• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Experimental Treatments

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance.

-Ember accused Goldstone of committing the crime, as he's been leering at the females all through the summit.

-Goldstone changed glasses with Cadance after he ‘tripped’ and ‘accidentally’ grabbed her backside.

-Fiona and Goldstone talked at length about an unknown topic. Taking into account their past, this is highly unusual.

-Rutherford saw Kane leave the Dining Room during the celebration.

-Tugem followed Kane when he left.

-Rutherford claimed a cupcake tasted bad. Poison or cultural tastes?

-Tugem reports that neither Ikis nor the Marquis ate or drank at the celebration last night.

-Tugem admits to leaving the Dining Room to follow Kane, whom seemed agitated.

-Kane confided in Tugem regarding his defeat by Sereb. Apparently Kane is feeling insecure after suffering what may be defeat for the first time in his life.

-Tugem thinks he saw Fiona drop something into Goldstone's glass while they were talking. However, no harm appeared to befall Goldstone.

-Felix saw Kane looking at Sereb with an angry look on his face for a large portion of the evening.

-Fiona did not see Kane speak to anyone during the evening.

-Felix saw Cadance drop her glass when Goldstone fell and grabbed her backside.

-Fiona confessed to a conversation with Goldstone while Felix returned to their room for a change of raiments. They spoke of monetary policy.

-Fiona confessed to sprinkling Abyssinian Itchweed in Goldstone's glass when he wasn't looking.

-Felix saw Cadance set the glass Goldstone gave her on a tray, empty. It is assumed she drank it.

-Arc sent a sample of Abyssinian Itchweed to be tested against samples of the princess' blood.

-Fiona has submitted herself to face Equestrian justice for potentially accidentally poisoning the princesses.

-Why was Luna also poisoned if only Cadance drank from the tainted glass?

-Both Fiona and Felix have agreed to be held under house arrest pending the lab report.

-Sereb confirms he overheard Queen Fiona talking to Lord Goldstone about monetary policy.

-Kane heard Gestal whispering to his daughter about how to use a bad situation to gain leverage.

-Iris saw Ghaleon watching Goldstone closely. But if that's true, how was Fiona able to poison his glass?

-Iris overheard Lord Goldstone refer to certain diplomats as ‘Equestria’s pets’.

-Ikis claimed to sense something 'out of place' on the air. It was not native to Equestria.

-The Marquis saw Princess Luna pretend to take several sips from her glass before pouring it into a napkin.

-Pinky informed me that the dishes are washed with special detergent to remove EVERYTHING from theme. We won't be able to test them for signs of poisoning.

-Lab results show a similar toxin to the one used to take down Arc during his visit to the Griffon Kingdom some time back. However it has somehow been amplified and altered beyond what the normal antidote can cure.

Arc appears on the sigil in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Shining Armor stands dutifully by Cadance as Arc walks over to Luna’s side. IV bottles hang overhead.

“How are they?”

Shining Armor sighs. “No change. I was hoping there’d be at least a little better with the treatments, but…”

He shakes his head as Arc nods.

“Redheart just started this infusion though. We can’t expect immediate results.”

“I know, sir. It’s just… this is all she can do.”

He squeezes Cadance’s hoof. She turns to look at him with empty eyes.

“She’s just so… dazed. So… devoid of her normal life and vigor. I hate seeing her like this!”

Arc looks down at Luna and takes her hoof. “I know what you mean. Neither of them deserves such a fate.”

They are silent for a time. Luna turns to look at Arc, her eyes unfocused.

“Luna? Can you hear me?”

A strange gargling sound is the only response. Shining Armor looks to her, hopeful.

“That’s an improvement. Cadance can you do the same?”

Cadance does not move. Shining Armor sighs.

“Well, it was worth a try. Any luck on a cure?”

“I think so, yes. But I need to run my idea by Redheart. Has she been by lately?”

“Yes. In fact she was here just a few minutes before you arrived to start the IV drips and…”

The door opens and Redheart enters. She walks over to the patients and looks them over before turning to Arc.

“My apologies, sir. I know you wanted the princesses to remain undisturbed. While I just started their treatments, I wanted to check and see how they were doing.”

Shining Armor turns to the nurse. “Cadance is unchanged. But Princess Luna sounded like she was trying to speak a moment ago!”

