• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 18 - So Hard to Say

The fillies laugh together easily. A short time later the meal concludes and they stand up. Arc sighs.

“I should probably take you back to your sister now, Sweetie Belle.”

Dinky frowns. “Aw! Can she come back afterwards?”

“That’s up to Rarity, sweetheart.”

Sweetie Belle smiles at her friends. “I’ll try and take care of this as quickly as possible, everypony.”

They look after Arc and Sweetie Belle as they head for the door. Babs Seed waves with Apple Bloom.

“Take care! Say ‘hi’ to your sister for us!”

“See you in a bit!”

They leave, closing the door behind them. Derpy turns to Dinky

“Can you help me with the dishes, sweetie?”

Dinky sighs. “Okay mom.”

Babs Seed looks concerned. “Dinky? You okay?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Yeah! I mean, we’ll help too!”

Dinky shakes her head. “That’s not it. Mom, do you know anything about what Miss Rarity wants?”

“No dear.”

“You mean dad didn’t tell you anything?!”

Derpy shakes her head. “He didn’t. Sassy Saddles didn’t say why either when she stopped by last night. But your father seemed to know what was going on.”

Babs walks over to Derpy. “Excuse me, but is this normal?”

Apple Bloom frowns. “You mean keeping secrets?”

“Yes. It just doesn’t seem like something a family member should be doing.”

Derpy nods. “Usually that’s correct. However when I asked Arc about it, he said he couldn’t tell me.”

Dinky sighs. “Now I’m REALLY worried!”

“I trust your father, dear. You should do the same.”

“Okay mom. But that doesn’t make me feel any better.”

Apple Bloom puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “How about this then? Sweetie Belle is with the smartest, bravest, coolest, human EVER! He’ll fix whatever’s wrong!”

Babs nods. “Right! If he could find me a family, this should be easy!”

Dinky forces a small smile. “I suppose so. Well, let’s get those dishes going.”

Derpy tousles Dinky’s mane as she smiles. “There’s my good little filly!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Sweetie Belle arrive at Carousel Boutique. As they approach the door Sweetie Belle turns to Arc.

“So my sister really didn’t say ANYTHING about what she wanted?”

Arc looks away. “I… look, she just… um…”

The door opens and Rarity comes into view. Her mane is a mess and there are bags under her eyes. Sweetie Belle looks confused and worried.

“Rarity? Are you okay?”

Rarity forces a tired smile. “Yes. I’m… Come in you two.”

They do so. She closes the door behind them and slowly walks toward the stairs. Sweetie Belle calls out after her.

“Now what is this all about, Rarity? We were having a blast at Miss Derpy’s house!”

“I’m sorry to interrupt your fun. I… need to speak to you about something rather… pressing.”

Arc looks toward the front door. “Would you like some alone time?”

“Well… I… um…”

Arc turns to Rarity. “Or would you like some, um… help?”

“Yes, please!”

She looks up the stairs.

“We can talk in my room.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow as the three of them ascend the stairs together. “Your… room?”

Arc looks to the filly. “Something wrong?”

Rarity calls out over her shoulder. “I don’t usually allows others into my private bedroom.”

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t even let me in to wake her up! I have to knock on the door and stay behind the threshold if the door is already open.”

“Yes, well…”

Rarity misses a step. Her foot slips and she falls backwards. Moving like lightning Arc catches her before she passes him. Sweetie Belle gasps.


Arc looks at her. “That was close! Are you okay?!”

Rarity smiles up at him as she lies on her back in Arc’s arms. “Y-yes! I’m… I’m just fine, thanks to you.”

A few moments silently pass before Sweetie Belle clears her throat loudly.

“Uh, Arc? Could you put my sister down so we can get on with this please?”

Arc blushes slightly. “Oh! Right!”

He walks up the last few steps before setting Rarity down gently. She leads them over to a door and opens it. Before them lies a modestly sized room containing a canopy style bed, several large wardrobes, an expansive vanity with several mirrors surrounding it, and a small desk in one corner. Arc looks around as they enter.

“You’re quite the interior decorator, Rarity.”

“Thank you. I… like to feel comfortable in my surroundings.”

Sweetie Belle sighs impatiently. “Okay, we’re here Rarity. What is it you need?”

Rarity climbs up on the bed and pats the bedspread next to her. “Why don’t you sit next to me, Sweetie Belle?”

“Uh… okay.”

Sweetie Belle does as she is told. Rarity sighs.

