• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - The Big Day

The next day Arc lies on his bed staring up at the ceiling. There is a knock at the door. Looking over to it he calls out.


Hammer enters and closes the door behind her. Walking over to him, she folds her arms over her chest and frowns as she speaks.

“Uh… what they heck do you think you’re doing?”

Arc shrugs. “Just kinda… thinking about a few things at the moment."

Hammer makes a circular motion with her hand in an attempt to move the conversation forward. “About…?”

“Everything, really.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Yeah, that didn’t really clear it up for me, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “I’m thinking about what led me to this point, I guess.”

“Care to expand on that?”

“Today at sunset, Natalya and I are getting married.”

“Just on paper though.”

Arc nods. “I know that it’s not going to be what we all think of as a ‘real’ marriage. Well, real as in being in truly being in love with someone. But at the same time, it is still a marriage.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Which from what I could tell before, you were totally okay with up until this very moment.”

“Guess it all just hit me at once.”

Hammer sits down on the bed next to him. “Be real with me, Arc. What’s this really all about?”

“Natalya and I are going to be wed. Isn’t that enough?”

“Remember, if you want to call this whole blasted thing off, Natalya said that she would be okay with it and wouldn’t press charges.”

“I know. But I honestly have to do this. After all, both of our nations will suffer greatly if I don’t.”

Hammer shakes her head. “So, what are you going to do then?”

Arc shrugs. “Think mostly.”

“Well, Ashe sent me in here to remind you of griffon tradition.”

“Spending the day with Natalya doing what we enjoy.”

“Her words, yes.”

Arc grunts. “In truth, I’ve had enough of these so-called griffon traditions to last me a lifetime.”

Hammer smirks. “You and me both, Arc. But right now, you have a job to do.”

She gestures to the door before continuing.

“Natalya is out in the corridor waiting for you.”

Arc looks confused. “She is?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Yeah. Where did you think she was?”

“At breakfast I would imagine.”

“We all were, yeah. And everyone ate happily as we all always do. Everyone except for Natalya, that is.”

Arc rolls over to face Hammer. “Say what?”

“Natalya, your bride to be, just kinda picked at her food and kept looking to the door. For you to show up, I would imagine.”

“I… didn’t know that.”

Hammer glares at him. “And you would have if you weren’t in here hiding!”

Arc turns away as he speaks. “Not exactly ‘hiding’ per say.”

Hammer groans. “Call it whatever you want then. But I know for a fact that neither one of you has eaten since supper last night.”

Arc sighs. “Neither of us was really hungry then either.”

“And like I said before, she didn’t eat much at breakfast either.”

“Maybe Redheart should look her over.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Are you really that dense?!”

“I know she’s scared. To be Honest with you, I’m scared too. Which is why I don’t have an appetite either.”

“Fine then. Take her out for breakfast on the town.”

“Natalya would probably like that.”

Hammer gestures to the door. “So… do it.”

“Can I ask you something, Hammer?”

“What is it?”

“Are you… really okay with this?”

“With the whole marriage thing to Natalya?”


Hammer nods matter-of-factly. “Completely.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he turns to her. “You didn’t even hesitate.”

“What’s there to think about?! She needs someone to help and you’re helping her! It not like Natalya has any other options at this point!”

“And just to make sure that I’m understanding this correctly, you’re not jealous, or anything?”

Hammer frowns. “Not in the least!”

“How though? I mean… if, just for an example mind you, Rarity was going to marry someone else on paper to settle a legal matter, I’d certainly be upset.”

“Would you really?”


“Why though?”

“Because… I don’t know!”

Hammer puts a hand on his shoulder. “Listen, Arc. I’m totally okay with your marriage to Natalya, as is the rest of the herd, for one reason and one reason only. Because we know that at the end of the day, she honestly isn’t trying to come between you and us.”

“So, you aren’t worried that she and I might… uh… hit it off, or something?”

Hammer shrugs. “I mean, if that happens, it happens.”

Arc appears confused. “Wait, what?!”

“She’s a real sweet gal, Arc. And I get the feeling that she’d fit right in with the rest of the girls if you wanted her to join us.”

“I’m Honestly not interested in doing that at this point though. Adding another female to the herd, I mean.”

Hammer smirks. “Now then, if that’s true, and I don’t have any reason to think that it isn’t… then what do the rest of us have to worry about?”

There is a long silence as Arc ponders Hammer’s words. Eventually he sighs and nods.

“Nothing, I suppose.”

“Right. So get lazy your butt outta bed, get dressed, and take Natalya out for the day like you’re supposed to.”

Arc sits up. “Alright. But I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do with her other than get breakfast.”

Hammer shakes her head. “I’m sure you two will figure something out. And if you can’t, I’m sure Ashe can give you some advice.”

Arc appears confused. “Ashe?”

Hammer nods as she jerks a thumb behind her toward the door. “Yeah. She’s in the corridor with Natalya.”

“Making sure I do my duty in the name of griffon tradition, eh?”

“Well, she IS responsible for making sure that you two follow all of these dumb procedures.”

Arc walks over to the dresser. “Fine. Just let me get some clean clothes.”

“Ashe says your supposed to look the part.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

Hammer shrugs. “I dunno. It was her words, not mine.”

“She doesn’t really know what my best is though.”

Hammer smirks. “Yeah, yeah. In all seriousness here, you could probably wear whatever you wanted to and get away with it at this point though. I mean, you ARE Lord Arc of Equestria, after all.”

Arc chuckles as he turns to the wardrobe. “That infernal title rears its ugly head again.”

“What? You don’t like it?”

Arc shrugs as he pulls out his royal raiments from the nearby wardrobe. “That’s not it, Hammer. But it just sounds kinda weird when you say my title aloud. I always thought it made me sound like some stuffy, stuck-up noble… or something.”

Hammer watches intently and licks her lips as she watches Arc disrobe. “Well, I for one think that it makes you sounds sexy as heck.”

“You would.”

“I mean it, Arc! The whole ‘lord’ thing is hot as hell!”

Arc looks over his shoulder at Hammer. “You sure it’s not just because of my current state of undress.”

Hammer grins. “That doesn’t hurt your case, no. But it is a nice little bonus for me.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he goes back to making himself ready. “You’ll never change, Hammer.”

“Nope. And neither will you.”

A short time later Arc looks to Hammer. Turning slightly to allow her to see him properly, he speaks.

“How’s this?”

Hammer looks him over carefully. “Okay, I guess. But…”

Arc appears confused. “What is it?”

“I don’t know. It just kinda feels as if you’re missing something.”

“That didn’t really clear it up, Hammer.”

Hammer taps her chin thoughtfully. “A super special day like this needs something more though. Tell me, do you have any, uh… um… man perfume around here?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Do you mean ‘cologne’?”

Hammer snaps her fingers. “Yeah, that!”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out a bottle and holds it out to Hammer. She takes it from him and sniffs the cap. Grinning, the young woman nods approvingly.

“I like it!”

“Thought you would.”

Hammer hands the bottle back. “Where’d you find that stuff?”

Arc chuckles as he applies the cologne. “Lily gave it to me a few Christmases ago.”

“Well, you can tell her for me that she really hit the nail on the head with that one!”

Arc returns the bottle to his ring. “So, does that allow me to pass inspection?”

Hammer looks him over again. “I don’t know. It still feels like something’s missing though.”

“No idea what else I could do to fix that though?”

Hammer shrugs. “Nah. But I guess it can’t be helped.”

Walking toward the door together, Hammer opens it and calls out loudly.


Arc steps out into the corridor to see Ashe standing there with Natalya. She is looking down at the floor nervously as she sits on her haunches. Ashe steps forward soberly and speaks to him.

“Good morning, Lord Arc.”

“Uh… hi, Ashe. Something wrong?”

Ashe frowns. “I should say so! After all, I’m quite certain that I informed you some time ago about how this part of the process works!”

Hammer nods matter-of-factly. “The day of the wedding is supposed to be spent doing what the couple loves, together I might add, before the sun begins to set.”

Ashe looks down the corridor. “Then you both will return to the ship where my father and I will be waiting on the Observation Deck. He will perform the ceremony and that will be that.”

Hammer grins. “Right!”

Arc looks to Natalya. “Uh… are you ready to do… something together then?”

Natalya nods nervously as she looks at the floor. “Y-yes sir. I mean dear!”

Ashe makes a dismissive motion with a talon. “Go on you two. Have your special day as the law decrees.”

Hammer grins. “We’ll make sure things are prepared on this end.”

Ashe groans. “Now then, you two should get underway. “

Hammer nods. “And be sure to have a nice time together!”

Arc sighs. “Fine. We’ll head out in a bit.”

Ashe smiles at him. “Very good, Lord Arc. Just be sure to return to The Equinox before the sun sinks below the horizon for the ceremony.”


Ashe looks to Hammer as she turns to leave. “This way, lieutenant. We have much work to do.”

Hammer falls into step. “Right behind you, ambassador.”

As Ashe and Hammer walk away, Arc turns to Natalya. Smiling nervously, he approaches and speaks.

“So, ah…”

He shifts uneasily before continuing.

“…what… should we do?”

“Anything you’d like to, sir.”

Arc sighs. “I was afraid you’d say that.”

Natalya grimaces. “Really, whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

“Can you give me a hint though?”


Arc sighs. “I just realized that I don’t really know you too well. What you like eludes me.”

“It’s… not really something I’ve had much time to think about either.”

“What about doing something special with your siblings?”

Natalya looks to him, confused. “But griffon tradition states that the couple are to spend the day together.”

Arc nods. “Right. However, from the way Ashe worded it the other day, it doesn’t actually say that they have to do such a thing alone, now does it?”

Natalya puts a talon to her beak as she thinks. “I… suppose that’s true, yes.”

“So does that mean that you’d like to make this a group outing?”

“If you want to, sir.”

“I do if you do.”

Natalya smiles. “Then… yes. Yes, I think I’d like that.”

“Alright. Now that we have that settled, let’s head over to their rooms and collect Gallus and Gabby.”

Making their way down the corridor together, Arc and Natalya stop in front of the door. Knocking, they step back and wait. A few moments later Gabby opens the door a few inches and peeks out. Frowning, she speaks.

“What are you two doing here?!”

Natalya fidgets slightly. “We just…”

Gabby interrupts her. “Aren’t you supposed to be out having fun right now?!”

“Kinda. You see…”

“Need some suggestions, or something?!”

Arc steps into her line of sight. “Natalya and I wanted to know if you…”

Gabby gasps happily. “So Lord Arc really is out there!”

“Yes, I’m here.”

