• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Grievous Gems

Hammer frowns as she looks to Arc.

“Why’s it still in one piece then?!”

Wrangler sighs. “Sunburst was unable to discover a way to modify our weapon’s output to do that.”

Moon Dancer nods. “So the best we could do was to destroy the enemy’s capability to activate the weapon.”

Arc looks down at Platinum Valve. “You okay?”

“I… I don’t feel so good.”

“Do you need medical attention?”


“I need Redheart to be prepared to receive Platinum Valve in the Infirmary.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Yes sir, she’s standing by.”


Opening a portal, Arc carefully pushes the filly through before closing it and stepping toward the crystal.

“Now all we need to do is…”

Lunging out from underneath a pile of rubble, Decimus charges at Arc. Before anyone can react Sereb leaps over Arc to plow into the heavily armored stallion. Without his helmet, Sereb bites down hard on Decimus’ neck, effectively tearing it out in one swift motion. Tossing the body aside, he turns to Arc.

“Forgive me, but your life was imperiled.”

“Thanks, big guy.”

He reaches down and picks up the boulder sized crystal lying nearby.

“Can’t leave this sitting around.”

Ember steps forward. “Want me to carry it to the ship?”

“Yeah. Not sure if I should be Blinking or traveling through portals with this thing.”

Giving Ember the crystal, she takes it in her gauntlets, spreads her wings and takes flight. Turning to the others he motions for them to approach. Max is the first to speak.

“That wasn’t so hard.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah.”

Hugh turns to look at Decimus’ body. “I wish they were all that easy.”

Viktor chuckles. “If they are, we’ll be done in no time.”

Hammer gives Arc a thumbs up. “That’d be nice.”

“Right. But in any case let’s go.”

Opening a portal, Arc allows everyone to pass before following. Arriving back in his room he touches his earring and speaks.

“Arc to Bridge.”

Lemon Hearts calls out. “Go ahead, sir.”

“Tell Thunderlane to get the ship back to Canterlot as fast as he dares. I want to get that crystal under lock and key as soon as possible.”

Thunderlane grins. “Yes sir. We’re already underway.”

Wrangler frowns. “You sure they won’t just make another one of those, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea the process, so that is a possibility. But in any case, we won the day so that’s a plus.”

Ember enters the room carrying the crystal. Arc motions for her to set it in a corner as he continues to speak to the Bridge Crew.

“How long until we get back to Canterlot?”

Thunderlane looks over his charts. “There’s a nearby current we can ride. Shouldn’t take us more than two hours.”

“Good. Tell me, Wrangler. Did our prisoner give the guards any trouble while I was gone?”

“No, sir. A model prisoner. But that’s probably because she can’t really move. Restraints or not.”

Hammer rubs two fingers together as she grins. “Let me play the world’s smallest violin for her.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Max frowns. “That traitor doesn’t deserve our pity!”

Xenos stomps his hoof. “Yeah! Or our bandages!”

Hugh grits his teeth. “She’s lucky the commander was merciful.”

Viktor nods fervently. “Right.”

Arc sighs. “I’ll go see her for myself in a little while along with Platinum Valve. In the meantime, Lemon Hearts, establish a secure channel to Princess Twilight. I need to report what happened here tonight.”

“Yes sir. Shall I patch her through to your office or quarters?”

“Office. It’s just down the hall from the Infirmary.”

“It will be done.”

“Good. Anything else?”

Soarin calls out. “Yes, sir. As you know, we… just heavily damaged a priceless cultural landmark.”

Ember shrugs. “So?”

“The media in Manehattan is already abuzz with reports labeling you as a terrorist, sir.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

Lemon Hearts sighs. “And a monster for what your steed did.”

Sereb growls. “But that was my doing! Not Arc’s!”

Wrangler looks to a screen depicting a local newscast. “That’s not how they’re portraying it though. However that’s probably for the best as it means the Dragon Lands are off the hook for it.”

Ember bares her claws. “They should reconsider that!”

Arc frowns. “Enough. Keep up the good work everyone.”

Ember grimaces. “You do realize that your name is pretty much mud in Manehattan right now… right Arc?!”

“Yes, I do.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “And that doesn’t BOTHER YOU?!”

“Not at all.”

Sereb gasps. “How?!’

Arc sighs. “I’d rather the citizens be safe and hate me… than see them fall to our enemies.”

He turns to the door as he continues.

“Everyone get cleaned up and rest. You all did your parts and made this work.”

Arc leaves the room and heads for his office. Sitting down he looks out the window at the stars and sighs.

“I did what had to be done.”

A few minutes later the phone rings. Arc picks it up.


