• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - It Starts...

Jackal and Snake make their way back to the Shark’s headquarters.

“That guy tough, Snake!”

Snake shakes his head. “Tough?! All he did was move around!"

“Do yous think the boss with hear about this?”

“Let’s hope not.”

Meanwhile, Arc pays for their groceries and heads back home. Cherry speaks up as Arc turns out of the parking lot.

“That was nice of you to go easy on them.”

“I didn’t want to risk hurting them. At this point, I’m strong enough to do some real damage to someone!”

“You’re so compassionate, Arc. That’s one of the things I love about you!”

A short time later Arc returns to his house. The sun has begun to set as he walks in the door.

“We’re home!”

Ember is standing at the door waiting for him. “Arc. I’m going to say this quietly, and with great restraint.”

“Um, okay.”


“Woah! What are you talking about?!”

Max calls out to him from the couch. “You’re the top story in this evening’s news!”

Hugh laughs. “Congratulations, sir!”

Xenos gives him a thumbs up. “You sure showed those two punks!”

Cherry looks at the television through Arc’s eyes. There is an amateur recording of the battle.

“How did they…?”

Arc sighs. “Cell phones. Everyone has one, and all of them have cameras.”

Ember looks around. “Cherry?! Where are you now?”

“Arc’s forehead at the moment. It looks like I can communicate audibly from here.”

Max looks Arc over cautiously. “Are you okay with this, sir?”

“I am. As long as Cherry is here, my head is her head.”

“Thank you, Arc! I’ll do my best not to intrude into your privacy!”

Arc nods. “I know you won’t.”

He turns back to Max.

“So, what did the news have to say?”

Before Max can respond, Ember cuts him off!

“Only that a ‘mysterious stranger’ took on two members of the Shards! Honestly, what were you THINKING?!”

“Um… that they should’ve brought more backup?”

Ember glares at him! “I’m serious, Arc! You could have blown our cover completely!”

Viktor comes running up the stairs, grinning!

“The Internet is abuzz about a mysterious stranger who has strange and wondrous powers! Know anything about that, sir?!”

Cherry speaks up. “He couldn’t just let them hurt that poor clerk, could he?!”

Ember sighs. “I suppose not. But you need to be careful!”

“I know. One must protect their secret identity after all. Again, I feel like Batman.”

Max looks confused. “Who?”

“Tall, dark, strong and intimidating. Viktor can google it for you.”

Viktor nods and heads back downstairs. “I’ll do it!”

“Care to help Cherry and I with supper, Ember?”

Cherry giggles. “It will be just like old times!”

"Sure. Why not?”

They make their way to the kitchen with the groceries and get to work. Arc notices Ember is quiet as they put everything away.

“Something wrong?”

Ember does not turn around. “Not really.”

“Are you sure?”

She nods. “I’m coming with you next time!”

“Arc can take care of himself, Ember! You need to have more faith in him!”

“That isn’t the problem.”

Arc looks confused. “Then what…”

Ember turns back to him, smiling. “I can’t let you have all the fun, now can I?

Arc facepalms. “Oh boy.”

The trio gets to work cooking supper. Cherry sighs.

“I do wish I still had hooves!”

Arc nods. “How about some hands instead?”


He calls forth his armor.

“Let me out and you, my dear, have yourself some hands!”

The sounds of giggling can be heard coming from Eidolon’s Ward as the armor, for all intents and purposes, melts away. Arc steps out.

“Now I can help! This will be so much fun!”

Ember looks over as the armor reforms itself. “Gross…”

Arc turns to her. “Did you say something, Ember?”

“Not a thing.”

In a short time, they sit down to a hearty meal. Max looks over to Arc as they dig in.

“These are wonderful, sir! What do you call them?!”

“Vegetarian pitas. It’s kinda like a thick soft-shell taco filled with vegetables and spices.”

Ember smiles. “This would taste great with Saffron’s Roast Cockatrice in it!”

“Truth be told, you can pretty much put anything you want into one of these! Vegetables or meat!”

Viktor nods. “This city’s food is amazing!”

“Pitas actually originated in a land far across the ocean. You see, each country has its own culture and cuisine!”

Hugh looks down at his plate. “What kind of food does this part of the world eat?”

“Hamburgers, ice cream, apple pie, meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, jerky, fried chicken… that’s all I can think of off the top of my head anyway.”

