• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Nocturnal Actions

Arc reappears on the sigil in the Ponyville Hospital waiting room. He calls out loudly as he runs toward the nurse at the desk.


She quickly presses a button on the counter. An alarm goes off indicating a medical emergency. Two orderlies run toward them with a gurney. Arc lays Tempest down as Doctor Horse approaches and begins looking over the patient as he speaks.

“What happened?!”

“Single stab wound to her chest!”

Doctor Horse looks to the orderlies. “Get her to the operating room, stat!”

They begin running down the corridor as the doctor hops up onto the gurney frame. Putting a stethoscope to Tempest’s chest, he grimaces.

“Her lung is filling up with blood! Faster!”

As the gurney careens toward the open doors of the operating room Tempest looks weakly to Arc and gasps.

“Tell… sister…”

Arc nods fervently as he stops at the doors. “I will! Don’t worry!”

The doors slam shut as a light comes on overhead to indicate that the room is now in use. Arc stares at it for a long moment before walking over to a nearby bench and sitting down heavily. Removing his helmet, he sets it down next to him and puts his head in his hands.

“The Dark One. Tempest never even saw his attack coming. Is he really that much more skilled than she is? Or was she just being overconfident? And why the heck did he try to kill her anyways? I mean… it’s not like her attack would have done anything to him. At least I think it wouldn’t.”

Groaning, Arc leans back and rests his head on the wall as he continues.

“This whole thing makes even less sense now.”

Sitting there for a few minutes, Arc eventually stands and sighs. Picking up his helmet, he opens a portal and steps through. Finding himself back in his room in Canterlot Castle, he recalls the rest of his armor and heads for the door. Walking through it, Arc makes his way back to the Infirmary. Spotting the doctor coming out with a clipboard he calls out to him.

“Doctor Whooves, is Cerulean Skies still here?”

The doctor shakes his head. “No sir. She, along with the princess and investigator, went back to the Conference Room shortly after you left.”

“Thanks. I’ll head over there now.”

Turning, Arc heads down the corridor. Reaching his destination, he enters to find Twilight looking over the pictures of the scene with Fire Streak as Cerulean Skies sits in front of a few other items. Twilight looks over as he approaches.

“Arc! Are you, alright?!”

Arc nods. “I’m fine, yes.”

Fire Streak appears hopeful. “Did you find out anything about Queen Chrysalis’ location, sir?!”

“No, I didn’t. Um… would you please excuse me for a moment?”

Turning, Arc walks over to Cerulean Skies. Standing next to her, he looks down at the items before her.

“More things from your parents?”

Cerulean Skies nods sadly. “Just a few things. My mother’s mane bands, my father’s bandana, and that notebook from earlier.”

Sighing, she continues without looking over.

“Would you like to keep these things, Tempest?”

Arc bows his head. “She’s… not with me.”

Cerulean Skies turns around, confused. “What? Did she go after the one you were looking for already?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Cerulean Skies. She… Tempest was injured.”

“But she’s regenerated already, right?”

“Not this time, no.”

“I don’t understand!”

“The Dark One… he stabbed her.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “Where is she?! Is Tempest okay?!”

“I portaled us out of there after it happened to Ponyville Hospital. When I left, the medical staff were rushing her into surgery.”

Cerulean Skies quickly stands up. “Can you take me to her, sir?!”

“To Ponyville Hospital, yes. But like I said, she’s in surgery.”

“Please do!”

Opening a portal, Arc and Cerulean Skies rush through as Arc calls out to Twilight.

“I’ll call you later!”

Twilight waves a hoof nervously. “Take care, Arc!”

Reappearing on the sigil in the Waiting Room, the pair run up to the nurse’s counter. Cerulean Skies is the first to speak.

“My sister was just brought here! She was stabbed!”

Arc looks to the nurse. “She’s the mare I carried in a little while ago.”

The nurse nods. “The patient is still in surgery. And I’m sorry to say that I don’t have any additional information regarding her current condition.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I figured as much. Might we be allowed to wait in the doctor’s office though?”

“Of course, sir. Shall I have somepony take you there?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, but I know the way.”

Motioning for Cerulean Skies to follow him, Arc leads her down the corridor. Coming to the now familiar office, he opens the door for her and allows the mare to enter first. Closing it behind them, he motions to a couch nearby.

“Why don’t we have a seat?”

Cerulean Skies nods sadly. “Yes, this will probably take a long time.”

They sit down together. The room is silent for a few minutes before Cerulean Skies turns to Arc soberly.

“Can you go over with me what happened again?”

Arc shrugs. “There’s really not much more to say. We went to the Council of Shadows’ hideout and met with the Dark One. He wasn’t willing to tell us where Chrysalis was hiding, other than saying that she was still around, so Tempest attacked him with her scythe.”

“And he broke Tempest’s defenses to stab her?”

“Kinda. In truth, he effortlessly knocked her attack away before countering with a knife to her chest.”

“That’s a bit scary. After all, Tempest isn’t somepony you could easily get the drop on.”

“I get the feeling that the Dark One is in a league of his own. At least his magical powers are.”

Cerulean Skies appears hopeful. “What… do you think my sister’s chances are?”

“Well, I’m not really a doctor.”

“Please guess though, sir!”

“The doctor said that one of her lungs was filling with blood. That was moments before they arrived at the operating room though. And she was still able to speak as they took her inside.”

“What did she say?”

“Just to inform you of what happened.”

“Nothing else?”

Arc shakes his head. “There wasn’t time for anything else, no.”

Cerulean Skies puts her face in her hooves. “I just don’t understand how this could have happened! My sister has always been so… so hyper-alert!”

“And she’s been able to regenerate any damage done to her thus far as well.”

“Tempest told me some time ago that he was the one whom granted her the weapon she has along with her regeneration abilities.”

Gasping, she continues.

“Do you suppose that he took that ability away from her somehow?!”

Arc sighs. “It stands to reason that he did. After all, no one’s been able to make any damage to her stick in the past.”

Several hours pass. Eventually Doctor Horse enters the office. He walks over to Arc and Cerulean Skies, whom is dozing on the couch. Shaking her gently, Arc speaks quietly.

“Cerulean Skies. The doctor is here.”

Slowly sitting up, she looks to the doctor nervously.

“Is… is my sister… okay?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes, ma’am. She’s been stabilized and is resting peacefully in an intensive care room.”

Arc grimaces. “Did you find anything… out of the ordinary when you operated?”

“No sir. Everything I saw was that of a badly wounded mare.”

Cerulean Skies bows her head. “I was hoping you would say that she started healing partway through the operation.”

“I’m afraid not. Such regeneration has never been observed by anypony previously. Other than Princess Celestia, I’m told.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Can we see her?”

“You can, yes. However, the patient is currently unconscious from the sedatives administered prior and during surgery. That and they will remain so for some time to help the healing process.”

Cerulean Skies nods soberly. “I’d still like to be with her though.”

“Very well, miss. Please, follow me.”

The doctor leads them out the office door and down several corridors. Coming to a door, he stops and turns to the pair.

“Here we are. Now then, please be aware that the young mare within is in very shape and shouldn’t be disturbed any more than absolutely necessary.”

Arc and Cerulean Skies nod as the doctor turns to open the door. Pushing it inward, he steps aside to let them enter. Cerulean Skies gasps as she sees Tempest lying on the bed out cold. Walking shakily over to her, she takes her sister’s hoof and whispers to her.

“I’m right here, Tempest.”

Arc turns to the doctor. “Have you given her a blood test?”

“Yes, sir. After hearing that the wound was made by an unknown blade type, I ordered a test for poison. It came back negative.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good.”

“However, she is far from out of the woods yet. We’re still keeping an eye out for infection and further complications.”

Cerulean Skies looks over as she points to her sister’s bandages. “All this from a single knife wound?”

The doctor shakes his head. “It wasn’t a normal knife that did this.”

Arc frowns. “What do you mean, doctor?”

“A jab from a knife does a great deal of localized tissue damage. However, it’s generally all in a straight line. The wound in the patient though was much, MUCH wider.”

Cerulean Skies gasps. “How is that possible?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I don’t recall seeing the Dark One twist the knife, or anything else other than just pull it out.”

“All I can think of then is that it was the knife itself. Normal blades are straight to allow for easy piercing. However, there are certain knives that are serrated and/or barbed to allow for maximum damage.”

Turning to Arc, the doctor continues.

“Did you happen to notice anything strange about the weapon, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “It all happened so fast that I didn’t really see how or what he did. One moment they were arguing, the next, Tempest was lying on the ground bleeding heavily.”

Cerulean Skies looks to the doctor. “Will she recover?”

“Oh, yes. With luck, she could awaken as early as tomorrow morning.”

“How about walking around?”

“That’s up to the patient. They can get up as soon as they awaken if they feel as though they can take the pain. But it’s going to be a number of weeks before your sister is going to be able to do much more than light duty.”

Cerulean Skies sighs. “Tempest won’t like that. She’ll want to be out of that bed as soon as possible.”

Arc snaps a finger. “I think I have an idea on how we can keep her resting.”

Sometime later a cadre of nurses and orderlies walk down the corridor on either side of Tempest’s gurney. The doctor leads the way as Arc and Cerulean Skies bring up the rear. She turn to him happily.

“Thank you for suggesting this, sir. I know Tempest would want it.”

Arc shrugs. “Whatever keeps her in that bed.”

The doctor opens a door and steps aside to allow the others to pass. They carefully wheel Tempest inside as those pushing IV bottles and machines follow. After hooking everything up again properly the extra staff leaves the room. Doctor Horse turns to Arc as he speaks.

