• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Hammer Time

Arc walks quickly over to Viktor.

“You have something?!”

Nodding, he turns the laptop. “Look at this, sir! Apparently the explosives the Shards had were only half the load!”

Ember frowns. “They need more?!”

Sereb’s eyes grow wide. “Are they planning on blowing up half the town?!”

Arc turns to Rose. “Any estimations on how much damage what you scanned earlier could do?”

“Without any further knowledge of the substance I can only guess.”

“Please do.”

“To put it into perspective, it would be enough to easily level Canterlot Castle.”

Max shudders. “A sobering thought.”

Viktor nods. “Very!”

Xenos frowns. “What do you think they want all that stuff for?”

Hugh sighs. “Whatever it is can’t be good!”

Ember looks to Arc. “Agreed. We going to do something about it?”

“That we are. Viktor, does it say when the second shipment is coming?”

“Looks like day after tomorrow at midnight.”

Sereb growls. “How fitting.”


“Evil works best in the dark, Ember”.

Arc nods. “My dad used to tell me ‘nothing good happens after midnight’. Guess he was right. So where’s the drop off point, Viktor?”

“It doesn’t say.”

Xenos frowns. “Great. Now what?”

The phone rings upstairs. Arc stands up.

“That’s probably Lily. You guys just hang tight a minute.

Arc heads upstairs and walks quickly to the telephone. He picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear.


“Hey! I gotta tell you something!”

“Who is this?”

“It’s Snake, ya moron! Now will you shut up and listen to me?! There’s going to be some big delivery to the base day after tomorrow!”

“What’s that have to do with Frank?”

“The boss had some kind of disagreement with the person bringing in the last load. Now he’s missing. Coincidence?!”

“Good point.”

“Look, all I’m saying is they might know where he is!”

“Fine. What time are they showing up?”


“Okay. I’ll pass this on to someone who might be able to help.”

Snake laughs. “Who? The Marshal?!”

“Nah. You just let me handle this, okay?”

“Fine! See ya!”

They are disconnected without another word. Arc puts down the receiver and returns to the basement. Xenos looks over to him.

“How’s Shelly, sir?”

“It was Snake.”

Hugh’s eyes grow wide. “You say that so casually, sir.”

“Feels funny to me too.”

Viktor frowns. “So what did he say?”

“He was calling to tell me that shipment is going to be delivered in two days at midnight.

Max sighs. “Shard base at midnight. Sounds dangerous.”

Xenos grins. “You want us to be there to make another distraction, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Too dangerous.”


“If they’re bringing in explosives I’m certainly not bringing in fireworks, Hugh.”

Viktor shudders at the thought. “Probably for the best, sir.”

Ember frowns. “So what ARE we going to do, Arc?”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“The Shard base will probably be very well defended. Especially after we successfully broke in there twice now.”

Ember nods. “So we going to try a frontal assault?”

“No. That’s way too dangerous. Especially since Lieutenant Mio can counter our magic. I believe our best chance of doing this without anyone getting hurt is to assault the transport BEFORE it gets to the base.”

Max looks confused. “How? We don’t know what route they’re taking.”

“We kinda do.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “Sir?”

Arc looks over to Viktor. “Pull up a town map.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc walks over to the computer. “Now zoom out a bit. I want to see the surrounding areas as well. There! Print that!”

A few moments later the printer spits out a paper. Arc takes it and walks over to the table.

“This is the main exit from the highway to Angel Grove. They’ll have to use that.”

Viktor points to another exit. “Are you sure, sir? This one over here would be much more secluded.”

“True. But the roads there are rough and unlit. I’d certainly want a paved road under the truck if I was driving.”

He points to the town.

“I get the feeling the Shards would take the main road through downtown.”

Max looks worried. “Straight through town?!”

Arc nods. “There wouldn’t be anyone around at that time of night. And even if there was I’m sure they’re going to use an unmarked truck.”

Ember frowns. “That and no one is foolish enough to follow them back to their base even if they should be seen.”

“Right. That’s where we come in.”

Arc points again at the map

“This spot right here should work perfectly.”

Hugh looks at the map. “Why there?”

“There’s a fairly tight turn here. The truck will have to slow down to avoid tipping over.”

