• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Breakfast and Confessions

Arc returns to the main level. Everyone is waiting for him in the living room.

“Ready to go, dad?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Let’s be off.”

Viktor looks past him. “Uh, sir? What about Max?”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. I’m sure he’s hungry.”

“He’s downstairs… thinking.”

Auriel puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Should we bring something back for him?”

“That’s probably a good idea. This way everyone.”

Rose turns to look toward the basement steps as everyone else leaves the room.

“I… think I’ll stay here with Max, Arc.”

“Alright. See you in a bit.”

They leave via the front door as Rose heads for the basement. She finds Max lying on his bed, his arm draped over his face.



“I sense that you’re upset.”


“Would you like to talk about it?”

Max sighs. “I’m in love with Shelly.”

“And Arc was not pleased with that?”

“No. After all, he specifically told all of us not to form attachments here.”

“That is sound advice.”

“I’m not sure how to take that coming from you.”

“What do you…?”

Max sits up and look Rose in the eye. “I have to know something. You were built solely for the purpose of the commander’s pleasure. But he rejected you. Didn’t that hurt?”

“It… still does actually.”


“As you know I’m free of my objectives. However, I do still want to remain by Arc’s side. Willingly though.”


“But he has so many other females now that are all vying for his attention.”

Rose sighs before continuing.

“As you said, my original purpose was to fill the gap in his heart left by the passing of Miss Cherry. However that void has been filled, to a degree, by other females. REAL living, breathing, feeling females. Not a fake one like me.”

“So you think you’re not real?”

“I’m not.”

“You may be comprised of artificial parts, Rose. But you’re far from fake. I’ve seen how the commander looks at you.”

“Looks at me?”

“Yes. It’s not like how one looks at a tool or other object, but as living, feeling, loving person.”

Rose smiles. “He is quite kind. And… understanding.”

“I heard that the commander is considering forming a herd. There’s no reason you couldn’t be a part of that.”

“You really think so?”

Max nods. “I do. Tell the commander how you feel. There’s no way you’ll know otherwise.”

Rose giggles. “I came down here to help you, but it’s me being comforted now.”

He puts a hand to his chin. “Comforted…”


“I… guess I have some more thinking to do. Could I have some time alone, Rose?”

“Of course.”

She stands as Max lays back down and turns towards the wall. Rose heads up the stairs as she mutters to herself.

“Be honest about my feelings. Such a simple concept. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of that before now.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company walk down the front steps. Sereb barks and looks toward the garage. Ember turns to him as they pass the driveway.

“Um… the Jeep’s over here, Arc.”

“True. But I think our group’s a bit too big to fit.”

Xenos shrugs. “Yeah. It’s only a couple blocks anyways.”

Hugh looks at the clear blue sky. “And it’s a lovely day.”

Viktor nods sadly. “That it is. And after today it’ll be the last time we see it.”

Sereb sighs but says nothing as Arc speaks.

“I know everyone here has… become somewhat attached to this place, but we all knew this was coming.”

Ember looks hopeful. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t EVER come back, right?”

Arc shrugs. “That depends on how well, or not so well, tonight goes.”

Auriel sighs. “You mean if we don’t get caught and our identities exposed?”

“Something like that.”

A short time later they arrive at Shelly’s Kitchen. Lily sees them coming and hurries to open the door.

“Good morning, everyone. My, you’re up early today.”

Arc nods. “We needed to get an early start.”

Shelly looks over to them from the counter. “Today’s the day, huh?”

Derpy nods sadly. “It is, yes.”

Dinky grins. “My dad’s coming home with us!”

Shelly smiles at the little girl. “Yes, he told us that yesterday. But you’ll come back to visit, right?”

“Every so often, I hope.”

Lily appears relieved. “Good. We’d miss you too much otherwise. Now then, we’re not actually open yet, but let me get you all something to eat.”

Shelly looks the group over. “Is Max not with you today, Arc?”

“No. But he… looked like he needed some extra rest.”

Lily appears worried. “Is he feeling sick?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Just a bit under the weather.”

Shelly nods nervously. “That’s… good.”

Lily leads them over to a corner booth. Arc and Xenos push another table over as Ember grabs some extra chairs. Lily pulls out her order pad as they sit down.

