• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Going Home

Arc and Ember leave the office and make their way to the castle dungeon. She turns to him as they walk.

“So what exactly are we trying to accomplish here, Arc?”

“Not having to send them to their doom, for starters.”

“They kinda deserve it, you know.”

Arc nods. “So did Trixie when she attacked Canterlot Castle. As well as Shining Armor when he broke into Light’s Hope. And let’s not forget what Queen Fiona did.”

“But those three were trying to do the right thing! Kinda.”

“As was Captain Celaeno and her crew.”

In a short time they arrive at the dungeon. The guard on duty stands and salutes as Arc approaches him.


“I’d like to see the crew of the Solar Macaw.”

The guard picks up his keys. “Yes sir! This way please!”

He leads them down the corridor to a cell. Captain Celaeno and her crew sit in the large cell looking downcast. They stand up nervously as Arc approaches. He turns to the guard.

“Have they given you any trouble?”

“No sir! They’ve been cooperative!”

“Very good. I’ll take that.”

He gives the key to Arc. “Very well, sir.”

“You are dismissed.”

The Royal Guard salutes and returns down the corridor to his desk as Arc turns to the prisoners.

“Now then… what should we do with all of you.”

Celaeno looks down at the floor. “I… I don’t know.”

Ember turns to Arc. “We should leave them in there! Who knows… maybe the rebels will come for them? Two birds… one stone!”

Arc shakes his head. “I doubt it. For one, the rebels have no idea where they are. Second, I don’t think they really care.”

Captain Celaeno steps forward. She speaks with an air of desperation in her voice.

“Sir, I’m begging you! I have no idea what you have planned for us, but please spare my crew! I’ll stand trial for everything!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Alone?”

“Yes! If there is ANYTHING I can do to help my crew, I’ll gladly do it!”

Arc nods. “I’ll consider it. How about some information first though? Who told you to kidnap me?”

“We don’t know! The message we received wasn’t signed!”

“Then who were you supposed to meet?!”

Mullet steps forward to stand with is captain. “They were going to contact us when we arrived at Griffon’s Gate.”

Squabble nods. “When they saw you disembark alone, they probably assumed you had killed us, or something!”

Ember scoffs. “That’s pathetic! The rebels didn’t even want to TRY and take us on!”

Arc shrugs. “Can’t say as I blame them. Attacking the Hero of Light in broad daylight, when he expects an attack while in a town full of guards is not a good idea.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess they’re smarter than we give them credit for.”

“Maybe. In any case, Captain Celaeno, I don’t see you or your crew as much of a threat to myself or Equestria.”

“Um… thank you?”

“In any case, I’m thinking we should just let you and your crew go.”

Mullet looks hopeful. “What? Really?!”

Ember turns to Arc. “Are you nuts?!”

“We might as well, Ember. These guys didn’t get me, and they’re taking up space in the dungeon.”

Arc turns to look the captain in the eye.

“Let’s put it this way. If you’ll do what I tell you, I’m willing to drop the charges against you.”

“Yes sir! Anything!”

Arc nods. “When you are released, you’ll be escorted to the castle’s hanger. Board you ship, take off, and head immediately for Griffon’s Gate.”

Ember frowns. "But why?"

“I just want them out of here. So, do we have a deal, captain?”

The captain appears relieved. “Y-yes sir! Thank you very much!”

Arc turns to walk away. “Very well. I’ll talk to the guard about filing the proper paperwork. It shouldn’t take too long. After it goes through all of you will be permitted to leave.”

He and Ember walk back down the corridor toward the Royal Guard on duty. Ember turns to him.

“This isn’t a good idea, Arc! For all we know they’re working for the rebels!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s fine. They failed in their task, so even if they are in league with our enemies, they’ll be branded as incompetent.”


“So they probably won’t be offered any more lucrative, and dangerous, deals for quite some time.”

“How can you be so casual about all this?!”

“Just call it a hunch.”

Meanwhile, back in their cell, Squabble turns to Mullet.

“I can’t believe he’s just letting us go!”

“Yeah! When we came here, I thought for sure this cell was going to be our new home!”

The captain looks at everyone repentantly. “Yes! Look, I’m really sorry everyone! All of this is my fault!”