“Tell me. How are your friends doing?”

“Fine. Why do you ask?”

“Is everypony getting along over at Derpy’s house?”

Arc nods. “They’re doing well, yes.”

Rarity takes a deep breath.

“Tell me, Sweetie Belle. What do you know about love?”

“Love? Like what?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Just… in general.”

“I dunno. Why?”

“Well, do you remember that talk you and I had a while back about, um… where foals come from?”

“Sorta. It still sounded kinda weird to me.”

“Was there something you didn’t understand?”

“Kinda. It’s about colts.”

“What about them?”

Sweetie Belle looks away nervously. “Um… the kinda embarrassing part.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “I see. Well… a colt’s part is kinds like a filly’s. It just works backwards. You see, when they get… stimulated… it…”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. “No, no! Not that part!”


“I get that much. After all, it’s not like I’ve never seen a colt’s parts before.”

Rarity sighs. “Yes, I suppose we all have. Why don’t I just listen to your full question before answering then?”


Sweetie Belle takes a deep breath before continuing.

“You see, I understand how the whole process works. But I don’t understand why?”

Rarity looks confused. “I beg your pardon?”

Sweetie Belle makes a face. “Why would any mare and stallion would want to DO that! I mean, it sounds TOTALLY gross!”

“Oh. Well, you see, when your body is ready you’ll just kinda… go with it.”

“How will I know when I’m ready?”

Rarity looks nervous. “You’ll just kinda know… you know?”

Sweetie Belle narrows her eyes.

“You’re not very good at explaining this, Rarity.”

She turns to Arc.

“You’re really smart, Arc. Can you tell me when I’ll be ready?”

Arc looks over to Rarity. She sheepishly smiles and nods.

“Part of it is your body physically being ready. You see, you have to be fully grown before you can do things like that.”

“So I have to be as big as Rarity?”

“That would probably be best, yes.”

Sweetie Belle breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I’m not looking forward to doing ANY of that stuff!”

“There’s more to it than your age and size though.”

“Like what, Arc?”

“You also have to be mentally ready.”

“What does that mean?”

“That your mind wants it too.”

“My mind wants… what now?”

“I mean, it’s a two way street. To make a foal takes a mare and a stallion. They both need to agree on what they want.”

“Like setting the rules of a game?”

Rarity chimes in. “Kinda. What Arc means is that both the mare and stallion need to agree that they want to have sex before they do it.”

Arc frowns. “Right. Otherwise it’s a horrible event called ‘rape’.”

Sweetie Belle looks to her sister. “What’s ‘rape’?”

Rarity blushes heavily. “It’s where somepony… um… takes somepony and… makes them do that thing with them.”

Sweetie Belle tilts her head to one side, clearly confused. “But I thought you said that was how it’s done.”

“Not at all! Sorry, but I just don’t know how to put it into words for you.”

Arc clears his throat. “You understand how the process works, right Sweetie Belle?”


“Rape is when a stallion has sex with a mare who doesn’t want them to.”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof to her chin. “But Rarity said it was supposed to feel really good. Why wouldn’t a mare want it then?”

“Because the stallion forces his part into her. You said you weren’t looking forward to having sex earlier. Why is that?”

“Because it sounds gross!”

“Right. So imagine a stallion FORCING you to do it.”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “That sounds awful! Does that really happen?!”

Arc grimaces. “Sometimes, yes. Now, your sister and I want you to understand that you shouldn’t be afraid of sex when you’re ready. But you also shouldn’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if it doesn’t feel right.”

Rarity nods. “Yes! Any time a stallion, or a mare for that matter, does something that makes you feel uncomfortable you should tell them ‘no’ right away!”

Sweetie Belle blushes. “O-okay. Um… but… what if I… um… was old enough and found somepony special that I really liked. Does that mean we should make a foal together?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “That’s a very deep and personal question, Sweetie Belle. One that only you can answer.”

“Only me?”



“By asking yourself some questions. Is this really what I want? Do I care about him? Do I love him? Does he love me? Would he make a good father for our foal? Am I ready to become a mother?”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow skeptically. “That’s a lot of questions!”

Rarity nods. “Yes, it is. But having a foal is a very big step in a mare’s life. That and getting married.”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head fervently. “I don’t EVER want to get married!”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s your choice, Sweetie Belle. But why not?”

“Stallions are too much trouble! And how am I supposed to know if he loves me or not? I’d hate to marry somepony who doesn’t care about me. Could I just… um… find a stallion to make a foal with and not get married?”

