• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,574 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 3 - Panthera Bound

Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way back toward Light's Hope. As the near the building Arc turns to go inside Ember looks to him, confused.

“I thought you wanted to get a move on, Arc.”

“I do, but first I need to talk to someone.”

Ember nods soberly. “Oh. I understand.”

“We will wait for you in your cabin then.”

Arc head inside. “Thanks, you two. I'll try to keep it short.”

Ember and Sereb make their way up the gangplank and then to Arc's Cabin. They sit down together on the couch.

“Guess we have a bit of time before Arc finishes talking to his therapist.

Sereb shrugs. “Perhaps. One never knows.”

Ember jumps up! “We should do something to help!”

“Like what?”

She looks down and sighs. “I... I don't know. But after what happened with Cherry Jubilee, Arc needs us now more than ever!”


“I just feel like I need to do more than just be there for him!”

“Sometimes it's all that is needed. Having someone there to share your sorrow with.”

Ember sits back down, sadly. “I agree, but... sometimes, it's just not.”

Meanwhile... Arc enters Light's Hope to see Raven at her desk working.


Upon hearing his voice, Raven jumps up! “S-sir! I'm sorry, but I didn't hear you come in!”

“It's okay! Really!”

Arc looks around the room. Seeing no one he continues.

“How are you doing?”

Raven sighs. “I'm slowly but surely getting better. I haven't thought about suicide in a few days.”

“It's a good place to start. Anything you need?”

“No sir! Flash Sentry is here for me. He's all I need right now.”

Raven looks uncomfortable.

“Sir? Can... can I ask you something personal?”

“Go ahead.”

“How... how do you know when... um...”

“When what?”

“Please don't tell anypony this, but I... I want to ask Flash Sentry to... um...”

Raven seems to be struggling to find the right words.

“… to... marry me!”

Her face turns a deeps shade of red!

“This is rather sudden Raven! What brought it on?”

Raven does her best to compose herself. “I just can't imagine my life without him in it! He's the one! I know it!”

“Have you spoken to Emerald Dream about this?”

“Kinda. She warned me about advancing a relationship right now.”

Raven forces a smile.

“It... it's probably because I'm ‘damaged goods’.”

Arc shakes his head. “There's nothing damaged about your Raven. Like I told you before, you did nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for. You're a very pretty young mare with a bright future ahead of you. Don't let it pass you by because some griffon letch wanted to take you."

“I'm trying sir! I really am! Flash Sentry... you... I want to make you both proud of me!”

Arc puts a hand on Raven's shoulder. “You already have Raven. You already have. Allow those who truly care for you to continue to love and be there for you. Flash Sentry, Kibitz, and myself... we're here for you if you need us. But don't believe for a moment that you're somehow imperfect because of what happened.”

“Th-thank you sir. That means the world coming from you!”

Arc steps around the desk and gives Raven a hug.

“Flash Sentry is a very lucky stallion to have you in his life.”

Raven returns the hug! “And I'm very lucky to have him. A lesser stallion might have... taken advantage of me! I... didn't really care what happened to me back then.”

Arc breaks the embrace and down at her. “What about now?”

Raven looks Arc squarely in the eye, with determination! “I'm going to keep walking the path to full recovery! Then, and only then, can I present myself to my love as a whole mare! Flash Sentry is the best, and deserves a wife he can be proud of!”

“I'm sure he's very proud of you even now.”

“I hope so. I really do!”

Arc nods. “Well, I need to get going Raven. Panthera is the next destination on my diplomatic list. Hopefully we can talk with words and not weapons this time.”

“Good luck sir!”

“Thanks. Call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you sir!”

Arc leaves Light's Hope and quickly boards the Lunar Destiny. He makes his way to the Bridge! Soarin announces his presence!

“Lord Regent on the Bridge!”

The bridge crew all stand and salute.

“At ease everyone.”

Tight Ship walks over to him. “Lord Arc, are you ready to depart?”

“I am.”

“Very well sir. We'll get underway in a few minutes.”

Wrangler walks over to Arc and salutes. “Sir, if I may.”

