• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - The Telepathy Ball

Eventually Arc and Auriel break the kiss and stare at one another lovingly. Auriel giggles as she lowers his hands to her hips.

“If you’d like to go all the way with me… I’m ready.”

Arc shakes his head. “Thanks, but not right now.”

Auriel sighs. “Okay.”


“No, it’s okay. After all, I want it to be a magical time for both of us. And while this shower is indeed nice…”

Arc chuckles. “It can’t beat a nice, soft bed.”

Auriel puts a hand on her limp wing and smiles nervously. “And I suppose it’d be better if I was healed.”

“That too.”

Standing, Arc reaches out a hand to Auriel. Taking it, he helps her stand up. She presses her body against his and smiles up at him.

“Can we stay in here a bit longer?”

“Afraid not. We both need some rest before the sun rises.”

“I suppose so. That and I’d like to check up on Daring Do as well.”

The pair step out of the shower and towel off. Pulling fresh clothes from his ring, Arc begins to dress as Auriel frowns.

“What are you doing?”

Arc looks to her, confused. “Um… getting dressed.”

“Not in that you aren’t!”

“But this is what I normally wear.”

Auriel turns to a cabinet and opens it. Pulling something out she tosses it to him.

“What’s this?”

Auriel sighs as she pulls one out for herself. “A hospital gown.”

“What for?”

“To make it easier for Nurse Redheart to look you over.”

“But I’m fine.”

“Arc, please. I really want her to look you over before we do anything else. You went through a lot this evening.”

Arc sighs. “Okay. If it would make you feel better.”

He slips into the gown as Auriel does the same. Walking out of the restroom she leads Arc over to a bed and points.

“Get some rest, Arc.”

“What about you?”

Auriel giggles as she slips under the blankets of the bed next to Arc’s. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right here the whole time.”

Arc turns to look at Redheart next to Daring Do’s bed. “How’s she doing over there?”

Redheart steps aside to reveal a cast on the mare’s hind leg as well as bandages on both of her wings.

“Compound fractures on her leg as well as two broken wings. Whatever she was fighting certainly must have been powerful.”

Daring Do frowns at Auriel as the demon silently mouths the words ‘I’m sorry’. Redheart makes her way over to Arc’s bed.

“Now then, how do you feel, sir?”

“A bit sore and tired.”

Auriel turns to the mare. “He was acting a bit… strange in the shower too, ma’am.”

Daring Do grins mischievously. “Having fun in there, kids?”

Arc frowns. “I’m fine, thank you.”

“That may be. But I’d still feel better if a full examination was done on you, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Go ahead, Nurse Redheart.”

Daring Do looks around. “Before you get started though, are my saddlebags around here somewhere?”

Auriel points to the cabinet across the room. “In there.”

“Can I get them please?”

Redheart nods. “Certainly.”

Trotting over to the cabinet, she removes the bags with the mare’s cutie mark on them. Walking them over to the bed she sets the bags on the side table before looking to Daring Do.

“Now then, I recommend you get some rest.”

“I will. Just as soon as I take care of something.”

Redheart pulls the privacy curtain shut for her as she returns to Arc’s bedside. Looking to him she speaks.

“Are you ready to begin, sir?”


Pulling back the covers, Redheart lifts Arc’s gown and begins feeling his legs with her hooves. Auriel looks on and giggles softly. Looking up, Redheart frowns at her as her horn glows. Casting a Telekinesis Spell she closes the curtain between them. Auriel pouts as she calls out.

“Aw… but I wanted to watch.”

Redheart groans. “Get some sleep, miss. You need to heal almost as much as your friend in the other bed.”

Auriel sighs. “Yes ma’am.”

Laying back, Auriel is soon asleep. Sometime later Redheart finishes her examination and puts the gown back down as she looks to Arc.

“It would appear that you’re just fine, sir. Other than some very light bruising on your back you appear to be just fine. Well, fine considering that you’ve been up all night exploring, that is.”

“Thanks, Redheart.”

