• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - The Talk

Arc leads Derpy back to his quarters. They slowly walk in and enter Arc's bedroom. It is exactly like his room in Derpy's house! Arc carefully lays Dinky in his own bed then sits down on Ember's bed his back against the wall. He motions for Derpy to join him. She hops up onto the bed and looks to Arc for support.

“Arc? Is… is our baby going to be okay?”

He puts an arm around Derpy. “Of course! I'm no doctor, but... I assume the process to age her several years would take a phenomenal amount of energy on her part! She’ll probably sleep for quite a long time now.”

“Is there anything we can do for her now?!”

Arc nods. “Just one.

“What’s that?”

“At least one of us needs to be here for her when she wakes up. This had to be as scary for her as it was for us!”

Derpy nods and puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “Thank you for being here for Dinky... and me.”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s what a father does.”

She looks over at the sleeping filly before them. “Arc... I know there are things you should be doing right now to protect Equestria. If you need to go, I understand.”

“Thanks Derpy, but unless Equestria is literally on fire, my place right now is here. My investigation into Captain Decimus can wait. He gets a pass... for now.”

She looks to him, puzzled. “You're going to investigate the Captain of the Royal Guard? Why?”

“My gut tells me the captain is hiding something.”

“I guess he did seem a bit... overzealous the last time we saw him. I mean, attacking the Hero of Light?! What was he thinking?!”

“I just can't shake the feeling he is up to no good. There has to be more to this than his just wanting to imprison Ember! The look in his eyes when we fought... I could see the desperation in them!”

“Where are you going to start?”

“I think I’ll see if I can get my hands on Ember's case file. See if anything suspicious can be found in it. Of course, that may involve going to the Baltimare Courthouse. Captain Decimus' lieutenant might also be of help to me, if we can trust him. We'll sneak into Canterlot Castle some night. Although he seemed to be the most reasonable of the lot, he could be in on the whole thing! Worst case scenario, my troops and I break into Captain Decimus' office and raid his files.”

“But you're the Hero of Light! Couldn't you just walk right in the front door and demand to see the files?”

“I could, but I don't want Captain Decimus knowing what we are doing. This is going to involve a lot of subterfuge!”

There is a knock at the quarters front door. Derpy stands up.

“I’ll get it.”

Derpy walks to the front door. She opens it to see Ember standing there.

“Hey! I... uh... just wanted to stop by and see if there was anything you and Arc needed.”

Derpy shakes her head. “Thank you, but we’re fine.”

“How’s Dinky?”

“She's sleeping peacefully. Arc and I are staying with her until she wakes up, but who knows how long that will take! Thanks for checking up on us though, Ember. It means a lot!”

Ember nods soberly as she turns to walk away. “No problem. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

“Wait! Actually, could you do me a favor?”

Ember turns back to Derpy. “Sure. What do you need?”

“Well, do you think you could...” Derpy whispers something to Ember.

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Thanks Ember.”

Derpy closes the door and heads back to Dinky and Arc.

Arc does not take his eyes off Dinky as Derpy returns. “Who was that?”

“Ember. She was just checking up on us. Seeing if there was anything she could do.”

Arc smiles slightly. “I see. She’s a good friend.”

“That she is! It helps set my mind at ease knowing she has your back when I don't. I asked her to bring us back some cupcakes from Sugar Cube Corner!”

Arc sighs. “Thanks, but I’m not really hungry.”

“Neither am I, but... we have to keep our strength up.”

A short time later there is a knock at the door.

“That must be Ember.”

Derpy hops down from the bed and heads over to the door. She opens the door to see Ember holding a box and a bag.

“Here you go, Derpy. Are you sure you don't need anything else?”

Derpy accepts the items. “Thank you, but we'll be fine.”

She closes the door and returns to Arc’s side. “Cupcakes are here.”

Arc continues to watch over Dinky. “…maybe later…”

Derpy gives Arc the bag. “Well, maybe this will lift your spirits. I want you to have this!”

Arc takes the bag, a bit confused. “Thanks, but… is this really the time?”

“Just open it.”

Arc does so, he pulls out a large black cloak.

“Is this what I think it is?!”

Derpy nods. “Yes. I want you to have it Arc. My days of hiding are over, but it seems yours are just beginning! Please use it to stay safe during your investigation of the captain.”

“Thank you Derpy! But, are you sure? If what Rarity told me is accurate, thing is worth a fortune! If you sold this, you and Dinky could be set for life!”

