• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Methods for Meetings

Luna looks around the room soberly before resting her gaze on Arc.

“Do you remember when you met Trixie?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She had taken over a group of ogres living in the Vanhoover Aqueducts.”

Cadance sighs. “Then there was your excursion to Yakyakistan to deal with the imminent threat to the Crystal Empire.”

Ember grins. “A well-placed fist to Prince Rutherford’s big head was all that took to resolve.”

Shining Armor nods. “You also went to Abyssinia to talk peace with its monarchs.”

Arc shudders at the memory. “Right. Feeding their starving citizens and freeing them of the Storm King’s invasion certainly made us friends.”

Luna shudders. “And your many trips to the Dragon Lands to meet with Dragon Lord Torch.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Those always went well.”

Luna and Cadance continue.

“That and you did very well in negotiating the treaty between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom.”

“To say nothing of dealing with the day to day activities of the land as Lord Regent, curing Cadance and I of our afflictions, protecting us in our weakened state, taking care of General Wind Rider, organizing the Grand Galloping Gala…”

Sereb interrupts them. “Forgive me, your highness. But we are all aware of Arc’s many accomplishments and great deeds.”

Arc nods. “Princess Luna. I admit I’ve done quite a few things in my time in Equestria. But I don’t believe you called me here just to talk about that.”

Cadance hangs her head. “No, we did not.”

“You are correct. It pains me to say this, but there is currently a need that must be met in the political arena.”

Arc appears confused. “But what does that have to do with me?”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah. You two are the princesses. Can’t you handle whatever it is?”

Cadance sighs. “We would if we could. But all parties involved have specifically requested your involvement, Arc.”

“Um… okay. But what for?”

“Cadance and I have tried our best to organize a peace summit between the nations of Yakyakistan, Abyssinia, Griffonstone and the Dragon Lands.”

“Yes. However, as you suggested back then, we’ve also invited the ogres from the Vanhoover Aqueducts. In addition, we’ve seen fit to invite Dragon Lord Torch of the Dragon Lands, Hydra Prime Ikis of the Hydra Nation and Matriarch Iris of Forsaken Village.”

Trixie gulps nervously. Rose looks confused as Arc speaks.

“So Equestria is going to host a summit, huh? Where?”

Shining Armor sighs. “That’s another problem we have.”

Trixie nods soberly. “You see, none of the attendees are willing to come to Canterlot.”

Cadance looks to Arc. “Yes. They’re rather distrustful of Luna and I.”

Arc rubs his chin. “Hm… how about we focus on what they can agree on and go from there?”

Luna rests her gaze on him. “Ultimately, all the leaders involved say they do indeed want a meeting. However, none of them want it to be here in Canterlot, even though it’s the most secure location in Equestria. And they want you to preside over it.”

“Wait… PRESIDE?!”

Cadance smiles at him. “Yes, Arc. You see… they view you as a neutral third-party due to you being a human and not one of the three pony races.”

Sereb nods. “Your heroics have certainly showed them that you can be trusted.”

Ember turns to Luna. “What about my father? Will he be attending?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. He sent correspondences stating we should take this matter up with the future Dragon Lord. However he didn’t say whom that was.”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “Do you happen to know whom his successor is, sir?”

Arc nods. “Ember is.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

Luna looks to Ember nervously. “We… Equestria sent the future Dragon Lord to Tartarus?!”

The pair quickly bow to Ember respectfully. Shining Armor and Trixie follow their lead.

“Forgive our nation for this horrendous mistake! Please!”

“Yes! We had no idea you were treated so badly upon entering our land!”

Ember grins. “Oh I don’t know. I mean, I didn’t even get a real…”

Arc gives the tabletop a thump with his fist. Ember sighs.

“Fine. The Dragon Lands does not hold Equestria responsible for the my poor treatment.”

Luna looks relieved. “Thank you very much, Dragon Lord!”

“We hope our two nations can move beyond the bad blood of the past!”

“So do I. Um… you can stop bowing now.”

Luna and Cadance slowly stand as do Shining Armor and Trixie. Arc sighs.

“Now that we have that out of the way, we should probably get back to the matter at hand.”

Rose looks to Cadance. “Yes. Can I be of service?”

“That would be quite helpful, Rose.”

Luna turns to her friend. “It would?”