Natalya sighs. “Where’s Gallus, Gabby?”

Gabby looks to the side as she talks. “In my bathroom stinking it up right now!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “How do you know…?”

“I can go check!”

Arc holds out a hand. “No, no. We can just wait for him to come out on his own.”

As if on cue, the sound of the bathroom door opening rings out along with footfalls. Gabby grins as she looks to Arc.

“He’s out now! Phew! Stinky!”

Gallus looks over to his sister, confused. “Who are you talking to over there, Gabby?”

“Natalya and Lord Arc! They’re here to…!”

Frowning, she taps her beak before continuing.

“Actually, I don’t know why they’re here!”

Looking through the door again, she continues.

“So why are you…?!”

Groaning, Gallus steps forward and pulls his little sister away from the door. Opening it wide, he speaks.

“What’s up, sis?”

“I, um… Lord Arc and I were about to leave for our, uh… day together.”

Gallus shrugs at the pair as he begins closing the door. “Have a nice time then.”

Natalya puts a talon on the door to hold it open. “We were wondering if you and Gabby would like to… come with us.”

Gallus appears confused. “But I thought that today was supposed to be a private thing between you two.”

Arc shrugs. “According to Ashe, the law just says that we’re supposed to do what makes us happy together.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, it says nothing about whom we can and can’t have with us.”

Gabby peeks out again. “Can we go somewhere fun then?!”

Gallus groans as he looks to his little sister. “No, Gabby! It’s supposed to be things that THEY like to do! Not what YOU want to!”

Arc looks past Gallus. “And what do you think would be fun for us to do, Gabby?”

“How about going shopping?!”

Arc looks to Natalya. “What do you think?”

“Shopping would be a fine thing to do while we think of other things to do together.”

“Alright. Shopping it is.”

Gabby appears hopeful. “Can I come too?!”

Gallus grunts. “Like I said, it’s supposed to be…!”

Natalya interrupts him. “Sure, Gabby. Let’s go.”

Gabby leaps past her brother. “YAY!”

Arc looks to Gallus. “You’re welcome to come with us as well.”

Gallus sighs and shrugs as he steps out of the room. “Sure. Why not?”

They walk down the corridor toward the main hatch together as Natalya turns to Gallus and Gabby.

“So… what else do you two want to do?”

Gallus frowns. “Uh… isn’t this supposed to be YOUR day, sis?”

Gabby flaps her wings excitedly. “I wanna get something yummy to eat!”

Arc looks to Natalya. “That would probably be a good place to start.”


Gallus shakes his head. “You should be doing what YOU want to do though, Natalya!”

Natalya nods. “Right. And at the moment I want to have a nice sit-down meal with my siblings.”

Gabby jumps on Gallus’ back as she throws her talons in the air. “YAY!”

Gallus groans. “Fine. Let’s go.”

The group makes its way toward the Main Hatch together. Arc turns to Natalya as they near it.

“I really hope you know of a place we could go.”

Natalya nods. “That I do, yes. It’s a nice little place not too far from here.”

Gallus grunts as he rolls his eyes. “Cue the five-star meal sizes.”

Natalya turns to her brother. “It’s actually just a mom-and-pop place down the road. Decent portions and reasonable prices.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That sounds kinda like my friend’s place back on Earth.”

Natalya giggles. “You mean Shelly’s Kitchen?

“Right. You’ve heard of it?”

Gallus chuckles. “They just opened up in Ponyville, remember?”

Arc facepalms. “Oh… right. Now I feel silly.”

Gabby smiles. “It’s a really nice place! Good food there too!”

Natalya looks to Arc as the three of them step out onto the deck. “Gallus and I took Gabby there when she did well on a hard test recently.”

“And I loved it!”

Gallus shrugs. “It’s okay. Needs some meat on the menu though.”

Natalya frowns at him. “Meat at a place that almost exclusively serves ponies?”

Arc smirks as they walk down the gangplank. “I’m actually with Gallus on this one.”

Gallus appears surprised. “Really, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Their restaurant back on Earth had sausage, bacon, and burgers too. So they certainly know how to make that stuff.”

Gallus puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe they need some kind of a ‘secret menu’, or something.”

Arc chuckles. “Lily said she would experiment with a cockatrice if I sent one over. I just haven’t had time to do that yet.”

Gabby tilts her head to one side, confused. “What’s a ‘cockatrice’?!”

“A dangerous bird-like animal that lives in the Everfree Forest.”

Gabby gasps. “We’re not cannibals though!”

Gallus shudders. “Yeah! It’d be weird eating a bird!”

Arc facepalms. “Ah! That does make sense now that I think about it. Well then, maybe I can buy one of Applejack’s pigs for Lily to make a few things out of.”

Natalya grins. “Ham sounds good.”

Gallus shrugs. “Yeah. Around here only the rich can afford it though.”

Natalya frowns. “Only because it needs to be brought in from far away.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“The pig farms are really far from Griffonstone, so it costs a lot to bring their meat to market here in the city.”

“Makes sense.”

Walking down the road, they leave the Skyport and enter the city together. About ten minutes later Natalya gestures to a small building with a talon.

“Here we are.”

Arc reads the sign over the door aloud. “It’s called ‘The Blue Feather’.”

Gabby looks to her sister. “What’s that mean?!”

Natalya shrugs. “No idea.”

Gallus steps forward. “You can ask inside if you really want to know, Gabby.”

Arc holds the door open to allow the others to enter first. Gabby bounds inside as Gallus and Natalya follow. Bringing up the rear, Arc looks around. Their modest surroundings lead him to smile inwardly as a middle-aged griffon approaches in a waitress outfit.

“How many…?!”

Upon seeing Arc, she gasps and drops the menus in her talon. Quickly bowing, she speaks softly.

“Forgive my earlier outburst, sir!”

Gabby appears confused as she looks to her older sister. “What’s going on, Natalya?!”

Natalya sighs. “It’s because Lord Arc is with us.”

Arc kneels down and picks up the menus as he speaks. “Good morning, miss. Are you alright?”

“Y-yes sir! I’m just fine!”

Arc sets the menus on the hostess stand nearby as he extends a hand to the griffon. “Let me help you up then.”

Looking up, she sees Arc’s hand in front of her. Slowly reaching out she takes it and stands. Dusting herself off, she smiles nervously and again bows her head.

“How can I serve you, Lord Arc?”

“We’re looking for a table for four, please.”

The waitress runs toward a table and begins rigorously cleaning it with a dish rag. “Just let me make sure this is spotless for you, sir!”


A few moments later she steps back and motions for them to sit. Natalya leads the group to the table and sits down with Arc. Gallus and Gabby take their places across from them as their waitress shakily pulls out her order pad and looks to Arc.

“What can I get for you today, sir?!”

“Me first? Well… how about some pancakes?”

Natalya smiles. “That does sound nice, yes. I’ll have that as well.”

Gallus nods. “Same for me please.”

Gabby giggles as she bounces up and down. “Yeah! With lots of syrup too!”

Their waitress writes something down on her pad as she nervously nods. “I’ll have the kitchen make up a big platter of them for you all then.”

Arc grins. “Thank you, miss. That sounds good.”

As their waitress walks quickly into the back-room Natalya sighs as she turns to Arc.

“Sorry about that.”


Natalya gestures to the kitchen doors. “That was this place’s only waitress, Greta. She’s a bit… skittish.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “With a foreign noble here, I can’t imagine why.”

Gabby shrugs. “It’s a mystery to me too!”

Meanwhile, Greta hurries through the kitchen and over to the cook standing over the stove. Grabbing her, she cries out fearfully.

“Hey Gwen! We’ve got a problem!”

Gwen turns from the stove and groans. “Someone trying to order something that isn’t on the menu again?”

“Natalya is here with what I assume are her siblings!”

Gwen appears confused. “How is that bad?”

“They’re here with Lord Arc of Equestria!”

“Are you sure it’s him?”

Greta nods as she points toward the swinging door. “See for yourself!”

Sighing, Gwen walks over to the door and peeks out the window. Spotting Arc sitting in a chair next to Natalya, she falls over backwards and crashes into a prep table. Looking to Greta, she gasps.

“That really is him!”

“What do you suppose he’s doing here?!”

Gwen shrugs. “I don’t know! Did they order yet?!”

Greta nods as she looks down at her order pad. “Yes! They wanted… um…”

Gwen frowns. “What’s wrong?!”

“I was so scared back there that I can’t read my own handwriting!”

Gwen groans. “Great!”

Greta looks nervous as she trots in place. “What are we supposed to do?!”

“Leave this to me. Watch the stove.”

Taking a deep breath, Gwen stands in front of the swinging doors for a few moments before stepping through and walking over to the table. Approaching, she bows respectfully before speaking.

“Good morning, everyone.”

Natalya smiles. “Hi Gwen!”

Turning to the others, Natalya continues.

“Gwen here is the owner of this place. She’s usually in the back cooking though.”

Gwen does not look up as she speaks. “Thank you for coming. It will be an honor to serve all of you.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Gee… thanks.”

Gabby giggles. “I can’t wait to eat!”

Arc nods. “Me either. Natalya says your cooking is pretty good.”

“We do our very best here, Lord Arc.”

Gabby grins. “Pancakes are the best!”

Gwen raises her head to look at the youngling. “Is that what you ordered, miss?”

“Yup! It’s gonna be super tasty too! I can tell!”

Natalya nods as she looks to the proprietor. “We all decided to try your famous pancakes, Gwen. So, it should make preparing our orders pretty simple.”

Gwen backs up slowly as she keeps her head bowed. “Yes, I’ll get right on them.”

Making her way back to the kitchen, Gwen rushes over to the stove. Greta turns to her with a hopeful look on her face.

“What did you do?!”

“I figured out their order covertly! All of them wanted pancakes!”

Greta raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Gwen nods. Yes!

“Even Lord Arc?”

“Well, they said all of them ordered the same thing, so apparently yes!”

Greta gasps. “But our pancakes aren’t good enough for an Equestrian lord!”

Gwen grins as she takes her place at the stove again. “Oh yeah! Challenge accepted!”

“Challenge?! Gwen, if he doesn’t like them there’s no telling what Lord Arc might do!”

“Then I’ll just have to make him the best darn pancakes he’s ever tasted!”

A short time later Greta emerges from the kitchen with a large platter. However, as she approaches the table her foot catches a nearby chair leg. The young griffon waitress gasps as the platter flies toward their customers and squeezes her eyes shut instinctively. Hearing no sound of collision a few moments later, she cautiously opens her eyes to see Arc standing and holding out a hand as he casts a Telekinesis Spell to stabilize the platter. Reaching out with his other hand, he helps her up.

