• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Royal Rendezvous

Two days pass. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hurry to carry out Rarity’s instructions for beautifying Light’s Hope’s Main Hall. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“I still don’t get why this is so important.”

Rarity looks over her clipboard.. “Neither do I. But Arc and the princesses believe it is, so we all need to do our part to make this endeavor a success.”

Fluttershy looks over as two of her birds hang yet another flag overhead. “Yes. My animals and I will do our part.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah, yeah. I get that. But where is HE?!”

Rarity looks around and makes a check on her papers. “Probably still going over security with Lieutenant Flash Sentry.”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “Oh, no. He said that was all ready and was heading to his quarters to see if Twilight had the final instructions for the Yakyakistan leader’s room.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “How hard could THAT be?!”

Rarity sighs. “Well, nopony has seen or heard from the yaks in quite a few years. So we’re not really sure how to treat them.”

Fluttershy smiles at her. “Other than Arc himself you mean?”

Rainbow Dash laughs and bats her front hooves at the air in mock fisticuffs. “Yeah! He really took their leader down a few notches! What was his name again?”

A male voice rings out behind them.

“Prince Rutherford.”

They turn to see Arc entering the Main Hall with Twilight and Rose at his side as he continues.

“Biggest one over there from what I could see. Then again, that might have just been all the fur and his helmet.”

Rose nods. “From what little we know of them, they are certainly not a force to be taken lightly.”


Rarity trots happily over to him. “We’re almost done in here.”

Twilight looks around. “I see you’ve followed my notes exactly, Rarity.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah! And it’s been the biggest pain in the world! I don’t get why everything has to be so… so…”

Fluttershy sighs. “Perfect?”

“Yeah, that’s the word.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Because the princesses are insisting on a good first impression.”

Twilight nods. “Right. And because last time something like this was tried it was a mess.”

Rarity looks nervous. “Last time?”

Arc nods grimly. “We weren’t told this before, but apparently Princess Celestia attempted a peace summit like this around a thousand years ago.”

Rainbow Dash flies toward Arc. “She did? How could it have gone badly?”

Twilight shrugs. “The details of what exactly happened have been lost to time. Only the very oldest history books even mention the event even occurred.”

Arc sighs. “And apparently they all point to it ending with everyone yelling at one another and leaving in a huff.”

Fluttershy looks nervous. “Did it at least say what the argument was about?”

Twilight sighs. “Oddly enough, it sounded kinda like a friendship problem that started with the yaks complaining about the Abyssinians.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What kind of problem?”

Arc shrugs. “I read the passage myself and still don’t get it.”

Twilight nods. “The book just mentions a ‘minor disagreement’ caused the griffons to side with the Abyssinians and the ponies to side with the yaks.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Side? As in allies?”

Rose shakes her head. “More like taking an intellectual position in a petty squabble. Nothing lasting came from that. Other than centuries of distrust between pretty much everyone who attended.”

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. The yaks, griffons, and Abyssinians only agreed on one thing. That the matter was Equestria’s fault.”

Fluttershy nods nervously. “That might be why it wasn’t recorded. To protect Princess Celestia’s image.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “So we were blamed for what? Starting it?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda sounded like it.”

Twilight frowns. “Right. But even that’s difficult to ascertain. Needless to say, we have to succeed where Princess Celestia didn’t.”

Fluttershy bites her lower lip. “That’s not going to be easy.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah. But Arc and the other princesses can handle it.”

Rarity nods. “With our help they will!”

Arc smiles at those assembled. “I’ll certainly try my best anyways. But I couldn’t have gotten this far without all of you helping out.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. I see now why you called in Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy looks down the corridor. “All your guards seem to be very busy, Arc.”

“That they are. Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage have kept them involved in the process with various specialized drills and procedures since this all started. While I certainly could have conscripted a few of them to help out, I figured calling in our friends would probably be more efficient.”

Rainbow Dash grins broadly. “Fluttershy and I are more effective than your soldiers, Arc?!”

“Well, in this matter, yes. All of you already know one another so it’s easier for you six to get the job done together than call in outside help. Sorry if that sounds kinda cold and calculating.”

Twilight shrugs as she turns to Rose. “I prefer to think of it as the best use of the time given. And speaking of time, when is Cadance arriving?”


Rarity drops her clipboard as her pupils shrink. “P-P-Princess Cadance is coming HERE?! When?!”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “In about an hour.”

Fluttershy cowers nervously. “But why?!”

