• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Giving it Everything

Minerva starts her car and turns out of the parking lot. A grin is shamelessly plastered across her face.

“I can’t believe that interview! The mayor’s announcement of retirement along with the truth about the town’s past!”

Cherry sighs. “He sounded very old.”

“That he is. In fact, that’s probably why he doesn’t give many interviews.”

“The mayor did sound pretty tired toward the end. I’m glad you wrapped it up when you did.”

“Yes, well… I had everything I needed. No reason to beat a dead horse.”

Cherry gasps, clearly horrified. “DO WHAT?!”

Minerva sounds confused. “It just means I didn’t want to waste my time asking meaningless additional questions. Sheesh!”

“That’s a terrible way to put it!”

“You really didn’t like that, did you?”

“Not… at… ALL!”

“Fine. Don’t have a cow over it though.”

“Um… what?”

Minerva rolls her eyes. “Don’t tell me that makes you mad too.”

“No. I just don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“It means… aw, skip it.”

She turns the car into another parking lot and unbuckles her seatbelt. Cherry looks around.

“Where are we?”

“I’m just going to grab something to eat. You going to be okay in here for a few minutes?”

“I guess.”

“Okay. Be right back.”

Minerva walks quickly toward the building and enters. A short time later she returns with a plastic bag in one hand. Opening the driver’s side door she sits down.

“Sorry I took so long. There was quite the line in there!”

“It’s fine.”

Minerva pulls a salad out of the bag and sets it on the dashboard as she pulls a second one out.

“Here, I got you one too.”

“Oh, um… thank you, but I…”

Minerva looks confused. “You don’t like vegetables?”

“I do. But I don’t have a mouth.”

Minerva sets down the salad and facepalms. “You’re a helmet. Now I feel like an idiot.”

“The thought was appreciated.”

“You don’t EVER need to eat?”


Minerva opens her salad and sighs. “You must save a boatload of cash on groceries.”




Minerva takes a bite and turns to the helmet.

“The Hero must’ve really sheltered you.”

“Sheltered me?”

“Not kept you in the loop.”

“I don’t…”

“It means keeping you up to speed!”

They are silent for a time. Minerva puts a hand to her forehead.

“You don’t know what that means either, do you?”

Cherry sighs. “I don’t.”

“This right here is what I mean. He didn’t teach you anything!”

“He… kinda did.”

“Regarding what?”

“Normally I can see into his mind if there’s something I don’t understand.”

Minerva drops her fork. “Wait! So you know who he is, right?!”

“Of course!”

She pulls her cell phone out of her purse. “What’s his name? I can probably find his address in a few minutes.”

“I… I can’t tell you that!”

“Don’t you want to go home?”

“Yes, but… he’s very secretive about humans knowing who he is.”

“Come on! I’ll take you home and ask him for an exclusive in return! Everyone gets something!”

“But then everyone would know his identity!”

Minerva sighs as she goes back to eating. “Can’t stay in the shadows forever.”

“Wanna bet?!”

“I’ll find out sooner or later. With or without your help.”

“What?! Why would you…?!”

“I’m a reporter. It’s my job.”

Cherry grunts indignantly. “Well, what about what HE wants?!”

Like I said, he can’t stay underground forever. Trust me, it’ll be better for him and Dragon if I’m the one whom unmasks them.”

“That won’t end well.”

“I’m the professional here, remember? Don’t worry. It won’t happen anytime soon.”


“We need to build up to that.”

“Do what now?”

“The news is really just a serious, fact-filled showpiece. We can’t have a big reveal like that randomly. It has to be the right time.”

“He’s not a prop, you know!”

Minerva laughs. “Of course he isn’t. He’s the star of the show, and I’m the director. I’ll figure out how to do this when we get to the office. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you in the car this time.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“I have a shelf where you could see out the window. My offices isn’t the biggest, but it gets the job done.”

“Yes, but I’ve been there already.”

Minerva looks to her, confused. “You have?”

“Remember when Hero and Dragon visited you?”

“Of course! He was wearing his armor and helmet. But why didn’t you say anything?”

“I usually let him do the talking. Humans, like you, would understandably be unnerved at a talking helmet.”

“Yes, I can understand that. Sorry for what I did before.”

