• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Unlikely Aid

After a long bath session, Arc helps Tempest out of the tub and dries her off. He tosses the towel into the hamper.

“Do you want me to brush you?”

Tempest narrows her eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“Alright. But don’t say I didn’t offer.”

He carries Tempest toward his bedroom. Sereb follows closely.

“That shower did help me feel a bit better. Thank you.”

As the pair enter his room, Tempest looks up at him, clearly sickened!

“What are you planning on doing to me in HERE?!”

Arc lies her down on Ember’s bed. “Sleeping. Nothing more.”

He covers her up with the blankets and turns to leave the room.

“Aren’t you going to bed too?”

“I will as soon as I check with my troops. Make sure everything is okay in town.”

Tempest chuckles. “How soldierly of you.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Just get some rest. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Tempest lays her head down and curls up. “You going to try and kill me in my sleep?”

“I’m not trying to kill you! Sheesh! Good night!”

He leaves the room and walks quickly to the living room phone. Arc shakes his head as he dials the Town Hall.

“They’re never going to believe this.”

Sereb sighs. “I’m here and I don’t believe it!”

A few moments later a Royal Guard picks up.

“Ponyville Town Hall.”

“This is Arc. Is Flash Sentry available?”

“Yes sir! Shall I patch you through to the Mayor’s Office?!”

“Please do.”

A moment later they are connected.

“Yes sir?!”

“How are things in town, lieutenant?”

“Quiet, sir! I think everypony’s just scared of coming down with whatever this is!”

“Any word from the hospital?”

Flash Sentry nods. “All the patients are stable for the moment. Doctor Horse still isn’t sure what caused the relapse!”

“It’s a mystery, all right! Has anyone caused any trouble? Like, trying to break quarantine?”

“Mr. Rich did a little while ago.”

“Him again?!”

“Yes sir. He came to the Town Hall to complain about the situation. I had him escorted home.”


“Then he tried to leave town in his private train. I guess he didn’t know how to run it himself. The ruckus the train made alerted us to his intentions.“

“Where was he trying to go?!”

“Canterlot. Said he wanted to ‘rescue’ his daughters.”

Arc frowns. “And put the rest of Equestria in danger by spreading this thing”! Is he nuts?! If he tries anything else, lock him up!”

“Yes sir! Any luck on your end?”

“Nothing. Although we did have someone breaking quarantine up here.”

“Really?! Who?”


“Oh, well at least it wasn’t a citizen of Pony… TEMPEST!!! We’ll be right over sir!”

“Hold it!”


Arc sighs. “She’s resting in my quarters.”

Sereb growls. “More like biding her time.”

The blood drains from Flash Sentry’s face. “Oh no! Don’t tell me…”

Arc nods. “Yup. She’s sick too. Any more cases come forward?”

“As of an hour ago when I spoke to the doctor, no. There have not been any new cases since Raven and Saffron. Other than Tempest, that is. Doctor Horse has been in contact with the sages of Canterlot. Hopefully they can come up with something by tomorrow morning!”


“What should we do about Tempest?”

Arc sighs. “I’ll take look after her for the moment. You keep the town secure. All right?”

“Yes sir!”

“We’ll see what can be done in the morning.”

“Good night sir!”

Arc hangs up the phone and turns to Sereb.

“Let’s hit the hay for now. Nothing more to be done tonight.”

“Very well. Might I join you in your room?”

Arc looks toward the door. “Not much room in there for a third, Sereb.”

Sereb growls. “I understand. However, I do not trust that harpy!”

“Actually, if you’re not too tired, I have something else I want you to do.”

A few minutes later Arc enters his room and lies down in his bed. Tempest rolls over to look at him.

“Where’s your mongrel?”

“I sent him to Town Hall. He’ll take over for Flash Sentry in organizing the night’s patrols.”

Tempest smirks. “How very brave of you to send away your only source of help.”

“The town needs protection more than I do.”

“Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

“The only one you need to worry about!”

The pair are silent for a time.

“You okay over there?”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “Other than being weak and achy, just fine.”

“I mean your mind! I’m not too keen on having you attack me in my sleep.”

“I can resist it!”

“See to it that you do! Good night, Tempest.”

Tempest rolls back over to face the wall. “Night.”

That night Arc dreams happily of his earlier days with Cherry Jubilee. They cook together, pick cherries, laugh and generally enjoy each other’s company! The dream ends with the pair sitting on the porch watching the sunset together. Neither says a word as Cherry sits in Arc’s lap. He has both his arms around her midsection as he happily buries his face in her mane.

“Cherry… I love you so much!”

Cherry Jubilee sighs as she turns her head to nuzzle his chest. “Um… can’t say as I feel the same, Arc.”

Arc looks at her, confused. “What?!”

He opens his eyes to see the first rays of dawn shining through the window.

“A… dream? Silly me… what else could it have been!”

There is suddenly movement from under the covers. Arc cautiously pushes them back to find Tempest lying next to him! Her face against his chest!

“Tempest?! What are you…?!”

She nuzzles his chest as she opens her eyes and smiles at him. “Thank you for last night, Arc.”

Arc does his best to hold the contents of his stomach in. Tempest sits up and looks down at him, grinning!

“I gotta tell you, Arc! You sure know how to make a mare feel loved!”

The blood drains from Arc’s face! “What… what did we do last night?!”

Tempest sighs. “Don’t worry. You didn’t do anything either of us will regret.”

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes. You just held me and stroked my mane.”

Arc sits up as he breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! Look Tempest! You’re not well. Whatever happened last night was the illness controlling you.”

Tempest nods. “I know!”

“Wait! You do?!”

“Yes! And that knowledge helped me stifle some of the… let’s just say, more… extreme thoughts running through my mind.”

Arc stands up. “Then why were you in my bed?!”

Tempest looks down at her hooves sadly. “It’s… been a long time since somepony held me like that.”

Arc looks over at her as he grabs clean clothes from the dresser. “What about Captain Decimus?! I thought you two were lovers!”

She stands up slowly. “We are! But he’s been rather… distant lately. It’s probably the strain of his work that’s doing it.”

The pair leave the bedroom.

“What kind of work?”

Tempest frowns. “Look, I appreciate you taking care of me last night and all. But like I told you a while back at the castle, I’m not betraying my love!”

Arc heads quickly toward the bathroom. “Have it your way! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a quick shower.”

Tempest follows him. “Would you like a massage? I’d like to return that favor at least!”

“What?! NO!”

Tempest looks confused. “Why not? Your shower is certainly large enough to comfortably hold both of us!”

Arc shakes his head as he enters the bathroom alone. “Humans have something called modesty, Tempest! Just wait out here for me, will you?”

“Fine. Have it your way.”

He turns on the water as hot as his skin can handle and scrubs his body vigorously as he mutters to himself.

“Of all the ponies I could have woken up next to.”

Arc puts more soap on a washcloth and continues scrubbing! Putting his head on the tile wall as he scrubs himself down again. “Ugh… I feel so dirty. Forgive me, Cherry!”

He finishes bathing and puts on fresh clothes. As he steps out of the bathroom, he smells hash browns cooking. Tempest is standing at the stove wearing one of Saffron’s aprons and a smile!

“I went to the kitchen and borrowed some food. Hope you don’t mind! By the way, your chef was completely out of eggs!”

Arc sits down at the table and mutters to himself. “This is more unsettling than when she was trying to kill me!”

“Did you say something?”

“Nothing! Just thinking aloud!”

A few minutes later she sets two plates of food on the table and sits down across from Arc.

“Eat up before it gets cold!”

He does so.

“This is pretty good! Thank you for breakfast!”

Tempest looks at him, clearly confused. “Isn’t it customary to make breakfast for somepony whom you spent the night with?”

