• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 13 - Protecting My Devotion

For the first time in a VERY long time, Arc enjoys a quiet and uneventful night's sleep! Early the next morning Ember awakens with a yawn and stretches. She looks over to Arc. He is propped up in bed with Derpy and Dinky in his arms still sleeping. Every so often they nuzzle him.

Ember smiles quietly. “You haven't been awake too long now, have you?”

Arc nods. “Only about an hour or so. I've just been lying here looking at these two in my arms and thinking about just how lucky I truly am! I love them both so much, and don't want this moment to end!”

Ember smiles. “That's really sweet, Arc!”

Derpy and Dinky smile.

“We're the lucky ones, Arc.”

“Yeah dad... we missed you.”

Arc looks down, surprised! “You two are awake?! How long have you...?”

They reply in unison. “About an hour.”


Dinky slowly opens her little eyes and looks up to her father. “I... just wanted you to keep holding me, dad. It made me feel... secure.”

Derpy nods. “We don't usually have this time together. I wanted it to last too!”

Arc sighs. “I would love to lie here all day with you two, but duty calls.”

The pair nod sadly.

“Why don't you all head over to the Cafeteria. I need to go and greet our guests.”

Derpy looks over to Arc. “Will you be joining us for breakfast?”

Arc sits up and swings his legs over the edge of the bed. Yes, I have a busy day ahead, so I need the nutrition. Just let me grab a quick shower and I'll be over with our guests.

Dinky bounds out the door! “Okay! See you there, dad!”

Derpy gets up slowly and looks to Arc. She puts a hoof on his hand, a concerned look on her face. “Just... try to be more careful. You always push yourself too hard!”

Arc leans over and embraces Derpy. “Sorry for making you worry. I'll try.”

Derpy returns the hug and leaves the room to follow Dinky, Arc leaves the room and heads for the bathroom. Ember follows him, a wicked grin on her face!

“Want me to help you wash your back?”

Arc doesn’t look back. “Thanks, but I got this!”


He stops and looks back at Ember.


“I…it... it's nothing. I'll wait for you out here.”

Arc nods, quickly showers and changes into a fresh set of clothes. He leaves the bathroom to find Ember sitting on the couch waiting for him. She stands as he leaves the bathroom.

“Feeling better?”

Arc nods! “Much! Shall we be off?”

“Uh, actually... there's something I need to tell you.”

Confused, Arc turns to her. “What is it?”

Ember looks down. “I just wanted to say that I agree with Derpy. You really can't keep doing this! I mean... this is the second time I've had to help you get to your room now because you used all your energy fighting!”

“But, Equestria was...”

Ember interrupts! “I know! Equestria was facing certain doom. The end of the world as we know it. We've been there before and I know you just want to protect everyone. But let me ask you this? What if one of these times you go off to fight and... die saving Equestria? This land and all its inhabitants are safe, but what about your... our family?! Look, all I'm saying is I understand that Equestria needs you, but you need to understand that we need you too!”

Arc approaches Ember and gives her a hug.

“I... I know. And I'm sorry. Sorry for making all of you worry about me. I'll try to be more careful in the future, okay?”

Ember nods as she returns the hug. “Thank you. That's all we can ask for.”

Arc leans back. “Well, we should get a move on. Can you meet me in the cafeteria? I'll see you there.”


“And can you please tell Saffron I have a guest who requires a meaty breakfast?”

“Will do!”

Ember and Arc leave his quarters and part ways. As Arc approaches the Guest Quarters, he sees Trixie and Shining Armor walking toward him.

“Good morning you two. Feeling better?”

Shining Armor nods! “Fantastic! You sure those beds aren't magic?”

Trixie smiles! “Much better! And you?”

“The same. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do!”

Shining Armor looks to him uneasily. “Arc, have you checked on our ‘other’ guest yet?”

“I was just about to. Everyone else is in the cafeteria already. Why don't you join them for a hearty breakfast?”

“Thanks Arc!”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Are you sure you don't want some help with the demon?”

Arc shakes his head. “I appreciate the thought, but I got this.”

“Okay. If you're sure.”

Shining Armor and Trixie walk down the hall toward the cafeteria. Arc continues on his way down the corridor. He knocks lightly on Auriel's door. A few moments later she opens it a couple inches and peeks out.


