• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Sendoff

Arc awakens strapped to a bed. Looking around he sees what appears to be a rural hospital patient room. Lying back, he sighs nervously.

“I… guess earlier was just a dream.”

Frowning, he looks down at the straps.

“At least I hope is was. Wonder where I am.”

The door opens and a mare in a nurse’s uniform walks in. She freezes as her and Arc’s eyes meet. For a few moments neither utters a word. Arc opens his mouth to speak as the nurse screams and runs out of the room. He stares at the slightly ajar door and frowns.

“What… was that?”

Twenty minutes later what appears to be a doctor and a rather rough looking stallion enter the room together. Arc looks them over as they do the same to him.

“What the…?”

The doctor turns to the stallion. “Interesting. Looks like you were right about this thing, Shadow. It’s at least somewhat intelligent.”

Arc frowns. “Hey!”

Shadow turns to Arc. “Shut up, monkey!”

“Who you calling a…!”

The doctor sighs. “Why don’t we just let him tell us what he is?”

“Finally. I’m…”

Arc frowns as he ponders the question.

“Um… I… don’t seem to remember.”

Shadow sighs. “Could it have been from his injuries?”

“Judging from the patient’s condition when he arrived here three days ago, I…”

“Three days?!”

“Yes. Shadow here brought you in. But what he was doing in the woods at such an hour still mystifies me.”

Shadow chuckles. “Truth be told, somepony brought him to me.”

Arc frowns. “Who?”

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up already?!”

Shadow turns back to the doctor before continuing.

“It appeared to be one of the Crimsons.”

“WHAT?! You didn’t tell me that!”

Shadow shrugs as he grins. “Of course not. You wouldn’t have treated him if you’d known. Am I right?”


“Well, I’ll just take my prize and go then.”

The doctor frowns. “You’ll need to pay his bill first.”

Shadow narrows his eyes. “Why do I have to…?”

“Because you’re claiming ownership! Your pet, your bill!”

“You know I don’t have that kind of bits right now!”

“Then I guess he stays!”

Shadow chuckles. “Great idea. You can house him, feed him, care for him, clean up after him and be responsible for whatever he does. Sounds expensive to me, doc.”

“Well, you’re still not getting him until the bill’s paid!”

“What are we going to do then?”

Arc sighs. “Don’t I get a say in this?”

Both looks to him and respond in tandem. “NO!”

Arc lays back as the pair leave the room to continue arguing. “Great. No memories, no idea what’s going on, no clue where I am.”

Sometime later the doctor returns. Arc looks to them.

“So why am I so sore? And what’s with my gut?”

“You were pretty badly injured when you were brought in. Lots of deep cuts on your back and side from what appeared to be glass.”

The doctor points a hoof at a surgical bowl and its contents on the table next to the bed.

“That’s what I pulled out of you. Any idea where it came from?”

Arc shakes his head. “None at all. My mind’s a blank right now. Will… will my memories come back?”

“I have no idea. After all, nopony’s ever seen… whatever it is you are.”



“Where exactly am I?”

“Knothole Village in the Hayseed Forest.”

“Never heard of it.”

“I’m not surprised. We’ve been totally cut off from the three kingdoms for well over a thousand years.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Three kingdoms?”

The doctor nods. “Yes. Each tribe long ago formed their own kingdoms with the intention of defending against the other two. The Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns banded together and a bloody war ensued.”

“And who won?”


“No one?”


“But if you’ve been cut off from everyone, how do you know?”

The doctor shrugs. “They must’ve all died out. After all, there’s been no scent of war on the breeze for centuries.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“Knothole Village was a final effort to preserve pony-kind by a legendary unicorn named Star Swirl the Bearded. He personally selected an equal number of each tribe to come live here and comingle.”

“But I thought the three tribes were at war.”

“Out here you have to work together, or perish alone. The forest isn’t exactly the safest place. Especially after dark.”

“Wild animals?”

The doctor shakes his head. “No. When the sun goes down, that’s when the Crimsons come out to feed.”

“What are they?”

“Ponies similar to us, but with a few anatomical differences. Their ears are pointed, they have leathery wings, red eyes, sharp fangs, and unkempt manes. Suffice to say, we’re at odds with them at all hours of the night.”

“So they come here to eat?”

“They attempt to, yes. We have those amongst us whom can keep them at bay, of course. But lately they’ve become much bolder.”


“Nopony knows. But we have an idea for a new countermeasure.”


“As you heard earlier, Shadow can’t pay the hospital bill to take possession of you. So we’re going to be putting you near the town gates.”

Arc frowns. “Putting?”