“It appears everything is now in order. But I must point out that it is highly irregular to have two patients in one intensive care room.”

Cerulean Skies shrugs. “This really is for the best though.”

Arc nods. “I doubt any of us would want to be around if Tempest were to wake up anywhere other than next to Decimus.”

Doctor Horse looks to Arc, hopefully. “So does that mean you’ve officially identified him is Captain Decimus, sir?”

“Nah. Just kinda habit to call him that, I suppose.”

Cerulean Skies turns to the bed. “When he wakes up maybe you’ll get your answers, sir.”

“I hope so.”

Doctor Horse clears his throat. “Yes, well… I should look in on my other patients now. Feel free to buzz for the nurse if either of you needs anything or has questions.”

Cerulean Skies smiles at him. “Thank you, doctor.”

Turning, Doctor Horse leaves the room as Arc motions for Cerulean Skies to sit down with him on a nearby bench. Looking to her, he sighs.

“I’m really sorry about all of this.”

Cerulean Skies appears confused. “What for, sir?”

Arc gestures to Tempest lying on the bed. “This.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t your fault, sir.”

“If I had just been a bit quicker or perceptive then maybe I could have…”

Cerulean Skies interrupts him. “Please, sir. My sister is hurt because of her own actions. Not yours.”

“I still question that.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I doubt Tempest will hold what happened against you when she wakes up.”

Yawning, she puts a hoof to her forehead before continuing.

“But I think I need to follow my sister’s lead and rest for a bit. It’s been a long, hard day.”

“Go ahead. I’ll keep watch for a bit.”

“You don’t have to do that though, sir. After all, I’m sure you have a million other things to do right now.”

“Kinda do, yeah. But…”

He sighs before continuing.

“This is admittedly one of them. So get some rest, Cerulean Skies.”

“Thank you, sir. I will.”

Leaning back, she closes her eyes. As she falls asleep, Arc turns to her and smiles.

“Rest well.”

Sometime later, Cerulean Skies opens her eyes. Looking around, she immediately notices that the sun has since set. The only illumination in the room comes from lights over the two patient’s beds and the machines they are hooked up to. Seeing Tempest resting peacefully nearby, she smiles warmly. A few moments later a familiar voice rings out.

“Sleep well?”

Turning her head, Cerulean Skies sees that she is leaning against Arc’s shoulder. Clearly embarrassed, she pulls back and bows her head.

“Please forgive me, sir!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine, Cerulean Skies. I knew you were tired, but I didn’t realize you were THAT sleepy!”

Cerulean Skies rubs her eyes. “Have I really been out all afternoon?!”

“Yup. You’ve slept through every nurse coming to check both patients’ vitals, every time the doctor came to look in on us, and even a supper cart coming in to offer us something to eat.”

“My apologies, sir! I really didn’t mean to…!”

“Like I said, it’s fine. But how about I call for something to eat now? Considering I doubt that you’ve eaten yet today, what with how early I came to get you this morning, you have to be famished.”

Cerulean Skies puts a hoof to her belly. “Well… I actually am really hungry now that you pointed it out.”

Arc stands. “Then I’ll go get us something from the hospital cafeteria.”

Cerulean Skies hops off the bench. “No need to do that, sir. I’ll go.”

“I really don’t mind going though. That and I’m sure you’d like to stay with your sister as well.”

“Yes, I would. Thank you.”

Arc turns to the door and heads out. Making the short walk to the cafeteria, he finds it closed. Groaning, he looks at their hours on the board next to the door.

“Missed it by ten minutes.”

Tapping his chin for a few moments, Arc eventually snaps his fingers as an idea hits him. Opening a portal, he passes through and reappears inside his quarters within Light’s Hope. Entering the cafeteria he sees a number of guards eating. They immediately stand and salute respectfully as Arc smiles.

“As you were.”

Picking up two plates, Arc levitates a portion of food onto each one from the warmers on the buffet. Opening another portal, he steps through to return to the hospital waiting room. Making the short walk back to the intensive care unit, he pushes the door open with a foot and enters.

“Sorry it took so long. The cafeteria here was closed.”

Cerulean Skies appears confused. “It was? Then where did this food come from?”

Arc chuckles as he gives Cerulean Skies her plate. “My base on the other side of town.”

Cerulean Skies accepts the food. “Thank you very much, sir. It smells delicious.”

As the pair eat, Arc looks to the beds as he addresses Cerulean Skies.

“Can I assume neither of them stirred while I was gone?”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head. “Not so much as a sniffle, no.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

“But I do thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here for my sister.”

“She needs you right now.”

“Normally I’d have been forced to leave when visiting hours are over though.”

“That’s true. However, I don’t want Tempest coming around without someone here to tell her what happened.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Go ahead.”

“Lord Arc, this is Ashe. Are you planning to come back to the ship soon?”

“Um… I was kinda thinking I’d stay here in Ponyville tonight. Why?”

“It’s my duty to remind you that it’s getting rather late, and you’re supposed to be spending evenings with Lady Natalya.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, I know. Griffon law, and all that.”

Cerulean Skies turns to him. “Sir, if you have to go take care of something else I completely understand.”

Ashe continues. “Lady Natalya’s been asking if there’s been any word from you for the last few hours.”

“I did leave in a bit of a hurry. Alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc.”

“Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection and turns to Cerulean Skies.

“Guess I really do need to be elsewhere.”

Cerulean Skies shrugs. “Such is the life of the Hero of Light, I suppose.”

“I’ll come by early tomorrow morning to check on you three.”

“Yes sir. I’ll try to be awake and composed when you do.”

Arc chuckles as he opens a portal. “It’s okay if you’re not up when I get here, Cerulean Skies. I can just ask the staff if there have been any changes.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Good night.”

Cerulean Skies waves as he steps through the portal. “Bye.”

Arc vanishes and reappears on the sigil in his quarters. Hammer, Twilight, Ashe, and Natalya are sitting at the table together talking as he approaches them.

“I’m back. Did I miss anything?”

Hammer shrugs. “Just paperwork regarding your case, is all.”

Arc groans as he sits down. “Sorry. I’m really not trying to run away from it.”

Luna smiles at him. “It’s fine, Arc. Natalya and I helped Ashe fill out the latest ones.”

Ashe holds up a piece of paper. “Yes, well… there’s just one left.”

Arc holds out a hand. “I’ll take care of it. All things considered it’s the least I could do. What’s it about though?”

“Officiation of the ceremony.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… not sure what that entails.”

Natalya looks to him. “It’s where an official asks if we’re both willing to be married. Then after we both say ‘I do’ they declare us legally wed.”

Hammer chuckles. “We just wanted to talk to you before filling this last one out though. After all, it is your big day.”

Luna nods. “You and Natalya first need to figure out whom will officiate the ceremony.”

Natalya sighs. “I don’t really mind whom does it. Lord Arc?”

“It’s not really too important to me either.”

Turning to Ashe, he continues.

“Any suggestions?”

Ashe puts a talon to her cheek thoughtfully. “Any public servant is generally empowered to carry out the ceremony after all the paperwork is complete. However, it’s a status symbol for a noble to get the highest ranking official they can convince to do the job.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How though? By asking them face to face or is there another form?”

“Face to face. But usually with a gift as compensation for their time.”

Hammer scowls. “You mean a bribe?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, a gift. Everyone deserves to be compensated for their time, after all.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “I believe I can see the logic in that. However, it still does feel like any gift given to a government official to convince them to do something is a bribe.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “We could ask the captain of the guard to do it.”

Arc shrugs. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

Luna looks to Ashe. “Does the ceremony have to be public?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Legally, no. However, most nobles make a grand statement with their wedding. Driving through the town together is pretty standard for the aristocracy.”

Natalya grimaces. “I’d rather keep this whole thing quiet. After all, my family name isn’t exactly the best right now.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. We just need someone whom won’t make a big deal out of it. That and a venue of some kind.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “And since Twilight will be in attendance, it needs to be a secure one too.”

Natalya gasps. “I didn’t think of that!”

Luna smiles at her. “It’s alright. I’m sure that wherever you and Arc want to have the ceremony is just fine with her.”

Hammer grins. “Me too. After all, this is your big day.”

Arc looks to Natalya. “Would you be okay having the ceremony aboard The Equinox?”

“Sure. Were you thinking of having it on the bridge?”

Hammer shrugs. “Like you said earlier, maybe Captain Soarin would be able to officiate for you two. You know… cause he’s the captain.”

Ashe shakes her head. “That won’t be an option, I’m afraid. For a wedding in the Griffon Kingdom to be valid, a proper griffon official needs to perform it.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “How about you, Ashe?”

Luna nods. “That would be a good idea. I’m assuming you’re empowered as ambassador, that is.”

Ashe shakes her head. “ I would be for anyone else, yes. However, since I took care of signing off on all the paperwork, the law would see the act of me officiating as a conflict of interest.”

Natalya groans. “So we need someone not connected to this matter in any way?”

Ashe nods. “Or Equestria, yes.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “What about Lord Gestal?”

“My father?”

Arc nods. “Sure. I’m guessing he’d like seeing you again anyways, Ashe.”

“Well… he’s certainly able to do that. But I’d have to ask him.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Do you think he’d go for it?”

“Probably. At least for Lord Arc’s sake, I mean.”

Arc looks to his fiancée. “Is that alright with you, Natalya?”

Natalya nods. “Yes, it’s just fine.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “Go ahead and ask your father if he’d be able to do this for us.”

“Very well. What about the date though?”

“As soon as possible would be better. All of us need to get back to Equestria for various reasons.”