“It's time for breakfast, Auriel.”

Auriel looks around her room, nervously. “T-thank you, but I'm not really hungry.”

Arc frowns. “I know for a fact you haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon!”

“Well... it's kinda... scary out there!”

“How so?”

“All those pony guards out there! What if they think I'm a bad demon?! I mean, I AM a bad demon but...”

Arc smiles at her. “Don't worry. You'll be with me! They would PROTECT you from harm if I told them to! And I still don't believe for a minute that you're a bad demon. Besides... isn't it ‘scary’ in there all by yourself?”

Auriel looks down at her feet. “...a little.”

He extends a hand to her. “So, come on out. I promise I won't leave your side!”

“Well... okay.”

Auriel opens the door and peeks out cautiously. She looks left and right before slowly leaving the safety of her room. Arc notices she is still wearing the same clothes from yesterday>

“Do you want some different clothes to wear?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No thank you! I'm fine!”

“All right then. This way.”

Arc leads Auriel down the hall toward the cafeteria. Upon entering all the troops stop eating and stare at Auriel! She seems bothered by this and clings to Arc.

“What's the matter?! Haven't any of you ever seen a demon before?! Get back to your meals!”

The soldiers obediently go back to eating as Arc leads Auriel to a table where Derpy, Dinky, Ember, Shining Armor and Trixie are happily munching away! Arc and Auriel sit down next to each other.

“H-hello? My name is Auriel.”

Derpy smiles at her! “Good morning! Trixie already explained everything to us! My name is Derpy and this is my daughter Dinky!”

Dinky grins! “Hi there!”

Saffron emerges from the Kitchen with a plate of fried fish and cockatrice meat. She quickly heads over to the table.

“Hello there. I'm Saffron, the base's chef! I hope this meat suits you, Miss Auriel.”

“T-thank you.”

Auriel picks at the food and sniffs it for a few minutes. After a time, she looks to Arc.

“I... don't understand. I can't detect any poison in this food. Is your chef really that skilled in the art of killing?!”

“There's no poison in it for you to find. I eat the same type of food for supper every night.”

Seeing Auriel's worried face, Arc picks up a fork and takes a couple bites from her plate.


Auriel slowly begins to eat.

“It... really is quite good! Much better than what I’m used to!”

Dinky hops off her seat. “I'll get you something to eat too dad!”

“Thank you Dinky.”

Auriel looks at Derpy then at Arc. She does this several more times before Arc notices.

“Is something wrong?

Auriel continues to look at the pair quizzically. “While I don't know much about either pony or human physiology, I can tell from a glance that the two of you should not have been able to procreate! How did you do that?!”

Derpy looks confused. “Procreate?”

Trixie looks over to her. “It means to make a baby together.”

Derpy blushes and looks away! “Oh!”

“We didn't. I adopted Dinky.”

Auriel still looks confused. “What does ‘adopt’ mean?”

Shining Armor looks to Auriel. “It's when somepony legally takes in another pony's foal and brings it up as if it were their own.”

“So... adopting a foal is kinda like taking a trophy from the battlefield? A sign of victory or dominance perhaps?”

Derpy shakes her head vigorously! “Not at all! Arc adopted Dinky because he felt she needed a father!”

“I think I understand now. So... Arc killed Dinky's father and forcefully took you as his mate, Derpy?”

Derpy and Trixie both fall off of their chairs! Ember laughs!

“No, Auriel. Derpy is not my mate. We're just very good friends! Dinky's father is still alive! He just doesn't have the courage to admit he has a daughter!

Derpy and Trixie regain their composure and sit back down. Auriel shrinks back.

“I'm sorry for asking so many questions! Please forgive me!”

“It's okay. I understand you must have many questions about Equestria's customs.”

Auriel looks relieved! “Well then Arc, why did you... adopt Dinky? If not for glory or power then why?”

“I did it... because it was just the right thing to do.”

Auriel ponders this for a few moments. “I... I think I understand. Thank you for explaining it to me.”

Ember laughs and smiles! “Auriel, let's just say you should be glad it was Arc who took you in! I believe the Dragon Lands would have been much less... accepting of a demon.”

