• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Justice by Force

Sometime later the sound of a bell rings out through the halls. Arc pokes his head out the door and calls to one of the ponies walking down the corridor.

“What’s going on?”


He follows the herd down the corridor to a large elevator. A short time later it begins to rise. Reaching its destination, it screeches to a stop. Arc follows everyone down a long corridor toward a bright light. Exiting, he squints as the sun radiates down on them. Before them await innumerable stallions standing in groups on one end of the yard. On the other side are a similar number of what appear to be mares. He spots Fortunate Ire and walks over to him.

“Question for you.”

Fortunate Ire turns to him. “Oh?”

“Is this every prisoner?”

“Other than those in solitary confinement or the infirmary, yes.”

“Why all together?”

Fortunate Ire points a hoof upward. “See all those guards?”


“It’s easier to watch one big group than a number of small ones.”

“Kinda makes sense. So what are we waiting for?”

“The gruel to be served.”

Arc looks around. “I don’t see any tables.”

Fortunate Ire points a hoof to one side. “It comes out those big pipes and into the main trough.”

As if on cue there is a loud gurgling as gallons of gruel spew into the trough. Fortunate Ire holds up a hoof as Arc moves to pass him.


“What for?”

“The warden has to give the signal first.”

A few minutes later a shrill whistle is heard over the din. Arc watches as Buffalo Bull and his lieutenants step forward and begin to eat. Fortunate Ire turns to him.

“They’ll eat their fill. When you see them turn back toward the group that means the ‘A’ ranks can approach and eat.”

“And then when we’re done the ‘B’ ranks go next?”

Fortunate Ire nods. “Yup. In descending order.”

Arc watches for a time before Buffalo Bull and the others step back. The ‘A’ rank prisoners walk forward as Fortunate Ire turns to Arc.

“Uh… that’s your cue.”

Arc shakes his head. “I think I’ll just watch.”

“Your choice.”

Arc stands off to one side as the ‘A’s, ‘B’s, and ‘C’s eat their fill. As the last ‘C’s return to the group the ‘D’s, which are the largest portion of the prison population, run at top speed toward the trough. Pushing and shoving, they each fight tooth and hoof for the last bits of gruel. As they finish, Arc watches a number of elderly stallions and mares licking the trough in vain. He turns to Fortunate Ire.

“Is this how the meals are handled every time?”

Fortunate Ire nods. “Yup. It’s always this way.”

“I see.”

As the prisoners head back toward the buildings, Spitfire turns to Virtuous Lance.

“It looks like our newest prisoner isn’t eating.”

Virtuous Lance chuckles. “He appeared to be observing.”

“Do you suppose he’ll refuse food as part of a protest?”

“Unlikely. We shall continue to observe though.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc returns to his quarters and lays down on the bed. Frowning, he turns toward the wall.

“I think I’ll have a word with Buffalo Bull about this at supper.”

Sometime later the bell rings. Arc sits up and heads for his door. Returning with the others to the courtyard, he watches as the trough is again filled with gruel from the pipes. Buffalo Bull and his lieutenants walk toward it and begin to eat. Stepping forward, Arc is stopped by Fortunate Ire.

“What are you doing?! It’s not your turn yet!”

“Just going to have a word with our so-called king.”

“Not a good idea. He hates being interrupted when he’s eating.”

“Yeah? Well this can’t wait.”

Pushing past the stallion, Arc approaches Buffalo Bull and taps him on the shoulder. Turning, he glares at the human before him.


“Sorry to interrupt you meal, but I couldn’t help but notice something at lunch.”

“This is what we eat! If you don’t like it…!”

“There were a number of older folks whom only got to lick the trough.”

One of the lieutenants looks over his shoulder. “We call them ‘bottom feeders’.”

Buffalo Bull nods. “Right. They’re too old to contribute much, so that’s all the food they deserve.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “After a lifetime of working?”

Buffalo shrugs. If they want more, they need to increase their rank.

“They can barely walk though.”

Another lieutenant shrugs. “Sounds like a personal problem to me.”

Buffalo chuckles. “Agreed. The food needs to go to the strong first. Next you’ll be telling me that the ‘D’ ranks aren’t getting enough.”

“Well, that was the second thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

Buffalo Bull pokes Arc’s chest with a hoof. “Look here, punk. You’re an ‘A’ rank, which means you get some of the best stuff around here.”

The largest lieutenant nods fervently. “Don’t go shaking the boat now.”

“I just think we need to distribute the food more evenly. From what I saw everyone other than the ‘D’s were able to totally gorge themselves while others went hungry.”

