• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Demonic Advice

Arc escorts the king and Auriel to the Cafeteria. Sniffing the air, he smiles.

“Smells like the others took the initiative.”

Malevolence grins. “Indeed.”

Auriel looks to her father. “Smells like pancakes!”

“That it does.”

Arc turns to him. “Sir?”

“Yes, Arc?”

“I do hope you understand Twilight’s position on this matter?”

“While I am not particularly happy about it, I must admit that were I in her situation I would certainly not have done as much.”


Malevolence sighs. “Truth be told, I’d have probably decided to dismiss this matter entirely and seal my enemies away forever.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Would you now?”

“Yes. But not out of malice or spite.”

Auriel appears confused. “Then why…?”

Malevolence puts a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “To protect our kind, Auriel. Just as Princess Twilight is doing now.”

He stops and looks to Arc.

“However now I have a question for you.”


“Just now you referred to your princess as simply ‘Twilight’. Is that perhaps a custom of your land?”

“Ah! Well… you see… I… um…”

Auriel interrupts him. “I think I can explain that, father.”

“Please do.”

“At breakfast though.”

She takes her father’s hand and they continue down the corridor together. Arc brings up the rear and sighs.

Arc mutters to himself. “This might not end well.”

Entering the Cafeteria they spot Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying out the Kitchen door carrying serving platters. Arc motions for Auriel and her father to sit down at a large table with him. The rest of Mane Six emerge from the Kitchen a few moments later with the remainder of the food. Sitting it down, Applejack speaks.

“I sure hope everypony’s hungry.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she lands in a chair. “Yeah! I could eat a house!”

Fluttershy giggles nervously. “I bet you could.”

Pinkie turns to the king. “What do you think, mister demon?!”

Rarity gasps. “Pinkie! This is ROYALTY!”

Malevolence waves a claw dismissively. “Think nothing of it. Honestly it’s nice to be away from the palace and my servants.”

Auriel smiles. “I rather enjoyed the attitude of the ponies here too when I arrived, father.”

Arc looks around. “Has anyone seen Twilight?”

Fluttershy motions to the corridor. “She’s in her suite getting ready for breakfast.”

“Is she alone in there?”

Pinkie salivates as she looks at the food. “Nah! Ember and Hammer went with her! They should be here anytime now!”

As if on cue Twilight arrives flanked by Hammer and Ember. Scootaloo and Sereb bring up the rear as they walk to the table.

“Sorry for keeping everypony waiting.”

Applejack chuckles. “It’s fine, sugarcube. We just sat down.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “But now that you’re here we can finally eat!”

Rarity frowns. “Rainbow Dash! We should let our guests be served first.”

Twilight turns to Auriel and the king. “Yes, please help yourselves.”

Auriel nods and picks up a plate. Putting a stack of pancakes on it she gives it to her father as Arc passes him the syrup. Taking a bite he grins.

“Delicious! My compliments to the cook!”

Applejack raises a hoof. “That would be me.”

Auriel smiles. “Applejack’s quite the sight to see in the kitchen.”

Twilight giggles. “Agreed. She moves faster than I can, even when watching a whole host of Bunsen burners.”

Pinkie licks her lips hungrily. “Wait until you try dessert tonight then!”

Rarity nods as she levitates a plate to herself. “Yes, we’re all looking forward to it.”

Arc clears his throat loudly as he looks to the king. “Forgive me, sir, but now that everyone’s here perhaps we should introduce them.”

He gestures to Twilight first.

“Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Ember, Hammer, The Scarlet Filly, and Sereb.”

They nod as their names are called out. The king looks them over carefully as he does so. Arc motions to the king.

“For those of you who don’t know, this is King Malevolence. He rules over the demons of Tartarus. And this is Auriel his daughter.”

Hammer nods soberly. “I can see the family resemblance.”

Scootaloo looks the pair up and down. “Me too.”

Ember shrugs. “I suppose.”

Malevolence gestures to the spread. “My compliments, princess. Your servants appear to be quite skilled in serving you, Princess Twilight.”

“Oh, but they’re not.”

“They’re all friends, father”.