“This is Lemon Heart’s, sir. Princess Twilight is holding.”

“Patch her through.”

A moment later her familiar voice fills the receiver.

“Arc! Are you alright?!”

“I’m fine, yes. The only one whom had any kind of problem was Platinum Valve.”

“Oh my! Is she alright?!”

“I think it was just the shock of her jumping from the torch of the Mare Statue. But I’ll go check on her after I’m done talking to you.”

“That’s a relief! I had the most bizarre imaginings that you weren’t going to make it!”

“Well, I’m glad you were wrong about that.”

“Me too!”

They laugh together happily before Arc continues.

“The good news is that I was able to stop Decimus’ plans for dominating Manehattan.”

“And the statue?”

“Damage was mostly limited to the torch and the hoof that held it. The rest of the statue appeared to be relatively unharmed.”

“We can see about restoring it when this is over.”

“Yes, well… there was something else I needed to tell you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Before we arrived, I was resting in my room with Ember and Hammer.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“Yes, well… there was a fourth.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I don’t recall that bed being so big.”

“I meant that there was an assassin.”


Arc nods soberly. “Yes. Lieutenant Spitfire came into my room and tried to kill me.”

Twilight grits her teeth. “I’ll see to it she hangs for this!”

“Let’s keep this in perspective, Twilight.”

“Attempted assassination of the Hero of Light is a high crime, Arc! It’s treason of the highest caliber and carries the same legal ramifications as attempting to do the same to the princesses!”

“Well, she’s secure in my Infirmary at the moment.”

“She’s still alive?!”

“I didn’t kill her, no.”

“Arc, you have every right to do so in the future! She’s clearly out of her mind to do such a thing twice now!”

Arc sighs. “Seeing as she has four broken hooves and two broken wings, I think that point was made.”

“I’ll have guards meet The Equinox when it lands to escort her directly to the dungeon!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… on a stretcher?”

“Normally no. But as dangerous as she is…!”

“Let’s allow Doctor Whooves to make that decision, shall we?”

Twilight groans. “Very well. Anything else?”

“Just one more thing. I’ll need somewhere safe to store this crystal.”

“The one from the Mare Statue’s torch?”


“How did it survive?!”

“We couldn’t figure out the frequency to deal with it in time so I ordered Wrangler to fire the weapons as they were.”

“Very well. I’ll see to it Sunburst continues working on a more permanent solution.”

“What about in the meantime?”

“I suggest keeping it under heavy guard if you have to.”

“If I have to?”

“You could just store it in your ring.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I was just worried something bad might happen if I did that.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Generally no. After all, your ring is just a gate to a pocket dimension. There’s no danger as the ring is the only gateway.”

“Alright. I’ll store the gem in there when we’re done talking. Thanks for the advice.”

“I should be thanking you. After all, you’ve been instrumental in keeping things together since…”

Twilight sighs before continuing.

“…since Princess Celestia left again.”


“I really do think somepony else should be in charge here. After all, I’m no leader.”

“But you will be with practice.”

“That might take…”


Twilight nods sadly. “Exactly!”

“How long do you suppose it took Celestia to get to where she was? An established ruler with a proud reputation and a respectable place on the international stage doesn’t come about overnight.”

“I know, but…!”

“Twilight, like I told you before… you need to have faith in yourself first and foremost.”

“I’m trying! I really am!”

“I know you are. And we’re here for you right now. So don’t think that you’re leading all on your own.”

Twilight sighs. “Sorry for that outburst, Arc. I just feel so inadequate these days.”

“So did I when I started. Believe me when I say that it will pass as you become more comfortable in your position.”

“I’ll just have to take things a little at a time.”


“Um… about that. Do you have anything planned for tomorrow night, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at the moment, no. But if something comes up…”

Twilight grins. “Perfect! Try to keep that open!”

“What’s up?”

“We have a little surprise for you.”

“Can I get a hint?”

Twilight giggles. “No, silly! We want it to be a surprise!”

Arc chuckles. “Fine then. Keep your secrets.”

“You just come back to Canterlot safely and get some rest. Tomorrow’s another day, Arc.”

“That goes for you as well, your highness.”

“I’ll go back to my room just as soon as we’re done talking.”

“Sorry for waking you up.”

“Not at all. I was just pacing around my private quarters waiting to hear something. Considering what was at stake, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep.”

“Alright. Tell the others ‘good night’ for me then. I’ll be back in Canterlot in a couple of hours.”

“Fly safe.”

“See you in the morning, Twilight.”


Twilight hangs up the receiver and breathes a sigh of relief.

“Situation under control. No loss of life or major collateral damage. Well done, Arc. Very well indeed.”