“Yes. Remember, Rose was built by Twilight. She’s an extremely organized mare, after all.”

Arc nods. “That’s right. Rose, can I assume Twilight programed you with organizational skills?”

“Yes. Mother knew it would be important to my original directives.”

Sereb frowns. “They were not removed though, were they?”

“No. Just the directives were.”

“Good. Think you could help me get this summit off the ground?”

“Sure, Arc! It sounds like fun!”

Cadance looks hopeful. “So… can we assume you’ll do this, Arc?”

“Yeah. Anything to strengthen our bonds with the other nations.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Cadance and I were loath to contact you about this.”

“Yes. As you have so many other things currently on your proverbial plate.”

“It’s okay. But I suppose the first thing we need to do is find a place to have the summit.”

Trixie sighs. “Other than Canterlot Castle, that is.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin. “It will need to be secure, as the princesses’ safety is of the utmost importance.”

Ember nods. “As will the other guests’.”

Luna looks at a map on the wall nearby. “Perhaps one of our military bases would suffice.”

Cadance shakes her head. “I was thinking more along the lines of the Crystal Castle.”

Arc glances at the map. “The yaks would certainly like that. Assuming the city walls and large number of citizens doesn’t get to them.”

Sereb’s ears perk up. “Indeed. However the Abyssinians and the ogres might take offense to the climate.”

Ember shivers at the thought. “And the dragons!”

Shining Armor sighs. “I guess that scratches out the Crystal Empire.”

Ember snaps her claws. “What about Dodge Junction? It’s warm, not many citizens, has no walls, and has a nice homey atmosphere.”

Cherry sighs. “True. But there isn’t much in the amenities department due to the town’s remoteness. Getting supplies there would be challenging.”

“Trixie would also like to point out that securing the area could prove difficult, as there are so many places an assassin could hide.”

“I could use my omni-directional scanners to detect them. However I’ll need to see mother about upgrading my systems beforehand.”

Shining Armor turns to Ember. “Not to put a damper on the idea, but what about the yaks?”

“What about them?”

Arc frowns. “He’s right, Ember They’re covered in a thick fur to keep them warm in their mountain home. Dodge Junction is most certainly the opposite of that in terms of temperature.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Yes. They’d be in constant danger of heatstroke.”

“Trixie isn’t too sure about this, but what about Vanhoover?”

Ember looks confused. “Vanhoover?”

“Yes. It has a more temperate climate and is still rather remote. Certainly not like Canterlot in that regard.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “That is true. However there isn’t a suitable location there to house everypony.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “What about that old orphanage?”

“I don’t know. It took quite the beating during my battle with Tempest.”

Ember chuckles. “That’s putting it mildly. It’d take quite a bit of work to put that place back in order again. “

Luna nods. “That it would.”

Cadance smiles sheepishly. “We… haven’t actually done anything with it since that time. I know you suggested keeping it up, Arc. But we can’t really think of a reason to do so.”

“Yes. It makes little sense to put money into a building that will forever sit vacant.”

“I understand that. But it was more for the soldiers. Tell me, is it a budget issue?”

Cadance bows her head. “Actually, yes.”

Luna turns to Arc. “You see, the amount we’ve spent to build the machine used to take you to and from Earth is quite high.”

Cadance nods. “To say nothing of that earring, which cost a fair amount as well.”

Sereb looks to the earring. “I was not aware such a small device could be so costly.”

Shining Armor sighs. “We’re not trying to blame you for this, Arc. But Canterlot has had to put some less important things on the back burner so to speak.”

Trixie nods. “Yes. Especially with the new project that we…”

Luna turns to Trixie angrily. “Lieutenant!”

Trixie removes her helmet and looks down. “Trixie is sorry, your highness.”

“New project?”

Cadance sighs and turns to Arc. “It was supposed to be a secret.”

“I understand.”

Luna stands up. “Well, I suppose there’s no time like the present. Please follow me everypony.”

Standing, they leave the Meeting Room. Luna pauses to whisper something to a Royal Guard briefly. He salutes and hurries away as Cadance turns to Luna.

“Are you sure this is the best time to do this?”

Luna nods. “I am. The report of completion came across our desk over a week ago. That and it may be of use in this particular endeavor.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “This is all so mysterious.”

“It’s called a secret for a reason.”