Redheart sighs. “That might be the best we can do as it stands.”

Arc appears serious. “That’s actually what I came to discuss with you. Are you familiar with historical medical practices?”

“How far back are we talking, sir?”


Redheart nods. “Actually, I am. Truth be told, I wrote a paper on some of the more effective practices for my thesis years ago.”

“That makes this easier. You said earlier that the synthetic cure needed to be amplified, right?”

“Yes sir. However there’s no known way to make it potent enough for it to be an effective treatment.”

“What if we used hydra humor?”

Redheart puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That would certainly do the trick. But unfortunately the hydra have been extinct for centuries.”

Shining Armor clears his throat. “That’s not exactly true, ma’am.”

Redheart looks confused. “Oh?”

Arc nods. “There are two of them inside Light’s Hope right now.”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

“They’re representatives at the summit. The place they come from isn’t exactly well-known or easy to get to.”

Redheart looks to Arc, a hopeful look in her eyes. “Do you think they’d be willing to spare some humor?”

“I believe so.”

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out a tendril. Redheart and Shining Armor gasp

“Sir! Is… is that…?”

“You should be able to extract enough humor from this to amplify their treatments.”

Redheart takes the tendril with her magic. “Yes sir! I’ll get to work mixing it up right away! Shouldn’t take but a few minutes!”

She hurries out the door. Shining Armor turns to Arc, a concerned look on his suddenly green face.

“S-sir? You… uh… did you have to… you know…?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s where the humor is. Don’t worry though. I asked permission before cutting it off.”

“You say that so… casually, sir.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve done this. Probably won’t be the last either.”

He looks down at Luna.

“This might be all you need, Luna. Just wait a few more minutes.”

Redheart returns shortly with two fresh IV bottles. She quickly hangs them up and turns to Arc.

“I used a 1:1 ratio, sire. That should do the trick.”

“Hopefully, yes.”

Redheart opens the valves with her magic and steps back.

“Now all we can do is wait.”

A full minute passes. Shining Armor turns to Arc.

“Sir! I think Cadance is coming around!”

Arc nods. “Luna too!”

Cadance looks up at Shining Armor sleepily.

“Wha… what… h-happened…?!”

“Shhh… it’s okay. You’re safe now.”

Arc squeezes Luna’s fetlock as he speak to her softly.

“Luna? Can you hear me?”

She groans softly as she gently squeezes Arc’s hand.

“Is… somepony there…?”

“Luna! It’s me! It’s Arc!”

Redheart walks over.

“Your highness? This is Redheart. If you can understand what I’m saying I need you to raise your left hoof.”

Luna slowly does so. Redheart smiles as she turns to Cadance.

“Princess Cadance. Can you raise your right hoof please?”

Cadance complies. Redheart looks to Arc.

“I do believe they’re on the road to recovery. In a few more minutes they may even be able to properly communicate with us.”

“I sure hope so.”

A short time later Luna looks up to him. She speaks weakly.

“Arc? Is… that you?”

Arc nods and smiles. “Yes, Luna! How do you feel?!”

“My head… feels strange. It’s hard to see as well.”

Redheart smiles. “That’s the remnants of the toxin. It should pass soon, your highness.”


“Yes, your highness?”

“Where… where am I…?”

Arc grins. “Aboard The Equinox.”

“What… happened…?!”

“I don’t really know, Luna. Hopefully you can tell us.”

“My head just feels so… jumbled. Where’s Cadance?”

Shining Armor looks over. “Right next to you, your highness.”

“What…? But I don’t see her.”

Arc gently puts a hand on top of Luna’s head. He carefully turns her to face her friend, whom is beginning to come around.


“Luna? I feel so… strange.”

She looks up at Shining Armor.

“What…? Where…?”

“Safe and sound aboard Arc’s ship, Cadance.”

Luna looks back up to Arc. “My head…”

Cadance groans. “Mine too.”

Arc looks into Luna’s face. “What are the last things you two remember?”

Luna puts a hoof to her head. “Not much, I’m afraid. We had just returned to your quarters to prepare for that day’s official meeting.”

Cadance nods. “Right. We needed to change outfits and brush our manes. The last thing I remember was feeling rather ill and sitting down on the couch to rest.”

