• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Eidolon's Ward 2.0

Ember leans toward him and grabs his shoulders. “Arc! Talk to me! What’s going on?!”

Arc appears stunned as he reaches for something Ember cannot see. “I… I see… something familiar! But that can’t be…”

He brings his hands to his face and shakes his head vigorously!

“Am… am I really losing my mind?! I just… I just don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore!”

Ember rips the helmet off Arc’s head and tosses it aside before taking his face in her hands! A worried look on her face! “Arc?! Are you alright?!”

Arc looks at her with a blank expression on his face. “Ember? Could you hear… anything just now?”

“No! And neither did you!”

He stands up and approaches his helmet. “I know I could hear… something. It was so familiar.”

Arc picks up the helmet and looks at it a moment before sitting back down on the bed. Ember looks to him warily.

“Arc? What are you doing?!”

“I have to know, Ember!”

“This is a bad idea!”

Arc takes a deep breath as he puts his helmet back on. “I know.”

A moment later his vision begins to cloud over. Arc looks at his hands, unable to focus.

“What… what’s happening?!”

Falling forward, Arc crashes to the floor. Ember rushes over to her unconscious friend!

“Arc? ARC!!!”

Arc suddenly finds himself surrounded by darkness.

“Ember?! Are you there?!”

A familiar voice speaks to him. Although Arc is unable to determine its direction.

“I’m sorry.”

He looks all around! “Who’s there?!”

“It… it’s so lonely here. I’m so sorry! I couldn’t take it anymore!”

“Is that… are… are you… really…?”

The unknown entity begins to cry softly. It’s voice breaking with emotion as it speaks.

“So… long. I’ve waited for so long to see you again. It feels like an eternity! But… that may not be far from the truth!”

Arc nods soberly. “If… if you really are who I think you are, then please show yourself! I have to know!”

A figure materializes in front of him. It slowly but deliberately walks forward until it is but a few feet in front of him. He stares at it for a long moment before speaking.

“Are… are you real?”

The figure looks down. “I hope so. I truly do!”

They slowly approach one another. In a few moments they are face to face.

“If you… if you’re really who I think you are, then prove it! Tell me something only I would know!”

The figure before him thinks for a moment. “You once told me that you have only one regret in life.”

“Which is…?”

“Being unable to help your mother.”

Arc falls to his knees as the figure rushes towards him! It leaps into his arms as they share a hug!

“I missed you so much!”

Arc nods, barely able to contain himself! “And I missed you too…”

He can barely speak.


They hold each other for what feels like hours.

“Cherry …how? I… I held you in your final moments?!”

She sighs. “Fate may have been cruel to us. But it isn’t merciless, my love!”

Arc sits down on the ground as he continues to hold her. “Did… did you and I… really run across that field together?”

“It was as real as you wanted it to be!”

Arc breaks the embrace to look Cherry in the eye. “Then it WAS real! But… but how are you here?!”

Cherry sits back on her haunches. “As I felt myself slipping away, there was another force tugging at me. It seemed to be coming from you!”

“What?! But… but I didn’t…

“Not intentionally, no. You were holding me against your chest at the time. The gem in your chest plate seemed to be calling to me! I gave in to its pull and found myself in your armor, so to speak.”

“Are you saying…”

“Yes! For all intents and purposes, my soul appears to have fused with Eidolon’s Ward! Although I still don’t understand why or how, I’ve felt nothing lately but darkness and silence!”

Arc looks down, sadly. “I… haven’t put Eidolon’s Ward on since… that night.”

Cherry nods, understanding. “So, I was in your ring then?”

“Yes. I only now took out my armor to… to…”

His voice trails off.

“What is it?”

Arc sighs. “I was facing the events of that night. Eidolon’s Ward only served to remind me that, as powerful as I and it may be, we couldn’t save you!”

Cherry puts an ethereal hoof on his cheek. “Don’t blame yourself for my death, Arc! I know for a fact that if you could have done something to prevent it, you would have!”

She looks suddenly angry!

“It was that horrible, horrible stallion who did this to us! Not you!”

Arc nods soberly. “Wind Rider is gone for good!”

Cherry nods. “I do remember that much.”

“Whatever fate is in store for him in the afterlife is too good for that guy!”

“I agree! But he won’t hurt anypony else ever again! Of that I am certain!”

She appears to be looking at something behind Arc.


“Ember and a few others are worried about you.”

Arc sighs. “Ember is always worried.”

“Well, you DID pass out right in front of her.”

“I did?!”