“Go ahead.”

“I believe you may have forgotten to order troops from Canterlot. We don't have any soldiers stationed aboard ship! Other than your squad, that is!”

Arc nods. “That was intentional. I want this to be seen as a peaceful mission and not an invasion.”

Tight Ship nods. “If you would like, I can notify Canterlot to have troops standing by on the border sir.”

“Again, that would be asking for trouble. But I suppose we should have a backup plan. Lemon Hearts, please notify Captain Shining Armor to keep our military on high alert.”

“Yes sir!”

Wrangler frowns! “Should this be a trap, it would take several hours for help to arrive sir!”

“I'm aware of that. It’s a calculated risk, I admit. If you would like to get off the ship now Wrangler, I understand.”

Arc turns to the rest of the bridge crew.

“That goes for all of you. If you feel this mission is too dangerous, I will allow you to leave now. I won't hold it against you if you wish to do so. This mission WILL go on! I will carry on together with all of you if possible... or alone if necessary.”

He looks around the Bridge.

“Now let's set the record straight! There's no argument between the choice of peace or war! But there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace, and you can have it in the next second! Surrender! Admittedly there’s a risk in any course we follow. Will we try for peace today, or will we meet them in our own streets in the near future? What say all of you? Will you come with me to now, or will you wait for Panthera... to come to us?! To come... FOR us?!”

Tight Ship nods. “Wrangler, you should have more faith in the Lord Regent and the Lunar Destiny.”

He turns to Arc.

“I'm with you, sir!”

Lemon Hearts stands! “Me too sir! We'll make them listen to us!”

Thunderlane nods! “You can count on me sir! I'll fly the Lunar Destiny safely there and back!”

Moon Dancer smiles! “We will teach the King of Panthera not to take Equestria lightly!”

Wrangler sighs. “Fine. I'm in! Let's get this over with.”

“Thank you everyone. I'll do my best to stop this war before it happens. Tight Ship, I want to get underway.”

Tight Ship nods. “Yes sir. Might I suggest getting something to eat? Time to eat may be a luxury in the near future.”

“Thank you. I will soon.”

Arc leaves the Bridge as Wrangler turns back to the captain.

“Captain, are you sure the Lord Regent can pull this off?”

Tight Ship sits down in the captain's chair. “It's not a matter of IF HE can, but that together WE MUST!”

Arc makes his way back to his cabin. Ember and Sereb are waiting for him patiently. Ember looks up as he enters.

“Feeling better, Arc?”

He looks to her, confused. “Um... about the same.”

Sereb clears his throat. “Ehm...”

Arc motions for them to follow him. “Come with me you two. I want to have a conference before we reach the border of Equestria.”

Ember looks to Arc as they leave the cabin. “What about?”

“Last minute intel regarding our destination.”

Sereb nods as they step onto a Teleporter Pad. “Prudent.”

Ember shrugs. “If you say so Arc.”

“I do. Royal Office!”

The group is teleported to Arc's Upper Level Office. Ember looks around.

“There's no one here.”

Arc walks toward a side door. “This way.”

The group moves to the Meeting Room and sits down. Arc picks up the phone at the head of the table. In a few moments Lemon Hearts voice comes over the speaker.

“Yes, Lord Arc?”

“I need to have a holographic teleconference in the meeting room with Captain Shining Armor in Canterlot and General Virtuous Lance in the Crystal Empire. Patch them through as soon as possible!”

“Right away sir!”

Arc turns back to Ember and Sereb. “I want to talk strategy once more. See if anything has changed since we last spoke.”

Ember nods as the ship slowly lifts off. “I guess it wouldn't hurt.”

A short time later holographic images of both General Virtuous Lance and Captain Shining Armor come into view. They both salute.


“You wanted to speak with us, sire?”

Arc nods. “Yes. First of all, how are things in the Crystal Empire, general? Are the yaks behaving themselves?”

“Yes sir. No problems with them or any other group. It's peaceful as can be here.”

Spitfire nods. “Even crime is down!”