Ashe stands. “Alright. I’ll call my father and ask him as soon as I get back to my quarters. If he agrees, we could have the ceremony as soon as the day after tomorrow.”

Luna appears surprised. “That soon?!”

Ashe points to the last form. “With all the paperwork ready, that is.”

Hammer gasps. “Will it be though?”

“If my father is officiating, yes. Believe me when I say that the a fore mentioned paperwork will absolutely fly through the proper channels.”

Natalya smiles. “Then it sounds like we have the beginnings of a plan.”

Arc nods as he finishes writing. “That we do. But if it’s all the same to everyone, I’d like to get some sleep now. It’s been a really long day for me, after all.”

Hammer stands. “That it has.”

Luna takes the form from Arc. “Very well. Ashe and I will see about making preparations for the ceremony.”

Natalya raises a talon. “I can help you with that.”

Ashe smiles at her. “Normally that would be fine. However, you have to remember that this is YOUR wedding we’re talking about. Meaning that it needs to be done for you.”

Arc chuckles. “Guess that means I can help either?”

Luna smiles warmly. “Right. But I think you two will be busy enough as it stands.”

Hammer smirks. “Getting themselves ready, eh?”

Ashe nods. “Traditionally, the couple spends the day of the wedding itself wining and dining in addition to partaking in entertainment.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “What kind of entertainment?”

“The law doesn’t officially specify what needs to be done. It’s just whatever you two enjoy doing, I suppose.”

Arc grins. “So a day of fun before the ceremony?”

“Right. And at sunset the couple makes their way to the predetermined ceremony location where all their family and friends are waiting for them. Everyone sits down as the official goes through the marriage pact. He then asks both parties if they’re willing to be wed before making the final declaration.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “And that makes it all legal, right?”

Ashe nods. “Exactly. Then Lord Arc and Lady Natalya can return to Equestria as per their case’s exemption.”

Luna heads to the door. “I’ll order the crew to see to it that the Bridge is ready by then.”

Natalya quickly calls out. “Um… excuse me, Princess Luna?”


“Would it be okay if we had the ceremony on the Observation Deck instead?”

“That’s up to Arc, as the ship is his.”

Arc nods. “If that’s what you want to do, then sure.”

Hammer chimes in. “Any particular theme or special request you’re looking for though?”

Natalya looks toward the window. “There’s just one thing. Is there any chance that the ship could be turned so that the Observation Deck’s windows give a nice view of the western skyline behind the one officiating?”

Arc nods. “As long as the Skyport gives their permission, yes.”

Ashe looks to Arc. “They will with proper paperwork filled out.”

Hammer grins. “I can help with that. Then I can radio them and set up the date and time.”

Ashe smiles. “It’s only a single page form for that as well.”

Luna giggles. “That will make for a nice scene. A wedding with a lovely sunset behind them.”

Natalya bows her head. “I suppose it will be, yes. But I had a different reason for such a request.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it, Natalya?”

“While the ceremony is underway, I want to be able to look to the west unimpeded. Even though I won’t be able to see it, that’s the direction of Equestria. And I want to be facing my new homeland which did so much FOR me. Rather than the country that did so much TO me.”

Ashe nods soberly. “I’ll see to it those requests are approved, Lady Natalya.”

Hammer looks out the window. “We can get started on brainstorming decorations tomorrow.”

Arc yawns. “Yes. Right now I think we should just get some rest and get moving on this matter in the morning.”

Ashe turns to Luna as they head for the door together. “I’ll just quickly call my father to get his thoughts on officiating before turning in for the night.”

Luna And I’ll be sure to speak to Princess Twilight about ideas to make this day special for both of them.

Giggling, the pair leave the room together. Natalya turns to Arc and smiles nervously.

“They’re… trying very hard to make our wedding… memorable.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s a big decision!”

Arc nods. “Right. Even for a marriage that’s just done out of necessity, a wedding is still a wedding.”

Natalya looks away nervously. “Yes, well… um… like you said, we should probably get some rest now.”

Hammer stands and yawns. “Yeah. Lots of planning and whatnot on our plate for tomorrow.”

Arc chuckles. “You too, Hammer?”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a nice party.”

Natalya sighs. “You and I have very different opinions on the meaning of that particular word.”

Hammer grins as she puts her hands on her hips and swings them side to side. “Doesn’t matter if you’re in front getting hitched or in the seats. Everyone’s going to party when it’s all said and done. Some a bit… harder than others though.”

Arc heads for the couch. “In any case, let’s get some sleep. Big day, and all that.”

Natalya smiles shyly. “Tomorrow will be my last full day being single.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “So… how exactly are we supposed to celebrate that?

Natalya appears confused as she and Hammer lie down on either side of the bed. “No, as was explained earlier, the celebration for the couple is the day OF the wedding. Not the day before.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah, I heard that part. But back on Earth there’s a tradition of the bride and groom going out with their friends and partying.”

Natalya looks past Hammer at Arc. “Is that true, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yup. The bride and her friends usually have what’s called a ‘bachelorette party’ at some point before the wedding day.”

“And what sort of things do they do?”

Hammer shrugs. “Usually just go to check out male strippers, I hear.”

Natalya appears confused. “What’s a male stripper?”

“It’s a human guy that…”

Arc interrupts her. “You know, they don’t really HAVE to go and do that sort of thing.”


“My mother once told me about her bachelorette party when I was little. She said that her and her friends got together and played silly little = games.”


“One of them was her being asked pre-determined questions about my dad. Each wrong answer she gave though forces her to put a marshmallow in her mouth.”

Hammer smirks. “Hopefully she could hold her sugar.”

“I’m told that she only got two wrong. A lucky break for her.”

Natalya smiles. “What else did they do?”

Arc shrugs. “A lot of sitting around and talking, I think.”

“Just… talking?”

“Ultimately the bride gets to choose what the group is going to do. Some do it my mother’s way. Most do it Hammer’s way. But the important thing is to remember to have fun.”

Hammer turns to the bride to be. “So whaddya wanna do, Natalya?”

Natalya bows her head. “I… don’t think I could have one then.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”

“My family, other than Gallus and Gabby, is nonexistent. And I don’t actually have any friends.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Well, that ain’t true.”

She smacks her own chest and points at Arc before continuing.

“Arc and I are your friends, ain’t we?!”

“I… suppose that’s true, yes. But it doesn’t sound like something that would work here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc chuckles. “After all, it would look kinda silly if the groom went to a bachelorette party with his bride to be.”

Hammer shrugs. “Guess that would kinda kill the vibe.”

Arc smiles as he turns off the lights. “Probably, yes.”

They all lie back and get situated. A few minutes pass before Natalya turns to Hammer.

“So… would you like to get something to drink together?”

Hammer sits straight up, turns to Natalya, and grins as she nods emphatically.

“Oh, hell yeah!”

They both hop out of bed. Hammer grabs her officer’s uniform as Natalya walks over to the couch.

“Would you like to come too, sir?”

As she looks to Arc through, Natalya immediately notices that his eyes are closed and that he is lightly snoring. Hammer approaches with her officer’s coat slung over her shoulder. Looking down she shakes her head.

“What a lightweight.”

Natalya gasps as she turns to Hammer. “I think he’s had a harder day than we have.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah, I know. So let’s go!”

“Without Lord Arc? It just doesn’t feel right.”


“Like Ambassador Ashe said, during the engagement period the couple must stay together as much as possible.”

Hammer groans. “Come on! He’ll never know! Nor will the ambassador!”

“Are you sure?”

“Remember, she said she was going to call her old man and then go to bed! So they’re either neck deep in a long conversation or sawing wood right now!”

“Well… alright. But I’m going to tell Lord Arc everything that we do out there tonight, so we really have to stay out of any real trouble.”

Hammer grabs Natalya’s talon and hurries toward the door with her. “Whatever! Let’s just get going!”

Leaving the room, Hammer and Natalya make their way down the corridor and out the main hatch. Walking down the gangplank, Hammer speaks.

“Um… should you wear a disguise, or something?”

Natalya appears confused. “Why would I need one?”

“Well, your old man being Lord Goldstone, and him being pretty much universally hated right now. That and the fact you’re the heir to his estate.”

“While true, I’ll be fine. The general public doesn’t know my face, after all.”

“What about your name?”

Natalya grimaces. “I suppose that has come up in the news by now, yes.”

“Then I should probably call you something else for the evening.”

“A different name?”

Hammer shrugs. “Think of it like an alias.”

“How about just ‘Nat’?”

Hammer grins. “Simple and effective. I like it.”

Natalya giggles. “Nat it is then.”

“Fine. What do you want to do though?”

“How about we start with that drink I promised you?”

“You read my mind!”

“This way then. There’s a lounge just outside the Skyport grounds that flight crews frequent.”

“Is it seedy?”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what that means.”

“Run down and filled with troublemakers.”

“It’s not exactly somewhere that nobles go, no. But security crews from the Skyport patrol just outside. That keeps everyone on their best behavior.”


“Um… that’s a good thing.”

Hammer chuckles. “Yeah, maybe. But I was kinda hoping for a little action.”


“A barfight, or something entertaining.”

“All I want is a bit of fun before I get married though.”

“Fine. You’re the boss. Lead the way.”

Making their way out the gates toward the city, Natalya points a talon at a good sized building. A sign over the door says ‘The Red Roost’. Hammer grins and laughs a bit as Natalya turns to her, confused.

“What’s so funny?”

Hammer points. “The name!”

“I don’t get it.”

“It’s a bird pun, Nat!”

“Is it?”

Hammer nods. “Back on Earth, a ‘roost’ is where wild birds go at the end of the day to sleep.”

“Oh. Now I kinda see what you mean.”

