants whom I believe is worthy of your love, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. But I don’t love HER! I mean, she’s nice and all, but…

Ember interrupts him. “You can learn to! Please give her a chance!”

“Look Ember. I’m not taking Princess Luna out to try and woo her!”

“I know that! But… look, just keep your options open, okay?”

Arc shakes his head. “It’s still too soon since Cherry’s death. Now I appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, but I need to find someone on my own.”

“But, I… Cherry, back me up on this one!”

Cherry giggles. “A princess would certainly be worthy of Arc’s love!”

Ember turns back to Arc. “See?!”

“But if she wouldn’t make him happy, then he shouldn’t entertain the thought.”

Arc nods as he gives Ember’s claw a squeeze. “Look… I’m still young and reckless! A wife now would only worry about me when I leave. When Princess Celestia is found, I’ll be able to retire and give the matter some more thought. Until then, I need to focus on what’s really important right now.

Ember sighs. “Fine! Just… don’t forget to keep your eyes open, will you?”

Arc leans over to give Ember a hug. “Don’t you worry. I won’t.”

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