• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - The Imposters

A few days later Arc, Ember, and Auriel stand on the side of a back road near the base as the sun sets. Ember glares at Arc.

“THIS is your plan?!”

Arc shrugs. “Pretty much. You don’t like it?”

“Of course I don’t like it!”

“You could’ve stayed home, you know.”

Ember glares at him. “Not happening! If I can’t come with you, I at least want to make sure you two get in safely!”

Auriel looks around nervously. “Th-thanks. But I don’t really understand why we couldn’t have just waited along the side of the road for a truck.”

Arc sighs. “There’s a lot of potential routes they could have taken.”

Ember nods soberly. “Yeah. That and it raises the risk of us being seen hanging around the side of the road.”

Cherry calls out. “How’s that different than hanging around that beach though?”

Arc chuckles. “We had an alibi then, remember?”

“We did?”

“Yes, Cherry. Beach party!”

Ember facepalms. “How have we not been caught yet?”

Auriel grimaces. “Just lucky, I guess.”

Arc looks down the road as the sound of a large engine approaching can be heard.

“That sounds like our ride. You two ready?”

Ember and Auriel nod. Arc takes a deep breath.

“Alright. Here goes nothing.”

Casting the Matter Compacting spell, he shrinks all three of them down as the truck wizzes by them. Ember grabs their hands and takes flight.

“Hold on!”

Flying as fast as possible after the truck, they slowly begin to catch up. Arc grimaces.

“Faster, Ember!”

Ember strains. “This isn’t as easy as it looks, you know!”

Auriel squeezes her eyes shut fearfully. “We’re almost there!”

With a final burst of speed Ember flies into the relative safety of the truck’s cargo hold. Arc and Auriel drop down as Ember slides across the floor on her belly.

“You okay, Ember?!”

Ember raises a claw in a silent thumbs up as she heaves for breath face down. Arc walks over to her and pats the back of her head.

“Good work.”

“I… am not… a dog!”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, I know. But thanks though.”

He stands and looks around. Raising a hand, Arc casts the Matter Compacting counter spell. Both he and Auriel slowly return to normal size as they look around.


Arc nods. “Supplies most likely. Shall we have a look?”

Ember groans. “You two do that. I’ll… I’ll just keep… checking the floor.”

Arc carefully picks the miniature dragon up and sets her on top of a crate.

“You should be safe up here.”


“I’d hate to accidently step on you, or something.”

Ember frowns. “Har, har.”

Arc and Auriel check the labels on the boxes.

“Foodstuffs over here, Arc.”

Arc frowns. “Mechanical parts. Looks like it’s for something pretty big.”

“Like what?”

Arc shrugs. “Who knows. But we should be at the base pretty soon. How’re you doing over there, Ember?”

Ember sits up. “I think I’m okay now.”

She takes flight as Arc nods approvingly.

“Head back down the road and find Xenos. He’ll make sure you get home safely.”

“What about you two?!”

“As long as we stick to the plan, we’ll be fine.”

Auriel sighs. “I wish I had your confidence, Arc.”

Ember frowns. “Me too.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. Get going.”

Ember grins and flies out the back of the military truck. Arc turns to Auriel.

“You should probably get changed.”

“Good idea.”

Arc removes a uniform from his ring and hands it to Auriel before turning away respectfully.

“Thanks for agreeing to do this.”

Auriel smiles as she removes her tunic. “It’s fine. After all, you’ve already done so much for me.”

“That may be. But I don’t want you to think you owe me, or anything.”

Auriel appears confused as she steps into the trousers. “But I do.”

“No, Auriel. We’re even as far as I see.”

“I… um…”


Auriel sighs as she puts on the overcoat. “It’s nothing.”

A few moments later Auriel calls out to him.

“I’m dressed.”

Turning around Arc looks her up and down.

“Very convincing.”

Auriel sighs. “Not sure how I feel about looking like another human.”

“It just needs a few more things…”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out the matching red hat and puts it on Auriel’s head.