“Are you alright, miss?”

“I… I am, yes sir! But how…?”

Arc nods to the platter as he magically lowers it onto the table. “Just a quickly cast spell. Nothing too fancy.”

Natalya looks to Greta apologetically. “Sorry. I forgot to mention that he could use magic like a Unicorn.”

Gwen steps out of the kitchen just in time to see Arc help Greta up. Rushing over, she puts their drinks on the table and bows respectfully.

“Forgive my employee, Lord Arc!”


“I heard her trip! Did the food get on you sir?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I caught it in time.”

Gabby looks over as she takes a large bite. “Tastes good too!”

Gallus nods as he sets a plate in front of Natalya. “Sure smells good!”

Natalya turns to Arc. “That it does. Gwen makes the best pancakes around, after all.”

Gwen smiles nervously. “Thank you, Natalya. I… try my best.”

Natalya looks to her plate, confused. “I didn’t know you could order pancakes with sliced ham.”

Greta giggles awkwardly. “It’s a special dish that Gwen came up with a while back.”

Gwen nods fervently. “I do hope you like it!”

Arc sits down as Natalya puts a plate before him. Picking up a fork, Arc takes a bite as Greta and Gwen watch him intently. Chewing, he nods approvingly.

“Very good!”

Gwen appears relieved. “I’m glad you like them, sir!”

Greta quickly chimes in. “Can we get you anything else?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m good, thank you.”

Natalya looks to Gwen. “How about some mini sausages? I know Gallus and Gabby would probably like those.”

Gabby nods fervently. “That sounds even more yummy!”

Gallus turns to Natalya. “Good idea, sis.”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll try them too. They sound tasty with the sweetness of the syrup.”

Gwen smiles and bows as she back toward the kitchen with Greta. “I’ll get right on those! Be right back!”

They hurry back into the kitchen as Gabby turns to Gallus.

“What’s up with them?!”

Gallus groans. “Hero worship.”

Natalya sighs. “Yes, it’s pretty thick too.”

Arc shrugs. “But I’m just a normal guy whom loves a good home cooked meal.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Normal, huh?”

“More or less.”

Natalya pats his hand. “Well, you are the only human here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not true. Hammer is with us too.”

Gabby grins. “It’s probably not every day that they have someone so important come in here though!”

Gallus looks around. “Right. This is a commoner’s restaurant, after all.”

Arc gestures to his plate. “With good food I must point out.”

Natalya smiles. “That’s true.”

“Back on Earth we would call a place like this a ‘dive’.”

Gabby appears confused. “What’s that?! Like what you do when you’re flying and late for curfew?!”

Arc chuckles as he shakes his head. “No, no. A dive is a restaurant which looks kind of run down inside and out, but has really good food nonetheless.”

Natalya frowns. “Is that normal?”

Arc shrugs. “Kind of a stereotype, I suppose. But this time it all worked out.”

Gallus turns to his sister. “How’d you find out about this place, Natalya?”

“Sometimes I would come here when I was on a three hour pass.”

Gabby appears confused. “But eating doesn’t take anywhere near that long!”

“I’d order my food and then just kinda eat it slowly as I watched griffons walking by in front.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Why though?”

Natalya sighs. “You have to understand that when someone is in the military they have pretty much every moment of every day planned out for them by the superior officers. And as such, sometimes you just want a bit of something new or different. A chance to just sit back and watch things happen around you without having to act on anything.”

Arc chuckles. “The simple times.”

Natalya turns to him. “Sir?”

“Sorry. I was just thinking aloud.”

“What do you do on your time off, sir?”

Arc chuckles. “When I get the chance, visiting my friends and family mostly.”

Gallus smirks. “Did you forget that Miss Derpy and little Dinky exist, sis?”

Natalya facepalms. “Momentarily, yes.”

Gabby giggles and sticks out her tongue. “Silly Natalya!”

Arc attempts to move the conversation along. “I also like to get a good meal when I can. It helps me relax.”

Natalya smiles. “We have that in common then as that another reason why I like to come here. It sure beats the military food.”

Gallus makes a face. “That I’ve heard.”

Gabby turns to her sister. “What’s it like?!”

“Think about the paste you used in school when you were little, Gabby.”


“It’s about the same taste and texture.”

Arc instinctively puts a hand to his belly. “Yeah, I can vouch for that.”

Gabby frowns. “Then why don’t they just make better food?!”

“Because that would be very expensive.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “And take actual effort on the government’s part.”

Arc holds up a forkful of pancake and ham. “This is much better, yes.”

Meanwhile, Gwen and Greta watch from the kitchen window. Greta looks to Gwen as she whispers.

“Do you think he likes the food?”

Gwen nods. “He must.”

“What makes you say that?”

Gwen sighs. “Usually when an aristocrat doesn’t like something they’re very quick to let everyone around them know.”

“So… he must like it then!”

“He’s taken several bites, yes.”

“Should we be doing something else?”

Gwen appears confused. “Like what?”

“Making more food?”

Gwen looks to the order pad. “I think that’s all they ordered though.”

“How can you be so sure? I mean, I can’t read the order as I wrote it.”

“Because you only used one line. That means just one course.”

Greta groans. “Oh… right.”

Gwen puts a talon to her beak thoughtfully. “Then again… the nobility is used to lavish meals with the next portion served as they finish the previous ones.”

“So… what are we going to do?!”

Gwen makes her way back to the stove. “I’ll make up a platter of eggs, sausages, and hash browns.”

Greta gasps. “But that stuff is really expensive!”

Gwen waves a talon dismissively as she picks up a clean pan. “Lord Arc is an Equestrian noble. Believe me when I say that he can afford it.”

Sometime later, Gwen and Greta emerge from the kitchen carrying a pitcher of juice and the platter of assorted food. As they set it down Natalya turns to Gwen, clearly mystified.

“What’s all this?”

Gwen smiles. “Then next course.”

Greta holds up the pitcher. “And some juice to wash it down with.”

Gabby claps her talons together. “Goody! I just love juice!”

Gallus frowns. “You love everything that’s sweet.”

Natalya bows her head. “I… can’t actually afford all of this.”

Arc appears confused. “Afford?”

“Not after all the money I spent the other night with Hammer.”

Gallus looks to Arc. “Juice is REALLY expensive here in the Griffon Kingdom since it takes so much fruit to make it. And eggs aren’t much cheaper either since they have to be brought in from far away farms. Like the ham was.”

Arc pulls a bag of bits from his ring and sets them on the table. “It’s fine. I’ll pay for it then.”

Natalya gasps. “I can’t let you do that though!”

Gabby frowns. “Why not?! It’s a really special occasion, after all!”

Gwen tries to guess. “A birthday?”

Gallus groans. “Nah. My sister’s marrying Lord Arc.”

Greta smiles widely. “You are?!”

Gwen claps her talons excitedly. “Congratulations, Natalya!”

Natalya blushes slightly at the sudden attention. “Th-thank you.”

Greta appears hopeful. “Is there anything else we can get you to make this more special?!”

Arc nods. “Actually, yes. Now I know that it might seem a bit redundant after the pancakes, but do you have French Toast?”

Gwen appears confused. “French… what now?”

Greta raises an eyebrow. “Is that made with some kind of special bread?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. It’s just bread that is dipped in a batter made of milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pure vanilla extract.”

Gwen bows her head. “You lost me on the ingredients list after ‘sugar’.”

Greta turns away nervously. “We don’t carry much in the exotic seasonings department.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “They’re all probably very expensive if they exist in the Griffon Kingdom at all.”

Gabby’s tongue hangs out of her mouth. “It sounds tasty though! Whatever it is!”

Arc looks to Gwen as he pats his ring. “This might sound a bit strange, but I actually have the nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla extract with me though.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “You seriously walk around with seasonings?”

“I picked some up to whip up some French Toast for my family a while back. The only problem is that I haven’t had time to make it with them as of yet.”

He nods to the kitchen before addressing Gwen.

“Might I use your stove to make some?”

Gwen appears surprised. “You… cook, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Off and on, yes. Less lately given my busy schedule. I can teach you how to make it too.”

“I suppose that would be alright.”

Arc stands. “Thanks.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Can I help?”

“That’s okay. Why don’t you and your siblings just enjoy the morning and get caught up?”

Gabby grins. “Sounds good to me!”

Arc turns and follows Gwen and Greta into the kitchen. A short time later the smell of the French Toast wafts into the front of the restaurant. Several other customers look around, clearly confused as to what it is that they could be smelling. Greta holds the door open for Arc as he emerges with a large tray. Setting it down on the table, he motions to it as he speaks.

“This is French Toast.”

Natalya giggles. “It certainly smells nice!”

Gallus grins. “That it does!”

Gabby frowns. “Looks kinda weird to me!”

Arc puts a slice on a plate and hands it to Natalya. “I think you’ll like it. Just put a bit of syrup on it before cutting like you would with pancakes.”

Doing as she is told, Natalya pours a small amount of syrup on the plate and cuts the bread. Taking a bite, her eyes light up happily as she looks to Arc.

“This is really good!”

Gabby gasps. “Let me try next!”

Grabbing a fork, she takes a piece from her sister’s plate. Tasting it, she grins and grabs a few slices from the platter before dumping syrup on them giddily.


Arc puts a slice on two plates and offers them to Gwen and Greta. “Care for a taste?”

Gwen appears confused. “Us?”

Greta bows her head. “But we can’t afford such exotic ingredients.”

Arc smiles at them. “That’s fine. This one’s on me.”

Taking the plates, they each take a bite. Smiling, the pair nod enthusiastically as they chew. Gwen is the first to speak.

“It’s really different from pancakes!”

“I’ll say! Not nearly as sweet either!”

Gallus nods. “Even with the syrup!”

Arc chuckles as he cuts into a slice. “It’s probably because the batter we dipped the bread in helps it resist soaking up the syrup like pancakes do.

The rest of the customers looks toward the table longingly. Arc puts a slice on a number of plates and looks around.

“Whom else wants some?!”

The talons of every other customer immediately go up. Using his magic, Arc levitates plates to everyone else in the small establishment. They call out happily as they munch on their treat. Turning back to Gwen, Arc continues.

“The nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla extract are fairly common back in Equestria. Hopefully someone will start importing them in bulk to help keep the prices down.”

Gwen appears hopeful. “I heard about an Equestrian company trying to do just that.”

She turns to Greta before continuing.

“Do you remember the name?”

“Barnyard Bargain Imports, I think.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I guess it’s a start.”