Rarity gasps. “That’s scandalous!”

Arc puts a hand on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder. “I suppose you could, yes. But you need to look at the larger picture.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “There’s MORE?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. When I was Lord Regent I oversaw more than a few Custody Audiences.”

“What’s that?”

Rarity sighs. “It’s when two parents who don’t love one another anymore decide to move on and start over.”

Arc nods. “Right. But someone has to decide where the foal goes.”

Sweetie Belle looks confused. “Where they… go?”

Rarity sighs. “Which parent they’ll live with.”

“Can’t they live with both of them?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. The parents don’t live together after that. Think about it this way. Imagine the Cakes were to have a big fight and decided to get a divorce. Who would take their twins?”

“Well that’s easy! One for each parent, right?!”

“It’s a little more complicated than that. Imagine now that you were Pumpkin Cake and I had ordered that you were to live with your mother while Pound Cake was to go with his father. It’s unlikely that you would see your brother very often.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “Why’s that? I mean, they’d still live in Ponyville, right?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Many couples who divorce move away to start a new life in a new town.”

Arc nods. “I heard them talking about that very thing during the proceedings. A few times one of them asked where the other was moving so they could go the opposite direction. For example, when one stallion said he was going to Vanhoover his former wife said she was moving to Manehattan.”

Rarity smiles. “They don’t always carry through with it, mind you. But it’s natural to want to get as far away from your former spouse as you can. Especially if they cheat on you with another.”

“That’s why I don’t want to get married! It just sounds like too much work!”

Arc shrugs. “I would assume it is, yes. But where did you get that idea, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle looks away. “I… don’t really want to talk about it.”

Rarity looks to her sister. “Why ever not? Please, Sweetie Belle! We’re only trying to help you understand!”

Sweetie Belle looks up at Rarity sheepishly.

“It’s… because of you, Rarity.”


Arc looks confused. “But Rarity isn’t married.”

“That’s right. But… um… she does have quite a few stallion friends.”

Rarity blushes furiously. “But… but those are clients, Sweetie Belle!”

“I understand that. But you’re always acting weird around them.”

“Weird?! Why I never…!”

Arc holds up a hand. “Now Rarity. Let’s hear her out.”

“Sorry. I just don’t know how else to say it. Please don’t be mad at me, but all I ever see you doing is fawning all over them and telling them how handsome they look.”

“That’s what a fashionista is supposed to do! Make their clients feel good about the clothes they’ve worked so hard to make!”

“But you’re always getting so close to them!”

Arc nods. “She has to do that to make alterations, Sweetie Belle.”

“Well, I always see her hovering around her client’s flanks!”

Rarity sighs. “That is true.”


“It’s a very important step in tailoring though. You see, a client is very particular in how other’s see them. First impressions are very important to them after all.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “But what does that have to do with their flank?”

“There’s something equally important to making a good impression. It’s called ‘exiting’.”

Sweetie Belle turns to Arc. “Do you know what she means?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not sure what that entails either.”

“The last thing other ponies see of you will be your flank. Therefore it’s very important that it look absolutely perfect! Now I’m sorry that it makes you feel uncomfortable Sweetie Belle, but that’s just part of my job.”

Sweetie Belle wrinkles her nose. “Making flanks looks good?”

“No. Helping ponies look their best.”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof to her chin, thoughtfully. “Well… I guess that makes sense. But while we’re on the subject, can we talk about something else that’s been bothering me?”

“Of course!”

“Just please don’t be mad, okay?”

Rarity looks confused. “Mad? About what?”

“It’s actually something Babs Seed told me. You see Rarity, Babs really likes watching you work.”

Arc smiles. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Perhaps she’ll be a tailor like your sister someday.”

“Maybe. But that isn’t the problem.”

“Then what is?”

“She… said she saw some things that made her feel uncomfortable.”

Rarity appears nervous. “What kind of things?”

“Well… she told me some of your stallion clients… um… smack your flank when they leave.”

Arc clenches a fist angrily. “What?!”

“Oh! I… um… that’s… you see…”

Arc looks to the filly before him. “Sweetie Belle, you were right to say something to us about this.”

“I was?”

“Yes. That sort of thing is NOT appropriate!”

Sweetie Belle turns to Rarity.

“Then why do you let them do that?”

Rarity sighs. “To keep a client. You see, the fashion industry is really hard to break into. I’m still just a small-time tailor. But if enough big names from Canterlot buy my clothes, my name’s sure to get around!”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “Well, I don’t like the thought of them touching my sister’s flank! Even if you want them to!”

