• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Explainations

As they finish with dinner Arc sits back from the table and turns to Strawberry Shy.

“That was a great meal, ma’am.”

“Now, now… if you want us to call you by your name, we want the same.”

Arc chuckles. “Okay, Strawberry Shy. It was really good though."

Rainbow Dash burps. “I’ll say.”

Fluttershy giggles. “You haven’t lost your touch, mom.”

Cloud Sweeper smiles. “We’re glad all of you liked it.”

Strawberry stands and turns back toward the kitchen. “Now then, who’s ready for…?”

Arc’s earring chirps. Reaching up he touches it.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just returned from retrieving your forces from the Wonderbolt’s Academy along with Hammer and Rose.”

“Good. Did they find anything?”

“Yes sir. However they wouldn’t say what.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What’s that crazy cupcake of mine think she’s trying to hide?!”

Bo turns to his daughter. “Or she doesn’t want the information on the airwaves.”

Fluttershy gasps. “It must be really bad then!”

Arc nods soberly. “I’ll head back to the ship to hear their report in person then.”

“Just a moment, sir. There may be a new development on our end. Please stand by.”

The line goes silent as Arc turns to their hosts.

“I’m sorry, but it looks like duty calls.”

Strawberry Shy smiles at him. “That’s alright.”

Cloud Sweeper chuckles. “You have a very important job, after all.”

Lemon Hearts returns a few moments later and continues.

“Sir, a stallion in uniform just walked onto The Equinox’s deck. Wrangler went out to meet him with a few guards.”

“Any idea who he is?”

“Yes sir. I’ve just been informed that he has identified himself as Headmaster Wing, the stallion in charge of the Wonderbolt’s Academy. Wrangler says his credentials check out.”

Rainbow Dash stands quickly. “But I thought he was in the hospital!”

Arc frowns. “Right. Have you checked with them to see if he’d been released?”

“We have, sir. Apparently he just up and walked out of there and came here. Wrangler said he wants to talk to you along with the head of the Rainbow Factory about what he described as a ‘very urgent matter’.”

“Fine. Escort him to my office. We’ll be there soon.”

“Yes sir. Hammer and Rose are waiting for you there as well.”

“Tell them not to say anything to this stallion until I get there.”

“I’ll pass that on, sir.”

“Good. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. Bo appears confused.

“This is all so mysterious.”

Windy nods. “Why would the headmaster just up and leave like that?”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “We can ask him when we get there!”

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. “We?!”

“They asked for us, didn’t they?”

Bo shakes his head. “Just me and Arc, dear.”

“I’ll keep you company then.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “This circle should remain small. After all, Hammer and Rose intentionally didn’t radio in their findings.”

“Can I at least come to the ship with you?!”

“I suppose that would be okay. That is, if you don’t mind waiting in my quarters with the Scarlet Filly.”

Fluttershy raises a hoof. “Can I come too? I’d like some time to talk with her.”


Arc turns again to their hosts as he calls forth the sigil gauntlet.

“Sorry to eat and run, but we need to go.”

Strawberry Shy waves. “Come back and visit us again soon!”

Cloud Sweeper grins. “We’ll be waiting!”

Arc opens a portal and motions for everyone to head for it. As they leave Windy turns to the couple.

“Can I help you with the dishes?”

Strawberry Shy nods as they head for the kitchen. “I’ll wash, you dry, and Cloud Sweeper can put away.”

Meanwhile, Arc and the others appear in his room aboard The Equinox. Scootaloo sits on the couch reading a book. Rainbow Dash hurries over to her.

“Hey there, Scarlet Filly! How’s it going?!”

“Um… fine.”

She looks past the mare at Arc.

“Something happen at dinner, Big Brother?”

“We got a call about being needed here for a debriefing with Ember and Hammer.”

Bo nods toward the mares. “Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy wanted to come too though.”

Fluttershy looks to the Scarlet Filly. “Do you think we could talk?”

Scootaloo nods as she closes her book. “Sure. But why don’t we go to the Cafeteria for a bit of a snack?”

Rainbow Dash squeals happily. “Sure!”

Fluttershy smiles warmly. “That sounds nice. Let’s go.”

Arc chuckles as they all leave the room. “I’ll try not to take too long.”

Walking down the corridor as the girls head the other way, they come to the office. Several guards stand outside dutifully as Arc passes. Opening the door, the pair enter the office and look around. Rose and Hammer sit in the chairs in front of the desk as an elderly stallion waits on the couch nearby patiently. Walking over to his desk Arc sits down as Bo joins the stallion on the couch.