Auriel looks closely at Ember for a time.

Ember looks up suspiciously. “What is it?”

“Are we... related?”

Ember appears shocked! “What?! I'm a dragon, not a demon!”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I do see where she is coming from with that question.”

Trixie nods. You're right! They both have similar wings, claws, and walk on their hind legs!

“Huh... I guess I just hadn't thought about it that way before. Well, as far as I know dragons and demons aren't related. Who knows though!”

Dinky returns to the table levitating a plate of pancakes and eggs for Arc.

“Here you go dad!”

“Thank you sweetheart!”

Arc begins to eat hungrily. He notices Auriel looking at his plate.

“What are you eating?”

Arc stops and looks at her. “Oh, these are called pancakes! They’re quite sweet when you pour syrup on them!”

Auriel points a claw “And those?”

“These are called eggs. They come from chickens.”

Auriel looks confused. “What part of the chicken?”

Arc laughs! “No, no! Chickens lay eggs, but they aren't exactly part of their bodies. Sorry I can't explain it any better. You kinda have to see it to understand.”

Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer and Platinum Valve enter the Cafeteria, they see Auriel sitting with Arc and cautiously walk over.

Steel Hammer looks to Auriel before addressing Arc. “Good morning, Arc! We just came in for a good breakfast before getting back to working the forge. Who's your... um... friend?”

“This is Auriel. She's from Tartarus. Auriel, this is Steel Hammer, his wife Silver Hammer and their daughter Platinum Valve.”

Silver Hammer’s eyes grow wide! “Arc, are you serious?!”

“Yes, but not to worry. She walked through the barrier all on her own!”

Platinum Valve smiles at Auriel. “Well, I think she looks like a very nice lady! Kinda like Miss Ember!”

Auriel blushes slightly. “T-thank you.”

Arc turns. “Listen, I'm glad you're here Steel Hammer. I haven't had a chance to apologize yet.”

“What for?”

“It was me who broke down your shop's door the other day. I hope Hard Hat's boys had a chance to replace it!”

Silver Hammer nods and laughs! “It's okay Arc! Judging from the amount of damage, we assumed it was either you or something very large from the Everfree Forest!”

Platinum Valve giggles! “Yeah! You broke the door... the door jamb... and part of the wall around the door too!”

Ember looks to Arc! “Wow Arc! When you break in... you really break IN!”

“Well the damage has already been repaired, but I appreciate your Honesty, Arc. Now if you will excuse us, we need to eat and get to work.”

“Very well! Have a nice day you three!”

They walk toward the buffet as Arc notices Auriel looking at him with a confused look on her face.

“The ponies in this land must be truly fearful of you Arc!”

Arc turns to her. “What makes you say that?”

“They seemed almost happy that you apparently broke into their place of business!”

Derpy sighs. “He... just really needed to borrow some weapons. They knew Arc wouldn't have done it if it wasn't a real emergency!”

Auriel shakes her head! “This is all so new to me!”

Ember looks to Auriel. “Stick around with us and we'll show you the ropes!”

Auriel suddenly looks nervous! “Um... am I going to be tied up now?”

Trixie rolls her eyes. “That’s just an expression. It means they'll show you how things work around here!”

“Correct. But right now, I need to report yesterday's activities to the princesses.”

“Are you heading to Canterlot then Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Derpy. Something as important as three prisoners leaving Tartarus requires a face to face meeting.

He looks over to Auriel.

“I'm sure they would be very interested to meet you. Auriel.”

Auriel drops her fork! “The p-p-p-princesses?! You mean Celestia herself?!”

Trixie shakes her head. “Nah! It would be Princess Luna and Princess Cadance.”

Auriel turns to Trixie. “Do you know them?!”

“Kinda! They were the ones who presided over my trial and banished me to Tartarus yesterday!”

“T-trial?! Are you a criminal?!”

Trixie sighs. “Well... sort of, I guess. But I'm reformed now, so it's okay!”

“Well, if everyone is done eating, we should get to Canterlot. Shining Armor and Trixie will need to present themselves before the princesses to clear their names. Auriel, as the first representative of Tartarus in Equestria since... forever, you should meet the princesses as well.”

“Do I have to?”

Arc nods. “Well Auriel, you don't want them to think you're up to no good, do you?”