Entering the establishment, the pair walk over to a corner table and sit down across from one another. Hammer looks around at the numerous griffons relaxing at the surrounding tables and nods approvingly.

“Liking this place already.”

“But we just got here, Hammer.”

“The vibe, I mean.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Vibe?”

“It’s not a fancy-schmancy snooze fest in here. Everyone looks like a normal member of society and not some stuck up noble.”

“That’s surprising. I would have guessed that you were used to things like that. What with being with Lord Arc all the time.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Mostly I work security at Canterlot Castle while he’s off doing whatever.”

“So you’re a bodyguard of the princesses then?”

“Sometimes, yeah. Mostly I coordinate security with or for the Captain of the Royal Guard though.”

Natalya grins. “You must have more than a few interesting stories then.”

Hammer scoffs. “Not really. I mean… my job really is more about figuring out ways to prevent trouble from happening. So if nothing happens, then that means I’ve done things properly.”

“I kinda get that.”

A waitress walks over with an order pad.

“What can I get for you two?”

Natalya looks to her. “Beer.”

“Domestic or imported?”

Natalya points to a drink listing. “Definitely imported.”

The waitress nods as she looks to Hammer. “And you?”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward Natalya. “I’ll have whatever my friend’s having.”

“Alright. Be right back.”

Making her way to the bar, the waitress fills two large glasses before returning to the pair. Setting them down before them, she continues.

“Anything else I can get for you two?”

Natalya shakes her head as she slides some money across the table. “No thanks. We’re just here for a drink.”

The waitress nods as she takes the coins. “Alright. I’ll check back on you in a bit though.”

She turns and walks away as Hammer looks to Natalya, confused.

“That was a fairly large amount of money you gave her, Nat. Was that a generous tip, or something?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Just the price of the drinks.”

Hammer gasps as she looks down at her glass. “Woah! This stuff ain’t cheap!”

“That’s because it’s imported.”

Hammer smirks. “Aw, you don’t need to splurge on me. The domestic stuff is just fine.”

Natalya makes a face. “Trust me, it isn’t.”

“Is it really that bad?”

Natalya lowers her voice. “The word ‘swill’ comes to mind.”

Hammer holds up her glass. “Then thanks for sparing me that pain.”

Natalya nods as she picks up her own drink. “No problem. But here’s to tonight.”

Hammer grins. “May it be fun filled and memorable!”

They clink their glasses together and take a deep drink. Hammer coughs violently and sets the glass down. Natalya looks to her, clearly concerned.

“Are you alright?!”

Hammer nods between coughs. “Yeah… yeah, I’m cool.”

“If you don’t like it, don’t feel as though you have to finish that.”

“Naw, it’s good. Just way, WAY more powerful than I thought it would be!”

“According to the sign over the bar, it’s from a city far to the south of Equestria called ‘Klugetown’.”

Hammer shrugs. “Never heard of it.”

“They don’t do a lot of business with the Griffon Kingdom. But what they do sell is really expensive.”

“What else they got?”

“Mostly just alcohol and other… exotic merchandise. Sorry, but I don’t really know any more than that since I knew I could never afford any of their goods in the past.”

“But things are going to be different for you now.”

She lowers her voice before continuing.

“You know… since you’re rich.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not really. I haven’t received anything yet from my inheritance, after all.”

Hammer points to her drink. “Then where did you get the money for these?”

“I got paid the day before that letter arrived, so I had my money on me when we left.”

She smiles and taps her glass with a talon before continuing.

“That and I wanted to try something a bit nicer than just swill before we leave.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s all about trying new things?”

“Sorta, yes.”

Hammer turns and calls out to the waitress at the bar.

“I’ll have a domestic beer please!”

“Coming right up!”

A few moments later she walks the beer over to the table. Hammer slides a few coins across the table as she grins.


“You’re welcome.”

As she leaves, Hammer looks over the drink and compares it to the other one.

“Looks about the same. And smells sorta similar, I guess.”

Natalya grimaces. “Believe me, it’s very different.”

“Any tips?”

“Most griffons drink domestic beer hard and fast to avoid tasting it.”

“I’ll just start with a sip then.”

Natalya frowns. “Not a good idea.”

Hammer shrugs. “Well, like you said earlier, I want to try something new.”

Natalya sighs. “It’s your call.”

Taking a small sip, Hammer makes a face. Swallowing it, she shudders as she speaks.

“That’s nasty!”

“Told you.”

Taking the glass, Hammer tips it up and downs the contents as quickly as she is able. It flows down her chin and onto her uniform. As she finishes, Hammer slams the glass down on the table and gasps for breath. Taking a few moments to compose herself, she looks to Natalya as she regains her voice.

“You… you were right.”


“About drinking it fast, I mean.”

“That’s the only way to make it even slightly palatable.”

Hammer points to a menu on the wall nearby. “Does food help?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not really, no. The flavors just kinda intermingle into a not so pleasant experience. That and griffon cuisine isn’t exactly the best when compared to pony food. Unless you’re at a proper restaurant, that is.”

“Arc told me about that. Is it really that bad?”

Natalya groans. “It’s probably worse than you think.”

Hammer looks to the menu again. “There has to be something halfway decent to eat around here.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “But didn’t you eat supper aboard The Equinox?”


“Then how…?”

Hammer grins as she interrupts her. “Because it’s a celebration, Nat! So I think we should try more new things!”

“Like what?”

“I got an idea.”

Waving the waitress over with a hand, Hammer points to the menu as she speaks.

“What on here is good? And I don’t care what it costs.”

“We do have a pretty decent toasted ham and cheese sandwich. But it’s the most expensive thing on the menu due to the cost of the ingredients.”

Hammer pulls a bag of bits from her overcoat. “We’ll each have one then.”

The waitress writes down the order as she takes their payment. “Alright. Any sides?”

Hammer looks to Natalya. “Got any suggestions?”

“I’ve always been fond of deep fried brussels sprouts.”

Hammer makes a face. “Is that actually a thing?”

Their waitress nods. “They’re honestly pretty good.”

Hammer shrugs. “Fine. Bring us each a side of them.”

Natalya holds out a talonful of bits. “And bring us some more of that imported beer with them.”

A short time later Natalya and Hammer are presented with their food. The waitress steps back and looks to the pair.

“Anything else I can get you?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah, I think we’re good.”

She walks away as the pair begin eating. Hammer takes a bite of the sandwich and washes it down with her fresh beer. Grinning, she looks up at Natalya.

“That’s actually pretty good.”

Natalya nods. “The better beer makes it way tastier too!”

“I’ll say!”

“Normally one would eat their bar food quickly with little to no drinking.”

“Because it tastes bad?”

“And because it gives you a reason to drink it faster at the end.”

Hammer sniffs her empty domestic glass. “Judging by the weak scent of alcohol, I’d guess that it would take a ton of this stuff to get drunk too.”

Natalya nods. “Very true, yes. But that’s also more or less a part of griffon culture. Being in a publicly intoxicated state is by and large frowned upon as something only the lowest of commoners do.”

“Is that true though? I mean… do only the poor get drunk around here?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not in the least. But the wealthy have ways to avoid the shame of the public eye.”

“Drinking at their homes?”

“Well, that too. But if you lived here you would quickly notice that all of the high profile restaurants always have carriage drop off and pickup right at the front door.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “I get it. Whomever would want to be forced to walk more than a few steps to get to a building though? It must be such an inconvenience for them.”

“There is that too, yes. But more or less for drunkenness. A noble that has had too much can usually make those few steps outside to their carriage. At worst, with some help.”

“And a commoner would just have to walk, or in their case stumble, down the street for all to see?”

“You got it.”

Hammer smirks. “Which ones would we be?”


“The rich kind whom can hide it or the commoners whom just have to deal with it?”


Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

Natalya holds up her glass. “We’ll be the ones whom just don’t care what others think of us.”

Hammer grins as she clinks her glass against Natalya’s. “I hear that!”

“With the exception that we still need to be able to walk, of course.”

“Yeah, I understand what you mean. No point in getting ourselves to THAT point.”

Natalya looks down at her glass as she speaks. “Then we should probably be careful. This imported beer is significantly more powerful than the domestic stuff I’m used to.”

Hammer sets down her empty glass and grins slyly. “That it is. So let’s try something different before we’re done.”

“Like what?”

Chuckling, Hammer waves the waitress over again. Picking up the menu, she points.

“You got any good wine?”

“We do have a few bottles of vintage wine left behind by the former owner. But the house rule is that you have to buy the whole bottle to get some.”

Hammer pulls a bag of money from her overcoat. “Deal!”

Taking the payment, the waitress disappears behind the counter. The squeaking of a trapdoor rings out for all to hear. Returning a few minutes later, she holds out a bottle and two wine glasses.

“Here we are. The best bottle we have.”

Hammer takes it. “Sure looks old.”

Natalya nods as Hammer uncorks it. “That it does.”

Giving the bottle back to the waitress, they watch as she pours out two servings before setting the bottle down on the table.

“Can I get you two anything else?”

Hammer looks to the menu. “Yeah. It says here you have deep fried potatoes. Are they cut up really fine?”

The waitress appears confused. “No, we just cut them in half and deep fry them.”

Natalya looks to Hammer. “It’s a traditional griffon bar food.”

Hammer grins. “Do you take special requests?”

“Sorry, just what’s on the menu.”

Hammer pulls a handful of coins from her pocket. “You sure about that?”

“I… suppose the cook could be persuaded to try something outside of the lineup. What would you like?”

“I want a bunch of potatoes cut up in little sticks. Then deep fried.”

“Alright. That shouldn’t take too long to cook.”