“Yes. I saw her run for help. You should wake up now and show them you’re okay.”

“What about you, Cherry?!”

She smiles at him! “Arc. I will always be with you as long as I am able! I’ll try to find a way to talk to you again through your armor.”

Arc nods and pulls her into his arms. “Don’t take too long! I still question whether or not this is really happening!”

Cherry returns the hug. “I won’t. Promise!”

The pair fade away. The next thing Arc knows, he is staring into Ember’s face! His squad surround him.

“Arc! Open your eyes! Please!”

Xenos turns to Max. “Should we get the commander some help?”

Max shrugs. “Where from?!”

Hugh looks out the window. “We could go out and ask someone to…”

Arc begins to stir. Viktor turns to him.

“I think he’s coming around!”

Ember shakes his frantically! “Arc! Say something!”

Arc opens his eyes and looks all around. “Was it all… just a dream?!”

Max moves to help him. “Sir! Are you alright?!”

Arc nods as he sits up slowly. “I think so. But… it… it felt so real!”

Ember gathers up the components of Eidolon’s Ward. “Well this thing is clearly to blame for your condition, Arc!”

Arc sighs. “Kinda is, I guess.”

Max looks to her as she walks toward the door with the armor in her arms. “Where are you going, Ember?”

“To get this as far away from Arc as possible!”

The door to the room suddenly slams shut! Ember whirls around!


She turns to see Arc’s hand extended toward the door. His eye twitches angrily!

“Ember… bring that armor back here!”

“What?! But why…?”


Ember appears confused, but complies as she sets the armor on the bed next to Arc.

Viktor turns to Arc, nervously. “This is a bad idea, sir!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! If it already put you down once already…”

Arc picks up his helmet and stares into the faceplate. He speaks softly but with a hint of desperation.

“Come back to me… PLEASE!!!”

Max looks concerned. “Sir? Are you… really all right?”

Hugh looks to Ember. “Maybe he just needs some more…”

The helmet in Arc’s hands suddenly begins to shake ever so slightly. Ember looks at it, wide-eyed!

“What the…”

Arc sets it down on the bed next to him. Eidolon’s ward slowly reassembles itself with the helmet taking its place last. After a few more moments it slowly sits up and looks around. Ember calls forth her armor and spear!

“Oh no you don’t!”

As she levels her spear at Eidolon’s Ward, it appears to recoil in fear! Arc quickly grabs her spear and pushes it to the side.

“Wait! Don’t hurt her!”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Her?”

Arc nods! “She’s in there!”

Hugh looks confused. “Who?”

“Someone very special to me.”

Xenos looks at the armor. “Sir. It’s just an empty suit without you in it!”

Viktor nods. “Yes! A very large, very scary suit of armor. But empty nonetheless!”

Arc turns back to Eidolon’s Ward. “Can… can you hear me?”

His armor nods and makes some strange noises. Ember positions herself between it and Arc.

“Is… is that thing trying to… to communicate with us?!”

Max turns to Ember. “I think so!”

Xenos shrugs. “Maybe the commander isn’t nuts after all!”

Viktor’s head snaps over to his companion! “XENOS!!!”

Arc sighs. “It’s okay you guys.”

He turns back to his armor.

“Can you speak to us?”

Some faint whispers are all that can be heard. Ember does not take her eyes off it.

“Is it alive?!”

Max shakes his head. “Not possible!”

Hugh gestures to Eidolon’s Ward. “Explain THIS then!!!”

Viktor sighs. “I certainly can’t!”

Eidolon’s Ward speaks softly and with great difficulty. “H-hello… everypony…”

Ember jumps back! “Did it just TALK?!”

Max takes a step back. “Now I’ve seen everything!”

Hugh too moves away from the armor. “Anypony else find this a bit creepy?!”

Viktor looks to Xenos. “Aren’t you bothered by this?!

Xenos shakes his head. “If the commander isn’t worried, neither am I!”

“Thanks. I think.”

Eidolon’s Ward continues to attempt communication. “Its… been a while.”

Ember looks confused. “A while?! “

“I… I always liked you, Ember. You looked after Arc… so well… after the… incident.”

Viktor looks to Arc. “Sir! What is going ON?!”

“Everyone. I know this might be hard for you to understand or accept. But… somehow Cherry’s soul is inside my armor!”

Ember frowns. “What the heck kind of magic is that?!”

Arc shrugs. “Not a clue!”

Xenos thinks for a moment. “Doesn’t Tempest’s weapon have a similar power?”