Rose looks to the wolf. “Don’t you have surprises back in Forsaken Village?”

“Not usually. Surprises to us are generally a bad thing.”

Ember sighs. “And now I’m worried.”

Luna leads them to the Hanger and over to the Lunar Destiny. She gestures to the gangplank with a hoof. Arc turns to Cadance.

“So you’ve made some upgrades to the ship?”

“Not exactly.”

Shining Armor chuckles. “Right. But you kinda have to see it to understand, Arc.”

“Yes! Trixie agrees!”

Luna nods. “I think you will be most impressed, Arc.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Arc’s not that easy to impress.”

Rose giggles. “We shall see then, I suppose.”

They reach the deck. Luna leads the group over to the guardrail and points a hoof to a point nearby. Ember’s eyes grow wide.

“Is… is that what I think it is?!”

Sereb gasps. “I believe so, Ember.”

Some distance away is another ship. It appears very similar in appearance to the Lunar Destiny in its exterior construction. Arc nods.

“Now that IS impressive!”

Shining Armor laughs. “We thought you’d see it our way.”

“Trixie is still amazed to see both ships together! They’re both technological wonders after all!”

Rose turns to Cadance. “What’s the ship’s name?”

“It doesn’t have one yet.”

Luna nods. “This ship was completed very recently, so a name hasn’t been decided on yet.”

Ember grins. “Can we go aboard?”

“Certainly. Follow me.”

Following Luna, the group makes their way over to the vessel and enters the ship through the main hatch. Luna leads them toward a teleporter pad.

“The ship has the same general layout as the Lunar Destiny. The Lower Deck is the Cargo Hold and Engineering. The Mid Deck holds the Living Quarters and Cafeteria. And the Upper Deck is the Observation Deck, the VIP suites, the Master Cabin, and the Bridge.”

Sereb nods. “It certainly sounds familiar.”

Cadance turns to them as they step onto the pad. “Yes. It was easier to build using the same blueprints.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “And cheaper too.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Cheaper?”

“Trixie can tell you about that. You see, when you do the same task a second time it’s that much easier.”

Rose cocks her head to one side. “Practice?”

“Kinda. The engineers worked with the crew of the Lunar Destiny to iron out the bugs in the initial design, thus saving time and bits.”

Arc turns to Cadance. “Did Hard Hat build this ship too?”

“That he did. He can build pretty much anything.”

“Agreed. Most of the changes can be found on the Bridge. Let’s continue our discussion there.”

Luna clears her throat.


In a flash the group finds themselves on the Bridge. They look around. Ember is the first to speak.

“This looks a bit more… spacious, I guess.”

Cadance looks to her. “It’s an optical illusion. The square footage is nearly identical to the Lunar Destiny’s Bridge.”

Sereb looks around. “So what is different about this ship?”

Luna leads the group over to the Tactics Station. “This.”

She gestures to a console with two large orbs half embedded into the station. They are roughly the size of cantaloupes.

“This is a new addition to the ship’s systems. These spheres are part of an experimental energy amplification system.”

Rose looks confused. “I was not aware such technology existed.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “It doesn’t officially.”

“A military secret?”

Cadance nods. “Yes, Arc. But only because it’s untested at present. It’s called the ORB, or Orbital Remote Barrier.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Luna puts a hoof on one of the orbs as she continues. “Magical energy can be channeled through these spheres into the ORB core down in Engineering. There the energy is held until the desired strength is reached. The crew can then use the energy to create a powerful force field around the ship.”


Ember frowns as she looks at the orbs. “I’m no expert, but wouldn’t it take significantly more magical energy to make a shield THAT powerful?”

Cadance nods. “Normally, yes. However this system not only temporarily stores the energy, but also amplifies it.”

Shining Armor turns to Ember. “Think of it like comparing static electricity discharge to a bolt of lightning.”

Sereb’s eyes grow wide. “How is such a magical feat possible?”

Rose nods. “I too am curious about that.”

Luna sighs. “Sadly the science behind this is beyond me. Stellar Flare would be the one to talk to about this.”

Arc looks at the orbs again. “Is this system space intensive?”

“Trixie can tell you that the Cargo Hold is slightly smaller due to it.”

Cadance nods. “Right. It’s about twenty-five percent smaller than the Lunar Destiny’s cargo capacity.”