Marco smiles at her. “It’s okay, captain!”

The Chef Spittle nods. “You were ready to sacrifice EVERYTHING to get us out of that!”

Squabble sighs. “Hopefully this is the end of our problems.”

Mullet chuckles. “At least those stemming from non-cargo related jobs! Here’s to being in debt, but alive!”

The rest of the crew cheers as Captain Celaeno turns to look through the bars. She mutters to herself.

“What is he up to? Why would he just let us get off scot free?!”

Sometime later, the Royal Guard approaches the cell with a squad. They open the door and allow them to step out.

“By order of the Hero of Light, all of you are free to go. We will escort you to the hanger now.”

The crew nods and follows the guards. A short time later they arrive at the hanger. The Solar Macaw is waiting for them. The guard turns to them.

“You are hereby ordered to leave Equestria as soon as possible and return to your point of origin! No side trips!”

The captain nods. “I understand.”

“Hero of Light Arc also wanted me to inform you that if any of you are caught in our land again, he will not go so easy on you!”

Mullet stands next to the captain. “Understood.”

“Very well. Be off!”

Captain Celaeno and her crew quickly board their ship and take off. The captain sits down in her chair on the bridge.

“Squabble, set a course back to Griffon’s Gate.”

Mullet takes his place next to the captain. “Yes! Let’s get out of here before they change their minds!”

The ship takes off and heads east toward the Celestial Sea and Griffon’s Gate. Squabble turns toward the captain sometime later.

“Now leaving Equestrian airspace and entering international waters! It should be smooth sailing from here on!”

Celaeno breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I’m glad to have that whole mess behind us!”

Mullet nods. “As is the rest of the crew, I’m sure!”

The airship continues on as the sun finishes setting and the stars come out. Mullet walks from Squabble to Captain Celaeno.

“We should reach our destination by morning.”

“Good. I never thought I would be so happy to see Griffon’s Gate again!”

Squabble looks over his shoulder. “You and me both, captain!”

Mullet looks to Celaeno. “So… what should we do now?”

She sighs. “Back to hauling cargo. Same as always.”

“It may not be the most exciting work, but at least we’ll live longer.”

Squabble chuckles. “I second that.”

Celaeno smiles. “Here’s to poverty and debt over a lifetime of prison or execution!”

Mullet nods. “Here, here!”

Suddenly a voice rings out.

“Well… well… well…”

The captain and crew look over to see a robed creature standing in the doorway to the Bridge. Mullet puts a hand on his blade.

“Who are you?!”

The stranger slowly struts toward them.

“Just someone you should never cross. And you HAVE!”

Celaeno frowns. “What are you talking about?! We’re just a cargo ship!”

“True. However, you were supposed to bring me some cargo, and you blew it!”

Squabble goes over some papers. “Uh… it looks like we’ve safely delivered everything we were supposed to thus far. Can you be more specific?”

“Certainly. You were to deliver a very special cargo to me in Griffon’s Gate the other day. Yet you failed to do so.”

Mullet’s eyes grow wide. “You mean…”

“Yes. I’m a commander in the Griffon Liberation Army. Now then, I’ll ask again… WHERE IS MY CARGO?!”

Celaeno sighs. “We… we were outsmarted by Lord Arc. It’s not our fault!”

“Oh? He was practically gift wrapped for you!”

Mullet stands between the stranger and the captain. “The emissary was as cunning as he was strong! We didn’t stand a chance against him!”

Squabble frowns. “Yeah! We almost spent the rest of our lives in an Equestrian prison!”

“Wait… you idiots TALKED?!”

Celaeno shakes her head. “We didn’t tell him anything about you! Not that we could have even if we wanted to!”

Squabble nods. “All he knows is that it was the rebels who wanted him.”

“IDIOTS! Now he’ll be on guard the next time he travels to Griffonstone!”

Mullet frowns. “Look, you’ll have to find someone else to do your dirty work from now on!”

Squabble scoffs. “Yeah! We quit!”

The Rebel Commander frowns. “Oh really? You’re in too deep now! You’ll aid our cause, or else.”

Mullet walks over to the stranger and towers over him. "Or else what?! There are three of us and only one of you!”

“I suppose you’re right.”

In a flash, the Rebel Commander lunges at Mullet, knocks him down and points a blade at his face!