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Yeah! That and we’re the Element Bearers!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “They keep us connected.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “They do?!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Twilight did theorize that some time back. Any more information on that?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I haven’t had time to study it further since taking the throne. Well… since before Auriel and I started the artificial sun project, that is.”

Arc looks to her genuinely interested. “What was your theory, Twilight?”

“I believe that it was the Elements of Harmony that brought my friends and I together. But the question at hoof was if they were what kept us together.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Is it really that important?”

Hammer chuckles. “Yeah! Friends are friends, right?!”

Scootaloo turns to Twilight. “It’s still an interesting theory though. I’d like to hear more about it when there’s time.”

“That would be nice. I didn’t know you were interested in science, Scarlet Filly.”

“Mostly botany. But this experiment is rather interesting, as it involves somepony very important to me.”

Auriel smiles at the filly. “Oh? Whom?”

“Big Brother.”

Arc looks to her. “Huh?”

“I just think it’s a really interesting theory. And it might help explain how all six Element Bearers are interested in marriage to you.”

Malevolence frowns. “Marriage?”

Auriel sighs. “Yes, father.”

Malevolence clenches a fist. “But what about you, Auriel?!”

“I think I would be the seventh.”

Hammer raises a hand. “I’m eight!”

Ember grins. “Nine!”

Arc facepalms as he mutters under his breath. “This isn’t happening.”

“Father, do you remember the question you raised during our walk over here?”

Twilight appears confused. “What question would that be?”

Malevolence turns to Twilight. “I asked Arc why he referred to you by your proper name and not your title.”

Auriel gestures to the mares around the table. “This is why. Because he and all these females, with the exception of the little robed filly, are kind of engaged.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Tentatively, yes.”

Pinkie hops up and down in her chair. “We’re gonna go out on dates, and spend the holidays together, and sleep together, and…!”

Applejack puts a hoof in the mare’s mouth before speaking. “It’s true. We’ve all fallen for him.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I know it must look kinda bad for us, what with all us mares wanting the same stallion.”

Fluttershy nods matter-of-factly. “But we’re all very interested in making this work.”

Twilight groans. “That we are. However nothing can move forward in that regard until things calm down a bit in Equestria.”

Hammer shrugs. “Which sucks, but what do you do?”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Take out Decimus for starters!”

Auriel looks to her father sheepishly. “You’re not mad, are you?”

“Well… I admit that I’m a bit… surprised.”

Arc grimaces. “Is that bad?”

“Not really, no. However I didn’t really think Auriel would be… interested in such things.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What kind of ‘things’?”

“She’s always shied away from orgies.”

He looks around the room and nods before continuing.

“However, I’m sure that Arc and the rest of you will show Auriel a VERY good time.”

Auriel blushes heavily. “Father, please! We haven’t even spoken about that in any detail yet!”

Malevolence puts a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “It’s fine, my dear. I’m sure you’ll bear Arc many healthy children.”

“While I’m certainly willing to do so, I’m not quite sure how the others would react to that.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Fine with me!”

Pinkie giggles. “Me too!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Why are we talking about this over breakfast?”

Fluttershy shrugs. “Well… it is a good time since we’re all together.”

Twilight sighs. “Maybe this isn’t the best time to discuss this part of our futures.”

Rarity stirs a cup of tea. “Right. But when it does happen I’m going first.”

Rainbow Dash raises a hoof. “Me second!”

Hammer glares at the pegasus. “Hey! I wanna go second!”

Ember steps between the two of them. “So do I!”

Rainbow Dash flaps her wings to look Ember in the eye. “I’ve known him longer!”

“I’ve been on more adventures with him!”

Hammer pushes Ember aside slightly. “Wanna tag team then, blue?!”

“Sure! Bet I last longer though!”

Ember licks her lips as she pushes the pair away. “You’re both going to lose!”

Hammer grins as she looks to the others. “Taking bets over here!”

Arc groans. “Okay, let’s put the brakes on this now.”

Twilight nods as she gestures to Scootaloo. “Right! Little ears!”

“Not to worry. I know exactly what they’re talking about. My parents were very… vocal when they…”

Sereb interrupts. “Perhaps we should return to the task at paw.”

