• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Low Profile Rendezvous

Arc makes his way toward Carousel Boutique. As he enters the bell over the door jingles. Sassy Saddles trots out from the back room to greet him.

“Good morning, Arc. What brings you here today?”

“I just needed to ask Rarity’s permission for something.”

“Oh? It must really be something for the Hero of Light himself to ask!”

Arc chuckles. “Nah. Sweetie Belle just wants to have a sleepover this weekend with my daughter.”

“Ah! Well, she’s in the back room stitching together a prototype. Shall I call her for you?”

“No thanks. I’ll just head back there. Is that okay?”

“For you, certainly!”


Arc disappears into the back room. Sassy Saddles busies herself straightening up the shop as she giggles.

“There you are, Rarity. A perfect opportunity to talk to your favorite customer. Do your best!”

Meanwhile, Arc closes the door behind him. He spots the proprietor at her sewing machine.


Rarity looks up and smiles. “Good day to you, Arc! Welcome back!”

She trots over and beckons him over to the nearby couch.

“I do hope you’re doing well.”

Arc nods as they sit down together. “That I am. Everything’s going okay back on Earth. All things considered that is.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “You’re not hurt, are you?!”

“Not at all. Somehow.”

“That’s good to hear. I’d love to hear all about your trip. But I’m rather busy these days.”

“That I understand. I just dropped by to ask you something.”

“I’m all ears!”

“Sweetie Belle wanted to know if it was okay for her to spend the weekend at Derpy’s house. Apple Bloom and Dinky are having a girls night, or something.”

“That’s just fine with me. It will give me some time to get caught up on some work here in the shop.”

“Busy these days?”

Rarity sighs. “Doing my best to advance my name in the fashion world. Not an easy task, to be sure.”

“I’m sure your hard work will pay off.”

Rarity nods as she straightens a dress on a nearby mannequin with her magic. “One can but hope.”

She is silent for a time before turning around. A smile on her face and a gleam in her eye.

“Say now, I had a bit of an idea on how to make that work out. But I’ll need some help to pull it off.”

“If I can help…”

“Seeing you reminded me of that night you brough Princess Luna here for a substitute dress on your date.”

“Yes. What about it?”

“It would certainly be a great help to my career if she would be seen wearing another of my creations.”

“I guess it would. But what does that have to do with me?”

“You have unlimited access to the castle and the princesses themselves. Do you think you might possibly be able to ask one of Princess Luna’s hoof maidens what her measurements are?”


“I know it’s a little embarrassing, but then I could make her a dress!”


“Then when it’s finished you could bring it to her! Tell her it’s a gift from you to her!”

Arc blushes slightly. “Um, Rarity? Wouldn’t it look kinda… awkward for her to be accepting gifts of clothing from me? I mean, the staff might think her and I were… you know…”

Rarity smiles at him. “Yes, well… you two are both adults, and fully deserving of each other’s… nocturnal affections.”

“Nocturnal… what now?”

“Oh, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Arc. That’s what a mare and stallion do when they’re in love. You both have such demanding jobs, after all. It’s nice to know that you two have an outlet for relieving stress.”

“Hold it, Rarity! Are you… do you think I’m sleeping with Princess Luna?!”

“Of course, darling! But don’t worry! I won’t tell the others around town. I’m sure you’d like to keep this quiet.”

“Where exactly did you hear this?”

“It’s all the news in the aristocratic circles in Canterlot. You see, I make dressed for several noble houses. Having a shared fitting session is very ‘in’ right now.”

“And they gossip while you’re measure them up?”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it gossiping. But they do like to talk. You and the princess are usually the subject at hoof.”

Arc sighs. “Dare I ask what exactly they’re saying about us?”

“Oh, mostly about how nice you two look together and how much you care for each other.”

“Uh… our relationship is just business.”

Rarity grins slyly at him. “Well, that’s not what they say. After your date she reportedly invited you back to the castle for some… dessert.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Oh nothing, Arc! But several servants reportedly saw you escorting her back to her room.”

“That was true, yes. I think the outing was a bit too much for…”

“So you DID take her back to her room?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. That and I helped her to bed.”

“Was that all?!”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

Rarity smiles up at him. “Because nopony saw you leave that night.”

“I suppose not, as I opened a portal back to Ponyville from just outside her room.”

“Wait! So… so you DIDN’T spend the night together?!”

“NO! We’re just friends.”

Rarity gasps. A bit taken aback.

“I… I see. Forgive me, but I was under the impression you and her were in a steamy relationship.”