“It’s fine.”

There is a ringing sound. Minerva reaches for her purse, pulls out her phone, and puts it to her ear.

“Hello? Yes, the interview went quite well! I’m sure you’ll be… what now? Tonight? But I…! Yes sir…! I’ll take care of it.”

Minerva pushes a button on the phone and puts it back in her purse.

“Everything okay?”

Minerva sighs. “That was my editor. He just got the go ahead for a story on the caves outside of town.”

“A news story about caves? Was a crime committed?!”

“No. It’s part of a segment about our town’s diverse ecology. The story is about the creatures that call the cave home.”


Minerva raises an eyebrow. “Bats mostly. A biologist will meet me there with my cameraman for the shoot.”

“Are we heading there now?”

“No. The story is about nocturnal creatures. We’ll head there after dark tonight.”

“That will make for a rather late night.”

“I’ll say. First I’ll need to familiarize myself with the specifics of the animals we’ll most likely see.”

“Is that important?”

Minerva nods. “It is if I don’t want to make a fool of myself. The chief is emailing me the files now. I’ll take a look at them when we get back to my apartment.”

“Would you like some help?”

“Actually I would. There’s a lot to do and not much time.”

“You also need to get some sleep before tonight.”

Minerva chuckles. “I will if there’s time.”

“You’re very dedicated to your job.”

“That’s why I’m the best around!”

Minerva turns the car around and heads for her apartment building. Meanwhile, Arc and his friends continue their vigil. The sun slowly sinks toward the horizon as the parking lot begins to empty. Arc looks over the side of the building with the others. Ember turns to him.

“I don’t think Minerva’s coming.”

Arc does not take his eyes off the lot below. “Just a few more minutes.”

“You said the same thing over an hour ago.”

Sereb nods. “We will certainly return tomorrow.”

Ember takes Arc’s claw. “Yeah! She has to come here eventually.”

Rose smiles. “And when she does we’ll be here.”

Arc glares at them. “I SAID…!”

Ember puts a calm, reassuring claw on his shoulder.

“Arc, it’s time to go home now.”

“But what about Cherry?!”

Sereb sighs. “It is clear Minerva is not coming to the office today. There is nothing to be gained from staying through the night.”

Rose takes Arc’s arm. “The temperature is dropping rapidly. Your dragon body will not like the levels of cold that are coming.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But I’m coming right back here tomorrow!”

Ember nods. “We all are, Arc.”

Everyone gathers around Arc and he Blinks them to the ground. They wordlessly return to the Jeep. Getting in Rose starts the engine as he and the others decloak. Arc looks out the window sadly.

“Cherry… I WILL find you! That I promise!”

Rose nods weakly. “We’ll… we’ll come here every day if… if need be.”

Sereb frowns. “Rose? Are you alright?”

“My re-reserves are getting l-low.”

Ember looks Rose over quickly. “We should get her home, Arc.”

“Agreed. You want me to drive?”

Rose shakes her head. “N-no. I can make it… as far as the house. Remember… you can’t… be seen.”

She pulls the Jeep onto the road and looks in the rear view mirror at Arc in the back seat.

“But are you… going to be… okay?”

Arc nods. “I will be. After we find Cherry.”

A short time later they arrive at Arc’s house. Ember gets out with Sereb as Arc hurries over to Rose and carefully picks her up.

“I got you.”

Rose smiles up at him weakly. “Thank… you.”

Ember frowns. “Let’s get her inside.”

Arc nods as Ember hurries to open the back door. He walks in past her to the warm kitchen which is filled with the smell of supper. Max looks over from the stove.

“Sir, welcome… Rose?!”

Xenos hurries over. “What happened to her?!”

Sereb sighs. “She expended too much energy today.

Hugh gasps. “Was there a battle?!”

Ember shakes her head as she closes the door behind them. “No. I believe Rose used all her energy trying to keep Arc and I warm up on that roof.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. It was very noble of her.”

Viktor grins. “I’ll say!”

Ember looks up. “She can rest in my room, Arc.”

Arc looks down at the android in his arms. “Do you want that, Rose?”

“N-no. I… I don’t… want…”

Her eyes slowly close as she struggles to speak.