She walks away as Hammer rubs her hands together happily.

“This should be good.”

Natalya frowns. “How would they be any different than what’s on the menu?”

Hammer grins. “You’ll see.”

Picking up her glass, Hammer continues.

“But for now, I’d like to propose a toast.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow, confused. “It’s just the two of us though.”

Hammer smiles sheepishly. “Yeah, I know. I’ve just always wanted to do that.”

“Well, I suppose it is something that you do for special occasions.”

“And what’s more special than getting married?!”

“Alright. What should we drink to?”

Hammer puts a hand to her chin. “How about… to you and Arc’s future together?”

Natalya smiles nervously. “But the whole marriage thing is just… you know…”

“Yeah, I know. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t still special to him.”

“I do understand that. After all, whom else would go that far out of their way to help someone?”

“It’s because he cares about you.”

“And I for him.”

“A lot?”

Natalya blushes slightly. “Yes, I suppose so.”

Hammer leans forward. “Are you in love with him though?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not… exactly. At least, not at this point.”

“So someday you might be?”

“Maybe. It’s just… I really don’t feel like I’m ready to make such a big choice. For real, I mean.”

“And that’s fine.”

“Lord Arc promised that nothing would have to change for either of us. So I believe him.”

“As do I. And I’m glad to hear that you’re taking this thing just as serious as he is. But there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about it.”

“What’s that?”

“If at some point in the future you two do have… sparks flying, me and the rest of the herd would certainly welcome you into our relationship.”

“You all would?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah, sure. I mean… you’re really nice, and all. That and everyone thus far has been approved by the group after a short bit of talking with them.”

“And if that day never comes?”

“Then we’ll still think of you as someone really special to Arc. You are going to be his first wife, after all.”

Natalya shrugs. “Well, you’ll all have to wait for quite some time.”

Hammer chuckles. “Still have some growing up to do?”

“Yes, I do. Is that a bad thing?”

“Nah. It’s just knowing your limitations and living within them.”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I thought I was being rather silly.”

Hammer shrugs. “I’m just sayin’ that the door is always open.”

“Then let’s toast to that.”

Hammer holds up her glass. “Alright. A toast to everyone’s future happiness.”

Natalya nods as she raises her own glass. “Future happiness.”

The glasses clink lightly before the pair take a sip of their respective wine glasses. Nodding, Hammer grins.

“That’s pretty good stuff.”

Natalya nods as she looks at the contents. “Agreed. It has a lot of body to it.”

Hammer smirks. “I have no idea what that means.”

“It’s just something I heard in the military. At the time I was pulling guard duty at a wine tasting event for the lords and ladies of the place. They kept complaining about the lack of ‘body’ and a few other terms I don’t remember.”

“Definitely different from a beer, that’s for sure.”

“Is this your first wine too?”

Hammer grins as she nervously nods. “Yeah. I always kinda thought it was just something for snobs. But I’m actually enjoying this stuff.”

A short time later the waitress walks up with a platter of deep fried potatoes. Setting them down before the pair, she speaks.

“This is what the chef came up with.”

Hammer grins widely. “Then let’s see what we have here.”

Popping one into her mouth, she chews it and frowns before continuing.

“Needs some seasonings.”

Natalya sighs. “Things like that are extremely expensive here in the Griffon Kingdom though.”

The waitress nods. “Right. We don’t even carry such things in our kitchen.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “How about just normal salt then?”

“That we do have, yes.”

Turning away, she reaches over to the bar and pulls a small salt shaker from a spot next to a bowl of nuts. Giving it to Hammer, she smiles.

“Here you are.”


Shaking it over the potatoes, Hammer grabs another and tosses it into her mouth. Grinning, she makes a thumbs up motion as she grabs more.

“Much better!”

Natalya giggles. “Can I try one?”

“Help yourself!”

Taking one, Natalya tosses it back and catches it in her mouth. Smiling, she grabs more as she looks to Hammer.

“These are great!”

The waitress appears confused. “How did you come up with this idea?”

Hammer laughs. “They’re just a little something we have back on Earth called ‘French Fries’. Pretty popular there.”

She eyes the plate suspiciously. “Really?”

Hammer nods. “Yup. Care for a taste?”

Looking around to make sure that the bartender isn’t looking, the waitress covertly eats one and chews quickly.

“Those are amazing!”

Hammer shrugs. “They’d be better with proper seasonings though.”

Natalya looks to Hammer. “Not bad with just the salt though.”

“I’m going to tell the cook about these! We really need to add this dish to our menu!”

Hammer grins. “Sounds good!”

She runs back toward the bar and through the kitchen door as Hammer and Natalya go back to eating. Natalya looks across the table at her friend.


Hammer talks between bites. “What, Nat?”

“I just wanted to ask you something.”


“Just give me your honest opinion on it though. Even if it’s not very nice.”

Hammer swallows and raises an eyebrow. “Okay. What’s it about?”

Natalya fidgets as she looks down. “Um… do you… uh… think that it would, or I suppose could, be possible for a griffon and a non-griffon to… be something more than just friends?”

“You mean if I think you and Arc could ever be something special?”


“I think you already are.”

Natalya blushes slightly. “That is certainly true, yes. But what I really wanted to know was… how far do you think such a thing could go? Actual love and commitment or just a simple cohabitation and physical relationship?”

Hammer puts a hand to her chin. “I think either is possible. After all, it’s more about what you, him, and the rest of the herd thinks about the idea.”

“The latter happens more in the Griffon Kingdom than Equestria from what I’ve seen.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

Natalya sighs. “I don’t really know. It seems rather… unofficial to me.”

Hammer shrugs. “Love ain’t about a wedding, legal processes, or other folk’s opinions. It’s about the feelings that the pair in question have for one another.”

She chuckles and leans back with her wine before continuing.

“Heck, if it became well-known back on Earth that I was interested in joining a multi-pronged love circle with a guy and his pony fiancées, the media would have a field day with it!”

Natalya appears genuinely confused. “Why though? Is it illegal?”

Hammer nods. “Very. Marriage there is typically seen as being between a couple. Not three, four, or even more! And having a relationship like this with what humans consider to be animals is also super illegal!”

“So you’re really outside of your comfort zone on this one too?”

Hammer shrugs. “Not anymore. I’ve made my peace with it.”

“How though? How did you come to terms with something that is apparently against your country’s laws and culture?”

Hammer grins as she puts her wine glass to her lips and takes a sip. “Simple. Don’t care.”

“Don’t care about what exactly?”

“What anyone back on Earth thinks. Every one of them could hate my guts and call me every name in the book. It wouldn’t change how I feel about Arc, or the rest of the herd, in the least.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Just to make sure that I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying that you would just go about your business as normal?”

Hammer nods. “Exactly. Reason being that MY own happiness stems from MY decisions and MY lifestyle choices. No one else outside of the herd will be affected in any way by MY choice to join with Arc and his future pony wives.”

“You’re very brave, Hammer.”

“Nah, it’s not about being brave.”

“Then what…?”

Hammer interrupts her. “It’s about seeing what you want in life and just kinda going for it.”

“What else though? I mean… it can’t be THAT simple.”

“Only other thing I could add is to be honest with yourself.”


“Don’t make excuses or live in fear of what might happen if you act. You don’t want to be old and wonder what could have been.”

“I’ll have to give this some thought.”

Hammer picks up her glass. “You do that, Nat.”

Tipping it up, she down the contents before refilling it from the bottle. Topping off Natalya’s glass, Hammer holds hers up and grins.

“In a word… ‘no regrets’!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “But that’s two…”

Hammer cuts her off. “You know what I mean!”

Sometime later, the waitress walks over to their table.

“Last call.”

Hammer grunts. “I, uh… I think we’ve had enough.”

Natalya groans as she leans back and covers her eyes. “Same here.”

“So… nothing else?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. We need to get going anyways.”

Natalya glances up at a clock over the bar. “Right. It’s REALLY late.”

Hammer looks to Natalya as she stands. “Well, let’s get moving.”

“Are you two… okay? I could get you a ride home if you’d like.”

Natalya shakes her head. “It’s okay. We’re fine.”

Hammer points a finger out the window. “That and we don’t really have that far to walk anyways.”

“Alright. Well, please enjoy the rest of your night.”

Hammer laughs as she puts an arm around Natalya’s shoulder for additional support. “We’ve already had a blast though! Time to get back to that nice, warm bed and sleep it off, eh Nat?”

Natalya groans. “You said it, Hammer.”

They help each other toward the door as the waitress watches them leave. Smiling, she muses to herself as she begins clearing the table.

“Nice couple, those two. Hope they stay together.”

Meanwhile, the pair start walking down the way together. Natalya motions to a bench with a wave of her talon.

“Do you mind if we sit down?”

Hammer chuckles. “You tired of walking already?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not really. It’s just that I think I’d rather sober up a little bit before going back to the ship.”

Hammer sighs. “Yeah, I guess we probably should. If we wake up Arc while we’re like this, he really won’t be too happy.”

The pair sit down together as Natalya turns to Hammer and smiles.

“Thanks for doing this, Hammer.”

“No problem. I had a blast!”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Um”… you don’t think Lord Arc will be mad at us for doing this, do you?

Hammer shrugs. “Maybe a little bit. But I’m sure I can convince him that I was just trying to help you loosen up with an impromptu bachelorette party. Or something.”

Natalya sighs. “Sorry.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What for?”

“Making trouble for you.”

“Hey now, that’s now what happened here!”

“It still feels like it.”

“Believe me, I’ve been meaning to get out and let loose for a while now. Going out with you tonight helped me to scratch that itch as well as give us time to get to know one another.”