“Sorry for making everyone wait. Now then, before we get started I’d just like to do one thing.”

Calling forth his helmet, Arc looks around the room at all assembled. Satisfied, he recalls the helmet.

“Sorry about that. I just had to be sure.”

Rose raises an eyebrow. “About what?”

“That all of you were real.”

Hammer grins. “Last I checked I still existed.”

“I was worried one of you might have been a changeling.”

The elderly stallion nods as he speaks.

“You meant me, didn’t you?”

“Yes, sir. Forgive me, but we can’t be too careful these days.”


“Are you feeling… alright.”

“Just fine. After all, I can’t just be lazing around in bed. Not when there’s somepony out there coming after us.”

Headmaster Wing gestures to Hammer and Rose as he continues.

“Now then, I’m told these two here searched my facility. I came here to find out what they found.”

Rose frowns. “Hero of Light Arc is not under any legal compulsion to accommodate such a request, sir.”

Arc nods. “That is true, yes. However, in the interest of keeping the peace with the Wonderbolts, I will allow you to stay and hear the debriefing, sir.”

Hammer shrugs. “Fine. Should we get started?”

“Go ahead.”

“Well… first we decided to do something about the sensor dampeners.”

Rose gestures out the window toward the Academy. “They were spread around the facility perfectly so as to keep an even blanket over every building and the grounds. However even the most powerful and sophisticated electronics have one weakness.”

Hammer grins. “Power.”

Arc grins. “So you blacked out the base?”

Rose nods. “I found the power station and shut it down, yes.”

“It worked like a charm. The second the power went down Rose was able to use her sensors again.”

Arc looks to Rose. “I’m sure that helped things along.”

“Yes. And I immediately detected a large number of devices strategically planted all around the base.”

Headmaster frowns. “Can I assume you’re not talking about the sensor dampeners?”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Right. These were different.”

“They were high-powered explosives.”

Arc jumps up and plants his hands on the desk before him. “WHAT?!”

Headmaster gasps as he too jumps to his hooves. “Somepony was planning to blow up the academy?!”

Hammer grimaces. “Looks like it.”

Arc’s head snaps to Rose. “Did you disable them?!”

“Yes. The main controls for it were in the power station luckily.”

Hammer chuckles. “And were hooked up to the base’s main power.”

Rose giggles. “As soon it we cut the main power the control device deactivated.”

“Rose and I still took the liberty of locating and disabling all the devices around the base. There’s no danger.”

Arc frowns. “What kind of bombs were they?”

Rose reaches down into a satchel sitting on the floor. “Take a look.”

Pulling something out, she sets it on the desk carefully as Arc looks it over. Frowning, he turns to Hammer.

“Plastic explosives?”

“Plastic explosives from Earth, no less.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Diva!”

Rose sighs. “Probably, yes.”

Headmaster Wing grits his teeth. “But why would anypony want to destroy the Wonderbolt’s Academy?!”

Hammer draws her weapon. “To sabotage us I bet.”

Rose nods soberly. “Indeed. After locking up everyone in the panic room it would have been a simple matter to plant the dampeners as well as the explosives.”

“If the town had decided to side with Princess Twilight it would have been a simple matter to destroy the facility and blame it on Arc.”

Headmaster Wing grimaces. “But our bodies would have been found eventually. That would have raised suspicion during the investigation.”

Rose shakes her head. “Not likely. Tell me, sir. Do you remember the crates all around the panic room’s perimeter.?”

“Yes. What about them?”

Hammer sighs. “They were filled with high-powered explosives.”

Rose clenches a fist. “There wouldn’t have been anything left of you, your troops, or the cages. Other than pink mist, that is.”

Arc shakes his head. “Acceptable losses to them.”

“This is monstrous! Who would have done such a thing to my…?!”

Arc interrupts him. “The Council of Shadows along with the Changelings.”


Rose shudders. “A collection of very dark… creatures. On both counts I might add.”

Arc turns to the stallion. “Headmaster, have you had any contact with Canterlot recently?”

“None until Princess Twilight took the throne, no. We were almost out of supplies when I headed there to petition her.”

“And did you see her?”

“I did, yes. She told me that she wasn’t sure why our shipments of supplies had stopped, but she ordered her aide to see to it they resumed at once.”