“We didn’t spend the night together, Tempest!”

“Oh yes, we did!”

“Well… look, can we just eat and get moving please?!”

Tempest shrugs. “If that’s what you want!”

“I gotta get this illness figured out! You’re getting worse!”

Tempest smiles at him. “I feel fine!”

“I stand by my earlier statement!”

The pair eat quickly. Tempest clears the table and begins to fill up the sink.

“I’ll just do these dishes.”

“Uh, okay. Let me call Town Hall before we get moving.”

“Okay! I’ll hurry!”

She does so as Arc picks up the phone and dials Town Hall. As the phone rings on the other end, Sereb uses his magic to lift the receiver and hold it to his ear.

“Town Hall.”

“Hey Sereb. How are things over there?”

“Quiet. Are you all right?!”

“Yes, I’m fine. Tempest and I will be heading over to the hospital soon.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You and… whom?!”


There is a long pause on the other end of the line.

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Yes. I can’t just let her go! We’re under quarantine after all!”

Sereb sighs. “And you don’t want to leave her there. I understand now.”

“Right. In any case, is Flash Sentry back yet?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. I have not seen him since he was relieved for the night.”

“He must be in the barracks then. We’ll see you in a bit.”


Arc hangs up the phone and turns to see Tempest has finished the dishes and is wiping down the kitchen table. She is humming as she works.

“You uh… almost ready to go Tempest?”

She puts the dish towel on the rack to dry and quickly dons her leather armor. “I am now. Let’s go!”

Arc points to Light’s Bane in the corner where he left it. “What about… that?”

Tempest waves a hoof happily! “It can just stay there! I won’t be needing it for a while!”

Arc nods as they leave his quarters. “We’ll wake up Flash Sentry before we go. He needs to relieve Sereb.”

Tempest follows Arc down the hallway. “Why?”

“Because he’s been up all night!”

They arrive at the barracks. Arc quietly opens the door and peeks inside. The off duty Royal Guards are sleeping peacefully. However, Flash Sentry’s bunk is empty. Arc closes the door quietly and turns back to Tempest.

“He’s not here.”

Tempest looks concerned. “Where could he have gone?”

“I can think of only one place. Come on!”

Arc opens a portal to Ponyville Hospital. He and Tempest step through it and arrive momentarily in the Waiting Room. They walk up to the front desk. The nurse on duty is going over some paperwork.

“Nurse. What room is Raven Inkwell in?”

“She’s in room number… ahhhh!!!”

The nurse jumps back, falling out of her chair as she sees Tempest!

“Are you alright miss?! Don’t worry! She’s with me!”

The nurse gets up slowly and peeks out cautiously from under the desk. “Are… are you sure?!”

“Pretty sure!”

She points with a shaky hoof down the hall. “She… she’s in room 131!”

Tempest smiles at the nurse. “Thank you.”

The pair walk down the hallway together. Tempest turns to Arc.

“What do you suppose was the matter with her?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I can’t imagine.”

“Oh, come on! I’m not THAT scary!”

“Your reputation precedes you.”

They approach the private room and quietly enter. Raven is lying unconscious in bed, still restrained. Flash Sentry sits next the her in a chair, asleep. Arc walks over and nudges him.

“Flash Sentry?”

He slowly opens his eyes and sits up.

“Commander? Is it morning already?”

Arc points out the window. “That it is.”

Flash Sentry does not take his eyes off Raven as he speaks. “Forgive me for not returning to base. I… I just had to come here!”

“I understand. How is she?”

“The treatments have brought her back to almost normal. But I know it’s only a matter of time before she and the others relapse!”

Tempest nods. “I hope she feels better soon!”

Flash Sentry looks past Arc. “Thank you… TEMPEST?!”

He lunges at her, but Arc grabs him in the nick of time!

“Wait, lieutenant! Tempest is in the same boat as Raven right now!”

“What?! HOW?!”