“They’re building you a cage there as we speak. Don’t worry, as it’s big enough for you to have freedom to move around.”

“I don’t think I like the sound of this.”

“Like I said before. Everypony needs to work together to survive out here. You do your part for us and we’ll see to it your properly fed and cared for.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Then you won’t get a share of rations. No food means you won’t heal properly.”

“How do you know I won’t just run off the first chance I get?”

“I suppose that’s a risk. However there aren’t any other towns for hundreds of miles. The Crimsons would be upon you before the first night ended.”

“Great. Guess I’m stuck here.”

“It’s not a bad place to live out one’s life. For the most part things are peaceful.”

“For the most part. You mean because of the Crimsons?”

“There’s other things out there that would eat you. But let’s just stick to the matter at hoof.”

The doctor looks out the window as a warm summer’s rain begins to fall.

“That’s strange. It doesn’t usually rain this time of year. But I’ll see to it you’re kept dry during transport. Now then, is there anything you need?”

“How about some clothes?”

As rain falls over the entirety of Equestria, a long procession walks a simple casket through Ponyville. Shining Armor himself leads it with Derpy and Dinky marching sadly behind him. The cart is pulled by Sereb as Ember walks by his side. What appears to be the entire village as well as quite a few out of town ponies follow them down the path. Passing the Little Hooves Orphanage, the foals and younglings bow their heads and cry softly as Coco Pommel and Gallus put a hoof and talon around Natalya’s slumped shoulders. As they join the procession on the last leg of its journey they make the quick walk to Light’s Hope. Proceeding behind the base where Luna, Cadance, Flash Sentry, Sandstorm Mirage, the squad, and the rest of Arc’s soldiers are waiting. They set the casket down on the ground next to a large hole. Luna walks over to stand next to it before speaking.

“Hero of Light Arc was a good and noble human. He fought hard and fast so others would know safety and hope.”

She glances over to the orphans.

“Risking everything on numerous occasion, he always saw to it the job was not only done… but done right. Many times without so much as a single life lost. Life… something Arc cherished deeply. Survived by many, many friends and his daughter, Dinky… this man, this HERO… will be missed.”

Turning, Luna nods to the squad. Max, Viktor, Hugh, and Xenos carefully pick up the casket and slowly lower it into the hole as Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage respectfully salute. Numerous Earth Pony guards follow, pushing the pile of dirt into the hole as seven pegasi guards hold their rifles skyward and each fire three shots. Dinky winces with each round as she stands there sadly with her mother. Luna turns to the orphans and Coco Pommel.

“Matron Pommel. Your orphanage was one of Arc’s greatest joys in life. His crowning achievement if you will. He spoke of it numerous times with me and Cadance, and ordered its construction with our blessing. Rest assured that even with Equestria’s protector gone, your little ones will always know safety and security within our borders.”

Turning to the grave, Luna stares at it for a long moment as Cadance speaks.

“Equestria’s finest son has been taken from us. But he gave us something I had thought lost with my aunt’s disappearance. Hope. Hope for a better future. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. And hope that there are those whom will take his place to defend the realm and its inhabitants whom call it home.”

Luna bows her head. “Farewell, Hero of Light Arc. Rest well. You have certainly earned it.”

A Royal Guard approaches Luna and Cadance. Silently handing them each a bouquet of flowers, they lay them in front of the headstone in the wet dirt. Stepping back, the princesses wordlessly salute and step back. One by one the other attendees approach and set flowers in front of the memorial. Some say a few words before moving on and returning to town. Eventually they are left alone at the grave as Twilight and her friends approach Derpy and Dinky. Luna motions for the Royal Guards to leave them as Derpy turns to all assembled.

“Thank you all for coming out in this deluge.”

Ember nods soberly. “It’s… no trouble.”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed.”

Twilight forces a sad smile. “We had to be here.”

Rose puts a hand on Derpy’s shoulder. “That we did.”

Auriel looks to the memorial. “It just feels right to observe these customs with all of you.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Arc would’ve done the same for us.”

Applejack looks up at the falling rain. “It’s still so hard to believe he’s gone though.”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. Arc became synonymous with this land. And with him gone, things just feel so… out of balance.”

Pinkie looks back toward town. “I keep thinking he’s going to walk through the doors of Sugarcube Corner like he did before.”

Rarity puts a hand to her heart. “Yes, I know what you mean, Pinkie. These past few nights I’ve awoken and reached over to feel for him. Only to remember he… isn’t there, and never will be again.”

Shining Armor turns to Rarity. “I’m very sorry for your loss, miss.”

He sighs.

“If I had just been better at my job…”

“Don’t blame yourself, Shining Armor. Trixie knows you did your best. Just as Arc always did.”