“Or perhaps you’re not!”

Celaeno quickly stands! “What is it you want from us?!”

He sneers! “For you to do what you’re told, insects!”

The stranger pulls a large bottle out of his cloaks and smashes it on the floor!

Mullet staggers to his feet. “What the…”

Celaeno steps back! “Kerosene!”

Squabble turns away from the helm to join the captain and first mate. “Are you nuts?! You’ll send us ALL to kingdom come!”

The rebel smiles as he grabs a lantern from next to the doorway. “This is what happens to those who can’t carry out simple…”

The commander is cut short as his body suddenly flies backwards off the bridge and smashes into a wall. Another figure dashes out of nowhere and catches the lantern before it hits the deck! As they return the lantern to its hook, the light cascades over their face.

Ember breathes a sigh of relief. “Close one!”

The rebel slowly stands up as the ship’s full crew and captain surround him. “What the heck…?”

A familiar voice rings out as a large cloaked individual steps out of the shadows.

“You know… you shouldn’t play with fire. You might hurt yourself… or someone else!”

The rebel pulls his blade!. “Who dares…?”

The figure tosses back his cloak.

“I do!”

Captain Celaeno looks to the newcomer, astounded. “Hero of Light? What are YOU doing here?!”

Arc stands before the Rebel Commander fully armored and seemingly ready for anything. He removes his cloak and stashes it in his ring.

“Let’s just say I had a hunch something like this would happen.”

Arc looks at his opponent and narrows his eyes.

“I suggest you come along quietly now, before I grow angry.”

The rebel laughs. “You’re joking! Why would I do such a thing?!”

Ember calls forth her spear and points it at the Rebel Commander. “Because you don’t really have a choice, now do you?!”

The commander chuckles as he puts his talons up. “No, I suppose I don’t. Go ahead! Take me to the authorities! I’ll be out again before the sun rises!”

Mullet looks to him, incredulous! “What?!”

He turns to Arc, smiling. “Like I told you before. We have allies everywhere!”

Squabble frowns. “He’s bluffing!”

“Believe what you want, peon.”

Arc chuckles. “You really are a piece of work there, scum.”

The commander frowns. “What are you blabbering on about?”

“Oh, I’m taking you in all right. Back to Equestria.”

“WHAT?! But you can’t do that?! I’m a griffon citizen in griffon territory!”

Celaeno gestures to the horizon. “Oh really? Look around you! We’re in the middle of the Celestial Sea!”

Ember grins. “International waters mean no jurisdiction! You’re coming with US!”

The rebel scowls. “When the Griffon Kingdom learns of this…”

Arc laughs. “How would they? And even if they did, we don’t have any kind of agreements, treaties, pacts or any other kind of legal policies with them at the moment, do we?”

Ember nods. “Right! So whatever happens out here is completely between us!”

The robed griffon sighs. “I… I suppose I don’t have a choice.”

In the blink of an eye he rolls to the side, drops a smoke bomb and flies up into the air!

“Fools! I always have a backup plan!”

Reaching into his cloak he pulls out a flare gun. Without so much as a second thought, the rebel commander fires it into the open bridge door! The room is instantly an inferno!

“Come after me. or save the crew, hero! Your choice!”

He laughs as he flies away!

“Choose your own adventure, you wingless freak!”

Ember bares her teeth angrily. “Why that little…!”

Marco looks around! Captain, we’ve got to get off the ship!

Lix Spittle looks around and shakes her head. “Where to? Nothing around for miles!”

Mullet salutes Captain Celaeno as the ship begins to lose momentum. “It has been an honor flying with you, captain!”

Squabble nods. “Likewise!”

Celaeno shakes her head as they turn to look at the fire quickly spreading to the rest of the ship. “See you in the afterlife, boys.”

Arc shakes his head as the gem in his forehead glows and he opens a portal. “That’s not going to happen! Everyone in!”

The chef steps back. “What?!”

Ember points to the swirling energies. “Either go through the portal, or go down with the ship! It’s not a difficult decision!”

The captain nods. “Everyone go!”

Squabble, Mullet, Chef Lix and Marco run toward the portal and vanish from sight! As the flames make their way toward them, the ship begins to fall toward the water.

