• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 3 - Doing Their Best (Part 1)

That Friday, late in the morning, Arc stands before the full length mirror in his quarters in Canterlot Castle. He looks himself over as Twilight does the same.

“I think we did it.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, the servants did I believe.”

“There doesn’t appear to be a single stitch out of place anywhere on you.”

“Royal quality it would seem.”


She levitates a scroll from the table over to Arc. It lands in his hand as she speaks.

“This is a list of suggestions from Kibitz and our group. We’re not really sure what Ember likes, so it contains a diverse list of activities.”

Twilight looks around instinctively before lowering her voice.

“I’ve also taken the liberty of reserving the Royal Suite for you two here in the Canterlot branch of the Four Seasons Hotel. That is, should you choose to do that.”

Arc nods as he looks over the list. “This should do nicely, yes. Thank you, Twilight.”

“It’s the least I could do. After all, Ember’s been very patient in waiting her turn. More so than I thought a dragon could be.”

She gasps and hurriedly cries out.

“I’m sorry! That was racist!”

“Guess so. But you weren’t wrong. Ember doesn’t strike me as the patient type.”

“She is who she is though.”

“Right. Now then, is everything in order for the Grand Galloping Gala tonight?”

Twilight looks out the window at innumerable ponies bringing supplies into the castle. “It would appear so.”

Arc chuckles. “I would have thought you would be out there organizing it.”

“Believe me, I’d love to. However I’m told it’s something generally left up to the servants and support staff to do. Even audiences are cancelled due to the Gala.”

“What are you supposed to be doing today then?”

Twilight sighs. “Kibitz says I’m supposed to be resting most of the day to prepare for tonight. The Hoof Maidens will come to my room after an early supper to dress and prepare me for the evening’s festivities.”

“And security?”

“Colonel Flash Sentry is coordinating security for the grounds as well as the castle itself. Cadance is coming and will also lend me the aid of my brother, General Shining Armor, to personally oversee the security of the Ballroom itself as well as our own safety. So I know that we’ll be more than secure inside and out.”

“That’s good. Truth be told, I’ve been having second thoughts about this date due to the Gala.”

“I know you don’t want to be here tonight, Arc. Especially after what happened last time.”

“Thanks for understanding. But at the same time my presence would certainly help deter others from trying something.”

Twilight grins. “Flash Sentry said roughly the same thing. So he suggested a compromise.”

“How so?”

“We both agree that you shouldn’t have to be here. Both for the reasons of personal feelings and that it really isn’t your job to pull guard duty.”


“At the same time we also want our guests to feel secure here in the castle. So he called the Little Hooves Orphanage and spoke to Cherry.”


“She agreed to come to and be Cadance and I’s personal bodyguard along with Shining Armor. It’ll help keep us safe if he’s called away for some reason.”

“Not a bad idea. But I’m not sure how exactly she was talked into that.”

“Flash Sentry told her that you wanted to take the night off because of... you know. He said that all she needs to do is stay by my side and look intimidating.”

Arc chuckles. “Not hard in that armor. But what about all the damage to it?”

“I’ve commissioned the royal tailor to make some coverings for the most damaged part of your old armor. Nopony will even notice them.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.”

Twilight shrugs. “Probably not. After all, nopony is infallible.”

“Well, I think you’ve done well thus far.”

Twilight looks at the clock. “Thank you. But it’s almost noon, Arc. You should get moving.”

“Alright. Before I do though, any suggestions regarding dating a dragon?”

“At the risk of sounding racist again... don’t make her mad. As you know an angry dragon is a fearsome opponent.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Twilight grimaces. “Um... please don’t tell her I said that either.”

Arc nods and smiles as he turns to leave. “I won’t.”

The pair step out into the corridor. A squad of Royal Guards approaches Twilight and surrounds her as Arc steps back.

“I hope you have a nice time today, Arc.”

“Thanks. You too, Twilight.”

They part ways as Twilight’s guards escort her down the corridor. Heading the opposite direction, Arc eventually comes to Ember’s room. Seeing a note taped onto the door he pulls it off and reads it aloud.

“Arc... please knock three times and enter.”

