• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Volume 53 - Chapter 1 - Mobilizing

A few days later, Arc and Twilight stand on the catwalk overlooking the castle hanger. They watch as a few technicians scurry around the outside of The Equinox in an effort to meet their timetable. Arc turns to Twilight as he speaks.

“Lemon Hearts tells me that we’ll be ready to take off tonight just after dark.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “That’s... good.”

“Having second thoughts now?”

“Not exactly.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “Then what’s the problem?”

Twilight sighs. “I’m just nervous about having to command a battle.”

Arc shrugs. “According to Hammer it’s actually known as a ‘campaign’.”

“But that would mean multiple battles!”

“It will most likely come to that, yes. After all, I can’t imagine the changelings just letting us cross the Badlands and storm up to their stronghold without throwing at least one defensive force at us.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes, that does make sense.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder in an effort to reassure her. “I’ll be with you the entire time though. And your mentor will be too. Together I’m sure we’ll be able to keep you safe.”

“It’s not really me I’m worried about.”

“The soldiers?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. After all, not everypony is going to come back from this battle safe and sound.”

Arc sighs and looks out over the scene before them. “Such is how combat on this a scale works.”

“Are we really in the right to do this though? I mean... from what I’ve read in history books and firsthoof accounts of war, it sounds like the scariest thing imaginable.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and bows his head. “I’ve been on the battlefield before, and can say from personal experience that it’s very... chaotic.”

“Were you scared?”

“Not for myself, no. But I was afraid of failing, as it meant that innocents would die.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Any advice you could give me?”

“Just try your best to keep a level head out there. It will help you make decisions logically and rationally. After all, if the soldiers see that their commander-in-chief is afraid then they’ll be more likely to panic as well.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Which would also mean that they would be unable to think logically and rationally.”


Twilight puts her front hooves on the railing. “Princess Luna gave a speech to the troops the other day regarding what we know about the changelings.”

Arc nods. “Which I admit isn’t much.”

Twilight turns to him, confused. “You attended it too?”

“Uh, yeah.

“Sorry. I was just kinda surprised to hear that. After all, you’re the only one of us, other than the princesses themselves I mean, whom have actually fought a changeling in the past.”

Arc shrugs. “I wouldn’t really call those encounters bona-fide fights though. One time, after foiling their plans in Vanhoover, the leader of the failed operation waited for the Scarlet Filly and I back in our room at the inn. They figured a small filly to be an easy target for someone slightly above a normal changeling in terms of power, I imagine.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “So you’re saying that she was the one whom beat them?”

“No, that was when I decloaked and killed them myself.”

“Was it... hard to defeat them?”

Arc shakes his head. “It was not, no. But looking back at that time, I think that may have just been due to them being so surprised at seeing something new standing before them in a magic cloak. I mean, not knowing what exactly I was meant that they wouldn’t have known what I was capable of or how to counter me.”

Twilight looks at The Equinox as she speaks. “They won’t have that problem this time. Princess Celestia says that it’s likely Queen Chrysalis has been training her soldiers for some time in ways to combat our forces.”

Arc shakes his head. “Queen Chrysalis.”


“She’s the first one to be able to fool my helmet’s Truesight Enchantment.”

“A sobering thought.”

“What exactly is she?”

A voice rings out behind them.

“Just an ancient fool.”

Turning around, Arc and Twilight spot Celestia walking toward them. She takes a spot next to Twilight and joins the pair in looking out at the ship. Twilight turns to her and speaks.

“Can you explain what you mean by that, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nods. “Yes, Twilight. Queen Chrysalis is the long standing and undisputed ruler of the changelings and their kingdom.”

“How long has she been their queen?”

“Since before Unification.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So that would mean she’s over a thousand years old!”


Twilight gasps. “But... but that’s impossible! Nopony other than an alicorn could live for so long!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Wait a second. Now that I think about it, when she appeared before us during the battle at Light’s Hope, Chrysalis did have wings and something on her forehead that resembled a horn. Is she some kind of distant cousin of the alicorns?”

Celestia scoffs at the suggestion. “Purely coincidental, I assure you. In fact, all changelings have both wings and a horn. However, due to the physiology differences, I theorize that they are actually closer to insects than equines. At least from what I’ve seen of them over the years.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Are there any studies of their internal structure? I’d love to learn more about them.”

Celestia shakes her head. “Sadly, no. A changeling’s body very rapidly decays upon its death. Internal organs become liquified in a matter of minutes while the outer shell begins to dissolve within a few hours.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Outer shell? You mean they really do have an exoskeleton?”

“That is correct, Hero of Light. Hence why they are classified as insects and not equines.”

Twilight grimaces squeamishly. “Anything else you can tell us about them, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia sighs. “Just that they are blindly obedient to their queen above all else. Whom, I might add, appears to be the only female in their... hive, I suppose.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “Like bees?”

Twilight shakes her head. “That’s a common misconception, Arc. While it is indeed true that a beehive has only one queen, she is not the only female.”

Celestia nods. “That is correct, Twilight. However, to the best of my knowledge, nopony has ever seen a female changeling other than Chrysalis herself.”

“Why’s that?”

“I can only theorize, naturally. However, I believe that the females are kept within the hive for procreation while the males are sent out to do the queen’s bidding.”

Twilight sighs as her ears droop. “If this goes alright we may learn a bit about them and their culture.”

Celestia shrugs. “If we don’t destroy them completely, that is.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Wouldn’t that be going too far though?”

Twilight nods soberly. “I agree. My intention in going over there is merely to stop them. Not commit wholesale genocide.”

Celestia frowns. “We may not have a choice in the matter.”

Twilight appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Chrysalis, for all her talk of grand plans and the greatness of her kingdom, is nothing more than a sniveling coward. Should we get too close to her, I am confident that she wouldn’t hesitate to send every last warrior at her disposal to engage us. Perhaps even use the females as shields to protect them. And her if necessary.”

Arc looks out the hanger to the south. “Have there been any major skirmishes with them in the past?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Nothing too threatening in recent history, no. I’ve led our forces to the border with the Badlands in the past. However, the sight of our soldiers in their gleaming armor and shining spears has always been enough to force the changelings to retreat without a fight as well as keep them in check. At least temporarily.”

Twilight sighs. “What changed though?”

Celestia frowns. “I have a few guesses.”

Arc appears suddenly interested. “Do tell.”

Celestia looks to Arc as she speaks. “The reports of the battle over your base some time ago stated that Chrysalis told you that she was working with the so-called ‘Council of Shadows’.”

“Having allies to help out when you need it would certainly make any group more bold, yes.”

Twilight shudders. “Another variable we’ll have to account for.”

“Indeed, Twilight. However, we’ll still have to wait until we touch down at the base camp before trying to come up with a final plan of attack.”

Arc nods. “We have scouts watching their hive carefully from the border. If they make any moves, we’ll know.”

Twilight groans. “But as long as they stay inside the hive we won’t have any idea what they’re doing.”