“Glad to hear it! How about you Shining Armor? How are things in Canterlot?”

“Peaceful. Diffusing the yak situation seems to have given the surrounding nations pause.”

Trixie nods. “Yeah! They now know you won't be trifled with!”

“That's a load off my mind! I'm off to Panthera now to speak to their king. With any luck it will go better than Yakyakistan!

Virtuous Lance nods. “The activity in that region has been declining recently."

Ember smiles. “Good. Maybe this will all work out.”

Shining Armor looks over some paper. “Sir! We've received word that something is amiss in Abyssinia!”

“Can you elaborate?”

I have reports here from Sunburst! Their scrying lately shows the citizens lately seem more docile. Lethargic even!”

Arc frowns. “Any idea what's causing it?”

Ember chuckles. “Too much catnip perhaps?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No, but it's most likely a trap to lure us into a false sense of security1 Their military recently moved out to the east!

Virtuous Lance frons! “What?! But there’s nothing out there!

“Yes, general! This must be a trap of some kind!”

Trixie nods. “You should call this off, Arc!

The general thinks for a moment. “I agree with the captain and lieutenant. But something about this just doesn't seem right! Why would they agree to diplomatic talks and them mobilize?!

Spitfire nods. “The citizens of Abyssinia have always been a proud and untrustworthy group. Stuck up even! Why they would suddenly change so drastically, almost overnight mind you, is beyond me!”

Sereb steps forward. “Could it perhaps be a sickness?”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head. “Unlikely. News of a plague like that would spread like wildfire amongst the nations.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right! Now it may just be me, but it almost appears as if the other nations are turning a blind eye toward Abyssinia.”

Trixie turns to her superior. “Well, it's not like they have any allies, right? What reason would anypony have to investigate them further?”

Arc sighs. “I guess it's up to us to do so then. What of the Griffon Kingdom and their stance toward us?”

“They're acting like the other nations and backing off, sir!”

Trixie nods! “The Everfree Forest and Bugbear Nation have followed their lead. Things might actually be returning to normal!”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “I hope so. Any other pieces of advice to impart before we adjourn?”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Do not trust anyone in Panthera! Double check everything they tell you!”

Shining Armor frowns. “Either that or hit them hard and fast sir!”

Trixie laughs! “And first!”

“Thanks for the tips. Keep the home-front secure and contact me if there's trouble or you learn something new.”

“Stay safe out there sir!”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes! This land needs you!”

Virtuous Lance salutes. "We'll keep the lights on for you.”

Spitfire nods. “Give em hell, sir!”

“I will. Arc out.”

Arc pushes a button on the table in front of him. The holograms disappear leaving him alone with his bodyguards. He leans back in his chair, rubbing his eyes.

“Politics are... tiresome.”

Ember nods. “What do we do now Arc?”

“Let's eat.”

Sereb chuckles. “A sound plan.”

Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way to the Cafeteria on the Mid-Section to enjoy a good meal. Max and the rest of the squad are already sitting at a nearby table.

Max smiles as they approach! “Quite the ship you have here sir!”

Hugh nods! “Yeah! It's huge!”

Xenos laughs! “I've seen bigger!”

Viktor rolls his eyes. “Really?! Where?”

“In a dream I had once.”

Max chuckles. “That doesn't count!”

Viktor nods! “Yeah! This is REAL!”

Ember laughs at their discourse! “Real BIG!”

Max nods and turns back to Arc. “In any case, our apologies sir. We just wanted to be a part of this!”

Hugh smiles. “Yup. We were just going to fat in the castle.”

“It's fine. Truth be told I've missed going on adventures with you guys! Just so you know though, this could get really dangerous really fast!”

Xenos laughs. “Says the one who took us into Tartarus for our first mission?”

Ember turns to Arc. “He's got you there.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose so. Well, eat up and get some rest boys. Meet me by the main hatch when we land and we'll do this thing!”

“Yes sir!”

After eating, Arc, Sereb and Ember head back to Arc's Cabin for a short rest. A couple hours later there is a knock at the door. Ember answers it to see Commander Soarin standing at attention.