Buffalo Bulls steps toward Arc and grabs him by the front of his prison outfit. “The mighty make the rules! If you don’t like it, use your own strength to change things!”


Roughly pushing Buffalo Bull back, Arc puts up his fists.

“Let’s do this!”

“You want to take me and my boys on?!”

“Yeah! Right here, right now!”

Spitfire motions to the guards. “Prepare to…!”

Virtuous Lance interrupts her. “Stand down!”


“Let this play out.”

“But it could escalate into a full on prison riot!”

“You have your orders.”

Buffalo turns to his lieutenants.

“Waste him.”

As they charge forward, he turns around and goes back to eating. The sound of a scuffle rings out behind him. A few moments later there is a tap on his shoulder.

“Well, I certainly hope you boys taught him a lesson he won’t soon…”

“Funny. I was about to say the same thing.”

Whirling around Buffalo Bull spots all his lieutenants lying on the ground motionless. Arc looks at him and grins.

“Thanks for the warmup. Now it’s your turn.”

Fuming, Buffalo Bull takes a swing. Sidestepping, Arc takes a quick shot at his leg. The so-called King falls to the ground, gasping.

“My… my bad leg! How did you…?!”

Arc chuckles. “You forget, I’m the one whom gave that to you. Now then, are you willing to talk?”

“About what?!”

“A bit more fairness in the food chain.”

“N-never! We need to keep the dregs in line!”

“Well then, I suppose we need some new leadership around here.”

He turns around and faces the lieutenants whom are slowly getting to their feet.

“I’m in charge around here now! Anyone of you have a problem with that?!”

They shake their heads wordlessly. Arc looks around at the mares and stallions that stand there watching.

“Does anyone challenge me?! Speak now!”

No one says a word as Arc nods soberly.

“Then I declare myself King!”

Buffalo Bull fumes. “You… you can’t DO that!”

Arc turns to him. “Why not? Didn’t you say that the strong were needed to keep the weak in their place, or something like that?”

“We are!”

“Well, we’re going to do things a little differently around here from now on.”

Turning to the ‘D’s, Arc spots an elderly stallion whom can barely stand. Putting his hand into the trough, he removes a bit of gruel. Walking over to the stallion, Arc kneels down to his level. Extending his hand, he offers the food to him.


The stallion extends a shaky hoof and accepts the bit of gruel. Eating it hungrily, he looks up at Arc with his sunken eyes.

“Th-thank you, sir!”

Reaching down, Arc picks the stallion up and carries him to the trough. He motions to the others whom are weak with hunger.

“The elderly eat first from now on. Help them over here.”

Obeying, the prisoners help the oldest and most feeble prisoners toward the trough. They eat slowly but hungrily. Tears rest in the corners of every eye as they do so. Eventually they eat their fill and step back. Arc turns to the masses again.

“Now the ‘D’s will eat. Come forth.”

“They charge forward hungrily. Arc holds up his hands.

Arc shouts. “STOP!!!”

Every hoof grinds to a halt as he looks over them.

“Are you animals?! Walk to the trough and eat slowly and carefully! Now let’s try again!”

The prisoners walk forward slowly and line up at the trough. They begin to eat as instructed while Arc watches them. Eventually they step back with the others. Arc calls out.

“Everyone else may now come forward in an orderly and dignified manner!”

Walking toward the trough, they begin to eat. Arc turns and walks over to Buffalo Bull. He glares up at him.

“Come to finish me off?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Come on.

Grabbing the stallion’s hoof, he helps him stand and assists him in making his way over to the trough.

“Go ahead and eat.”

Buffalo Bull gasps. “What?!”

“Everyone needs to keep their strength up. Even you.”

Arc watches as everyone eats their fill and begins filing back down the corridors toward the elevator. Suddenly Spitfire’s voice rings out overhead.

“Former Hero of Light Arc… the warden would like a word with you!”

A ladder is lowered as Spitfire motions to it.

“Let’s go!”

Nodding, Arc climbs the ladder and looks to Spitfire.

“So where is he?”

Spitfire motions with a hoof. “Follow me.”

Leading the way, several guards fall into step behind them. Arc looks to Spitfire as they walk.

“What’s this about?”

Spitfire frowns. “You’ll have to hear it from the warden himself.”

Arriving at the office, Spitfire opens the door. Inside on the desk are two simple plates of food. Virtuous Lance sits at the desk in front of one as a lone chair sits across from him in front of the other. He motions to the guards.

“Wait outside.”