Smiling, she leaves the room and orders the guards to escort her back to the shared bedroom. As Twilight enters the room the others rush over to her. Rarity is the first to speak.

“How is he?!”

Pinkie appears nervous. “Just fine, right?!”

Twilight nods, clearly surprised. “Y-yes. Arc and his friends are okay.”

Applejack grimaces. “And the crystal?!”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “Did he destroy it?!”

Twilight bows her head. “Unfortunately no.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Why not?!”

Applejack puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Calm down, sugarcube. I’m sure he had a good reason.”

Twilight nods. “They couldn’t figure out how to modify the ship’s weapons to be able to do so.”

Rose frowns. “So what did he do then, mother?”

“The Equinox destroyed the torch to disable the weapon housing before capturing the gem itself.”

“A wise strategy. Without it Decimus will be unable to power any future weapons with it.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “But who’s to say he only had one?!”

Fluttershy hides behind her tail and mane. “Eep!”

“It’s not likely. The history books all agree that they were INSANELY difficult to produce.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Expensive?”

Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well, a crystal THAT big…!”

Rarity steps forward to face the group. “It’s more than just size. After all, I’m guessing it would have to be specially grown for that purpose.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Growing gems like vegetables?”

Twilight nods. “There’s a bit more to it than that. But it’s a good analogy, yes.”

Fluttershy peeks out. “Did you… get around to asking Arc about the other idea?”

“Yes, and he said if nothing comes up it’s a go.”

Meanwhile, Arc stands and returns to his room. Walking over to the giant crystal in the corner he picks it up and carefully shoves it into his ring before heading out the door again. Making the quick walk to the Infirmary he spies Sunburst and Redheart next to Platinum Valve’s bed.

“How is she?”

Redheart looks over the filly’s chart. “Just fine. I don’t see a thing wrong with her considering what happened.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something other than her jumping out a window?”

Sunburst sighs. “She… opened the housing’s access panel to verify that the crystal was genuine.”

“Was she not supposed to do that?”

“No, sir. It’s very dangerous to be exposed to powerful magical artifacts when they’re active.”

“Is it still a danger?!”

Sunburst shakes his head. “No sir. With the destruction of the device the crystal was returned to its inert state. Without a power source of some kind it’s little more than a very large paperweight.”

Arc turns to Redheart. “Prognosis?”

“She’ll just need a good night’s sleep to recover from the brief exposure. I’ll still monitor her closely just to be sure.”

“Thank you, Redheart.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I should look in on our other patient.”

Arc nods as Redheart steps behind a curtain nearby. Platinum Valve slowly opens her eyes and smiles weakly.

“Did we… do it?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, we did it. In no small thanks to you.”

“I was happy to help.”

Sunburst frowns. “Now do you understand the dangers of magical exposure, young filly?”

“Yeah. But we had to know for sure if it really was a mind control crystal or just a red herring from Decimus.”

Arc sighs. “I suppose that’s true. But please don’t put yourself in such a position again.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thank you.”

Arc turns to Sunburst before continuing.

“Was there anything else you wanted to add?”

Sunburst bows his head. “Yes sir. I want to apologize for failing to come up with a solution to the crystal issue.”

“It’s fine, Sunburst. I’m sure you and Platinum Valve did your best.”

Platinum Valve sighs. “Yes sir. But the more we looked for a solution, the more it appeared that there may not be one.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Sunburst grimaces. “The gem in question may very well be indestructible, sir.”

“That isn’t encouraging. But there must be a solution. After all, the citizens of the Crystal Empire were freed from their mental bonds, right?”

Platinum Valve nods. “Yes. However we don’t really know how.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You don’t know?”

Sunburst shrugs. “All the history books on that subject simply say that Princess Celestia personally led our nation’s forces to lay siege to the tower which held the crystal in question. It was always assumed by historians that she also destroyed the gem within it as well.”

“Could the one we found possibly be the same gem?”

Platinum Valve frowns. “That’s not possible.”

Sunburst nods. “Right. Magical items lose their potency if not used regularly.”

“So there’s no way to, for lack of a better word, ‘preserve’ them?”

“No, sir. Like an unused battery, they weaken over time.”

Platinum Valve puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “There might be a way, yes.”


“On paper, that is. It would have to involve some kind of magical stasis.”

Sunburst turns to Arc. “Think of it like suspended animation for inanimate objects, sir. Star Swirl the Bearded originally coined this magical theory.”

Platinum Valve sighs. “I know he was never able to prove a viable method existed. However that doesn’t mean that nopony ever figured it out.”

Sunburst raises an eyebrow. “But any scholar whom was able to find a way would have been instantly famous! They would have been elevated to the ranks of the highest scholars in the land overnight!”