Ember nods. “I’ve heard of ice cream before. Is it any good?”

Xenos shrugs. “Not sure. We didn’t have such nice things in the military.”

Arc laughs. “Well, I bought some. We can have it for dessert.”

A short time later the meal concludes. Arc and his armor return to the kitchen and emerge with a fresh cherry pie and a pail of vanilla ice cream. Cherry uses her newfound hands to serve the pie.

“I hope everypony likes it! We made it fresh this afternoon!”

Arc puts a scoop of ice cream on each plate next to the pie. “Cherry pie and a scoop of ice cream. It just doesn’t get any better than this!”

The dessert is passed out to everyone around the table. Ember looks up as they eat.

“This is great, Cherry!”

Xenos nods in agreement! “Yeah! Who knew pie could be this good!”

Max smiles at her. “Thank you for making it for us!”

Hugh raises his glass respectfully. “It is quite tasty, ma’am!”

Viktor nods as he finishes his slice. “I’ll say! You’re very talented, miss! The commander is a very lucky stallion!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Thank you everypony! It feels good to be able to cook again!”

Arc sits down in front of his own plate and looks to her, apologetically. “Sorry for leaving you in my ring so long, Cherry.”

“It’s alright, Arc. There’s no way you could have known!”

Everyone finishes their dessert and leans back in their chairs, clearly satisfied. Max sighs contentedly.

“We need to get some exercise soon!”

Xenos chuckles. “That we do! If I eat like this every day, I’ll be the size of a house in no time!”

Viktor laughs! “Xenos getting bigger than he already is! That would be a sight to see!”

Hugh nods. “You said it!”

Arc turns to his armor. “Thank you for that wonderful dessert, my dear!”

“You’re welcome, Arc! Although I do wish I could have eaten with everypony else.”

Max looks at the clock. “Sir? The television said there’s a new show airing soon that’s supposed to give the pulse of the city.”

Viktor looks confused. “What does that mean?”

Arc nods as he stands up. “It’s supposed to talk about what the population of Angel Grove is thinking on recent local events. Sounds interesting!”

Everyone makes their way to the living room. Max turns on the television as he turns to Arc.

“Maybe you’re on there, sir!”

Arc shakes his head as they sit down. “I doubt it. Most shows are prerecorded.”


“It means they film the show days in advance and then air it at the proper time.”

Hugh nods. “I wonder what they’ll be talking about?”

Xenos shakes his head as the show comes on. “Probably the Shards!

“Live from our studios in Angel Grove, this is ‘The Thought Around Town’! And now, please put your hands together for your host, Guy Smiley!”

Arc shrugs. “Okay. So, it IS going on right now.”

A well-dressed man in a flashy suit comes on screen and walks toward a desk while waving. The sound of applause can be heard as Arc’s squad joins in. Ember looks at them as she raises an eyebrow.

“What are you guys doing?!”

Xenos shrugs as he and the others clad. “What? They said to applaud! I think.”

Arc chuckles. “Television only works one way. They can’t hear US!”

Hugh puts his hands down along with the others. “Oh…”

They wait for the show to continue in silence. Soon the host speaks.

“Good evening ladies and gents! Welcome to our premier episode! We’ve got quite a show lined up for you! So, grab a snack, sit back, and let us enthrall you!”

Cherry, still in Eidolon’s Ward, stands up and walks toward the kitchen. Arc turns to look after her.


“He said to get snacks.”

“Thanks, but I think we’re all still pretty full.

She nods and returns to sit at his side.

“I suppose you’re right.”

“Forgive me everyone, but we had a bit of a last-minute entry to tonight’s lineup! Let me introduce you to our very special guest… the leader of the Shards!”

A well-dressed young man with a cane steps onstage to applause. He slowly approaches Guy as Ember’s eyes grow wide!

“The leader?!”

Max frowns. “Why in Celestia’s name is everyone clapping?!”

Arc shakes his head. “They have a clapping machine. Believe me, no one is applauding HIM!”

Guy shakes hands with the young man and gestures for him to take a seat next to the desk.

“Welcome to the show Mr. Shard!”

“Thank you for having me, Guy.”

“First off, what do we call you?!”

“I believe names are overrated. That’s why all my boys simply refer to me as ‘boss’.”