“May I please speak to Lord Arc?”

Ember steps aside. “Sure. Come on in!”

Soarin steps inside the room as Arc sits up.

“What can I do for you commander?”

“The captain wanted me to inform you that we’ll be entering Abyssinian airspace in a few minutes. He was hoping you would join us on the bridge.”

Arc nods. “Tell him we’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Very well sir.”

Soarin leaves as Ember closes the door behind him.

Arc stands up and sighs. “I guess things are about to get real.”

Sereb appears confused. “Real what?”

“Just real. Good or bad is anyone's guess.”

Ember nods and gestures to the door. “Let's not keep Tight Ship waiting, Arc.”

“Very well. Let me just make a sigil here real quick.”

Arc places a sigil in the middle of the floor.

“There we go! It really ties the room together!”

Ember rolls her eyes! “It's your story, Arc. Tell it any way you want.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Why the sigil?”

“Just a little insurance policy. You know, for if things go bad and we need to make a quick getaway!”

Arc, Ember, and Sereb quickly walk to the Bridge. Wrangler announces them!

“Lord Regent on the Bridge!”

Arc sighs. “At ease. Captain, you wanted to see me?”

“Yes sir. As soon as we enter Abyssinian airspace, there's no telling what could happen!”

Ember looks to the captain, confused. “Wait! Didn't they invite us?!”

Tight Ship nods. “They did. However, we should still be cautious! Equestria has not sent an emissary to Panthera in generations!”

Wrangler frowns! “Their invitation could be a trap to shoot us down and take over Equestria!”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “That's quite the assumption.”

“Worst case scenario, I know. But I like to be prepared.”

Ember sighs. “So, what do we do?”

Tight Ship looks to his crew and begins to direct them!

“Lemon Hearts, ears on!”

“Yes sir! I'll monitor the airwaves for any chatter.”

“Moon Dancer, keep an eye on your screens!”

She nods. “I'll watch the radar for incoming hostiles.”

“Wrangler, have our defenses at the ready!”

“Aye sir! Weapon systems standing by!”

“Thunderlane scan the horizon for anything and I mean ANYTHING potentially hostile!”

“Yes sir! Nothing will escape my eyes, captain!”

Tight Ship turns back to Arc. “We're as prepared as we can be sir. Now it's just a matter of reaching our destination.”

Arc nods. “What ARE our defenses. Do we have missiles or something?”

Wrangler looks confused. “What are missiles?”

“I'll take that as a no.”

Tight Ship walks over to the Tactical Station. “Besides our ship being made of magically enhanced steel we also employ some rather deadly magical weapons!”

Ember nods. “Like what?”

Wrangler looks up from her screens. “Omni-directional magic cannons mostly.”

Arc holds up his Hand Cannons. “Like these?”

“Yes, but MUCH more powerful, of course!”

Thunderlane looks over. “The only down side is they have to be manually lined up and fired! Wrangler and I have to be able to work together to hit anything!

Wrangler looks to Arc. “Don't worry. We've trained for this!”

“I'm not worried.”

Ember looks out a nearby window. “Don't bother, Arc. I'm worried enough for both of us!”

Arc chuckles. “Carry on then Ember.”

An hour or so later Thunderlane calls out the news!

“I see the capital city dead ahead sir!”

Tight Ship nods apprehensively! “Anypony see any hostiles?”

Wrangler shakes her head. “Nothing on my end!”

Thunderlane scans the horizon. “Nothing in my sights either!”

“Radar is clear!”

Lemon Hearts frowns. “Odd... there's no radio chatter.”

Sereb looks to her, confused. “Isn't that good?”

Arc looks over to Lemon Hearts. “No radio, no hostiles, right?”

“Normally yes. But I should be picking SOMETHING up!”

Tight Ship looks over to her. “Could the radio be malfunctioning?”

Lemon Hearts shakes her head. “I've already checked it twice! It's working normally!”

Tight Ship sighs! “I don't like this. Everypony stay alert!”

The trip to the city is uneventful. As they near Thunderlane turns to Arc.