“That should help hide the fact your hair isn’t quite a match.”

Pulling out the cape, Arc fastens the clasp and steps back to look her over.

“Not bad. You really do look almost exactly like Diva.”

“Um… thank you? But what about you?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What about me?”

“Don’t you need a disguise?”

“Got one right here.”

Arc pulls a toolbox and work gloves out of his ring along with an ID.

“There. Now I look like a mechanic.”

“Where’d you get that outfit?”

“Hammer gave it to me so I could more easily get into the base.”

Cherry sighs. “If she could’ve gotten you a badge, you could have just driven right up to the base, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “She can’t do everything for me, I suppose.”

Auriel frowns. “She’s really risking a lot just to find out what her sisters are up to.”

“That she is. I get the feeling this is more than just simple sibling rivalry though. She honestly believes they’re conspiring against her, or something.”

“It’s a shame they don’t get along. After all, I sometimes wished I had a brother or sister.”

Arc shrugs as he pulls the old ID from his ring and hands it to Auriel. “I’m sure it has its ups and downs.”

Nodding, Auriel takes the badge and looks at the woman pictured.

“My mother and I really do look similar.”

She appears suddenly apprehensive.

“You… you don’t suppose Diva’s my mother, do you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a chance. For starters, you both appear to be around the same age. Second, and no offense to you, but I don’t think even your father King Malevolence could have fallen in love with Diva’s attitude.”

Auriel sighs. “I suppose that’s true.”

“It’s got to be an amazing coincidence. After all, they say everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. Diva must just be yours.”

“Is that really true?”

“Doubtful. Sorry, I meant that to be a joke to lighten the mood. Now then, do you remember what we talked about?”

Auriel nods. “Anyone asks me anything and I yell at them.”

“Pretty much. That and remember to be arrogant. VERY arrogant!”


“Just pretend your vastly superior to everyone you see.”

Auriel sighs. “I’ll try.”

“When we get there you’ll have to do all the talking.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you’re supposed to be an officer, and… uh oh…”

“What’s wrong?”

Arc grimaces. “We forget about officer insignias!”

“Is that important?”

“Yes. All active duty members of the military have to wear them so others can see at a glance their rank. This uniform didn’t come with any. Not that we know what exactly Diva’s position is, of course.”

Auriel appears suddenly worried. “What should we do?!”

Arc snaps his fingers. “I have an idea.”

Reaching into his magic ring, Arc pulls out Stingray’s navy blue cloak.

“Put this on.”


Doing as she is told, Auriel slips into the cloak. Arc straightens her cap and adjusts the cloak by pulling it down over her shoulders.

“There. Now they can see a bit of the uniform’s chest. Just not enough that the shoulders are visible.”

“Do you really think they’ll go for it?”

“Probably. And if they don’t, Rose is standing by on the north side of the base to provide a diversion.”

“What kind of a diversion?”

Arc chuckles. “A very loud one. Now then, make sure you have your mother’s badge handy at all times.”

Auriel nods and holds up the card. “Right.”

“Good. Now remember, you can’t let the guards see the name on it or they’ll start asking us some really embarrassing questions.”

“What should I do then?”

“In the unlikely event someone asks for a badge, make a big deal about it. Then flash it quickly and keep your finger over the name so all they see is the photo.”

“I think I can manage that.”

Arc looks out the back of the truck as they turn onto the bridge. “Good. Because we’re almost there.”

Auriel gulps. A minute later the truck stops in front of the main gate. Arc turns to Auriel.

“Here we go.”

Quickly but quietly opening the back door, he and Auriel hop down to ground level. Arc turns and shuts the door as Auriel whispers to him.

“Now what?”

“Wait for the guards.”

A minute later two soldiers walk around to the back of the truck. They step back, clearly surprised to see ‘Diva’ standing there impatiently. She glares at them indignantly.

“How long does it take to clear a truck around here?!”