“Just doing my job, sir.”

“Um… can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

Arc lowers his voice and gestures to his fangs. “What do you make of my… condition?”

“I can only surmise that your powers kept you energized through the night.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“What exactly do you…?”

Arc sighs. “Am I really still me?!”

Redheart smiles at him and puts a hoof on the bedside as she speaks. “Only you can answer that, sir.”

Arc nods soberly. “Thank you.”

“Now then, I recommend you get some sleep now. It’ll be light in an hour or so.”


Redheart nods. “Yes sir. Please feel free to buzz for me if you need anything. I’m heading back to bed myself.”

Sighing, Arc lays his head back and stares up at the ceiling as Redheart closes her office door. He hears rustling coming from Daring Do’s bed. Turning, he calls out to her.

“Hey. You okay over there?”

“Just fine. Why do you ask?”

“Sounds like you’re restless.”

“I’m just… doing my mane.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Now?”


“Fine. But you should rest too.”

“I will very soon, yes.”

Arc yawns. “Alright. Good night.”

Rolling over, he soon falls asleep. Sometime later Arc hears the tell-tale sound of numerous hooves running down the corridor toward them. Twilight and her friends burst into the Infirmary with Hammer and Rarity following closely behind. Spotting Arc in the bed closest to the door they hurry over to him with Twilight in the lead.


Arc slowly sits up. “Um… good morning?”

Applejack gasps. “How badly are you hurt, sugarcube?!”

“Nurse Redheart says I’m fine other than some light bruising.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “From WHAT?!”

“A bit of an adventure late last night.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “When did you have time for something like THAT?!”

Hammer grins slyly. “Yeah! Last thing I remember was the three of us getting kinda frisky in bed!”

Fluttershy blushes. “Oh my!”

Pinkie pouts. “Yeah! I’m jealous! When’s it going to be my turn?!”

Sereb chuckles from the corridor. “What a terrible problem to have.”

Arc smiles nervously. “Sorry for making everyone worry. I didn’t want to wake anyone else up for what I thought was just supposed to be a bit of a walk in the jungle.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “But WHY?!”

“Well, you see…”

A rather strange voice rings out nearby.

“Um… hello? Is… is somepony there?”

Frowning, Arc turns to the curtain next to him and raises a hand. Casting a Telekinesis Spell he pulls it aside. Before them on the bed lies a mare in a purple shawl, gray hat, and large magenta glasses. She looks around the room nervously.

“Where… am I?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Dar…”

The mare hastily interrupts him. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is A.K. Yearling.”

Rainbow Dash gasps and smiles strangely. “A… K… Year… ling…?!”

Arc frowns. “I’m sorry, what?”

Twilight smiles. “She’s a very famous author in Equestria, Arc.”

Rarity nods matter-of-factly. “Oh yes. Rainbow Dash here is a big fan of stories revolving around her series featuring a character named ‘Daring Do’.”

Applejack chuckles. “I think we’ve all read the first one at least.”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “Me too!”

Rarity trots in place happily. “I couldn’t put it down!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “My critters even like it.”

A.K Yearling offers them a weak grin. “Thank you for your kind words, everypony. I’m so very happy that you like my work.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But what are you doing all the way out here?”

“I was… scouting locations for my next book.”

Rarity gasps. “In the jungle?!”

“Yes. I find it adds a level of depth to my writing if I can visualize a location from actual life. Sometimes photographs can only do so much.”

Fluttershy looks over the bandages. “Were you ambushed by wild animals or something?!”

“Sadly, I was. You see, I had hired an entourage to escort me safely through some dense looking jungles. However beasts attacked our group and they fled.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Those fools. Should we send out a search party?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, miss. They’ve been out there this long, so I’m sure they can handle themselves.”

Twilight frowns. “Are you certain?”


Ember rolls her eyes. “But that doesn’t explain how you and Arc met up.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah! I wanna hear about THAT!”

Arc pipes up. “Last night I was having trouble sleeping so I… headed up to the Observation Deck.”