She grins widely before stopping and turning to Natalya.

“And that last part REALLY needed to be done!”

“Why’s that?”

“This whole thing about you and Arc getting hitched really came out of nowhere for all of us. I mean… when he suggested it, I was just as surprised as the others were.”

“But you still allowed it. Why?”

Hammer puts her arm around Natalya’s shoulders. “Because Arc sat us all down and explained the whole situation to us. He informed everyone that this was the solution that had the highest chance of fixing the problems you were having. That and he said that it would just be a marriage on paper, mind you. But that might not be the case at this point.”

Natalya blushes slightly. “I… yes.”

“You like Arc?”

“Kinda. I mean… I have to admit that he really is sweet and I do trust him.”


Natalya sighs. “It’s like I said the last time we talked. I said something to the effect that I’m very happy that he’s helping me out and that I’m more or less going to be glad to be free of my burdens here in the Griffon Kingdom. But at the same time that I’m just not ready for an bona-fide actual relationship.”

“What if you were though?”

“Ready for a relationship, you mean?”

“Yeah. Would you consider potentially taking on the role of wife? Well, one of them, I mean.”

“I think… that I would certainly be interested in, at the very least, getting to know Lord Arc better, yes.”

“And if it worked out?”

“Then I’d certainly be open to talking about marriage. Well… a real marriage, that is.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “See? What that really so hard?”

“Not really. Well, after you got me to just say what I’m thinking that is.”

“You gotta be more honest with yourself, Nat.”

Natalya sighs. “I guess I do. But sometimes even I don’t know what it is that I want.”

Hammer smirks. “That I do understand.”


“A long time ago, I met Arc at a mall back on Earth. He was shopping with his daughter Dinky while my sisters were checking out clothes. We struck up a conversation while waiting for our respective families outside the changing rooms. And by the end of it I had given him my phone number.”

“Sounds like you were being honest about your feelings though.”

“Oh, I was. At least back then.”

“Something happen?”

Hammer grimaces. “Yeah. I found out in a letter he sent that he had been using me to get into the facility that I worked at in order to complete a top secret mission he was on.”

Natalya frowns. “That doesn’t sound like something he would do though.”

“It was a surprise to me too. I had proof of whom he really was in addition to still having feelings for him. Admittedly, it did drive me a little bit crazy.”

“You mean that you didn’t know what to do?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. I meant that I literally went a little crazy guarding the information that he had entrusted to me. His true identity in addition to what he had done.”

“How did it end?”

“With Arc and I reuniting while he tried to help bring me back to normal. Some pretty bad things went down back then which forced me to hide out at his place back on Earth for quite a while.”

“And that allowed you two to get closer? Living together, I mean.”

“Sorta. I mean… he wasn’t around much since he has duties as the Hero of Light, and all. But it did make me privy to all the stuff he was involved in.”

“Bad things?”

“More along the lines of… clandestine. But with good reasons.”

“So you saw that he was doing some morally gray things in the name of the greater good?”

“Something like that.”

“And that made you want to get closer to him how exactly?”

“It wasn’t so much that as what came later.”

“Some big event?”

Hammer smiles. “Kinda. We were having Christmas dinner at his house. It’s an Earth holiday celebrated in the winter. Anyways, since running away from the facility I worked at I had been estranged to my sisters whom were still employed there. I got a message that they wanted to spend some time with me before the holiday was truly over. But that wasn’t the truth.”

Natalya sighs. “They were just trying to get you to come back to them?”

Hammer shudders. “Yeah. My older sister, Stingray, she set me up and had be brought back to the facility to be tortured to learn Arc’s secrets.”

“That’s terrible!”

“In her defense, she honestly believed that was the right thing to do. Get me away from Arc, that is. But he didn’t leave me there to rot.”

“Lord Arc came to rescue you?”

Hammer nods. “That he did. Broke me out of the facility with the help of… someone else, and brought me to Equestria where he knew my sisters couldn’t get to me. At least for a while, that is.”

“Have they figured out where you are yet?”

“My little sister did, yeah. She was trying to figure out a way to get to me.”

“She missed you?”

Hammer groans. “Yes. But her plan was more or less to rescue me.”

“Your sister thought you had been kidnapped?”

“I admit, it did kinda look like it. My old boyfriend that dumped me walks back into my life and suddenly I’m gone. No contact with either of them for… quite a while.”

“And she was successful in getting to Equestria?”

“Only because Arc brought her there. A bunch of stuff happened to her and she was extremely sick. She needed a bunch of medical treatment and was at that point a fugitive for leaving the organization like I did.”

“Where is she now?”

“Mio, that’s her name, is back in Canterlot Castle right now. She works for me as my assistant. Does a darn good job of it too.”

Natalya smiles at her. “Well, I’m glad it turned out well for both of you.”

“Me too. But getting back to your original point about not knowing what it is that you want or not being ready… I do get that.”

“After that story I would hope so!”

“All kinds of bad things happened to me because of situations tied to being around Arc. But I don’t regret meeting him in the least. Heck, he changed my whole world view as well as made me ask myself the tough questions.”

“Such as…?”

“My future. Where I’ll go, what I’ll do, and who I’ll do it with.”

Chuckling, she looks up at the stars and smiles.

“And right now I can’t think of any other future for me besides becoming Arc’s wife and having his babies.”

Natalya sighs. “I envy your level of certainty naturally.”

“There’s just one problem for me.”

“What’s that?”

Hammer smiles sheepishly as she turns to Natalya. “I… haven’t exactly been able to figure out how to get myself into a situation where we can talk about this.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Talk about what?”

“Getting engaged.”

Natalya gasps. “You mean you’re not?!”

Hammer bows her head. “Not officially, no.”

“Why though?! A blind griffon could see that you’re positively smitten with Lord Arc!”

“It’s just… we’re both just always so busy.”

“Too busy to even talk?!”

Hammer frowns. “Hey now… it would be one heck of a talk!”

“I know, I know. But you really need to have it with him.”

“Working on it.”

Frowns as she makes ‘air quotes’. “And just how long have you been ‘working on it’?”

Hammer groans. “Quite a while admittedly.”

Natalya facepalms. “Seriously?”

“It’s hard, okay?!”

“I can imagine, yes. After all, my own wedding to Lord Arc is purely a political matter and it’s still quite nerve wracking.”

“Yeah. I think when this whole thing is over he and I need to start working toward that talk.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Working towards the talk? Why not just have it?”

Hammer wrings her hands nervously. “I… don’t really… know.”

“Come on! A strong young female like you can do it! After all, you’ve already confessed to loving him!”

“Things need to be right though!”

Natalya folds her talons over her chest. “What kind of ‘things’?”

“The location, the mood, the conversation, the…”

Natalya interrupts her. “Sounds like you two need to go on a date.”

“We have in the past already.”

“Then it should be an extra-special date.”

“How though?”

“Something private, quiet, and romantic I would think.”

Hammer puts a finger to her chin. “A private dinner date?”

Natalya nods. “Something like that. Then again, I don’t really know what’s considered romantic for your species though.”

“It varies from human to human. But I will give this matter some serious thought. That much I can promise you.”

Standing, Hammer looks back and holds out a hand to Natalya before continuing.

“But I think we should be getting back to the ship. After all, it’s REALLY late now.”

Natalya sighs as she takes Hammer’s hand and stands. “That it is.”

Taking a few steps, Hammer suddenly freezes and holds out an arm motioning for Natalya to stop as well.

“What the heck?!”


Pointing a finger towards two guards up ahead, Hammer looks to Natalya.

“Something’s wrong here!”

Natalya appears confused. “They’re just guarding a warehouse.”

Walking toward the guards, Hammer waves a hand and calls out.

“Hey! You got a minute?!”

The guards remain motionless. Nataya shakes her head as she speaks.

“The guards here are specifically trained to ignore anyone asking for their help, as it’s a known diversionary tactic to take their attention off of their current…”

She gasps as Hammer walks past them a few paces and turn around.

“Hammer! What are you DOING?!”

Hammer shrugs. “These guys are out cold on their feet.”

Natalya runs over to the guards and quickly looks them over. “But how did you…?!”

Hammer interrupts her as she pulls her gun. “Seen plenty of pony guards trying to do that when on guard duty in the castle. But I’m thinking that the broken window up there means they have an intruder.”

Natalya looks around. “We need to get help!”

“From where?! There’s nobody around here and I left my radio back in Arc’s room!”

“Not even any other guards that I can see!”

Hammer motions to window overhead. “Let’s get up there and see what we can find then!”

Natalya sighs. “Fine. I’ll fly up there and peek inside.”

“Go ahead.”

Spreading her wings, Natalya takes flight. Hopping onto the windowsill, she looks around for a few moments before turning to call out to Hammer. However, before she can utter a word, Hammer appears next to her. Falling backwards from surprise, Natalya is quickly caught by Hammer grabbing her talon and putting her other hand around her mouth and whispering.

“Shhh! Listen!”

Releasing her mouth, Hammer allows Natalya to speak. She looks around a few moments before answering.

“I don’t hear anything.”

Hammer grimaces. “Exactly. I heard some noble at the Aviary Extravaganza bragging about the security of these warehouses. How they’re guarded inside and out.”


“Where are all the guards?! We should be hearing their footsteps and armor echoing all around here!”

“Maybe the same thing that happened to the ones out front! We should get back to The Equinox and report this though!”

“First I need to make sure that those guards are okay! Then we’ll call for help if it’s needed!”


Hammer points out the window. “You fly back to the ship and let someone know to send help over here! And make sure they don’t wake up Arc with this!”