“Yes, I'm sure.”

Derpy looks down at the floor.

“After all... what good are all the bits in the world if you're not there to enjoy them with me?”

“I appreciate that Derpy, and feel the same way about you and Dinky. Thank you very much! I will use it well!”

Arc puts the cloak back in the bag and reaches for the box.

“I think I’ll have that cupcake now.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Hee, hee! I thought you might!”

Arc eats a cupcake with Derpy. He looks over to Dinky, stands up and walks over to her. Gently stroking her mane, he speaks to her in a soft voice.

“I’m looking forward to sharing a cupcake with you too, little one.”

Dinky’s nose twitches ever so slightly. Arc leans down to her.

“Dinky? Can you hear me, little one?”

Derpy flies over to her daughter’s side. “Dinky… sweetie… we’re right here.”

Dinky rolls over onto her back and slowly opens her amber eyes to look into her parent’s faces.

“Mom... Dad... what happened?”

Derpy leans down and hugs Dinky! “Oh my sweet little Dinky! I'm so glad you’re okay!”

Dinky moves to sit up, but falls back onto her back. “Ugh... head... hurts! Actually... everything hurts…”

Derpy looks over to Arc. “Oh dear! Arc?!”

He rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Well, it stands to reason that there would be "growing pains"... especially as fast as Dinky grew this morning. It should pass.”

Arc looks to Dinky. “Tell me, sweetheart, what do you remember?”

Dinky rubs her head. “Just... bits and pieces really. Playing, eating, sleeping... I do remember going to the park and playing with other ponies much bigger than me! That and this dream I just had.”

“Tell us about it.”

“Well... I dreamed mom was holding me up to this weird glowing thing. It picked me up and pulled me towards itself. Mom was crying, but I couldn't tell why. There was a flash of light. Then I woke up.”

Derpy looks her daughter in the eye. “Dinky. That wasn’t a dream.”


“The creature's name is Kronos. It told us that you have a strange power dwelling within you that reacts to a chosen few, and that you and three others would someday be called upon to save Equestria.”

Arc nods. “Kronos used its power to age you quite a bit! I guess there isn't enough time for you to grow up naturally and still be ready to play your part in this world. I know this is a lot to take in Dinky but remember, your mother and I will always be here for you when you need us!”

Dinky smiles. “I know you will?”

She slowly sits up.

“Can I... have something to eat please? I'm starving!”

Derpy laughs! “Oh course you can dear! I'll make you a nice lunch just as soon as we get home!”

Dinky looks up at her mother confused. “But... I thought we were home! Where are we?!”

“Oh! These are your father's quarters in his Command Center, or Light's Hope if you will.”

Arc gets up and helps his daughter sit up. “We can talk about it on the way home. Can you stand, Dinky?”

“I… think so.”

Dinky stands up, albeit shakily and starts walking very slowly.

“Follow me Dinky. If you get too tired let me know and I'll carry you.”


Arc leads Derpy and Dinky out his quarter's back door and back towards town. Dinky looks around before turning to her mother. “So, what is this place”?

“This is Ponyville. The small town where we live. It's located roughly in the center of this country called Equestria. Oh! Or did you mean the building we just left?”

“Both actually! You called it dad's Command Center earlier. Light's Hope was it? What's a Command Center?”

“Think of it like a military base of sorts. Inside are individuals and equipment that I will use to keep this land safe!”

“So, are you like a King, dad?!”

Arc laughs! “No, no! This land is ruled over by Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance!”

“Your father isn't a king, but he does have great authority as Equestria's Hero of Light!”

“The Hero of Light is a title given to the land's greatest hero. They must be brave, strong, intelligent, and righteous. Most of what I do involves keeping this land peaceful and protecting its inhabitants. I do many other things, but let's just leave it at that for now.”

Dinky looks back at her mother. “Mom? How strong is dad?”

“I never actually thought about it before. Certainly, strong enough to protect the ones he cares about! Arc?”

“…as strong as I need to be.”

“Do you have a job like dad?”

Derpy smiles at Dinky. “Taking care of you IS my job, sweetie!”

“Mom, can I play with the fillies from the other day later?”

Derpy shakes her head. “Maybe another time honey! How about you and I work on getting lunch ready together!”


Arc opens the door to Derpy's small house, Derpy and Dinky head toward the kitchen to prepare lunch. “Well, here we are! Home again!”