“Princess Luna wanted her to check up on how things were going.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Do they think you aren’t capable of handling this, Arc?! I mean, come on! You single-hoofedly did THEIR jobs when you were Lord Regent!”

Twilight shakes her head. “I’m sure both Princess Luna and Cadance have faith in Arc and his abilities.”

“Right. But if you remember I didn’t lead the country alone. I had Kibitz and Raven as my aides. Shining Armor and Trixie taking care of castle security. Ember and Sereb as my personal bodyguards. Not to mention a whole slew of castle support staff writing up orders, cooking meals, keeping the castle clean and stocked, patrolling the grounds, keeping the gardens groomed, and more tasks that I’m not even aware of, I’m sure. So I certainly didn’t do that job alone.”

Rarity nods. “I suppose not. And after what Twilight found out from our history regarding past diplomacy, it makes sense for them to take a more direct and involved role in this matter.”

“Actually as far as I know they aren’t aware of the past meeting.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “Say what now?”

Twilight steps forward. “I just discovered that myself this morning. Arc was, of course, the first one I told.”

“Yes. And all of you were the second.”

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. “So why is she coming then?”

“Just as a social call before the event starts the beginning of next week. I’m sure both of them are just as excited about this as I am.”

Rainbow Dash fold her front hooves over her chest as she hovers. “Uh huh. So they’re worried too, huh?”

Arc shrugs. “Worried or excited. It comes to about the same thing.”

Rarity looks to him. “Which is…?”

“Freaking out.”

Twilight sighs. “Now I’m worried too.”

Rose puts a hand on her shoulder. “You’re not alone, mother.”

“Why don’t you and I see how things are coming in the Kitchen with Applejack and Pinkie Pie, Twilight? Rarity has everything under control here.”

Twilight nods. “Yes Arc, let’s do that. Oh! I almost forgot!”

She pulls some papers out of a book and levitates them over to Rarity.

“These are the instructions for what the yaks will want to see in their room.”

Rarity takes the papers and adds them to her clipboard. “Thank you, Twilight. I’ll see to it as soon as we’re done in here.”

“I know you’ll do a great job. All of you already have from the looks of this room.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Fluttershy and I will help her get that last room knocked out.”

“Yes we will.”

Arc looks relieved. “Thanks. I’m sure you’ll do great. Well, see you at lunch.”

He and Twilight turn and head down the hall together. Rarity turns to her friends nervously.

“We have to get this room done right away!”

Fluttershy looks around. “But we’re almost done now.”

Rainbow Dash hurriedly hangs the rest of the nation’s flags. “Yeah! But Princess Cadance is coming in an hour! She’s not going to want to see us still working!”

Rarity’s horn glows as she unfurls a long red carpet. “Right! I won’t let Arc down when he needs me!”

Fluttershy turns back to directing her animals. “When he needs you?”

Rarity gasps as she turns away and blushes. “I meant ‘us’! Now let’s hurry! I’ll need help gathering supplies for the yaks room when we’re finished!”

Rainbow Dash nods. “We’ll get it done!”

Fluttershy stomps her hoof with conviction. “Yes we will.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Twilight make their way to the Kitchen. The smells of sweets greet them well down the hallway.

“Well it certainly smells like things are going well here.”

Twilight nods. “Well, Applejack’s the best down-home cooking mare in Ponyville.”

“Yes. And Pinkie Pie is the best pastry chef around.”

“Together they should be able to make some amazing dishes to compliment Saffron’s main courses.”

“That’s my plan anyways. If diplomacy fails, we can always feed everyone attending into a stupor.”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “You don’t really think that’ll work, do you?”

Arc shrugs. “No. But it’s worth a shot. Even if this whole diplomatic summit fails, they’ll still remember the food.”

“I wish I had your confidence.”

Twilight sighs.

“At the very least we don’t have to worry about the Dragon Land’s representative. Say, where is Ember these days?”

“She went back home to get some coaching from her father on diplomacy.”

Twilight looks surprised. “Really? So Torch isn’t coming at all?”

“No, mother. He wants Ember to learn how to do her future job.”

Arc nods. “Yes. And Sereb went with her to do the same with his tribe.”

“Will Matriarch Iris not be attending then?”

“She will, yes. Her and her oldest son will be coming along with Hydra Prime Ikis and The Marquis.”

Twilight smiles. “It will be nice to have somepony there like them.”


“Considering their gruff exterior, the hydra seem to be very passive and patient.”

Arc nods as he remembers the attack he and Ember encountered upon entering their village.

“Something like that.”

