• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Late Night Endeavors (Part 3)

They walk through the dark jungle together. Daring Do frowns as she motions with her neck behind them.

“We didn’t need this tail!”

Arc frowns but does not turn his head. “I say we do.”

Auriel looks to her fiery colored tail, confused.

“Is there something wrong with it?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Auriel. Daring Do just meant that her and I should have gone on this little trip alone.”

“And we should have!”

Auriel gasps. “But this concerns the Great Demon Kingdom!”

Arc continues on. “Right.”

Daring Do scoffs. “And which one of us is the expert here?!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Expert at getting into trouble you mean.”

Daring Do turns to Arc, angrily. “She wouldn’t even know about this if you hadn’t said anything!”

“It’s called ‘diplomacy’.”

The mare scowls as she turns to face forward again. “It’s CALLED ‘we could have been there and back before morning’!”

“And if we hadn’t?”

“Then we’d have made something up!”

“Right. And if something had physically detained us?”

“What would stop us?!”

Auriel looks around nervously as she hurries to stand by Arc’s side. “Any number of things out here I would guess.”

Daring Do groans. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid!”

Arc frowns. “Any reason why shouldn’t she be?”

“Well, for starters, because she’s a DEMON!”

“We feel fear too, you know!”

“Fine. Whatever.”

Arc clears his throat loudly in an effort to change the subject. “In any case, tell me more about this place we’re heading to, Daring Do.”

“It’s supposedly the only place the ‘Telepathy Ball’ can be used.”

“And we’re going there, why?”

“Because whatever’s there HAS to be dangerous!”

Auriel appears confused. “Some kind of ancient weapon?”

Daring Do groans. “It stands to reason, princess.”

“I’m… not really a princess.”

Arc chuckles. “You kinda are, Auriel.”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “By Equestrian standards, I suppose. However demons don’t have such titles.”

Daring Do frowns. “Then what are you?”

“The king’s daughter.”

Arc glances over at her. “No real power?”

“Officially, no. Is that a problem, Arc?”

Daring Do smirks as she looks to Arc. “No big promotion for you taking her hand, eh?”

Arc shakes his head as he ignores their guide. “Nah. I’m not too interested in gaining a title with the Great Demon Kingdom anyways.”

“At least not until the old demon kicks the bucket.”

Auriel appears confused. “Kicks… what now?”

Arc frowns at the mare. “She means when your father dies.”

“But he’s fine.”

Daring Do grunts. “He won’t live forever though. So are YOU taking over for him after that, princess?”

“I… don’t actually know.”

Arc turns to her, confused. “You don’t know?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Had I been asked me that before I met you, Arc, I’d probably have said yes.”

Daring Do narrows her eyes. “So what changed?”

“As it stands my future husband would become the next Demon King. As the former king’s daughter I would hold all the power, naturally. But before I couldn’t have imagined marrying anyone.”

She looks to Arc nervously before continuing.

“But… I don’t actually know if you’re eligible to help rule my race. Due to you not being a demon, that is.”

Daring Do turns to Arc as she speaks in a sarcastic tone. “Tough break.”

“That’s fine with me.”

Auriel frowns. “Huh?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really want to rule over a nation. Too much stress.”

“Either way, it’s likely that my father will outlive you, Arc.”


They eventually come to a small clearing. A large temple-like structure stands there silently in the humid night air. Daring Do turns to Arc.

“Here we are.”

Arc frowns. “Yes, I suppose you were correct.”

Daring Do grits her teeth. “You doubted me?!”

Auriel rolls her eyes. “Well, Arc did say he found you trying to mount him.”

Arc facepalms. “Not exactly what I meant when I described what happened.”

“But I thought you said she was on top of you!”

“I was just trying to get his ring!”

Auriel looks to the mare condescendingly. “So you weren’t on the bed?”

“Yes I was!”

“You weren’t under the covers?”


Auriel narrows her eyes. “And you weren’t inches from Arc at the time?”

Daring Do sighs. “I do admit that it does sound worse when you say it like that. But I wasn’t trying to do anything with him!”

“In THAT position?!”

Arc turns to her. “Auriel?”

“Yes, Arc?”

“Are you… holding a grudge?”

“Kinda. Are you mad?”

Arc grins. “Not at all.”