Sereb nods. “That is where we come in?”

“Yup. Okay, here’s the plan…”

Two days later Arc, Ember and Rose stand on the side of the road.


“Yes, Ember?”

“This is a terrible plan.”

Rose nods. “That it is! But, I’m sad to say it also has the highest probability of success with minimal chances of blowing up.”

Arc sighs. “Wish you hadn’t put it like that, Rose.”

Rose looks confused. “But that’s the truth.”

Ember shudders. “Let’s not talk about it like that, shall we?”

Arc looks down the road to see headlights approaching. He steps into the middle of the road alone.

“Guess it’s time, you two.”

“You sure about this?”

Rose looks to Arc. “Ember’s right! What if they don’t stop?!”

“Then I’ll jump out of the way. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

“I can jump in if you need…”

Arc interrupts. “Stay where you are, you two.”

The vehicle’s headlights shine on Arc’s white armor. In response the driver accelerates. Ember takes a step forward nervously.


“I got this, Ember. You two know what you have to do.”



Ember and Rose nods and rush off to carry out their instructions. As the truck nears Arc he leaps on top of the cab. Looking down through the windshield he smashes it to look the driver in the eye.

“Pull over!”

In response the driver punches him in the face. A moment later a blast blows the roof off the cab. Arc is sent flying through the air. He lands nearby in the middle of the road as the truck stops. The driver gets out and steps in front of the truck’s headlights. She appears to be arounds Arc’s age and wears a Shard uniform.

“Mighty big mosquito I just hit.”

Arc gets up. “Ha.”

She looks him up and down, clearly unimpressed. “Now then, I suggest you skedaddle, bug. That is, unless you want me to bring down the hammer on you again!”

“I was actually going to ask YOU to walk away… whomever you are.”

The woman puts her hands on her hips and grins at him proudly.

“Name’s Lieutenant Hammer! I work for the Shards! You must be the knight in shining armor that Stingray and Mio were talking about.”

“My reputation precedes me.”

“You’re a slippery one. So if you’d like to tell me what exactly you want, we can get on with it.”

Arc straightens up. “Well then, Hammer, all I want is what’s in the back of your truck.”

Hammer chuckles. “Sure!”



She folds her arms over her chest and points a thumb over her shoulder toward the truck.

“These here crates have a date with destiny! So unless you want me to steamroll you, I suggest you move along! I got things to do, and stuff to blow up!”

“I’m kinda trying to prevent that.”

“Well then, we’re kinda at an impasse then, ain’t we? So how’s about we settle this the old fashioned way?”

“Which is…”

Hammer cracks her knuckles. “We go at it until someone gives up.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, you’re certainly not petite by any standards, but I think I’d still have the advantage being armored and all.”

“Maybe! So why don’t I even the odds?!”

Reaching into her jacket Hammer pulls out a very strange looking gun. Leveling it at him, she grins.

“Say hello to the Hammer Cannon!”

Arc sighs. “Somehow I don’t think that little thing is going to do much to…”

He is cut short as Hammer aim and fires. A powerful beam smashes Arc squarely in the chest. He flies back into a tree nearly knocking it over. Slowly he gets up.

“Ow… what the heck…?!”

Hammer pats her weapon. “Ain’t she a beauty? Nothing else out there like it. At least as far as I know. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some packages to deliver.”

“I’m not done yet.”

Hammer grins at him. “I was hoping you would say that.”

She fires at him again. This time however Arc is ready for her. Dodging behind a rock she continues firing past it for some time.

“Don’t you ever run out of bullets?”

Hammer laughs as she continues to level her gun at the boulder. “Bullets? Who needs bullets when I have this thing?!”

Arc ponders his next move as Hammer waits patiently.

“Show me a good time, would you? My sisters Mio and Stingray spoke quite highly of you, after all.”

“Yeah?! I’m flattered!”

“Well, you’re going to be FLAT when I’m done with you! That is unless you do SOMETHING! Other than hiding, that is.”

The air is silent.

“Uh… you still alive over there?”

Suddenly Arc Blinks behind her. He knees her in the back.


Hammer falls to the ground, chuckling.

“Nice one! Keep it up!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You… okay?”