“Apologies, Colonel Diva. We’ll let it through at once.”

Auriel glares at the soldier. “Without INSPECTING IT?! Are you COMPLETELY incompetent?!”

“N-no, ma’am! It will be done!”

Auriel rolls her eyes as she motions for Arc to follow her.

“See that you do!”

They walk up to the guardhouse. The soldier inside stands at attention as they come into view.

“Good evening, Colonel Diva!”

“At ease. I’m here with a new recruit.”


“He’s here to… help Sergeant Hammer.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The guard looks at Arc’s chest, which is devoid of a badge, before holding out a hand.


“Oh, I…”

Auriel rolls her eyes. “You imbecile! He’s with ME!”

“But ma’am, General Mustang insisted…”

Auriel quickly flashes her own badge. “I AM THE ORDERS!!!”

“Y-yes ma’am!”

The guardrail opens as Auriel nods angrily.

“It’s about time!”

She turns to Arc.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

They walk into the compound together. Arc turns to Auriel.

“You’re doing great.”

Auriel sighs. “You don’t think I was too hard on them, do you?”

“Nah. This is the military, after all. They’re used to getting yelled at. Remember, you need to be as mean as it takes to avoid questions.”

“Okay. Um… how do we get inside the building?”

Arc looks at the truck waiting outside the gate. “They’ll open it for us.”

Auriel groans. “But they’ll take forever to inspect it after the hassling I gave them.”

Arc grins. “Not if you hassle them more.”


Arc nods. “Try it.”

Auriel sighs and turns toward the gate.


The soldiers jump out of the back and the gate rises. Arc turns to Auriel as the truck drives toward the now opening overhead door.

“See? Nothing to it. Now we follow them down, while you keep yelling at them, and make our way toward the target.”

“Are you sure this is how Diva acts?”

Arc shrugs. “I really have no idea. But there’s no way a common soldier would dare question any changes in an officer’s behavior. Especially a colonel such as yourself.”

“How high is that?”

“High enough that we don’t need to worry about anyone giving us trouble. Other than the base commander, I would guess.”

As the truck rolls inside, the pair follow it. Taking the massive elevator down Auriel continues nitpicking everything from the soldier’s uniforms to the state of the truck. As they reach the bottom she and Arc step off. Auriel turns her head and glares at the troops.

“…and get that thing washed as soon as it’s unloaded!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Arc and Auriel walk quickly down a corridor.

“Where to now?”

“Hammer wanted me to meet her in the Maintenance Bay.”

“Do you know where that is?”

Arc nods. “Yup. I had Rose draw up a map of the place from the footage I took last time I was here.”

He pulls a paper from his pocket and looks it over.

“That way.”

“Um… if you have the map, shouldn’t you go first?”

Arc shakes his head. “You’re the ranking officer, so I should follow you. Don’t worry. I’ll give you directions.”

Auriel nervously takes the lead as the pair make their way down the corridor. Before long they come to a large overhead door.

“What now?”

Arc steps forward. “Hammer said she’d leave this door unlocked. Let’s give it a try.”

Pressing the door release button, there is a slight hiss as the latches release and the door opens. The room is for the most part dark with only minimal illumination coming from a few lights overhead. They hear the sound of tools clanging from a distant corner of the room. Arc gestures toward them.

“I’m guessing she’s over there.”

“Should I stay out of sight?”

“Just for a bit. I’ll let Hammer know about you as gently as I can.”


Arc approaches the source of the noise. He spies Hammer working over a workbench dutifully. Motioning for Auriel to stay where she is, he steps into the light overhead. Suddenly Hammer straightens up and heaves a large wrench straight at him. Moving like lightning Arc dives out of harm’s way.

“Woah! Hold it, Hammer! Friend over here!”

“Arc?! I’m sure sorry about that.”

“What gives?! You invited ME here!”

Hammer grins sheepishly. “I know I did. It just didn’t seem possible for you to actually get in here without someone seeing you and raising the alarm.”