Gwen looks to her now empty plate. “If we can get some of those ingredients here, I’m definitely going to have to experiment with this dish!”

Greta looks around. “Judging by how much everyone here appears to be enjoying it, I bet it’ll be our best seller in no time!”

Gwen sighs. “Agreed. As long as we can keep the price reasonable, that is.”

Greta nods. “I’ll look to experiment with some recipes to maintain consistency.”

Arc chuckles. “Try some powdered sugar for garnishment.”

Gwen appears confused. “Powdered sugar?”

Greta looks to Arc. “Another Equestrian product, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s just really finely ground sugar.”

Natalya nods. “Think of it like the consistency of flour.”

Gabby grins. “But sweet!”

Gallus sighs. “I’ve seen it here in the Griffon Kingdom. But it’s marked up to a crazy level though.”

Arc gestures toward the kitchen. “If you have some kind of food processor or something to grind spices that could probably work.”

Gwen turns to Greta. “We could try that on pancakes too!”

Greta bows respectfully. “Thank you, sir! It sounds like we have some experimentation to do!”

Gwen nods as she heads back toward the kitchen. “I’ll start writing down some ideas while I cook!”

Greta sees some customers at the cash register. “And I’ll watch the front while you do that!”

Gwen disappears into the kitchen as Greta heads over to the counter to check out a few customers. Arc looks around for a few moments before turning to Natalya.

“Hey, uh… can you tell me where the restroom is here?”

Natalya points to an unmarked door. “Right through there. You can’t miss it.”

Arc stands. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

Heading to the door, Arc goes inside to take care of his call of nature as Natalya and her siblings continue eating. As they do so three male griffons walk in the front door and up to the counter together. Greta greets them warmly as they approach her.

“Good morning. Are you looking for a table or a take-out menu?”

One of the griffons points to a boxed cake in the glass case next to the register. “That will do.”

Nodding, Greta pulls the box from the case and puts it into a carrying bag before setting the parcel on the counter.

“Will there be anything else?”

He nods slyly. “Yeah. Put the money in the bag.”

Greta appears confused. “I beg your pardon?”

The three griffons draw their blades and point them at Greta menacingly as the leader calls out angrily.

“I said put all your money in the bag! NOW!”

Greta hurriedly opens the cash register and begins filling the bag with the contents. The other two griffons step toward the tables as the leader again speaks.

“Now then, my associates here are going to make their way around the room and collect all your money and valuables. Don’t try to be a hero and no one gets hurt.”

One of the griffons looks to Arc’s table and grins as he calls out.

“Looks like we got ourselves some real high rollers over here, boss!”

The leader looks their table over. “Yeah! That spread looks mighty expensive to me!”

He walks over to them and looks down at Natalya.

“You a rich broad, missy?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not particularly, no.”

Gabby grins. “Yes, we are! We’re super rich!”

Gallus groans. “Gabby…”

The leader looks to Natalya’s satchel lying on the bench next to her. “Empty out your bags then!”

“I don’t have any money! My friend and I spent it at the tavern the other day!”

Gallus nods soberly. “She’s telling you the truth. We’re just here with her fiancé having breakfast.”

The leader looks to Gabby. “So he’s rich too?”

“Super, ultra, mega rich! Like the king!”

“And where is he?”

Gabby points a talon. “In the bathroom right now!”

“You want us to shake him down, boss?”

“Nah. Wait for him to come out. Then we grab him and make a mint on the ransom!”

As if on cue, the bathroom door opens and Arc steps out. Seeing the griffons with their weapons drawn, he narrows his eyes and frowns.

“I’m guessing this isn’t a maintenance crew.”

Gabby giggles. “Nope! They’re robbers!”

Smirking, the leader nods. “Yeah. Now then, you just come with us peacefully and no one gets hurt.”

“Uh, boss?!”


“Th-that’s Lord Arc of Equestria!”

“Good! They’ll pay a fortune to get him back!”

Pointing his weapon at Arc, the leader continues.

“Now then, are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?”

Arc steps forward. “I’m a big fan of the easy way.”

“Smart choice.”

As Arc approaches the leader at their table, he puts his hand behind him and pulls the minion’s blades to himself. Quickly stuffing them into his magic ring, he again looks to the leader as he speaks.

“There we go.”

“What did you…?!”

Arc interrupts him. “Someone could get hurt if those two idiots kept waving those things around.”

Winding up to swing his own blade at Arc, the leader charges forward. Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out his guardanium knife and waits patiently. Taking up a defensive position, the knife not only blocks the incoming attack but puts a sizable gouge into the sword. Stunned, the leader looks at his blade for a few moments as Arc channels his magic into his knife. Making a few quick slicing motions, Arc deftly cuts his opponent’s sword into half a dozen pieces before he can even react. Smirking, Arc speaks.

“Now then, I suggest you surrender peacefully.”

The leader looks past Arc to his partners. “Don’t just stand there! Help me out here!”

Charging forward, the pair are stopped in their tracks as Arc holds up a hand and picks them up with a Telekinesis Spell. They clutch their throats with their talons as Arc continues to look at the leader evenly.

“You should probably give up now. My patience isn’t limitless, after all.”

Seething, the leader rushes toward Arc. Shaking his head, Arc throws the other two griffons at him. Flying through the front door, the trio land in a heap in the middle of the street. Greta runs outside, flags down a patrol, and calls out as she points.

“These three assaulted a lord!”

Glancing inside the restaurant, the guards see Arc. He waves to them as they turn their attention back to the griffons lying on the ground before them. The commanding officer blows a whistle and points. A number of guards converge on the thieves as Arc steps outside and approaches the griffon commander. He comes to attention and salutes respectfully.

“Good day, Lord Arc. Did these three give you trouble?”

Arc nods. “They were robbing that place and wanted to take me captive to collect a ransom.”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out their swords and holds them out to the officer.

“Here are their weapons.”

The commander nods as he takes them. “Just the two?”

Arc jerks a thumb behind him. “The one in charge had one as well. But the pieces of it are lying on the floor in there.”

“I’ll see to it that they never again see the light of day, sir.”

“Thank you.”

As the three griffons are led away in chains, Arc returns to the restaurant to the sound of applause. Kneeling down, he picks up the bag with the money in it and looks to Greta.

“I believe this belongs to you, miss.”

Greta nods as she takes it. “Y-yes sir! Thank you very much!”

Turning back his party, Arc walks over to the table as Greta hurries through the kitchen door.

“Is everyone okay?”

Gabby nods as she continues eating. “Just swell! I love entertainment when I’m eating!”

Gallus shrugs. “Yeah. I mean, they couldn’t take what we didn’t have, after all.”

Natalya smiles at Arc. “Thank you for handling that, sir! It was very impressive!”

Greta returns with Gwen by her side. The proprietor looks at the remains of the weapon on the floor in front of the cash register before turning to Arc and smiling.

“I appreciate you helping out my employee just now, Lord Arc.”

“Happy to help. Uh… does this sort of thing happen often?”

Greta sighs. “Semi-regularly, yes.”

Arc frowns. “Really?”

Natalya sighs. “The guards don’t really do much to stop such things unless it’s literally happening right in front of them.”

Gallus nods. “And the only reason the patrol even stopped at all was because they heard that a lord was being attacked.”

Gabby giggles. “It made for a nice show though!”

Greta bows her head. “We’re usually on our own though as far as security goes.”

Gwen looks to the remains of the weapon on the floor. “And thieves know it.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “I think we should get moving.”

Natalya nods as she stands. “Yes, I believe so.”

Gabby pouts. “But I’m still hungry!”

Gallus groans. “How though?! You ate more than all of us combined!”

“I’m a growing youngling!”

Arc reaches for his ring as he speaks. “We’ll get you some more to eat later, Gabby.”

Setting a large bag of bits on the table, he turns to Gwen and smiles.

“I’ll talk to Lord Gestal about what happened here today. Maybe he can speak to the patrols around here regarding them protecting all of the Griffon Kingdom’s citizens rather than just the top tier.”

Gwen smiles nervously. “Thank you, sir. But…”

Arc turns to the others. “Let’s go.”

Gwen and Greta watch the four leave. Turning to the bag on the table, Gwen opens it and sees the number of coins. Turning to her employee, she speaks.

“Lord Arc is certainly generous for a noble.”

Greta sighs. “Not like the other aristocrat whom came in here a while back.”

“The one whom thought he should get free food because of his status?”

“That’s the one.”

Gwen nods to the group across the street. “I think Lord Arc will make Natalya very happy.”

“I sure hope so. She’s a nice young griffon, after all.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Natalya and speaks.

“Well, that was interesting.”

Natalya sighs. “Not exactly the word I would have used there.”

Gabby giggles. “The food was good though!”

Gallus grins. “That it was.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “In any case, what else you’d like to do today?”


Gabby cuts in. “How about we go clothes shopping?!”

Gallus groans. “This is Natalya’s big day, Gabby! Not yours!”

“But we haven’t gone shopping together in forever!”

Natalya giggles. “I did used to like dressing you up when you were little.”

She turns to Arc nervously before continuing.

“Would you mind if we head to the clothing store?”

Arc shakes his head. Whatever you want to do today is just fine with me, Natalya.”

Gabby grins. “Great! Let’s go!”

Arc and company follow Gabby down a number of streets. Eventually they come to a large department store. Natalya gasps as she sees the building.

“What are we doing here, Gabby?!”

Gabby appears confused. “Clothes shopping, remember?!”

Gallus shakes his head. “Yeah, but this place is WAY beyond what we can afford!”

“But we’re rich! We can afford anything we want, right?!”

Natalya sighs. “Not exactly, Gabby. You see, I haven’t gotten any money from our father’s estate yet since Lord Arc and I aren’t married.”

“But you’re doing that tonight! Can’t you just tell them that we’ll pay tomorrow, or something?!”

Gallus groans. “That’s not how this place works.”

“Then how am I supposed to look my best for the wedding?!”

Arc removes a large bag of bits from his ring and gives it to Natalya. “She does have a point, you know. Take her to the younglings’ section and get Gabby something nice to go with the dress Rarity made for her.”

Natalya nods. “Alright, sir. But only if you’re sure that this is what you want.”

“I am, yes.”

Gabby flaps her wings excitedly. “YAY! I’m gonna looks so pretty!”

She runs inside with Natalya following behind. Arc and Gallus enter together and watch the pair disappear into the youngling section of the store. Gallus turns to Arc and sighs.

“You really shouldn’t encourage her, you know.”

“Yes, well… today really is a special day. And I wanted her to remember it as a happy one.”

Looking Gallus over, he continues.

“But what about you?”

Gallus appears confused. “What about me?”