“Well, you see…”

Raven suddenly begins to stir. Flash Sentry rushes back to her side!

“Raven?! I’m right here with the Hero of Light! You’re not alone!”

She opens her eyes slowly.

“… Flash… Sentry?”

“Raven! How do you feel?!”

“Head… hurts. What happened?”

Arc sighs. “You… um… were acting very strangely to say the least.”

“C-commander? I… I remember…”

Raven suddenly winces in pain.

Flash Sentry takes her hoof in his! “R-Raven?! Do you need help?! What can I do?!”

“I… I need to get up!”

“What?! But I… I can’t do that!”

Raven looks up at him with a pleading look in her eyes. “Please Flash Sentry! Help me!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. He thinks for a moment before nodding. The lieutenant begins to undo her restraints.

“Okay Raven! But you have to promise to not do anything rash!”

“Yes, I promise!”

As soon as the last belt is removed, she bounds out of bed shakily. Running over to Arc, she skids to a stop in front of him!


She gets down on her knees, all four of them. “P-please sire! Let me serve you again! I’m begging you!”

Tempest nods approvingly. “She sure has spirit!”

Arc kneels down in front of Raven and puts a hand on her chin. Lifting it to look her in the eye. “Raven, I…”

She grabs his hand with both of her front hooves! “I’m desperate! Please! I’ll… I’ll do anything you say! ANYTHING!!!”

Raven begins to tear up in frustration. Crying into his hand she whispers…


“Um… sure Raven. I do have something I need you to do for me.”

She looks up, hopeful! “Really?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Help the doctor figure this illness out by getting back in bed and letting Flash Sentry put your restraints back on.”

“What?! But I…”

Arc looks down at her and speaks in an authoritative voice. “That’s an order, Raven!”

“Yes sire!“

She climbs back into the bed as Flash Sentry sadly restrains Raven before following Arc out of the room with Tempest. He stares at the closed door.

“It… it’s like I wasn’t even there!”

Arc puts a hand on Flash Sentry’s shoulder. “She’s not herself! None of what she said was the real Raven talking!”

Flash Sentry turns and walks unsteadily down the corridor. “I know, sir. But that doesn’t make this hurt any less.”

Together they return to the Waiting Room. Flash Sentry sighs.

“I’ll head back to the Town Hall and take over for Sereb. He has to be running on fumes right now.”

Arc nods. “You up to it?”

Flash Sentry walks slowly toward the door. “No. But I have to be strong for Raven!”

Tempest turns to him as she and Arc head for Doctor Horse’s office. “He’s… very dedicated to that mare, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. He is.”

Tempest looks down. “I… I’m jealous of her.”

They arrive at the office and knock. Doctor Horse puts a hoof over the receiver.

“Come in!”

Arc and Tempest do so. Upon laying eyes on Tempest, the doctor drops the phone! Arc walks over and picks it up.

“She’s with me.”

Doctor Horse nods and takes the receiver.

“J-just a moment, sir! The Hero of Light just came in. I’ll put you on speakerphone.”

The doctor does so and hangs up the receiver.

“Go ahead, Sunburst.”

“We’ll, as I was just telling the doctor, there is an ancient magic that can cause psychosis on such a scale!”

“Great! How do we stop it?!”

“You have to stop it at its source! Some very powerful unicorns must be behind this!”

Doctor Horse frowns. “Did you say unicorns? As in more than one?”

“Yes! A spell that powerful could not be cast by one pony! To keep it going also requires constant care and attention to maintain!”

“Is there some way we can locate them?”

Sunburst sighs. “That may prove difficult! If they are powerful enough to cast such a spell, they are most likely able to mask their magical signature!”

Tempest nods. “Hiding powerful magic is easier to do than you would think, Arc. For example, you haven’t been able to find my group either!”

“She’s right, sir. Needle in a haystack sort of thing.”

Arc sighs. “Can you tell us any more about this spell? Who would know about it?!”