“Want them to?!”

“Babs said you didn’t try to stop them or anything. So I just kinda figured you liked it.”

Rarity turns away, mortified. Sweetie Belle puts a hoof on her sister’s fetlock.

“Rarity… you’re worth more than just a line of clothes.”

She sighs. “Truthfully, I wasn’t doing this so much for me.”


“I was hoping to make this work for us. You see, I’m not always going to be around, and my hope was to build my brand up enough to be able to have something to leave you.”

“I don’t understand.”

Arc sighs. “She wanted you to be able to live off the future royalties.”

Rarity sadly nods.

“My own life wasn’t exactly what I would call perfect. But if I can give you a better one…”

Sweetie Belle glares at her sister. “Well, I don’t want it if that means you have to get your flank smacked by stallions! What would mom and dad say?!”

Rarity suddenly straightens up, a strange look on her face. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Rarity? Do you have something to say?”

Rarity looks away as she shakes her head. “N-no! Why would I?!”


Rarity says nothing for a time. Eventually her gaze turns to Arc.

“Would you… could you possibly…?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Rarity. I’ll help get this started if you want by telling my side of it, but…”

Sweetie Belle turns to her sister as she nods, confused.

“Rarity? What’s Arc talking about?”

Arc takes a deep breathe before starting.

“Sweetie Belle. Do you remember that field trip you took with your school mates to Canterlot?”

“Yeah. But what’s that have to do with Rarity?”

“Well… did she explain to you what happened while you were gone?”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Uh huh. That’s when she and I talked about where foals come from.”

She looks up at Arc with an embarrassed smile.

“Th-thanks for not doing that with Rarity back then.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. My first thought was to get her and the others some help. But back then I ordered some of my soldiers to search this building for clues as to what had happened to her.”

“Did they find anything?”

“No. Well, they did find something unrelated to the search.”

“What was it?”

“Your sister’s diary.”

Rarity winces at this as Arc looks over to her.

“Rarity? You going to be okay?”

“I… don’t know. That day still haunts me.”

Sweetie Belle looks over. “Why don’t you hold her hoof, Arc?”

“What? Why?”

“Rarity looks like she needs it.”

Rarity silently nods. Sweetie Belle stands and moves aside as Arc moves to sit next to her on the bed. He takes Rarity’s hoof in his hand, and notices it trembling slightly.

“Feeling better, Rarity?”

“Y-yes, Sweetie Belle.”

“Okay. They found her diary. So what?”

Arc takes a deep breath before gathering his thoughts and continuing.

“Now I want you to understand under normal circumstances I would never have authorized such an invasion of privacy. But we were trying to save your sister’s life back then. My sergeant looked through the diary in an effort to see if Rarity had written anything about her being sick, or something. He then brought the diary with him when her reported back to me. I too read the previous entries before ordering him to return the book to its place and never speak of it again.”

Sweetie Belle looks confused. “Um… okay. But why? I mean, Rarity’s diary is probably just full of dress ideas and lovey-dovey stuff.”

Rarity looks over.

“That’s… not entirely true.”


“Sweetie Belle, would you please sit next to me again?”

Sweetie Belle does so. She takes her sister’s other hoof in hers as Rarity continues.

“After I graduated, mother and father sent me to fashion school. There I learned all about fabrics, colors, stitches and technique.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “That much I remember mom and dad telling me. But what does this have to do with your diary?”

Arc puts a finger to his lips. “Be patient, Sweetie Belle.”

“Well, I was a very good student. Probably right up there with Twilight in terms of dedication. Every day after my classes were completed I would sit at my desk in my dorm room and go over the lessons we’d been taught.”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Is that why you’re always telling me I need to study?”

“No, dear. But my problem back then was that I didn’t know how to relax. To… unwind from anything.”

“Really? No couch and ice cream?”

“Nothing of the sort. When I was happy, I studied. When I was sad, I studied. When I was mad, I studied. It just became who I was back then.”

Really? I wouldn’t have guessed that. After all, you’re always trying to get Twilight out of her library to have fun. What changed?”

“Something happened during my last year in fashion school that forced me to re-evaluate my life and past choices. Not to mention where I would go from there.”

Sweetie Belle looks nervous. “Wha-what happened?”

“It was the week before exams and I was studying as usual. Everypony else was celebrating down the hall.”

“Celebrating what?”