Ember returns to her place at the table. “Um… what was that again?”

Hammer shrugs. “I’ve lost track.”

Arc sighs. “Originally we were talking about me being so familiar with Twilight, I believe.”

Malevolence looks to Twilight. “Yes. How does one become so… close to a princess?”

Twilight grimaces. “It’s quite a long story. One that starts with me accidently summoning Arc here to Equestria from Earth.”

Malevolence nods. “I have heard Auriel speak of that place, yes.”

“We became friends as I helped him recover from wounds he sustained during a monster attack on our town. I watched him grow in knowledge, power, and influence as he traveled the land helping our nation maintain balance.”

“So all of you see him as a powerful ally?”

Applejack shakes her head. “It’s so much more than that though.”

Rarity smiles. “While I was afraid to admit it at the time, I first started to have feelings for him even before he became the Hero of Light.”

Fluttershy looks away nervously. “We were supportive of her… feelings, of course.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Even though we all thought it was a bit… strange at the time.”

Pinkie nods vehemently. “The thought of a pony being interested in a non-pony was kinda out there!”

Twilight giggles. “But one by one we saw more of his qualities. And it wasn’t long before we admitted our feelings for him over tea one day.”

Arc blushes slightly. “That was a rather… intense conversation if I recall.”

Malevolence turns to his daughter. “And was that when you confessed as well, Auriel?”

Auriel shakes her head sadly. “No, father. I overheard the conversation from the stairs, but was too afraid to join in.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Really? Then when did you tell him?”

Arc chuckles. “It was during one of our trips to Earth.”

Ember grins. “I remember that!”

Scootaloo frowns. “Where was I, Big Brother?!”

“We hadn’t met yet.”

Sereb chuckles. “If I recall correctly, it was before you rescued Princess Celestia.”

Hammer strikes a pose. “Then I came along!”

Arc nods. “Right. Which brings us to roughly this point in time.”

Malevolence groans. “Even though I am sure your tale is heavily abridged, it is still quite a lot to take in, Arc.”

“So just for the sake of clarity… you’re not mad or upset about Auriel being involved in all of this?”

“Not at all. She’s a fully grown demoness and fully capable of choosing whom she spreads her legs for.”

“Thank you, father.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Could you have possibly worded that a bit differently?”

Malevolence turns to Auriel. “What was wrong with what I said?”

Auriel shrugs. “I don’t know.”

Hammer laughs. “Yeah?! I can relate to that, Auriel!”

Ember slaps her own rump. “Me too!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “The future looks very rosy and bright for all of us when Arc starts lifting our tails!”

Arc facepalms. “How do I keep getting into these positions?”

Sereb chuckles. “It is a mystery, my friend.”

They finish eating and clear the tables. King Malevolence turns to Twilight.

“Princess, might Auriel and I have a word with you?”

Auriel whispers something into her father’s ear. He nods and turns to Arc.

“You as well, Arc.”

Twilight nods. “Very well. Shall we adjourn to the Observation Deck?”

Auriel grins. “That would be wonderful! You’ll love the view from there, father!”

“Lead on.”

Auriel takes her father’s hand and leads him to the Observation Deck. Arc and Twilight follow closely behind them. Gesturing with a claw, Auriel turns to her father.

“This is what I wanted to show you.”

Malevolence looks out over the scenery before them. “Magnificent view!”

Arc nods. “It is quite picturesque.”

Twilight walks over to the king. “Yes. However I don’t believe you asked us up here to look at the scenery.”

Auriel smiles. “Partially, yes.”

“It has been centuries since I last flew over the land. Such is a surreal experience, I assure you.”

Arc looks out the window again. “I suppose it is.”

Auriel smiles. “This is rather symbolic.”

Twilight appears confused. “It is?”

“Yes. From up here everything looks so peaceful. So… perfect and unspoiled.”

Arc sighs. “You’d never guess that the land was on the brink of civil war a short time ago just by looking at it.”

Malevolence nods soberly. “Auriel told me about that. However I had a hard time believing that Princess Celestia had fallen so far as to do such things.”