“I experienced something similar in the bedroom. Feeling rather strange, I decided to sit down for a moment. That’s the last clear thought I had.”

She turns to Arc, concerned.

“Were we poisoned?”

“Yes. Redheart found a toxin similar to the one used to put you and Cadance down awhile back.”

Shining Armor looks to Cadance. “Could it have possibly been in the food?”

“That’s certainly a scary thought.”

Luna’s eyes grow wide.

“What about the other leaders?! Is anypony else sick?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Just you two.”

Redheart looks to Arc. “Sire, it may be prudent for the others to be tested as well. At this point we can’t definitively rule out the food.”

Arc nods. “I agree. Take what you need and get blood samples from everyone who ate anything from my base recently.”

“Yes sire, I’ll see to it.”

She leaves the room as Luna turns back to Arc.

“Did she just call you sire, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “Yes. I… unofficially took the role of Lord Regent again this morning when you two were discovered.”

Shining Armor lowers his head sadly. “Yes, I… didn’t feel that I was qualified to preside over the summit. Arc has the respect and admiration of nearly everypony in there.”

Cadance smiles at him. “That was a wise choice, Shining Armor.”

Arc nods. “Someone had to be in charge, I suppose. And Redheart needed someone to authorize your treatments.”

Shining Armor nods. “Arc had the idea to combine the antidote from last time with hydra humor to increase its potency.”

Luna smiles weakly. “Very clever. Again I must thank you for acting judiciously in this matter, Arc. However we must still get to the bottom of this.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Shining Armor looks down to Cadance. “Assuming it wasn’t anything in the food, was anypony else in the room at the time?”

“No. Luna ordered everypony out so we could have some time alone.”

Luna nods. “We do so every morning if time permits. It’s very difficult always being surrounded by others.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “One of the Hoof Maidens did stay behind after she brought out tea.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Really? Who?”

“Eventide Shine. She set out my dress and cleared the table of our after-breakfast tea dishes.”

Arc frowns. “Tell me more about this mare. Do you trust her?”

Luna nods. “Oh yes. She’s been with us for well over a year now. Always very dependable and diligent in her duties.”

Cadance smiles. “Agreed. She’s also a good listener.”

Luna nods. “Yes. She doesn’t say much, but it’s always a comfort to talk to her.”

Shining Armor looks up to meet Arc’s gaze. “I’ve met her. She almost reminds me of Twilight’s friend Fluttershy, as she’s very soft-spoken.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I think I’ll have a word with her about that tea.”

Cadance turns to Arc nervously. “Do you think it was poisoned?”

“It would seem so. You two drank it and suddenly fell ill.”

Luna shakes her head. “I don’t believe this was the case, Arc. Cadance and I could taste something off in our food back then, but didn’t think much of it.”

“Yes. The tea tasted the same as it does every day.”

Shining Armor frowns. “It still wouldn’t hurt to ask her some questions.”

“Agreed. She might know something. But I’m going to hold off on that until Nurse Redheart gets back with those blood samples.”

Luna looks to Arc. “Tell me, how long were we out?”

“About half a day.”

Cadance smiles. “You’re getting much faster at saving us.”

Arc chuckles. “Practice makes perfect. But you two need to rest for now. When Redheart gets back I’ll have her re-examine both of you just to be sure.”

Luna sits up. “That won’t be necessary, Arc. I’m feeling better by the minute.”

“Please, Luna. I insist!”

Shining Armor holds up a hoof. “Begging your pardon, Princess Luna. But he is technically the Lord Regent right now.”

Arc nods sadly. “Look, I won’t try to force you to be examined. But for the sake of your health I strongly recommend it.”

Cadance turns her head. “Please, Luna. Let’s just wait patiently and do as Arc asks.”

Luna lays back down and sighs. “Very well.”

An hour later Redheart enters the room. She walks over to the bed and looks up at the IV bottles.

“I see your treatments are nearly complete. How are you two feeling?”

Luna sighs. “Very tired. But otherwise fine”

“Same here.”

Arc turns to Redheart. “Do you think you could look them over just to be sure?”

“Yes sire.”

A short time later Redheart steps back and smiles.

“Everything appears to be returning to norma. The two of you are free to resume your normal duties tomorrow.”

Luna appears confused. “Tomorrow?”

