• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 16 - Bedside Talks

Stepping out of a portal, Arc’s shoes touch down on the roof of the hospital along with Eidolon’s Ward behind him. Closing the portal, he turns to his armor and sighs.

“Here we are.”

Cherry calls out to him. “Is something wrong, Arc?”

“Kinda. I’m a little nervous about what Shelly wants to talk to the Hero about.”

“But why?”

Arc turns and looks out over the city before them. “I... I don’t know.”

“You don’t think she’ll say anything bad, do you?”

“Frankly, I have no clue what she’d want to talk to me about. Well... me subjectively. After all, it’ll be the Hero she’s addressing. Not me.”

“Then let’s just go see here.”

“Maybe we should go tomorrow though.”


Arc looks away nervously. “It is pretty late, after all. And outside visiting hours.”


“Yes, Cherry?”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing! I just don’t think coming in at this hour is...!”

“So you think walking in there during the waking hours, in full armor no less, would be better?”

“Um... yes?”

Cherry sighs. “Arc, talk to me. What’s bothering you?”

Arc shakes his head. “It’s just... I’ve known that Shelly’s been sick for so long now. Since we were in high school even. But for the longest time it just...”

He puts a hand to his forehead before continuing.

“...it just always felt like such a thing was just so far away.”

Cherry puts a gauntlet on his shoulder. “I suppose that’s just a natural reaction to life. When I was a filly I never once gave any thought to my own parent’s deaths. However it came and went in the blink of an eye. To say nothing for my own demise.”

“But she’s so young! Like you were, Cherry.”

“Yes, Arc. However none of us truly know just how long we have. A fact I had to face myself after my death.”

“That’s a rather negative way of looking at it.”

“I suppose it is. But we could also see it from the middle ground.”


Cherry interrupts him. “You’re young and healthy, Arc. I hope you live for another hundred years. But you could just as easily succumb to an undiagnosed heart condition tomorrow.”

Arc frowns. “This isn’t really helping, Cherry.”

“I’m honestly not trying to be negative. What I’m trying to say is, rather than feel sadness toward the situation at hoof you should do your very best to spend time with your friend in an effort to make the most of your days. For when somepony dies, our memories of them are all that’s left. So let’s make lots of good ones.”

Arc nods sadly. “I understand what you’re saying, yes. But at the same time I still wish I could do something more for Shelly.”

“Then start by fulfilling her request to see the Hero.”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

Opening up, Arc steps inside his old armor. As it closes around him, he smiles.


“Yes, Arc?”


Cherry giggles. “I’m still here for you.”

“Um... but could you do me one favor?”

“What is it?”

“Do you think you could... um... you know...?”

“No, Arc. I don’t know. Now what is it that you want?”

Arc groans. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you.”

Cherry giggles. Yes, I am.

“Alright. Would you please get in my head again?”

“See? Was that so hard?”

“I guess not. But is that a ‘yes’?”


A few moments later Cherry’s consciousness enters Arc’s head. A contented sigh rings out in his head.

“Just like I remember it.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I would hope so.”

“Now then... are you ready to continue?”

“I suppose so.”

Pulling a pair of binoculars from his ring, Arc points them toward Shelly’s window.

“Looks like Lily’s still awake.”

“Think she can’t sleep?”

Arc shrugs as he puts the binoculars away. “Let’s find out.”

“So are we going to Blink over there or put on a magic cloak so we can walk the halls?”


“Then how...?”

Arc interrupts her. “By trying out a new technique.”


Stepping over to the edge of the roof Arc looks around. Cherry calls out to him nervously.

“Arc? What are you doing?”

“Do you trust me, Cherry?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then do so now.”

“Um... okay.”

“Here goes...”

Taking a deep breath, Arc steps off the edge and drops slightly. Cherry gasps when they don’t fall however.

“Arc?! How...?!”

Arc chuckles. “I can fly now.”

“That’s impossible though!”

