• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - Draconic Beliefs

Mio slowly opens her eyes. Looking around she sees Hammer sitting next to the bed in a wooden chair. Putting a hand to her face, Mio groans.

“Hammer? What... happened?”

“You fainted.”

“I did?”


“Maybe I’m not as recovered as I thought.”

“Do you remember what happened?”

“A dream, I suppose. You and Arc left to attend to business while I stayed here. A purple Unicorn servant walked in with lunch and set the table. She told me a few things about casting magic before I decided to help her with her duties. You and Arc came back and broke my concentration before telling me that she was the princess we were waiting for.”

Mio chuckles weakly before continuing.

“Crazy, huh?”

Hammer smiles nervously. “Uh... not exactly.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “What are you saying, Hammer?”

“That all... actually happened.”

“It did?!”

Hammer nods. “Yup. Lucky for you Arc caught you when he did though.”

Mio groans as she lays an arm over her face. “What a mess.”

“It’s not all THAT bad.”

“Are you KIDDING ME?! I just made the worst possible first impression on this nation’s leader!”

Hammer shrugs. “Just one of them.”

“Is she... angry?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. Truth be told, Princess Twilight was more concerned about your health and safety than anything else.”

Mio sighs. “I should probably go apologize to her for what I said. Do you know where I can find her?”



“Turn your head.”

Looking to the opposite side of the bed, Mio spots Arc and Twilight standing there. Twilight smiles at her.

“Hello again.”

Arc smirks. “Glad to see you awake.”

Mio quickly crawls to the end of the bed and rolls unceremoniously off. Turning to face Twilight on all fours, Mio lowers her face to the floor as she speaks.

“Please forgive me, your highness! I had no idea who you were!”

“It’s alright.”

“I’m very sorry for looking at your books as well!”

“Again, it’s fine.”

“But... but I should be thrown in the dungeon for my actions!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “The princess has seen fit to overlook your earlier actions... or something.”

Mio looks up at Twilight, confused. “I... I don’t... understand.”

Twilight walks slowly over to Mio as she speaks. “It’s very simple really. If you recall, when I entered the room you were reading one of my encyclopedias. However I didn’t stop you because you seemed to be very... interested in what you were reading.”

Arc chuckles. “You probably didn’t realize it was Twilight though, what with that dress she’s wearing.”

Twilight smiles and sighs. “It’s an old one I had before I ascended to the throne.”

Hammer smirks. “So no wing-holes?”


Pulling the dress off, Twilight spreads her wings and stretches. Mio’s eyes grow wide as she gasps.


Twilight folds her wings up as she looks back to Mio. “It’s nothing really.”

Arc puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Remember, Twilight. It’s not every day one gets to meet a princess.”

Mio looks back down at the floor. “Yes! Please forgive me!”

Twilight smiles “I already have. So please stand up.”

Hammer steps forward and helps her sister to her feet as Arc motions to the table.

“Why don’t we sit down and eat?”

Hammer grins. “Yeah. I’m guessing Mio needs to do that before she falls down again.”

Arc walks over and pulls out a chair for Twilight as Hammer does the same for Mio. As they sit down, Arc begins serving the food as Mio looks down at her hands nervously. Twilight turns to her.

“So... how are you doing, miss?”

“I... um... I’m doing okay.”

“Hammer told me about your condition when you arrived.”

Hammer nods soberly. “You were lucky Arc found you when he did.”

“It’s... not something I actually remember though.”

“Yeah, you appeared to have been out for some time.”

Twilight appears concerned. “Should you need additional medical treatment please do not hesitate to see Doctor Whooves.”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Please, there’s no reason to be so formal.”

Hammer smirks. “Yeah. Twilight’s pretty laid back.”

Mio gasps. “SISTER! MANNERS!”

“What’d I do?!”

Arc clears his throat as he finishes serving himself. “Twilight’s not much for fancy titles or formalities.”

Twilight nods as she picks up her utensils. “They’re not really something I like having attached to my name.”

Mio frowns. “Well, you should still show respect, Hammer! After all, she’s a higher rank than you are!”

Arc chuckles. “Mio has you there.”

Hammer grins. “Well, that’ll change soon enough. After the wedding, that is.”

Mio groans. “To Arc, you mean.”

“Yup. But there’s more to it than that.”

Twilight turns to her, confused. “That there is.”

She turns to Mio before continuing.

“Hammer tells me that you are aware of the ‘herd’ idea. Is that correct?”