Ember sighs. “Yeah. I should have been with him as well.”

Sereb growls. “I feel the same. He should not have been left alone.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. However, we have much larger problems at the moment.”

Derpy appears confused. “But what could be bigger than this?”

Cadance purses her lips. “The circumstances surrounding Arc’s death.”

Auriel frowns. “What… are you saying, Princess Cadance?”

Twilight turns to her old friend. “I’m confused as well. The official statement said Princess Celestia was out of her mind from her ordeal and…”

Pinkie bares her teeth angrily. “Are you saying that wasn’t the case?!”

Sereb looks to Rose. “Perhaps in her state she mistook Arc for an enemy.”

“Right. She must’ve thought he was with those whom kidnapped her.”

Luna sighs. “That is indeed what was reported. However, I remain skeptical that the whole story has been told.”

Rainbow Dash flares her wings angrily. “Are you saying Princess Celestia is lying to us?!”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. After all, she didn’t remember anything from that time.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. When we found her initially she was sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “But then how did she write the report?”

“Trixie and Shining Armor were not the first to reach Princess Celestia. However, there was a witness. They were the one whom submitted the report.”

Pinkie face lights up. “Great! Who?!”

Luna frowns. “Captain Decimus.”

Everyone gasps. Dinky looks to Cadance.

“But my dad told me he was the one who put you and Princess Luna in comas some time back! Why wasn’t he arrested on sight?!”

Cadance sighs. “He was, of course. But was able to convince Aunt Celestia that Arc himself was the true culprit behind that incident when she awoke a few minutes later.”

Derpy growls. “What?! But Arc would never have done such a thing!”

Rarity stomps a hoof angrily. “Agreed! You two don’t believe him, do you?!”

Luna shakes her head. “We don’t, of course. But all of you must remember that my sister has been gone for well over a year. Before her disappearance Captain Decimus was our most trusted advisor and friend.”

“His word alone was enough to convince her. Given her intense hatred of humankind, I am certain it wasn’t hard to do.”

Twilight turns to Shining Armor. “But you were there when he announced his plan to you and your soldiers, brother! You could go to her and…!”

Shining Armor sighs. “He’s denounced me to Princess Celestia as an upstart and usurper of his position.”

Luna nods. “Right. Celestia has already restored Decimus to his original position of power and authority in the castle.”

Cadance turns to Shining Armor. “You shouldn’t go back there. Who knows when the errant captain will try to take revenge on you and Trixie.”

“I agree, Cadance. But the same goes for you.”

“Right. Trixie understands that he’s in a position to take control of the nation if all three princesses were to succumb again.”

Twilight gasps. “And Arc wouldn’t be here to keep him from the throne!”

Rose nods soberly. “A disturbing, but very real possibility.”

Luna looks to everyone. “Correct. With Arc gone, Decimus is next in line to take control of the land. That is why I have come up with a contingency plan to prevent that from happening.”

Ember grins. “Great! I’ll join the mission to kill Captain Decimus!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “As will I!”

Auriel brandishes her claws. “I’m in too!”

Luna shakes her head. “That isn’t an option right now.”

Rarity grits her teeth. “It most certainly IS!”

Rainbow Dash nods angrily. “Yeah! He HAD to be the one who really killed Arc!”

Applejack nods. “Considering his past crimes, I wouldn’t put it past him.”

A voice rings out behind them.

“That’s where you’re wrong.”

They turn to see Tempest approaching. Dinky runs forward, her horn aglow, as Shining Armor and Trixie move to protect the princesses.

“Get out of here, Tempest!”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear. “Or better yet… DON’T!”

Sereb roars. “Yes! Our battle shall be legendary!”

Tempest shakes her head. “I didn’t come here to fight.”

Derpy looks at the unicorn angrily. “Then why ARE you here?!”

Tempest looks toward the grave. “To pay my respects.”

Applejack scoffs. “HA! That’s a laugh!”

Rainbow Dash takes up a battle ready position. “Right! You only care about yourself and your own power!”

“Did it ever occur to all of you that I may have had good reason to be?”

Cadance frowns. “What are you talking about?”

“As Decimus and others had told Arc in the past, a great evil is coming to Equestria. I had intended to use my own strength to face it in battle.”

Dinky points a small hoof at Tempest. “Liar! You were just after my dad’s power!”

“I was, yes. But that was only to protect this realm.”

Twilight sighs. “You’re too late now. Arc’s gone.”

Pinkie gasps. “Maybe she’s here to take the power from his body!”

Rarity shakes her head. “Well, if that was her plan she’s out of luck. It was sadly never recovered.”