“Where should we land sir?”

“Outside the city. We'll head to the palace on foot.”

“Yes sir!”

A few minutes later the ship descends and lands. Ember looks out the window to the city below.

“This is creepy!”

Sereb stands next to Ember. “I see nothing.”

Ember turns to him! “That's just it! Shouldn't we see some signs of movement?! I mean, come on! This is their capital, right?!”

Arc hurries over to see for himself! “Wait, what?!”

He looks around at the city but sees no movement whatsoever!

“This is beyond bizarre!”

Wrangler calls over from her screens. “What now sir?”

Arc turns to leave the Bridge. “We carry on with the mission. I'll head to the palace with Ember, Sereb and my squad. That is, if you two still want to.”

Ember frowns! “Are you kidding?! I'm not letting you go out there alone!”

Sereb nods. “I am with you to the end.”

“Now that's settled, let's be off!”

Lemon Hearts turns to Arc. “Sir, would you like an on-ear radio?”

Arc points to the earring Kibitz gave him. “Already have one.”

She pushes some buttons and turns some knobs. “Let me get its frequency... there.”

“Keep monitoring it at all times! If things go south you may need to rescue us!”

“Yes sir. Be careful out there!”

Arc turns back to the bridge crew. “Thanks! Everyone keep a look out! This whole situation stinks!”

Tight Ship nods. “Yes sir. We'll be waiting for you here.”

Arc looks to Ember and Sereb. “Let's go.”

The trio makes their way to the main hatch. Arc's squad is waiting for them in full Honor Guard armor!

Ember nods approvingly! “Nice upgrades!”

Max nods! “Only the finest for the personal protectors of the Lord Regent!”

Viktor looks over at Arc’s faithful steed. “Love the new armor Sereb!”

“Thank you.”

Hugh shines his side with a hoof! “We make this look GOOD!”

Xenos nods! “Ready when you are, commander!”

Arc looks to Ember and Sereb. They soberly nod. Arc calls forth the rest of his armor as Ember does the same.

“Stay sharp out there. This reeks of treachery!”

Arc nods to Max who opens the hatch. Xenos, Viktor and Hugh rush outside to secure the deck! They look around cautiously, their hoof cannons at the ready! Xenos is the first to speak.

“All clear sir!”

Max cautiously steps out of the ship with Ember. “It's quiet.”

Ember turn to Sereb as he slowly exits the ship with Arc on his back. “Sereb, if anything happens don't worry about us. Just get Arc out of harm's way!”


Arc sighs. “Ember, take point with Xenos and Max. Hugh on my left, Viktor on right. Max bring up the rear and watch our flank.”

Everyone silently obeys. Arc takes a deep breath and scans the horizon.

“Move out!”

The group walks cautiously down the gangplank and toward the city. From where they stand there is no sign of life! Intelligent or otherwise!

Max looks around for danger! “This is beyond unsettling!”

Hugh nods! “Should we go back?”

Arc shakes his head! “No! We carry on!”

Ember frowns. “Cut the chatter! Eyes on!”

Arc looks down. “Sereb. Do you hear anything?”

“Very little. It is as if the entire city is sleeping.”

Viktor sighs. “Yeah, the BIG sleep! This place is DEAD!”

Xenos shakes his head. “Let's hope not.”

Sereb sniffs the air.


Arc calls out to his group. “Hold position!”

Everyone stops.

“What is it Sereb?”

He looks to a nearby house. “I hear something inside that dwelling.”

Ember looks towards it cautiously. “What is it?”


Arc turns to his squad. “Max, you and Hugh investigate.”

The pair slowly approach the house and listen. Max looks back to Sereb.

“I don't hear anything inside. Are you sure?”


Hugh approaches the door and raises a hoof. He looks to Arc who gives him a nod. Knocking lightly on the door, he calls out.

“Hello? Is anypony home?”

There is no response.

Sereb sighs. “They are afraid of us.”

Ember frowns. “How do you know?”

“I can hear it in their breathing.”

Max turns to Arc. “What do we do, sir?”