Viktor nods. “That’s right! She did claim to be collecting souls after all!”

Max looks to Arc, disapprovingly. “Sir. I don’t mean to question your motives or desires, but how is trapping Miss Cherry’s soul any different from what Tempest does?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its head. “My fate… was very different from theirs. I became one with the armor… willingly! Our thoughts… and our desires… they were one and the same.”

Ember nods. “My dad did mention something about this kind of magic a long time ago.”

“Really? What did he say?”

“Only that it was ancient and forbidden! He and Princess Celestia were probably the only few who knew of it!”

Max frowns. “And the Dark One as well it seems! What exactly IS it?!”

“That is a question for another day, Max. Right now, we have bigger issues to deal with!”

Xenos looks to Arc as it he’s lost his mind! “What could possibly be more pressing right now?!”

Arc grins! “How about plans for supper?”

Everyone facepalms as Ember sighs.

“Arc… what are we going to do with you?!”

Arc heads toward the door. “I need to get some food in Cherry’s belly now! How long has it been since you ate, my dear?!”

His armor follows unsteadily down the hallway. “I don’t know. Since the Grand Galloping Gala, I guess.”

Ember nods. “It’s been a while then!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods as it slowly walks down the stairs. “You don’t need to worry about me eating though.”

Arc shakes his head. “You need to keep your strength up, Cherry!”

The sounds of laughter can be heard coming from the armor. “You don’t understand! I don’t have a body anymore! Much less a stomach!”

Ember follows Arc downstairs with the others. “Makes sense, I guess.”

Max sighs. “As much sense as this situation can, that is!”

Sereb wakes up from his spot in front of the TV, stretches, and looks toward the stairs. He spots Eidolon’s Ward walking down the stairs with Arc.

“Make a new friend?”

Xenos looks at Sereb. “How can you be so casual about this?!”

“I have learned to expect the unexpected as far as Arc is concerned. Not much surprises me anymore.”

Arc chuckles. “Give it time, Sereb. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

Ember sighs. “That’s what has me worried!”

As they reach the bottom of the stairs, Arc turns to the others. “Sorry for worrying everyone back there. Why don’t I get some supper going?”

Viktor looks at a nearby clock. “Isn’t it a bit early for supper, sir?”

“I suppose so. But I want to… uh… cook something a bit special tonight.”

His armor nods! “I’ll help! It will give me time to practice… moving around like this, I guess.”

“Sounds good, Cherry! “

Arc and Cherry head for the kitchen. Ember turns to follow them, however Sereb blocks her way.

“Hey Sereb! What gives?!”

“I am certain Arc and Cherry would like some alone time to catch up.”

Max nods. “Agreed. We should respect that.”

Viktor heads for the basement stairs. “I’ll just be getting back to the computer then.”

Xenos heads for the living room. “I call trying out that really cool television controller!”

Hugh follows him. “The commander said it was called a ‘remote’. “

Max nods. “I’ll join you two!”

Ember sighs as she turns around. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”

She slowly climbs the stairs.


“Yes, Sereb?”

“No matter what happens, you will always have a special place in Arc’s heart. Remember that.”

“I know. But right now, I feel like a third wheel!”

Sereb sighs as he follows her up the stairs “As do I.”

“You do?”

Sereb nods. “I don’t really have a place or purpose in this land until Arc gives me a command.”

Ember enters her room and sits down on the bed. "I’m sorry, Sereb. This must be how you feel all the time."


Meanwhile, Arc and Cherry enter the kitchen together.

“So, what should we make?”

Arc shrugs. “I have no idea. Truth be told, I was going to go grocery shopping later. We don’t really have much to speak of in the fridge.”

“Then why did you…”

Arc puts his hands behind his head and smiles. “I was kinda hoping we could just… you know… talk. I’m sure they understand. It… it’s really good to have you back. Even like this!”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds nervous. “You don’t think it’s weird?”

“A little. But I’m willing to live with it if you are!”

“I am! But can I ask you a question?”

Arc nods. “Anything!”

“Where exactly are we?! This house’s architecture is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”

Arc chuckles. “Cherry, I don’t know how to tell you this, but we’re on Earth!”

“Oh my! Is they why Ember… looks the way she does?!”

“Yes. The others are my squad.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods its helmet at him. “Why are you here?!”

“I suppose I can tell you. We’re preparing to rescue Princess Celestia! As soon as she’s located, of course.”

“Rescue?! You mean she was negotiating peace with humans?!”