“Yes, your highness.”

“Did they mention how many are joining?”

“I believe she said ten.”

Arc nods. “That’s correct.”

Twilight smiles. “And I’m one of them.”

Mio appears confused. “Um... what?”

Hammer grins. “You heard right, Mio! I’m gonna be married to a princess!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not quite. After all, we’re not marrying each other. Just Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda the same thing though.”

Mio groans. “That it is!”

Hammer laughs. “But it’ll all work out, I’m sure!”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “With proper planning and a whole lot of talking things through, you mean.”

“Of course.”

Mio turns to Arc with a withering look. “Very nice and tidy.”


“Marrying into such a place into society.”

Hammer glares at her sister. “Mio!”

“But it’s true!”

Twilight sighs. “Partially, yes. However this herd idea was mine from the start.”

“Your highness?”

Twilight looks to Arc and smiles as she speaks. “I met Arc some time ago when an experiment of mine went wrong. We quickly became friends, however, despite our physical differences.”

Arc nods. “And eventually that friendship blossomed into romantic feelings for one another.”

“However I found that my friends also felt the same way about him. Rather than try to outdo one another, I suggested that we all try to wed Arc.”

Hammer raises a hand. “Then I came along!”

Arc chuckles. “Number ten.”

“First double digit!”

Mio groans. “That’s not exactly something you should be proud of, sister.”

Hammer takes Arc’s hand. “Well, I am!”

Mio turns to Twilight. “Your highness. Please understand that I am not trying to be disrespectful to you or your decisions. However I am very concerned about this path my sister is on.”

“We all are.”

“Your majesty?”

“The idea of a herd is not a new one in Equestria. However it has not been done is centuries. Naturally, there is no one left alive whom has experience with such a thing and little was recorded regarding how things were done so long ago. We really are going to be blazing a new trail here.”

Arc nods. “Mio’s concerns are certainly valid. After all, I’d feel a bit... off if someone I cared about told me they wanted to join a polyamorous relationship with nine other women and one man.”

Hammer frowns. “But what can we do to show you that this really is what we want, Mio?”

“I... don’t really know.”

Arc chuckles. “How about inviting her to tea?”

Twilight appears confused. “Tea, Arc?”

“You and the others talk often over a meal or snack. Why not have Mio sit in on the meetings?”

Mio gasps. “But I’d hear all the salacious...!”


Hammer raises an eyebrow. “I don’t really get it, Arc.”

Twilight giggles. “She’d know everything that was going on then. No secrets.”

“And she’d even be able to put in her two cents. Help assure that everything that needs to be thought out and talked through, is.”

Mio gasps. “You... you want ME to help with this herd?!”

Arc nods. “If it’s going to be done, you want it done right. Isn’t that correct?”

“I... suppose so.”

Twilight looks to Hammer. “Agreed. I’ll talk to the others about their feelings having a non-herdmate join our meetings.”

“Tell them to at least give it a chance. If it doesn’t work out we could always make it a one-time deal.”

Mio nods. “If I’m allowed to, then yes I’ll come.”

Twilight smiles. “Good. We’d appreciate the help.”

“Although I don’t know just how much help I’d be, since I’ve never been in a real relationship before.”

Hammer shrugs. “Me either.”

Twilight bows her head. “I too am new to the whole relationship dynamic.”

Arc chuckles. “We all have that in common.”

Hammer turns to Mio. “Maybe you could learn something too.”


“You think you’re going to be alone forever? See how everyone does things and maybe you can use that information to find love someday too.”

Sometime later they finish their meal. Arc looks to Twilight.

“Thank you for inviting us.”

Twilight giggles. “It was my pleasure. That and it gave me a chance to meet Hammer’s sister.”

“Thank you, your majesty. And again I apologize for the trouble I caused earlier.”

“Think nothing of it. In fact, I’d like to see more of you.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“If we’re going to form a herd then Mio will be my sister in law one day, right?”

“I... guess so.”

“Then I’d also like to get to know her as well.”

She turns to Mio before continuing.

“That and I’d very much like to help you learn how best to strengthen your magic.”

“Thank you, your highness. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”

“I’m sure you won’t.”

A knock rings out. Arc turns and pulls the doors open with a Telekinesis Spell. Kibitz enters and walks over to them before addressing Twilight.

“Your highness, it is almost time for afternoon audiences to start.”

Twilight groans. “Yes, I know.”