“What if they didn’t want that though?”

Arc frowns. “Maybe someone did unravel that mystery and just sat on the results.”

Sunburst shrugs. “Possible, yes, but unlikely.”

“So that would mean that the crystal in my quarters might really be the original, huh?”

“I suppose it just might be, sir. There’s really no way to know though.”

Platinum Valve giggles. “Other than to ask Princess Celestia personally, sir.”

“That’s out. For now anyways.”

“What should we do with this thing in the meantime then?”

Arc holds up his hand, exposing his ring. “I put it in here for safekeeping. Twilight says that should be safe. Sunburst?”

“Agreed. It should be just fine in there, sir.”

“I’ll take care of that before I head to bed then. Speaking of which, why don’t you two get some rest too.”

Platinum Valve raises an eyebrow. “What about you, sir?”

Arc points a thumb to a nearby curtain. “I need to check on our guest from earlier.”

Sunburst gasps. “That assassin?!”

Platinum Valve looks to the curtain. “What?! HERE?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Came after me in my room. Fortunately my friends had my back. Sunburst, you and Platinum Valve should continue working on this matter after a good night’s sleep though. I still want to destroy this thing.”

“Yes sir.”

“We’ll do our best!”

Arc enters the curtained area. Redheart looks over a chart as Spitfire lies there unconscious. He walks over to her as two guards watch on nearby. Saluting respectfully, they make no noise as Arc waits for Redheart to finish her tasks. Ten minutes or so later she sets down her clipboard and turns to him.

“Would you like a status update on this mare now, sir?”

“I would, yes. How is she?”

Redheart sighs as she turns to him. “Four broken legs, two shattered wings, and three fractured ribs, sir.”

“Is she in a lot of… pain?”

“Yes, sir. That’s why we’re keeping her sedated. Although she was a bit… difficult.”

“Define ‘difficult’.”

“Even with all her injuries, she still kept trying to get away.”

She gestures to the guards before continuing.

“It’s fortunate that they were here. Even in such a state, she’s a force to be reckoned with.”

“How so?”

“The lieutenant kept trying to roll away.”


“Literally, sir. After all, none of her limbs worked.”

“What about restraints?”

Redheart sighs. “With so many serious injuries they would have been extremely painful as well as counterproductive to treatment. The sedatives were a more merciful measure.”

“Very well. Um… is she going to recover?”

“She’ll walk again, yes. But most likely with an extreme limp in at least two of her legs. But as far as her wings go… I’m afraid they’ll never be the same.”

“From a break?”

Redheart nods. “A broken pegasus wing can heal, yes. However hers were shattered. That’s… difficult to treat at best.”

Arc sighs. “Great.”

“At least she’ll never be able to come after you again.”

“Not much consolation there. Can anything be done for her?”

“I’ll do what I can, of course. But in this case a return to her former life may very well be impossible.”

“Do your best… please.”

Redheart puts a hoof to her forehead and winces. “Yes… sir.”

“Are you okay, Redheart?!”

“I’m fine, yes.”


“Perhaps I’ve just been working too hard, sir.”

“Get some rest then. I’ll come see you in the morning.”

She nods as Arc turns to leave. As he walks, Sunburst and Stellar Flare round a corner together. Stellar Flare is the first to speak.

“Now, now. It’ll just take a few moments.”

“But I’m telling you I’m fine mom!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What’s the problem?”

“I’m taking my son to the Infirmary for a full body examination, sir!”

“Is he hurt?!”

Sunburst shakes his head. “I just tripped and fell, that’s all.”

“You could have a concussion!”

“I didn’t even hit my head!”

“Well, just to be safe we should…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Stellar Flare, you should let Sunburst be the judge of that. After all, he is an adult… and the Lead Sage of Canterlot.”

Stellar Flare nods. “Yes sir. I’ll do as you say.”


Sunburst turns and raises an eyebrow. “Really, mom?”

“Of course, Sunburst. Now why don’t you get some rest? I know you’re tired after all that research.”

“But I was originally going to the Cafeteria for a snack!”

“You need your sleep though. Now come with…”

Arc interrupts her again. “Stellar Flare?”

“Yes sir?”

“I’m sure Sunburst knows his own needs. Now then, why don’t you return to your quarters and get some sleep? It’s been a long day, after all.”

“Right away, sir.”

She turns and hurries down the corridor. Sunburst frowns.

“That was… strange.”

“What was?”

“My mom’s never given up so easily before.”

“Well, she can’t really argue with me. Now then, get yourself a bite to eat and follow your mother’s lead.”

“Yes sir.”