“I think this calls for a celebratory cake! I'll run over to Sugar Cube Corner and pick one up!”

“Don't be too long Arc. Lunch won’t take long for us to make!”

“Alright! I’ll hurry!”

He leaves the house quickly as Derpy turns to Dinky.

“Dinky, can you set the table please?”

“Yes, mom!”

Dinky sets the table and rushes back to her mother!

“Anything else I can help with?!”

Derpy rummages around in the refrigerator. “Can you stir the pot on the stove, dear?”


Dinky pushes a chair up to the stove and uses her magic to stir the soup with a spoon. She decides to taste test it. Making a face as she does so, and sticking her tongue out in disgust!

“Blech! Mom, what is in this soup?! It tastes terrible!”

Derpy whirls around to face Dinky. “Dinky! That Fish Soup is for your father!”

Dinky’s pupils shrink as her mother’s words sink in. “Gross! I just ate FISH?! Dad LIKES this stuff?! What kind of pony IS he?!”

Derpy looks down at the floor. The vegetables in her hooves scatter everywhere! “Dinky… your father… isn’t a pony.”

Dinky looks confused. “Huh? But... he has to be! How else could he be my dad?”

Derpy looks over to Dinky a bit sadly. “Dinky... I think the three of us need to have a talk.”

Dinky shrinks back. “Mom? Did I do something wrong?”

Derpy pats her daughter’s head. “No Dinky. It's just... I didn't think you would ask... that question so... soon.”

A short time later Arc returns with a small cake. The three sit down at the table to eat their first meal together as a family. Derpy and Dinky are strangely quiet. Partway through the meal Arc breaks the silence.

“Um… did something happen while I was gone?”

Dinky just sits there looking guilty as Derpy explains. “Well, while Dinky was helping me get lunch ready I asked her to stir the soup. She did... and then she took a bite of it.”

“I'm sorry! I... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to!”

Derpy pats her daughter on the head. “It's okay Dinky. I'm not mad! This is my fault for not telling you.”

Derpy turns back to Arc.

“After she tried the soup, she... asked what kind of pony you were...”

Arc puts his spoon down. “I think I see where this is going.”

He looks over at Dinky.

“Dinky. Is there something you want to ask me, little one?”

“Is it true what mom says? Are you really... not a pony?”

He nods. “It’s true, Dinky. I’m a human from another land far, far away.”

Derpy looks over to Dinky sadly. “Dinky, go ahead and ask your father the other question you had.”

“Um… well… I don’t understand. If you’re not a pony… that is… how can you be my dad?”

“That is a long, long story Dinky. It starts many years ago. Before you were born, and before I came to Equestria. Derpy, would you like to tell Dinky about your childhood?”

Derpy looks down at her plate sadly. “I really would rather forget that time in my life.”

“I know Derpy. But it's important that Dinky knows the whole story.”

Derpy takes a deep breath. “Well… all right…”

The three of them walk over to the couch and sit down. Derpy tells the story of her past. How her mother died giving birth to her, how her father neglected her and how everypony she met took advantage of her!

Dinky tears up. “That's... that's just so sad mom. But, I don't understand. What does this have to do with dad?”

“Patience, Dinky. Your mother will get to that part.”

“One night, on the edge of the lake on the outskirts of town I met your "real" father, Moonlit Dusk. He was so handsome... and kind... and he seemed genuinely interested in listening to what I had to say! Nearly every night I would sneak down to the lake, if only just to talk to him. On night... he... he invited me into his tent... and... well... you were conceived.”

“So, my real father's name is Moonlit Dusk? What happened to him? Where is he?”

“Well, after the doctor told me I was going to have a foal, I went to his camp to tell him the news. I thought he would be overjoyed, but... he didn't really seem to know what to do. I asked if I could join him as his traveling companion. He agreed, and told me to meet him there again tomorrow night. I... I went back the following night, but... his camp was, gone!”

Dinky’s eyes grow wide. “Mom. Are you saying he... abandoned you?”

Derpy nods. “He abandoned both of us, dear. That is what happened to your father. Now I want to tell you the story of Arc and I.”

Dinky puts a hoof on her mother’s fetlock. “It's okay mom. I know this must be hard on you, so if you would rather not... I understand.”

Derpy shakes her head. “No Dinky. You deserve to know the whole truth!”