Arc turns to Luna. “You said earlier that this ship might be of use to us during this mission. What did you mean by that?”

“All of the delegates will require transport to the meeting. The Lunar Destiny cannot be in two places at once.”

Sereb nods. “Makes sense.”

“Yes. But this vessel wasn’t constructed with this task in mind, was it Luna?

Cadance steps forward. “No. It was originally going to be my personal flagship.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Your flagship? For what?”

“Trips to and from the Crystal Empire mostly. That and defending the land should the need arise.”

“Yes. My sister’s original plan was for each of us to have a private vessel in which to travel in securely.”

Sereb looks out the forward window at the ships outside. “Whom was the Lunar Destiny built for?”

“Originally, Princess Luna.”

“My sister designed it with my comfort in mind.”

“How so?”

“The Observation Deck was originally supposed to have a very powerful telescope bolted to the floor.”

Ember thinks a moment. “I didn’t see anything like that aboard ship.”

“Yes well… I had it removed.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Why was that?”

Luna smiles sheepishly. “So it could be anchored to my room’s balcony.”

Arc shrugs. “That does make more sense. After all, you spend more nights in your room than aboard ship.”

Cadance sighs. “But with equally little time to use it.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

Walking toward the Bridge door, Luna motions for them to follow her.

“The rest of the changes were mostly technical to increase efficiency. However there is one other room I want to show everypony.”

She leads them down the corridor to the Master Cabin. Arc looks at the door. Confused he turns to Luna.

“I thought this ship was supposed to be for Princess Cadance.”

“It was originally.”

He points at the design above the door. “Then what is my crest doing over there?”

Cadance giggles. “Because this is the Master Cabin.”

“Then shouldn’t it have your mark over it, Princess Cadance?”

She shakes her head. “No, Arc. This is your room.”


Luna walks over to him and puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Right. This entire ship is yours after all.”

“Wait… mine?! How? Why?!”

Cadance joins them. “Luna and I talked it over with Shining Armor and Kibitz. We all agreed that you are in much greater need of a private airship than I am.”

Ember grins. “Congrats, Arc! You’re moving on up in the world!”

“But… but the cost must’ve been astronomical!”

Luna nods. “Three airships were budgeted for construction before my sister disappeared. We were able to build this one cheaper than originally intended.”

“Right. If the same holds true, there should be enough bits left over after construction of Aunt Celestia’s ship to build a fourth one. That one will be mine.”

Shining Armor turns to Cadance. “Are you sure you can wait that long, your highness?”

“Yes. Arc needs a ship to keep up appearances more than I need to be shuttled around the land these days.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Appearances?”

Luna nods. “Yes. Arc, you may not know this but your name is spoken reverently in all correspondences we’ve received thus far.”

“Trixie sees that you are respected and admired abroad!”

Shining Armor nods. “That you are. Therefore the princesses decided that a Lord Regent, even a former one, should have his own airship.”

“But… but it just feels like too much!”

Luna sighs. “Arc, listen to me. This is more than just us wanting to do something nice for you. It’s also a part of the political game.”

Rose appears confused. “Political… game?”

Luna nods. “Yes. Rulers need to show either their nation’s wealth or power in their method of transportation.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Like the ornate carriages the griffons traveled in back in the Griffon Kingdom?”

Shining Armor frowns. “Exactly. To not do so may be interpreted as a sign of weakness to our guests.”

Ember looks to the princesses angrily. “He’s more than just a pawn on your chessboard, you know!”

“I agree, Ember. But Arc is viewed more as an equal to the throne rather than our greatest champion by the surrounding nations.”

Cadance nods. “If he travels in this airship, it will show the world that Luna and I have given him our nation’s full support.”

“I… well… thank you. I’ll use it well.”

“Cadance and I are sure you will, Arc.”

“Yes. Now, please bear in mind this is not a military ship.”

Ember frowns. “It’s not?”

Sereb looks around. “Does it not have weapons and armor?”

Shining Armor chuckles. “Oh, it does. They’re identical to the Lunar Destiny, after all.”

“Trixie would like to say more so with the addition of the ORB defensive system.”

“What Cadance means is that you are not limited to using it merely for official business.”

Rose looks confused. “What else would he do with the ship?”

Cadance shrugs. “Use it for pleasure trips.”

Ember grins. “Now we’re talking!”