Hammer gets to her feet. “Yeah! Just been looking for someone to give me a challenge for a while now. That you?”

“Depends how far you push me. Now, I’d rather not hurt you, but I will if it means stopping you from making your delivery.”

Hammer puts her hands on her hips as she turns to face him. “Come on now! You’re not cut out for the big leagues. Least ways not alone.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying you and me shouldn’t be fighting!”

“Well, that’s kinda up to you.”

“Naw, I mean, you should join us!”

“Not really interested.”

“Come on! We’ll see to it you get all kinds of cool toys! Like my Hammer Cannon here! Well, not JUST like this. I mean, it’s special and all. They’ll give you something to suit you though!”

“They? Who is they?”

“Our organization, of course! We can do more together than any one of us could alone! Teamwork makes a big job manageable! Am I right?!”

Arc shrugs. “Can’t disagree with that.”

“So, you want in?”

“No thanks. You and the others aren’t the kind I like to hang with.”

Hammer laughs. “There ain't anyone else out there like me and the others!”

Arc shakes his head. “There are ALWAYS those like you.”


“People who think they know what’s best for everyone else.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Uh… yeah! The strong lead, the weak follow! It’s been like that since the beginning of time!”

“That may be. But that doesn’t make it right.”

“Anything I can do to change your mind?”

“Stop helping the Shards for starters.”

“That ain’t happening!”

“You sure?”


Arc sighs as she again prepares to fight. “Well… back to it then?”


Arc waits for her attack. He doesn’t have to wait long as she levels her weapon and fires. Arc puts up his hand and casts a small Shield Spell. The blast is absorbed.

“Your toys aren’t going to be much use against me.”

“We’ll just see about that.”

Hammer reaches into her coat and pulls out a grenade. She tosses it along the ground toward Arc He rolls his eyes and puts up a barrier as it rolls past him

“Really? That’s the best you…”

The grenade explodes, shattering his barrier and throwing him toward Hammer at breakneck speed. Waiting for just the right moment she punches him in midair. Arc flies back toward the tree line. He sits up slowly.

“What the…?!”

Cherry calls out to him telepathically. “Arc, she cut you off from your magic somehow!”

Hammer laughs throatily. “You like that?! Stingray gave me that one! She told me I might have to turn off that weird power of yours.”

“Turn off…?”

Arc stands up and attempts to Blink to a better position but finds that he cannot.

“What the…?”

“There! Now we’re even! I can’t use magic, but neither can you now!”

Arc reaches for his magic ring and calls forth his spear. He breathes a sigh of relief as his weapon materializes.

“Guess it’s not perfect.”

Hammer shrugs. “Well, it’s not as good at doing that as Mio is. But I can’t have you teleporting all over the place, now can I?”

Arc lunges forward to attack Hammer. She moves supernaturally fast to avoid his blow and counter with a few shots to Arc’s back.

“Too slow!”

The blasts knock him to the ground yet again.

“How did you…?!”

Hammer laughs. “There’s more to Hammer than meets the eye, bucko!”

Arc rises and turns to face her again. “You sure that’s not magic!”

“Nope! Innate maybe! But there’s no stopping natural talent!”

“I guess not.”

Arc dashes toward her. Using his spear as leverage to hurl himself toward her. Hammer dodges as Arc’s boot hits the truck’s radiator. She whirls around angrily.

“Hey now! Stop that!”


“This is between you and me! The truck doesn’t have nothing to do with it!”

Arc looks to her, confused. “You’re worried about a truck?”

“Machines got feelings too! So don’t push em!”

Cherry giggles telepathically. “She seems very attached to her metal wagon.”

“Agreed, Cherry. I think I can use that to my advantage.”

Arc looks over to Hammer.

“Do they now?”

He activates one of his magic blades and holds it to the truck. She points a finger at him.

“Don’t you DARE!”

Arc chuckles. “Dare what?”

“You know what I’m talking about! Put that thing away, NOW!!!”

Arc shrugs. “Fine.”

Hammer breathes a sigh of relief as he retracts the magic blade. Turning his head Arc looks at the passenger side door. Without a word he deftly aims his gauntlet at it and fires. As if in slow motion the side mirror clatters to the ground. Hammer’s pupils shrink.