“Myself, some of the other sages, and the princesses for certain! Maybe other creatures from that time period that still live.”

Tempest nods. “Like some demons or even the Dragon Lord?”

“Could the demons from Tartarus be doing this?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “No. Not from within Tartarus anyways! The barrier that separates Equestria from that place absorbs all magic! Such a spell wouldn’t have a chance of affecting anypony here!”

Doctor Horse nods. “Could it be some other group domestically?”

“That’s the only theory that works right now. How we go about rectifying this situation is beyond me at present.”

Arc looks at Tempest.

“I already told you! We didn’t do it!”

Sunburst looks confused at his phone. “We? Ember, are you feeling alright? You sound a bit different.”

Arc sighs. “Ember is in a hospital bed as we speak, Sunburst. She too fell prey to whatever this sickness is!”

“Oh? Then who was that?”


There is silence from the other end of the line. Doctor Horse clears his throat.

“Are you still there, Sunburst?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Arc, are you perhaps coming down with this yourself?!”

“I certainly hope not! Tempest is suffering with it though! Although it appears to have made her a very nice mare! After she got over the initial bout of symptoms, that is.”

Tempest nods! “I’m fine! We need to focus on the real problem here though! The ponies who AREN’T walking around like we are!”

Arc sighs. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Tempest. Sunburst, can you think of ANYONE who might be able to help?”

“Other than Princess Celestia, the only other would be Dragon Lord Torch.”

Tempest frowns. “That would mean breaking quarantine, though.”

Doctor Horse sighs. “Can’t somepony outside of Ponyville speak to the Dragon Lord on our behalf?”

Arc shakes his head “That would be rather unwise. He’s not the most… personable individual I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. If anyone else were to go, let’s just say they probably wouldn’t get too far!”

Sunburst sighs. “What do you think, doctor?”

“Arc does not appear to be affected by this illness. In fact, so far, its only infected mares!”

“It’s up to you, Arc. “

Arc thinks for a few moments. “I hate to say this, but I think me going to the Dragon Lands is the only way to make headway on this!”

Sunburst sighs. “Keep me posted! And do be careful! I hear the Dragon Lord has a fiery temper!”

“I’ll call you when I get back.”

“Good luck, sir!”

Doctor Horse severs the connection as Arc looks over at Tempest.

“I guess the question now is what to do with you.”

Tempest shrugs. “I can stay here and help guard the town.”

“I think I would rather keep you within arm’s reach, Tempest. You don’t exactly have the best track record in Ponyville.”

“She’s infected, Arc! You can’t take her with you!”

Tempest thinks for a moment. “You could tie me up and put me in a jail cell until you get back.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Might work… but if you’re in a cell, why do you need to be tied up?”

Tempest blushes. “I… uh… guess not. Sorry, that’s the illness talking, Arc.”

“I have an idea how we can do both! Let’s go to Town Hall and see Flash Sentry first.”

Tempest nods. “Right behind you!”

Arc turns back as Tempest walks past him. “We’ll solve this yet, doctor!”

“Good luck!”

The pair make their way to the Town Hall. Flash Sentry is pacing nervously around the office as they enter.

“Sir! Any news?!”

“Maybe. We need to go to the Dragon Lands and speak to the Dragon Lord about this. He’s old enough to remember the ancient magic that may have done this!”

Flash Sentry looks past Arc at Tempest as he narrows his eyes. “Are you sure the source isn’t a bit closer to home, sir?”

“I don’t believe she had anything to do with this. In any case though, she’s coming with me on this little trip.”


Tempest smiles! “I’d be happy to come with you, Arc. But what about the quarantine?!

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opening a portal. “We don’t have a choice, Tempest! Take care of the town while we’re gone, lieutenant.”

“I will, sir! Be careful!”


The portal closes behind them leaving a very worried Flash Sentry in its wake!

“I hope you know what you’re doing, sir! Watch your back!”

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