“Ember, GO!”

She nods as she passes through. “See you on the other side!”

Arc maintains the portal as he turns to Captain Celaeno. “You’re turn, cap…!”

He is cut off as a nearby barrel explodes and knocks the captain to the deck. She tries to rise but the blast seems to have knocked loose her senses.


Arc makes his way past the burning crates and barrels over to her. All the while doing his best to keep the portal from collapsing in on itself. Reaching her, he puts an arm around her.

“I got you!”

Celaeno points weakly. “The… the barrels…”

Arc looks at the barrels behind them. They are labeled “GUNPOWDER” in big black letters. The flames quickly make their way up the stack as she looks at him.

“Run… save… self… I… deserve…”

Arc shakes his head. “No! We’ll make it!”

He turns back toward the portal just in time to see a stack of burning boxes come crashing down between them and the safety of the portal!


Arc turns back to where he believes the portal to me! “Great… I hope this works.”

He Blinks through the flames into the portal just as it collapses in on itself. A moment later the ship explodes! The rebel commander turns and watches the flaming ship plummet into the inky black depths below! He doubles back to scan the wreckage for survivors from a distance, Not seeing any movement, he smiles to himself.

“No one could have survived that. Well, that’s two less problems to deal with.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Captain Celaeno emerge from the portal in the middle of what appears to be a rather spooky forest. The moonlight only adds to the ambience. Mullet runs over with the rest of the crew.


Arc, still carrying the captain, quickly walking toward a nearby clearing. “Don’t worry. I think she’ll be alright.”

Ember walks a short distance ahead of them. “This way everyone!”

Squabble turns to Arc. “Where are we going?!”

“There’s a town up ahead. Just keep following Ember.”

A few minutes later they step out of the forest into the clearing with Ember in the lead. Lix Spittle looks around.

“There’s nothing here!”

Arc nods. “Trust me. There is.”

They continue to follow Arc. Before long they come to a small building. Arc pounds on the door. After a few moments, a light comes on inside and a half-asleep stallion answers the door.

“What in the world…”

“We need your help! You see…”

The stallion’s eyes grow wide as he recognizes Arc! He quickly stands aside!

“Please sir! Come in!”

They step inside to see a small clinic. That stallion motions with a hoof!

“Follow me!”

The group follows the stallion into a small examination room. Arc sets the captain on the bed and steps back.

“I think she’s okay, doctor. But you had best take a look at her just to be sure!”

“At once, sir! Would everyone please wait outside?”

Arc and company leave the room and close the door behind them. Returning to the entryway, they find several benches lined up. Sitting down, the crew looks to Arc. Squabble is the first to speak.

“What happened?!”

Mullet frowns. “Did that fellow come back?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. There was an explosion and she was knocked down. I think the blast just rattled her head a little bit.”

Ember sighs. “Nothing to do but wait for the doctor. Shouldn’t take too long.”

She looks around the room.

“This place seems familiar, Arc. Where exactly are we?”

Suddenly the front door opens and an elderly stallion walks in. Ember rolls her eyes and groans.

“Mythic Honor! What are you doing here?!”

The eccentric stallion doesn’t seem to notice her.

“Hello again, Arc! I thought I heard pounding over here!”

Ember facepalms. “Of all the places…”

“Yes, well… we had someone who needed medical care.”

“Well you certainly came to the right place! Our village is all about caring! And knitting! No connection, mind you! That’s just kinda how things work around here!”

Mullet raises an eyebrow. “Um… thanks.”

Arc turns to the crew. “Everyone, this is Mythic Honor. He’s the mayor of this town.”

“I am?! When did that happen?!”

Ember sighs. “You’ve been in charge for as long as anyone can remember!”

Mythic Honor turns to her, happily. “Ember! When did you come in?!”

“I’ve BEEN here! How did you not see me?!”

“Just lucky, I guess!”

Ember throws up her claws and walks away. “I give up!”

Mythic Honor turns back to the newcomers. “Well, in any case, welcome to Redemption Village!”

Mullet looks confused. “Say what?”

Squabble frowns. “Where are we now?!”

Arc nods. “A small town in Equestria.”

Mythic Honor chuckles. “Arc here saved everyone from a lifetime in Tartarus! He brought us here and his friends helped us build the town!”