“Why would you think that? I never said a word about it.”

“You see, I figured that with her being royalty and you being a commoner, you two would have wanted to keep such a relationship quiet.”

“That kinda makes sense.”

“Yes well… several servants overheard you speaking to one another on a first name basis. No titles or protocol. They must’ve thought… you know.”

Arc sighs. “Well, believe me when I tell you there are no romantic feelings between Princess Luna and myself. Other than a friendly working relationship, that is.”

“Yes, I see. My apologies for the misunderstanding. Please just forget the whole dress idea.”

“Thanks for understanding, Rarity.”

Arc looks suddenly nervous.

“I… uh… actually came over here to talk to you about something else.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“It’s about… um… you remember that time you and several other mares… came after me?”

Rarity blushes. “You mean… that time Applejack and I… you know…”

“Yeah. This is about… what I read in your diary then.”

Rarity’s pupils shrink. Her horn suddenly glows as she casts a Telekinesis Spell to lock the door across the room. Her eyes dart around the room frantically.

“I thought I told you never to speak of that again!”

“Yes, you did. But look at yourself, Rarity! This is eating you up inside! It has been for some time now, hasn’t it?”

“Not at all! Nopony needs to hear about this! EVER!”

“I suppose that’s true. But what about Sweetie Belle?”

Rarity lowers her voice. “What about her? She isn’t here, is she?!”

Arc shakes his head as Rarity looks toward the wall clock. “No, she’s still at school.”


Arc looks Rarity in the eye. “Listen, I know you care about her. But Sweetie Belle needs to know about this.”

Rarity looks away nervously. “I’ll tell her. When she’s a bit older, that is!”

“How much older?”

“A LOT!”


Rarity stands and trots in place. “Oh, I know I should! But what will everypony think of me when they find out about my past?!”

“A better question would be, what will Sweetie Belle think when she finds out?”

“She won’t until I tell her!”

“What if she reads your diary? I mean, it’s not like you keep it under lock and key or anything.”

“Sweetie Belle knows she isn’t allowed in my room! I’ve always been very insistent on this!”

Arc sighs. “This is your choice to make, of course. But putting it off isn’t going to make it any easier on either of you.”

Rarity turns around and walks toward a window dejectedly. “I… I know that. But… this is just a very touchy subject for me.”

Arc walks over to Rarity and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“I know.”

“Arc, do you think… could you possibly… tell her for me?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Rarity. It needs to come from you. I’ll be there for emotional support if you want, but you should be the good big sister and say it yourself.”

Rarity sighs. “But what should I say?!”

“I can’t answer that definitively. But you should probably be as direct and truthful as possible.”

“Then I guess I have a lot of thinking to do.”

“I’ll let you get to it then.”

He turns to leave.


Arc stops at the door. “Yes?”

“I… um… thank you.”

“What for?”

“For telling me what I needed to hear.”

Arc nods and leaves the room. He closes the door behind him. Sassy Saddles is standing at the counter going over some papers.

“Is everything alright? You were in there quite a while.”

“Kinda. Rarity needs some alone time right now.”

“I’ll give her some space.”


“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Arc shakes his head as he walks toward the door. “Not right now. Some things one just has to work out on their own.”

He leaves the shop and walks down the road.

“Rarity, I know you can do this.”

Continuing on his way Arc arrives at the Hammer’s shop. Walking inside he finds Stellar Eclipse at the counter.

“Good afternoon, sir!”

“Hello. How’s business?”

“Eh, okay I guess. Nothing really big though.”

“Enough to stay busy?”

“More or less. Steel Hammer’s been using the extra time to try and teach me how to be a blacksmith.”

“That’s good to hear. Say, how’s Cozy Glow doing? I heard she was sick.”

“That she is. But the doctor says she’s on the mend.”

Silver Hammer walks into the shop with a package. She spots Arc and trots over.

“Hello Arc. What brings you here?”

“I wanted to see how Cozy Glow was doing. That and there was something I wanted to talk to you and Steel Hammer about.”

Silver Hammer motions for Arc to follow her. “Well, Cozy Glow was sleeping when I left a short time ago. The doctor says it’s the best thing for her right now. “

Arc nods as they head for the forge. “I hope she feels better soon.”

Steel Hammer stops working as they approach.

“Dear? Arc has something to ask us about.”

“What is it?”

“Well, a while back I suggested to the princesses that we have some kind of peace summit. The idea was to bring the nation’s leaders together to hopefully talk things out.”

Silver Hammer looks confused. “What kind of things?”