Celestia sighs as she looks to her former student. “I still believe it would have been wise to send a covert reconnaissance team into the hive, Twilight.”

Twilight shakes her head. “That’s just too dangerous. “

Arc nods soberly. “I agree with Twilight. They could be very easily lost down there and no one would be the wiser.”

Celestia bows her head. “Such is the price of war though. We shall always pay for it with the blood of our forces.”

Twilight looks to Celestia evenly. “I understand that, Princess Celestia. However, I’m trying to minimize the amount of blood that is shed to end this matter.”

“You’re not looking at the big picture though, Twilight. Potentially losing a small group is a reasonable price to pay for gaining valuable intel. Knowledge that could save many, MANY more soldiers than those we risk to an infiltration team.”

Arc sighs. “As much as a hate to admit it, she does raise a valid point, Twilight. The needs of the many over the few and all that.”

“I’ll... give the matter some thought on the flight over.”

Celestia appears hopeful. “Please do so, Twilight. For the sake of our forces as a whole.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We’ve just received word that all of our forces are accounted for, supplies are fully loaded and secured, and all castle side maintenance checks have been completed.”

“Is there anything left to do before we can move out?”

Soarin calls out. “No sir. We’re ready to go anytime you are.”

“Very good. Prep the engines for liftoff but wait for word from me before launching.”

Lemon Heart nods. “Yes sir.”

“Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection and turns to the two mares before speaking.

“Looks like it’s finally time to go.”

Twilight shudders. “That it is.”

Celestia puts a hoof on her former student’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Twilight. Remember, I’ll be by your side the entire time.”

Arc puts his hand on her other shoulder. “As will I.”

“Thank you. Both of you, I mean.”

Arc smiles at her. “Anything you need to do before we board, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, I believe I have everything. At least I think I do.”

Celestia shakes her head. “Remember, Twilight. When heading off to battle one needs little more than armor, a weapon, and high spirits. Everything else, including logistics, will be taken care of by the troops and various support staff.”

A short time later the trio walk up the gangplank together. Reaching the top, Celestia stops and looks back for a moment. Seeing this, Twilight turns to her.

“Princess Celestia... is something wrong?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Not really, no. It’s just... a bit of a tradition I have.

Arc looks to Celestia. “A tradition?”

“Yes. Whenever I leave on an excursion of great importance or to go into battle I always take a few moments just before I leave to look back at the interior of the castle. Then, once we’re airborne, I try do the same from the nearest window.”

Twilight smiles. “The view of Canterlot from the sky is breathtaking, yes.”

“That it is, Twilight. But I do it to remind myself of one thing.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And what would that be?”


Twilight appears confused. “Change?”

Celestia nods as she turns to walk toward the main hatch. “Yes. But we should get underway now.”

Arc and Twilight follow her into the ship. Walking down the corridor toward the bridge, Twilight and Celestia return the innumerable salutes from the soldiers whom line the corridor on either side. Coming to their destination, a guard opens the door for them as he too salutes. Entering, the bridge crew stands and comes to attention as Soarin looks to Twilight.

“Welcome aboard, your highness.”

“Thank you for having us sir.”

Twilight looks to Celestia before continuing.

“This is Captain Soarin. He commands the ship.”

She smiles strangely, slightly embarrassed.

“Sorry, Princess Celestia. I’m sure you already know what a captain’s insignia looks like.”

Celestia giggles slightly and nods. “Yes, Twilight. But thank you for the introduction just the same.”

Turning back to Soarin, she addresses him.

“So you were the one whom took command of the ship after the death of Tight Ship?”

Soarin nods respectfully. “Yes, your highness.”

“I know this is the first time we’ve met face to face, but my old friend did mention you on several occasions.”

Soarin appears surprised. “He... he did?”

Celestia nods. “Oh, yes. You were his star pupil, after all.”

She looks to Twilight before continuing.

“As you were for me, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs. “That feels like a lifetime ago. I sometimes miss those days.”

“As do I.”

Arc clears his throat loudly before looking to Soarin. “We should probably get underway.”

“Yes sir.”

Turning to the comms, he speaks.

“Radio for clearance, Lemon Hearts.”

“Yes sir.”

She contacts command and is immediately cleared for takeoff. Thunderlane revs up the engines and slowly takes off. As they slowly pull out of the castle hanger, Celestia walks over to a side window and looks outside as they climb higher and higher. A few minutes later Moon Dancer calls out.

“We have now reached our cruising altitude, sir.”

Soarin nods. “Very good. Lemon Hearts, update the castle on our flight path and record the time.”

“Right away, sir.”

Soarin turns to Moon Dancer. “Systems?”

“Green all across the board.”


Wrangler grins. “Locked and ready for action!”

Soarin turns to Twilight. “Everything appears to be in order, your highness. Now then, may I escort you to your room?”

“Oh! Um, I...”

Celestia turns to Soarin as she interrupts Twilight. “Captain, might I make a suggestion regarding ship security?”

Soarin appears confused. “Your highness?”

“For ease in protecting us, I imagine it would be prudent for Twilight and myself to share a room for the duration of this mission. That is, if it’s alright with Twilight.”

Twilight gasps happily. “I’d love that!”

Soarin puts a hoof to his chin. “Well, that’s actually up to Lieutenant Hammer, ma’am.”

Celestia frowns. “Lieutenant Hammer?”

“Yes, ma’am. The Hero of Light has ordered her placed in charge of security aboard The Equinox.”

Arc shrugs. “I think she would approve. “

Soarin turns to the comms. “Lemon Hearts, make the call.”

“Yes sir.”

Pressing a button, she pages Hammer to the bridge. A few minutes later the door opens and the young woman walks in. Walking soberly over to the group, she salutes Twilight before speaking.

“Reporting as ordered, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Hammer, you really don’t have to...”

Celestia interrupts her. “Remember, Twilight. This is a military undertaking and as such certain... protocol should be followed.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose that’s true.”

Hammer continues. “What can I do for you, your highness?”

“Well... Princess Celestia suggested that, in the name of security, her and I should share a room.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “She means our finest VIP suite, of course. Would that be possible, lieutenant?”

Hammer nods. “Yes sir. I’ll escort them there personally.”

Arc steps forward. “I’ll come too.”

Hammer holds up a hand. “Begging your pardon, sir... but I was asked to relay a message to you shortly before I was summoned.”


“One of our allies aboard has requested a private meeting with you. They’re waiting in your office.”

“Alright. I’ll head over there now.”

“Please do, sir. They seemed very... agitated. I recommend that you not put this off even a moment longer than necessary.”

Arc groans. “Fine. I’ll take care of it.”

Turning to Twilight, he continues.

“I guess this is where I leave you then.”

“It’s alright. After all, I understand that you have things to do. And as soon as Princess Celestia and I are settled in I’ll get to work too.”

Hammer appears confused. “Princess?”