“I’m more impressed than anything.”

“You are?”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah. Someone got close to me and you’re upset. I didn’t think you ever got mad.”

“I usually don’t. But the thought of that mare being anywhere even remotely NEAR your genitals…!”

Daring Do groans. “Can we PLEASE stay on topic here?!”

Arc chuckles. “Fine. What do we have to do?”

The mare pulls out an old looking map and points a hoof at the steps as drawn.

“According to this, we just have to climb up the exterior stairs to that little room up top.”

Auriel frowns. “What’s up there?”

“I’m not really sure.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But you have a diagram.”

“Take a closer look. It’s actually only half of the drawing.”

Auriel gasps. “Where’s the rest?!”

Daring Do grits her teeth. “It’s in the hooves of my arch rival, the slime bag known as ‘Doctor Caballeron’.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Define ‘doctor’.”

“He’s an archeologist by profession. Technically speaking.”

Auriel tilts her head to one side, confused. “Technically?”

Daring Do groans as she puts the paper back in her saddlebags. “In reality he’s only interested in using his knowledge to make a quick bit.”

Arc sighs. “Let me take a shot in the dark here. Rather than putting what he finds in museums he sells to collectors?”

Daring Do sighs and makes a golf clop with her hooves. “Very good.”

Auriel looks around. “But there’s nothing here of value.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, princess. I believe there’s artifacts inside that would fetch a pretty fair price to the right collector.”

Arc scoffs. “There’s a market for ancient demon items?”

Daring Do nods. “If you find the right individual, yes. Since he’s set his sights on this place though I can only assume he’s found somepony with a LOT of bits to burn.”

Auriel looks to Daring Do. “And you?”

Daring Do grins wickedly. “I’m only in it for the thrill, princess!”

Arc shakes his head. “Really?”

“There’s also the small matter of keeping Equestria safe too. I mean, I’m not completely without patriotism. But it’s mostly the idea of Caballeron getting rich off of this that pisses me off.”

Climbing the stairs, the trio comes to the room up top. It appears much larger once inside. Arc frowns.


Auriel takes his arm nervously. “That it is. But what do we do now?”

Daring Do points a hoof at a pedestal in front of what appears to be a large door. “That orb needs to be put there.”

“A key, huh?”

“You could call it that.”

She looks around at the floor for a time before continuing.

“But we should hurry. It looks like we aren’t the first ones to get here.”

Auriel gasps as she looks down. “Hoofprints?!”

“My guess is that Caballeron and his goons made these.”

Arc looks around. “Do you think he got inside?”

“Probably not. But it does looks like his henchponies went over this room pretty good looking for a way in.”

Auriel looks at the mare’s saddlebags. “But with only half of the map…?”

Daring Do grins wickedly. “They don’t know about the orb or where to put it.”

Arc frowns. “Let’s get going then.”

He walks over to the pedestal and looks it over for a moment.

“Doesn’t look like they messed with this fortunately.”

“Good. Now then, all you have to do it place the orb into that stone holder there.”

“Then what?”

“Wait for the door to open.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thank you for stating the obvious.”

Daring Do looks impatient. “Just hurry up!”

Arc removes the ‘Telepathy Ball’ from his ring. Looking it over for a few moments, he takes a deep breath and does as he is told. A slight click is heard as the orb rests in the holder. However before Arc can utter a single word a trapdoor below him opens up and espouses a cloud of green gas as Arc falls into it. As it slides shut Auriel lunges toward it, missing the opening by mere moments. Turning to Daring Do, she glares at the mare.


As Daring Do opens her mouth to say something a half crazed Auriel, moving at an insane speed, dives toward her. Tackling the mare the pair topple head over heels until they hit a wall. Auriel lands on top and seethes as she holds her opponent down.

“What have you done?!”

“I didn’t…!”

Baring her teeth, Auriel sinks her claws into the mare’s fetlocks. She cries out in pain as blood begins to flow onto the ancient stone floor. Daring Do screams as Auriel continues.

“Where did you send him?!”

“I don’t know! That wasn’t supposed to…!”

“You knew that you couldn’t get the orb from his ring! So you made up some crazy story to get him to follow you here!”


“Then you told him what he needed to hear to take the orb out! You got rid of him and thought I would be easy prey!