“Our upcoming graduation. You see everypony was already fully capable of designing clothes. Finals were pretty much a formality at that point. I was completely burned out from years of studying and wanted… a change, I suppose.”

“You mean like a change of scenery?”

“Not… exactly. I wanted to know what I had been missing all that time. No time for friends or parties up until that point. So I went down the hall and joined in.”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “Oh wow! Did you have fun?!”

Rarity looks down at the floor.

“I don’t actually remember.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “How can you not remember your first party?!”

Rarity sadly shakes her head. She looks over at a nearby picture of Sweetie Belle hanging on the wall a moment before turning to Arc.

“Would you please bring me that picture?”


Arc stands and retrieves the frame. He hands it to Rarity. She looks at the picture happily.

“You remember this photo, don’t you Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah. You had it taken the day I moved to Ponyville. What’s so special about it?”

Rarity turns the frame over. She carefully removes the backing to reveal a large manila envelope. Sweetie Belle looks over.

“What’s that?”

“A secret I’ve keep hidden from everypony for… a very long time. One that Arc accidently discovered.”

Arc nods wordlessly as Rarity takes the envelope in her hooves and carefully sets the frame aside.

“The night of the party was a blur. Everypony cheered as I walked in and started giving me drinks.”

Rarity looks down at the envelope in her hooves.

“I don’t remember much after the third one. Nothing after the sixth.”

Arc frowns. Sweetie Belle looks at the envelope.

“Is that why you’re so light with the wine, Rarity?”

“Yes, dear. Alcohol certainly makes one do foolish things.”

“Uh oh. What happened?”

“I woke up the next morning back in my room on the floor with a pounding headache. Every part of my body ached and my legs shook as I stood.”

Rarity pauses as she relives the memories in her mind.

“It was then that I took a step backwards, dizzy as I was. My hoof stepped in something wet. At first I thought perhaps I had urinated on the floor as I slept. But… but the smell was very different from that.”

“What was it? Did you spill a cider or something?”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. I found the it was… dribbling down my backside.”

Sweetie Belle looks confused. “But I thought you said you hadn’t wet yourself.”

“Right. It was… something else.”

“What then?”

Rarity turns away and begins to cry. She clutches tightly to Arc’s hand.

“It was… sperm, Sweetie Belle.”

The filly’s eyes grow wide as she gasps. “

Wait! You mean…?!”

Rarity nods as the tears flow down her cheeks. “Yes! I had been… violated at the party!”

Sweetie Belle stands up angrily. “Who did it?! I’ll make them regret it!”

Rarity shakes her head as she continues crying. “I don’t know!”

“You didn’t ask anypony?!”

“I did! Everypony who had been at the party said the same thing! I had… I had lifted my tail to nearly every stallion there!”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “Oh Rarity! Did you… did he make you pregnant?!”

“Yes dear.”

“So I’m a big sister?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “No, you’re not.”

“But… how…?”

Rarity turns to look Sweetie Belle in the eye.

“The truth is… I’m not really your sister.”


“I’m actually… your mother.”


Rarity squeezes her small hoof. “I’m sorry, but you were conceived that night in a dorm room, Sweetie Belle.”

Tears fill Sweetie Belle’s eyes. “But… but mom and dad…!”

“… took care of you a lot when you were a newborn, yes. They wanted me to focus on my career.”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head violently. “No! This… this isn’t right! You’re playing a mean trick on me, Rarity! Stop it! Stop it NOW!”

Rarity sighs as she opens the envelope and pulls out a paper. “Take a look at this. It’ll explain everything.”

Sweetie Belle does so. Her hooves shake as she reads.

“What… is this?!”

“Your birth certificate, dear.”

“This is a FAKE!”

Rarity shakes her head and points a hoof. “No. Look here. See that seal? That means this document is legal and accurate.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Dinky’s birth certificate is the same way.”

Sweetie Belle slowly turns to face Rarity.

“So… it’s true then?”

Rarity nods sadly. “Yes. I really am your mother.”

“Why didn’t anypony tell me this before?!”

“You were too little to understand, my dear. But the whole sister idea was my something my mother thought up. She believed it would be easier that way. And in a way she was right.”

Sweetie Belle jumps off the bed and throws the paper to one side as she points an accusatory hoof at Rarity. “You… YOU LIED TO ME!!!”

Arc sighs. “Sweetie Belle, stop. This is just as hard for Rarity as it is for you. I’m sure she wanted to tell you, but couldn’t.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. But, truth be told I was too afraid.”