Walking into the Kitchen the pair are assaulted by smells of cinnamon, sugar, frosting and a number of other sweets. Pinkie bounces over to them.

“Hi Arc! Hungry?!”


Applejack walks over with a tray of cupcakes. There are a number of different colors. Each one is topped with an apple slice, a cherry, or a strawberry.

“As you can see we’ve been pretty busy in here.”

Saffron calls over from the stove with a laugh.

“Half my pots and pans are filled with sugary goodies.”

Pinkie grins. “And we had fun doing it!”

Applejack goes over a list. “We’ve already made test runs of almost everything on your list Twilight.”

Arc looks confused. “Are you certain? There’s a second page to that.”

“There is?”

Applejack lifts the page to reveal another note with several entries. Pinkie looks over her shoulder.

“Hm… chocolate chip caramel cupcakes with vanilla frosting. The Sugarcube Corner artisanal specialty?”

Arc grins. “Only the best for our friends across the sea.”

Rose giggles. “And you too, Arc?”

“Well, I’m eating with them as well, you know. Might as well have a good time with this.”

Pinkie smiles. “Mixing business with pleasure, Arc?!”


Twilight frowns. “I’m not sure how well that’s going to go over.”

“Fortunately I’m just kinda here as the base’s host. Princess Luna will be handling the actual hands-on diplomacy here.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Pinkie hops around him. “Arc should really be leading this summit! He’s got LOTS of experience!”

Twilight shakes her head. “That may be. But he’s not our country’s leader, and this is a peace summit for heads of state.”

“Right. I’m sure they’re going to want to see a princess there. Not a stand-in former Lord Regent.”

Rose nods. “You would do fine though, Arc.”

Applejack chuckles. “That you would. Well, I’m sure the princesses know what they’re doing. But I still think you could do this if you had to, Arc.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. But let’s get back to my favorite subject. The food.”

Twilight looks at her clipboard as she walks over to Saffron. “Do you have everything you need to cook for both a vegetarian diet and a…”

She gulps and turns slightly green.

“…a carnivorous one?”

“Yes ma’am. The freezer is fully stocked and ready to go.”

“Good. As Twilight’s report stated the Abyssinians, ogres, Forsaken, dragons, and hydra will require meat. The yaks and princesses will require strictly vegetarian meals.”

Rose nods. “Right. And the griffons will want mixed plates.”

Saffron nods. “I’ll see to it.”

She turns to Arc.

“And you sir? What would you like?”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“Give me a meat plate with a side of salad.”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow. “Really?! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat a salad, Arc!”

“Granted it’s not my favorite, as Equestria doesn’t have italian dressing. But in the interest of being able to appeal to both sides, I’ll do it.”

Saffron smiles. “Walking the line on this one, sir?”

“Kinda feels like it. They’ll be watching me, of course. But all eyes will most certainly be on the princesses.”

Rose sighs. “I don’t envy either of them on this matter.”

“Me either. But we’ll all do out parts. Well, why don’t we get moving and let Pinkie and Applejack get back to work?”

Twilight nods. “Right. Keep up the good work everypony.”

Arc and Twilight leave the room. Applejack and Pinkie return to the preparations.

“Hey Pinkie, I just thought of something.”


“Arc isn’t much for vegetables, right?”

“Righty, right!”

“But now that I think about it, neither are you.”

Pinkie sticks out her tongue and make a face. “Blech! That’s right!”

“You don’t like ANY vegetables?!”


“What do you eat?! Other than cupcakes and pies and whatnot, that is.”

Pinkie thinks for a moment.


“Other than apples?”

“Mostly apples! But that’s because they’re so cheap here in Ponyville!”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin. “Huh… I never knew.”

“How could you not?! You go to the market all the time!”

“No, no! I mean about your diet.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Don’t worry about it! After all, I don’t!”

Saffron turns to look at Pinkie. “Miss, that’s really not healthy at all. If you’d like I could probably make you something you’d like for lunch today.”

“No thanks! I don’t want you to go to any trouble!”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “Please do, Saffron.”

Arc pokes his head back in the Kitchen.

“Sorry, but are we still looking at lunch at noon, Saffron?”

“Yes, sir. Was there something special you wanted?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. But I am expecting someone.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “A guest? Now?”

“Oh, oh! Who is it?! The princess?!”

Arc nods. “Actually yes, Pinkie. How did you know?”

“I didn’t, silly! It was just a…!”

Applejack and Saffron gasp and reply in tandem.


“She’s just checking on our progress here. Nothing to worry about.”