“Yet here we are.”

“This defies all logic!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It’s just applied magical science.”


“I just cast a Telekinesis Spell on myself.”

“And that stops you from falling?”


“You mean...?”

Arc chuckles. “I’ve never tried it this high up before.”

“But what if it had failed?!”

“Then I would have Blinked myself back up here to safety. In any case, let’s get this show on the road.”

Levitating, Arc makes his way over to Shelly’s window. As they approach he sees Lily step into the bathroom. Looking down at Shelly he sees her fast asleep. Pushing the window to one side, Arc enters the room before closing it behind him. Floating over to the bathroom door, Arc steps behind it and waits. A few minutes later Lily opens the door and walks back to her place next to the bed. Arc waits a few moments before walking past the now open door and knocking lightly. Looking up, Lily’s eyes grow wide. She quickly stands and hurries over to him, being sure to keep her voice low.

“You came! You actually came!”

Not knowing what else to do, Arc nods slightly. Lily takes his arm and gently pulls him toward the side of the bed.

“Shelly’s been talking about seeing you again since that night you came to our restaurant!”


“She says there’s something she needs to say. While I hate to wake her, I did promise that I would do so if you came.”

Putting a hand on Shelly’s shoulder Lily shakes it gently as she speaks.


Slowly opening her eyes, the young woman turns to Lily with a dazed look on her face.

“We... have a visitor.”

She points to the armored individual next to her. Shelly’s eyes slowly turn to look in his direction. Smiling weakly, she waves nervously.

“H-hello... again.”

Arc clears his throat and speaks slower than usual and an octave lower in pitch. “Hello, miss.”

“I... guess you must’ve heard my interview.”

“Yes. It was enjoyable to watch.”

Lily motions to the door. “Do you want to be alone, Shelly?”

Shelly shakes her head. “No, Lily. I want you here for this.”

Turning back to Arc, Shelly extends a hand. Arc carefully takes it in his gauntlet and waits for her to speak.

“I wanted to see you again to tell you something, sir.”


Shelly smiles. “And that something is... ‘thank you’.”

“What for?”

“All you’ve done for Angel Grove. That and... for not hurting my friend, Frank Fontaine. I really appreciate that.”

“It’s no problem.”

“Lily and I know what you’re capable of. Had you wanted to kill him it certainly would have been a simple task for you.”

“It’s not my philosophy.”

Lily appears confused. “Sir?”

“Ending life is an easy task. Preserving it... that’s the hard part.”

Shelly nods. “Same with those women you fought outside that base.”

Lily raises an eyebrow. “Those soldiers?”

Arc frowns. “What about them?”

“They were completely in your power. Had you wanted to end their lives it would have certainly been within your ability and right. After what they did to your forces, that is.”

Arc sighs. “Believe me, I almost did.”

“Why did you stop?”

“Because... one of my teammates was able to snap me out of it. She gave me a look that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Her face silently pleaded for me to stop and show mercy.”

Lily smiles. “So you believe you made the right choice?”

“Yes. I found out later that they weren’t the real enemy. If anything, they too were victims.”

Shelly smiles. “Like my friend, Frank.”


“He told me about what happened to his boys down there. How they were kidnapped and experimented on. And how you were the one whom broke them out.”

Lily bows her head. “Frank’s done some very bad things in the past. But at the same time no one deserved what he and the others went through.”

“You risked your life to save those whom you were fighting against. Those whom were certainly guilty of many crimes against Angel Grove and its inhabitants. One question has been rolling around in my head for the longest time though. And only you can answer it.”

Arc waits as Shelly looks him in the eye for a long moment. Eventually she speaks a single word.


“You mean why did I save them?”

Shelly nods. “Right. Naturally we were worried about Frank. However the rest of the town would have been perfectly happy had he and his gang never been heard from again. So I just want to know why you did it.”

“I did it because... you asked me to, miss.”


Arc nods. “Yes.”