Rose appears hopeful. “Was the situation rectified?”

“Yes. We received our first transport in months the very next day.”

Hammer frowns. “What was in it?”

“Various supplies from Canterlot, I’m sure. My records back at the academy would say for certain.”

Arc looks to the stallion as he snaps a finger. “Do deliveries have a schedule?”

“For safety’s sake, yes. After all, we can’t have transports flying in and out during training exercises. They’re limited to before dawn or after dusk without prior authorization or medical emergencies.”

“And they always come from Canterlot?”

“Usually, yes. However a day or so before this all happened we did receive a shipment from the southeast.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “And that isn’t normal?”

“No, they exclusively come from the southwest.”

Arc frowns. “Then why did you accept it?”

“They had all the proper documentation and direct orders from the princess for us to hold their cargo and allow them to upgrade our panic room. That’s when the cages were installed.”

Rose gasps. “Why allow such a thing?!”

“The orders came from Princess Celestia herself. She insisted that the cages would be needed if certain traitors were captured and needed to be hidden away.”

He turns to Arc.

“I’m assuming she was talking about you, sir.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Great. Nice to know the royal pain was thinking of you, Arc.”

Arc nods as he returns the headmaster’s gaze. “But then you and your students were held in it?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia herself just showed up and ordered everypony into the cages for safekeeping. Then she locked the panic room down before making her escape.”

Arc frowns. “I’m going to assume that was a changeling.”

“It had to have been. The real Princess Celestia would never have done such a thing.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Then where is she?!”

Arc groans. “Hammer…”

The headmaster sighs. “We’ve all heard the rumors. That Princess Celestia has shut herself up in your former base, sir.”

“As far as we know, that is correct.”

Rose nods soberly. “Sadly there is little we can do about it at present.”

Arc clenches a fist. “We have to wait for the barrier to run out of power. Sadly that could take a LONG time.”

Headmaster Wing steps toward the desk. “Sir… I… I’d like to petition Princess Twilight for an audience.”

“That would probably be for the best.”

Arc reaches for his phone and picks up the receiver. Lemon Hearts answers.

“Lemon Hearts here, sir.”

“I need a direct line to Princess Twilight at once.”

“Yes sir. One moment please.”

The line goes to hold as Arc waits. A few moments later Twilight’s voice rings out on the other end.

“Hello, Arc. Is everything alright?”

“Not exactly. I have Headmaster Wing in my office aboard The Equinox right now.”

“I remember meeting him not too long ago. Did something happen?”

“Yes. He’d like an audience with you.”

“Right now?”

“This is rather important, yes.”

“Give me a minute to head to your room and I’ll take a portal over.”

“Alright. See you in a few minutes.”


Arc hangs up the receiver and stands up.

“She’ll meet with us in my quarters.”

Headmaster Wing gasps. “Now?!”

Arc nods. “No time like the present, right?”

Rose turns to him. “I’ll leave you to it then, Arc.”

Hammer winks not so subtly. “Yeah. Don’t take too long though.”

“No promises.”

They stand and leave the room. Going their separate ways, Arc leads Headmaster Wing to his quarters. Closing and locking the door behind them, he motions to a couch.

“Have a seat, sir.”

“Thank you, but I think I’d like to be standing when the princess arrives.”

Arc shrugs. “Suit yourself.”

A few minutes later Arc opens a portal. Twilight steps through as it closes behind her. Headmaster Wing bows respectfully.

“Your highness.”

“Hello again, sir.”

“Thank you for seeing me at such an hour.”

“It’s no problem. After all, if Arc viewed it as being of such importance the least I could do is come. But might we sit down? It’s been a long day for me.”

Arc gestures to the couch. “This way.”

Leading Twilight over to the sofa, the pair sit down. Headmaster Wing stands before her as he speaks.

“First, I would like to thank you for sending the Hero of Light to the Wonderbolt’s Academy. His timing could not have been better.”

Twilight smiles. “While I’m glad he was able to help, please understand that I only asked him to go to Cloudsdale.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I made the decision to head to your school.”


“I went there on a tip from a mare whom I had recently rescued from captivity. She told me that her captors had mentioned the name of your facility in whispers when they thought she and the others were unconscious.”

Headmaster Wing gasps. “What?!”

Twilight frowns as she turns to Arc. “This is a new development. When was it uncovered?”

“Very early this morning.”

“Then why wasn’t I told about it?”