Saffron hurries to the Pantry. “Don’t you worry about a thing, sir! I’ll be ready!”

Applejack grabs a pie tin. “Me too!”

Pinkie bounces around the Kitchen. “I’ll help!”

Arc sighs. “Uh… thanks.”

He leaves the Kitchen and returns to Twilight.

“Something wrong, Arc?”

“Kinda. Now I wish I hadn’t said anything.”

Rose looks confused. “Why, Arc?”

“They’re going to a lot of extra trouble now that they know a princess is coming for lunch.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Why? It’s Cadance.”

“Well, she’s still royalty. Everyone else isn’t as close to her as you and I are.”

“I suppose not.”

Sometime later Arc, Rose and Twilight stand in front of Light’s Hope. Twilight looks to Arc as she trots in place.

“Are you nervous?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Should I be?”

“Well, like you said earlier, Cadance IS royalty.”

Arc chuckles. “Twilight, you should know by now that I’m not much for fancy titles.”

“I suppose not. After all, you didn’t refer to yourself as King Arc when you were leading the nation.”


“By the way. Why didn’t you?”

“Because I wasn’t the king.”

Rose turns to him. “You kinda were. At the time anyways.”

“Maybe. But my position was always going to be temporary. That’s why I chose to be called ‘Lord Regent’.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose so. By the way, Arc. I just wanted to tell you that all of us were really impressed by how you handled things back then. Including the way you chose to step down.”

“Just doing my job.”

“Yes, but…”

The front doors open and Shining Armor hurries out. Arc chuckles.

“Glad to see you could make it, captain.”

Shining Armor pants as he straightens his helmet. “I… kinda lost track of time.”

“You most certainly did. After all, how would it look for the Captain of the Royal Guard not to be present for an arriving princess?”

“My apologies, sir.”

“It’s fine. I was prepared to make an excuse on your behalf.”

Twilight giggles. “It wouldn’t have to be much of one. Shining Armor’s been working really hard lately.”

“We have to be ready.”

Twilight looks her brother over. “You probably should’ve polished your armor though.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh boy.”

Shining Armor chuckles and removes his helmet to scratch his head. “Yeah, you’re right Twily.”

“Of course I’m right. You’ve never been much for…”

Twilight stops talking suddenly and stares. Shining Armor looks confused.

“What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth?”

“Brother! Your mane!”

“What about it?”

Arc looks him over. “Uh… when was the last time you combed that mop, lieutenant?”

Shining Armor thinks a moment. “I think that would be the morning before my troops and I were deployed.”

Rose frowns. “But that was days ago.”

“Now that I think about it, I believe that was the last time I showered too.”


Shining Armor sighs. “Sorry. I’ve just been really busy.”

The sound of engines approaching can be heard in the distance.

“Oh no! It sounds like she’s here!”

Arc sighs. “Yup.”

Twilight trots in place nervously. “Great! My brother is a mess and we have only minutes to think of something!”

“Well, what should I do?!”

Arc takes Shining Armor’s helmet and puts it back on him. “Keep your helmet on for starters.”

Twilight grimaces. “He still needs to get cleaned up!”

“But I have to be here to greet the princess!”

“I… I know! But…!”

Arc shrugs. “Come on, Twilight. Like you said, it’s only Cadance.”

“Well, this is a bit much even for her!”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Shining Armor, you say hello and then excuse yourself as quickly as possible.”

“But what do I say the reason is?! I mean, I should be escorting her the whole time she’s here!”

Twilight looks around frantically. “We have to think of something! And fast!”

“Tell her it has to do with the security of my quarters for lunch, or something. You can head over there and use my Bathroom.”

“Yes sir. Sorry about this.”

“It’s fine. Just please try to groom yourself properly next time.”

Arc straightens his tunic and chuckles as he turns to Twilight.

“Do I at least look alright?”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “What happed to it just being Cadance?”

Arc snickers. “Yeah. Just messing with you, Twilight.”

“You could have put on a new tunic though.”

Cherry giggles. “I think you look just fine, Arc.”

Rose nods. “So do I.”

“Thanks you two.”

A few minutes later the Lunar Destiny touches down. Cadance descends the gangplank as they move to meet halfway. Shining Armor holds a hoof out to stop Arc as Twilight and Cadance approach each other.

“Give them a minute.”

Twilight and Cadance stop and smile at one another before singing a song together.

“Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um…”

Rose giggles. “Granted I was not expecting that kind of display from mother.”