“W-w-w-what did you just DO?!”

“Sorry. Let me get that for you.”

Arc slowly bends down and picks up the mirror. Holding it up he throws it over Hammer’s head and into the woods. Something inside her snaps.


Arc takes up a battle ready position. He intentionally scratches the hood with his spear.

“Bring it on!”

Furious, Hammer walks toward Arc gritting her teeth. She fires her weapon again and again. He is able to dodge the first few blasts as she is too angry to shoot straight.


“Ha! Try aiming first!”

Eventually Hammer is able to get a bead on Arc. The blasts hit him in the chest, however with significantly less force than originally. He shakes his head.

“I think you forgot to put that thing on the charger.”

Hammer pulls out another grenade from her coat. “You wanna get blasted again?!”

“Um… not really. But you should probably take a look in the back.”

He points with a thumb to the truck.

“Why?! I know what’s back there!”

“Do you now? I’ll tell you what you’ve got.”

“You right where I want you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. An empty truck.”


Hammer runs over to the truck. Finding the back door open she peers inside. The contents of the truck are nowhere to be seen. Hammer’s gaze snaps back to Arc.

“WHAT?! How did you DO that?! You haven’t been out of my sight since I sealed your magic!”

Arc nods as he puts away his spear. “True! But I have my ways.”

Hammer looks back in the truck before turning her gaze to Arc again. “But… but…”

Her face turns crimson as she seethes. Suddenly she begins to laugh. Arc takes a step back.

“Uh oh. That is not a happy laugh.”

Hammer reaches into her coat and pulls out what appears to be another gun.

“Great. Are we back to this again?”

Expecting her to shoot at him again, Arc prepares to move. However she suddenly aims the gun skyward and fires.

“A flare gun?”

Hammer grins wickedly at him in the glow of the blast overhead. “Yeah! My pals are on their way now! We’ll make you tell us where the stuff went!”

“Thanks for the offer, but…”

Hammer charges at him and slams Arc against a tree.

“You ain't going NOWERE! Don’t worry, you won’t have long to wait!”

The sound of engines can be heard approaching quickly in the distance.

“Ready to…?”

The words die in her throat as something very strong smashes into her. Rolling on the ground for a moment, Hammer suddenly finds herself flying through the air and into the back of her own truck.

“Hey now! What’s the…?”

The doors slam shut and are quickly locked. The silhouette hurries over to Arc as he stands up.

“That you, Ember?”

Ember approaches him in her dragon form. “Who else would it be?! Now come on!”

He jumps as Ember flies overhead. Grabbing her claws they fly through the air.

“To the rendezvous point! Hurry!”

Ember nods. “Now to see if everything worked.”

“One way to find out!”

Meanwhile, several vehicles screech to a stop in front of the truck. A number of Shard members get out and run over to i . Stingray leads the pack.

“Fan out! Look for that armored freak!”

The gang members nod before hastily complying. Stingray looks around.


A voice rings out from inside the truck. “What?!”

“What the…?”

Stingray unlatches the door and opens it to find Hammer angrily standing there.

“Hammer? How did you…?”

Hammer jumps out and looks around. “Where is he?!”

“The boys are looking for him now? What happened?!”

“Someone… or more accurately some THING jumped me!”

Stingray nods. “His beast?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No. This thing stood on two legs!”

“Are you certain?”


Hammer glances down at her sleeves. They are torn where Ember’s claws dug into her.

“There ain't no way that thing was human!”

Stingray sighs as she looks inside the truck. “We should report this failure to him.”

“You know, he won’t be too happy to hear about THIS!”

Stingray nods. “True. But he’ll be MORE angry if we say nothing.”

“I guess so. But that armored menace is nothing but trouble! Why’s the boss so eager for him to join us?!”

“He said the two of them had a past.”


“I know. It seems far-fetched, but…”

The pair look toward the trees at their members combing the woods.

“…this so-called hero certainly does get results. We HAVE to get him to see our point of view!”

Hammer nods. “And if we can’t?”

“Then we’ll have to find a way to persuade this… this Hero of Light.”

“Yeah! Any ideas?”

Stingray walks back to her vehicle. “The boss himself is… working on something.”

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