Applejack’s ears droop nervously as she silently mouths the word ‘no’.

“I… had a bit of a talk with Auriel and her father up there about some rather… personal matters.”

Pinkie giggles. “Like what?!”

Rarity sighs. “That’s why they’re called ‘personal’, Pinkie Pie.”

“Aw! But I wanna know more!”

“Well, I can’t really say what we were talking about. But after that we decided to take a bit of a walk.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Around the ship?”

“To the old palace.”

Ember raises an eyebrow skeptically. “Uh… why?”

A rustling from the next bed over rings out as Auriel sits up and pulls the curtain back.

“I can explain that. “

Ember gasps at the sight before them. “Auriel?!”

Hammer groans. “What the heck happened to you?!”

“Last night my father wanted to show me our former seat of power. It really is a sight to behold. Even in the dark.”

Arc nods. “Right. That and he wanted to secure an old relic of their kingdom.”

Twilight appears genuinely interested. “Oh? What was it?”

Arc sighs. “The ‘Telepathy Ball’.”

Fluttershy frowns. “What is it?”

Arc pulls the artifact from his ring and holds it up. “This.”

Ember spreads her wings in surprise. “WOAH!”

Sereb hurries inside the room. “I could sense that thing all the way out there!”

Hammer puts a hand to her forehead. “It’s kinda making me sick!”

Twilight shields her face with a wing. “Arc, get that thing away from us!”

Auriel holds out her claws to him. “Give it to me! Hurry!”

Arc levitates the orb to Auriel across the room as the others breathe a sigh of relief. Rarity is the first to speak.

“I can see why he was worried about it.”

Pinkie puts a hoof to her stomach. “Yeah! That thing was really evilly feeling!”

Applejack groans. “You got that right.”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “What’s it do, Arc?”

“Not fully sure. But Auriel’s father allowed me to hold onto it as a showing of good faith.”

Twilight narrows her eyes. “Did he now?”


Hammer puts her hands on her hips. “Not sure I like the sound of that.”

Ember scoffs. “I don’t trust him either.”

Auriel grits her teeth. “Well I do! My father wouldn’t have given Arc that if it was going to cause trouble!”

Twilight looks to the window. “How about a bit of an experiment?”

Arc appears confused. “Twilight?”

“Would you please raise the sun, Arc?”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “What?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “But why?”

Fluttershy looks at the clock. “I suppose it is about that time.”


Arc stretches out a hand. The sun begins its trip across the sky as Twilight watches Arc intently. Frowning she speaks.

“How do you feel?”

“Fine. Why?”

“Because you’re still in your Crimson form.”

“I am?”

Ember gasps. “You’re right!”

Hammer looks him over. “But how’s that possible?!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I thought he was supposed to change back when the sun rose!”

Arc touches his fangs. “Me too!”

Pinkie gasps. “What about the Scarlet Filly?! She might know what’s going on!”

Applejack grins. “Good idea! I’ll go fetch her!”

Arc shakes his head. “Just a minute.”

Fluttershy tilts her head to one side, confused. “Arc?”

“Leave it to me.”

Concentrating, he calls out to Scootaloo. A few moments later the robed filly runs into the Infirmary.

“I came as fast as I could, Big Brother! What’s…?!”

She stops talking as she spies the sunlight gleaming over Arc’s skin.

“What the…? Big Brother how are you DOING that?!”

“No idea.”

Ember points a claw. “It’s gotta be that orb thing!”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Agreed!”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Get rid of it!”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “But we can’t…!”

Ember interrupts. “Then I will!”

Taking flight Ember lunges toward Auriel. Holding up a hand Arc casts a quick Barrier Spell. Ember grits her teeth angrily as she smacks into it.

“Quit playing around!”

Twilight gasps. “Ember, wait! Let Arc explain!”

Arc sighs as he gestures to the orb. “No one other than a dark creature can touch this thing for some reason.”

Rarity shudders. “I can’t imagine anypony else would want to anyways.”