“Your sister said that you would rather just go as you are. But don’t you want something a bit more formal to wear tonight?”

Gallus looks away nervously. “I’m… not much for that sort of thing.”

“What about Natalya?”


“This is her big day, after all. Wouldn’t she want everyone to look their best?”

“I… suppose so.”

Arc gestures to the formal attire nearby. “Then let’s see about getting you dressed up.”

Leading Gallus over to a rack with formal suits on it, he watches as the young griffon picks one up and turns to him.

“How’s this one?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s up to you.”

“Then I’ll take it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you want to try it on first?”

“I’m sure it’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

Gallus shrugs. “Pretty sure, yeah.”

“Just ‘pretty sure’?”

Gallus groans. “Fine, I’ll try it on.”

Heading for the changing rooms nearby, Gallus enters with the suit as Arc leans against a wall to wait. A few minutes later he knocks on the door and calls out.

“You okay in there, Gallus?”

“I, uh… I’m kinda having some trouble here.”


“Putting this thing on, I mean. My talon keeps getting stuck when I try to put the other sleeve through.”

“Do you want me to help you?”

There is a short silence followed by a groan as Gallus responds.

“I… I guess so.”

“Alright. I’m coming in.”

Pushing the door open, Arc spies Gallus with the suit only halfway on. Closing the door behind him, Arc walks over and pulls the suit coat over the young griffon’s back and helps him put his other talon through the sleeve. Stepping back, Arc motions to the full-length mirror before him.

“So, what do you think?”

Gallus sighs. “It’s… okay, I guess.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Not really. I mean… this isn’t really my kinda thing.”

“Well, you only have to wear it for one night.”

“I guess that’s true. It’s just… I don’t really feel like… myself in this thing.”

Arc chuckles as he puts a hand on Gallus’ shoulder. “Don’t like getting dressed up all fancy, huh?”

Gallus shakes his head. “That’s not it. I mean…”

“Don’t feel too bad. I’m not much for such things either.”

Gallus turns to Arc. “You aren’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I’d much rather be wearing my normal day to day clothes than my royal raiments.”

“But you look really good in them!”

“Well, it just doesn’t feel right to me.”

Gallus turns to look at his reflection again. “That I do understand.”

He looks at himself for a long moment before continuing.

“Sir, I… uh… need to say something.”

“What is it?”

“It’s about Natalya. And when this whole marriage thing started.”

Arc bows his head and nods. “I know that you’re not too keen on the idea of us having to get married under such circumstances, but…”

Gallus interrupts him. “It isn’t that. Back when you and her first started sleeping together in your quarters, I took Natalya aside and asked her if you had hurt her.”

“And did she tell you about Hammer joining us?”

“Yeah. And how she and her slept in the bed while you took the couch.”

“At the time I figured she would feel better with another female in the room with her. And it wouldn’t really be proper for me to ask Hammer to sleep on the floor.”

“I guessed that much. And I’ve been asking her every day privately if she’d been… inappropriately touched in any way by you.”

“Which I didn’t, I assure you.”

“That’s what Natalya told me, yes. She said that you took her feelings into consideration every chance you got. That and talked her through any problems which arose or whatever else was on her mind.”

Arc nods. “It’s just what she deserved. To be treated as a living, breathing, feeling individual. Not a bag of meat or an unfeeling doll.”

“I really do appreciate it. You taking the time to help my sister out and look after her like you did. Especially after the Griffon Kingdom pretty much abandoned her.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest soberly. “She deserved better than what happened, after all. No one should be sold to another for life, after all. Especially when they didn’t do anything to deserve such a thing in the first place.”

Gallus grunts. “Yeah. Especially females. I’m guessing she told you what happens to them?

“Yes. When I first took… for lack of a better term… possession of her, Natalya… ah, initially presented herself to me by lifting her tail and presenting herself to me. I didn’t take her up on it, of course.”

“She told me as much, yeah. But I’d like to hear from you directly why you didn’t? I mean… is it because of her species?”

Arc shakes her head. “No, Gallus. I’m not against relations with a different species, after all.”

“Then did you not find her attractive?”

“Natalya is really pretty, yes. However, I find the thought of having relations an unwilling partner to be very… disturbing.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “So… you didn’t have sex with Natalya because she didn’t want you to?”


“But what if she did?”

“Did what?”

“Hypothetically… let’s say that, after you two were officially married, Natalya told you that she wanted you to do that to her.”

Arc blushes slightly. “I, uh… guess I’d have to sit down and have a long talk with her. Figure out why exactly she wanted such a thing all of a sudden.”

“Assuming she was able to explain that she was honestly in love with you and wanted to have your eggs, then what?”

“Then I’d have to call a meeting of the rest of the herd to explain the situation to them.”

“Why? I mean… you two would be married by then.”

“Because, as a herd, everyone needs to be on the same page as to what’s going on in matters such as this. They agreed to allow Natalya into the herd already, of course. But that was just under the idea of our marriage only being a relationship on paper. A formality without romantic overtures, that is.”

“What would you tell them?”

“The truth. That Natalya and I, assuming I really did feel the same what about her, were honestly in love and wanted to make our marriage from one of convenience to a full and unrestricted one.”

“To include intimacy.”


“And if they didn’t go for the idea?”

“In that case, I’d suggest everyone get to know each other better in hopes that they would change their minds.”

“Then what if they agreed?”

Arc shrugs. “I’d probably consult with my doctor on how to safely have sex with a griffon.”

“You seem really interested in your partner’s safety and feelings.”

“It’s just part of caring for others. Not wanting them to get hurt as well as making them feel safe, comfortable, and pleasured.”

Gallus smiles. “I… think that’s really… very nice of you.”

“Just the Honest truth. But now I have a question for you, Gallus.”


“You seem really concerned with Natalya and I’s future relationship. Moreso than a brother normally would be though. Especially given that she and I have never actually voiced any kind of romantic feelings for one another in the past.”

Gallus looks down. It’s… complicated.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I don’t think so. You’d probably just think I was being weird.”

“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk. But it sounds to me as if you’ve been holding something in for some time now.”

“I don’t… like wearing fancy clothes like this because… I’d rather be wearing…”

Turning to Arc, Gallus beckons him to come closer. Whispering in his ear, Arc nods.

“Do you want me to get you something different then?”

Gallus nods nervously. “Could you?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Be right back.”

Turning, Arc leaves the changing room. A few minutes later he knocks lightly before opening the door part way and passing another outfit inside. Waiting a few minutes, Arc hears Gallus call out to him nervously.

“I… think I’m ready.”

“Do you want to come out so I can see you?”

Gallus sounds nervous. “You should probably come in here instead. I’m not… really ready for this.”

“If you need some more time…”

Gallus interrupts him. “No, no! I mean… that I’m not ready for others to see me. Just you.”


Stepping into the changing room, Arc sees Gallus standing before him in a pretty dress. He looks down and blushes as he mumbles.

“You probably think I’m just being silly asking for this.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. So… how do you feel right now?”

“Really… nice, I think. Very… um… myself.”

“But you still don’t want others to see you like this.”


“Why though?”

“It’s… complicated.”

“I’d be willing to hear you out if you’d like to talk about it though.”

Gallus grimaces nervously. “Can you just keep this to yourself then?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Whatever you say here will be kept between us.”

“Alright. Here goes.”

Taking a deep breath, Gallus continues.

“I, ah… suppose it all started years ago back at our estate.”

“The one you shared with your siblings?”

Gallus grimaces. “Right. Natalya had already left to join the military, so it was just Gabby and I living there with Heathcliff looking after us at the time. She’s really impulsive, as I know you’ve already noticed, and would often burst into my room at random times.”

Arc chuckles. “Younger siblings can be like that. At least from what I’ve heard.”

“Well, you see… this one time I was on my bed looking at a magazine when she suddenly burst through the door. Before I could even speak, she lunged onto my bed and grabbed the magazine while asking a bunch of questions about what I was reading.”

Arc shrugs. “She was just young and curious though I would imagine.”

Gallus grimaces. “I guess. But the truth of the matter was… that it wasn’t actually a magazine on fashion, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh? What was it then?”

Gallus blushes heavily. “A… a dirty one.”



Arc sighs. “I suppose it’s normal to be interested in such things at your age. And it’s not like you could have prevented Gabby from seeing it considering just how fast she moves.”

“It… wasn’t exactly normal porn though.”

“How so?”

Gallus looks around instinctively. “This just stays between the two of us though, right?”


“It was… it was just… male griffons. In really provocative positions.”



“What did Gabby say about it?”

Gallus shrugs. “She’s kind of an airhead about some things. Luckily for me, this was one of those times. So I was able to just kinda downplay the pictures as some new kind of wrestling. After all, she hates sports.”

“Forgive my naivety, but is such a thing legal here in the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Pictures of adults, yeah.”

“I don’t really see the problem then. Well, other than Gabby seeing it. But that was just an accident. One I’m assuming you didn’t repeat.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Wait. That’s your takeaway from this?”

Arc appears confused. “Well, yeah. Should it have been something different?”

“Sort of. I mean… I just told you that I was looking at other male griffons doing stuff to each other.”

“Assuming none of them is being forced to do that sort of thing, I don’t really see the issue with it.”

“Magazines portraying such things are viewed as simply acting, and are completely legal. But… for a griffon to actually do stuff like that is a punishable offense.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why though?”

“It’s against the law.”

Arc groans. “More griffon laws.”

Gallus groans. “Yeah. They really like to try and control everyone. But I’m getting off topic here.

“Carry on then.”

“Like I said, Gabby doesn’t like sports at all though. So when I told her that was what she was looking at, she just kinda dropped the whole matter like a hot potato. That is… until this whole thing came around with you and Natalya getting married.

Arc frowns. “I don’t understand what any of this has to do with Natalya and I though.”

“All I can think of is that she must’ve remembered that magazine from back then because if you recall, she suggested that maybe you and I should… you know…”

Arc finishes Gallus’ sentence. “Get married instead?”

Gallus nods his head sheepishly. “Right.”

“She was probably just being silly though. I mean… Gabby doesn’t even fully understand what marriage is I don’t think.”

Gallus shakes his head. “I think she understands more than she lets on.”

“So… are you saying that you believe that she really meant what she said back there?”

“That I do.”

Looking himself up and down in the mirror, Gallus touches the silky-smooth fabric as he talks.

“You see… for a male griffon to act or dress feminine here in the Griffon Kingdom isn’t allowed. Gabby likes to spy on me and others, so it’s likely that she’s found out the rest of my secret already.”

“What would that be?”