“Afraid?! Of what?!”

“What you might say. Sweetie Belle, I… I love you very much, and didn’t want you to know your ‘sister’ was nothing more than a harlot.”

“But you’re not! You’re… you’re really special!”

Arc quietly holds out the manilla envelope.

“Rarity? Would you like to show her the rest?”

Sweetie Belle turns to Rarity. “You mean there’s MORE?!”

“A bit, yes. Let me show you.”

Arc hands Rarity the envelope. She reaches inside and pulls out a stack of photographs.

“These were taken in the hospital shortly after you were born.”

Sweetie Belle gasps at the top photo. “Rarity! You look so… so young!”

“I was. Back then I made a terrible mistake. But thanks to that, I was able to hold the sweetest, kindest, gentlest little filly Equestria had ever seen!”

Arc looks toward the door. “Well, I should probably let you two have some time alone.”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Okay. Thanks, Arc. Can you tell the others… that I’ll see them at school tomorrow?”


Rarity looks up. “Arc?”

He turns back. “Yes?”

“I just wanted to say… thank you.”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s what friends are for.”

He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Sweetie Belle looks to Rarity.

“So… what should I call you… mom?”

Rarity smiles through the latent tears. “If you’d like, our relationship can stay just as it is.”

“Can it really?”

“Yes dear. After all, I’ve always loved you and you’ve always loved me.”

Sweetie Belle wraps her front hooves around her mother. “Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry if I’ve ever said or done anything…”

“No, Sweetie Belle, it’s me that should be sorry. I wanted to wait until you were all grown up before saying anything about this. But when Arc found out, he told me that you were mature enough and had a right to know.”

They sit there in the center of the room holding one another for some time. Eventually Rarity breaks the silence.

“By the way, Sweetie Bell. When we sat down earlier why didn’t you sit next to me?”

Sweetie Belle smiles sheepishly. “For the same reason I asked Arc to hold your hoof.”

Rarity looks to her, confused. “I… don’t understand.”

“Really, Rarity? I was trying to help by giving you a chance to get close to him.”

“What?! But… why?!”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “I can see you really like him.”

Rarity blushes. “I… I…”

“Your expressions and mood change whenever he’s around. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

Rarity smiles and nods. “I am, dear. Arc is an absolutely amazing individual. Now while I appreciate the help, you really shouldn’t meddle in other ponies relationships.”

“There… was another reason.”


Sweetie Belle takes Rarity’s hoof. “I think you two would be very happy together. And… and I’d like it if he were to become my dad.”


“Uh huh! Then Dinky and I could be sisters!”

“Well, it doesn’t quite work like that, dear. That and there’s Derpy and Applejack.”

“I know! But couldn’t he marry all three of you?”

Rarity blushes. “Oh no, no, no! The law says only two are allowed in a marriage!”

“But I thought he was above the law as the Hero of Light.”

Rarity thinks for a moment. “I… suppose that’s true.”

“So couldn’t he have more than one wife?”

“Perhaps. But that would be up to him, dear. Sweetie Belle, I’m… very sorry you don’t have a father. If I only knew who’s sperm impregnated me…”

“It’s okay. After all, if he’s the kind of stallion who would take advantage of a drunk mare, I don’t really want him as my dad!”

Rarity gives Sweetie Belle a hug. “I love you, Sweetie Belle.”

“And I love you too, mom. But it’s going to be hard to get used to calling you that.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I don’t? Then what should I call you?”

“Just Rarity. Like I said before, nothing needs to change between us.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was written in remembrance of the first time I watched My Little Pony with my daughter. Admittedly, I was only half paying attention to the show at the time. So when I saw Sweetie Belle and Rarity together I simply assumed they were mother and daughter.

My original storyboard plan was for the volume to end with Sweetie Belle running out the door. She would head for her room and, while Arc and Rarity were trying to decide what to do next, she would hop out the window, effectively running away from home. The next volume would have been dedicated to her own adventure trying to find her real father. But I scrapped that plan in lieu of her being able to come to terms with this event now rather than at the end of the next volume.

In any case, I hope all of you enjoyed this story arc's conclusion that was started so many volumes ago. But what about the conversation Sweetie Belle had with Rarity after Arc left? Will they both get what they want? Can Arc REALLY have multiple wives? Would he be okay with that? How would Derpy and Dinky take that news along with the other suitors Arc has?

Time will tell. Sooner or later... time will tell.

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