“I am aware of that.”

Twilight glares at her. “Then what do you have to gain from this?!”

“He… did me quite a favor when you and your friends were laid up in the hospital, Twilight Sprinkle.”

“That’s ‘Sparkle’.”


Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What did he do?”

“I was affected as you were. Not only did Arc NOT take me up on my… advances, but he convinced me to take the antidote rather than leave me as I was. Had he not done so, he would have had an immortal sexual pincushion for the rest of his life.”

Ember rolls her eyes as she speaks sarcastically. “Oh, I’m sure that would have been a dream come true for him.”

Sereb growls. “Arc was not interested in loveless mating rituals! Of that I am certain!”

“Believe what you will, peasants.”

Luna steps forward. “Tempest. If it is true that you wanted Arc’s power to defend Equestria, why are you not actively seeking another now?”

“Because with Celestia’s return, this land will be safe. While I don’t know how she’ll do it, I’m certain she’ll think of a way. The Dark One tells me she always has in the past. Now then, I’d like to pay my respects.”

Luna turns and nods to the others. They step back to allow the mare access to the memorial. Walking over to it, Tempest reaches into her armor and pulls out a small scrap of Eidolon’s Ward. Looking at it for a few moments, she lays it on the headstone before stepping back from it and speaking.

“Decimus gave me this as a memento of you. However, I think it belongs here on your grave. We had our differences, of course. But I always respected your power, tenacity, and cunning. Don’t worry about Equestria. We’ll take care of it from here on out.”

Calling forth Light’s Bane, Tempest slices the air in front of her to open a portal. Turning to Dinky, she sighs.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

Stepping through Tempest vanishes. Cadance turns to Luna.

“Do you suppose she was serious about some impending doom?”

“At the very least, she believes that herself. However she was correct that my sister will certainly know what to do if it comes. But in any case, we need to worry about the present.”

Ember bares her claws. “Right. You were talking about some kind of contingency plan before we were… interrupted.”

“I was. Cadance?”

“Yes, Luna?”

“You need to go.”

Cadance appears confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

“With Captain Decimus back at his previous post, nopony is safe in Canterlot. I want you to return to the Crystal Empire.”

“And do what exactly?”

“Rule over it as you did before my sister left. Hopefully that is all, but… should something happen to me and Celestia, Equestria would then still have a princess to take the throne.”

Twilight gasps. “But if that happens, won’t Decimus simply take her out as soon as she returns to Canterlot?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “The law doesn’t actually state where the ruler of Equestria needs to reside. If she had a desire to do so, Cadance could simply declare that she would lead the nation from the Crystal Empire instead of Canterlot.”

“Trixie believes this plan is sound, yes.”

Twilight grimaces. “But… but then I would never see you, Cadance!”

“Twilight, I have to do this.”

“Why?! Decimus can’t kill you, right?!”

Cadance sighs. “Listen to me. Sometimes a princess has to do what is best for the kingdom. Even over her own happiness. Please understand.”

“Can I come with you then?!”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, Twilight. Your place is in Ponyville with your friends. After all, the Element Bearers need to be ready to act if the land has need of them.”

Applejack nods. “That means we need to stay together, sugarcube.”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! We’ll protect Equestria from here!”

Rainbow Dash bares her teeth. “Right! Decimus gets out of line and we’ll BLAST that traitor!”

Fluttershy shrinks back. “But he’s so high profile! Can we really do that?!”

Rarity nods with determination. “We’ll do what we have to.”

She turns back to the grave

“After all, Arc always did.”

Luna looks to Cadance. “So we are in agreement?”

Cadance nods and points a hoof toward the landing pad nearby. “We are. I’ll take The Equinox back to the Crystal Empire.”

Shining Armor approaches her. “Cadance, if Twilight has to stay here might I accompany you as your personal bodyguard?”

“I… I would like that very much. But I’m not sure it’s allowed.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Uh… aren’t you in charge over there?”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. You have the final say, I believe.”

Luna smiles at her friend. “They are right, Cadance. You may choose to do whatever you wish within the Crystal Empire’s borders. However, please remember to keep your reputation in mind before making any… rash decisions.”

“I will, Luna.”

Trixie looks to Cadance. “Uh… your highness?”

Luna and Cadance turn to address her. “Yes?”

“Might Trixie also be allowed to accompany Shining Armor? We’re close friends, and I’d like to stay by his side.”


“That’s a good idea. Decimus would probably go after her if she stays in Equestria. There was that incident at Arc’s base during the peace summit that I can’t imagine him just letting go of.”

Twilight frowns. “Oh? What happened?”