“…to be… alone… tonight…”

Rose’s eyes close as she goes limp. Sereb looks to Arc.

“What did she mean by that?”

“I’ll take her to my room and look after her.”

Arc heads upstairs as Ember and Sereb help with supper. Hugh looks to Xenos.

“Rose is really dedicated to the commander.”

“Yeah! Even without directives to tell her to do that.”

Viktor sighs. “How that’s possible is beyond me.”

Max smiles. “I think I understand it.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Do you?”

Ember turns to Max. “Great! Explain it to us then!”

“The commander just personifies leadership. Others simply WANT to follow him.”

Hugh grins. “I certainly do.”

Viktor nods. “Even if we weren’t assigned by Canterlot, I’d stick with him.”

Xenos chuckles. “Me too.”

Sereb nods. “Such is the power of his charisma. Even a machine like Rose willingly follows.”

“She’s not the only one, you know.”

Max looks confused. “What do you mean, Ember?”

“Think about it. You guys and Sereb have to stay with Arc. Me, I choose to do so. As do the Hammers, Twilight and her friends, Spike, and even the princesses. They all trust him completely! Even though he’s… different.”

Meanwhile, Arc carries Rose to his parent’s room and lays her down. As he covers her up he strokes her cheek with a claw.

“You’re so cold, Rose. Are you really okay?”

Rose’s head slowly nods once. Her eyes do not open.

“Rose?! Can you hear me?!”

Her head again nods.

“Is there anything I can get you?! Anything at all?!”

Rose shakes her head no. Arc forces a sad smile.

“You really gave everything today.”


“Are you in any pain?”

“I… am… not. Heart… levels… will be… normalized… tomorrow.”

“Rose. Are you really okay?!”

“Fright… ened.”

“You’re scared? Of what?”

“Dark… cold… alone... scared.”

“I’m here, Rose!”

She slowly moves her hand toward the edge of the bed.

“Stay… with… Rose?”

Arc takes her hand. “I’ll stay with you, I promise!”

“Rose… cold. So very… cold.”

“What can I do?”

“Warm… Rose. Hold… me. Dark… scared.”


Arc removes his magic robe and lets it fall to the floor. He then climbs into bed with Rose and takes her in his arms.

“I’m here. You’re not alone.”

“Thank… you.”

Sometime later Ember knocks on the door with a plate of food.


He raises his head slightly. “Come in.”

Ember walks over to the bed and sets the plate down on the night stand.

“We saved you some food.”

“Thank you. But I’m not hungry.”

Ember looks to Rose. “How is she?”

“Scared mostly. And cold.”


Arc nods. “She asked me to hold her.”

Ember looks at the robe lying on the floor nearby.

“No clothes?”

Arc shakes his head. “Dragon’s don’t need them. Remember?”

Ember sighs. “I suppose not.”

“It made sense at the time to help her warm up.”

Ember sighs. “That and a dragon’s body doesn’t really generate much external heat. How about I help?”

Arc looks down at Rose. “Would you like that?”

Rose slowly nods her head. Ember walks over to the other side of the bed and slips under the covers next to Rose. She presses her own body against the android.

“We’re both going to keep you warm, Rose.”

Arc nods. “And safe.”

Rose smiles slightly and nods. Ember looks over to Arc.

“We must be quite the sight.”


“Two dragons warming an android.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s probably a first for both Earth and Equestria. But Rose is so much more than just a robot.”

“I’ll say. She’s so kind and loyal to us.”

“Even more so now that she willingly stays. But we should get some sleep soon. Busy day tomorrow.”

Ember rests her head on Rose’s shoulder. “Yeah. Good night, Rose.”

“Good night you two.”

As the pair drift off to sleep a small smile creeps across Rose’s face as a single tear courses down her cheek. The next morning Arc awakens early. Sitting up quickly he pats Rose’s face gently.

“Rose? Can you hear me?”

Rose slowly opens her eyes. Her pupils enlargen quickly before shrinking as if recalibrating as she sits up.

“Yes. Sorry to make you worry.”

“It’s not your fault. I was the one who…”

Ember interrupts. “Would you two keep it down?! Some of us are still trying to sleep over here!”

Rose looks down. “I’m sorry.”