Returning to his room Arc flops down on the bed. Sereb walks over to him from a corner as Hammer steps out of the bathroom and grins at him.

“Hey there, handsome.”

“Oh… hi Hammer.”


“Yeah. It’s been quite a day.”

“Want me to snuggle with you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not tonight. It’s been a crazy day.”

“Gotcha. But shouldn’t you take a bath first?”

“I suppose I probably should, yes. Never did like going to bed dirty.”

“Want me to come in there and help you wash your back?”

“No thanks.”


Arc frowns. “You alright, Hammer?”

“Fine. Why?”

“You just seem a bit… different.”

Hammer appears confused. “How so?”

“I can’t quite put my finger on it. After all, you’re still lively and happy like normal.”

“Does that please you?”

“Um… yes, I suppose.”

“Then I’ll try to be more like that.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“Is there anything I can do for you though?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. Why don’t you get some sleep in your quarters?”

“Alright. See you in the morning.”

She turns and walks quickly out of the room. Sereb walks over to Arc and frowns as he watches the door close.

“She’s acting a bit off.”

“Yeah. Usually Hammer’s a lot more… physical.”

“Maybe she just didn’t want to do that in front of me.”

“Hopefully. In any case, I’m hitting the showers.”

“Very well.”

There is a knock at the door. Groaning, Arc moves to answer it. He finds Ember standing there with a grin on her face.

“Hey. Sorry for interrupting, but…”

“Ember, is something wrong?”

“Uh… no. Why do you ask?”

“It’s… never mind.”

“You’re going to take a shower now, right?”

Arc nods. “I was about to, yes.”

“Well, I don’t think you should do that alone.”

“I’ve managed this long, haven’t I?”

Ember grins wickedly. “True. But someone of your station shouldn’t have to do certain things for themselves, now should they?”

Arc sighs. “You’re not giving up, are you?”


“Fine. Come in then.”

Holding the door open for her, Sereb walks past them and toward the corridor.

“I shall give you two some alone time then.”

Ember smiles at Sereb. “Thanks!”

Walking toward the bathroom, Ember follows him inside wordlessly. Arc removes his clothes as she gets the shower going. Stepping back, Ember allows Arc to enter first. The young man sits down on the tile floor and leans against the wall with his face in his hands.

“This is all my fault.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What is?”

“Spitfire’s condition.”

“If I recall, she came after you.”

“I could have stopped Hammer and you before things went so far. Then maybe Spitfire wouldn’t be in the Infirmary.”

Ember sighs as she picks up the soap and a washcloth with her claws and passes them to Arc.

“She made her choice though.”

“Yeah. And so did I.”

“But you didn’t do anything wrong, Arc.”

“That’s why I’m mad at myself.”

“You can’t… um… shouldn’t… uh…”

Arc turns to her. “Ember?”

“Sorry. I’m just having trouble putting my thoughts together right now.”

“You’re probably tired just like I am.”

“Y-yes. I do feel…”

She yawns widely and shakes her head to clear it.

“…feel really groggy.”

Arc chuckles. “Come over here and I’ll get you cleaned up first then.”

Ember smiles weakly. “Yes sir.”

Taking her place in front of Arc, he takes the washcloth and gets a lather going before running it over her scales. Ember’s head bobs up and down as she struggles to stay awake. Arc notices this and smiles.

“You really are tired, aren’t you?”

Ember nods and yawns again as Arc smiles and sighs.

“That’s fine. After all, you’ve done a great job lately as my partner.”

“Thank… thank you.”

“How about you dry off and lie down out there? I’ll be in shortly.”

“Very well.”

Arc grins as she stands. “And make sure to dry off completely. I don’t want you catching a cold.”

Hopping out of the shower Ember grabs a towel and vigorously begins drying herself. A few minutes later she tosses the towel into the hamper and leaves the room wordlessly. Frowning, Arc lathers up.

“Spitfire… that was my fault.”

A short time later he steps out of the shower and dries off. Pulling a t-shirt and shorts out of his ring Arc dresses and steps out of the bathroom. Rubbing his eyes he walks over to the bed. Seeing it empty he looks around for a moment before spotting Ember lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. Frowning, he calls out.


Ember lifts her head slightly. “Yes?”

“What are you doing?”

“You told me to get some rest.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In the bed, yes. Not on the floor in front of it.”

“I’m sorry, master. Please forgive…”

Arc gasps. “Woah! What’s gotten into you, Ember?!”

Ember looks at the floor as she speaks. “Please forgive me, master! Whatever it takes, I’ll make you proud to call me your…!”

“I… but…!”

Arc looks down at his ring and frowns.

“It… it can’t be.”

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