“I suppose not. Will you be there?!”

Arc smiles and nods.! “Yes. Don't worry!”

Trixie looks to the nervous demon. “Not to worry! They're actually nice and very fair!”

“I thought you said they sent you to Tartarus!”

Trixie sighs. “Well... I did deserve it at the time.”

Derpy stands and picks up her empty plate. “Good luck in Canterlot! I have to get to work now. Come along Dinky! Oh, it feels so good to finally have a job!”

Arc waves after them.

“Have a nice day you two! I hope you can tell me all about it soon, Derpy.”

Derpy nods. “I will!”

“Bye dad!”

Ember sighs and stands up. “I should get going too. I'm doing a writ for... Filthy Rich today.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. What's the job?”

Ember shrugs. “I'm heading into the Everfree Forest to gather some kind of plants that live there. I guess they only grow in certain soil which is why they need to be gathered.”

Arc nods worriedly! “Would you like to take my squad with you? I'm sure they could use the exercise.”

“Sure! I was hoping you would come with me but...”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, but I make it a policy not to work for Filthy Rich. Don't let him cheat you! And read the fine print!”

“I will! See ya!”

Ember leaves the room. She walks down the corridor muttering to herself.

“I can't believe it... he actually did it... Arc BEFRIENDED a demon!”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to the others.

“We should be off as well.”

Arc, Auriel, Trixie and Shining Armor head to the Main Hall and step onto the sigil. Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward and teleports the group to his quarters in Canterlot Castle. Auriel looks around, amazed!

“Now THIS is a room! Does Princess Celestia sleep here?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah! This is my room. I've never really had time to stay here though. Always too busy. One day though!”

He leads the party toward the Audience Chamber. Every Royal Guard patrol they see stops to glare at them! Auriel clings to Arc, fearfully!

“I'm sorry! I shouldn't have come here!”

Trixie looks down at her hooves. “It... it's not you they’re mad at.”

“What? Then who?”


Shining Armor nods. “The last time Trixie was here, she was under the influence of an evil artifact which made her attack Canterlot Castle and kill the Captain of the Guard! I'm sure most of the Royal Guards aren't too happy about that!

“It wasn't your fault, Trixie!”

“I know... but the truth of the matter is… I killed somepony!”

Arc and company approach the Royal Guard Commander outside the Audience Chamber.

“I need to speak to the princesses, commander.”

The commander looks at Auriel momentarily! “Y-y-yes sir! Go right on in! You'll be the first of the day!”

Auriel looks to Arc nervously. “Well, that was fast!”

“I don't usually have to wait but a few minutes.”

As Arc's party approaches the door to the Audience Chamber, Auriel becomes very agitated! She grabs on to Arc's cape and tries to hide herself!

“I... I can't do it! It's too much!”

“It will be okay! I told you I would protect you, and I will! The princesses are wise and fair. You have nothing to fear!”

Auriel appears terrified!

Arc sighs. “Would you like to hide under my cape?”

She nods! “Y-yes! That is... if it wouldn't be too much trouble!”

Arc removes his cape and covers Auriel with it. She quickly makes a cowl-like covering to hide herself!

“Everyone ready?”

Auriel nods shakily. As the doors open, she quickly hides behind Arc! The princesses appear confused to see Trixie and Shining Armor again so soon! The group walks to them.

“Good morning Princess Luna... Princess Cadance.”

Luna looks to Arc, coolly. “Arc... I sincerely hope you have not gone against our orders and helped Trixie and Shining Armor escape from Tartarus.”

“I have not. After I left here yesterday, I used the spell you gave me to open a portal to Tartarus. Entering it, I waited outside the temple for Shining Armor and Trixie to be banished. When they arrived, I simply helped them reach the Gates of Tartarus safely. Passing through the Gates was left up to them. Feel free to check my memories if you require further proof.

Luna shakes her head. “That will not be necessary Arc. I... we trust you.”

Cadance looks at the figure behind them. “And who might this be?”

Arc turns to Auriel. “This is another... resident of Tartarus who helped me foil the Demon King's latest plot to escape. Her name is Auriel. Please forgive her, but she’s still very nervous in this land. Just like Trixie and Shining Armor, she too was able to pass through the barrier as well! Does that mean they are all free now?”