AK Yearling nods. “Yes, indeed. But it certainly is a sight to behold.”

Arc shrugs. “I guess it is. But why don’t we get back to telling the story about last night?”

Ember grunts. “Good idea.”

Rainbow Dash turns to the injured author. “So… did Arc find you out there in the palace, AK?”

“No. After I ran from the beasts I took refuge in an ancient looking temple. Unfortunately some rather… unsavory types were trying to break into the place when I arrived.”

“She was lucky Auriel and I arrived when we did.”

Auriel looks away nervously. “Yes. We worked together to… outsmart them.”

Fluttershy gasps. “What became of them?”

Arc points out the window. “They ran off.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Into the jungle?!”

Pinkie giggles. “Not too smart of them!”

Twilight sighs. “If they were resourceful enough to get out here it stands to reason they had a way back as well.”

AK gestures to her bandages. “Yes, well… they did a number on me before the Hero of Light and his companion arrived.”

Rainbow Dash seethes. “THEY DID THAT?!”

Fluttershy shrugs. “Who else could have?”

“I figured it was the beasts!”

AK smiles. “I’ll be okay with some bedrest I’m told. However, I’d like to be transferred to a hospital as soon as possible.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Unfortunately we’re not planning on leaving here for a while. How’s your condition at the moment?”

Auriel chimes in. “Nurse Redheart said earlier that she was stable.”

Ember scoffs. “Then she can wait.”

Hammer folder her arms over her chest. “Yeah. We ain't running a taxi service here!”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “But she probably has to get home to work on the next book!”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “You forget just how important our own mission…”

Pinkie jams a hoof into Rarity’s mouth. “Shush! I think it’s a secret!”

AK tilts her head to one side. “Oh? Was that something I wasn’t supposed to hear?”

Auriel smiles nervously. “I’m not sure.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Kinda. Sorry, but we’re sorta in the middle of something right now.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Do you think you could open a portal to Ponyville Hospital?”

Arc frowns. “Um… I don’t think that one works anymore.”

Twilight gasps. “Oh… right. How about the Crystal Empire’s hospital then?”

“That I can do.”

Sereb chuckles. “It is a good thing you put a sigil in the Waiting Room, my friend.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Right. I don’t think your friends would have liked the continuous hoof traffic.”

AK appears confused. “Does this happen often?”

Fluttershy sighs. “More so than we’d like.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. Rainbow Dash hurries to the head of the bed.

“I’ll get you there safely, ma’am!”

“Oh, um… thank you.”

AK turns to the others before continuing.

“Well, it was very nice meeting you ALL…!”

The mare is cut off as Rainbow Dash hurriedly pushes her bed through the portal. Everyone facepalms and groans as she does so. A few moments later she prances back through the portal smiling widely.

“The hospital staff said they’d take good care of her.”

Applejack covers her face with her hat. “Great.”

Rainbow Dash trots in place happily, squealing. “Can you believe that we all just met THE A.K. Yearling?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yeah, we’re all starstruck.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Um… can we please go back to discussing why Big Brother is still in his Crimson Form even though it’s not nighttime?”

Hammer looks him up and down. “Yeah, I wanna know that too.”

She takes a moment to leer at him before continuing.

“But I do kinda think it’s hot.”

Auriel giggles as she blushes. “Agreed.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks you two. Not that I really mind… I guess, being like this. But it’s too much of a coincidence that this happened right after I got that relic.”

Auriel sighs. “We should probably consult with my father on that, Arc.”

Ember looks around. “Where is he anyways?”

“Sleeping, most likely.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Oh”?

“He’s not what you would call a ‘morning demon’.”

Arc shrugs. “Probably less so being up so late last night.”

Scootaloo turns to Ember. “Can you go get him please?”

“Of course.”

Hammer grunts. “I’ll go too.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Um… are you expecting trouble?”

Hammer chuckles as she leaves the room with Ember. “Princess, I’m ALWAYS looking out for that.”