Shrugging, Arc does as instructed. After knocking he enters the room to find the curtains closed. The only substantial light comes from the fireplace which is burning intensely. Walking toward it Arc stops and looks around for a few moments before sitting down on the couch to wait. A sound behind him catches Arc’s attention and he turns to look. Stepping out from behind a changing curtain, Ember walks toward him in her human form wearing a royal purple dress with a gold boddice and matching arm length silk gloves. She smiles and courtesies slightly before speaking.

“Good evening, kind sir.”

“E-Ember? Is that you?”

Ember smiles as she extends a hand. “That it is, kind sir.”

“Wow! You look great!”

“Thank you very much. You look dapper as well.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Dapper?”

Ember nods. “Well, it’s true.”

“Um, Ember?”


“Would you do me a favor?”

“Anything, my dear.”

“Please stop talking like that.”


“Just... speak like you normally do.”

Breathing out heavily, Ember looks to him and grins.

“Thanks! Now THAT was tiring!”

“What were you doing?”

Ember shrugs. “Trying to be a bit less... um... brash, I guess.”

“By talking like a Canterlot noble?”

“I witnessed a million audiences by your side. It wasn’t hard to pick up their mannerisms.”


Ember walks over to the couch and plops down. “Sure. Just act like the person in front of you is the most insignificant thing in the world, overexaggerate heavily, walk slowly, and speak as though you’re a few drinks into an evening.”

Arc sits down next to her. “Well, that’s not the one I fell for, Ember.”

“I suppose not.”

“Truth be told, I can’t stand the nobility of Canterlot, the Griffon Kingdom, or Earth for that matter.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But you acted in a way that impressed the griffons during your trips to their land.”

Arc sighs. “Only because I had to. There was a task to be carried out, after all. That and lives hung in the balance.”

“How’d you do it then?”

“I just focused on the goal. However when I showered over there I still felt dirty even afterwards.”

“That place kinda sticks to you, yes.”

“First chance I got upon returning I went to the castle Infirmary with Nurse Redheart. I had her and Doctor Whooves gather the necessary supplies and returned to my room. On my orders, they spent the next hour going over my body with Equestrian made medical grade soap. Every nook, cranny, and crack was deep cleaned before they left me in a bathtub full of medicated water.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “I remember that. Sereb and I just kinda figured you needed some alone time, or something.”

“I did. However only after all that did I finally feel clean again.”

“But you’ve been there numerous times and never repeated that level of deep cleaning as far as I know.”

“True. However I think I just became used to it.”

“Used to?”

“The noble’s lies and condescending attitudes. Their disdain for others and total lack of empathy toward the plight of their citizens.”

He looks to Ember sadly before continuing.

“And that makes me like them.”

Ember shakes her head. “No, Arc. No it doesn’t.”

“How so?”

“You didn’t ‘get used to it’, Arc. Instead you accepted their behavior as being that which they dictated as being ‘normal’ and ‘right’. And in doing so you accepted the fact that you couldn’t change them. However, you could change other things around you to make the world a better place for those whom don’t have a voice.”


Ember puts a hand his shoulder as she smiles. “It’s what makes you great, Arc. Your compassion and drive to change things for the better. But why don’t we get moving now? I’m sure you want to do more than just sit in my room all afternoon.”

Arc chuckles. “Right. And... thanks.”

“It’s what a mate should do.”

“Now then, how about we start with lunch?”

“Good idea. I’m starving!”

“Any place in particular you want to go?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Just say the word then.”

“I’d like to...”

Ember leans in and whispers in his ear. Grinning, Arc nods as he speaks.

“Was kinda hoping you’d say that.”

“Good. I was kinda thinking it might be asking too much.”

Arc stands and extends a hand. “Shall we be off then?”

Ember grins as she takes his hand in hers. “Yes! Let’s!”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls the Rainbow of Light from it and channels his magic. A portal opens and the pair step through. Appearing in Arc’s basement, Ember turns to him.

“Another flawless transition from Equestria to Earth.”

Arc grins as he pats the pendant in his hand. “It makes the old way of traveling obsolete.”

Putting the pendant back in his ring, Arc turns to Ember and extends a hand before speaking.

“Now then, shall we be off?”

“Let’s go!”

Escorting her to his Jeep, Arc opens the garage door and drives down the way. Turning, he begins their short trip. Soon they pull into a parking lot and get out. Walking toward the building the pair are quickly seated by a hostess whom sets menus before the pair before speaking.