Arc frowns. “Couldn’t you have gotten me a badge?!

Hammer shrugs. “Probably, yeah. It would have just gotten you past the front gate and into this here Maintenance Bay though. Getting inside the facility was kinda on you.”

“You mean…?”

“Sorry. I wanted to see what you could really do.”


Hammer is suddenly sober. “Because what I need from you will take a master sleuth. Someone who can get into places they shouldn’t be, get the information needed, AND not get caught in the process.”

“Fine. You said something about wanting me to investigate you sister’s though. I can do that easily and without hanging around secure military facilities.”

Hammer shakes her head. “It’s not really that simple.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been doing some thinking since we spoke last. Why would my sisters do all those things? And why keep them a secret?”

“From the tone of your voice I’m guessing you have a pretty good idea what they’re up to.”

Hammer nods. “I do. Remember how I told you they were always looking to the base commander?”

“General Mustang?”

“How did you find out about him?!”

“I did a bit of detective work here already. It’s amazing what you can pick up through casual conversation.”

Hammer frowns. “That much I should have guessed. You really do have an inquisitive mind, Arc.”

“Thanks. So about your sisters and the commander…”

“Oh, right! The only thing that makes sense is them wanting to impress him.”

“Something wrong with that?”

“Not on the surface, no. After all, he’s a really charismatic person. Good looking too.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Ouch.”

Hammer bows her head. “Sorry. But it’s true.”

“So you want me to figure out what they’ll do next?”

“Nah. Knowing them it’ll just be yet another stupid attempt to turn his head from Colonel Diva’s direction. I need you to figure out how General Mustang is able to hold sway over them.”

Arc frowns. “I thought you said he was charismatic and attractive?”

“He is. Why?”

“Have you stopped to consider that perhaps they’re both just following their hormones? Good looking guy with a strong mind along with authority makes for an attractive prospect for any woman. That and working together in the same facility means they’re constantly in contact with a fore mentioned individual.”

Hammer sighs. “I admit, I might just be blowing this way outta proportion. But I can’t risk my sisters’ safety like that.”


“Maybe that wasn’t the best word to use there. I just can’t shake the feeling General Mustang isn’t telling us everything.”

“While I guess every officer, especially a general, has many secrets… I could attempt to look into this.”

“Thanks. Uh… I do need to warn you about a few things though.”

Arc chuckles. “Let me guess. If I get caught, you don’t know me?”

“Something like that.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks…”

“Don’t worry. If you do get found out, I’ll do my best to see to it you’re kept here.”

“How is that a good thing?”

Hammer grins. “You’ll eat better with me watching over you versus a federal prison.”

Arc frowns. “I gotta say, you’re not really sweetening the deal here, Hammer. As it stands I’m taking a lot of risk without much incentive.”

“You wanna know what the payment would be, eh?”

“Something like that.”

“Come over here.”

Following Hammer over to her workbench Arc watches as she picks up an old toolbox with a rusty padlock on it. Pulling a key from her pocket she unlocks it.

“Take a look in there.”

Arc raises the lid of the box. Inside are numerous rolls of cash lined up neatly. Hammer sighs.

“That right there is every dollar this gal has in the world.”

“And you’re willing to part with it for information regarding what General Mustang may or may not be up to?”

Hammer nods. “Right. But I need irrefutable proof!”

“Of what exactly?”

“I… don’t really know. My instincts tell me whatever he’s doing isn’t exactly on the level. Stingray and Mio aren’t known for flights of fancy where men are concerned.”

“And you?”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “What are you getting at?”

“Well, you said yourself that he’s manipulating your sisters.”

“He has to be!”

“Could it be that you’re jealous?”

Hammer sighs. “Yes. After all, he never looks at me. Just Mio and occasionally Stingray. Mostly Diva though. But my sister’s personal well-being needs to trump my personal feelings… and my bank account.”

She closes the tool box and locks it before turning back to Arc soberly.

“So… can you help me?”