Standing, she turns to Mio.

“I’d like you to go see Doctor Whooves, miss. You need to be fully recovered before we can start your lessons.”

“Yes, your majesty. I will do so immediately.”

Hammer frowns. “Hey! What about OUR work?!”

Mio giggles. “The princess has given me an order, lieutenant.”

Arc chuckles. “She’s got you there, Hammer.”

Hammer groans. “Fine. But you get back just as quick as you can.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Kibitz turns to Arc. “I also have a message from Dragon Lord Ember for you sir.”

“What is it?”

“She asked to see you at your earliest convenience.”

Twilight frowns. “Is something amiss, Kibitz?”

“The Dragon Lord didn’t elaborate, your highness.”

Arc stands. “Then I’d best go see what she wants.”

Hammer grins. “Best to keep diplomatic ties strong.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Somehow I get the feeling this won’t have anything to do with diplomacy.”

Mio shrugs. “Either way, you should probably see what this dignitary wants.”

Twilight heads for the door. “We’ll catch up another time, Arc.”

Arc grins as he heads for the door. “Hold you to that.”

As Arc leaves the room Hammer looks to Mio.

“That lucky dog.”


“The Dragon Lord is another one of Arc’s future wives.”

Mio groans. “I believe you did mention her during another of our talks.”

“Well, she was his first. Kinda.”

Kibitz clears his throat loudly as he looks over a scroll. “In any case, we should get moving, Princess Twilight.”

“Very well.”

She and Kibitz head for the door as Hammer looks to Mio.

“Come on. I’ll escort you to the Infirmary.”

“I know the way though.”

“Nevertheless, I’ll still give you an escort.”

Mio sighs. “Worried I’ll back out?”

Hammer grins as she helps Mio stand up. “Nah. But if you’re going to be slacking off, I am too!”

Meanwhile, Arc heads for Brightwing’s old office. Knocking, he waits patiently. A few moments later Ember opens the door and smiles.

“Please come in.”

Nodding, Arc does so as Ember closes the door behind him. Turning to her, he speaks.

“I’m told you wanted to see me.”

Ember walks over to him seductively. “That I do.”

Putting her arms around his neck, Ember whispers in his ear.

“Want to go back to your room and do something... fun?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Very funny.”

“Who’s joking?!”

“I’m kinda hoping you are. But I doubt it.”

Ember licks her lips. “You want me, you got me.”

“Can we just stay on topic please?”

Ember groans. “...fine.”

Stepping back, she gestures to his hand.

“But in all seriousness, could we please go to your room?”

“Very well.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through the pair find themselves back in his quarters. Gesturing to the couches Arc speaks.

“Should we sit down?”

Ember looks around nervously. “Probably should.”

Leading her over to the couch, Arc sits down next to Ember.

“Now then, what is it you wanted to say?”

“First off, thanks for coming so quickly.”

“I came as soon as Kibitz delivered the message, yes.”

“There’s... something I want to say to you, Arc.”

“I’m listening.”

Ember takes a deep breath and looks him in the eye before speaking.

“Arc, I... you and I met a couple years ago. It’s been quite the experience getting to know you as well as learning about your species.”

“Same for me.”


“Learning about dragon customs.”

“The Dragon Code?”

Arc nods. “And traveling to the Dragon Lands to see things there first hand.”

“That too. I want to thank you for standing by my side through... everything, I suppose.”

“You’re welcome, Ember. But I get the feeling you asked me to see you for more than that.”

Ember sighs and looks down at her claws.

“Can this just stay between us please?”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

“I’ve been feeling kinda... lonely lately.”

“With Brightwing gone?”

“It’s more than that though.”

“Ember... what exactly is bothering you?”

“We’ve known each other for a few years now, right?”

“Right. What about it?”

“Did you know that the others often look to me for advice pertaining to you?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They do?”

Ember nods. “Yes. And do you know why?”

“In truth, I don’t.”

“Because you and I have known each other longer than they have.”

“But I met them before you and I...”

“Met, yes. However I was the first one to really get to know you, Arc. They knew you as an individual. But not much else before Twilight banished you to Tartarus.”

She smiles and closes her eyes before continuing.

“We worked, ate, fought, and eventually slept side by side for the duration of that time. I learned more about you than they did in the months you lived in Ponyville prior to that.”

“I suppose that’s true. However how does that...?”

Ember interrupts him. “Please, Arc. Let me finish.”

“Alright. Continue.”