“Yes, well… you and the others did the rest.”

“True! But you gave all of us a second chance at life!”

The doctor emerges from the examination room and walks toward the group.

“Hello, Mythic Honor. What brings you here?”

“Just investigating a strange pounding noise!”

Arc shakes his head. “That was me knocking.”

Mythic Honor thinks for a moment. “Was it now? I thought it was somepony knocking!”

“It was.”

“You mean I was right?! Good! Who was it?!”

Ember looks at Mythic Honor as though she might blow a gasket. “Doctor…!”

“The patient appears to have taken a nasty blow to the head. What happened?”

Arc explains the circumstances surrounding their sudden appearance and the explosion that led to Captain Celaeno’s incapacitation. Ember turns to the doctor.

“Will she be all right?”

“After a good night’s sleep, yes. I’ll look her over again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I suggest the rest of you get some sleep.”

He looks at the dirty condition of the group.

“It looks like all of you have had quite the day.”

Mythic Honor turns around and heads for the door. “This way everypony! I’ll show you to the Inn!”

Mullet turns to the doctor. “Might I stay with the captain? We’ve been mates ever since we were little.”

The doctor nods. “Very well. You may use the patient bed next to hers.”

Mullet heads for the examination room. “Thank you.”

Mythic Honor leads the way to the Inn and opens the door.

“This isn’t the fanciest place around, but the beds are warm and the rooms are secure!”

Squabble nods. “It’s nicer than we’re used to.”

Marco sighs. “We don’t have any money though.”

Arc looks over to him. “I’ll pay for it.”

Mythic Honor’s voice brings the elderly Innkeeper out of her room. Upon seeing Arc, she bows low.

“What can I do for you, sir?!”

Arc smiles at her. “Sorry to wake you up, but we need lodgings for the night. Do you have room?”

The Innkeeper steps quickly out from behind the main desk as she picks up several keys. “Yes sir! Everypony please follow me!”

She leads everyone to a private room and gives them each a key.

“Rest well!”

The last room is given to Arc and Ember. They open the door and walk inside. The elderly mare follows them.

“As you know, this is our best room sir!”

Arc nods. “It’s just fine, thank you. Now why don’t you go back to bed, ma’am? It’s quite late.”

She bows as she steps into the corridor. “Yes sir! Sleep well!”

The Innkeeper closes the door behind them and turns to walk back to the front desk. Mythic Honor is waiting for her.

“Quite the event! We don’t often have such late-night guests in town!”

“Yes sir. Well, we aren’t exactly centrally located."

Mythic Honor grins. “That’s true! But, as far as privacy goes, you couldn’t ask for a nicer town!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember recall their armor, climb into their beds, and lie down. Ember turns off the bedside lamp.

“I still can’t believe what that griffon DID back there!”

Arc sets his helmet down on the nightstand and turns off his own lamp as he leans back against the pillow. “Neither can I. He really didn’t care who got hurt. And all in the name of sticking it to his government.”

Cherry’s voice sounds angry as it come forth from Arc’s helmet. “It was simply barbaric!”

Ember shakes her head in the darkness. “Nothing’s worth killing innocents!”

Arc sighs. “The ends justify the means.”

Ember frowns. “How’s that?”

“It means the end result is all that matters to him.”

“I’m certainly glad you decided not to back those guys. Although we may have to do something about them one of these days.”

Arc sighs. “Probably. After this encounter, I don’t think they’re going to want to recruit me.”

Ember chuckles. “How horrible for you.”

They are silent for a time.



Arc sighs. “I… I need your opinion on something. Please be honest even if it hurts, okay?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Back when I was Lord Regent... do you think I did a good job?”

“In which regard?”

“Representing the population as a whole.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “I’m certainly not an expert, but I think you did an absolutely amazing job back then.”

“What if the princesses hadn’t been able to retake their thrones?”

“Arc? What are you getting at?”

He stares up at the darkened ceiling. “If I had become Equestria’s permanent ruler… do you think I would have done a good job?”

Ember turns the light back on and looks over at Arc, clearly concerned. “Okay. What’s with all the ‘what ifs’ all of a sudden?!”