“That I… I don’t want to grow up and get married like everyone else.”

“Then what is it that you do want?”

Gallus looks away as he blushes heavily. “I’ve never told this to anyone before, but… I’d be much happier finding a nice male griffon and being taken as he wife.”

Sighing, Gallus takes a few moments to compose himself before looking over his shoulder at Arc and speaking again.

“Or… a male of any species, I guess.”

“I see.”

Gallus sighs. “Yeah, I know. I’m weird.”

“Not really.”


“I mean… there’s nothing wrong with wanting something different than what society deems normal.”

Gallus gestures to his outfit. “So… are you saying that you think something like this is… okay?”

Arc nods. “If it makes you happy, yes.”

Gallus smiles nervously. “Th-thanks, sir. I, uh… that is, if you’d be willing to do so… I… wouldn’t mind getting to know you better and maybe… take my sister’s place by your side.”

Arc puts a hand on Gallus’ shoulder. “I’m flattered that you were willing to confide in me regarding this. But I need to be Honest with you too, Gallus.”


“While I’m happy that I was able to help you face this matter, I… don’t really feel the same way about you.”

Gallus sighs as he looks back to the mirror. “It’s… okay. I mean, I should be happy that you’re willing to accept this about me. Even if you’re not interested in expanding our relationship.”

“You’re a very nice individual, Gallus. And I’m sure you’ll make someone very happy someday. But at the same time I have to admit that I don’t feel attracted to you in that particular way.”

“Yeah, well… thanks for listening though. And for being Honest with me about your feelings too. It was… nice though.”

“To tell someone?”

Gallus groans as he pulls the dress off. “To finally be able to confess that to someone, yeah. I feel kinda like a weight has been lifted from my back. It fells very… liberating.”

“So where do we go from here?”

“Back to the way things have been. But at the same time, I want you to know that I really do hope that you and Natalya find happiness. Whether with each other or someone else entirely.”

Arc smiles at him. “Thank you. Now then, what do you want to do about… the clothes?”

Gallus picks up the suit from its place on a hook. “I should probably buy this one for the ceremony tonight. Like you said, I’m sure Natalya will want me to look my best for her big day, after all.”

“Yes, well… might I offer you an alternative?”

Gallus turns to him. “I’m listening.”

Quite some time later Natalya and Gabby meet back up with Arc and Gallus. Gabby holds up a large box proudly.

“I’m going to be so pretty tonight!”

Natalya nods and smiles as she hands Arc the remaining money. “That you are, Gabby.”

“Gallus found something as well.”

Gallus nods nervously. “Right. I’m ready to do my part tonight.”

Natalya appears surprised. “You are?”

Gallus grins as he offers his sister a ‘thumbs up’. “Yeah. Can’t let my older sister down, now, can I?”

“Um… thanks Gallus.”

Gabby looks to Arc and pulls on his sleeve as she points a talon. “Can I get an ice cream cone?!”


Looking to Natalya as Gabby takes his hand, Arc continues.

“We’ll be right back.”

Natalya and Gallus watch as the pair walk over to the stand together. Gallus chuckles as he turns to his older sister.

“It’s nice to see Gabby warming up to Lord Arc.”

Natalya smiles. “He’s not the only one though.”


“You seem a bit different in the way you speak about him. Did something happen with you two while we were gone?”

“Let’s just say that he helped me talk through a problem I have.”

Natalya nods happily. “He is very good at that, yes.”

Gallus turns to face his sister. “Look, Natalya… I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I just wanted to say… that I’m very happy for you.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “You mean that you’re happy that I’m marrying Lord Arc?”

“More along the lines of me being happy that you’re happy, I guess.”

“Ah! Well, thank you for that. And it is nice to know that you two are getting along as well.”

Gallus smiles as he mutters under his breath. “Moreso than you know, sis.”

The four spend the remainder of the day together doing other various things they enjoy. As the sun begins to set that evening, Natalya looks up into the sky before turning to Arc.

“It’s getting late.”

Gallus nods soberly. “That it is. Should we head back to the ship now?”

Gabby pouts. “But I want to play more!”

Arc chuckles as he motions for the others to follow him. “Yes, it’s probably about time we made our way back to The Equinox. Best not to keep Lord Gestal waiting, after all.”

Natalya appears confused. “We’re not going to take a portal back?”

Arc shakes his head. “I kinda want to walk if it’s okay with all of you.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. Not that I mind, but why?

Arc smiles whimsically. “Because this way it feels like there’s a real destination we’re heading for.”

Gabby tilts her head to one side. “Destination?”

“The ceremony. And the future.”

Natalya grins. “That’s kinda deep when you think about it.”

Arc sighs. “Maybe it sounds a bit silly at this point, but I’m still a bit nervous.”

“Nervous about a marriage on paper?”

“It may just be a matter of necessity. But either way we’re both getting married tonight, Natalya.”

“Are you still okay doing this, sir?”

Arc nods. “I am if you are, yes. However, just let me have this time to enjoy myself before the ceremony please.”

Gallus shrugs. “Sure. Whatever makes you feel better.”

Sometime later they arrive back at the Skyport. As they ascend the gangplank and arrive on the deck, Natalya looks at the large ship looming before them and stops. Grimacing, she looks down and sighs. Arc too stops and looks back.

“You okay, Natalya?”

Gallus smirks. “Got some last-minute butterflies, sis?”

Gabby looks around, confused. “Butterflies! Where?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, no. I’m just a bit… nervous, is all.”

Looking to her siblings, Natalya continues.

“You two should go inside and get ready though.”

Gabby gasps. “But Natalya…!”

Gallus cuts her off. “Go on, Gabby. It’ll be okay.”

Arc nods as he turns to Gabby. “There will be a Hoof Maiden waiting for you in your room to help you get ready and give you what you need. Just do what they tell you to and you’ll be ready in no time.”

Gabby grins and runs toward the ship with her dress box. “Okay! See you all later!”

Natalya turns to her brother. “Why don’t you get changed too?”

“Are you sure you’re okay, Natalya?”

Natalya smiles and nods. “Yes. I’m fine.”

“Hey, um…”

“What is it, Gallus?”

“I just… wanted to say again that I… um… I’m okay with all of this.”

“With what?”

“You and Lord Arc getting married.”

“I’m very glad to hear that. But what made you change your mind?”

“We had a nice long talk back at the clothing store.”

He glances back at Arc before continuing.

“And I… I was able to walk through a few things with him.”

Natalya smiles at her brother. “That’s good to hear. But you should hurry up and get ready now, Gallus. Lord Arc and I just need to have a talk before the ceremony.”

Gallus appears suddenly concerned. “Everything okay, Natalya?”

“Yes, I just wanted to get a few things out in the open before the ceremony.”

Arc nods as he steps forward. “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to help your sister with whatever is bothering her before we head inside.”

Gallus smiles at Arc. “Yes sir, I know that you will.”

“But before you go, there is something that I’d like to say to you.”

“What’s that, sir?”

Arc points to the large clothing box on Gallus’ back. “Just that I believe you’ll look great in your new outfit at the ceremony.”

Gallus blushes slightly. “I, um… th-thank you, sir. I’ll do my best not to disappoint either of you.”

“I know. Now then, you know what to do.”

Nodding, Gallus enters the ship. Arc turns to Natalya and smiles.

“So… how are you doing?”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Okay, I suppose. It’s just some last minutes wedding jitters, I think.”

“Second thoughts?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not exactly. I mean… I do want to do this, yes. It’s just… everything regarding this entire matter happened so suddenly.”

Arc nods. “That letter which started it all came to you barely a week ago.”

“Yes. Up until that point in time, I was just living my life at the orphanage and doing my best to move past what happened to lead me to that point.”

“And help acclimate orphaned younglings to their new lives in Equestria. Very admirable, I must point out.”

Natalya smiles happily as she puts her talons up on the guardrail and looks out over the ocean to the west.

“To be honest with you, I find my life at the Little Hooves Orphanage to be very fulfilling. The job, while very demanding, is one that fills me with pride and allows me to make a positive difference in the lives of those whom have lost literally everything.”

Arc nods soberly. “That was after you yourself had everything taken from you as well. Your military rank, your freedom, and even your future here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya looks over her shoulder at him. “But you saw fit to return that to me, sir.”

“I knew you deserved better. That you didn’t earn the punishment given to you.”

Natalya looks down and sighs. “I… kinda did.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“My family caused the Griffon Kingdom and its inhabitants great suffering in the past. Lord Goldstone, my father, raped more griffons than I know simply for his own sick pleasure. So, if my suffering at the talons of the government can help make up for that, then I’ll gladly accept my fate.”

Arc shakes his head. “Natalya… you didn’t have anything to do with what you father did though. They were his choices and his crimes alone.”

Natalya sighs. “In the eyes of the public, what the head of the household does is passed on to their family members. At least the scorn is, I mean.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “But you didn’t do anything to deserve that.”

“I know, sir. However, that doesn’t change the fact that this is, and always will be, my burden to bear.”

She smiles sadly before continuing.

“You’ve told me in the past, numerous times I might add, that when you and I are officially wed that the money from my father’s estate will be mine to do with as I see fit.”

Arc nods. “Right. After all, I don’t feel that it’s mine to take.”

Natalya looks out over the city below. “Then I want to promise you here and now that I’ll use it to help make the Griffon Kingdom better for all. Schools, jobs, and medical care for those whom have none.”

“A very nice sentiment, Natalya.”

“While I know it won’t make up for what my father did, in this way I want to try and make things better for the citizenry. For everyone, that is.”

Turning to Arc, Natalya looks him in the eye soberly.

“This is my oath. Both to you and my homeland.”

Arc smiles as he takes her talon. “And I’ll do my best to support you in that. Both as a friend and your husband.”

“Thank you. I really do believe that together we can bring about change.”

Leaning forward, Natalya wraps her talons around Arc’s neck and hugs him. Arc reciprocates and hugs her back. They stand there for a long moment before stepping back and breaking the embrace. Natalya takes Arc’s hands in her talons and smiles widely as she speaks.

“You and I… we originally met as guide and diplomat. Later we became slave and master. I was allowed my freedom and saw us as friends. And now… now we’re about to be joined as husband and wife for the rest of our lives. While I don’t really know what the future will bring us… if this will merely be a marriage of convenience as you put it in the past… or if we’ll one day come to truly love one another. But right now, I’d just like to say that I’m looking forward to seeing what life has in store for us together… Arc.”

“I’d like that too, Natalya.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Do you think… that maybe one day we could be more than we are now? That perhaps we might get to the point of actually being in love?”