Daring Do shakes her head vehemently. “It’s not what it looks like!”

“Tell me how to get that trap door open then!”

“I don’t know!”

“Then let me see if I can help jog your memory!”

While remaining seated on the mare, Auriel releases one of her hooves only to begin hitting the mare in the face. Breaking loose, Daring Do flies toward the safety of the stairs. Auriel Blinks into the doorway and backhands her. Although dazed, Daring Do is able to right herself, and lands hooves first on the wall to jump nimbly to a standing and battle ready position. However before she can act she looks up to see Auriel flying headfirst at her. Plowing into the mare she slams them both into a corner with a sickening crunch. As Daring Do cries out Auriel begins clawing at her angrily.

“Stop! I didn’t…!”

“Oh, but you did! Just tell me how to reach Arc and I’ll stop”!

“I really don’t know! I swear!”

Auriel raises a claw menacingly as Daring Do squeezes her eyes shut. Suddenly the silence of the room is broken by the sounds to numerous hooves approaching them. Turning, Auriel sees a dozen or more stallions approaching the pair. She jumps up and turns to them, wings spread menacingly.

“Who are all of you?!”

A voice rings out as a stallion walks to the front of the group.

“My name… is Doctor Caballeron. And I must thank you my dear.”

Auriel appears confused. “Thank… me?”

Caballeron nods smugly. “In but a few short seconds you’ve accomplished what I’ve only dreamed of doing for many years.”

“What’s that?!”

The stallion gestures to the battered mare on the floor nearby.

“Make my arch nemesis suffer!”

Daring Do slowly sits up. Looking up at Caballeron, she seethes.

“You… did this?”

Caballeron shakes his head as he smiles viciously. “Oh no, my dear. You did.”

Daring Do frowns. “But… but I just did what the map said!”

“Quite so. However the fact of the matter is that you had the half of the map which told of the key and its proper place.”

He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out another paper as he continues.

“However, I had the half which showed the traps and how to mitigate them. When your unwitting patsy put the orb in the holder he failed to disengage the failsafe.”

Auriel bares her teeth, clearly furious. “What?!”

“Yes. Such as this…”

Stepping to one side, Caballeron presses a button under a pile of dead leaves. A massive wall springs up between the pair effectively cutting them off. Auriel runs over to a single missing block and peeks through at their opponents.

“Where did my friend go?!”

Caballeron chuckles. “The temple’s dungeon. It’s filled with a rather nasty gas though.”

Auriel seethes. “I swear, if you hurt him…!”

“Oh don’t worry. While it won’t kill him, it will keep him asleep until his death of dehydration.”


Daring Do looks up at the hold in the wall as she calls out. “Caballeron, listen to me! You can’t…!”

“Can’t?! My dear, you forget that I hold all the cards here.”

“But without my half of the map…!”

I don’t need it. Behold!”

Motioning to a couple of his minions, the stallions walk over to a pair of pedestals. Pressing down on the indentions simultaneously a low rumble is heard. Auriel gasps as the large stone door slowly raises. Caballeron laughs as he holds up his half of the map along with a lighter. Holding it under the old paper it quickly bursts into flames. Walking over to the crack in the wall he holds it up gingerly.

“Now that I no longer need this, it occurs to me you two are the last remaining loose ends. Something I will now rectify.”

He puts a hoof on the wall and leans against it, grinning.

“Farewell, Daring Do! We will never… meet… AGAIN!”

Pressing a tile in the wall, the floor under Auriel and Daring Do opens up, dropping them unceremoniously inside the temple before sealing them in. The pleased doctor laughs maniacally as he revels in the moment. A short time later he comes back to his senses and turns back to the now open door.

“Now that Daring Do is out of the picture, my destiny is at hoof! There is nopony who can stand in my way!”

He motions for his minions to follow him as he walks toward the door.

“Everypony follow me! To riches, power, and glory beyond measure!”

They enter the temple together. Picking up a nearby torch, Caballeron takes the lead and grins maniacally.

“So much for Daring Do and her little demon cow! And now with the Hero of Light out of the picture, the time is right for me to take what is rightfully mine and make this land, no… make the WORLD stand up and take notice of the name, Doctor Caballeron!”

He and his cronies laugh heartily as they pass through the now open stone door and walk deeper into the temple.

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