She takes a few moments to compose herself before continuing.

“I didn't have anypony else to turn to, other than my own father. Needless to say, he was furious! He… he said many cruel and hurtful things to me that I won't repeat! My father handed me a magic cloak and a large bag of bits, and told me to leave town and never return! I did so that night. After traveling for a couple days I eventually came to Ponyville and decided to stop here. Using much of the money I had been given by my father I bought this house.”

She gestures around her.

“I had been emotionally hurt, betrayed and physically harmed by so many in my life by that point that I couldn't bring myself to trust anypony around me! The black cloak my father gave me to hide my exodus from home became like a second skin to me, as I never took it off. The money I had was running out, and I had no skills to speak of, or desire to interact with other ponies. Late one night I walked to the Ponyville writ board and put up an ad for a small room for rent. Weeks went by, but nopony came...”

Derpy looks down at her belly and rubs it gently.

“I pawned the meager furniture that had come with the house to try and make ends meet. The last bits in my bag were used to buy food and a little firewood. Memories of eating the last of it still haunt me even today! Penniless and hungry, I lay on my mat in front of a dwindling fire, as I was almost out of firewood as well! Two days passed. Then, one evening there was a knock at the door. At first I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me! After all, who would come to my door?! Then it came again. I slowly got up and cautiously answered it. Opening the door only a few inches I saw a large creature standing on its hind legs towering over me!”

Derpy looks over to Arc and smiles.

“I don't mind telling you now, but I came really close to wetting myself then and there.”

Arc smiles at her. “I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”

Dinky points a hoof at Arc. “And, that was dad here?”

“Yes Dinky. He very politely asked if I still had a room for rent. I was both excited, and terrified at the same time! On the one hoof, with his rent money I would be able to eat and buy firewood! On the other, I would be living with what I believed at the time to be a monster!”

“Um… ouch?”

Derpy sheepishly looks over to him. “I'm sorry Arc, but that's what I thought when I met you!”

Arc gives Derpy a smile. “You get a pass!”

“He paid me the first month's rent of 100 bits. I wanted to go out and buy food, but I was too weak from hunger at that point. I did the only thing I could think of to do. I lay back down and waited for night to come. Very late I quietly went out into the backyard and... and ate grass! While I'm not proud of what I did, you needed the nourishment, Dinky!”

Arc nods. “I heard your mother open the back door and peeked out the window. It didn't take long for me to figure out what she was doing. While it's not out of the ordinary for ponies in my land to do such things, something told me it was wrong here. Going to the kitchen, I inspected the cupboards and found that they were all empty except for the bag of bits I had given her. Grabbing my satchel I quietly left the house and walked to Sweet Apple Acres. Entering Applejack's barn, I took two jars of Zap Apple Jam and as many apples as I could carry and left some money and a note. When I returned, Derpy was lying on her mat. I set the two jars next to her along with the apples, put another log on the fire from my own firewood stash and covered her shivering form with one of my blankets.”

“I awoke the next morning feeling a bit stronger from the grass I had eaten the night before, I noticed the food next to me and a blanket over me. Figuring Arc was behind it, I lay back down and tried to think of what he might want from me, but could think of nothing. At that point, I supposed, I really had nothing left to take!”

“At this point I was at the pawn shop looking for a few pieces of furniture for my room. When I told the pawnbroker the address I wanted my order delivered, he mentioned that your mother had sold all her furniture to him. Seeing that this mysterious robed pony needed a bit of help, I offered some extra bits to Fortunate Ire if he would deliver the furniture he had bought late that night. He did so. After putting everything back in its proper place, I fell asleep behind your mother on the couch.”

“I remember waking up a bit confused at the sight before me. As I looked around, I was amazed to see my kitchen table and other furniture was back! So many thoughts were running through my mind! I knew it was Arc's doing. It had to be! What was it he wanted?! I was so confused, the only thing I could do was just look at the floor and cry.”

Arc nods. “I had woken up by this point and sat on the couch silently. When I saw the tears, I put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her. Derpy just about jumped out of her skin when I did that!”

“Yes. I knew I was being touched, and not by a hoof!”

Arc grins! “Sorry about that.”

“It's fine Arc! Anyways, I worked up all my courage and decided I had to know the truth. I asked him why he had helped me twice now.”

Arc thinks to himself for a moment. “While I don't remember exactly what I said, it was something to the effect of ‘it was the right thing to do’.”