Arc smiles at her. “No one knows the future, of course. But are you saying that you’re interested in such a thing?”

Natalya giggles slightly and nods. “Like most other griffons, I’ve always wanted to grow up and get married. Find someone special to spend my life with. Maybe that’s you.”

“Time will tell, I suppose. After all, I do care about you, Natalya.”

“And I for you. But… does that mean that we’re in love?”

“Not necessarily. You can love someone without being in love, after all.”

“I would like the chance to figure it out for myself though. Would that be okay?”

Arc nods happily. “That it would, Natalya. And to be completely Honest with you, I’d like to find out for myself.”

Natalya sighs wistfully. “I’m not really sure if a griffon and a human would be compatible though.”

Arc shrugs. “I can’t imagine it would be much different than a pony and human falling for one another.”

“I suppose that’s true. But… where do we go from here?”

“Well… at the moment I think we should get ready for the ceremony.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “Do you think that you and I could talk about this more later though?”

“Of course.”

He looks up at the colorful sunset before continuing.

“But it appears that it’s finally time, Natalya.”

“Might I say one last thing though before we part ways?”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

“This whole marriage ceremony really is backwards.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“Think about it. We’re about to get married and then get to know one another better. Generally speaking, it’s done the other way around.”

Arc chuckles. “Yet another first for the nations.”

“The first non-griffon marriage and now a non-traditional relationship.”

“Well, that is generally how discoveries are made.”

“But for the first time since it was originally suggested, I’m honestly looking forward to this.”

“Me too if I’m being Honest. So, here’s to the future.”

Natalya grins as she and Arc walk toward the main hatch. “Yes. One in which things are better for everyone.”

Entering the ship, Arc walks Natalya to her suite. Arriving, they see two Hoof Maidens waiting for them outside. They bow respectfully and turn to Arc.

“All the preparations have been made for your bride, sir.”

Arc nods. “Good.”

Natalya gasps as her talons fly to her face. “Oh no!”

Arc turns to her. “What is it, Natalya?”

“I just realized that I never actually picked out a dress for today!”

Arc chuckles. “Not to worry. Remember, I had Rarity make one up for the occasion. My wedding gift to you.”

The other Hoof Maiden nods as she gestures to the closed door. “Yes ma’am. It has been made ready and is waiting for you inside along with some additional adornments for the occasion.”

Natalya groans, slightly embarrassed. “Oh! Um… not sure how I forgot about that.”

Arc smiles at her. “Well, I’ll go and let you get ready then. See you at the Observation Deck in a bit?”

Natalya giggles happily. “I’ll be there.”

The pair part ways as Natalya enters her suite with the Hoof Maidens and Arc makes his way to his own quarters. Entering them, he finds Sereb and Hammer waiting for him inside. Arc chuckles as he closes the door behind him.

“And what might you two be doing here?”

Sereb grins. “We have been tasked by Princess Twilight herself with making sure that you arrive at the ceremony properly dressed and in a timely manner.”

Hammer grins as she grabs Arc’s arm. “That and looking your absolute best! So get in the bathroom and get cleaned up for the ceremony!”

Arc playfully salutes with his free hand. “Yes ma’am.”

Sometime later, Arc stands in front of a mirror in a fancy black tuxedo looking himself over. Turning to Hammer and Sereb, he holds out his arms and grins.

“So how do I look?”

Hammer winks and gives him a ‘thumbs up’. “Like a million bucks, stud!”

Sereb nods approvingly. “Very nice, yes.”

He levitates a small bottle from the vanity over to Arc before continuing.

“I was told by Princess Twilight to give this to you.”

Arc takes the bottle and looks it over. “What it is?”

“A very expensive bottle of cologne.”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah, well… apparently it smells really good to griffons.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Spritzing a bit on his sleeve, Arc smells it and frowns.

“I don’t really smell much of anything.”

Hammer sighs. “Neither did I when I smelled it myself a little while ago.”

Sereb grins toothily. “Believe me when I say that it is quite the interesting smell.”

Arc puts a few more spritzes on himself before capping the bottle. “Griffons must have a better sense of smell than we humans do, Hammer.”

Hammer nods as she looks him over. “I guess so.”

Sereb chuckles. “If it makes you feel any better, my friend, I do think it smells very nice.”

Arc puts the bottle on the vanity. “And with luck so will Natalya. Now then, is there anything else we need to do before heading out?”

Hammer eyes his lewdly. “Nah, I don’t think so. I mean… you couldn’t possibly look any sexier than you do right now.”

Sereb motions to the door with a paw. “Then perhaps we should head over to the Observation Deck now.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Leaving the room, the trio make the short walk to their destination. Approaching the doorway, they find that a large curtain has been stretched over it to hide the interior and act as a makeshift door. Entering, the group sees that the entire room has been transformed into a flower filled paradise with two rows of chairs set up for guests. Twilight stands at the front of the room with Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. They smile widely as Arc approaches and looks around before turning to address Twilight.

“What’s… what’s all this?”

Twilight giggles. “We just wanted your special day to be, well… special.”

Rarity nods happily as she gestures to their outfits. “Yes, darling. And I must say that you look especially fetching in that outfit I made for you.”

Applejack gestures with a wave of her hoof. “And I helped decorate this room for the occasion.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Fluttershy and I hung the banners and anything high up.”

Fluttershy smiles warmly. “Yes, it makes the room look really pretty.”

Pinkie sniffs a nearby flower arrangement. “Smells good too!”

Hammer puts a hand on his shoulder. “We all understand that this whole thing really is just a marriage of convenience, Arc. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still a real, honest to goodness marriage.”

Eidolon’s Ward steps out from behind a display. “Right. It’s all official and legal too. And if I’m being totally honest, the two of you really are cute together.”

Sereb nods. “I agree with Miss Cherry. Everyone worked very hard to make this a day for you and Miss Natalya to remember. However, what you see here is not all that was done on your behalf, my friend.”

Arc appears confused. “Oh?”

Hammer grins. “Right. There are a bunch more guests that will be coming to see this.”

Hearing footfalls behind them, Arc turns to see Derpy, Auriel, and Ember approaching. All three of them are dressed in their finest clothes and smiling broadly. Auriel is the first to speak.

“We’re here to share this special day with you, Arc.”

Ember grins. “Right. And to show our support for Natalya.”

Derpy giggles. “Someday it’ll be us walking down that aisle with you too, after all. But this is her time to shine.”

Arc nods approvingly. “I’m glad all of you could make it.”

Applejack points a hoof behind them. “There should be a few more guests coming too, sugarcube.”

Ember jerks a thumb behind her. “Yeah. They’re right behind us.”

Stepping aside, Arc spies Lily, Shelly, Max (in his human form and wearing a suit for the occasion), along with Frank slowly walking towards them. Shelly is holding onto Frank and Max’s arms as they enter the room. Lily runs over to Arc as best she is able in her high heels and throws her arms around him happily.
“Congratulations, Arc!”

Arc chuckles as he returns the hug. “Thanks for coming.”

Shelly giggles as she too steps forward to hug him. “We’re here for you, Arc.”

Frank nods approvingly. “Yes, my friend. As I have said many times in the past, us orphans all need to stick together.”

Arc nods as he turns to hug Shelly. “That we do, Frank.”

Shelly beams as she and Arc embrace. “It’s so nice to be able to see you get married, Arc.”

Max shakes hands with his commanding officer as Shelly steps back. “That it is, sir.”

Arc nods to him. “Thanks for being there for Shelly, Max. And me too, of course.”

Max smiles as he puts a hand on Shelly’s shoulder. “I could do nothing less for the foalhood friend of the woman I love.”

Shelly pats his hand. “That’s ‘childhood friend’, Max.”

“Ah, yes! Sorry.”

Frank grins. “You’ll get it right eventually.”

A dark portal opens nearby and Luna steps through. Everyone gasps in surprise and instinctively bows. She smiles and calls out.

“No need for that, everypony. This day is about Arc and Natalya, after all.”

Twilight steps forward to greet her friend. “Thank you for coming, Luna. Truth be told, I was starting to worry that you wouldn’t be able to make it.”

“I came to show my support for what Arc is trying to do here. However, I didn’t come alone.”

She steps aside as Dinky, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all trot through the portal. They are each wearing cute dresses and carrying baskets with flower petals in them. Dinky runs over to her father and grins.

“Hi dad!”

Arc grins as he kneels down to their level. “Hey there, Dinky. I’m glad that you and your friends could come.”

Apple Bloom gasps happily. “Are you kidding, Arc?! We couldn’t wait to get here!”

Sweetie Belle does a little twirl. “And Rarity made us all matching dresses for the occasion too!”

Scootaloo looks herself over. “I’ve never worn anything like this before! But I have to say that I do like it!”

Arc nods approvingly. “Well, you look very nice in it, Scootaloo. All four of you do.”

He turns to Luna before continuing.

“Uh… but I do have to ask, if you and Twilight are both here, who’s running the country?”

“Cadance is currently in Canterlot to watch over things there.”

Hammer nods. “That and her Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, is temporarily in charge of the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight quickly chimes in. “It’s just for one evening, after all.”

Sereb looks around. “In any case, that should be everyone.”

Hammer frowns. “Other than Lord Gestal, that is.”

Rarity raises a hoof. “I escorted him to a suite earlier so he could get changed. He should be here soon.”

The sound of footfalls approaching ring out. Everyone turns and gasps as Princess Celestia herself approaches in a beautiful dress of her own. Looking to Arc, she smiles warmly.

“Good evening, sir.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised. “Uh… hi.”

“Forgive me, but I’m here to see history in the making.”

Applejack appears confused. “History in the what now?”

Celestia looks to Arc. “For the first time in our history, an Equestrian citizen will be marrying a citizen of the Griffon Kingdom. And I wanted to be here to not only witness this event, but to show my personal support for such a matter.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thank you. It’s good to know that my actions are smiled upon by all four of Equestria’s princesses.”

Three more enter the room together. Arc turns to see Heathcliff, Ashe, and her father approaching them. Ashe is the first to speak.

“Sorry to keep everyone waiting.”

Gestal nods soberly. “We must apologize for our tardiness, Lord Arc. We would have been here sooner, but there was a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.”

Ashe bows her head. “I accidently tripped and got some makeup on my father’s lapel.”

Heathcliff pulls out a brush and goes over Gestal’s outfit one last time. “Which required me to perform a quick cleaning of his overcoat.”

Ashe smiles. “However, we are here now and ready to do our duty.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Shall we begin?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I believe everything is ready.”