Shining Armor smiles. “They always do that.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I think I remember seeing this once before.”

“It’s safe to approach now, sir.”

“Thanks for the heads up. But this is a bit new to me.”


“Seeing Princess Cadance like this.”

“Her and Twilight go way back. Please don’t let it dampen your view of either of them though.”

“Not at all. I’m glad she’s able to let loose once in a while.”

Shining Armor chuckles as he elbows Arc. “You should’ve seen her at the Hoofball game.”

Rose looks worried. “What happened?”

Arc smiles. “Did she really get into it?”

“Let’s just say I’m glad you recommended a private VIP suite. We both had a blast though.”

“Glad to hear it. Well, let’s get on with this.”

Arc and Shining Armor walk over to the mares who are giggling and smiling at one another. Cadance nods as they approach. Shining Armor salutes respectfully.

“Welcome to Light’s Hope, your highness.”

Cadance smiles at him. “Thank you for having me, captain.”

Twilight looks suddenly worried. “Cadance? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I… just haven’t been sleeping very well lately.”

Arc nods. “The pressures of this summit, no doubt.”

Cadance sighs. “Indeed.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“Truthfully, I just kinda want to sit down.”

Twilight takes Cadance’s hoof. “Well, I’ll show you to Arc’s quarters. We’re having lunch there as it’s quieter than… um…”

She fumbles with her words as she realizes her suggestion interferes with Arc’s earlier plan.

“Something wrong, Twilight?”

“Oh! Um… kinda. You see…”

Arc walks over to her. “Now Twilight, you can visit with the princess as much as you want. But please take her to my quarters so she can at least sit down.”

“What? But I…!”

Arc mouths the words ‘go ahead’

“…I thought Shining Armor was supposed to escort Cadance during her visit.”

Shining Armor facehoofs as Twilight makes another mistake.

“He will. I just need him to do something for me. You two go on ahead.”


Twilight shoots the pair an apologetic look as she, Rose, and Cadance enter the base. Shining Armor bows his head.

“Sorry for all the trouble, sir.”

“It happens.”

“So much for your plan. What do I do now?”

Arc turns to The Equinox nearby. “I have an idea.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts”

“Lemon Hearts here.”

“I, uh… want you to send Lieutenant Trixie to my quarters aboard ship for a… security sweep of my room. Captain Shining Armor will meet her there.”

“Yes sir. Shall I send a squad over there to help?”

“No. I want the two of them to handle it personally.”

“Understood. I’ll send word to the lieutenant at once. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Nope. That should do it. Thanks. Arc out.”

He severs the connection and turns to Shining Armor

“Sir, is this really the time for…?”

“You’re not REALLY going to check the security. It just gives you an excuse to use my private bathroom over there.”

“Oh. But why did you ask for Trixie then?”

“She’s in charge of security over there right now. That room is sealed until further notice, so no one can go in without her being present.”

“What’s she supposed to do while I’m getting cleaned up?”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. Clean your armor?”

“I don’t think she’d appreciate that.”

“Well, maybe she can do SOMETHING with it. It’s starting to get a bit funky.”

Shining Armor sighs. “I was wondering what was making that smell. Again, sorry about…”

Arc interrupts and points at his ship. “Go!”

Shining Armor hurries to comply as Arc shakes his head and chuckles.

“I guess this just proves that even Shining Armor makes mistakes once in a while. Just like his sister.”

Arc enters the base and makes his way to his quarters. Upon entering he finds Twilight and Cadance on the couch talking happily. Twilight looks over to him as the door closes. Arc gives her a nod.

“Can I get you anything, Cadance? A drink or a snack of some kind?”

“No, thank you, Twilight. To be honest, I’d actually like a bit of a nap before lunch. Sorry, but I’m just really tired.”

Twilight smiles at her friend. “I understand. While you’re sleeping I’ll take this opportunity triple check my lists.”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “We should be ready to eat in an hour or so.”

Cadance smiles at Twilight. “Don’t be late for lunch now.”

“I won’t. See you in a bit.”

“Shall I help you, mother?”

Twilight nods. “Sure. Let’s make this place perfect!”

She leaves the room with Rose. Arc walks over to the couch and extends a hand.

“You can rest in my bed, princess. It may not be as comfy as what you’re used to, but at least my room is quiet.”

Cadance looks nervous. “My apologies for the deception, Arc. But I really just told Twilight that to get you alone.”

“What for?”

She clops her hooves together nervously. “I… ah… desperately need to talk to you about a… a deeply personal matter.”

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