Luna nods. “According to the law, yes. Any prisoner who passes through the Gates of Tartarus is cleared of all crimes against them. Although I have never heard of anypony actually being reformed before, let alone three at a time! However, if you say they legitimately did so, we will not argue that fact.”

Cadance nods. “So what was the plan this time?”

“Auriel here was the Demon King's Lead Scientist up until yesterday. I believe she can do a better job of explaining the plan than I could.”

He turns to Auriel. She moves with him, trying to keep hidden from sight!

“Auriel, can you elaborate on the King's plan?”

“I-I'll try.”

She walks forward, shakily.


Luna nods. “It is alright, small one. Take your time.”

Auriel collapses to her knees on the floor! Arc approaches her and kneels down to her level.

“It's okay! I'm right here!”

Cadance steps down and approaches Auriel. “There is nothing to fear from us my dear. We won't hurt you, but we do need to know what happened. Can you please tell us... or even look at us for that matter?”

Auriel slowly turns toward Cadance, looking down to hide her face. “I... I don't think you would hear me out if you saw my face.”

Cadance smiles at her. “Yes we would, my dear! Now I know you must be scared being here with us, but please... can we have a look at you?”

The Princess of Love slowly reaches forward with a hoof toward Auriel. She instinctively draws back and clings to Arc!

“Please Auriel. You can do this. Just take the cape away and let the princesses see you. I'm right here!”

“But... well... okay...”

Auriel turns back to face Cadance with her head down, but doesn't move. Arc steps forward and puts his hands on the side of Auriel's head. She is visibly shaking!

“Auriel... can I remove the cloak from your face please?”

A small nod is her only response. Arc pulls the makeshift hood back to reveal Auriel's face she still does not look up. Cadance instinctively draws back!

“A... demon?!”

Luna looks to Arc in disbelief! “Are you saying a DEMON was able to pass through the Gates of Tartarus unaided?!”

“Yes, she was!”

Luna narrows her eyes! “You are really pushing the limits of what we will take on faith alone, Arc!

Trixie steps forward! “Why is it so hard to accept that she might be good?!”

Luna frowns at the question! “Because demons are greedy, evil, vile, conniving, murderous, and treacherous! They're almost as bad as... as...”

Shining Armor narrows his eyes. “As what... Princess Luna?”

Cadance turns to face Luna! “That wasn't very nice! This young lady has left behind everything she has ever known to come here!”

Arc nods. “Sounds an awful lot like another creature who came to Equestria a while back...”

Luna can only look down at her hooves.

It might also please you to know she was instrumental in foiling a plot to take down the barrier surrounding Tartarus. If Shining Armor and I hadn't been there to take the blast from the Malice Cannon, Equestria would be up to its eyeballs in demon soldiers! You're welcome by the way!”

Trixie nods fervently! “She's not a criminal! She's a HERO!”

Cadance approaches Auriel, removes the cape entirely and gives it back to Arc who puts it back on himself. She looks her up and down. “Miss? Can you please tell us about this plan the Demon King had involving this... ‘Malice Cannon’?”


Auriel explains how the Malice Cannon would have been able to allow the demons to invade Equestria at will and about the Bloodstone.

Luna nods. “I see. So according to your calculations, this theoretically should have worked?!”

“Yes ma'am!”

Cadance turns to them. “Arc, I know your magic is quite powerful. However, I am at a loss on how you and a lone unicorn could have blocked such a powerful magical blast.”

“It was thanks to Shining Armor's Magic Barrier. I've never felt such power before! He must be one of the most powerful unicorns I have yet encountered!”

Cadance giggles slightly. “Well, he is the brother of Twilight Sparkle.”

Luna looks to Auriel. “And where is this Bloodstone now?”

“I have it right here, princess.”

Arc returns his armor to his ring and pulls the Bloodstone out of his pocket. Luna picks it up with her magic and levitates it to herself.

Luna grimaces! “WOAH! I can feel the dark power radiating from this stone! Where did it come from?!”

“The Demon King told me it was given to him by The Dark One.”

Cadance frowns! “Him again?! Do you believe him?”

Arc nods. “Yes. He had nothing to gain by lying about it.”