Arc puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder. “Uh, we have a job to do. Remember?”

“Can’t we mix business with pleasure?”

Sereb nods. “That may actually be a good idea, Arc.”

“Not you too, Sereb!”

“Everyone needs to rest.”

“Kinda busy these days.”

Shining Armor nods. “We’re sure you are. But he’s right, Arc.”

“Even Trixie can see you’re pushing yourself much too hard.”

Cadance nods soberly. “You really should try to rest more.”

Luna sighs. “Yes. Now I know we’ve inadvertently just gave you even more work. However be aware that when Sunburst finds my sister, none of us are going to have much time to relax.”

Arc nods soberly. “I understand, and will try to find some time to do… something, I guess.”

Ember frowns. “Why not now?!”

“Didn’t I just get done explaining…?!”

“I don’t mean fly to Los Pegasus or anything! How about we head to Ponyville in this thing?!”

Luna nods. “That is a good idea. The ship needs to be tested after all.”

Arc looks confused. “But we don’t have anyone to fly the ship.”

Cadance giggles. “Captain Tight Ship and the rest of the crew of the Lunar Destiny are being reassigned to you until further notice.”

Rose turns to the princesses. “But what if there’s an emergency?”

“We’ll still have any number of other ships to take us somewhere should the need arise.”

Cadance nods. “And other pilots.”

Arc looks to them. “Thank you. I… really don’t know what to say to such generosity.”

Luna smiles. “It is our pleasure, Arc. Now then, the crew has already moved their belongings, tools, and whatnot to their new quarters. They should have taken their places by now.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Really? When?!”

“Probably a few minutes ago.”

Luna nods. “I asked a guard to relay the message to Captain Tight Ship and the rest of the crew when we left the Meeting Room.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “That is correct. I heard hoofsteps pass by this room a short time ago as well.”

Rose giggles. “As did I.”

“Well then, how about we say hello to them?”

Arc leads the group toward the door and down the corridor. Entering the Bridge they find the crew at their stations. Everyone bows as the princesses enter. Tight Ship walks over to Arc and his group.

“Welcome aboard everypony. I do hope the ship is up to your standards, sir.”

“I’ve only seen the Bridge and my quarters. But if you’re satisfied with the ship, then I trust it’s looking good.”

Lemon Hearts salutes. “Yes sir! We’ve done our best to make your ship ready for whatever comes your way!”

Cadance looks to Thunderlane. “How are things? Is the ship air worthy?”

Thunderlane calls out from his place next to the pilot’s seat. “Yes, your highness. We’re ready to take off anytime.”

Wrangler nods. “The weapon’s systems are prepped and ready for anything, along with the new gizmos!”

Lemon Hearts holds up a clipboard. “I’ve received word that the cargo hold has been fully stocked for our maiden voyage.”

Soarin looks to Arc. “Is there somewhere you need to go, sir?”

Ember grins. “Yes!”



Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh boy.”

Luna smiles. “Well, Cadance and I need to get back to work now. I leave you in the capable hooves of the captain and his crew.”

“I understand. Thank you very much for the gift.”

Cadance smiles. “You are welcome, Arc. Take care!”

Luna and Cadance leave the Bridge and head for the Main Hatch flanked by Shining Armor and Trixie.

“Arc can handle this, right Luna?”

Shining Armor looks over. “He’s quite resourceful you know. If anypony can do this, he can.”

“Trixie agrees.”

Luna sighs. “I am certain he will do his best. However much of what needs to be done is out of his hands.”

“Like what?”

“The ultimate success of the summit in its entirety.”

Cadance looks concerned. “I’m sorry, what?!”

“Think about it this way, Cadance. Were the leaders of the three pony races ever able to agree on much?”

“Well, from my history lessons, no.”

Luna nods. “Pride and their own beliefs kept them from seeing eye to eye. How much more difficult do you think it will be for Arc to get everypony assembled to listen?”

“A sobering thought. Did we just give him an impossible task then?”

“Perhaps. But with his past deeds here and his reputation abroad, he has the best chance of seeing to it our nation continues.”


Luna smiles as the group walks down the gangplank. “You know, Arc reminds me of somepony I knew many years ago. They too had the overwhelming job of trying to keep the land from tearing itself apart.”

“Who was that?”

“Star Swirl.”

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