Arc sits up. “This whole thing with the Griffon Kingdom and the rebels. Do you think I would have become like their King and Council of Lords? I mean… would I have gotten to the point that I was so comfortable in my position that I wouldn’t care what the population thought of me?!”

“No, Arc.”

“Why not?!”

“That’s not who you are.”

Cherry giggles. “Agreed! It’s for that reason that I feel in love with you in the first place!”

Arc sighs as he lays back down. “Fortunately we’ll never know for sure.”

“Yeah. You really didn’t like that job, did you?”

“Not at all! All the ponies bowing and scraping before me wasn’t something I enjoyed. To say nothing for the long hours!”

Ember sighs as she turns off the light again. “Get some rest, Arc. There’s more to do tomorrow.”

“That there is. Thanks for the talk, Ember.”

She lies back against her pillow and smiles. “What are friends for?”


The pair sleep soundly through what’s left of the night. They awaken early the next morning. As everyone makes the short walk to the front desk Ember turns to Arc, smiling.

“Here we go again.”

Arc nods. “Always an adventure when you hang out with me.”

The Innkeeper is sitting behind the front desk, napping. Arc sets a bag of bits on the counter as he whispers to the others.

“Let’s not wake her.”

Everyone nods as they leave the Inn and make their way towards the hospital. Lix Spittle looks around.

“Nice town.”

Squabble nods. “Yeah! I wouldn’t mind living here myself! All the buildings look fairly new!”

Ember chuckles. “Most of Equestria’s towns are bigger than this. But they’re pretty well kept up.”

Arc gestures with a hand. “That and this whole village is less than a year old.”

Lix nods. “I thought everything looked pretty nice.”

They quickly arrive at the hospital. The doctor is sitting behind his desk. He stands as they enter and walks over to Arc.

“How is the captain doing this morning, doctor?”

“Just fine. I’ve already looked over her x-rays and there doesn’t appear to be any real damage to her head. She remembers everything and should be able to walk around again.”

Squabble breathes a sigh of relief! “Good!”

Lix looks nervous. “Can she come home with us now?”

The doctor nods. “Yes. She can leave anytime. I’ve already told her all of this, but she and her friend wanted to wait for all of you.”

Arc nods. “Good. Let’s go see her then.”

The doctor steps aside to allow the group access to the room. They knock lightly. Celaeno calls out to them.

“Come in!”

The group does as they are told. Lix Spittle walks over to the bed.

“Captain! How are you feeling?!”

“Much better. Is everyone else okay?!””

Squabble nods happily. “We’re fine!”

As Celaeno throws the covers back and moves to stand up, Mullet cries out!


He quickly moves to grab her as she falls! Mullet carefully sits her back down on the bed.

“Sorry about that captain, but…”

He points down at the stub of her leg.

“Thank you old friend. I hadn’t noticed my peg was gone.”

Arc frowns. “Neither did we last night.”

Ember shrugs. “It must have gone down with the ship.”

Celaeno sighs. “That somehow seems appropriate. The Solar Macaw was my home for many years. It’s only right a part of me goes with her to the bottom of the sea.”

Arc nods as Mullet helps her up by putting an arm around the captain’s waist in an effort to support her. “Sorry I couldn’t save your ship. If I had only acted sooner maybe this could have been avoided.”

Celaeno looks to him as she stands with help. “As long as my crew is okay, everything turned out just fine in my eyes”

Lix looks to the captain. “What do we do now?”

Arc heads for the door. “Let’s go see a friend of mine about getting a new leg.”

They walk out the door and up to the desk. The doctor smiles at the captain.

“Feeling all right, miss? “

“Yes! Just fine, thank you.”

Arc pulls a bag of bits out of his ring and gives it to the doctor. “I’ll pay for the examination.”

“What?! But I…”

He turns back to her. “You don’t have any money, do you?”

Celaeno sighs. “I guess not.”

The doctor shakes his head. “I can’t take this, sir! You’re our town’s hero!”

“You have to eat too. Just take it! I insist!”

“Very well, sir.”

The doctor turns to look at the captain.

“You should go see Mythic Honor about a new leg, miss.”

Arc nods. “Our very next stop.”

They leave the hospital and head for the Town Hall. The sound of hammering can be heard coming from the attached forge. As the group walks around to the back of the building Ember calls out to him.