Those assembled take their seats as Pinkie Pie pulls a record player seemingly out of nowhere and sets it on a nearby table. Rarity puts a record on it and sets the needle in motion. The sound of beautiful classical music fills the air as Gestal makes his way to the front of the room with Arc. Dinky and her three friends hurry through the curtain and out of the room to wait for the bride. About ten minutes later they slowly re-enter the Observation Deck led by Gabby. The little ones drop flower petals on the red carpet as they make their way to the front of the room. As they arrive, Heathcliff motions with a talon and ushers them to one side. Applejack and Ashe motion for them to line up as Rainbow Dash flies to the curtain and looks through it for a moment along with Fluttershy. Turning around, they nod to Eidolon’s Ward whom quickly moves the needle to a new place on the record. The Bridal Chorus begins to play as Lord Gestal holds his talons aloft and calls out in a loud voice for all to hear.


Everyone stands respectfully and turn around as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flap their wings and, taking the edges of the curtain in their hooves, lift it high to allow the pair behind it to be seen. Natalya steps forward wearing a simple wedding gown and golden tiara with lightning bolts on it. She is flanked by Gallus whom is wearing a formal tuxedo and smiling with her. The pair walk forward with Natalya latched onto her brother’s talon. Approaching the front of the room, Gallus steps back and allows his sister to walk the last few steps to Arc as he takes his place in front of a chair in the front rom. Arc and Natalya face one another silently as Gestal begins to speak.

“Whom gives this bride to be married?”

Gallus speaks soberly and clearly. “I do.”

Turning to look at those gathered, Lord Gestal again speaks.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today in the sight of God and in the presence of friends and family to join together Lord Arc and Lady Natalya in holy matrimony. Such a thing is applauded to be highly honorable among all creatures and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly. But instead, reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two individuals present now come together be joined. Therefore, if any one present can show just cause as to why they may not be joined together… let them speak now or forever after hold their peace.”

The room is silent as Gestal looks around. After a few moments, he continues with his speech.

“Marriage is the union of a husband and wife in heart, body, mind, and purpose. It is intended for their continued joy and also for the help and comfort given to one another in prosperity and adversity. But just as important, it is also a means through which a stable and loving environment may be found. Through their marriage here today, Lord Arc and Lady Natalya make a solemn commitment together to face their triumphs and disappointments together… embrace their dreams and failings together… realize their futures together… and to accept each other’s failures together. Lord Arc and Lady Natalya come now to promise one another to aspire to the a fore mentioned ideals throughout their lives together as one. And through mutual understanding, openness, and sensitivity to each other they will find true happiness.”

Pausing for a moment, Gestal clears his throat and continues.

“This is both a new beginning as well as a continuation of their growth as individuals. With mutual care, respect, responsibility, and knowledge comes the affirmation of each’s life’s happiness, growth, and freedom. With all due respect for their individual boundaries, of course, comes the choice to have and to hold one another unconditionally. Within the emotional safety of a loving relationship the knowledge that these two offer one another willingly becomes as fertile soil for their continued growth both as a couple and as individuals. With care and responsibility towards one another comes the potential for full and happy lives to be had by both of them. Marriage… marriage is an act both of faith and of personal commitment. It is more than simply a moral and physical union between two individuals. Such a thing has been described as both the best and most important relationship that can exist between anyone. Such is the construction of their love and trust into the single growing energy of their future together. And it is a moral commitment that requires and deserves regular attention. For as we all know, marriage should be a lifelong consecration of the ideals of love and kindness backed with the will and determination to make such a commitment last a lifetime.”

Gestal turns to Arc as he speaks.

“Do you, Lord Arc, take Lady Natalya to be your lawfully wedded wife? To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others and keeping yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?”

Arc smiles and nods. “I do.”

Gestal turns to Natalya. “Do you Lady Natalya, take Lord Arc to be your lawfully wedded husband? To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others and keeping yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

Natalya smiles widely. “I do.”

Gestal nods approvingly. “May you always share with each other the gifts of love and be one in heart, mind, and body. May you always do your best to create a home with one another that puts in your hearts love, Generosity, and Kindness. Let it be known to all that have gathered here today that Lord Arc and Lady Nataly have consented together in marriage before God and have hereby pledged their faith and declared their unity and are now joined.”

Gestal looks to the pair as he comes to the end of his speech.

“In doing so, you have pronounced yourselves to be one in mind and body. But remember to always be each other’s best friend. What unity has been declared here today let no one attempt to pull asunder. And so, by the power vested in me by the Griffon Kingdom and Almighty God… I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Smiling, Gestal turns to Arc.

“You may now embrace the bride.”

Arc leans forward and gives Natalya a hug which she reciprocates. Everyone assembled bursts into a round of applause as talons, hooves, and hands all clap together to show their approval. As they eventually quiet themselves, Gestal again speaks.

“And now, as per our nation’s traditions, the bride and groom will retire for a time to finalize their vows.”

He motions for the pair to walk back down the aisle together. Natalya latches onto Arc’s arm as they do so. Those assembled continue to cheer for them as the couple walks back down the red carpet and through the curtain with Gestal. He leads them back to Arc’s quarters and opens the door for them. Natalya turns to Gestal, confused.

“I don’t really understand what this part is about, sir.”

Gestal smiles warmly. “It’s very simply, my dear. After a couple is wed, they retire to a private place and perform a tradition which is called the ‘joining’.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “And what does that entail, Lord Gestal?”

Gestal chuckles. “Simply put, that the happy couple becomes as one. Both figuratively and literally.”

He looks to Lord Arc before continuing.

“It’s considered lucky if a wife’s new husband impregnates her at this time under the light of the full moon.”

Natalya gasps. “Impregnates?!”

Gestal shrugs. “Superstition, I’m sure. Now then, this is where I leave you two to consummate your marriage. When you have finished, please compose yourselves and join in the festivities which will be held in the cafeteria of the ship I’m told.”

Turning, Gestal leaves the room and closes the door behind him. The room is silent for a few moments before Arc turns to Natalya.

“I, um… I… wasn’t told of this particular tradition.”

“N-neither was I, sir!”

“Do we… really have to…?”

Natalya bows her head. “Yes. Like Ambassador Ashe said, griffon traditions in this matter must be upheld dutifully. I just… don’t know if I’m ready for such a thing yet.”

“Me either.”

“But we must do our duty to our respective countries.”

“Agreed. However, before we do this, I’d like a moment to wash up.”

“Of course. I’ll wait for you out here.”

Arc turns and heads for the bathroom as Natalya makes her way over to the table. Sighing, she slowly removes her wedding gown and carefully lays it out flat so as not to wrinkle it needlessly. Turning to the bed, she walks over to it and lies down on the bedspread to wait. A few moments later Arc emerges wiping his hands on a towel. As he does so, he walks over to the bed and sits down next to his bride. She looks to him with a nervous smile and speaks.

“This last bit, while a surprise to me, is still something I’m willing to do to complete this task. But I have one request.”

“What’s that, Natalya?”

Natalya smiles meekly. “Please… be gentle with me. It’s actually my first time with someone.”

Arc smiles at her. “That I can do. Now then, close your eyes for me.”

Doing so, Natalya waits patiently. She hears the sound of cloth rustling and hitting the floor nearby as the motions of someone getting closer to her are indicated by the shifting of the mattress.

“Open your mouth.”

Obeying, Natalya waits. A few moments later she feels a hand on the back of her head as something slides past her beak and into her mouth. Natalya’s breath quickens as she shudders, instinctively licking and sucking it slightly. A slight moan escapes from her as she opens her eyes. However, the sight before her is unlike what she is expecting. Looking down, she sees Arc removing his finger from her mouth. Sitting back, he smiles sheepishly.

“That should do it.”

“Do… what?”

“Count as completing the ‘joining’, I would assume.”

Natalya appears confused. “But... I don’t understand. After all, you’re supposed to have sex with me.”

“Not necessarily.”

“But Lord Gestal said…!”

Arc interrupts her. “He only told us that ‘the happy couple becomes as one’.”

“I don’t get your meaning.”

“Think about it, Natalya. When I put my finger in your mouth, we were joined and became ‘as one’.”

Natalya puts a talon to her cheek. “I… suppose that’s sort of true. But then why did you keep going in and out?”

Arc blushes slightly. “To be completely Honest with you, I wasn't really sure how much I had to do that. In reality, I was just trying to keep from going too deep and making you throw up.”

“Oh! Um… th-thank you. And, ah… about me licking, sucking, and moaning, I… um…”

She looks away before continuing.

“I guess I was… enjoying what I thought to be your… ah… you know.”

Arc pats her cheek. “Yes, I know what you meant. But I also didn’t think you wanted your first time with a male to be forced by tradition.”

“That’s true, yes.”

“And to be perfectly Honest with you… I’m not really ready for such a thing either.”

Natalya appears relieved. “Thank you for that, Arc. But… it would appear that my body was apparently fully willing to do the deed.”

“Yes, I heard the moan.”

Natalya grimaces nervously. “That… isn’t exactly what I meant.”

Arc appears confused. “Then what…?”

Natalya blushes heavily as she looks away. “Judging by the heat going through my backside, I… may have had a small… discharge down there.”

“Ah! Yes! That’s… understandable! I think!”

“I’m really sorry about doing that! I can clean it up if you’d give me something to…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Natalya?”


“It’s fine. Accidents happen.”

“You mean… you aren’t upset with me for what I did?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not in the least, no. In fact, I’m actually kind of flattered.”


Arc chuckles. “That what I did excited you so much.”

Natalya giggles nervously. “Yes, I suppose you did.”

“And don’t worry. I’ll keep this matter to myself. There’s no need to tell the others about it.”

“Thank you. But… I would like to say again that I am very interested in expanding our relationship in the future.”

“Same here. We should talk to the others about it though. Just not today, alright?”

Natalya nods happily. “Yes, it’s not the right time.”

Arc stands and extends a hand to Natalya. “Well… now that we’ve ‘become one’ as Lord Gestal told us to, how about you and I head over to the cafeteria and join the others for the wedding reception?”

Natalya grins as she accepts his hand. “I… I’d like that, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “Nice.”

“What is?”

“I really like hearing you say my name without the title.”

“Well, we are married now.”

Arc shrugs as they walk toward the door. “That we are.”

“But… do you remember how you told me that nothing needed to change between us?”

“Yes. What about it?”

Natalya giggles as she puts a talon on the doorknob. “I’d kinda like it to. We really should get to know each other as well. See if this really is something that both of us would like to pursue.”

Arc nods knowingly as Natalya opens the door. “Agreed. But right now, we have a reception to get to.”

Natalya sighs contentedly as she steps into the corridor with him. “Yes, dear.”

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