“Now what can I get everyone this morning?”

Arc grins. “How about omelets for everyone?”

“What kind?”

“Just surprise us.”

“You too, Arc?”

“Sure. I’ll depart from my regular just this once.

Lily nods as she writes down the order. “Okay. This might take a bit though. You know how tricky omelets can be, Arc.”

“But they are tasty!”

Smiling, Lily walks toward the kitchen. She turns to Shelly.

“They want omelets.”

“Can I lend a hand?”

“Thanks. This’ll be quite the order.”

Lily pushes Shelly into the kitchen. Ember turns to Arc and frowns.

“So you’re intentionally making more work for them, why now?”

“Because omelets, while tricky, are the most profitably thing for them on the menu.”

Auriel appears confused. “Arc?”

“I just wanted to give them a bit extra before I go.”

Xenos looks to him warily. “Sir, you ARE planning on coming back at some point… right?”

Arc sighs. “Our mission is suicide. You all know that.”

Derpy and Dinky shudder as Hugh does his best to lighten the mood.

“Yes. But we’re being optimistic.”

Viktor nods. “That and we’ll get through it safely if everyone works together and does their part.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks everyone.”

A short time later Shelly and Lily bring out their order.

“There you are everyone. Assorted omelets.”

Shelly smiles. “I hope you like them.”

Derpy nods. “I’m sure we will.”

Dinky smiles as she takes a bite. “Yummy!”

Shelly looks down at Sereb under the table. She holds out a plate of bacon and sausage to Lily whom sets it on the floor.

“There. Now everyone has something to eat.”

Lily pulls up a chair as Arc and company start to eat. She turns to Dinky.

“So… are you looking forward to your dad living with you?”

Dinky nods happily. “Uh huh! Mom and I are really lonely when he’s gone!”

Shelly sighs. “We’re lonely too when he’s away.”

“I’ll share!”

Everyone laughs as Shelly smiles at the little girl before her. “I’m very glad you have a father whom cares for you as much as Arc does.”

Derpy nods. “Yes, I couldn’t have raised her without his help.”

Ember holds out her empty plate. “Yeah, yeah, Arc’s the greatest guy ever. Can I get another of these… what were they called again?”

Auriel tilts her head to one side. “An omelet?”

“Yeah! That!”

Viktor gasps. “You ate that whole thing already?!”

Ember grins “Yup.”

Lily giggles as she takes the plate. “Coming right up.”

Hugh turns to her. “Can we help, Miss Lily?”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. We hear making those are a lot of trouble.”

Lily shakes her head. “No, thank you. You all just enjoy your food.”

Shelly looks to Arc as Lily stands and heads for the kitchen.

“Arc? Um… might I speak to you privately?”

“Of course.”

He stands and pushes Shelly back toward the kitchen.

“Let’s head for the pantry.”

Arc nods. “Alright.”

As they enter the back room Lily looks up from the stove and nods soberly to Shelly. The pair enter the pantry. Arc closes the door behind them and kneels down to Shelly’s level.

“Now then… what is it you wanted to say?”

“A few things actually. First off though… is really Max okay?”

“Um… for the most part, yes. Why do you…?”

Shelly interrupts him. “I’m not sure what he told you already, but I was a bit… forward last night.”

“He did mention that, yes.”

“Oh… then that makes this easier.”

“I’m really sorry, Shelly. Max is a really… conscientious person, after all. It’s very unlike him to barge into a lady’s bedroom in the middle of the night.”

Shelly giggles. “That’s alright. Truthfully, I’m glad he did.”

“You… you are?”

Shelly nods. “Yes. He’s a wonderful man, and I’m really looking forward to getting to know him better!”

Arc appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Max and I are going to start dating, silly! Didn’t he tell you?”

“Oh! Um… he must’ve left that part out.”

“That’s to be expected. After all, we did stay up pretty late talking last night before he left. After he came to bed with me I had hoped to talk more. But I was just too tired. I hope he wasn’t too upset.”

“No, no. He… understood.”

“Good. I’d hate to start a relationship off on the wrong foot.”

“He told me you gave him your pendant.”

Shelly blushes and smiles. “It’s very special to me. Just like he is.”

“Shelly… I…”

“What’s wrong, Arc? Aren’t you happy for us?”