Twilight frowns. “She didn’t!”

“So certain are you, princess?”


“Then let me give you a bit of leadership advice, from one monarch to another.”

He looks out at the ground below them for a moment before speaking.

“Never take a situation at face value.”


Auriel puts a claw on Twilight’s shoulder. “I believe what my father means is that you can’t go into a situation with preconceived notions, Twilight.”

Malevolence nods. “Correct. Your subjects will suffer for it, as will you.”

“I’ll protect them from Decimus until Princess Celestia…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Twilight.”


“Preconceived notions.”

“What do you…?”

“You’re assuming your mentor will be able to just recover from whatever’s been done to her.”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t she?!”

Auriel bows her head. “There’s a chance that she won’t.”

Arc sighs. “Right. While I hope not, you need to be mentally prepared to take the Equestrian throne permanently.”

Malevolence steps forward. “Tell me, princess. What would become of this lush green land without proper leadership?”

“It would go on without us.”

“I suppose someone would eventually step forward to fill the power vacuum, yes. However… how many of your precious citizens would be injured or die in the ensuing power struggle?”

Twilight gasps. “What makes you think there would be a battle?”

Auriel purses her lips. “It is unlikely that only one would step forward to lead. We’ve both read the history books in the old library, Twilight. Remember the three kingdoms? How the three pony races used to be separate and war with one another?”

“I do, yes. But what does that have to do with our current situation?”

Malevolence clenches a fist. “Do you really think Equestria can’t go back to that? That things will always be peaceful and orderly?”

“Recent events have proven the opposite actually, sir. While I’m sure it’s not exactly what Star Swirl the Bearded envisioned, he did his very best to set Equestria on the path to unity and prosperity.”

Arc frowns. “I know you want to protect this land, Twilight. But if we don’t prepare as best we can then we run the very real risk of setting back everything that Star Swirl, the princesses, and every generation of ponies that walked this land in the past tried to create.”

“But even if I fail, you’ll still be here to help us… right, Arc?”

“There are no guarantees in that regard.”

Malevolence nods soberly. “Indeed. Fate can be… whimsical sometimes. Had you told me five hundred years ago that the Great Demon Kingdom would be completely removed from the face of the world overnight I would have laughed.”

He sighs before continuing.

“However I’m sure you all know how that came to pass.”

Auriel frowns. “Actually we don’t, father.”


Twilight nods. “Auriel’s right. There’s no mention in any of the history books I’ve ever read of your kingdom ever existing outside of Tartarus.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Are you saying Princess Celestia intentionally covered it up?”

Twilight looks out the window. “I’m sure she had a good reason.”

“Yes, she did.”

“What was it, father?”

“I could tell you, of course. But it would be much easier to simply show you.”

“Show us what?”

“An inconvenient truth.”

King Malevolence turns to Twilight and frowns.

“Just remember what I told you, princess. However, that was not the only reason I asked to speak with you and your nation’s Hero of Light.”


“As we spoke of at breakfast, Auriel and Arc are potential future mates. I have already given him permission to take my daughter’s hand in marriage.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with me?”

“Their union and future sexual relations will bring forth children whom will be neither demon nor human. Auriel’s mother… Maria and I proved long ago that our two species’ DNA was indeed compatible.”

“She did tell us that, yes.”

Auriel smiles as she blushes happily. “I also offered to research a way in which their equine egg cells could potentially be altered to be compatible with Arc’s human sperm.”

Arc appears confused. “Yes, what about it?”

“Should he and all of you form a herd it is indeed quite possible that a large number of young would be produced between all of you. Human sperm combined with the bloodlines of demons, equines, and potentially even the young Dragon Lord herself.”

Twilight frowns. “I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

“You said earlier that you wished to protect your citizens and preserve your nation. Is that correct?”

“Of course!”

“Then tell me this, princess. How will your citizens react to a union such as yours?”

Auriel bows her head. “Even without the ability to procreate it will be difficult for them to understand or accept.”

“I’m sure that once I explain everything to Princess Celestia she’ll be able to reassure the citizenry that our love is real and our intentions pure.”

Arc frowns. “And if Celestia doesn’t?”