“I need to be ready to fight if I’m going to be on the battlefield. Otherwise I’ll just be a liability.”

Celestia nods approvingly. “Very wise of you, Twilight. However, for your sake, I believe you should lead the battle from the rear echelon.”

Twilight frowns. “But then all the soldiers will think I’m too scared to fight!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Are you?”

“Kinda. However...!”

Hammer interrupts her. “Pardon me, your highness, but this is probably something you should discuss privately.”

Twilight sighs. “Very well. “

Hammer gestures to the door as Twilight and Celestia step through it. Arc follows them but heads to his office instead. Opening the door, he spies Ember sitting on his desk with her claws folded over her chest angrily.

“About time you showed up!”

Arc sighs as he closes the door. “I was literally just told you were here a few minutes ago.”

Ember hops off the desk and storms over to him angrily. “That’s no excuse for keeping the Dragon Lord waiting! Now then, show me some respect!”

Arc shrugs. “Fine.”

Grabbing her claw, he pulls her into his arms. Leaning into her, Arc plants a kiss on her lips before pulling back and grinning.

“Is that ‘respectful’ enough for you, Dragon Lord?”

Ember looks away and smirks. “I dunno. A powerful dragon such as myself would certainly prefer being forcefully taken.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But I kinda just did that.”

“Then do it harder! Push me down on the desk, spread my legs, and lift my tail while you’re at it!”


Ember grins. “Oh yes!”

Arc groans. “Any chance you could tone that kind of talk down? At least until this mission is over.”

Ember grunts as she pulls back. “Fine.”

“In any case, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Ember smirks. “Pretty much what we just did.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Seriously, Ember?”

“Hey, I got needs too!”

“I’m sure you do. But as you know we’re kinda in the middle of something right now.”

“Which is why I want in!”

Arc chuckles. “You’ve always liked being where all the action is.”

Ember stretches out her claw and pulls the Spear of Courage to herself from its place leaning against the wall across the room. “What better way to test myself?!”

“All well and good, yes. Just don’t overdo it.”

Ember rolls her eyes as she extends a claw for a mock handshake. “Hi there, pot. My name’s kettle.”

Arc sighs. “Can’t argue with that. But still...”

“...you’re worried about me.”

“Um... yes, actually.”

Ember licks her lips seductively. “And that’s really nice of you, Arc. But you have to remember that I feel the same way about you. Which is why I’m always trying to get you to... relax.”

“You and I have very different definitions of that particular word.”

“In any case, I really just wanted a little ‘us’ time after we got in the air.”

“Before I got to work?”

Ember shrugs. “We both have things to do, of course. I’m going to be helping Princess Celestia train Twilight on some simple battlefield maneuvers.”

“Tactics or practical skills?”

“More practical than anything. But that’s just because there isn’t time for more in depth training.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, we are scheduled to be at the base camp shortly before dawn.”

Ember walks over to the door. “All the more reason to use this time we have wisely. Now then, I’ll head over to your room and meet Twilight so we can get started.”

“She’s not there.”

Ember turns to him, confused. “Then where...?”

“Her and Celestia are going to be bunking together in a VIP suite.”

“And you’re actually OKAY with that?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... yes. Something wrong with it?”

“Not... exactly, I guess. I figured you and her would be... you know... getting together at night though.”

“Not a good look for either of us right now.”

“What’s the problem?”


Ember folds her arms over her chest angrily. “What business is it of anyone else if you two get together when time permits?! Heck, you two could go all the way and it STILL wouldn’t be anyone’s...!”

Arc interrupts her. “We don’t need the soldiers thinking the princess leading this attack is getting plowed in my quarters!”

“Who cares?!”

Arc groans. “It’s a matter of reputation here! That and we both need to focus on the task at hand!”

Ember grins. “So you admit it then?!”

Arc appears confused. “Admit what?”

“That you’ve already at least considered breeding Twilight.”

Arc facepalms. “Quite the leap in assumptions you’re making there.

Ember smiles slyly. “Am I wrong?”

Groaning, Arc looks away. Ember taps her foot impatiently as she waits for Arc to speak. Eventually she frowns and continues.


“Well, what?”

“Aren’t you going to say something, Arc?!”

“Like what?”

Ember sighs. “Look, I think you’ll feel a lot better if you just open up and be honest with me about how you’re feeling.”

Arc turns and walks over to the window. Looking out at the clouds as they pass he puts a hand on the glass before speaking.

“It’s... complicated.”

“How so?”

“Everyone... wants something different, yet similar.”

Ember grins. “Yeah. That much I do get.”

“Myself included.”

Ember moves her claws in a circular motion as she nods. “Keep going.”

“I... Twilight’s certainly a lovely mare. Very smart, loyal, and sweet. Remember, she was the first friend I made here in Equestria.”

“So you admit it?”

Arc nods. “I do want to become... closer to her, yes. The others too, of course.”

Ember frowns. “But...”

Right now we both have duties to attend to. There isn’t going to be any time for more... personal matters.”

“What if there wasn’t?”

Arc looks over his shoulder at Ember. “Wasn’t what?”

Ember walks over to join him at the window. “Duties. Let’s say, just for an example, that you weren’t the Hero of Light and that the land was at peace. What would you do about your feelings for Twilight?”

“I would probably have married her, Derpy, Rarity, and Applejack by now. We’d have a place in Ponyville and I’d be working at Sweet Apple Acres or on writs posted to the Writ Board.”

“And the idea of starting a family?”

“Twilight would probably have Sunburst working with Auriel and her mother on making my sperm compatible with their egg cells. Then we’d... get to work having foals.”

“But such a thing would certainly take a long time, right?”

“I would imagine so, yes.”

“And I assume that you wouldn’t just sit around waiting for the ability to have foals before getting down to business with them.”

“Yes, I would certainly be sexually active with my wives.”

“So you do want to have sex with them, correct?”

“Right! I mean... I do love them, after all.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Everyone? Myself included?”

“Of course!”

Ember grins. “Then let me offer you my congratulations, Arc.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “Congratulations?! For what?!”

Ember batts her eyelashes seductively as she puts a claw on her scaly hip. “I do believe that this is the first time you’ve ever admitted to wanting to have sex with me.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“It feels nice.”

“You know that I care for you, Ember.”

“And the others too.”

“Of course. But it’s not just the carnal pleasure of intercourse that I’m after. I Honestly want to do such things with my wives to make them feel good too. And to show them just how much I care for their feelings too.”

Ember looks off into space as she speaks. “I’d be satisfied just lying in your arms, skin on skin, with my legs spread and you pushing your...”

Arc interrupts her as he rolls her eyes. “Thank you for breaking the mood.”

Ember sighs as she leans against him. “Yeah, I know I’m forward about wanting you to lift my tail.”

“Saying that you’re ‘forward’ is an understatement.”

“You have to understand that you’re the first individual that I’ve had feelings for, Arc. Before I met you the thought of lifting my tail for someone was just plain disgusting to me.”