The pair hurry out of the room, but return shortly with King Malevolence. He looks to Arc and his daughter as the others move to position themselves between the demon and the man.

“Most impressive!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What are you TALKING about?!”

“My daughter’s escapade with Arc last night apparently.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make any sense!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Yeah! Are you saying you’re HAPPY their hurt?!”

Malevolence grins toothily. “Some things are worth the pain of injury.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “Like what?!”

“An after-adventure, shall we say… romp?”

Twilight frowns. “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand.”

Applejack blushes heavily. “I think I do.”

“It’s normal for our kind to engage in passionate lovemaking after an adventure together.”

Auriel groans. “We didn’t do that, dad!


“I mean… it’s true that I wanted to do it and offered myself to…”

Arc interrupts her. “Just for the sake of clarity here, no Auriel and I did not have sex.”

“Right. We just took a long shower together.”

Ember grins. “Nice job, Auriel!”

Hammer gives a thumbs up. “Way to go, Arc!”

She looks down at Scootaloo and puts her hands over the filly’s ears.

“But maybe we should talk about something else.”

Scootaloo shoos her away. “What’s the big deal? Big Brother and I have bathed together plenty of times in the past.”

Sereb chuckles. “Platonically though.”

“You know, I do understand what you meant.”

Arc groans. “Okay, changing the subject now.”

He turns back to King Malevolence before continuing.

“We had a bit of trouble in that temple Auriel and I told you about last night.”

Malevolence appears confused. “Temple?”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “The one Arc and I went to.”

“You mean the palace?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. The one we went to after that.”

The king appears confused. “What are you talking about?”

Auriel frowns. “Don’t you remember Arc and I talking to you last night after we all got back?”

“Uh… no.”

Arc facepalms. “Great. I thought you looked a little punchy back then.”

“I thought he was awake for sure.”

Malevolence frowns. “Well, I wasn’t! So what happened?!”

“We took that orb and used it to gain access to a temple a short ways from here.”

“The Storehouse?!”

Auriel nods. “Yes. That’s what you called it last night too.”

“Are you all right, my dear?! That place is not safe for someone like you!”

“I’m fine, father.”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, well… she just has some heavily bruised wings. But I was the one whom needed rescuing back there.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?!”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide. “How?!”

“Some kind of trap on the front door.”

Malevolence groans. “You didn’t press the tile as the orb was placed, did you?”


“That was always my favorite thief’s trap. You have no idea just how many demons found themselves ferried away to the dungeons.”

Auriel shudders. “I do now.”

Pinkie grimaces. “I’m guessing they weren’t having a party down there.”

Malevolence grins wickedly. “Just a very long nap. There’s naturally occurring gas fissures down there that continually emit a powerful and fast acting knock out gas. No one even sees it coming.”

Ember turns to Arc. “So how’d you get away?!”

“I don’t really know for sure. But I bet Auriel does.”

“It just involved my sliding down there while holding my breath. Then I found him and Blinked us both back up the chute.”

Twilight smiles. “Very impressive, Auriel!”

Malevolence beams with evident pride. “Yes! I didn’t know you had it in you, my dear!”

“Me either. But I was his only hope.”

Arc grins. “And I thank you for that, Auriel.”

He turns back to the king before continuing.

“However, this morning I found that I didn’t change back to my normal human form even when the sun came up.”

Applejack points a hoof at the orb in Auriel’s claws. “Arc thinks it has something to do with that orb thingamabob.”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “Yeah! What IS that thing anyways?!”

“As you now know it’s used as the key for the Storehouse. However it does have an alternate use.”

Ember moves a claw in a circular motion. “Which is…?”

“A… repository.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What is that?”

Hammer shrugs. “I’m clueless too.”

Scootaloo raises a hoof. “Some kind of knowledge storehouse, right?”

Twilight turns to her. “Yes. But how did you know that?”

“My mom called her shelves with medical books her repository since it was the entire town’s source of therapeutic knowledge.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “So what’s the repository… repositing?”