Luna sighs. “We will put this Bloodstone in the armory where it cannot harm another living soul. I suppose... the real question now is... where do we go from here?”

“If one of you can tell me where The Dark One hangs out, I'll go put a spear in him!”

Cadance looks to Auriel. “Any ideas Miss Auriel?”

Auriel shakes her head. “None. The Dark One only ever appeared before my father. And they were always at odds with each other!”

Luna looks to her confused. “Your father?”

Auriel suddenly appears frightened! “Please! Don't be angry with me! M-my father is... King Malevolence!”

Luna’s horn glows! “Am I to believe the daughter of the Demon King is not working for HIM?!”

Trixie quickly steps forward! “Princess Luna! If I may... I was there when Arc collapsed from magical overexertion. She had it in her power to kill him, as the king had commanded... but she didn't!”

Cadance looks surprised! “What?! Then... what did she do?!”

“She picked up the Bloodstone, put it back in Arc's hand and then dragged him through the Gates of Tartarus. If you don't believe me Arc has that weird machine back at his base. You can see what happened for yourself!”

Luna puts a hoof to her forehead. “This is just... so overwhelming... I don't actually know WHAT to think right now.”

Cadance nods. “Trixie... Shining Armor... you are both free from Tartarus, and your own pasts. Please use this second chance wisely.”

The pair nod happily as Luna looks over to them.

“Trixie... I have a... favor to ask of you.”

“What is it Princess Luna?”

“You may be free, but I would ask that you never again visit Canterlot!”

Arc glares at Princess Luna! “Wait... WHAT?!”

Shining Armor nods! “I'm with Arc on this one! She didn't do anything wrong in the first place!”

Luna hold up a hoof for silence. “Please hear me out. Many of our forces have taken the news of Captain Decimus' death rather hard. Us included.”

Trixie nods sadly. “I... noticed that on the walk over here.”

Luna nods. “Therefore, I must ask you to leave this city and never again return!”

“Princess Luna, I...!

Trixie interrupts him. “It's okay Arc... Princess Luna is right. If somepony had killed a friend of mine, I don't think I would want them wandering around my hometown. I’ll leave.”

Cadance nods sadly. “Thank you for understanding Trixie. Perhaps one day we can put all of this behind us.”

Luna turns to Shining Armor. “If you would like, I can reinstate you to the Royal Guard. We’re currently looking for a replacement for Captain Decimus. Are you interested?”

Trixie nods! “That's quite the offer Shining Armor! You should go for it!”

“But, what about you?! If you can't show your face in Canterlot, I'll never see you again!”

It... it's okay Shining Armor! I know this is what every Royal Guard dreams of... becoming the next Captain of the Guard!”

“It is, yes! But...”

Shining Armor turns to Arc.

“What should I do, Arc?”

Arc smiles at him. “I think you already know what to do. You just need to act on it.”

Shining Armor nods. “Thank you. I will.”

He turns back to the princesses.

“Thank you very much for this honor. But... I can't accept it! If my time with the Hero of Light has taught me one thing, it's that there is more than one way to do the right thing! And right now, the right thing to do is stay with my friend Trixie!

Cadance nods. “Very commendable! Although I wish you had accepted, I understand your desire to do otherwise.”

Shining Armor turns back to Arc.

“Sir, if you should ever have need of me or my magic, you have but to ask and I will be there”

Arc chuckles. “You're calling me ‘sir’ again.”

Shining Armor smiles. “Sorry, Arc! It just feels... right.”

Auriel looks to the princesses, fearfully! “Um... what about me?”

Cadance sighs. “You are free from Tartarus. However, the sight of a demon walking the streets would most certainly cause a minor panic in any of our towns! Truth be told, I don't really know what to do!

Arc puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder. “You can stay with me! I'll take care of you and keep you safe!”

Auriel looks down at the floor, sadly! “Thank you very much Arc, but... I... I don't really belong in Equestria. Could you find it in your heart to... take me back to Tartarus??

Trixie looks at Auriel as if she’s lost her mind! “You want to go BACK to that place?! Why?!”

“It... it's where demons like me belong.”

Arc frowns but nods. “Alright. I'll escort you back to Tartarus and see to it you’re safely reunited with your father.”