“Meeting you really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Not the least of which is the idea that sex can be for more than just making eggs in my belly. Now I know we’ve talked about this a time or two in the past...”

Arc interrupts her. “Darn near every time we talk, it seems.”

Ember scoffs. “Har, har.”

“It’s the truth though.”

“Yeah, I know. But it sounds bad when you say it.”

“Anyways, continue.”

“Like I said, we’ve talked about this a lot in the past. However, I really do mean it when I say that I want to feel you deep inside me.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You really don’t mince words do you, Ember.”

Ember sighs. “But I do understand your reasoning for holding off on that.”


Ember appears confused. “For being a horny, overbearing...”

Arc interrupts her again. “I meant thanks for accepting that. And for not pushing the matter any further than you already do.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve made my case.”

“Very clearly, I might add.”

“Now we’re just kinda talking in circles.”

Arc shrugs. “It happens.”

Ember motions to the office door. “Why don’t you and I get something to eat from the cafeteria before it gets too late? I’m guessing you’re going to want to get a good night’s sleep, after all.”

“Yes, well... I was actually thinking of hitting the hay right now.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Without supper?”

“Like you said, early morning tomorrow.”

“A warrior should always take the opportunity to eat whenever it’s presented.”

“Same with sleep too, I would imagine.”

Ember frowns. “Both are equally important, yes. But you need to keep your strength up.”

“And you?”

“I was going to head over to the cafeteria when you and I finished up over here. So you can come with me.”

Arc shrugs. “Fine. Let’s go.”

Leaving the office, they make the short walk to the middle deck’s cafeteria. Only a handful of soldiers are present at the tables though. As Arc enters the room a stallion closest to the door notices and calls out in a loud voice.


Everyone immediately stops eating and stands respectfully. Arc looks around as he speaks.

“As you were.”

The stallions sit back down and resume eating as Saffron steps out of the kitchen to greet Arc and Ember as they sit down.

“Good evening, you two. What would you like to eat?”

Arc sighs. “Just something quick and light, please.”

Ember jerks a thumb towards Arc. “I’ll have whatever he does.”

Saffron nods as she writes something on a pad of paper. “Alright. I’ll have something sent out in just a few minutes.”

As Saffron returns to the kitchen Arc looks around the room.

“Pretty light cafeteria population.”

Ember shrugs. “Well, it is kinda late. I would assume that suppertime was quite a while before lift-off. These are probably the soldiers whom were on guard duty at the normal meal time.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Something else on your mind, Arc?”

Arc lowers his voice. “Actually, yes.”

“What is it?”

Arc looks around the room for a few moments before responding. “These soldiers... not all of them are going to come back.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh... that’s war though.”

“I know. And they knew the risks before signing up for the military, I’m sure. But... I can’t help but feel apprehensive about their potential fate.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest as she leans back in her chair. “Fine then. You, me, and Celestia could sneak into the Badlands some dark night and infiltrate their... mound, or whatever it is.”

“I’m told that such a thing is commonly known as a ‘hive’. Guess we’re sticking with the insect terminology.”

Ember waves a claw dismissively. “Whatever. Anyways, we’re all accomplished warriors in our own rights. There’s no way those bugs could take all three of us on, no matter how many they sent at us!”

Arc frowns. “We don’t know how many of them are down there though, Ember. It could be hundreds of thousands or more.”

“Or it could be a couple hundred. Remember, no one has seen much of them in pretty much forever. Their population must be pretty small to avoid detection.”

“Sightings of changelings within Equestria and their true numbers probably aren’t actually connected though. For all we know, Queen Chrysalis could even now be sitting behind a literal army of her subjects.”

“That’s not likely though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow skeptically. “And you base that assumption on what exactly?”

Ember taps a claw on the tabletop as she speaks. “Simple. The larger a force is, the harder it is to keep hidden. Moreso over literal centuries.”

“There is some truth to that, I admit. But I’d rather go into this with the worst case scenario in mind and be overly prepared.”

Ember shrugs. “You give your opinions to Twilight and I’ll give mine.”

Arc chuckles. “Fair enough.”

The sound of footsteps approaching their table rings out as two plates are set before the pair with a Telekinesis Spell.

“Here you are.”

His eyes wide, Arc’s neck quickly turns to look in their direction.


Shelly smiles warmly and waves. “Hi there!”

“What are you DOING here?!”

“Helping Saffron cook enough food for everyone. Or ‘everypony’ as she likes to say.”

Ember grins as she picks up her sandwich. “Somebody needs to do it.”

Arc frowns. “You do realize this is currently a warship, right?”

Shelly nods. “Yes Arc, I do.”

Ember looks past her at the now closed kitchen door. “Is Lily back there too?”

“No, she’s back in Ponyville experimenting with additional recipes.”

Arc groans. “Then why aren’t you there with her right now?!”

“I’m here to help support the war effort of my new home.”

Arc sighs. “And because Max is here I would guess.”

Shelly giggles as she blushes happily. “That too, yes!”

Ember laughs. “Nice!”

Arc facepalms. “You still really shouldn’t be here though, Shelly. I mean... things could get out of hand pretty quick. I really don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“The support staff aren’t allowed to leave the ship as per Princess Twilight’s orders. That being the case, I don’t see how I would be in any danger.”

Ember grins. “I think she’s got you, Arc.”

Arc groans. “Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to give you a portal back to Ponyville right now.”

“Are you going to make me leave?”

“No, Shelly. That was just the lifelong friend in me talking.”

Shelly smiles. “And I appreciate that. However, ever since Max and I got back together I’ve wanted to be by his side at all times. Now with him being deployed, the best I can do is to look at him from across the room when I restock the buffet.”

“Just... please be careful while we’re out here.”

Shelly playfully salutes. “Yes sir! Permission to return to my duties?”

Arc sighs. “Granted.”

She grins and turns back toward the kitchen. Arc groans as he rests his head on the table in front of his plate.

“This just got complicated.”

Ember pats his head. “Look at it this way. You’ll just have to fight that much harder to protect the ship.”

“Not really helping right now, Ember.”

“Just trying to lighten the mood.”

Arc sits up and leans back in his seat. “Yeah, I know. But I don’t like the idea of Shelly being on a battlefield. She’s still kinda weak.”

Ember shrugs. “Like she said, the support staff aren’t allowed to leave the ship anyways. So she should be perfectly safe.”

“I guess so. However...”

Ember interrupts him as she points at his meal. “No buts! She’s fine! Now eat up!”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

The pair eat their meal in relative silence. As Shelly returns to refill their glasses Ember turns to her.

“So how are you and Max doing?”

Shelly giggles happily. “Great! Before this mission came up he had been helping me tweak recipes for pony palates.”

Arc sighs. “So who’s helping Lily then?”

“Applejack and Pinkie Pie mostly. They’re both very good at knowing how to alter recipes for their dietary needs.”