Malevolence sighs. “I could tell you. But it might just be easier to show everyone.”

He holds out a claw to Auriel. Looking to Arc for guidance he nods and Auriel gives the ‘Telepathy Orb’ to him. Taking it from Auriel, Arc turns and gives it to the king. As it leaves his hands he turns back into his human form. Looking at the device for a long moment the king holds it up and closes his eyes. A few moments later the surface of the orb dims and lights up with swirling energies. Twilight gasps.

“What’s happening?!”

The king grins. “Just watch, princess.”

The energies converge as a picture forms. A much younger King Malevolence walks over to a griffon and presents him with a strange looking statue. Arc’s eyes grow wide as he does so.

“Your history?!”

Malevolence nods as the scene plays out. “Me giving Grover the Idol of Boreas, yes.”

Twilight gasps. “But how is that POSSIBLE?!”

“An ancient and forgotten form of enchanting known only to the Great Demon Kingdom.”

Arc smirks. “Kinda reminds me of that device Luna gave me that can display memories on a screen.”

Twilight nods but does not look away from the scene before her. “Indeed. But this is MUCH more detailed!”

The king chuckles as he watches Twilight’s reaction. “This orb contains the complete history of our nation as well as information on our ancient methods of building, enchanting, and even agriculture. Just to name a few, of course.”

“I wasn’t aware demon technology was this advanced!”

Auriel smiles. “We weren’t always the creatures you view us to be, Twilight.”

“What?! But I…!”

“It’s okay. I know you don’t mean to do it. But ponykind as a whole still views demons as simple beasts of violence and destruction.”

Ember shrugs. “Well, that’s all they’ve ever seen.”

Hammer frowns. “Rude much, Ember?!”

Malevolence sighs. “It is as she says. But that is partially our nation’s fault.”

Scootaloo clears her throat loudly. “This generation doesn’t know the history of you country. Perhaps it should be shared.”

Auriel smiles. “I’d like that. But the past is just that. Past.”

Rainbow Dash looks to her. “You think the future could be different?”

“Yes. But only if we all work together to make it so.”

Applejack steps forward. “And that needs to start with a good old dose of honesty.”

Fluttershy appears surprised. “Applejack?!”

“On the part of both countries, I mean.”

Rarity nods. “We can’t change the past. But that doesn’t need to be reflective of the future too.”

Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well, Twilight’s the princess in charge, so it’s her decision, right?!”

Arc chuckles. “That it is.”

Twilight turns to the king. “I’d… like to see and hear more about your culture, King Malevolence.”

“Perhaps we should speak more about this as I show you our old palace.”

Auriel grins. “I’d like to see that as well. In the daylight, I mean.”

Scootaloo raises a hoof. “Me too.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “We’ll be by Twilight’s side the whole time though!”

Malevolence sighs. “Understandable.”

Ember looks out the window at the rising sun. “When should we go?”

Hammer grins. “How about right after breakfast?! I’m starving!”

Auriel giggles. “That does sound good, yes.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Should you really be…?”

The sound of an opening door rings out. They turn to see Nurse Redheart step out of her office with a cup of coffee. She turns to them, confused.

“Please forgive me, Princess Twilight. I was not aware you and your entourage were here.”

“It’s fine. I’m told you had a late night.”

“Yes, I did.”

Arc chuckles. “We were just talking about taking a walk outside.”

Hammer frowns. “Is that really okay for them though?”

Redheart nods. “Yes. The only restriction is that Auriel should not attempt to fly.”

Auriel pats her wings tenderly. “Sounds fair.”

Rarity grimaces. “And Arc?”

“Totally fine. However, considering his adventure, he should probably rest a bit longer.”

Scootaloo turns to him. “We could get breakfast cooked while you sleep a bit more, Big Brother.”

Applejack chuckles. “Right. It’s going to take a while though.”

Arc nods. “That’s fine with me. But I think I’ll do so in my own quarters. Comfier bed there.”

Ember grins. “Getting soft, Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “No one’s perfect.”

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