Ember looks to Arc. “I can break the door down!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That's what I like about you Ember. You're very subtle... kinda like a broken leg.”

Ember gives him a withering look. “Ha, ha.”

“Look, if you did that they would justifiably freak out and see us as invaders!”

“Okay then. What ARE we going to do?!”

Arc shrugs. “I don't know. Knock again?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Great plan Arc. Great plan.”

Arc looks at the door. “I can Blink through this.”

Ember looks away and replies in a sarcastic voice. “Oh, that is SO much better than breaking it down!”

Arc dismounts Sereb and walks over to the door. “Admittedly a little, yes.”

Max sighs at their argument. “If you two are done over there...”

Xenos shakes his head. “It's like you two are an old married couple.”

Hugh frowns. “I don't like the idea of you going in there alone sir!”

Viktor nods in agreement. “Me either! If anything went wrong, we wouldn't be there to help you!”

Arc approaches the door with the others behind him and turns around. “Okay, here's the plan. I Blink in there, unlock and open the door, leave it open and search for the occupants.”

Sereb growls. “Alone?”

Arc nods. “You guys stay outside and cover the door. If I need help, I'll call out for you.”

Max sighs. “I want to go on record as saying I don't like this plan sir!”

“Duly noted. Ready?”

Ember shakes her head. “No.”

“Good. Here goes nothing!”

Arc Blinks through the door, quickly unlocks it and lets it swing open before walking deeper into the small one room house.

“Hello? Um... sorry about barging in here like this. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you come out so we can talk please?”

As expected, there is no response. Arc turns to the others.


His faithful steed enters the house to stand next to Arc.


“Where are they?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Under the bed.”

A small yelp can be heard!

Arc nods. “Thanks. Wait outside, okay.”

Sereb leaves the house to stand with the others.

Arc takes a chair from the kitchen table and points it toward the nearby bed. Sitting down he continues to speak.

“Again, I'm sorry about coming in your house unannounced, but I just want to talk to you. Can you come out please?”

The sound of whimpering can be heard from under the bed but no one comes out.

“Okay. You can stay under the bed. Can you at least talk to me from under there? For starters, what's your name?”


“Take your time. I'll wait.”

Arc waits patiently for the occupants to speak.

“B-Belle. Please don't hurt us! My daughter here is very ill!”

“What's wrong with her?”

“She... she's very weak! Please! Can't you just leave us in peace?! I...”

Her voice cracks.

“...I just want to spend my daughter's last remaining hours trying to make her as comfortable as I can!”

“Maybe I can help her.”

“Why would you do that?! Aren't you with the Equestrian Invasion Force?!”

Arc sighs. “I am from Equestria, yes. But we are not invading. I simply came here to see your king and found this town deserted. Now please... help me help you.”

“How do I know you won't hurt us?!”

“If I had wanted to do so I could have simply reached under the bed and taken what I wanted.”

“Then why didn't you?!”

“Because I'm not an invader. You may as well trust me. If what you say is true, you really have nothing more to lose.”

The voice is silent for a time as she considers Arc’s words.

“O-okay. I'm coming out now. Please... have mercy on us!”

A small and very thin female cat with white fur and luminous blue eyes slowly emerges from under the bed. Although she is covered by simple clothing, Arc can see she is very malnourished! Belle shakily walks over to the table and lies a very small kitten on a makeshift bed of blankets. The little one whimpers and shakes as if cold! Even in the dim light from the open door Arc can see the tiny ribs of the infant as she labors to breathe! Belle stands shakily before Arc. Closing her eyes as the tears course down her cheeks!

“Please sir. If you're going to do it, please make it quick for us!”

Arc stands up and turns toward the door. “Please excuse me a moment.”

He walks quickly to the others.

“Do any of you have any food?”

Xenos nods. “I have some ration kits.”

Arc holds out a hand. “Give me one.”

Xenos raises an eyebrow. “Sir? Is this really the time to...?”


With a confused look on his face Xenos gives Arc a Rations Kit. Arc takes it and quickly walks back to the table. Setting it down he opens it and turns it toward Belle!