“I… I am. Sorry, but I’m just a bit… rattled by all this.”

Shelly takes his hand. “We’re not little kids anymore, Arc. It’s time we all settled down and found a special someone. You especially.”


“That’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. You’re not getting any younger, Arc. None of us are.”

“And you think I should settle down and find someone in my new town?”

Shelly smiles at him. “How about a woman from THIS town?”

“Oh? Who did you have in mind?”

“Lily, silly!”


“She’s crazy about you, Arc. Has been since we were kids really.”

“I… didn’t know that.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Why didn’t she ever…?”

Shelly smiles. “Say anything? Trust me, she wanted to. But you know Lily. She’s always scared of failure.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

“So I think you should talk to her about maybe going out on a date the next time you’re in town.”

Arc sighs. “Shelly, I… I can’t.”

“Why not? Don’t you care about her?”

“I do. More than words can express. But… I… I’ve been seeing someone else lately. Someone back in Dawn’s town.”

“Back in Ponyville?”


Shelly’s hands fly to her mouth. “Oh! I… I’m sorry@ I honestly didn’t realize…!”

“It’s fine. In fact I should be the one to apologize for not telling you two before.”

“Can you tell me about her?”

“Her name’s Rarity. She runs a clothing shop back in Ponyville called Carousel Boutique.”

“Is she pretty?”


“And she makes you happy?”


Shelly looks up at Arc happily. “Good! What else?”

“She has a daughter named… Belle. Her and Daisy are really good friends. They even go to school together.”

“So she’s divorced?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She… made the mistake of drinking a bit too much one night in college.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Rarity has a happy life now. She’s the most generous individual you could imagine. I’m sure you and Lily would love her.”

“She sounds like a real catch, Arc. I do hope Lily and I can meet her someday.”

“I… I’d like that. Um… could you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Could you possibly tell Lily for me?”

“But you should…!”

Arc sighs. “I can’t. If she’s that interested in me, I… I don’t want to break her heart.”

Shelly frowns and looks Arc in the eye. “I’ll tell her. But you have to stay here and wait.”

“What for?”

“Like I said, I’ll tell her. But she’s going to want to say a few things to you in private.”

“I… suppose that’s true.”

“She deserves a chance to talk to you about this before you leave, Arc. After all, you won’t be coming back for quite a while, right?”


Shelly turns and wheels toward the door.

“Give me a few minutes to tell her, take over the stove, and she’ll be right in.”


Shelly leaves the room as Arc sits down on the floor.

“Lily… I… never really considered… this potential outcome.”

A few minutes later Lily slowly enters the room. She walks over to Arc and sits down next to him.

“I… guess Shelly explained everything.”

Lily nods. “She… she did.”

“I’m sorry that this happened. If I had known…”

Lily takes Arc’s hand and holds it tight as she forces a smile.

“This isn’t your fault. After all, if I had just said something earlier then maybe things could have been different.”


“Shelly told me about Rarity. How she’s raising a daughter just like you are.”

“Yeah. They’re the best of friends. Just like Rarity and I are.”

“Maybe more one day?”

“Maybe, yes.”

“Would it be okay if Shelly and I came out there for the wedding? If it happens, that is.”

Arc smiles. “I’d like that. But it wouldn’t be for a long time.”

“Yes. You always did like to take things slow. But…”

Lily sighs before continuing.

“Don’t go too slow. After all, I’d hate for her to find someone else while you’re here with us.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. She’s… very attached to me. And I’d… I’d love for you and Shelly to see that town. It’s definitely one in a million.”

“Like you?”

“You too.”

They laugh easily together as Lily rests her head on his shoulder and smiles wistfully.

“I still can’t believe you’re leaving.”

Arc chuckles. “It feels like just yesterday you and Shelly came to live with me. Truth be told, I never thought we’d ever be apart again.”

Lily sighs. “Me either. But one never knows what the future holds.”

“That I do understand. But… this will probably be the last time we can talk for a long time. So I kinda have something to confess.”

“Oh? What is it, Arc?”

“Back when we were kids, I… always thought you were cute.”

Lily giggles. “Honestly, I thought the same way about Frank.”

Arc chuckles. “Ouch.”

Lily smiles up at him. “Just being honest. You two were really similar back then though.”