Natalya sighs. “I’ll try. Be careful though.”

Turning, she hops out the window and takes flight. Hammer looks around and stealthily makes her way deeper into the warehouse. Racks of boxes surround her on either side as she listens intently for any sort of sound in the darkness. Turning a corner she spies a slightly ajar door and opens it. A guard falls out and into her arms. Carefully lowering him to the ground silently, Hammer pulls off his helmet and puts two fingers to his throat.


Sighing, she looks at a trail of blood snaking its way through the now open doorway. Peeking inside, she sees a security office with monitors all around the room. Entering it, Hammer sees half a dozen griffons slumped over their stations. Quickly going around the room, she checks each of them one by one, but finds no signs of life. Looking over the controls, she frowns.

“Everything here is turned off. An inside job.”

Looking to a fuse box nearby, she opens it to find all of them missing. Turning to another panel, which is also ajar, Hammer finds a number of wires hanging inside that appear to have been ripped from their respective devices. Gritting her teeth, Hammer continues.

“An inside job to get the intruder in here without making a bunch of noise. He then kills the guards, the security system, and took what was probably the storage devices holding the video of him coming in.”

Hearing a slight noise from the corridor, Hammer turns and follows it into another part of the facility. Seeing a light nearby, she cautiously approaches with her weapon at the ready. Peeking around some boxes, Hammer spots a number of crates which appear to have been roughly opened. The sound of rustling coming from one catches her attention and she approaches it stealthily. Taking up a position directly across from the crate, Hammer lays her arms on a box and aims her gun at the crate in question. A few moments later a griffon pops out with something in their talons. Hammer grins and calls out.

“Hands in the air! Well, talons!”

The robed figure does as they are told as they slowly turns to face her. Looking her up and down for a few moments, they chuckle.

“Ah… the Equestrian royal pet.”

“And just who the heck are you!?”

“Just a rebel. Nothing special really.”

“Then what are you doing here?!”

The figure motions to the device in his talons. “Just doing a little bit of… shopping.”

Hammer frowns. “Yeah, call it whatever you want, dirtbag! But when my backup gets here you’re going to be turned over to the authorities!”

“Been there, done that. Didn’t care much for it. However, you will do very nicely in aiding me in my departure.”

Hammer clutches her trigger. “You’re not going anywhere!”

“True. At least, not until the proper time.”

A few minutes later the sound of clanking armor approaching them rings out. Smirking, Hammer eyes her captive.

“Now you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

“Nope. But you will.”

Turning, he opens a portal to his left and turns to run through. However, Hammer fires as he makes a run for it. Grunting, he falls to the ground and chuckles as she runs over and points her gun in his face.

“Nice shot, little pet.

Hammer scoffs. “Lousy escape attempt, scum.”

“Not really. Whom do you think you’re dealing with here?”

“Just a scrub whom wants to overthrow the government is all I see here.”

“The second part yes. However…”

Kicking Hammer’s gun from her hand, he lunges forward and tackles the young woman as he perches over top of her.

“You’re not dealing with a normal rebel. But their leader!”

Smirking, Hammer vanishes. A moment later she reappears on top of the rebel leader. Putting them in a headlock, she chuckles as she calls out.

“And you ain’t dealing with any old guard either!”

“Very… interesting! But…!”

Blinking, he reappears in front of his portal before pulling the device lying on the ground next to Hammer to his talons with a Telekinesis Spell. Mock saluting her, he hops through the swirling energies as Hammer pulls her gun to herself and is gone. Getting to her feet just as the griffon guards enter, she finds herself back on the ground as they tackle her.

“Don’t move, criminal scum!”

Hammer grunts as she struggles to respond from under their weight. “I’m… here to stop a burglar!”

“Silence! Thieves don’t kill guards, murderer!”

Hamme gasps. “Murderer?! Those guys back there were dead long before I got in here!”

An officer motions to their subordinates. “Take her into custody!”

Hammer is lifted up and shackled before being led back toward the entrance. Leaving the building, she spies a number of guards canvassing the area. A griffon just outside the door waves for a prison carriage to approach. However, as it stops in front of the open doors, Natalya runs up and inside with Ashe. With them are a number of pony soldiers. Natalya is the first to speak.

“Wait! You’re making a mistake!”

Ashe nods as she approaches the commanding officer. “Yes, this young officer is here on my orders.”

The commander raises an eyebrow. “Lady Ashe?”

“This Equestrian officer was escorting Lady Natalya, Lord Arc’s fiancée, into the city for a bit of relaxation. However, on their way back she saw what she claims was signs of forced entry into this government warehouse. As our nation’s ambassador, I gave her permission over the radio to investigate the situation.”

“For what purpose, ma’am?”

“I’m aware that this facility houses a number of… sensitive items belonging to the king. The lieutenant was instructed to go inside and attempt to protect his royal majesty’s property while help was dispatched from our ship.”

The commander looks to his subordinates. “Leave us.”

They salute and walk out the door, leaving Hammer behind. Ashe motions for the pony guards with her to do the same. The commander folds his talons over his chest and frowns.

“Do you honestly think I believe that crazy story, ambassador?!”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “It’s the truth.”

The griffon officer points to Hammer. “Or… perhaps this one was just banking on Equestria’s diplomatic immunity protecting them! Which it won’t, believe me!”

Natalya looks up to him pleadingly. “Please, sir! The lieutenant here is my personal bodyguard! I need her to keep me safe!”

“Very interesting. She must be very important for you to insist on her being released from what is clearly a case of attempted espionage.”

Hammer shakes her head vehemently. “I didn’t take nothing though! Check my pockets!”

“Of course you didn’t have time to take anything. We found you when you had just opened the crates.”

“That was the guy I was following who did that!”


“Griffon! Sheesh!”

“And you were the only one found inside while no one was seen leaving via the skies.”

“He just… took a portal out!”

The commander raises an eyebrow. “A portal?”

“It’s magic!”

“A griffon with magic?!”

“He was the leader of the rebels!”

“Yes, yes. You foiled a major robbery that was attempted by the leader of the rebellion whom can now use magic like a unicorn.”

Hammer groans. “I know it sounds crazy, but you gotta believe me! He got away with some doohickey from inside the crates!”

“Believe me, someone will be taking full inventory of this entire facility. A very tedious, and expensive, process.”

Gesturing to Hammer, he continues.

“One that the king himself will be hearing of at her trial.”

Ashe grimaces. “I… suppose there will have to be a hearing of some kind done. But it needn’t involve the king.”

“That is at my discretion via my report.”

Natalya continues begging for Hammer’s safety. “Please, sir! Is there nothing we can do to convince you of her innocence?!”

The officer glares at her. “Ma’am are you attempting to bribe me?!”

Ashe steps between Natalya and the commander. “No sir, she wasn’t. This young griffon is merely concerned for her own safety, as without a protector to…”

“Enough, ambassador! It’s my duty to see that this matter is investigated properly and that justice is meted out to the guilty party! The accused will have a chance to share their point of view at their trial!”

Ashe sighs. “Very well. However, I do insist that she be released to my custody pending processing at the…”

“The accused is clearly a flight risk though! And should she return to Equestria with Lord Arc when he leaves, we would have quite a hard time extraditing her!”

“But the treaty says…!”

“Enough! This officer was caught inside this facility and will be held until such time that…!”

The sound of footsteps entering the building ring out. Everyone turns to see a hooded figure walking toward them wearing a black cloak. They stop in front of the commander as they speak.

“Sir, my name is Lord Arc. I see that you’ve captured my officer.”

The commander salutes. “Yes, Lord Arc. She was found infiltrating a government facility when we found her.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “At my orders, sir!”

Natalya nods fervently. “Right! Lieutenant Hammer was just trying to stop the thieves and protect the king’s property!”

The officer shakes his head soberly. “The dead bodies inside would say otherwise.”

Ashe looks to him. “And you’ve already determined the cause of death?”

“Not yet, naturally. We need to fully investigate this matter, of course. However, your officer being the only one in the facility still breathing when we arrived leads me to believe her to be the original, and only, infiltrator.”

Arc chuckles. “I see. Then let me propose a counter argument.”

Lowering his hood, Arc looks to the commander whom gasps at his appearance as his eyes glow red.


Falling to his knees, the griffon closes his eyes and loses consciousness. Natalya grimaces as she sees his new appearance.

“Lord Arc?! What are…?!”

Arc looks to Hammer. “Talk fast! What happened?!”

“Someone immobilized the guards out front and broke in here!”

Natalya does her best to compose herself. “Y-yes! Hammer saw a broken window and wanted to investigate!”

Hammer nods. “I saw a room full of dead griffons and found a rebel opening crates! He opened a portal after escaping with something or other! Then the griffon guards found and arrested me!”

Arc sighs. “While I already know the answer to this, you didn’t hurt anyone in there, did you Hammer?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No way! They were dead when I found them!”

Natalya grimaces. “It was my fault we were out here in the first place, sir! Please find a way to convince them to let Hammer go!”

Hammer groans. “No, it was my idea to come in here!”

Arc facepalms. “We are going to talk about this back aboard the ship. But I think I can get you out of this mess, Hammer.”

Turning to look around, Arc spies an empty crate nearby. Grabbing it, he heaves the box through an overhead window before raising his hood, leaning down, and quickly shaking the investigator.

“Hey! Hey, are you okay?!”

The griffon slowly opens his eyes and groggily looks around as Arc continues.

“He really got the drop on you!”

The griffon officer shakes his head in an effort to clear it. “What… happened?!”

“A rebel came out from the warehouse floor! He knocked you out before heaving a crate through the window!”