Malevolence folds his arms over his chest. “You’d be walking a fine line, princess.”

Twilight glares at him. “What else could I do though?! Are you suggesting that I not be a part of this herd?!”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not at all, Twilight. We’re only saying that you shouldn’t rely so heavily on Princess Celestia to come and fix things.”

Malevolence nods. “Yes, you would do well to stand on your own record and prove yourself to your subjects.”

“How would I do that?”

“By leading. Not as Celestia’s student. Not as a powerful magic user. Not as a Princess of Equestria even. But as a fair and just ruler whom has proven herself in her own way.”

“That doesn’t answer my question though.”

Arc steps forward. “Ever since coming to Equestria I’ve heard that Celestia is a wise, fair, and benevolent ruler. Try being those three things.”

Twilight groans. “The ‘fair’ and ‘benevolent’ parts seem somewhat straightforward. But what about ‘wise’? Or would that just come with time?”

Auriel smiles at her friend. “With age comes experience, yes. But I’ve always perceived wisdom in a leader as being more of a general reputation.”

Arc chuckles. “Agreed. And Twilight will forge her reputation in her own way.”

“Like you did, Arc?”

“Partially, yes.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Any tips?”

“Don’t be afraid to make the hard decisions. Try to stay calm and make the choices logically rather than emotionally though.”

Malevolence nods approvingly. “Agreed. You may fail, of course. But your best is all you can do. Just as I’m doing now.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Now?”

“Yes. Allowing Arc to marry and produce children with Auriel will strengthen ties with Equestria. More so if you yourself join them along with your Element Bearers.”

Twilight points a hoof at Auriel. “She’s not a political tool though!”

“I understand that. Believe me when I say that I wouldn’t ask my daughter to do this under any circumstances.”

“Then why are you talking about it as a diplomatic maneuver?!”

Auriel sighs. “Because it ultimately is, Twilight. History may view me as nothing more than a political pawn. But I do this willingly to achieve my own happiness. Not to gain something for my kind. I believe Ember is no different in this regard.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Honestly, until you brought this up I hadn’t considered our potential herd to be such a big deal in terms of politics.”

Malevolence sighs. “While I’m sure it will do little on its own to unite the nations, this act will most likely be remembered as the first step toward a new age of unity and peace between ponies, dragons, and even demons.”

Arc turns to Auriel. “And you’re okay with this?”

Auriel smiles and nods as she extends a hand to Arc. “Yes. The way I see it, the world will be made brighter while at the same time I’ll get exactly what I want. A loving mate whom I can look to happily as I bear his children.”

Malevolence looks to Twilight. “And you, princess? Are you satisfied with this arrangement?”

Twilight steps forward and motions for Arc to kneel down to her level. She looks him in the eye for a long moment before speaking.

“I too would like to bear Arc’s foals. Not out of duty to my country nor to make the citizens happy. I want… I want to be held, and loved, and protected, and… and to be able to lift my tail to pleasure him and be pleasured. My friends and I all agree that we do want foals with him, of course. However if that isn’t possible… if Auriel isn’t able to make that happen… we’d still greatly enjoy the act of being his wives and him having sex with us.”

She extends a hoof to him. Arc takes it as Twilight continues.

“But it’s not about the sex. After all, we don’t need to get married to do such a thing. My friends and I are interested in the relationship we would have with him and the others whom would like to join. We’re looking forward to long and happy lives together, of course. However, this will only happen if everypony involved does so willingly and without hesitation.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “And you, Arc? What are your feelings on this matter?”

“I… still really need to get to know everyone before committing to such a thing, of course. Like you said, Twilight… we all need to go into this relationship willingly. But I’m doing my best to go into this with an open mind.”

Malevolence nods approvingly. “Very good. And because of that I have no qualms leaving Auriel in your capable hands, Arc.”

“Thank you, sir. However it’s going to be quite some time before anything can happen.”

Twilight sighs as she looks out the window at the scenery again. “Hopefully soon we can put this ugly chapter of our nation’s history behind us and get back to our own lives and desires.”

Arc nods and puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Hopefully, yes. But one never really knows what the future holds.”

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