Guy grins widely! “Sounds complicated!”

Automated laughter ensues. As the Shard Boss chuckles.

“Everyone in my organization has their own special way of being identified.”

“Like a nickname?”

“Yes. One must be identifiable in some capacity.”

“Of course! Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself? Let everyone tuning in at home get to know the real you, your background and anyone of importance in your life.”

“Certainly! I don’t have any real family to speak of, so we’ll skip that part. As everyone knows by now, I’m the driving force behind the Shards. It’s my only true passion in life!”

Guy nods. “Tell us more about the Shards then. For starters, why the name?

“I like to think of it less like a gang, and more like a family of sorts! As far as our name goes, think of it like this. Our members come from all walks of life and don’t really seem to fit in anywhere else! Many of them are mere fragments of a greater whole. They are the shards that make up my organization. Everyone has their place, with membership having many benefits.”

“Such as?”

“The comradery of their fellow members, for starters. A steady paycheck based on rank of course! And the knowledge that they are part of something larger than themselves.”

Guy nods. “You said everyone has a place! What did you mean by that?!”

“Like any good family, everyone must pull their own weight. Do their job, so to speak. The Shards do not tolerate freeloaders!”

“Do some work harder than others?!”

The boss nods. “Naturally. Everyone is different, and has differing work ethic. Some jobs take longer than others, of course! For example, our kitchen staff may work long hours, but in a fairly safe and stable environment. While my boys who pull off a heist may appear, to the untrained eye, lazy and unproductive. However, when it’s go-time, they jump into action like a coiled spring! It’s hands on, dirty and occasionally very dangerous.”


“With any job there is an element of risk. Your biggest danger may be a headache after a long day of filming. While my boys have to watch out for more… forward threats such as Marshal Raynor.”

“I assume you and the Marshall don’t see eye to eye.”

“We do, actually. He’s trying to protect the town, just like I am. Although we have differing views on how to accomplish that task, I do respect him and his positions.”

“Very surprising given your position in society, sir!”

The boss smiles. “We are both men of order, for without it, society breaks down!”

Guy chuckles. “Speaking of order, what did you think of the incident at our local market earlier this evening?!”

The Shard Boss appears confused. “I wasn’t aware there was one.

Guy turns to a large screen behind him. “Let’s watch some footage taken from a bystander then!”

The scene from the news plays out depicting Arc defeating the pair of Shards without throwing a single blow. The boss watches, clearly surprised!

“I must say I’m impressed by the resourcefulness of this individual! This… Mysterious Stranger, as it were.”

Guy nods. “Tonight’s news was full of stories about that incident!”

“I will have to watch more of them when I get back to my base later tonight! Tell me, Guy. What do you think of this individual?”

Guy shakes his head. “I personally don’t support the actions of vigilantes! Let the powers that be handle such disturbances!”

The boss chuckles. “While I am inclined to agree with you, Guy, I also respect this man’s willingness to stand up for others! I am loathed to admit it, but my boys did go a bit too far back there! Rest assured, they will be punished.”

Meanwhile back at the Shard base, Jackal turns to Snake.

“Snake? What that mean?”

He drops his popcorn. “Oh… crap.”

Arc and his friends sit there astonished at the candid nature of the Shard’s leader. Ember looks to Arc confused.

“He… he’s IMPRESSED by you Arc?!”

Arc shrugs. “Huh! Who knew!”

The Shard Leader stands and slowly walks toward the camera.

“Angel Grove. I would like to take this time to apologize to all of you for some of our member’s… overzealous behavior. To this man, this… brave armored hero… I would be very interested in meeting with you! Perhaps even having you join our little family!”

He smiles warmly.

“Think about it… would you kindly?”

Arc shuts off the TV and tosses the remote to the side as Ember glowers at the now blank screen.

“That arrogant little…”

Max looks to Arc. “Is this how Earth treats its criminals?!”

“Not usually, no. Why he’s getting a pass is beyond me.”

Viktor frowns. “And that Guy Smiley! How can he be AGAINST someone fighting for justice?!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Especially when Arc didn’t even hit them!”

Xenos smacks his fist into his palm, angrily! “I think he needs to be taken down a peg or two!”

Hugh nods. “I’m sure the commander will see to that! Won’t you sir!”