“Trixie attacked him… again.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my! It really isn’t safe for you here then!”

Cadance nods. “Very well. You may come with us.”

“Thank you very much, your highness.”

Luna clears her throat. “Now that everything’s settled, we should go.”

Ember looks to her. “Princess Luna. If I may… if Canterlot will be so dangerous, why are you going to stay?”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. It would be best if you accompanied the others to the Crystal Empire.”

“That is true. But somepony needs to watch over Celestia. And right now that somepony is me.”

Luna turns to Twilight and her friends.

“Be careful in the weeks to come. I can’t imagine Decimus not acting soon.”

“We’ll keep an eye open.”

Applejack nods. “And an ear to the ground.”

Pinkie flaps her ears. “Make that two ears and eyes!”

Fluttershy looks to the others. “We might want to have a contingency plan of our own.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “What for?! Let Decimus come! I DARE HIM!”

Rarity shakes her head. “No, Rainbow Dash. If nothing else, we need to stay safe.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Right. You might be needed later.”

Trixie gestures to the ships. “Captain, forgive me, but the longer the princesses remain out in the open the greater the risk to their well-being.”

“Agreed. Please follow us, your highnesses.”

Luna nods as Cadance walks over to Twilight for a hug.

“I’m sorry this happened, everypony. It’s obvious Arc meant a lot to all of you.”

Twilight sniffles. “Stay safe, Cadance. I don’t want to lose you too.”

Cadance smiles. “You won’t. Take care, everypony.”

She nuzzles the top of Twilight’s head for a moment before turning and walking toward The Equinox. Rarity looks to Ember and Sereb.

“What about you two?”

Ember sighs. “I’ll head back to the Dragon Lands. Use what Arc taught me to become worthy of my father’s position when he passes away.”

“And I’m heading back to my village. With Arc’s death our Life Pact has reached its conclusion.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “So that’s IT?!”

Sereb nods. “For the Life Pact we shared, yes. This is how my tribe has done things for time immemorial. However, I will never forget the time Arc and I spent together. He was more than my master, after all. He was… a good friend.”

Ember looks to the memorial. “Agreed. But I’ll be here if you need me.”

“As will I.”

Twilight smiles. “Thank you. Take care.”

Ember nods as she hops up in Sereb’s saddle. Looking back to the grave she sighs.

“Goodbye, Arc. I’ll miss you more than I thought possible.”

Sereb rears his head back and howls mournfully twice before turning and leaving the clearing. Twilight looks at Derpy and Dinky still sitting in front of the headstone.

“We should go too.”

Auriel looks to Rose. “Agreed. But what about you?”

“I… believe I’d like to come live with the two of you, father. We could be a real family.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Father?”

Auriel sighs. “We’ll explain Rose’s theory to you later, Twilight. Right now we need to be getting home.”

Rose takes Twilight’s hoof and Ariel’s claw in her hands as they turn and walk back toward town. Turning back for one last look she whispers.

“Rest well, Arc. You’ve earned it.”

Fluttershy points at the pair standing in front of the grave. “But what about them?”

Applejack bows her head. “They need some alone time right now.”

Twilight and her friends turn and head back toward Ponyville as Derpy and Dinky stare at the headstone silently. Eventually Derpy puts a hoof on her daughter’s shoulder.

“Your father loved you very much, sweetie.”

Dinky nods sadly as her mother continues.

“I’m so very proud of him for always doing the right thing. Even at the end, he didn’t compromise his morals or beliefs.”

“But… but it wasn’t supposed to end this way!”

“I know, Dinky. Arc should’ve been allowed to live a full and happy life here with us. But… things don’t always go the way you want them to.”

“That’s just not fair though!”

Derpy sighs. “I wish Arc was here right now. He was always so good at explaining things to us.”

“No, no! Kronos told me his life would be hard, but he would survive!”

“I thought you said Kronos didn’t actually know the future though, sweetie.”

Dinky nods sadly. “Right. But that doesn’t make this feel any better.”

As the sun begins to set, Arc’s squad walks over to Derpy and Dinky. Max is the first to speak.

“Miss Derpy, we’re here to escort you home.”


Xenos sighs. “You’ve been out here all day now.”

Hugh nods. “Lieutenant Flash Sentry ordered us to see to it you got back home safely.”

Viktor looks to the memorial. “Right. It’s been quite a hard time. For all of us.”

Max kneels down and looks Dinky in the eye.

“Miss… I’d like your permission to carry home the filly… of the bravest warrior I’ve ever known.”

Dinky weakly nods and climbs up onto his back. Hugh and Viktor lift Derpy up onto Xeno’s back. Together they walk away from the grave and down the path together.

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