“We bonded while they merely accepted your existence and tried to help you heal from your injuries. I’m not blaming them for being cautious. All things considered, they were right to be. However I didn’t have any preconceived notions regarding humans when we met. That gave me the edge in our relationship building.”

“Same with dragons. I’d never met one before you.”

“Exactly. So you understand the feeling of getting to know a previously unknown species.”


“However, here’s my issue.”

Ember looks him in the eye before continuing.

“For all the time we’ve known each other, even considering that I was your first real friend, we’ve never really had a chance to... um... go hang out.”

“I suppose not. Always something going on.”

“Please understand that I’m not trying to blame you for that. However, all things considered, I would very much like to... go somewhere.”

“Like a date?”

Ember blushes furiously. “What?! NO!”

Arc looks at her evenly for a time. Eventually Ember sighs and responds again.


Arc smiles at her. “See? I knew you could say it.”

“So you understand what I’m saying, Arc?”

“That you want me to take you on a date like I did with the others.”


“Okay then. Where do you want to go?”

Ember gasps. “Wait, what?”

“I’m asking what you want to do on our date.”

“So... that’s a ‘yes’?”

Arc nods. “Right.”

“I... hadn’t really given it much thought. After all, I figured you’d have something going already with someone else.”

“Not at the moment, no. Well, Hammer’s planning something for Rainbow Dash and I. But she’s still working on it. That and you are right about what you said. You and I have been friends for a while now...”

Ember interrupts. “More than friends lately.”

“That too. So I really need to take you out on a date to see how things go.”

“Glad you’re finally coming around to my way of thinking, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “So am I.”

“When do you want to do this?”

“First we need something to do though. Can’t make plans without... plans, I suppose.”

“How about this? You just do whatever it is that you did with the others and I’ll just go along with it.”

“Well... I suppose I may have given a bit of thought to this.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You thought about us going on a date already?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

“Why didn’t you ask me out then?!”

“Wasn’t really sure how to. After all, up until now the idea of whom to go out with has been suggested by others. I just kinda had to respond to it.”

“In that case the sooner the better.”

“Agreed. No way of knowing when things are going to pick up again.”

“Then it’ll be all hectic again for who knows how long.”

“Um... are you doing anything next Friday?”

Ember shakes her head. “Wasn’t planning on it, no. But isn’t there something happening here that evening?”

Arc grimaces. “Yeah. The Grand Galloping Gala.”

“You... you want me to go with you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. We’ll be doing something else entirely.”

“What then?”

“Literally anything.”

“Ah! Right! So you just don’t want to be here in the castle for that?”

“Exactly. We can go out and do whatever it is that makes you happy. As long as it doesn’t involve the castle or the Gala.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard. After all, I’m not much for the fancy-schmancy vibe of that event either.”

“Then that should make this easier.”

“You want to plan something out like you did for the others?”

“Back then I was given suggestions of what to do based on my date for the evening. So it wasn’t all my doing, no.”

“We could just play it by ear then.”

“It could backfire.”

Ember shrugs. “I wouldn’t mind risking it. Heck, worst case scenario we could just bring some food to a hotel room and cuddle.”

She grins seductively before continuing.

“Or more.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You really do have a one track mind, Ember.”

“If you were in my position, you’d understand.”

“Well... in any case, I’ll let you give the matter some thought while I do the same.”

“So... until Friday then?”

“Around seven?”

Ember nods. “Works for me. Um... but wouldn’t you rather head out a bit earlier?”

“I suppose we could. What time were you thinking?”

“How about noon?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s more than ‘a bit’ earlier though.”

Ember looks away nervously. “I just... wanted to have a bit of an extended date, that’s all.”

“Very well. Noon it is.”

“Want to meet here?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’ll come pick you up from your room.”

“Alright. But we are going full formal, right?”

“Not if you don’t want to.”

Ember nods. “I do want to, yes. After all, the others did and had an amazing time.”

“Then I’ll have my tuxedo ready for Friday.”

“Sounds good.”

Arc turns and looks out the window at the falling snow.

“We’ll need those extra layers to keep warm in all that.”

Ember shudders. “Y-yeah.”

“I’ll let you think about what you want to wear. Just be sure you won’t be too cold though.”

“No worries there.”

“Feel free to speak to the castle tailor to have something made up for yourself.”

Ember grins. “That I’ll do right now.”

Arc stands and heads for the door with Ember. “Then I won’t keep you any longer.”

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