Arc frowns. “Ember!”

Ember sits up and yawns. “Sorry, Rose. I’m just not really a morning dragon.”

“Yes, well… I’m fully charged and ready for another day.”

Arc nods. “Good. Let’s get downstairs and see about some breakfast.”

Ember grins. “That I can get behind!”

The trio get up and head downstairs. Meanwhile Minerva and Cherry pull into the Station 7 parking lot. Cherry sighs.

“Shouldn’t you still be in bed? I mean, last night was…”

Minerva sighs heavily. “I already told you! I need to get an early start for today’s story!”


“You could have stayed back at my apartment and slept, you know. Do you sleep?”


Minerva rolls her eyes. “Then what’s your problem?!”

“You need rest! I don’t!”

She turns off the engine and puts a hand to her forehead. “Look, I’m sorry for being in a bad mood today.”

“I understand the lack of sleep part. What I don’t get is your need to get up THIS early!”

Minerva picks up the helmet from the passenger seat and puts it in a rather large satchel.

“There’s work to do, Cherry.”

“But I thought you were the best!”

Minerva nods as she opens her car door and steps out. “I am. But one doesn’t stay on top by sleeping in.”

She walks into the building and is promptly buzzed inside. Arriving at Minerva’s office she closes the door behind them and turns on the lights.

“Is the shelf okay?”


Minerva walks over to her bookshelf and places the helmet on top.

“How’s that?”

“Could you turn me to look out the window?”


She does so.


“Much! Now I can watch you work AND have a little scenery.”

Minerva heads for her desk and sits down. “Does the Hero usually keep you on a shelf or something?”

“Um… not usually, no. Why do you ask?”

Minerva sighs as she turns on her desktop computer. “I assume he only wears you with the rest of his armor. He’s often out of sight for weeks at a time. Where does he leave you? In his gauntlet?”

“In his what?”

Minerva turns the screen to depict Arc pulling the Spear of Righteousness from his ring.

“We’ve captured video footage of Hero appearing to pull things directly from his gauntlet. I’m just wondering if you stay in there somehow.”

“No. Before he removes his armor, I transfer to his…”

There is an awkward silence.

“Something wrong?”

“I guess the best way to describe it would be to say that I enter his… mind, so to speak.”

“That sounds a bit disturbing. Is it uncomfortable?”

“Quite the opposite actually. I feel very secure and happy.”

“So you possess him?”


“Can you control Hero?”

Control him?!”

Minerva shrugs. “Well, you ARE in his head at the time, right? Can you move his body?”

“I… I’ve never tried.”

“But you two can communicate, right?”

“Of course! He and I can talk just like you and I are right now.”

“Really? Because we’ve never picked up any of your voice before.”

“On the battlefield I speak directly to his mind.”

Minerva frowns. “Okay, that’s just creepy.”

Cherry sighs. “Sometimes there’s no choice. I don’t want his opponents to hear me, after all. That and when I’m linked up with the rest of his armor I can see behind him and in all directions.”

“Again… creepy.”

“You sure do ask a lot of questions.”

“It’s my job, remember?”

“Well, why don’t we get to work then? You came here for a reason, remember?”

Minerva nods as she goes back to typing. “Right.”

“Tell me again what we’re doing here.”

“Like I said back at the apartment, I need to do another story on The Riders.”

“But I don’t understand why…”

“Because I go where I’m told like a professional.”

“I understand it’s your job. But why are they sending you to The Riders headquarters alone?!”

Minerva grins. “That part was my idea.”

“To keep your cameraman safe?”

“No. So I don’t have to share the credit. That and I can probably get better footage alone.”

“But you’ll be in constant danger!”

“Yeah! And LOVING it!”

Minerva stands and walks over to the shelf.

“Well, I just submitted my interview with the mayor.”

Cherry sighs. “Couldn’t you do that from your computer at the apartment?”

Minerva shakes her head as she puts the helmet back in her satchel. “No. For security reasons, all stories can only be submitted from within the building via our company’s intranet.

“You mean internet?”

Minerva sighs as she heads for the door. “No, I said intranet. That means it can’t be accessed by anyone outside the building.”

“This is very confusing.”

“You just let me worry about that. Now let’s get moving.”

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