Arc looks suddenly drained as he stands up. “Yeah. Look, I’m really tired.”

Ember nods. “Why don’t you get some sleep, Arc.”

Max nods. “We all should get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Right sir?!”

Arc nods as he heads for the stairs with his armor close behind him. “Y-yeah.”

Cherry’s voice rings out through the helmet. “Let’s get you to bed, dear.”

Viktor turns to the others as they leave the living room. “What’s with the commander?”

Xenos shrugs. “I don’t know. He seemed to be really bothered by that show though!”

Hugh sighs. “Well I would be upset if someone told me I was wrong for protecting others!”

Ember looks to the stairs, thinking. “I can’t help but think there’s more to it than that!”

The others stand up and make their way to bed as Cherry helps Arc to his room.

“Do you want to change clothes before bed?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. I kinda got used to sleeping in my normal clothes when I lived in Equestria.”

She looks at him and speaks in a sheepish tone. “Would it make you uncomfortable if I… watched over you tonight?”

“What do you mean?”

“It… it’s just so good to see you again! I can’t hardly bear to have you out of my sight!”

Arc climbs into bed. “So… you want to watch me sleep?”

“Not if it makes you uncomfortable though!”

“It’s okay with me. Won’t you get tired just standing there though?”

“I don’t feel pain any longer. Nor do I get tired or need sleep.”

Arc nods. “Would you at least sit down though?”

“Very well! “

Arc turns off the light and rolling over onto his back as his armor slowly sits down in a nearby chair. “Good night, Cherry.”

“Good night.”

In a few minutes she can hear Arc’s light snore.

“Sleep well, my love.”

Arc awakens early the next morning with the others. They shower and climb into the Jeep. Cherry accompanies then in Arc’s head.

“So where to now?”

“Shelly’s Kitchen for breakfast.”

Ember grins. “You’ll like the two girls who run it, Cherry. They’re very nice!”

Arc nods as he starts the Jeep and drives down the street. “That you will.”

In a short time, they reach the diner. Lily sees them as she unlocks the door and holds it open for them.

“Good morning everyone!”

Arc smiles at her. “Good morning, Lily! We’re here for another one of your fine breakfasts!”

Lily escorts them to what has become their regular table. “Shelly and I will try not to disappoint!”

She pulls out her order pad and a pencil.

“What can I get you all?”

“My regular.”

Lily giggles. “Of course, Arc!”

Ember looks up. “I’ll have the same! Oh, but give me some sausage and bacon for my friend here.”

Sereb jumps up into her lap and smiles as the others place their orders. Lily writes everything down.

“I’ll get that right in for you folks! Shouldn’t take long!”

Lily returns to the kitchen. Arc and his friends are left alone as the only customers in the restaurant and Ember looks over to him.

“Have you come up with a plan, Arc?”

“That I have.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Plan?”

Max nods. “We’re going to pull a little heist on the Shards.”

Xenos chuckles. “Somepony has to!”

Arc looks up and frowns. “Someone, Xenos.”

Hugh smiles wickedly. “We’re gonna liberate all the ‘protection money’ the Shards are going to be collecting later today.”

Cherry sounds suddenly nervous. “What?! How?!”

Ember looks to Arc Good question.

Arc leans forward. “Okay, here’s the plan! We start off by having a good breakfast.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face and shakes his head.

“I’ll explain the rest when we leave.”

Max sighs. “Very well sir.”

A short time later Lily and Shelly bring their food out.

“I hope you boys like it!”

Ember looks at her cheeseburger hungrily. “I’m sure we will!”

As Lily and Shelly make their way around the front counter another customer walks in.

“Welcome to… oh my! It… it’s you!!!”

Wide-eyed, Shelly and Lily back away from the counter. Arc looks toward the new arrival before turning to his friends.

“Everyone stay here.”

Ember looks confused. “But…”

Arc looks at her sternly.


He stands and walks over to the front counter The Shard Boss is slowly walking up to the counter, cane in hand. Two tough looking bodyguards stand on either side of the front door. He looks up and smiles as Arc approaches him.

“Well, well, well! Look who we have here!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “It’s been a long time… Frankie.”

He chuckles. “It’s just Frank now, Arc. Or ‘boss’ to a great many others! But no need to be so formal. We’re all friends here.”

“Let’s skip the catching up! Why are you here?”