“Because the investigation just now finished. Right before I called you I was listening to Rose and Hammer’s report.”

Headmaster Wing nods. “They held us in cages without food, water, or toilets, your highness.”

He gestures to Arc as he continues.

“The only reason we survived was because the Hero of Light brought us to Cloudsdale Hospital.”

Arc sighs. “They also found explosives set throughout the facility.”

“It’s likely they wanted to use our deaths to fuel anti-Canterlot sentiment.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead. “This matter is really getting out of hoof.”

She turns to Headmaster Wing.

“Did you happen to hear my speech the other day, sir?”

“No, your highness. We were prisoners at the time I would imagine.”

“I know that Cloudsdale has sided with Princess Celestia and Decimus. However due to the infiltration by the changelings I extended an invitation to the city to temporarily move it to Canterlot airspace.”

Arc nods. “It would make it easier to defend should the need arise.”

“Yes. I’d also like to extend the same invitation to the Wonderbolt’s Academy and its occupants as well. While I know you’ve always served Princess Celestia and her forces, as a princess of Equestria it is still my duty to watch over this land and its inhabitants.”

Headmaster Wing shakes his head. “I must respectfully disagree, your highness. The Wonderbolts do not serve Canterlot or its ruler, but the citizens of Equestria. Princess Celestia has abandoned her position and as such you have taken it upon yourself to rule in her stead. No matter what foes stand before us, the Wonderbolts will stand with Equestria… to the very end.”

Arc moves his hand in a circular motion. “So does that mean you’ll side with us?”

“No, sir. As I said previously the Wonderbolts serve Equestria. However, I believe that the best way to do that right now would be for us to add our forces to Canterlot’s. With your blessing, I will order the Wonderbolt’s Academy moved to Canterlot airspace.”

Twilight nods. “Thank you. We would be honored to have you.”

Arc sighs. “Now if only the Cloudsdale Town Council would follow suit.”

Headmaster Wing looks to Twilight again. “Your highness, I may be able to help with that.”

“How so?”

“I sit on the council in an advisory role. If I were to suggest that it would be best to accept your earlier offer of protection, they would be likely to go for it. Especially after how the Hero of Light saved their citizens along with my forces.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “That would be a great help, yes.”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. When will the council next convene?”

“I can call them together for an emergency meeting right away.”

Arc frowns. “While that’s certainly a noble idea, perhaps you should rest, sir. After all, you and they were rescued not so long ago and probably need…”

“I will rest when everypony under my command is safe. Not before.”

He turns to Twilight.

“We should have an answer for you in an hour or two, your highness.”

“That fast?”

“Normally, no. However when I explain the seriousness of this situation I am certain they will act quickly and in your favor.”

“Thank you, Headmaster.”

Arc looks to the door. “If you’d like you can use the phone in my office, sir.”

“That would help, yes.”

Arc motions for the stallion to follow him. Leaving the room he escorts the headmaster to his office. Arriving he looks to the guards on duty.

“Headmaster Wing needs to use my office for a bit. When he completes his task see to it he is safely escorted to… um…”

Arc turns to the stallion next to him.

“Where will you meet them?”

“The Town Hall if possible. The hospital if they are not yet recovered enough.”

Arc returns his gaze to the guards. “See to it he is escorted there safely. After the meeting concludes the headmaster is to be returned to the hospital.”

“Sir, I must protest!”

Arc turns to him. “I’d like you to go to your fliers afterwards. Join them in the wards if you wish, but they need you right now. After all, when the meeting concludes there will be nothing else you can do in this matter, correct?”

“I… suppose not.”

Looking to the guards, Arc motions for them to carry out his orders as the stallion enters the office. Returning to his quarters he finds Twilight sitting on the couch with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo talking. Twilight smiles at her friend.

“I’m very glad your parents are okay with this arrangement, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Me too. I gotta admit, I was really scared they wouldn’t go for it.”

Arc chuckles. “As was I.”

They turn to him and smile as Scootaloo grins.

“How’d it go, Big Brother?”

Arc gives a thumbs up. “He’s calling the councilponies as we speak. The guards will escort him wherever he needs to go when he’s done.”

Twilight appears nervous. “So we’ve done all we can?”

Fluttershy sighs. “Looks like.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Was it enough?”

Arc smiles. “I think so.”

Scootaloo stands. “Well, I think I’m going to take a walk.”

Rainbow Dash falls into step behind her. “I’m heading out too.”