Derpy sighs. “I knew he was lying! I mean… he had to be! Nopony had ever wanted to help me before! It was in that moment when he laid his hand on my shoulder again, something inside told me he honestly cared about my well-being! I didn't really know what to think or do about it though. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pendant I thought was lost for good.”

“The pawnbroker had found it in with the furniture he had bought. Not being worth anything, he gave it to me as a bonus.”

Derpy walks over to a drawer an pulls out the pendant. She walks back to Dinky and gives it to her.

“Inside is the only picture I have of my mother and father. It reminded me of the love my mother felt towards me.”

Dinky looks at the photo in the pendant for a long moment before closing it and waiting for the story to continue.

“After I gave your mother that pendant, she laid back down on her mat and quietly asked to be alone. I took that opportunity to head over to the library and have a cup of tea with my friend Twilight. She was most concerned with the way the mysterious robed pony was acting. She even went so far as to lend me a book on psychology so I would know the signs of a crazed psycho pony!”

Derpy looks up, surprised! “Hey! I didn't know Twilight did that!”

“Well, please try to forgive her, will you? After all, she was just concerned for my well-being.”

Derpy nods. “All right. I’ll let this one go.”

“Unbeknownst to Twilight, I had also taken another book from the library earlier.”

Dinky looks confused. “What kind of book?”

“You'll have to wait a few more minutes to find out. We're getting there. Anyways, I went back home and went to my room. For the next week, I read and re-read both books cover to cover.”

“I remember peeking into your room a few times and noticed you seemed to be doing just that. But I was too afraid to inquire as to what you were doing.”

“After a week of careful study and thought, I came to the realization that I knew what the mysterious robed pony was hiding. To test my theory, I came up with a grocery list of items. I wrote them down, but they are forever burned into my memory.”

“What did you buy?”

Arc rattles off the list. Dinky looks even more confused.

“What would you do with all that?!”

“Well, I'll tell you. Although I didn't know it at the time, your mother had caught sight of the Hunting Knife and the vegetables. She believed I was planning to cook and eat her. I suppose her fears must have been confirmed when I put a large pot of water on the stove to boil. Then went back to my room to sharpen the knife.”

Derpy solemnly agrees. ”What really convinced me was when you started cutting up vegetables and putting them in the pot with your razor-sharp Hunting Knife in your belt.”

Dinky looks to her mother, wide-eyed! “What did you do? Did you run away?”

Derpy shakes her head. “No. I just laid back down and waited for him to come for me. After all, I didn't believe my life had any value at that time. And it seemed a fitting end for somepony like me who had done nothing her whole life but cause others to suffer. Arc came up to me and asked if I was ready. I told him I was. He went back to the kitchen for something, and I raised my head to expose my neck. He came back and I asked him to go ahead and do it, but to make it quick.”

“I wasn’t quite sure what she was going on about at the time. I set the bowl of vegetable soup down in front of her and walked back to the kitchen to get one myself. Returning, I found her looking at the soup with bewilderment in her eyes. She confessed that she was under the impression I was going to kill and eat her. When I asked her why she was okay with being killed she simply told me it would be a fitting end to a monster like herself.”

“At that time, I honestly believed that was true, and that nopony would mourn my death. I confessed this to him and he replied that there was at least one who would miss me.”

Arc nods. “I think that was about the time you really started to trust me.”

Derpy smiles. “It was indeed! That was also the part where I asked if we could sit at the table!”

They enjoy a laugh together.

“I admit, I thought it was rather strange at the time that you wanted to eat on the floor. But, during the meal you confirmed for me my theory, after you ate several bowls of soup and as many slices of Zap Apple Jam toast!”

How many bowls did I eat anyway? I was eating so fast I honestly can't remember.

“I lost count. So, in my mind at least, it just registers as several. That was the moment that I confronted you about it.”

Dinky looks to her mother. “What was it? What were you hiding mom?”

“Arc just looked me right in the eye and said ‘you’re... pregnant, aren't you’?”

“Your mother was speechless! She moved to jump down from her chair, but her robe got caught on the edge of the table, so when she did jump it tore clean off.”

Derpy looks away, embarrassed. “I quickly realized what had happened and fell to the floor, trying my best to cover my face with my hooves. Nopony should have ever had to look at the monstrous pregnant devil named Derpy Hooves again! I begged Arc not to look at me as I tried to put my robe back on, to no avail.”