Arc shrugs. “We’re not exactly sure why she’s here. That’s just what everyone was told to keep the peace!”

“I can help!”

“Well, I suppose as my armor you can literally cover my back and all…”

“I can do so much more!”

She walks around to Arc’s back and slowly walks forward. The hydra scales that make up the armor melt away to encompass Arc’s body. Before he knows it, he is fully battle ready! Arc looks down at his gauntlets through his helmet.

“How did you…?!”

Cherry giggles! “Your armor is an extension of my consciousness now! I can manipulate it to protect you! Don’t worry! I can pull my own weight around here!”

“Incredible! But won’t you be a bit… bored? I mean, it’s not like you can leave the house in my armor!”

“I think I can piggyback into you via the gem in your forehead. That is, if you don’t mind me getting inside your head.”

“Go for it!”

“Here goes nothing…”

Arc shudders slightly as Cherry’s consciousness enters him. She speaks to him from inside his head.

“Can you hear me?”

“I can! This is… weird!”

“I’m sorry! I can get out if you want!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! It’s fine! Are you okay in there?!”

“Just fine! But I have to say this is all so new to me! I’ve never been inside a stallion before!”

Arc blushes. “Um…”

“S-sorry! That came out wrong!”

“So, can you see anything?”

“Yes! Everything you do anyways! You can put your armor away if you want to!”

Arc recalls his armor to the ring. “How’s that?”

“Just fine! Should we get going to the market now?”

“Sure! You can see more of my world through the eyes of a human!”

Cherry Jubilee giggles as Arc heads for the door. “This is going to be so much fun! I always dreamed of going places with you!”

Arc walks past his squad and Ember on the couch. “Me too!”

Max looks to him. “Going out, sir?”

He takes his coat off the hook by the door. “Cherry and I are going to the market to shop for supper. You guys stay here.”

Xenos nods. “Yes sir! “

Hugh grins at him. “Have a good time!”

Arc leaves as Max turns to the others.

“I haven’t seen the commander so happy since… you know.”

Hugh sighs. “Well, he did get back what was taken from him.”

Xenos shrugs. “More or less, I suppose.”

Ember watches from her window as Arc gets into his Jeep. He starts it and shifts into drive. Cherry gasps!

“My, what a fancy way to travel!”

“These are pretty common on Earth. We call them automobiles. By the way, can anyone else hear you?”

“At the moment, no. I’m speaking directly to your mind. You could probably do the same if you wanted to.

Arc nods. “Probably a good idea. Wouldn’t want people thinking I’m crazy for talking to myself.”

He concentrates for a moment as he tries to talk to Cherry telepathically.

“Can you hear me, Cherry?”

“Loud and clear!”

“Good! It shouldn’t take too much longer to get to the store now. Are you enjoying the ride?”

Cherry giggles! “I’m fine! Just being with you is heavenly, Arc!”

They arrive at the market and park. Arc gets out of the Jeep.

“Here we are.”

“This is a market?! It’s huge!”

Arc chuckles as he enters the store. “The larger neighboring towns have bigger stores. Wait until you see the mall!”

He grabs a shopping cart.

“What should we make for supper?”

"I’m not sure. What do humans eat?”

“Most of what ponies do. With the addition of meat products, that is. I try to stock up on canned goods and non-perishables when I can. Saves trips to and from here. Only so many hours in a day!”

They walk around the market slowly going down every isle. Cherry marvels at the selection of products!

“This has to be the most complete market ever!”

Arc shrugs as he pushes his full shopping cart toward the checkout lanes. “Maybe one of these days I’ll take you to a store a couple towns away. You’ll REALLY be in awe of that place and its selection!”

“Another market?”

“Yeah! It’s called Wal-Mart!”

He looks down at his cart.

“Looks like we have everything we came for.”

Cherry giggles. “And then some!”

As they approach the front of the store, they witness a disturbance. Two heavily bruised men are having an argument with one of the clerks. Snake stands in front of a full shopping cart.

“What do you mean ‘pay’?!”

The clerk appears nervous. “S-sir! You have to pay for what you take!”

Jackal sighs. “Aw, come on Snake! We should pay at least once in a while!”

“Maybe next time then!”

The clerk looks at the contents of the cart. “Please sir! I haven’t even checked your ID to make sure your old enough for all that beer! We could be in a lot of trouble!”

Snake narrows his eyes. “I think you already are!”

Cherry growls. “I know you’re trying to keep a low profile, but are we really going to stand back and watch this happen?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Ideas?”