Ember grins. “Glad she’s getting help. After all, it can’t be easy to open a new business.”

“Lots to do, yes. However, if you remember, we’ve done this before. Now then, you two should hurry up and eat. You’ll both need a good night’s sleep to be ready for landing tomorrow.”

Arc groans. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

Ember smirks wickedly at their hostess. “You too.”

Shelly appears confused. “Huh?”

“I’m sure you and Max are anxious to come together at the end of a long day.”

Shelly shakes her head. “Sadly, no. He’s staying in the barracks with the rest of the soldiers.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What about you though?”

Shelly gestures to the kitchen door. “I’m sharing Saffron’s quarters with her in back of the kitchen. But admittedly there’s not much time for us to sleep, what with all the food we have to make.”

“Well, just be sure that you take your own advice and rest when you can.”

“I will, Arc.”

A short time later Arc and Ember finish their meal and head down the corridor toward his quarters. Looking ahead, they spot Hammer waiting for them outside. She comes to attention as they approach.

“Lieutenant Hammer reporting for duty, sir!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But I didn’t call for you.”

Hammer grins sheepishly. “Yeah, I know.”

Ember appears confused. “Then what are you doing here?”

“Kinda... sorta... reporting something.”

Arc sighs. “That didn’t really clear it up, Hammer.”

“Maybe you’d better just see for yourself then, sir.”

Hammer gestures to the door. Arc turns to Ember whom shrugs. Stepping forward, he pushes it open to allow the two women to enter first. Following them, he closes the door behind him and turns. Before them, standing at attention, is Mio. She is clad in body armor with a gun slung over her shoulder. Hammer turns to Arc and speaks.

“So what do you think?”


Ember raises an eyebrow. “What the heck is all this?!”

Hammer grins proudly. “My sister wants to join the offensive.”

Arc looks to Mio. “You do?”

Mio nods soberly. “Yes sir.”

“What brought this on?”

“May I speak freely, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Remember, you’re not an active member of the military here, Mio, so you can say whatever it is that you want.”

“As I’m sure you’ve heard, I’ve been unable to regain my magical prowess through study and practice. Therefore, I’d like to help out in the only other way I know how to. By picking up a rifle and facing the enemy head-on!”

Ember grins. “Nice!”

Arc looks to Hammer. “Mio has actual combat training?”

Hammer nods. “Yup. We were all trained in weapons, magic, and tactics back at Damocles Base.”

“And how did she do?”

“High marks in magic and tactics. Admittedly, not the greatest in weapons training though.”

Arc turns back to Mio. “Is that true?”

Mio looks down sheepishly. “Y-yes sir.”

Ember frowns. “Then why do you want to fight with us?!”

Mio turns to Arc. “Might I speak freely, sir?”

“I already told you... yes... yes, you may, Mio.”

“Hammer... I mean, Lieutenant Hammer... told me all about what happened to her when she walked away from The Organization. How you took her in, fed, housed, and provided for her needs during that time. And how you saw to it that she was safely evacuated to Equestria when things became too dangerous for her back on Earth.”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward her sister. “Like you did for Mio as well some time back, I might add.”

Mio nods. “Yes. Even though I was your enemy, you still offered me amnesty here in Equestria.”

She bows her head before continuing.

“And I’ve done very little to deserve such treatment.”

Hammer looks to Arc soberly. “Mio’s looking to repay us for all the Equestrian hospitality she’s been given since coming her.”

Ember grins. “Sounds good to me!”

Arc frowns. “While that is... admirable, I’m a bit worried about your safety out there, Mio.”

“I did pass all my combat exams though.”

Hammer nods. “She did, yes. But just barely I have to say.”

Ember turns to Arc. “I really don’t see the problem here, Arc. She’ll just be in the same danger as the rest of us.”

“Very true. However, Mio doesn’t have the same level of combat readiness as the rest of us do.”

He looks her over for a few moments as she looks at him expectantly.

“How about this, Mio. You said you did well in training on tactics, right?”

Mio nods. “Yes, that’s correct.”

“Then I recommend that you help advise Twilight during the battle rather than actively participating in combat.”

Hammer shrugs. “It would be a lot safer for you too, little sis.”

Ember grins. “And you’d still be contributing to the nation and its war effort.”

Mio puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose that’s true. But do you really think the princess would be willing to take me on as an advisor of sorts? I mean... Princess Twilight is always very nice to me during our training sessions. But this is really important.”

Hammer nods. “I’ll vouch for you, Mio. After all, you already know everything about the changelings. Well, as much as we do know, I mean.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “She does?”

“Yup. I had her type up the training material we used to instruct all the soldiers after war was declared.”

Mio smiles nervously. “That and I’ve studied all the maps we have regarding the topography of the Badlands.”

Arc chuckles. “It sounds to me like you’d be of help to Twilight, yes.”

Ember taps the rifle in Mio’s hands. “That and you could double as one of her bodyguards too.”

Hammer shrugs. “A last line of defense, as is were.”

“I’ll do my best to help in whatever way I can, yes.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Sounds to me like this matter is settled.”

Arc shrugs. “More or less. Twilight will still have to approve it, of course.”

Hammer turns to her sister. “I’m sure she will though.”

Mio appears hopeful. “I do hope so. After all, I do really admire her. Not just as my teacher mind you, but also as a per... as an individual.”

Hammer looks to the door. “We could go talk to her about it right now if you want.”

“B-but isn’t it a bit late for that?!”

Ember looks out the window at the darkened sky. “Kinda is, yeah.”

Arc nods. “True. But once we touch down tomorrow morning things are going to get busy, fast. It’ll be too late to have any real conversations about much of anything other than the operation at that point.”

Hammer grabs Mio’s arm. “Then let’s get moving.”

Mio looks to Arc and does her best to salute as she is pulled toward the door. “I, uh...!”

Arc chuckles. “Dismissed.”

Ember heads for the bed as the door closes behind Hammer and Mio.

“Well, I suppose we should all get some rest now.”

Arc nods. “Yes, we probably should.”

Ember licks her lips seductively. “How about I help keep you warm tonight then?”

“You’re more than welcome to sleep here tonight, Ember.”


“But I won’t be here.”

Ember raises an eyebrow, confused. “Um... what?”

Arc motions out the window. “I was planning to take a portal over to the Lunar Destiny and make sure it along with the base camp were secure for Twilight’s arrival tomorrow.”

“That... does make sense, I guess. Want some company though?”

“If you really want to come, then sure. But just understand that there won’t be any sharing of beds over there.”

Ember grins. “I could still sleep in the bunk next to you though, right?”

“In a military tent, maybe. But just be aware that they are not heated and it’s still awfully cold out there at night.”

Ember looks away as she shivers. “You know, I think I might just stay here and help keep The Equinox secure.”

Arc chuckles. “You do that.”

Calling forth his armor, Arc holds out an arm and opens a portal. Turning to Ember, he calls out to her.