“Nothing in particular. But back on Earth we have something called the United Nations. It’s where delegates from the various countries come together to talk out their problems, rather than rush headlong into war.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “I’m kinda skeptical something like that would work here.”

“Why’s that dear?”

You know as well as I do just how hard-headed most of the world’s leaders can be. Always posturing for attention and bickering over the smallest things.”

“Like what?”

“I remember reading in the files about a past leader of Abyssinia leading his forces to Equestria over a chocolate birthday cake Princess Celestia sent him.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What?! Was it poisoned or something?!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “No. But the king at the time hated chocolate. He took it as a personal insult and an act of aggression against him and his nation.”

“There’s any number of times such things have happened throughout the land’s history.”

Arc frowns. “You would think a simple letter sent over would have been enough.”

Silver Hammer nods. “Agreed. But to send their forces to another land is seen more as a sign of strength.”

“We kinda thought you were doing the same a while back, leading our forces north when you were the Lord Regent.”

“Not exactly. I went to Yakyakistan in response to an attack on the Crystal Empire. And I was invited to Abyssinia by King Felix and Queen Fiona.”

Silver Hammer looks confused. “In a warship?”

“Yes. I was told by my advisors that it was important to appear strong. But my whole reason to go was to try and prevent war from happening.”

Steel Hammer nods. “That was a very trying time in recent history.”

“What do you mean?”

“The pulse of the country was that of uncertainty. Nopony alive had ever lived under the rule of anypony other than a princess.”

Steel Hammer smiles. “It was uncertain what exactly you would do. Fortunately you started your reign by being honest about the circumstances and the princess’ condition.”

“Yes. It was clear to all that you wanted to help them. Not to try to take their thrones.”

Arc nods. “Things were pretty hectic for all of us back then. But in any case, I wanted your advice on what to do, or not do, at a peace summit.”

“Be yourself, for starters.”

“Yes, they are naturally suspicious of anything that resembles deception.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard.”

“You want them to be able to trust you.”

Steel Hammer frowns. “Right. But don’t trust them for a moment.”

Arc frowns. “Wait, what?”

Silver Hammer nods. “Like we said, rulers are always trying to get ahead. If an opportunity to cause trouble presents itself, they’ll go for it.”

“Remember, they’re masters at tactics and deception.”

Arc sighs. “I’m not too good at either of those things.”

“Will the princesses be attending?”

“As far as I know, yes. After all it wouldn’t make sense for Equestria to host something like this and not have our own leaders there.”

Steel Hammer puts a hoof to his chin. “Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not.”


Silver Hammer sighs. “Equestria hasn’t always been the beacon of love and friendship it is today. Quite a bit goes on behind the scenes.”

Steel Hammer nods soberly. “Clandestine operations, theft, bribery, murder and of course deception are all part of the international community’s handbag.”


Silver Hammer shakes her head. “Not in many years, no. But the princesses did what they had to in a great many situations.”

“Like what?”

Steel Hammer looks away. “We promised Princess Luna long ago that we would never speak of those matters again.”

Silver Hammer nods sadly. “Sorry, but you’ll have to ask her about that yourself.”

Arc sighs. “I understand. Anything else you can tell me?”

“Just one more thing. Don’t be discouraged if this idea doesn’t work out.”

“You’re not the first to suggest such a thing.”

“Nor will you be the last.”

“Thanks you two. I’ll still do my best though.”

“We know you will, Arc.”

“It’s all anypony can ask.”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “Well, I should be getting back. I want to have supper ready for Derpy and Dinky when they get home.”

“Thank you for stopping by, Arc.”

“We do hope the summit is a success. But such things have not worked in the past.”

Arc nods. “I understand. But we have to try.”

“We know.”

“Take care.”

Arc heads out the door. The Hammers turn to one another.

“Do you really think he can pull this off?”

“If anypony can, Arc will.”

“But how?!”

Steel Hammer walks back to his work bench. “I have no idea.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks down the path towards town. He mutters to himself.

“I guess I should probably stop by the market and get a few things for Dinky’s sleepover this weekend.”

Later that evening the front door of Derpy’s house bursts open as Dinky runs inside with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“This is going to be SO COOL!”


Dinky sniffs the air. “Sounds like dad has supper ready.”

Derpy closes the door, giggling. “You mean it smells like it, sweetie.”


Arc walks out from the kitchen. Dinky runs over to him happily and jumps in his arms.

“Welcome home, sweetheart.”

Dinky wraps her hooves around his neck. “I missed you!”

Arc looks to Dinky’s friends as he returns the hug.