Frank looks over the Lily and Shelly. “Oh, can’t a man come visit his childhood friends now?”

“I don’t think you even remember what that word means!”

Lily and Shelly are visibly shaking as Frank turns to look at them and reaches a hand into his coat.

“I have something for you two!”

Arc jumps in front of Frank! “NO!”

He pulls out a paper bag and extends it toward Arc. “Relax, pal. It’s not what you think.”

Arc takes the bag and looks inside. “What’s all this?!”

“It recently came to my attention that some of my boys have been extorting money from you two fine ladies. I’ve come to rectify their mistake now. That bag contains everything they took from you, with a bit of interest. “

Shelly looks over at him, confused. “Wh-what?”

“I apologize for their behavior. Rest assured they have already been severely punished by one of my lieutenants. This will not happen again!”

He turns to Arc and smiles.

“I could use a good man like you in my organization, Arc.”

“Why me?”

“Because the Shards need more members with brains! Not to mention guts! Interested?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’ll pass.”

“Awww… are you sure? It could be… like the old days again.”

Frank smiles.

“Do you remember the time when…”

“I said, NO!”

Frank shrugs. “Have it your way. If you should change your mind, my door is always open to you.”

“Thanks… pal.”

Frank turns to leave the diner. “My boys are visiting the business district this morning! Any of them cause any trouble here, you ladies let me know!”

Shelly nods. “Y-yes sir!”

He leaves, as his bodyguards escort him back to his car. As they drive away, he looks back at the diner.

“I’m sorry, Shelly. You deserve better than this.”

Arc stands at the front counter until the car drives away before turning to Shelly and Lily. He sets the bag of money on the table.

“He’s gone. You two okay?”



Arc frowns. “Does Frank come here often?”

Lily shakes her head. “No! I haven’t seen him in years!”

“Me either!”

They look at the bag of money lying ominously on the counter. Shelly looks up to Arc.

“I wonder what made him do that?!”

Arc sighs as he walks back to his table. “Wish I knew!”

He sits back down with the others.


Arc goes back to eating. “Well what Ember?

“Aren’t you going to tell us what that was about?!”

He shakes his head. “Another time.”

Max looks confused. “Sir?"

Arc frowns angrily. “I don’t want to talk about it now, okay?!”

Xenos nods. “Yes sir.”

Everyone tensely goes back to eating.


Hugh shakes his head. “Everyone has secrets, sir.”

Viktor nods. “We’re here if you want to talk about them though, sir.”

Cherry giggles and speaks to him telepathically. “We all are.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks. I’ll tell you about it another day.”

Ember frowns. “I’ll hold you to that.”

They finish their meal, pay the check, and head toward the door. Arc turns back to Shelly and Lilly.

“Take care you two.”

Shelly nods. “We will.”

Lily smiles at him. “Have a nice day!”

As they leave both Shelly and Lily look to each other.

“Arc’s up to something, isn’t he?”

Shelly nods. “That he is. I just hope he knows what he’s doing!”

Meanwhile… Arc and the others make their way back to his Jeep and climb in. Ember rubs her belly.

“That cheeseburger was amazing!”

Xenos grins. “I’m ready for anything now!”

Max looks to Arc. “What’s the plan, sir?”

“Let’s drive on over to the business district.”

Hugh nods. “Time to act?!”

Arc chuckles as he drives slowly down the road. “Soon. Very soon indeed.”

In a short while they reach the downtown, or business district of Angel Grove. Sereb looks out the window.

“That is quite a few shops.”

Ember frowns. “You see shops. The Shards see opportunity.”

“Let’s see if we can’t put a dent in their plans, eh?”

Arc drives down Main Street slowly. “Looks like the shops are just beginning to open. Here’s the plan! Max, Hugh, Xenos, and Viktor will walk the street in pairs waiting for the collectors to show up.”

Max nods. “What should we do when they come?”

“Just keep an eye on them. After they collect from every business, well…”

He finishes outlying the plan.

Ember shrugs. “Not a terrible plan. What if something goes wrong though?!”

“Then Hugh and Viktor will make a diversion to allow us to get away.”

Hugh frowns. “Like what, sir?”

“You’ll have to get creative on that one.”

Viktor sighs. “Great…”

“They should be here soon. The collection would most likely take place before the businesses are in full swing. Less witnesses.”