“See you early tomorrow morning when the ship lands.”

Ember nods as she head for his bathroom. “Yeah, I’ll see you then.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... not that I mind, but where are you going?

“To take a long, hot shower! All this talk about cold weather has got me freezing!”

Shaking his head and chuckling, Arc steps through his portal and vanishes. Appearing a few moments later aboard the Lunar Destiny’s bridge, he turns to the stallion sitting in the captain’s seat, saluting.

“Welcome aboard, sir.”

Arc returns the salute. “Thanks. How are things going over here, Flash Sentry?”

“Very quiet, sir.”

“No enemy sightings?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head as he picks up a pair of binoculars from a small table next to his chair.” Nothing, sir. Care for a look yourself though?”

Giving Arc the binoculars, the young man removes his helmet before putting them up to his eyes and scanning the base camp’s perimeter.

“Nothing but sand and rocks from what I can tell.”

Flash Sentry nods as he is handed back the binoculars. “Yes sir. I just wish we had a way to test these things before coming out here.”

Arc shrugs. “Princess Celestia said that they had the equivalent of a Truesight enchantment on them that worked well for just this purpose back in her day.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “While I don’t doubt her experience regarding this particular piece of equipment, sir, I just can’t shake the idea that such an old method also means that the enemy has had many years to come up with a counter for them.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes. But my own helmet’s Truesight enchantment has let me see changelings in the past. And the same stallion whom enchanted it also did the same to those binoculars.”

“What was his name again, sir?”

“Mythic Honor. He’s a bit... eccentric.”

Flash Sentry shudders. “That’s putting it mildly, sir.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Remember, I was the one whom led the convoy to his village to get these enchantments.”

“Nice town. Real remote.”

“Remote is an understatement, sir! It isn’t even on any of our maps!”

Arc shrugs. “They just like their privacy.”

“Well, they may want to get their leader out of the office more often then. When I arrived at the village, he was perched on the roof of the Town Hall with an enchanted magnifying glass looking for changelings.”

Arc groans and bows his head. “Admittedly, that does sound like something he would do.”

Flash Sentry lowers his voice as he speaks. “Should he really be in charge of an entire town though, sir?”

“Everyone that lives there is okay with it though. No reason to go against their wishes needlessly.”

“I suppose you know what’s best, sir.”

Arc gestures to the large window before them. “In any case, can I assume that the base camp has been properly constructed?”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “As per Princess Twilight’s orders, yes. A defensive perimeter has been established between us and the Badlands.”

“How many guards to we have outside the ship?”

“None, sir.”

Arc appears confused. “None? But whom is guarding the base camp then?”

“We’re using the Lunar Destiny as a very large, heavily armored, and fully secured base camp, sir. Upon my initial survey of the area I saw innumerable places for the enemy to ambush us from. This just seemed like a much better plan than Princess Twilight’s original idea to camp out in front of the ship.”

“Sounds like it, yes. Now I’m glad that I convinced her to give you full authority to act in this matter.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Me too, sir. Our troops are secure and warm in here while still able to carry out their duties.”

Arc looks toward the window again. “I’m sure I already know the answer to this question, but... we ARE on the Equestrian side of the border, correct?”

“Yes sir. As of now, our forces have yet to step even one hoof outside of our country thus far.”

“Good. There still may be a way to reach a peaceful resolution yet.”

“With all due respect, I don’t see how that could happen at this point, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Neither do I. But I’m still holding out hope. Now then, I should probably get to work.”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “Sir?”

“While I’m sure you’ve taken care of everything to the best of your ability, I still wanted to come here myself and make sure our base camp was secure before Twilight arrives early tomorrow morning.”

“Yes sir. Shall I accompany you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, your place is here on the bridge right now.”

“Perhaps my aide then?”

“That would be fine, yes.”

Pressing a button, Flash Sentry speaks into a microphone next to him. A few minutes later the bridge door opens and the sound of clopping hooves rings out. Arc turns to see Raven looking up at him.

“Hello again, sir.”

“Hi, Raven.”

Flash Sentry gestures to Arc with a hoof. “The commander is here to do a bit of a surprise inspection.”

Arc chuckles. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

Raven smiles. “We understand, sir. You have to make sure that the princesses will be safe when they arrive.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Right.”

Arc gestures to the door. “Let’s start with the ship and move to the exterior then.”

“Right this way, sir.”

Leading him off the bridge, Raven speaks as they walk down the corridors.

“As you can see from here, we’ve placed industrial lighting fixtures all around the outside of the ship to fully illuminate the perimeter. There are two guards at each window at all times to visually watch for any signs of movement from the enemy.”

“Night and day?”

Raven nods. “Yes sir.”


“Every two hours. Flash Sentry is personally coordinating the changes by splitting the ship up into what he’s calling ‘sectors’.”

“Anyone stationed outside the ship?”

“Only during the day, sir. Pegasi patrols fly overhead to get a bird’s eye view of the land while Unicorn and Earth Ponies keep watch from the deck. Colonel Flash Sentry recalls them inside when the sun starts to set though for safety’s sake.”

“But just to be clear here, they haven’t seen anything yet?”

“Correct, sir. Which is just as well as far as the colonel is concerned. After all, we don’t have the numbers or supplies to fight a full-scale battle for very long.”

Arc nods. “That’s where The Equinox and its forces come in.”

“And their supplies too, I might add.”

“When they get here tomorrow we’ll be able to start our advance properly and safely.”

“Or as safely as we can, I suppose.”


Raven’s stomach rumbles loudly. She grimaces in embarrassment as Arc turns to her.

“Was that... you?”

“Y-yes, sir. I was very busy all day and missed lunch.”

Arc looks out the nearest window as he speaks. “And supper as well from the look of things.”

“That too.”

“Come on. Let’s get you to the cafeteria for a bite to eat.”

Leading the way downstairs, the pair come to the cafeteria. It is empty as are the buffet tables. Raven sighs.

“Looks like it was later than I thought.”

“That’s okay. We’ll just get you a little something from the kitchen then.”

Raven gasps. “But only authorized personnel are allowed in that area, sir!”

Arc shrugs as he heads for the door. “Then I’ll make an exception for myself and you.”

Entering the kitchen, they see a number of large containers sitting open on the main prep table. Raven turns to Arc.

“It looks like somepony’s still working.”

“Probably getting ready for breakfast for tomorrow.”

He gestures to one of the large refrigerators before continuing.

“Let’s see if there’s any leftovers from supper in here.”

Finding a tub with soup in it, Arc pulls it out and grabs a pot.

“How about this?”

Raven nods. “Yes, that’s just fine, sir.”

Putting the pot on the stove, Arc pours some of the contents of the tub into the pot before turning the burner on ‘low’ and putting the tub away. However, as he begins stirring the contents, the door to the pantry opens as the sound of hoofsteps ring out. Calling out from the stove, Arc does not take his eyes off the pot before him.