“You don’t want to stay with Big Brother?”

“Nah. Right now I just want to get out of this dress.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Me too.”

Rainbow Dash motions with a hoof. “Come on back to my parent’s place. We can talk more there.”

Arc waves. “Have a nice time you three.”

They nod and leave the room with Scootaloo. She turns to them as they walk down the corridor together.

“You two are hiding something.”

Fluttershy groans. “Is it that obvious?”


Rainbow Dash looks to Fluttershy. “She’s got us.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “Dare I ask what…?”

Fluttershy sighs. “For Twilight.”

“The princess?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “She’s having a bit of a rough time in Canterlot with Arc gone.”

Fluttershy bows her head. “Us all leaving at the same time didn’t help either.”

“That too.”

“So she misses Big Brother?”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well… misses might not be the best word.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah. But it’s close.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Then what…?”

Fluttershy steps froward. “Twilight draws strength from him. Arc’s very presence is often enough to comfort her.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “Us too!”

Scootaloo sighs. “That I do understand.”

She stops walking and looks down at the floor.

“When my parents died… Big Brother was there for me. When nopony else wanted to be around me… he stayed.”

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof on her shoulder. “He’s not the only one anymore.”

“Right. We’re your friends now too.”

“And not just because you’re the most awesomest pony EVER! But because you’re really cool as an individual!”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Doesn’t that mean about the same thing?”

“Rainbow Dash isn’t the best with her words.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Twilight.

“So… I guess that’s it.”


Arc holds up his gauntlet. “Do you want me to…?”


“Yes, Twilight?”

“I don’t… um…”


Twilight squeezes her eyes shut and cries out.

“I don’t want to go back!”

“To Canterlot?”


“Is it the job? I mean, when this is done I’ll help out again just like when…”

“That isn’t it.”

“Then why don’t we sit down and you can tell me what’s bothering you?”

Taking Twilight’s hoof, he leads her over to the couch. They sit down next to one another as she looks up to him. Her horn aglow, Twilight picks up the crown from her head and levitates it to her hooves.

“Princess Celestia had this made to resemble my Element. She did it to give me a sense of normalcy, I think.”

“I don’t think any of this would classify as ‘normal’, Twilight.”

“While I’m sure just about any mare out there would love to be in my position… to be a princess, I… I really…”

“You don’t want to be a princess, do you?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No.”

“I understand.”

“You might be the only one left who does.”

“It’s a terrible and thankless job. But someone has to do it.”

Twilight sighs as she looks out the window absentmindedly. “I know. That’s the only reason I haven’t quit.”

“If you could choose… what would you… um… want for yourself.”

“Not a princess, for starters.”

“Okay. Then imagine yourself as something else. What would that be?”

“There’s only one other thing that would make me happy.”

“What’s that?”

Twilight smiles as she looks down at the crown for a few moments before turning her gaze to Arc.

“Being your wife.”

Tossing the crown aside, she lunges at Arc. Pushing him down on the couch, Twilight stretches out on top of him and presses her lips to his. Arc puts his arms around her and holds her tight. Twilight moans as she continues kissing him passionately. Eventually she pulls her head back but continues to look him straight in the eye as she speaks.

“Just say the word and I’ll give up my position.”

“I’d be Lord Regent again then.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Leave it to Sunburst then. We can all be together. Earth… Equestria… the moon for all I care!”

Arc sighs. “We can’t do that, Twilight.”

“Why not?!”

“You know why.”

She sighs and sits back on her haunches.

“I know. But… but I just want us to be together!”

“So do I. And I’m really sorry about the wait. But look at it this way. When it does happen it’ll be worth it.”


“Yeah. I want this to be over too. But if we give up and walk away from our duties now… it’ll just get worse for everyone.”

“I… I understand.”

Nodding, Arc looks over at the crown lying on the floor. Reaching out with his magic, he pulls it to himself. Looking it over for a few moments he turns to Twilight and gently places it back on her head.

“There you are, Twilight. Good as new.”

Twilight sighs. “Thanks.”

“It really does look good on you.”

“My crown?”

“Yeah. That gem really goes with your coat… and eyes.”

Twilight blushes slightly. “So it makes me look… pretty?”

“Beautiful, Twilight!”

He puts a hand on her cheek and speaks softly.

“But either way… princess or commoner… you’re still amazing.”

Putting his other hand on the opposite cheek, Arc leans forward and presses his lips against Twilight’s.

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