“Take this and feed your daughter.”

Belle opens her eyes and looks at the food, confused. “What? But... but I have nothing to offer as payment!”

Arc nods. “Answer my questions after you feed your daughter and I'll call us even.”

Belle takes some of the food in her paws and slowly begins to feed the little one.

“Th-thank you! Thank you so much!”

Arc turns back toward the door. “Can one of you give me a canteen of water?”

Max removes a canteen from his saddlebag and tosses it to Arc He catches it and sets it down in front of the frightened mother.

“Use this to wash it down with.”

Belle quickly takes the canteen and gives her daughter a drink.

“Again, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to us!”

“I... think I do. But you're welcome.”

Belle feeds her daughter until she can eat and drink no more. The small kitten falls asleep eating. She begins to eat a bit of the food herself.

“Thank you, sir. Thank you for giving my daughter a last meal.”

Arc frowns. “Last meal?”

“Yes. We... there is no food here. While I can't bear the thought of watching her die, I hate even more the thought of dying before her and leaving her alone!”

The little one suddenly begins to have significantly more trouble breathing! Belle begins to cry again as she puts a loving paw on her daughter’s forehead!

“I think this may be it for her!”

Arc stands up quickly! “I can take her to my ship! We have medical facilities there!”

Belle looks to him through her tears. “Can... can you save her?!”

“I can try! Will you come?”

Belle nods furiously through her tears!

“Sereb, come!”

Sereb quickly rushes to Arc's side as he picks up the failing kitten! Arc quickly jumps into the saddle and pulls Belle up behind him!

“Hang on to me as tightly as you can! Everyone, back to the ship!”

Sereb bounds out the front door! The others run after him as quickly as they can! Arc touches his earring!

“Lemon Hearts, can you hear me!?”

“Yes sir!”

“Inform Nurse Redheart that I'm on my way with a malnourished infant that is having trouble breathing! Prep the Infirmary!”

“Right away sir!”

In no time the group returns to the Lunar Destiny! Sereb bounds up the ramp and into the ship! He jumps onto the Teleportation Pad!


In a flash they are teleported to the waiting Infirmary! Nurse Redheart rushes up to Arc as he holds out the little one to her! She quickly takes her over to an examination table and hooks up a small oxygen mask! Arc hops down from Sereb to help Belle down!

“Easy there. I got you.”

Belle looks to Nurse Redheart in desperation! “Please save my daughter!”

Nurse Redheart continues to work, not looking up. “I'll do everything I can!”

Arc puts a gauntlet on Belle’s shoulder. “There's no better place than here for your daughter right now.”

“Th-thank you so much sir!”

Belle suddenly falls to her knees, suddenly out of breath from the excitement! Arc picks up the weakened feline and carries her to a bed.

“I think you need a rest too, Belle.”

Belle breathes heavily as Arc lays her down. “At... the very least... her and I... can be together... at the end.”

Ember and Arc's squad rush into the Infirmary! Max reaches him first!


Ember runs over to him! “Arc, what is going on?!”

“Ember, go to the Cafeteria and bring some food here quickly!”

Ember flies away! “I'm on it!”

A short time later Ember returns with an assortment of foods on a tray! She presents it to Arc!

“Here you go!”

“Thank you, Ember.”

Arc sets the tray down in front of Belle as she looks over at her daughter and Nurse Redheart.

“Thank you, but I'm not hungry.”

Max frowns as he looks at Belle. “The state of your body would claim otherwise, ma'am.”

Xenos is unable to take his eyes off the new arrival! “Even Miss Pommel didn't look THAT emaciated!”

Hugh nods. “A close second though.’

Nurse Redheart pushes a small incubator normally used for newborns next to the bed as she turns to Belle.

“I've done everything I can for her at the moment. We're giving her oxygen, keeping her warm and I've injected her with nutrients intravenously. The rest is up to fate.”

Belle puts a paw up to the incubator. The only signs of life from the small kitty are the up and down motions of her chest and slight twitches of her tiny pink nose. She looks down at her daughter with tears in her eyes.