“I guess we were.”

“But as I got older and wiser I saw that you were the real prize, Arc. I always felt so safe when you were near.”

“We had to stick together.”

“But it was more than that! I…!”

She blushes as she continues.

“…in all honesty… for years I used to fantasize about you and I getting married and having kids.”


Lily nods. “Yes. And we would make sure they were raised in a loving home… together.”

“I used to have those same thoughts.”

“About me?”

“Not about anyone in particular. But I too wanted children of my own for the same reason. To give them the life I never had growing up.”

“You still can.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

Arc sighs. “It’s… complicated.”

“Oh… I understand.”

“You do?”

Lily nods. “Yes, Arc. And it doesn’t change the way I feel about you in the least.”


Lily smiles. “Really. After all, not every man who walks this green Earth is fertile.”


“You and Rarity could always adopt. That would make some kid very happy.”

“I… suppose we could. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that.”

Sighing, she stands up with Arc.

“Well, you should get back to the others.”

“Yeah. They’re probably wondering what’s taking so long.”

“Daisy especially.”

Arc chuckles. “Nah. She’s patient.”

“I’m sure you have a lot to get done today as well. What with you leaving your house empty for a while.”

Lily fidgets for a moment briefly before looking Arc straight in the eye.


“Yes, Lily?”

“I… do have one request before you go.”

“What is it?”

“My first fantasy of you. Would you please make it come true and… kiss me?”


“I know it might sound a little strange given our shared past. But I’ve always wanted to do that, if only just once.”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Lily nods fervently. “More than anything in the world, Arc.”

Arc smiles at her and takes Lily in his arms. “Okay. But just this once.”

Lily nods and wraps her arms around him. She closes her eyes as Arc’s face approaches. Their warm lips meet for the briefest of moments before parting with a light snap. A long moment passes between them silently before Lily closes her eyes and again presses her lips to Arc’s for a much more passionate kiss. Eventually she pulls back and smiles.

“You’ve done that before, haven’t you?”

Arc nods. “A few times, yes.”

“Was I… okay?”

“Yes. Wait! Was that your first kiss?!”

Lily nods happily. “Yes it was. And I’m very happy it was with you, Arc. I’m sorry if I’m not as good at it as Rarity is, but…”

“You did very well.”

“How can you say that?”

“Because there was a lot of love in that kiss. I could feel that you really meant what you said about me. And to me that’s really special.”

He leans forward and kisses Lily’s forehead.

“You’re amazing, Lily. And I hope we can stay the very best of friends no matter what the future holds.”

Lily smiles warmly. “I’d like that, Arc. I really would.”

The pair head for the door together. Lily turns to him.



“I have to ask one last thing before you go.”

“What is it?”

“Do you love me?”

Arc takes her hand and smiles. “I’ve always loved you, Lily. Then, now, and forever.”

“And I love you too. Here’s to hoping you and Rarity have a long and happy life together.”

“You too.”

Lily appears confused. “What?”

“With a special someone, that is.”

“I’d like that too. But I can’t imagine who that would be.”

“Just keep your eyes open.”

“I will.”

They leave the pantry together and enter the kitchen. Shelly is busy at the stove, but still she finds a moment to turn to them.

“Arc, how much can your friends eat?!”

“Quite a bit.”

Lily laughs. “They won’t leave here hungry.”

Shelly pulls another omelet off the stove and puts it on a plate.

“Arc, would you please run this to Xenos?”


Taking the plate he turns to Lily and smiles.

“I’m glad we had that talk.”

“So am I.”

Arc leans forward and gives her a peck on the cheek before leaving the kitchen with the plate. Shelly looks to Lily surprised.

“That must’ve been some talk!”

“Yes, it was.”

Shelly grins. “So you finally got a kiss from Arc, huh?”

“A couple actually.”

Shelly smiles as she turns back to the stove.

“That’s good. You’ve wanted that for as long as I can remember.”

Lily nods happily. “And today one of my wishes finally came true.”

“I’m sorry your original one didn’t though. You and Arc would’ve had a very happy life together, I’m sure.”

“We still will.”


Lily smiles as she walks over to Shelly.

“While it won’t be together, I can live my life knowing that Arc found someone he truly cares for.”

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