“Don’t mind me. Just warming up some soup real quick.”

“That’s fine with me, Arc.”

His eyes wide, Arc whirls around to see Derpy walking toward the prep area with a sack on her back.


Derpy smiles at him. “Yes?”

“What are you DOING?!”

Derpy taps the sack on her back with a hoof. “Mixing up some pancake batter for tomorrow morning.”

Raven smiles at her. “I believe the commander meant to ask why you are aboard this ship.”

Derpy lifts the sack onto the prep table as she speaks. “Just doing my part to help with the war effort. After all, an army fights on its stomach. Uh... at least I think that’s how the saying goes.”

Arc facepalms. “Great.”

“Is something wrong, Arc?”

“Kinda, yeah. This isn’t exactly the place for you right now. I mean... the upcoming battle, and all.”

Derpy giggles. “I’ll be just fine here in the kitchen.”

Raven nods as she looks to Arc. “Remember, support staff aren’t permitted to leave the ship, sir.”

Arc sighs. “I... guess that’s true. Sorry I overreacted, Derpy.”

“It’s fine.”

She sniffs the air before continuing.

“But you should probably take that soup off the heat before it starts to scorch.”

“Uh... right!”

Doing as Derpy suggests, Arc pulls the pot off the stove as she gives him a bowl. Pouring the contents into it, he sets it before Raven.

“Here you are.”

“Thank you, sir. This should tide me over until breakfast.”

Derpy calls out from her place at the prep table. “Are you sure, Raven? I can heat something else up for you if you’d like.”

“Yes, I’ll be okay.”

The sound of more hooves exiting the pantry rings out as Applejack steps out carrying a backload of sacks. She sets them next to Derpy and looks to Arc.

“Hey there, sugarcube. Nice pantry you got back there.”

“Um... hi, Applejack. Now then... I’m almost afraid to ask this, but... is there anyone else back there?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nope. Just me.”

Arc appears relieved. “Good.”

Derpy points a hoof toward the door. “Right. Rarity’s down in the cargo hold checking the armor for defects.”

Applejack nods. “And Pinkie’s with her looking for...”

Arc interrupts her. “Rarity and Pinkie too?!”

Derpy grins. “Yup!”

“Anyone else?!”

Applejack taps her hoof on the table as if thinking. “I believe Fluttershy’s cleaning the bathrooms. And Rainbow Dash is probably asleep in her room by now.”

“But... but why?”

Raven looks up from her soup. “Princess Twilight’s orders, sir.”

Applejack grins. “She wanted us close at hoof just in case the Elements of Harmony were needed.”

Derpy looks over her shoulder. “It’s probably for the best that they’re here.”

“I... suppose that’s true, yes. But why didn’t someone tell me?”

Raven shrugs. “Admittedly, I’m at a loss, sir.”

Applejack walks over to the sink and washes her hooves. “Twilight said she wanted to tell you personally. Not sure what happened there though.”

Derpy shrugs. “Admittedly, she has been really busy lately.”

Arc sighs. “Well, I’ll talk to her about it when The Equinox lands tomorrow.”

Raven looks over as she finishes her soup. “Shall we continue our inspection tour now, sir?”

Arc stands. “Yes, I think we’d better.”

Applejack walks over to him. “Could we talk to you first though, Arc?”

Derpy nods. “Yes, it won’t take long.”


He looks to Raven before continuing.

“Could we get a few minutes alone please?”

“Yes sir. I’ll wait in the cafeteria.”

Heading out the door, Raven closes it behind her. Arc turns to Derpy and Applejack as they approach him.

“Now then, what’s on your minds?”

Applejack bows her head. “I just wanted to ask that you not be upset with Twilight about this.”

Derpy nods sadly. “Or us.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Now why would I be upset?”

Applejack wrings her hooves nervously. “Well... it does kinda look as if we went behind your back to come aboard.”

Derpy grimaces. “It honestly wasn’t our intent to surprise you like this!”

Arc smiles at them. “No, it’s okay. I’m sure whatever caused this bit of... miscommunication was purely an accident.”

Applejack appears hopeful. “So... you’re not upset?”

“Nope. Actually, it’s nice to know you two, and the others, are here.”

Derpy giggles. “Really?!”

Arc nods. “Oh, yes. Truth be told, I’m actually a bit... nervous about how this whole thing is going to go down.”

Applejack looks to him, confused. “Nervous?”

“We don’t really know what’s going to happen out there. It may just involve us marching into the hive and capturing Chrysalis. Or, it could all go sideways at some point. And I’m leaning more towards the latter.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “I’m sure Princess Twilight will think things through properly along with Princess Celestia.”

Applejack looks to Arc with a smile. “And you too, sugarcube. But you’d best get a move on soon.”

Derpy giggles as she gestures to the door. “Right. After all, Raven is waiting for you.”

“Alright. I’ll see you both at breakfast then.”

Applejack laughs as she motions to the prep table. “We’re already working on it.”

Arc chuckles as he turns toward the door. “Carry on then.”

Derpy and Applejack playfully salute as he leaves. Seeing Raven rise from her place at a table, Arc heads over to her.

“Sorry for the wait.”

“It’s alright, sir. Are you ready to proceed?”

Arc nods. “Lead the way.”

Returning to the corridor, Raven turns to him before speaking.

“You’ll be happy to know that your squad has been rigorously training the soldiers for this mission as per you instructions, sir. Prior to us departing, of course.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’m sure they’re still doing the same aboard The Equinox though. But tell me, how did the training go?”

“Fairly well from what I’ve heard.”

“Any problems?”

“Well... sort of.”


Raven looks away nervously. “Some of the soldiers are... not fond of taking instruction from Lunar Defenders.”

Arc frowns. “You mean because of their race?”

Raven sighs and nods. “Yes sir. I was just trying to put it delicately.”

“I’ve heard of the... trouble their race has endured.”

“Nopony is openly hostile toward them, generally speaking. However, they are viewed as something of a... curiosity.”


“Maybe not the best word for it, but yes.”

“I was hoping that them being chosen as my personal squad would help change such sentiment.”

“Only time will do that, sir. But I’ve seen that change is indeed happening.”

“Is it now?”

Raven nods. “Yes sir. Your squad being seen with you, even if just while on guard duty, shows the nation that you trust them with your life.”

“They’re good guys.”

“I agree, sir. However, some ponies can’t get past their outward appearance.”

“The leathery wings and different pupils are outside the other three race’s normal appearance, yes. But that’s all that’s different from a Pegasi.”

Raven bows her head. “While that is true, I too have been guilty of being unnerved by them at times.”

“I’m assuming this isn’t the first time something like this has happened in this land.”

“As far as I know, it is.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So you’re saying that when the three pony races unified all those years ago that everyone immediately just came together and started living together in harmony?”

Raven shakes her head. “No sir. The history books clearly state that ponykind settled in various towns built for a single race.”

“But today towns have all three races. What exactly changed?”