“I get the feeling it’s not just because I gave you my most prized possession.”


Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls something out and look to Shelly. She nods and smiles sadly.

“Yes. My parent’s wedding rings.”

“I thought so. But aren’t these important to you?”

“Moreso than you know.”

“Then why give them to me?”

“Because... because the life of my friend Frank was more important than any tangible item. And if me handing it over could save him then I believed it to be a good trade.”

Arc holds out the rings to her. “I’d like you to have them back.”

Shelly shakes her head. “No. I gave them to you, after all.”

“I understand that. However as a personal favor I’d like you to take them.”


Lily interrupts. “Shelly, please. If the Hero asks that you do something then you should do it.”

Nodding, Shelly reaches out and shakily takes the rings from Arc’s gauntlets. Looking at them for a time silently she smiles before speaking again.

“Thank you, sir. If there’s anything I can do to return the favor...”

Arc interrupts. “You already have.”


“I’ve done things in the past I’m not proud of. Some people here in Angel Grove believe me to be a bad person for that reason. However, everything I’ve done has been for the betterment of others.”

Lily nods soberly. “We understand that sometimes you have to skirt the law in order to get thing done.”

“True. But asking to speak to me on the news really helps.”

Shelly appears confused. “It does?”

“Yes. It shows others that you believe in me. You... the one whom much of the town looks to as a good and wholesome person. And for that, I am grateful.”

“I... just don’t really know what to say, sir?”

“There’s more though.”


“You two gave Frank and his men a chance at an honest life. Working in your restaurant allows them to earn a living. So again I am in your debt, Shelly.”

“I... suppose that’s true about Frank. But it was actually he who was helping me though.”

“Perhaps both our statements are correct in a way. However things turned out better than I anticipated.”

Lily raises an eyebrow. “Wha... how did you think they were going to...?”

“You don’t want to know.”

Turning back to Shelly, Arc continues.

“Now then, I should probably let you get back to sleep.”

Lily nods. “Yes. It’s been a long day for you.”

Shelly smiles sleepily. “That’s... true.”

“Before I leave, there is something I would like to ask of you, Shelly?”

“What is it?”

“Is there anything that I can do for you?”

“Do for... me?”

“I heard on the news that you’re dying. Is there some request you’d like me to fulfil?”

“Like a wish?”

“Something like that. If it’s within my power, I will grant it.”

“Well... there is one thing I’d like.”

“Name it.”

Shelly motions for him to come closer. Arc leans down and listens to her whispers. Straightening up, he sees that she has fallen asleep. Turning to Lily, Arc speaks.


“What did she say, Hero?”

“She wants to be able to do something that has been out of her reach since childhood. And adulthood as well due to her illness and time constraints. However she asked me not to say anything to anyone about it.”

“Can I help?”

“Yes. Tomorrow morning when Shelly wakes up tell her that I heard her request and will grant it.”

“I can do that. Anything else?”

“Tell her that I will need a bit of time to make the necessary preparations. And that I will return at exactly midnight in two days’ time.”

“So the day after tomorrow?”

Arc nods. “Correct.”

“I’ll see to it that Shelly rests all day so she’ll be ready for whatever you have planned.”


“Any other preparations you need me to take care of?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I will do the rest.”

Turning, he heads for the window. Looking back at Lily, Arc speaks again.

“Also tell her... that I won’t let her down.”

Lily nods as Arc Blinks through the window. Casting a Telekinesis Spell on himself he levitates back up to the roof overhead.

“That went well.”

Cherry giggles. “That it did. But I didn’t really understand her request. After all, humans can’t...”

Arc interrupts her. “It was somewhat of a figure of speech. One that could be taken literally as well.”

“I don’t get it then.”

“But you will.”


“I’d like your help on this too”

“But what for?”

“Emotional support.”

Cherry sounds confused. “For Shelly?”

Arc shakes his head as the snow begins to fall. “No. For me.”

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