“You could try asking them nicely! But I doubt that would work!”

H turns away and pushes his cart in the opposite direction. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Come again?”

Arc steps behind some boxes and pulls the magic cloak out of his ring. “We’re going to ask them nicely.”

“Do you really think that will work?!”

Arc puts on the cloak and calls forth his armor. “Probably not. But I’ll give them a chance.”

“Be careful, Arc!”


Making sure his armor is completely covered by the cloak, he slowly walks back to the front of the store. Snake appears to be on his last nerve as he grabs the employee by the front of his uniform.

“Now look here, mac! We’re taking this stuff and there’s nothing you can do or say to stop us!”

Jackal nods. “Yeah! What he said! There any lollipops around here?”

“Isle three!”

“Thanks! Me be right back!”

Jackal happily makes his way back to isle three as Snake shakes his head.

“Way to go, Jackal. Always thinking with your stomach.”

Arc approaches Snake from the rear. “Excuse me, but you really need to pay for what you want like everyone else.”

Snake turns around angrily! “I’ve had just about enough of…”

He stops and looks Arc up and down.

“Who… or what, are you supposed to be?! A wizard?!”

Arc shrugs. “Just someone who doesn’t like people taking that which doesn’t belong to them.”

“You new in town fella?”


Snake smiles. “Okay, let me fill you in on who we are. My large associate and I are members of the local men’s club known as the Shards. We pretty much run this town and everything in it! So, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll take my advice and stay clear of us. Understand?”


Snake pushes his cart toward the door as Jackal returns with an entire stand of lollipops on his shoulders. “Good! I’m glad we had this little talk! A big guy like you should consider joining!”

Arc nods. “As am I.”

As Snake moves to pass Arc, he puts a hand on the cart to stop it yet again.

“What now?!”

Arc glares at him. “You still need to pay for what you take.”

Snake sighs as he cracks his knuckles. “Fine! We’ll do this the hard way!”

He moves to punch Arc in the stomach. As expected, his fist stops as if it had just hit a brick wall!

“OW! What the heck you have on under that thing?!”

Arc shrugs. “Nothing too special. Pants and a shirt mostly.”

Snake turns to shake his head and chuckles before attempting to sucker kick Arc in the nads. Jackal frowns at Arc as he puts down the lollipop display.

“Hey! You hurt my friend’s foot!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I didn’t. I was just standing here.”

“I guess that true…”

Cherry sighs as she speaks to Arc’s mind. “These two aren’t the tallest ladders in the barn!”

“You’re telling me!”

Snake hops around as he holds his foot. “Get him, Jackal!”


Jackal swings a meaty fist at Arc who easily steps back to evade it.

“Stay still and let me hit you!”


“Um… just cause!”

Arc moves away from Jackal. “Why don’t you just pay for what you want and we can all move on?”

Jackal thinks for a moment. “Because…”

Snake limps around. “Less talking, more hitting!”

“I got him!”

He swings again as Arc sidesteps. His fist hits a block wall!

“OW! Why you do that?!”

“I didn’t do anything! YOU hit the wall!”

Jackal turns to Snake. “Can’t we just pay like he says?”

Snake hobbles over. “N-no! We gotta make an example out of him! Together, Jackal!”


The both approach Arc again from both sides. Snake grins wickedly!

“We got his THIS time!”

They both swing at the same time. Arc ducks as they hit one another and fall over.

“This… this not working out so well, Snake!”

“No… no it is not!”

Arc sighs at the pair. “Why don’t you two leave before you really hurt yourselves?”

Snake stands up and turns towards the door. “Come on, Jackal! Let’s go!”

Jackal stands and picks up the lollipop display again. “Okay!”

Arc steps forward. “You still need to pay for that candy if you want any.”

“Aw… but me don’t have any money!”

“Then I guess you can’t have any candy then.”

Jackal puts the display down and walks sadly toward the door. “Okay…”

As the pair leave, those assembles applaud. The clerk, looking relieved, walks over to Arc.

“Thank you, whoever you are!”

“Don’t mention it.”

Arc quickly Blinks back to his cart behind the boxes. Cherry giggles as Arc recalls his armor and takes off the cloak.

“That was splendid, Arc!”

He returns the cloak to his ring before walking toward the checkout with his cart. “Those two are becoming quite a nuisance. I may have to be a bit more forceful next time.”

“At least nopony got hurt!”

“That’s always a plus!”

“So, what now?!”

Arc smiles. “Now we pay for our groceries and go home.”

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