“They saw that everypony was the same at their core. And by diversifying and intermingling they could accomplish more than one race alone every would.”

“Exactly. Cooperation started slowly, built up over time, expanded, and eventually became the cultural norm. I don’t see why that can’t happen for the bat ponies.”

“I hope so. I really do, sir. Your squad does work very hard for you.”

“That they do.”

Continuing on their inspection tour, they eventually come to the platoon stationed at the main hatch. Arc and Raven stop in front of it as she speaks.

“And that concludes our tour, sir. From stem to stern we are secure.”

“Not quite.”

Raven appears confused. “Sir?”

“The outside of the ship.”

“We have innumerable eyes watching from every vantage point though, sir.”

“I understand that. However, I’d still like to look around myself.”

Raven nods soberly. “That is your right, sir. Shall I call for some guards to accompany you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. I won’t go far.”

“Would you at least take a portable radio, sir?”

“Very well.”

A guard steps forward with the device. Handing it to Arc, he turns another one on before checking it. Verifying that they are connected, Arc looks to the soldier next to the door as he speaks.

“Open it.”

Saluting, the guard dutifully presses the door release button. It swings open as Arc calls forth his armor and steps forward. Walking out onto the deck, he motions for the guards to close the door behind him. As it hisses shut, Arc turns and walks to the forwardmost part of the ship’s stem and looks out over the terrain before him. Folding his arms over his chestplate he stands there motionless as the guards inside watch him along with Raven. One of them turns to her, confused.

“Miss, what is the Hero of Light doing?”

Raven shrugs. “I have no idea. This makes no sense to me either.”

Remaining in his position for some time, Arc eventually holds his radio to his mouth and speaks.

“Lower the gangplank.”


“Do it.”

Shrugging, the guard presses a button on a nearby console. Slowly the gangplank descends to rest on the ground below. Walking down it to stand at ground level, Arc turns and begins walking toward the edge of the illuminated area. Raven calls out into the radio.

“Sir, I must warn you that you’re quickly approaching the border!”

“I know.”

“Then why...?!”

Arc interrupts her. “Stand by.”

Stopping, Arc looks out into the inky darkness as he speaks.

“I see you.”

A tense few moments go by before a lizard slowly crawls forth from the blackness and approaches Arc. Drawing his spear, Arc points it at the creature as he continues.

“State your intent.”

Looking up at him as several spotlights converge on the scaly lizard Raven’s voice rings out frantically.

“Sir, our sentries say that you’re standing in front of a changeling!”

“I am aware of that, Raven. Do not intervene.”

Frowning, Arc looks to the lizard again as he continues points his spear at them.

“Again I ask that you state your intent! I won’t do so again!”

A flash of green flames surround the lizard as it shapeshifts back to its original form. Looking up at Arc with its green eyes it stares at him silently for a time before speaking.

“Hello again, fool.”

Arc frowns. “Chrysalis?!”

The changeling before him rolls its eyes before speaking again.

“Do you honestly think I would be stupid enough to come there myself?!”

Arc shrugs. “One can but hope. After all, it would make for a MUCH shorter mission for us.”

Chrysalis scoffs. “No such luck, I’m afraid.”

“Why are you here?”

“To give you a message to relay to your pastel-maned princess.”

“Celestia isn’t currently...”

Chrysalis interrupts him. “Say what you will. But we both know she’s still calling the shots in Equestria.”

“Princess Twilight is the current ruler. No matter what you may think.”

“Believe what you will, human. But listen to my words very closely.”

She looks him over carefully before continuing.

“The purpose of my visit to your vessel tonight is to personally deliver a warning.”

“Do tell.”

“Go back.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“Ponies and your kind do not belong here in my domain.”


Chrysalis frowns. “I doubt that means you will leave.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we won’t. We’re here purely to prevent future attacks on Equestrian citizens by your... minions.”

“Bah! You know nothing of our interests in your land, human!”

“Then explain it to me. What exactly where you trying to accomplish back then?”

Chrysalis snorts. “It is beyond your comprehension, of that I am certain!”

Arc sighs. “Look, I’m going to assume that you don’t want open war between our countries. We’re both going to lose troops and resources over this as it stands.”

“Then leave!”

“I can’t do that.”

“It would appear that we are at an impasse then.”

“So it would seem.”

Chrysalis points one hoof at Arc and the other at herself. “I demand that you leave, and you insist on staying.”

“Guess we’re not going to get anywhere talking.”

“No, we will not. So I will leave you with this parting piece of advice.”

“Go on.”

“If you spend too much time searching for the truth, don’t be surprised if you find it. Or... if it finds you.”


Chrysalis smirks. “Tell your pretty purple pony princess that when she arrives tomorrow. Until then, I shall take my leave. Oh! And if you so desire, please feel free to take into custody this drone I’m speaking through.”

Arc scoffs. “What would I do with a changeling drone?”

“Interrogate it, study it, mate with it, or even kill it if you so desire.”


Chrysalis chuckles. “You will get nothing out of it, as this drone is but an empty husk. Mentally and emotionally.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he looks her over. “So it’s... not alive?”

“Not by my definition, no. However, you ponies would certainly see it as having the breath of life within its chitinous shell.”

She sits down on her haunches and puts a holey hoof to her chest before slowly dragging it down to her belly with a wicked smile.

“You could make history as the first Equestrian to take a changeling for their own.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’ll pass.”

Chrysalis shrugs. “Your loss.”

“Now then, if you have nothing else to say I do suggest that we both part ways.”

“Agreed. But know that we will meet again. Sooner than you think.”

Spreading her wings, the drone takes flight and turns to fly back into the Badlands. Watching them for a time silently as they leave his line of sight, Arc muses to himself.

“Chrysalis. What a strange individual she is.”

Sighing, he turns and walks back toward the Lunar Destiny. Walking up the gangplank, Arc raises the radio to his face.

“Let me in.”

The door opens to allow him admittance. As it closes behind him, Flash Sentry runs up and looks Arc over nervously.

“Are you alright, sir?!”

Arc nods as he recalls his armor. “Just fine.”

Raven grimaces as she gestures toward the now closed door. “What was that all about, sir?!”

“They just wanted to talk.”

Flash Sentry groans. “I don’t suppose it was a surrender?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just a warning for us to leave.”

Raven scoffs. “A desperate act.”

“Maybe. I can’t help but think that there was more to it than that though.”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “Sir?”

“Queen Chrysalis was speaking to me through that drone we saw out there. She even offered to turn them over to us.”

Raven frowns. “As a prisoner?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “More likely as a spy.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. It was pretty obvious that she was very interested in me taking them aboard. Other than that though Chrysalis didn’t care one bit what happened to them.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Nothing but a pawn to her.”

“Either way, it’s obvious that this won’t end with words.”

Raven groans. “You mean...?”

Arc looks out the window across the barren wasteland. “Yes, Raven. It will most certainly lead to bloodshed.”

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