“Your bodies have sustained very severe trauma. I’d like you to rest for the day at least.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc. “On the bright side we can tell everypony that the problem is solved.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Yes, we could. But we won’t.”

Redheart looks confused. “Sire?”

Arc turns to the princesses. “Think about it. Someone in my base tried to take you two out of commission. If they hear you’re doing better, they may try more drastic measures.”

Shining Armor frowns. “He’s right! We need to catch the perpetrator first.”

Redheart nods “Or perpetrators?”

Arc shudders. “That’s a scary thought. More than one would make for a messy situation.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc soberly. “Shall I help you, sir?”

“No, I want you to stay with the princesses. They shouldn’t be alone right now.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc turns to Redheart. “Have you had time to analyze the blood samples from everyone else in my base?

“All negative, sire.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “Good.”

“Yes. I suppose this proves you two were their only targets. But it still brings us no closer to finding out who did this.”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“Let me do some digging while you two rest.”

“Be careful!”

Luna nods. “Yes. And let us know what you find.”

Arc head for the door. “I will.”

Shining Armor turns to the pair as Arc leaves the room.

“Can I get you two anything?”

Luna nods. “How about some books from the library?”

“Yes, your highness.”

He bows and leaves the room. Cadance turns to Luna.

“I didn’t know you liked to read.”

Luna sighs. “Ever since Celestia disappeared I haven’t had time.”

“Yes, well… hopefully Arc figures this out soon. I’m not much for hiding things from others. Especially Twilight.”

Meanwhile, Arc leaves The Equinox and walks inside Light’s Hope. Trixie meets him in the Main Hall.

“Trixie is wondering if you need anything, sir.”

“Actually, yes. I’d like to speak to the delegation from the Griffon Kingdom in my quarters in fifteen minutes. Would you go tell them please?”

“Yes sir.”

Trixie hurries to carry out Arc’s orders as he heads for the Abyssinian’s room. The guards salute as he approaches.

“At ease. Did the monarchs give you any trouble?”

“No sir. They’ve been very quiet. Lieutenant Trixie ordered guards both inside and out of their room.”


The guards push the doors open for him as Arc steps forward. Six guards line the room stoically. Fiona lies on the bed face down crying into a pillow as Felix rubs her back in an attempt to comfort her. Arc turns to the soldiers in the room.

“Guards, leave us.”

They salute and step into the corridor. The guards close the door behind them as Arc walks over to the bed. Felix gently shakes his wife.

“Fiona? Lord Arc is here to see us.”

The queen slowly sits up as she takes her husband’s paw. She does not look up.

“Are… are you here to formally arrest me, Lord Arc?”

Arc kneels down in front of her and looks up into her tear-filled eyes.

“I’ve spoken to my ship’s medical officer. She says there’s no sign of Abyssinian Itchweed anywhere in either of their bodies.”

“B-but… that’s impossible!”

“How, sir?!”

“Redheart believes their bodies have already metabolized it, and that the substance found in their blood tests is completely different from what you accidently gave them.”

Fiona smiles. “You mean…?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’m clearing you of all charges and you’re no longer confined to quarters.”

Sobbing, Fiona jumps off the bed and wraps her paws around Arc’s neck.

“Thank you, Lord Arc! Thank you so much! You have my word that I’ll NEVER do anything like this to anyone ever again!”

Arc returns the hug. “Yes, please don’t. I know it was an accident, but I appreciate your sincerity nonetheless.”

Felix smiles as he breathes a sigh of relief. “You have Abyssinia’s thanks for exonerating my wife once again, Lord Arc. If there is ever anything you need, you have but to ask.”

Fiona nods as she steps back and wipes the tears from her eyes. “Y-yes! But we should probably leave now.”


Felix nods. “Yes. After all the trouble we caused it’s not appropriate for us to be part of the peace summit any longer.”

“Please. All is forgiven.”

Fiona looks to him, sadly. “But…!”

“You said you’d like to make up for what you did a moment ago. I really need you to stay.”

Felix appears confused. “Lord Arc?”

“I’ll explain everything later today. But in any case, please compose yourself and rejoin the other representatives.”

Fiona smiles as she wipes her eyes. “Yes, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to continue my investigation.”

He heads for the door. Felix calls out after him.

“Lord Arc?”


“How are the princesses doing?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll figure out a way to save them. Trust me.”