“No little one should have to experience pain and suffering such as this!”

Arc looks to Belle sadly. “Nor a parent be forced to watch their child slowly waste away.”

The pair watch the small kitten for a short time. Max clears his throat.

“Sir, might I remind you our time is limited?”

Arc nods. “Thank you, Max. Belle we've done everything in our power to help your daughter. Can you please answer a few of my questions now?”

“Yes. I’ll try.”

“The city appears deserted. Where is everyone?”


“From what?”

Belle looks up to Arc, fearfully! “We were told was that an invasion force from Equestria was on its way. Our king ordered everyone to stay hidden if at all possible! He does care dearly for his citizens!”

Xenos frowns. “I don't get it. If he sees us as an invading entity, why hasn't he sent his forces to engage us yet?”

“Because we know that resistance is futile! We've heard all about Equestria's Hero of Light and his adventures! I can only assume our king is hoping to beg him for mercy!”

Ember nods. “What have you heard about the Hero of Light?”

“If the stories are true, that he fearlessly took on an entire army and utterly destroyed them! It is said that he often enters Tartarus itself for FUN! More recently he defeated the leader of Yakyakistan after turning away their invading force! That act alone has all of us shaking in fear of his awe-inspiring power!”

Belle looks to Arc, suddenly frightened!

“He... he's not coming here, is he?!”

“I wouldn't worry.”

Belle breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! In our weakened condition I don't believe most of us could take the stress!”

“Why is that?”

“Many of Panthera's poorest citizens are no better off than my daughter and I! The middle and upper class are hanging in there. However, it's only a matter of time for them!”

Viktor swallows hard before speaking. “Why are you starving? Was there some kind of blight that hit your crops?”

Belle shakes her head. “Abyssinia is a rather harsh place. Very few crops can grow here, so we import almost all of our food. Our main source is the neighboring Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc nods. “Okay, you have to bring your food in. Why hasn't the Griffon Kingdom sent anything?!”

“Because... we can no longer pay. You see, every month a large black ship comes here and takes much of our land's wealth and as much food and other valuables as it can carry!”

Ember frowns. “Wait! So, pirates have taken everything?!”

Belle nods! “Nearly. Even the Royal Palace has been sacked! There is nothing left for them to take, yet they still come! Our King has sent word to the neighboring lands asking for aid numerous times with no reply.”

Arc frowns. “What about Equestria?! Didn't your king contact them for help?”

“He did! The Captain of the Royal Guard even came here personally to see our situation for himself.”

Xenos nods. “And…?”

“He... he seemed almost amused at our plight! I was there with much of the citizenry as he got off his airship and was approached by our king! When told of our situation he simply laughed and told the king and queen that Equestria had no need to import hairballs and left!”

Arc clenches his fist, angrily! “Decimus... when I get my hands on him...”

Belle sighs as she looks Arc in the eye. “So now Captain Decimus has sent you to finish us off I assume.”

Ember shakes her head. “Not exactly.”

“I... can I ask you something? Why are you helping me and my daughter? Won't you be in trouble with your superiors for recklessly aiding the enemy?!”

Arc stands up! “I need to see your king at once! This can’t be allowed to continue! To answer your question, Belle... when innocents are suffering, it's not reckless. It's rescue!”

Belle looks at him, wide-eyed! “Aren't you worried about what the Captain of the Guard will do when he finds out?! To say nothing of the Hero of Light himself!”

He turns to leave. “Not in the least. Now if you will excuse me, we have a meeting with the king to get to!”

“Wait! I don't even know your name! Who... who ARE you?!”

Arc turns back to Belle. He recalls his chest-plate, helmet and greaves to his ring, revealing his royal raiments.

“My name is Arc.”

Belle’s eyes grow wide! “You... you're the Hero of Light!”

Arc nods. “I am. Although I currently rule Equestria as its Lord Regent. Now if you will excuse me, I have a wrong that needs righting.”

She looks to him, confused. “What are you going to do?”

“Help the innocent."

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