“Good morning Mythic Honor.”

“Ember? What brings you here today?!”

Ember frowns. “You saw me last night!”

Mythic Honor looks confused. “I did? When?!”

Arc sighs. “At the hospital.”

“Ember! You were in the hospital?!”

“NO! Our friend was though! Don’t you remember?!”

Mythic Honor rubs his chin as he looks at the group standing before him. “Hey! It’s the folks from my dream last night! Welcome to our town, oh beings from the subconscious realm!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t a dream.”

“Are you sure?!”

“Fairly sure, yes.”

Mythic Honor shrugs. “Well… okay! But only if you’re mostly almost certain about this! What can I do for you?!”

He looks over at the one-legged parrot before him. Walking over to her, he tries unsuccessfully to lower his voice.

“Miss! I think somepony stole your leg!”

Celaeno raises an eyebrow. “Um, no. It’s been like that for a while.”

“So they took it some time ago, eh?! I’ll organize the townsponies and we’ll see about hunting down those scoundrels!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! She means… her leg’s been gone for… look, can you just make her another peg?”

“AHA! I’ve got it! I can make her another peg leg!”

Ember facepalms. “Brilliant idea.”

He leads them into his messy workshop and begins rummaging around for something.

“I know it’s around here somewhere…”

Lix eyes him suspiciously. “What are you looking for?”

Squabble nods. “Maybe we can help you look.”

Mythic Honor calls out. Nearly half his body is buried in a pile of materials. “Nah, I’ll find it!”

Arc sighs as he walks over to the pile. “What ARE you looking for anyways?

“My peg leg mold! Can’t forge a new leg without it!”

Ember looks at him, skeptically. “You have a peg leg mold?”

Mythic Honor comes up for air and looks back at Ember with a confused look on his face. “Doesn’t everypony?!”

Ember sighs. “I doubt it.”

He goes back to rummaging. “Well, the world would be a better place if everypony was as prepared as I am!”

Mullet leans over to Arc and mutters to him. “Is… is this pony for real?”

Arc nods and sighs. “Yes. But he’s the best at what he does.”

A short time later Mythic Honor emerges from yet another pile and walks toward the group.

“Well, I have good news and bad news!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Is the good news that you found your sanity in one of those piles?”

Mythic Honor shakes his head. “Nope! That’s been gone for longer than I can remember! Let me know if you see it though!”

Arc facepalms. “Uh… we’ll do that.”

“Anyways, the bad news is I can’t find my mold anywhere!”

Marco looks confused. “So what’s the good news?”

Mythic Honor rummages around in his saddlebags. “I think I may have found my dignity in there!”

Arc sighs. “Oh, for the love of…”

Mythic Honor pulls something out of his saddlebags and holds it up.


Squabble frowns. “I don’t think that’s your dignity, sir.”

Mythic Honor appears confused. “Oh? What else could it be?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That… is a peg leg.”

He looks at the object in his hoof. “So it is! Wonder where it came from…”

“Can we have it?”

Mythic Honor nods and gives the peg to Arc. “Anything for you! Here!”

Arc takes it and gives it to Lix who quickly goes about tying the leather straps to the captain’s nub. Mullet lets go of her and allows her to stand on her own.

“How does it feel?”

Celaeno takes a few steps. “Not bad! Lix?”

Lix steps forward and runs her talon up and down the captain’s backbone a couple times. “Your spine is nice and straight. It looks like that leg is even the right length.”

Mullet nods approvingly. “That’s surprising. Usually it takes an adjustment or two.”

Marco looks back to Mythic Honor. “What’s it made out of?! I’ve never seen anything like it!”


Lix raises an eyebrow. “Crystal?!”

Celaeno looks up, wide eyed. “This thing must be worth a fortune! I can’t afford this!”

Mythic Honor shrugs. “Well, you might as well have it! I didn’t even know it was there! That and I’m certainly not using it!”

Ember nods feverishly. “Yes. Please take it so we can get out of here!”

Arc shrugs. “Might as well.”

Celaeno smiles at Mythic Honor. “Thank you sir.”

“Now that’s taken care of, I guess the only other thing to do would be to decide where you all go from here.”

Ember nods as Arc finishes. “Well, after what just happened, I wouldn’t suggest you go back to Griffon’s Gate anytime soon.”