“Not wanting to leave her like that, I did the only thing I could think of. Grabbing one of my blankets, I threw it over her and wrapped her up to cover her. Then I carefully picked her up and walked over to the couch and sat down with her in my lap.”

“Your father then held me close and told me to just let it all out. And I did! I cried like I have never cried before! Eventually I just cried myself to sleep in his arms.”

“Taking the cue from your mother, I leaned back and decided to get some sleep as well. The moment I fell asleep though, I realized I was no longer in Kansas!”

Derpy and Dinky both look to Arc, confused. “What?!”

“Sorry. Human reference. Anyways, we were surrounded by darkness in some kind of Dream World.”

Derpy shudders at the memories. “I suffered the same dream every night. Tormented by a monster named Regret, it was always the same dream. Watch my mother die, be betrayed by everypony I met, be abandoned by Moonlit Dusk, and be disowned by my father... every... single... night! Although this time was different.”

Arc smiles at her. “Yeah! You weren’t alone for once.”

“That did make me very happy! But it also made Regret very angry, since Arc wouldn't play its game!”

“You remember what happened at the beginning when Regret tried to push past me?

Derpy grins! “You mean when you punched it in the face?”

Arc nods. “Ahhh... it feels good to be able to laugh at it now, as it certainly wasn't very funny at the time.”

The smile on Derpy’s face fades. “Yes... as the next part was not funny in the least.”

“So what happened next?”

“Well Regret was none too happy that it's nightly plan to make your mother suffer wasn't working. It switched from inflicting mental suffering to physical pain. Suddenly a blast from Regret hit your mother. Her body flew an untold distance before landing awkwardly on the ground.”

“I told Arc to run. To save himself, but he refused! As another wave came at me, Arc instead grabbed me and, putting himself between me and Regret, took blow after blow that was intended for me! I begged him to just abandon me, insisting that I was just a worthless pony.”

Arc nods. “And I told her ‘not to me’!”

“Regret gave Arc one last chance to walk away, which he refused. Furious, Regret fired again and again before finally materializing a spear and... stabbing your father through the chest. As he lay there dying, I held him and begged him not to die. I had finally found someone who cared for me, and I didn't want to lose them, ever!”

“I told her I didn't regret coming to Ponyville or meeting my end there with her.

“How did you survive?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I didn’t. Regret killed me.”

Dinky looks confused. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

Arc smiles at Dinky. “It's our story! It doesn't have to make sense! Now shush! This is my favorite part!”

“As I cried over Arc's body, there was suddenly another much larger creature present. It told me to use what Arc had taught me to defeat Regret. All I had to do was believe in myself. Then it dropped a spear next to me. The Spear of Hope. As soon as I picked it up, my body was healed and a power coursed through me! Golden armor appeared and I suddenly felt like I could do anything! I leveled my spear at Regret and flew as fast as I could at it. Regret put up shield after shield to protect itself, but I blew through all of them effortlessly. The two of us flew at each other for one final attack. Regret's spear hit me squarely in the chest... and shattered, as my own spear pierced Regret's heart! As Regret melted away into nothingness, I made my way back to Arc's body and, picking him up with my newfound strength, put him on my back. I wasn't going to leave my one and only friend behind!”

“Thanks for not leaving me there. I do appreciate that!”

“As I walked towards the light, the figure told me that Arc would be with me always. I woke up in Arc's arms and told him I would see to it he received a proper burial.”

Arc smiles. “I then kindly informed her that humans can’t die in their dreams.”

Arc and Derpy chuckle.

“We were both quite hungry after our adventure...”

Arc interrupts. “You mean YOU were quite hungry, right?”

Derpy laughs! “Isn't that what I said? Anyways, Arc pulled the leftover soup out of the refrigerator. There was enough for us each to have a bowl. I had almost finished my bowl when I heard Arc gasp. Looking up, I saw him pointing at something. Turning around I saw the Spear of Hope hanging over the mantle.”

Dinky again looks confused. “How did it get here from the Dream World?!”

Derpy shrugs. “That's pretty close to what I said! We're not quite sure on that one.”

“I told Derpy I would have my friend Twilight take a look at it the next time I saw her. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, and found Twilight's assistant Spike at the door. No time like the present I supposed, as I asked him to go and get her to look at the mysterious item we had found over our mantle.”

Derpy shudders. “Admittedly, I was a bit nervous about meeting somepony new. Especially one who had a dragon!”