“Are you two ready for some fun?”

Apple Bloom nods happily. “Uh huh!”

Sweetie Belle grins. “We sure are!”

Derpy walks over to join them. “Can I help in the Kitchen, Arc?”

“No, Derpy. You just have a seat and relax. Supper will be done cooking in a few minutes.”

He leads Derpy by the hoof over to the couch.

“Thank you.”

Arc sits down next to her. “You look especially tired today. Is something wrong?”

Dinky walks over with her friend. “Yeah mom. What’s the matter?”

“I think it’s just the extra work at the Orphanage.”

Apple Bloom sighs. “There are a lot more mouths to feed since the griffon younglings came to live there.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “That and they tend to eat more than we do.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Now that I think about it, I didn’t see any helpers in the Kitchen at lunchtime.”

Derpy nods. “Miss Pommel can’t seem to get anypony to show up. I think the griffons are scaring them away.”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “Why? They’re all pretty nice.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Yeah! Just a little different looking.”

Arc looks to Dinky. “What about Gallus and Natalya?”

“They used to help a bit. But Miss Peachbottom needs all the aides she can get.”

Derpy smiles weakly. “I can handle the extra work. She really can’t.”

“Let me guess. Most of the younglings can’t read?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Exactly! None of them can!”

Sweetie Belle looks down at the floor sadly. “That’s not their fault though.”

Dinky looks to Arc, soberly. “Miss Peachbottom is still trying to teach all of them their ABCs. It’s going pretty slow though.”

Derpy sighs. “The three of them are tutoring the younglings outside the normal school day too. They may be even more overworked than I am!”

Arc rubs his chin thoughtfully. “I’ll have Flash Sentry start sending over a few guards to help you in the Cafeteria, Derpy.”

“But aren’t they busy at Light’s Hope?”

“I’m sure he can spare someone. It’ll be volunteers only. But I don’t think it’ll be a problem getting some help over to you.”

Apple Bloom looks confused. “Why’s that?”

“Because most of them are orphans themselves. They know what it’s like to be lost in the shuffle.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “That’s really sad.”

Dinky looks to her father. “What about the other classroom though? Miss Cheerilee doesn’t have time to lend a hoof over there during normal school hours.”

Derpy nods. “She helps out after school though, Arc.”

“I’m hoping as more younglings learn they can help tutor the others. This situation might just rectify itself if we give it a little time.”

“I sure hope so, dad. Sometimes they look over their foal bunkmates shoulders to see what their studying.”

Sweetie Belle smiles. “Sometimes they ask questions, but it’s just beyond them right now!”

Apple Bloom sighs. “Well, they haven’t had any schooling. So they really do need to start at the beginning with basics.”

“Right. Life will be hard here for them at first. But I’m sure with the help of the Orphanage staff, and their fellow orphans, they’ll be better off in the long run.”

Derpy nods. “Anything is better than living on the streets with no money and no job.”

She sighs.

“I was pretty close to such a fate myself not that long ago.

Apple Bloom gasps. “Really, Miss Derpy?!”

Sweetie Belle looks concerned. “What happened?!”

“I moved here and used most of my money to buy this house. But I couldn’t work because I was pregnant.”

“How did you survive?!”

Derpy looks up at Arc, smiling. “A very nice human moved in with me.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “Arc did?”

“Yes. She had advertised a room for rent on the Writ Board next to Barnyard Bargains. To make a long story short, I moved in and cared for her until the night you were born, Dinky.”

He gently boops Dinky’s nose. She giggles.

“I remember you telling me that story, dad.”

“Yes, well…”

Apple Bloom interrupts. “Uh, Arc? What’s that smell?”

Sweetie Belle wrinkles her nose. “Something burning?”

Arc jumps up and hurries to the kitchen. “Oh no!”

Opening the oven Arc pulls out a pan and sets it on top of the stove.

“Uh… Derpy? You remember what I said about supper being read in a couple minutes?”

“I’m guessing it’s been more than a couple minutes.”

“Yup. Sorry about this.”

Derpy stands up. “It’s okay. We can put something together quickly.”

He shakes his head as he dumps the contents of the pan into the garbage. “Actually, I think I have a better idea. Everyone follow me.”

Arc pulls his coat out of his ring and walks over to the sigil in the corner of the room.

“Everyone on.”

Apple Bloom looks confused. “Where are we going, Arc?”

Sweetie Belle smiles. “To the market for ingredients?”

Dinky looks hopeful. “Or to the castle?”

“You’ll see.”

Arc powers up the sigil and teleports everyone away.

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