They salute and leave the office as Virtuous Lance motions for Arc to sit down. Doing so, he looks across at the stallion evenly.

“You must be hungry.”

“What makes you say that?”

“You didn’t eat at the noonday meal nor at this one. Please share a bite with me.”

Nodding, Arc sits down, picks up his silverware, and begins to eat. The warden looks him over as he does so.

“Very interesting.”

“What is?”

“The fact you’re still eating like a civilized being, for starters.”

Spitfire clears her throat. “He’s been down there less than a day, sir.”

“True. But he’s also brought about more civility in these few hours than anypony else has.”

“I suppose that’s true, sir. But we can’t ignore his past crimes!”

Arc looks to her. “And which crimes would those be?”

“You attacked Princess Celestia!”

“First of all… no, I didn’t. Second, even if I had, is that not my job as the Hero of Light?”

Virtuous Lance chuckles as he eats. “I think he’s got you, lieutenant.”

“We have our orders though, sir.”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “I suppose we do.”

“I’m curious, sir. Why did you call me up here and then send your guards away?”

“Because they wouldn’t help me.”


“I just saw you take down the meanest criminals in here without breaking a sweat. What challenge would a few guards pose to you?”

“Little, I suppose.”

Spitfire grimaces. “Sir, this is madness! You’re in grave danger!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “From what?”


“Oh, I don’t think I’m that dangerous. At least not to you or the general.”

Virtuous Lance chuckles. “Warden, remember?”

“Sorry. I still remember you as the general whom advised me at the Lord Regent and protected the Crystal Empire.”

“That seems so long ago.”

“I know what you mean.”

Virtuous Lance puts down his utensils and looks to Arc. “Sir, let me ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you still here?”

“Because I’m a prisoner.”

Spitfire scoffs. “But we all know that even without your magic you should be able to find a way out!”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Indeed. So why have you not?”

“Because I’m innocent.”


“You know that.”

Spitfire frowns. “So then tell us why you’re here?!”

“Because I want my day in court.”

Virtuous Lance frowns. “Wait a moment. You WANT to stand before a judge and answer for these charges?!”


Spitfire gasps. “Why?!”

“To prove to Princess Celestia, and the rest of the country, that I’m not the monster she thinks I am. That way I can go home to my friends and family a free man with my head held high. If I were to escape I’d just constantly be on the run.”

Virtuous Lance nods approvingly. “An interesting concept.”

Spitfire raises an eyebrow. “Clearly you’ve thought this through.”

Arc shrugs. “Have you, lieutenant?”

“What are you…?”

“Think about it. You have to see what’s happening.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t you?”

“No, I don’t!”

“Then let me spell it out for you. Celestia created the Hero of Light position to counter an out of control monarch. So what would be the first logical step in any plan she might have?”

Virtuous Lance frowns. “To remove anypony whom might be a threat to her.”

Arc nods. “And whom would that be.”

Spitfire grimaces. “You?”

“Exactly. She knows I’m the only one whom can legally challenge her. So I’ve been sent as far away from Canterlot as possible while still in her clutches.”

He turns to Virtuous Lance before continuing.

“She then appoints a general whom specializes in security to watch over the cage I’m in to assure that I won’t be heard from again. At least not for the time being.”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “For what reason though?”

“I wish I knew.”

Spitfire looks to the general. “She must’ve had a good one, sir!”

Arc shakes his head. “Maybe in her mind. But I’m not so sure the rest of the nation would agree.”

Spitfire rolls her eyes. “It’s not our place as soldiers to question the motives of our superiors.”

Virtuous Lance turns to Arc. “What would you have me do though, sir? Release you?”

“No. As I said, I want my court hearing.”

“That will most likely take quite some time. I’m been informed that the evidence against you is vast and complicated.”

Spitfire nods. “It’ll take weeks, if not longer, for them to go through everything to prepare a case against you.”

Arc shrugs. “Makes sense.”

Spitfire narrows her eyes. “That’s not a good thing.”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “Lots of evidence means lots of counterarguments you’ll be forced to make.”

“I’ll beat this thing.”

“How can you be so sure of that?”

Spitfire smirks. “Yes. We’ve already told you that there’s virtually no hope of an acquittal.”

“Because I took an oath to protect this land from whatever comes. And I’ll never break that promise… ever.”

Spitfire puts a hoof on her weapon. “Is that a threat?!”

Arc shakes his head as he finishes his meal. “No. Just a statement of fact.”

Virtuous Lance nods. “And to what lengths would you go to in order to keep such a promise.”

“The ends of the world and back again if need be.”

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