“Thank you for understanding Arc. I really appreciate all you have done for me!”

“After all you’ve done for Equestria, it’s the least I can do.”

Luna nods approvingly. “I suppose there really isn't anything else to say on these matters. Thank you for your help, Auriel. You are welcome in Equestria if you should change your mind. After all, the populace was able to accept a human as their Hero of Light.”

Arc nods. “It wasn't easy.”

Cadance smiles! “I'm sure it wasn't, but you did make it work!”

“Indeed. Well, we should get going. I'm sure you have plenty of other audiences scheduled for today.”

Luna nods. “Yes we do. Farewell Arc... I am sorry we could not accommodate your friends needs better.”

Arc and the others turn to leave.


Auriel turns back to Luna. “Y-yes?”

“I wish you well in the future. Stay safe in Tartarus. And know that if you change your mind, I will welcome you into this land with open hooves.”

“Thank you Princess Luna. Maybe someday there will be peace between our two races.”

Luna nods. “I look forward to that day.”

Auriel nods and leaves the Audience Chamber with the others. They all walk down the hall together, no real destination in mind.

“Arc, I hate to be even more of a burden to you than I already am but... do you think you could take me home right now? I... I just don't feel that there is a place for me here in Equestria!”

He nods. “Yes... I understand. Auriel, I'm really sorry about how things turned out here today. If you ever need to get away from Tartarus, my base is always open to you. Remember that!”

Auriel nods happily! “Thank you... I will.”

Arc turns to Trixie and Shining Armor.

“What about you two? What will you do?”

Trixie smiles. “I was a traveler before, and I guess I will be again! There's a lot of things wrong in Equestria that I can help fix! After all... I have a lot to atone for!”

Shining Armor turns to her. “Need a wing-pony? We can be a team!”

Trixie nods happily! “I was actually hoping you would say that! Now all we have to do is come up with a name for ourselves! How about ‘The Two Unicorns’?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “It doesn't really roll off the tongue. But we have plenty of time to think it over on the road!”


“Where should we start?”

Trixie shrugs. “I... don't really know. What do you think Arc?”

“How about the Vile Tribe's village? That's as good a place as any to start, as so few even know of its existence!”

Trixie nods! “Sounds good to me!”

“Me too!”

Arc holds up his gauntlet. “Need a ride? I need to take Auriel home anyway.”

Trixie and Shining Armor nod!

Arc opens a portal to the Vile Tribe's village. They all step through and find themselves on the outskirts of town. Together they all walk to the cave leading to the Gates of Tartarus. Trixie looks at their demon friend.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye, Auriel. I'm sorry our journey was over so soon. If you ever come back, I'll show you some of my famous magic tricks!”

Shining Armor sighs. “I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm actually going to miss a demon! Take care of yourself Auriel.”

Auriel nods. “Yes... you too.”

Shining Armor and Trixie head toward the Town Hall in search of the mayor. Arc gestures to the cave.

“Shall we?”


Arc and Auriel enter the cave. Auriel walks up to the barrier but finds it impassible!

“Oh dear! What do I do now?”

“Don't worry! I've done this before.”

Arc spreads his cape

“Stay close to me and we’ll make it.

Auriel looks skeptical but obeys. The pair walks forward and in a moment are back in Tartarus.

“Is there some way we can contact King Malevolence? I don't want to leave you here alone.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Don't worry. My father always has sentries watching for any kind of movement. Especially at the Gates. I'm sure he’ll be here in no time! You... don't have to hang around. I know he won't be exactly... pleased to see you.”

“Just the same, I’ll wait here with you. I told you I would keep you safe, and I will.”

“Thank you, Arc! That is very Kind of you!”

About 10 minutes later soldiers can be seen leaving the capital city and heading for the Gates of Tartarus. A short time later they arrive at the gates. A demon commander is carrying King Malevolence.

“Set me down! I will walk the rest of the way.”

“Yes sir!”

The king slowly makes his way over to Arc and Auriel.

“Father! Please don't strain yourself! You're still injured!”

“Never mind that! Are you all right, Auriel?! Did the human hurt you?!”

Auriel shakes her head. “No father! He treated me very well! Better than we would have, that's for sure!”