He pulls something out of the glove box.

“Come up here, Sereb.”

Sereb dutifully jumps into the front seat. “Very well.”

Arc puts a collar around his neck and hands Max a leash.

“Max, you and Xenos will pretend to walk Sereb. You’re my second diversion in case we need something a bit more… involved.”

Ember grins! “And I’m with you, Arc?”

“Right! You’ll walk with me and pretend to by my girlfriend.”

“That I can do!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Just look in all the shop windows and do a lot of pointing and smiling. That will give me time to look around like any good, and bored, boyfriend would do!”

Cherry quietly speaks up. “And me?”

“You stay in my head and let me know if you see anything.”

“Won’t this be dangerous, Arc?”

“Just to Ember and I mostly.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “That’s what I’m worried about!”

Xenos smiles. “Don’t worry, Miss Cherry!”

Hugh nods. “Yeah! The commander has plenty of backup available!”

Viktor laughs. “Worst case scenario, we break something and make a run for it!”

Max frowns. “Let’s try to avoid that, eh?”

Ember cracks her knuckles. “No promises.”

Arc pulls into a public parking lot and easily finds a space. He puts the Jeep in park and turns it off.

“Stay safe everyone. Report back here when the collectors drive away.”

His squad nods as they get out and pair up. Everyone goes their separate ways to carry out their part of the mission. Ember gets out last and latches onto Arc’s arm.


She winks at him. “What?! We’re going on a date together, remember honey?!”

He sighs. “Don’t overact.”

Cherry sighs. “I’m having mixed feelings about this as well.”

Ember draws back! “I’m sorry, Cherry! I forgot you were in there!”

“It’s okay, Ember! In truth, I’m very grateful to you. You see, I can’t be there for Arc physically! Only in spirit.”

Ember shakes her head and takes Arc’s arm as they leave the parking lot. “That actually makes me feel even more guilty!”

Arc and Ember make their way down the street together slowly.

“This really is nice!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’ve always liked our downtown.”

“No. I mean spending time with you! We don’t get to do it that often these days.”

“I guess not.”

Ember whispers. “Can… can Cherry still hear us?”

Cherry nods telepathically. “I can.”

“She says yes.”

Ember looks at him with a pained expression on her face. “I’ll… try to be good then.”

“Just try to look like a happy girlfriend and no one will be the wiser.”

Ember looks into several shop windows. She points at yet another item happily!

“These really are nice! Can we buy them, Arc?!”

“Maybe later… honey.”

Ember smiles broadly! “Oh, I do like hearing that!”

“Just don’t get used to it. Okay?”

Ember sighs as she again takes Arc’s arm and leans on him. “I won’t.”

A large black car roars up and parks in a nearby handicap parking spot. Two men get out. Arc looks at them out of the corner of his eye.

“Right on time.”

Jackal yawns as the pair approach the first shop. “It so early, Snake!”

“Yeah well, the boss wants this done same as usual. Come on! Let’s get this crappy job over with.”

Jackal nods. “Do you think he’s mad about what happened at the grocery store the other day?”

Snake rolls his eyes. “Why do you think we’re doing this?! It’s punishment!”

Arc and Ember watch as they enter the shop together and approach the counter. The owner frowns and hands them an envelope. They take it, put it in a small satchel Snake is carrying and quickly move on to the next business. Ember frowns angrily!

“Stealing. The lowest of dragons wouldn’t dare to stoop so low!”

Arc takes her arm. “Don’t worry. We’ll stop them. Just be patient, okay?!”

They watch as the two go up one side of the street and then the other. Ember looks to Arc as the pair enter the last shop.

“Are we going to actually DO something at some point?!”

Arc walks over to the pair’s car and kneels down to tie his shoe. “Yes. Right now.”

He looks around before pulling his Hunting Knife stealthily out of his ring and deftly slashing the passenger side front tire. Putting the knife back into his ring and pulling a lollipop out of his pocket, he sets it down on the curb next to the tire.

“Great. Now what?!”

Arc stands up. “Go meet up with Max and Xenos. Tell them to watch this car and offer to help change the tire.”

Ember nods. “And me?”

“Stay with them and help keep the Shark’s attention focused on you.”


Arc walks quickly to a nearby alley. “Just do it!”