Lix looks confused. “Why not?”

“The rebels aren’t exactly happy with you right now. If they spot you, they’ll probably try to finish you off.”

Mullet nods. “We know too much.”

Celaeno sighs. “I guess that makes us loose ends.”

Marco looks around nervously. “So what happens to us now?”

Mythic Honor chuckles. “The lot of you could stay here! The more the merrier I say!”

Celaeno sighs. “That’s… very nice of you, but we have work to do.”

“What kind of work, miss!”

“Cargo doesn’t move itself.”

“And how do you move this cargo? “

Celaeno looks up to him. “With our airsh… oh, right…”

Squabble nods. “We are in a bit of a pickle there.”

Arc sighs. “I can open a portal to the Grand Aviary in Griffonstone, or you can stay here. The choice is up to you.”

Celaeno turns to her crew, sadly. “I guess this is the end of the road. No ship, no business, no future.”

She closes her eyes and sighs.

“I… I’m going to stay here and start a new life in Equestria. If you lot are with me, then so be it. But if you want to go back home to the Griffon Kingdom, then I wish you all the best.”

Mullet puts a talon on her shoulder. “We’ve been together this long, captain. I won’t leave you now.”

Squabble chuckles. “I don’t really have anything else planned. I’ll stay.”

Lix nods. “Someone has to make sure you lot eat healthy.”

Marco grins. “I’ll help too!”

Mullet looks to her. “I guess it’s unanimous captain!”.

“Yes. But…”

Squabble looks confused. “But what?”

“I’m not a captain anymore.”

Marco walks over and takes the captains talon. “You’ll always be the captain to us!”

Mullet nods. “What should we do now?”

Mythic Honor clears his throat. “Our town has need of somepony to do odd jobs. Maintenance… scavenging… exploring… cleaning the Town Hall…!”

Ember looks around. “I don’t think that’s ever been done before.”

Arc nods. “Agreed! How do you work in such squalor? “

Mythic Honor shrugs. “I get by! How, I have no idea! I really need a secretary or something.”

Ember frowns. “What you need is a maid!”

Arc chuckles. “One with a bulldozer.”

Mullet looks around. “And survival training.”

Mythic Honor points a hoof. “There’s always our writ board over there!”

Ember nods. “It’s a list of jobs and what they pay.”

The group walks over to the board and looks it over together. Celaeno takes one of the writs.

“This… isn’t bad work.”

Mullet nods. “And the pay is pretty good!”

Arc turns to him. “Going out on a limb here but I’m assuming the work around the Griffon Kingdom doesn’t pay nearly enough.”

Celaeno chuckles. “You’d be right.”

Ember thinks aloud. “I wonder why.”

Arc sighs. “When you have a nearly endless supply of workers, that tends to happen.”

Mythic Honor shrugs. “Around here, we need more help than we have hooves! So that causes the pay to go up! For example, I’ve been looking for somepony to go wildcrafting for me for weeks!”

Celaeno raises an eyebrow. “Alchemical ingredients?”

Arc sighs. “Probably for soup.”

“Both actually! I’m making soup that’s also medicine! I call it medisoup!”

Ember sighs. “What’s it cure?”


She facepalms. “Ask a silly question…”

Mythic Honor turns to the captain and her crew. “You lot can stay at the Town Hall for a few days while you earn some money. After that, the Innkeeper can offer you weekly rates!”

Celaeno smiles. “Sounds like we have a plan then.”

Mullet shrugs. “It can’t be any worse than what we’ve been doing.”

Arc nods. “Well, I guess I’ll let you get to it then. Ember and I should be getting back to Ponyville now.”

Celaeno turns to Arc. “S-sir?”


“I… um… thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I won’t tell anyone else you survived, so all of you should be fairly safe here.”

Ember nods. “This village is certainly not on the map.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Work hard and you’ll make a home for yourselves here yet.”

He and Ember step through the portal and are gone. Squabble and the others look over the Writ Board in more detail.

“What a wild two days it’s been!”

Marco grins. “Yeah! We went from prisoners to having a second chance!”

Mullet nods. “Let’s make the best of this!”

Celaeno smiles at her loyal crew. “I couldn’t agree more!”

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