“Your server will be with you shortly.”

Arc smiles. “Thank you.”

As she walks away Ember looks to Arc.

“I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.”

Arc grins. “Going out?”

“That too, yes. But I was talking about trying Earth steaks.”

“Yes, I’m told that Applejack talked them up for a solid week after we came back from our date.”

“She did, yes. Tell me, how do they compare with...?”

She is interrupted as a young woman walks over with two waters. Setting them down before the pair she speaks.

“Good afternoon. I’m Cassandra, and I’ll be taking care of you two today. Can I start you off with something special to drink?”

Ember points to another table nearby. “I’ll have one of those black, bubbly drinks.”

“A Coke?”

“That’s the one!”

Cassandra nods as she looks at her order pad. “Is Pepsi okay.”


Arc interrupts. “Yes, it’ll be fine.”

Cassandra turns to Arc. “And for you?”

“Make that two.”

“Alright. I’ll be right back with those. In the meantime please look over the menus and see what strikes your fancy.”

As she walks away Arc and Ember open their menus and look them over. Ember grins.

“This... this is amazing!”

Arc chuckles. “The sight of so much meat?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. Well, actually yes. I meant this place as a whole. The sights, smells, and even the vibe just scream meat!”

“They do give Saffron a run for her money though.”


“What I mean is that they have long standing tried and true recipes. Saffron, while talented, doesn’t get to cook nearly as much meat as they do here.”

“So you’re saying I’m in for a treat?”

Arc nods as Cassandra approaches with their Pepsis. “More or less.”

Setting them before the pair, she looks to them before speaking.

“Now then, can I interest you two in some appetizers?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Arc chuckles. “It’s just a small snack to whet your appetite for the main course, dear.”

“Oh! Um... let’s see here...”

Ember looks at the menu for a few moments before frowning.

“Everything just looks so good though.”

“Do you need a few minutes to decide?”

Ember sighs. “I think I do.”

Cassandra smiles and nods. “Take your time. I’ll be back soon.”

Leaving to take care of other customers, Ember sighs.

“This is more complicated than I thought.”


“In my mind, this was supposed to be something like a more savory version of Shelly’s Kitchen. But there’s just so much to choose from.”

She gasps before quickly continuing.

“Arc! I’m sorry for bringing up...!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence.

“It’s alright. Shelly’s... doing okay at the moment.”

“You saw her?”

Arc nods. “Just after breakfast, yes. Wanted to check in on her as often as possible.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Any... improvement?”

“Nothing. She’s not going downhill at the moment. But at the same time there’s no improvement.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Arc sighs. “So was I.”

“You still want her to live.”

“We all do. Frank, Lily, Derpy, Dinky... literally everyone whom knows Shelly really.”

“I wish I could help.”

“As do I. But I’ve not been able to come up with anything.”

Ember looks left and right before lowering her voice.

“How about... you know...?”

She points to her teeth as Arc sighs.

“Turning her into a Crimson?”

“I know it would be hard for her to... adapt. But you’d be a wonderful... uh... whatever the opposite of a thrall is.”


“You said it. I didn’t.”

“Well, that has been considered.”

Ember appears hopeful. “And?!”


“You asked her already?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Scootaloo did.”

“Why not you though?!”

“She did it without my permission.”

“Can I assume the deed wasn’t done?”

“Scootaloo stopped, yes.”


“Shelly told her in a dream that she didn’t want to become a Crimson.”

“But you’d give her total freedom!”

“That’s roughly what Scootaloo said. However Shelly still turned it down.”

“So just go into her room some late night and bite her!”

“No, Ember.”


Arc frowns. “No means no!”

There is a stunned silence as Ember looks down at her lap. Arc sighs as he looks to Ember.


Ember shakes her head. “No, I’m sorry. You’re right. Shelly deserves to be able to make her own choices.”

“Yeah. That’s what I keep telling myself. But it’s just not sinking in for me.”

Ember smiles sadly. “I’ll... try not to bring it up again then.”

“Thanks. It’s... not something I’ve been able to come to terms with. But I’m sorry, Ember. This evening is supposed to be about you and I getting to know each other. So let’s go back to that.”

“Okay. Um... what do you want to know?”

“I... have no idea.”