Ember walks over to Max, Xenos and Sereb and explains the plan. Max nods.

“We’ll do it.”

Xenos kneels down next to Sereb. “You’ll help too, won’t you?”

Sereb barks in agreement as Xenos scratches his behind the ears.

“Who’s a good dog?!”

Sereb growls. The thugs return to their car. Snake puts the satchel in the trunk.

“Glad that’s over! We can make it back to base in time for breakfast!”

Jackal smiles happily as he heads for the passenger side. “Yeah! Me hungry!”

He looks down and sees the lollipop on the ground.

“Hey! Candy!”

As Jackal stoops down to pick it up he sees the tire.

“Hey Snake! We been robbed!”

Snake rolls his eyes as he opens the driver side door. “What are you talking about?!”

Jackal points at the tire. “Someone took the air from our tire!”

Snake walks around to look. “A flat?! Now?! Great!”

Angrily, he goes to the trunk and pulls out a jack and tire iron. After closing the trunk, he jacks up the car and attempts to remove the lug nuts.

“These are sure on good!”

Max, Xenos, Sereb and Ember walk over.

“Need a hand?”

Jackal watches Snake turn the tire iron as hard as he can. “Ya! We can’t get these nuts off!”

Xenos looks over. “Can I try?”

Snake gives him the tire iron. “Sure! We’re not making any headway on this!”

Xenos kneels down and turns the nut fairly easily. “Got it!”

Jackal looks amazed. “WOW! You must be strong!”

Max chuckles. “I think you were turning it the wrong way.”

Arc emerges from the alley with his magic cloak on. Quietly, he walks over and stands behind the car, muttering to himself.

“Come on… open the trunk…”

Max hands Sereb’s leash to Jackal. “I’ll help my friend here. Think you can hold this?”

Jackal smiles at the responsibility. “Wow! Nice doggie!”

He reaches down to pet Sereb, who barks happily and wags his tail. Jackal picks Sereb up and pets him gently as he looks to Max.

“He your dog?”

Ember quickly speaks up. “He’s actually mine! I think he likes you!”

The tire is removed and Snake opens the trunk to remove the spare. He rolls it over to Max and Xenos.

“Thanks, you two! Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

Max shakes his head. “I don’t think so.”

“We sees lots of people, Snake!”

“Guess you’re right, Jackal.”

Snake picks up the flat tire and puts it in the trunk. Ember walks over to him before he closes the trunk.

“So… you boys stay busy?”

Snake puffs his chest out at the attention. “That we do! We’re with the Shards!”

Ember bats her eyelashes. “You one of the bosses?”

He blushes slightly at her interest. “Nah! I’m just a regular member!”

“Really?! You look too smart to not be in charge!”

“Really?! Maybe someday…”

Ember nods and mutters under her breath. “Keep talking, dummy.”

Meanwhile Arc makes his way up to the trunk. He uses his magic to open the satchel and pull out all the envelopes. They fly neatly inside his cloak and into his magic ring. He closes the satchel and steps back. Arc walks quietly over behind Ember and pats her back before returning to the Jeep. She turns to Max and Xenos.

“You boys almost done over there?”

Xenos tightens the last lug nut. “All done!”

Jackal smiles! “Thanks a lot! Come on, Snake! There might still be some food left at base!”

Snake doesn’t take his eyes off of Ember. “What’s the rush?”

Ember sighs. “We have to be going as well. Lots to do today!”

“Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime!”

Ember nods and walks back to Jackal. Taking Sereb in her arms, she turns and winks at them. “One never knows!”

Max stands up with Xenos. “See you later!”

The four of them walk away.

Snake and Jackal wave after them. “It’s nice to know there are still people out there willing to help strangers!”

Jackal nods. “They nice people!”

The pair drive away. A few minutes later Arc’s companions approach the Jeep together. Ember looks around.

“Where’s Arc?”

Arc decloaks next to her. “Right here.”



Sereb looks around. “Is it done?”

Arc nods and pats his magic ring. “I got it!”

Max nods. “Great! What now?!”

Cherry breathes a sigh of relief! “Are we going to give this money back now?”

Ember turns to Arc. “Of course, we are! Aren’t we?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we’re not.”

Max looks concerned. “Sir?!”

Arc opens the driver’s side door and gets in. “I’ll explain later! Hop in everyone!”

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