Ashe nods. “Then he flew through it at a crazy speed!”

Natalya points a talon. “It was so fast that we couldn’t hardly see him!”

The commander gets to his feet and groans. “Great. Did he have anything that you could see?”

Hammer nods angrily. “That doohickey, yeah!”

“I thought you said he left via portal earlier.”

Arc looks the griffon in the eye as he speaks slowly and deliberately. “It must have been some elaborate trick by the rebels.”

“Yes. Yes, it must have been a trick by the rebels.”

“Very clever of him to try and frame an agent of Equestria.”

“Smart of him to try and pin this on the bodyguard.”

“My lieutenant is free to return to our ship with us.”

“The suspect is free to return to the ship with you, sir.”

“Ambassador Ashe will write a report regarding this incident and send it to the proper authorities. In it, she will say that you were the first to notice the attempt at an escape by the rebel inside the facility. And that you were knocked unconscious attempting to do your duty to protect a foreign diplomat from an attack which would have caused an international incident.”

“I saw him coming, yes. But my first responsibility was to protect the Equestrians in order to prevent an international incident.”

“An written commendation from Equestria will be sent to your superiors naming you a hero.”

“It was all in the line of duty, sir.”

“Now you must begin your investigation and we must be off.”

“Yes sir. You are free to leave with your officer.”

The commander calls out to his soldiers outside the building. Motioning for them to come inside and release Hammer from her restraints, he turns to Arc.

“I will now begin my investigation, sir. Please be aware that your officer may be called to testify as to the identity of the perpetrator.”

Arc nods. “Equestria will do whatever we can to assist in this matter. But we won’t keep you from your investigation any longer.”

Opening a portal, Arc motions for the others to step through. Turning back to the griffon, he continues.

“You may send word to my ship’s communication’s officer regarding any further information you may need from us.”

“I will do so, sir.”

“Very good. Carry on with your duties.”

Arc steps through his portal and vanishes from sight. The griffon officer shakes his head and looks to his subordinates.

“Let’s get started! Get the forensics team in here right away! The king will want answers!”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears on the sigil in his quarters. He looks to Hammer and Natalya as he folds his arms over his chest.

“So what was all that really about?”

Natalya bows her head. “It was my idea to go out and have some fun, sir. So I asked Hammer if she wanted to head out for a drink.”

Hammer nods soberly. “I wanted to give her a mini bachelorette party. A meal and a few drinks, is all.”

Arc sniffs the air. “Yes, I can smell the alcohol on you from here.”

“Spilled a bit on my coat. But as you can see, we didn’t have too much.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Right.”

Ashe looks them over. “It appears that you were still able to walk back, so that’s a plus.”

Arc groans. “And how did the whole breaking and entering thing come about?”

Hammer looks to the window. “I noticed the guards outside weren’t moving and that there was a broken window overhead! It was my idea to go inside as well!”

Natalya turns to Arc. “But she didn’t do so until I left to fly back to the ship for help.”

Ashe steps forward. “That’s when I was awakened to deal with the issue.”

“I told the ambassador not to wake you up, sir. After all, you do need your sleep.”

Ashe points a talon outside. “The guards came with me willingly when told that they were needed by the lieutenant.”

She gasps before continuing.

“We left them back there too!”

Hammer facepalms. “Yes, we did.”

Arc sighs. “One moment.”

Touching his earring, Arc waits. A few moments later a voice rings out.

“This is Lemon Hearts, sir. What can I do for you?”

“Sorry to wake you up, but I need a message sent.”


“We left some troops outside a warehouse nearby. I need you to recall them.”

“Yes sir, I’ll take care of it.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection before looking back to the others.

“One problem solved. Now then, what happened next, Ashe?”

“Natalya and I arrived with the soldiers as they were trying to walk Lieutenant Hammer out.”

Hammer bows her head. “I admit that this really does look bad for me here. But you have to believe me when I say that the leader of the rebels WAS there, Arc!”

“I believe you, Hammer. But now it’s a matter of what the government here will believe.”

Natalya sighs. “Right. All it takes is for that investigator to start giving conflicting reports and we’re in trouble.”

Arc looks to the ambassador. “They won’t. Because Ashe is going to make him sound like a real hero in her report. He’ll take all the accolades and the credit.”

Natalya steps forward to try and look under his cowl. “But how did you do all of that, sir?”

Arc groans. “I suppose you should know about this.”

Lowering his cowl, Arc looks to Natalya. She grimaces at his pale skin and red eyes as he continues.

“This is my Crimson form. I can turn into this when I look at the full moon at night.”

“What happened though?”

“It’s a really long story. But the short version is that I get stronger, faster, and have interesting magical powers when in this form. However, since it makes those around me nervous, I generally choose to just stay in my regular form.”

Hammer licks her lips. “I think you look sexy like that though, Arc.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks. And I am glad that I could get you out of that mess, Hammer. But I still don’t understand why you two suddenly decided to go out in the middle of the night. And without me too.”

Hammer smirks. “No boys allowed.”

Natalya sighs. “I wanted you to come as well, sir. But you were asleep when I approached the couch and I didn’t want to wake you.”

Hammer raises a hand. “That was my idea too. Partially because you looked really tired and also because I knew there would be drinking involved.”

Arc frowns. “I do appreciate the thought. However, I don’t really like being woken up by lights from outside either.”

Ashe gestures to the window. “The guards use powerful searchlights to illuminate crime scenes, yes.”

Hammer looks away nervously. “Thanks for bailing me out again, Arc. And I’m really, REALLY sorry about how this turned out.”

Arc shakes his head. “Why did you two inside anyways?”

“Was kinda hoping to catch the thief and make my commanding officer, you, look good mostly. I guess the alcohol did make me a bit… stupid though.”

Natalya bows her head. “I went along with it though, sir.”

“It’s fine, Natalya. Now then, why don’t you two get cleaned up and head back to bed?”

Ashe yawns. “Yes, we can all get a few more hours of sleep before sunrise.”

Hammer sniffs herself. “I’ll take a shower first. Don’t want you to have to smell this all night, Arc.”


She heads for the bathroom as Ashe looks to Arc.

“I’ll contact the authorities right away. With luck I can see about what parts of our involvement were reported by that investigator.”

Arc shrugs. “Assuming that my mental manipulation worked, he should report everything I told him to.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Nothing else?”

“Again, please note that ‘should’ was the word I used there. Just let me know if you need me to speak to someone about this matter.”

Ashe nods as she walks toward the door. “I will. Good night, Lord Arc.”

She leaves the room and frowns as she mutters to herself.

“The leader of the rebels breaking in there. What is he up to?”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Natalya. She looks away nervously as he approaches.

“I’m very sorry about how this turned out, sir. It wasn’t my intention to cause you any trouble.”

“Yes, it’s fine. You just wanted to have a good time.”

“That’s true, yes.”

“And did you?”

“Did I what, sir?”

“Have fun.”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, Hammer and I went to a tavern that’s just down the way from the Skyport entrance.”

She points out the window as she continues.

“In fact, you can see it from here.”

“So you just got a few drinks?”

“And ate a bit, yes. But my favorite part was the conversation.”


“Hammer asked me a few questions that made me think about a few things. It really opened my eyes to a few new possibilities for my future.”

“Then I’m glad you two went out. Although I think it would have been better for Hammer to just call things like that in to us so that the proper authorities could handle it.”

Natalya points to the radio on the dresser. “She said she forgot it when we went out.”

“Ah! Now I see it.”

“Hammer is… really dedicated to you though, sir. Tonight when we were talking at the pub, she couldn’t say enough nice things about you.”

Arc smiles. “Yes, and I feel the same way about her.”

“She knows you do. But… um…”

“What is it, Natalya?”

“Do you think you could help me do something nice for her?”

Arc smiles. “Sure.”

Sometime later, Hammer emerges from the bathroom wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Looking to Arc and Natalya sitting at the table together, she walks over to them.

“All de-stinked of that stuff.”

Arc huckles. “Is that really a word?”

Natalya shrugs. “I don’t think so, no.”

Hammer smiles nervously. “No clue.”

Turning to Arc, she continues.

“But I did want to apologize again for what we did, Arc. Both by leaving without telling anyone and getting caught in that warehouse.”

“It’s in the past, Hammer. And I’m totally okay with you taking Natalya out like that.”

Hammer appears surprised. “You are?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She said that you showed her a really good time.”

Natalya smiles warmly. “That you did, thank you. And I’ve asked Lord Arc to do something a bit… outside the norm.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“I requested that he and I switch sleeping arrangements.”

Hammer grins widely. “You mean…?!”

Arc chuckles. “Yup. You and I will be sleeping together in the bed.”

Hammer literally dives toward the bed. “All right!”

Natalya giggles as she looks towards Arc. “That sure made her happy.”

Arc nods. “Yes, it doesn’t take much to bring a smile to her face.”

Hammer calls out from the bed. “Less talking, more bedding! My body is ready!”

Arc facepalms. "Seriously, Hammer?"

Hammer sighs. "I mean that it's ready to sleep."

Natalya smiles as she walks toward the couch. “Then I shall leave you two to that.”

Arc heads for the bed as he chuckles. “Alright. But it’s going to be a short night.”

Hammer looks at the clock and groans. “Yeah, that’s for sure.”

Natalya turns to Hammer as she makes herself comfortable on the sofa. “I’ll be sure that the coffee is brewed extra strong in the morning. Well… later this morning.”

Arc reaches for the lights. “In any case, good night you two.”

Natalya yawns. “Good night, sir.”

Hammer rolls over and puts an arm over Arc’s chest as she sighs contentedly. “That it is, Arc. That it is.”

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