“I’ll try. No promises that I’ll be successful though.”

Hammer looks relieved. “I really appreciate this, Arc! Someone as resourceful as you should be able to get the job done.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. But I’m just one guy.”

“You should have more faith in your abilities, Arc. After all, you got all the way here by yourself.”

Arc grimaces. “That’s… not exactly true.”

“What do you mean?”

“I had a bit of help.”

Turning, Arc motions for Auriel to approach. As she steps into the light Hammer takes a step back and gasps.

“C-Colonel Diva?!”

Arc chuckles. “No, Hammer. Truth be told, it’s actually Auriel.”


Auriel smiles and offers the young woman a friendly wave. “Hello again.”

Hammer looks Auriel over carefully. “It really isn’t Diva!”


“But how did you know about the colonel?! And where’d you get that uniform?!”

Arc grins and shakes a finger. “Now, now. I can’t give away all my professional secrets. You just give me a task and I’ll work wonders for you.”

“Alright. I suppose I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Hammer smiles at Auriel.

“Sorry. I didn’t really notice just how close you looked to the colonel when you weren’t in uniform.”

Auriel folds her hands and looks at the floor nervously. “It’s okay. This is my first time in the field, so I’m doing my best.”

Hammer turns back to Arc. “Well, you two would do well not to run into the real colonel. She has a nasty habit of fighting first and asking questions later.”

Arc sighs. “I really do need Auriel to help me with this.”

“Fine. It’s your funeral.”

Auriel gulps as Arc turns to her.

“Where should we start the investigation?”

“How about General Mustang’s quarters?”

Hammer shakes her head. “At this time of night he’s in there. I’m sure he’s still working on something or other, but trust me, he’s there.”

“What about his office?”

“Only a few people have a keycard for that particular room. The general himself and the head of security.”

Auriel frowns. “So there’s really no way in?”

Hammer grins. “Oh, I didn’t say that.”

Reaching into her pocket she pulls out an ID badge and holds it up before tossing it to Arc.

“I figured someone down here had to have access. After all, I know he isn’t cleaning the office himself.”

She looks Arc over before continuing.

“And while you do kinda look like a mechanic in that getup, a real maintenance uniform would work better for this. Don’t worry, I already grabbed you one and hung it up in my office over yonder.”

Hammer gestures to a door nearby.

“There’s a fully stocked janitorial cart in there too.”

Auriel gasps. “Wait. So you expect Arc to actually clean the office?”

“If he wants a peek inside, yes.”

“I’ll do it.”

Hammer nods. “Just empty the waste basket and do a little dusting. It isn’t much really.”

“Anything in particular I should be looking for?”

Hammer shrugs. “No idea. If I did, I could probably handle this myself without putting you two in danger.”

Auriel appears nervous. “Have you?”

“Have I what?”

“Searched the office?”

Hammer lowers her voice. “Yes. But there wasn’t anything suspicious I could find. I’m hoping you have better luck there.”

Arc grins. “No promises, but I’ll try.”

“Great! Well, I should be going. I’m already running late as it is.”

Auriel grimaces. “Will that raise suspicion?”

“Nah. Stingray and Mio know how often I lose track of time while tinkering with something down here. I’ll just say that was the case and they’ll drop it.”

“Before you go, any advice on how to get out of here?”

Hammer snaps her fingers. “Glad you brought that up.”

She tosses Arc a set of keys.

“This’ll fit one of the Jeeps in the courtyard. If you leave in it the guards won’t give you a second glance.”


Hammer throws up a hand. “See you two later. Let me know if you find anything.”

Auriel nods sheepishly. “We will.”

With a mock salute Hammer walks past them and leaves. Arc turns to the office.

“I guess I’d better get changed.”

Auriel giggles. “We’ll both be in disguise.”

She thinks for a moment.

“But won’t it look suspicious for a colonel to be walking around with a janitor?”

Arc grins. “Yes. But don’t worry. I’ve already come up with a plan.”

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