Arc leaves the room and turns to the guards.

“The Abyssinians are no longer under house arrest. They may now come and go as they please. Room guards will report to their superiors for new directions.”

The guards salute and walk away as Arc returns to his quarters. He closes the door, walks over to the table, and sits down as he flips to a fresh page in his notebook and clenches his fist.

“Ashe, you and your rebel friends had better not be behind this!”

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door.


Trixie enters and salutes.

“The Griffon Kingdom delegation, sir.”

“Send them in.”

Trixie nods and steps back out the door. A moment later Gestal, Goldstone, and Ghaleon walk into the room. The lieutenant closes the door behind them as Arc gestures to the table.

“Please be seated.”

They do so as Goldstone smiles smugly.

“I see we were the last to be interviewed. Most likely due to our obvious innocence.”

Arc sighs. “No one is accusing anyone of anything, Lord Goldstone. I just need information on anything you might have seen last night.”

“Very well. Although I hope you’ll take our nation’s treaty into account when making any…”

Ghaleon frowns. “Shut up, Goldstone!”

Gestal clears his throat. “We will tell you what we can, Lord Arc.”

Ghaleon nods as he looks at Goldstone. “Right.”

“There was one event that springs readily to mind. I saw Prince Tugem leave the Dining Room with one of Matriarch Iris’ bodyguards. The larger one.”

“Any idea why, Lord Gestal?”

“No. However it was quite strange, as the prince had consumed quite a large amount of champagne. How he was able to walk straight at that point was quite impressive.”

Goldstone chuckles. “I noticed that as well. However that was after he bumped into the Dragon Lord.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Accidently?”

Goldstone shakes his head. “No. I saw him use the opportunity to whisper something in her ear to which she appeared to agree to. They might both be involved in what happened to the princesses.”

Ghaleon frowns. “That’s quite the conclusion, Goldstone.”

“It might be important!”

Gestal nods. “Perhaps. We will have to let Lord Arc decide that.”

“Thank you. What was your take on the evening, Lord Gestal?”

“I was doing my best to share my experience with Ashe most of the time. However I did see something a bit off. Princess Luna kept looking over at Prince Tugem. It was as if she was expecting him to do something.”

Goldstone raises an eyebrow. “Really? Do you think she’s interested in him?”

“Curious might be a better word.”

Arc turns to Ghaleon.

“And you, Arbiter Ghaleon? I know you’re very perceptive in such matters.”

Ghaleon nods. “I saw everything that transpired throughout the evening.”

Arc looks to him. “Anything stand out as being important?”

“Everything is important to someone.”

“Um… anything in particular?”

Gestal turns back to Arc. “Arbiter Ghaleon means that he literally saw everything that transpired in the Dining Room that night.”

Goldstone frowns. “He is very… vigilant.”

“I prefer the term ‘hyper-observant’.”

“Are you saying you know EVERYTHING that happened?!”

“Most likely.”

He gives Goldstone a quick glance and frowns.

“This should be easy then. Can you start with…?”

“Hold on. Are you not this land’s Hero of Light?”

Arc looks up, surprised. “I am. What about it?”

Ghaleon folds his talons over his chest. “If you are as capable as I have been told, you should be able to solve this small mystery on your own. “

“Well, I’m certainly trying. But how about a hint?”

“I do suppose I owe you that much for your actions in rescuing the Council of Lords. Matriarch Iris knew of what was to come.”

Arc frowns. “How do you know that?”

“I could tell she smelled something that troubled her from the look on her face. However, she said nothing.”

“What do you suppose it was?”

Ghaleon frowns. “I’m perceptive, not psychic.”

Arc sighs. “Thank you for the information, Arbiter Ghaleon. I believe I need to give what I know some thought.”

Gestal stands and nods.

“I am confident you will uncover the truth, Lord Arc.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes as they head for the door together. As they leave the room Arc rests his forehead in his hands as he looks over his notes.

“What the heck happened last night?! I’ve gathered so much information, but none of it makes any sense!”

Sighing, Arc stands and walks over to the window. Looking outside he stares at the afternoon sky.

“I’m certainly glad the princesses are going to be alright. But that doesn’t mean much unless we find the one who did this.”

He frowns.

“And right now, Ashe and her ilk are still in my sights.”

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