“Not really. After all, I’ve done this more than a few times already with the others. You’d think I’d be good at it by now.”

“Well, don’t feel too bad. Truthfully, I can’t think of anything to ask you either.”

They chuckle together as Cassandra returns with a basket of dinner rolls. Looking to the pair she speaks.

“I’m back. Any luck with those menus?”

Arc looks to the waitress. “Well... I had a nice French Onion Soup recently. Guess I’ll go with that.”

Ember points to her menu. “How about this Calamari dish?”

Cassandra nods. “It’s very popular, yes. Is that what you’d like?”

“Actually... that soup my date brought up sounds pretty good. Can I have one as well?”

“Sure. That’ll be two French Onion Soups. I’ll get that in for you right away unless you both know what you’d like for entrees.”

Arc shakes his head. “We’re still trying to decide that.”

Cassandra smiles. “Alright. I’ll put in these appetizers and be back for your main courses later.”

As she heads to the Kitchen, Arc and Ember pick up their menus and look them over. Ember turns to him.

“Everything just looks so tasty.”

“It is, yes. You can’t really go wrong here.”

“That’s a relief. I was kinda worried I’d order the wrong thing.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wrong?”

“As in something I wouldn’t like, I mean!”

“Ah! Well, don’t worry about it. After all, nothing wrong with trying new things.”

“Any idea what you’re going to get?”

“Sadly, no. Like you said, it all looks so good.”

Ember closes her menu. “Like our waitress said though, she won’t be back until later.”

“Giving us some time to think it over as we talk.”

“About what though?”

“Good question.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Ember smiles nervously.

“This... isn’t quite going as well as I thought it would.”


“How about we start with something hard then?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“The others mentioned having foals with you. Tell me, are you considering that?”

Arc nods. “I am, yes. It’s always been a dream of mine to have children and give them the life I never had.”

“You mean a nice house and lots of toys?”

“Partially, yes. However I’m more interested in giving them love and attention.”

“Like you do for Dinky?”

Arc sighs. “Not like that, no.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“I want to actually be there for them on a full-time basis. Not gallivanting around the world. Well... worlds in my case.”

Ember appears hopeful. “And... me?”


“Would that be an option?”

“Having children with you?”


“I spoke with Doctor Whooves and Auriel about that momentarily when we had a conversation regarding the mares.”


“It would be just as hard, if not more difficult, to alter a human’s sperm to be compatible with a dragon.”

Ember frowns. “But why?! I mean, the others are a different species too!”

“True. However they’re also mammals.”

“Um... I’m not sure what that means.”

“Warm blooded animals whom produce milk and bear children from a uterus, not an egg.”

“I can’t do any of those things though!”

Arc nods. “Yes, Ember. I know.”


Arc holds up a hand for silence before continuing. “Please, Ember. I’m not saying that you’re inferior to them.”

“Then what am I?!”


There is a strained silence as Ember thinks.

“What if I was impregnated as a human though?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?!”

“You don’t ovulated.”

“I don’t what?!”

“Have periods.”

“What are they?!”


“Well... how about altering your sperm to work then?!”

Arc sighs. “Auriel will try, of course. However she said not to get our hopes up in your case, as it’s going to be REALLY complicated.”

He groans before continuing.

“And... there’s the matter of you being fertile enough to make use of the sperm too.”

“Could it be preserved in some way?!”

“I suppose so. After all, Earth does have facilities that freeze sperm for future use.”

“How long does it last?”

“Decades, I’m told.”

Ember grins. “Great!”

“But I doubt it would last the hundreds of years necessary for you to reach sexual maturity as a dragon.”

“Then I HAVE to find a way to get pregnant as a human!”

“And sadly that isn’t an option.”

“Why not?!”

“Like Auriel explained it some time ago, your body may be that of a human but your DNA is still that of a dragon.”

“So there’s no chance that we could...?!”

“Ember, please. There’s always a chance.”

“But you’re making it sound impossible!”

“That wasn’t my intention. I was merely trying to be Honest with you.”

Ember groans. “And I... thank you for that.”

“You have my word that if it’s even remotely possible, I’ll be willing to give it a try.”

“I suppose that’s all I can hope for.”

Arc slides his hand across the table and smiles at her. “It’s all I can offer at the moment though.”

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