King Malevolence looks to Arc and snarls! “Human! I... I suppose I should thank you for bringing my daughter back to me safely!”

“No thanks are needed. Your daughter is a fine individual. You should be proud of her!”

King Malevolence sighs. “I wish I could be, but... I have to know Auriel. Where is the Bloodstone?”

“Arc... gave it to Princess Luna. It's in Canterlot.”

The king growls! “I... figured as much! Why Auriel?! Why did you betray not only me, but the entire demon race as well?!”

Auriel hangs her head in shame. “I had to father! You would have invaded Equestria and killed every pony you found! I had to stop you before you even got started!”

“That was... very brave of you Auriel. However, it still doesn't make this any easier...”

Auriel looks to her father, confused. “What are you saying, father?”

“I'm saying... it is with a heavy heart that I banish you from Tartarus! You may never return to this accursed place again unless you bring back the Bloodstone.”

“But… but I can't do that!”

“I... understand that! But think about this from the rest of the demons’ point of view! There was a way out of here for everyone and YOU threw it away! Do you really think the others will just let that go?!”

Auriel nods sadly. “I... understand. I'm sorry for letting you down. You must hate me for what I have done.”

“Auriel, look at me...”

She does so.

“You're my daughter. I could never hate you! I'm sure even that dullard human over there can understand that!”


“But father! He has a daughter as well!”

Arc nods. “It's true. I understand what you're going through right now. That and I understand your unenviable position of having to choose between your subjects... and your daughter.”

Auriel appears on the verge of tears! “Father, please! Don't send me away!”

King Malevolence looks to Auriel. “Tell me something my dear. Is Equestria still lush and green?”

Auriel nods. “Yes, it is.”

“And is the sky still a beautiful shade of blue?”

“Indeed. I have never seen it's equal.”

“How is the food?”

“I only had the one meal with Arc this morning at his base, but it was quite tasty.”

King Malevolence nods. “Did they serve pancakes?”

“Yes, but I didn't try them.”

King Malevolence frowns! “Seriously. Next time... try the pancakes. I have laid on my slab many a night dreaming of their syrupy goodness!”

He begins to drool.

“But enough of this, Auriel! You do not belong in Tartarus! A delicate flower like you belongs in Equestria! Now go!”

The king turns to leave.

“King Malevolence. Before you go... would you like me to return you to your original size?”

He turns, skeptically. “Actually, yes. But why would you help me?”

“I… I just thought you would like to hold your daughter in your arms one last time.”

“I would.”

Arc casts the Matter Compacting counter spell and the Demon King slowly returns to his normal size. He kneels down.”


Auriel runs toward her father. He picks her up and holds her lovingly.

Arc shakes his head. “I... can't believe I actually feel sorry for King Malevolence of all people... or whatever he is.”

After an eternity Auriel and King Malevolence break off their embrace.

“Goodbye Auriel. I will miss you more than you know!”

King Malevolence turns to Arc.


Arc nods. “Yes. I’ll keep her safe.”


The king walks back to his soldiers and they return to the capital. Auriel falls to her knees sobbing! Arc walks forward an puts a hand on her shoulder.

“You're not alone. I told you before I would protect you, and I will. I promise!”

Auriel looks up to Arc, tears streaming down her face!

“But... Tartarus is all I have ever known! Every memory I have is of this place! Am I just supposed to leave it all behind, just like that?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Keep the memory of your father, and any other happy memories close to you. That's what I did. Just like you... there is currently no way back to my original world. I really do know how you feel right now.”

“But... my father...”

Arc interrupts her. “...loves you very much! He loves you enough that he doesn't want you to have to live in this cesspool anymore! Believe me, this decision hurt him as much as it did you.”

Auriel stands up and clings to Arc! “This is all just so sudden! I knew he would be mad, but I didn't expect this!”

“He looked more sad than anything, Auriel! And I think he was right to send you away.”

“You do?!”

Arc nods. “Sure. If you went back there, the demons in Vengeance would kill you for destroying the Malice Cannon and their chance at freedom! He's not really banishing you. He's PROTECTING you!”

“I guess that makes sense... but... it really doesn't make this hurt any less!”

Arc takes Auriel by the claw and slowly leads her back to the Gates of Tartarus, and toward her new life in Equestria.

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