“Seeing Derpy was still hungry, I offered her the rest of my bowl. As she took it in her hooves, she suddenly doubled over in pain. Both the bowl and Derpy fell to the floor. I rushed over and quickly realized that it was time for you to be born Dinky!”

“There was a terrible snowstorm outside, and I was scared! But fortunately Arc knew what to do. He carried me to my mat in front of the fire and grabbed several blankets and his satchel from his room. In one sweeping movement he knocked everything off the table. Then proceeded to make a makeshift bed with the blankets!”

“I picked your mother up, laid he down on the table and covered her with a blanket. Then quickly got to work putting a rather large pot of water on the stove, setting out the Tin Bucket, the Ball of String, the Bottle of Rubbing Alcohol, opening the Med-Kit, and setting a book at the end of the counter.”

“The mystery items from earlier! You bought them to deliver me?”

Arc nods. “I had hoped I wouldn't need them, but was glad that I had. The book I had was the one I had been reading all week on how to deliver foals at home. While we waited for the time to be right, I took out my Hunting Knife and cut up some of the apples into bite sized pieces and hand fed them to your mother.”

Derpy sticks out her tongue at Arc happily! “He then proceeded to make himself a cup of coffee!”

Arc laughs! “Hey! Who knew how long it would take?!”

“And you did a wonderful job too!”

“Alright, getting back to the story, I put my hands on Derpy's stomach and felt for the right contractions. And although she pushed with all her might, it wasn't enough. She was just too small for this! So, I did the only thing I could think of to do. I put my Hunting Knife in the fireplace and wet a rag with rubbing alcohol to clean your mother. Then I put my fingers inside to make sure I didn't hurt you and... well... made a quick slice to enlargen the hole.”

“I pushed with everything I had, and you slowly began to come out!”

“It was over in less than a minute! I cut the umbilical cord and was about to clean you up when it happened. Suddenly, your body went limp and you stopped breathing!

Derpy wraps her hooves around her herself and speaks in a nervous tone! “That was the most scared I have ever been! Watching my baby die before my eyes was not something I was prepared for!”

“Throwing the medical supplies off the table, I laid you next to your mother on your back and gently pushed down on your chest several times! Putting my mouth over your mouth and nose I breathed into you to try and jump start your lungs and heart! A few moments later you started gagging, so I turned you on your side and fished out the fluid from your mouth with a finger! As soon as you started crying, I knew everything was going to be okay!”

Derpy smiles happily! “Arc finished cleaning you up and placed you in my hooves. You were so tiny! I didn't even feel any pain as he sewed me up, as I was too busy looking into your eyes!”

“While we waited to Twilight to arrive, I decided to take a closer look at the spear over the mantle. A moment later I noticed Derpy was getting a little woozy, most likely from the loss of blood. She handed you to me and I put you on my bed. Returning to your mother's side, I picked up the spear again to continued looking at it when Twilight and Spike rushed into the house. I can only imagine the sight she must have seen! The room was a mess of medical supplies... blood covered everything... a bloody mare, and an equally bloody human holding a spear! Before I could say much, Twilight assumed I had brutally murdered Derpy and opened a portal to Tartarus, where I would spend the next several months imprisoned!”

“What’s Tartarus?”

Derpy looks to Dinky. “It's where Equestria sends the worst criminals. Usually only monsters and demons are sent there!”

“Sounds awful!”

“Trust me! It is!”

“So what happened in Tartarus?!”

Arc sighs. “Sorry, little one. That's a story for another day. But that's how my life is sometimes. Just one misadventure after another. To make a long story short, your mother along with Twilight and her friends, Princess Cadance with her Crystal Defenders and a large portion of the town led a rescue effort to bring me home.”

“Aww... but I want to hear more!”

Derpy looks over at Dinky and takes her hooves. “Dinky listen to me."

“Yes mom?”

“There's something I want you to learn from this story. I owe everything to Arc. He saved my life more than once, and yours as well! But his Generosity didn't end there! Later he even volunteered to sign your birth certificate and take you on as his own daughter! That's why he IS your father!”

Derpy turns to Arc with tears of joy in her eyes and hugs him. “Arc… thank you… for everything!"

Dinky does the same. She wraps her little hooves around Arc as tightly as she can. “I love you, daddy!"

Arc puts his arms around them and smiles. “And I love both of you too!”

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