• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 13 - Sisterly Love

Arc sighs.

“Sorry for being a downer, Cherry. It’s just… I miss you! I mean, I miss the old you! I mean… I’m not making any sense, am I?”

“Actually, you are.”

“Really, Cherry?”

“Yes. To be honest with you, I feel the same way. While I am happy to be with you again, I do miss some things about being alive.”

“Like what?”

Cherry sighs. “Like… feelings.”

“You mean emotions?”

“No, no! My sense of literally feeling things! Like the sun on my face, the sweet smell of cherries on the warm fall breeze, and… the feeling of you holding me in your arms.”

Arc sighs. “I hadn’t thought about that! I’ll try not to be so negative in the future.”

“It’s okay, my love. But you should know that those are just a few of the things we take for granted when we’re alive.”

Arc frowns. “You mean there’s more?!”

“Oh yes! Things like spending time with family.”

Arc walks quickly out of the office and toward the Main Hall. “Point taken! Truth be told, I do feel bad for not having time for Derpy and Dinky lately.”

“I know you do! And I’m sure they understand! But you should do something with them before we head off to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc turns around and heads for the cafeteria. “Yeah! And I think I know exactly what that something is! But first I need to speak to my squad.”

“Arc! “

“It won’t take but a moment, Cherry. This is important too!”

He quickly makes his way to the cafeteria, but his squad is nowhere to be seen.

“I guess they finished eating already, Arc.”

“Well it has been awhile. Let’s check their quarters.”

Arc quickly makes his way to his squad’s quarters. They are just stepping out of the shower area together. All of them straighten up as they see their commanding officer waiting for them.

Hugh salutes! “Sir?!”

Max hangs his head. “We apologize for being out of uniform, sir!”

“It’s okay. Normally I let you enjoy this little place in my base without me intruding.”

Viktor shakes his head. “It’s no intrusion sir!”

Xenos nods. “Right! You took us into your home for Celestia’s sake! “

Max smiles. “That and it IS your base! What can we do for you?”

“I’m heading out tonight in the Lunar Destiny with Flash Sentry, Ember and Sereb. We’re going on a bit of a diplomatic mission to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Xenos looks confused. “This is rather sudden, sir!”

“I know. But it has taken the princesses quite a while to set this up! They only told me of their recent success this morning after you four left.”

Hugh nods. “So where do we fit in?”

“I want the four of you to go see Emerald Dream for psychiatric evaluations while I’m gone. Today if possible.”

Xenos suddenly looks nervous. “S-sir?!”

“All of you had it rather rough growing up. I need to make sure you’re up for the tasks ahead… mind and body.”

Max sighs. “Very well, sir. We can head over there as soon as we get our armor back on.”

“Good. While I’m gone, Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage will be in command of Light’s Hope. Give him a hand while we’re gone, will you?”

Viktor nods. “We will, sir!”

Arc nods as he turns to leave. “Thank you. I’m counting on everyone to keep this place running smoothly while we’re away.”

Max calls out after him. “We won’t let you down, sir!”

Arc leaves the room as his squad looks to one another.

Hugh frowns. “I wonder what that was all about?”

Viktor shrugs. “Who knows! But an order is an order!”

Meanwhile, Arc leaves the base and quickly walks toward the Little Hooves Orphanage.

“You care for your soldiers very much, don’t you, Arc?”

“I do. We’ve been through a lot together. At this point, they’re almost like brothers to me!”

“Why did you order all of them to be evaluated? Only Xenos really needs it.”

Arc nods. “I didn’t want him to feel singled out! That and they all went through the same things in the past. We all just need some time to talk sometimes.”

“That we do!”

He enters the Little Hooves Orphanage and hears the sounds of happy foals coming from the direction of the playground. Arc chuckles as he heads over to the stairs.

“Sounds like lunch is over.”

Cherry looks around. “This really is a nice place! I’m glad the orphans can have such a splendid place to grow up!”

Arc points to a door on the other side of the Main Hall. “It’s also the town’s school. There’s a good-sized classroom just through that door.”

“Where are we going then?”

“To see the orphanage’s matron about Derpy and Dinky getting the rest of the day off.”

“Do you think she’ll allow it?”

Arc nods. “I don’t see why not. Coco Pommel is a good friend of mine.”

Cherry giggles. “Is there anypony you’re not friends with?!”

“Tempest, for starters.”

“Maybe someday you and her will see eye to eye.”

Arc sighs as he approaches the door. “I hope so too. But that day isn’t here yet.”

He knocks lightly on the door. Coco Pommel calls out from her desk.

“Come in!”

Arc opens the door and walks in.

“Hi there, Coco Pommel. Is this a good time?”

She stands up and walks over to him. “It’s always a good time for you, Arc!”

He kneels down to give her a hug. “Sorry I haven’t been around lately.”

Coco Pommel leans into his embrace. “It’s okay! I’m sure you’ve been busy!”

“More so than you know!”

She gestures to her quarters. “Do you have time for a bit of a chat?”

“I do!”

Coco Pommel opens the door and allows him to enter. “Then why don’t we have a seat? My sofa is a bit more comfortable than the office chairs.”

Arc nods. “Sounds good! I needed to speak with you privately anyway.”

The pair sit down on the sofa together.

“Is something wrong?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. I know this is really short notice, but I’d like to take Derpy and Dinky on a bit of a day trip this afternoon. Is that okay?”

“Of course! You don’t get much free time with them, what with protecting Equestria and all!”

He nods. “I’m about to have even less! Tonight I’m heading out to visit the Griffon Kingdom on a diplomatic mission.”

“Oh? Are they threatening to attack?!”

“No, it’s nothing like that. Sorry, but the details of the mission are confidential.”

“I understand.”

“There is something else I wanted to talk to you about, Coco Pommel.”


“How are you… holding up? Being the Matron can’t be an easy job!”

She smiles at him. “To be honest with you, I don’t really see it as work anymore! This is my dream job, after all!”

“It’s not wearing you down, is it?”

“Quite the opposite! I mean, it was tough at first, what with having to come up with a filing system, learning to properly fill out paperwork, organizing my administrative duties and still have time to take care of the orphan’s individual needs!”

“Sounds like a lot of work for one pony!”

“Fortunately, I’m not doing it alone. Derpy has been QUITE the help to me! She sees to it the meals are prepared and ready in time, sets up and tears down the cafeteria, does the dishes and somehow still has time to help Cheerilee teach her lessons!”

Arc nods. “I’m sure she appreciates the help. That is a rather large class!”

Coco Pommel beams at him! “I’m happy to say it’s shrunk a wee bit since we relocated here!”


“Yes! A hooffull of the orphans have found permanent homes in the neighboring towns! We’ve even had a couple travel here all the way from Rainbow Falls here looking to adopt!”

Arc looks slightly embarrassed. “Uh… I’m not actually sure where that is.”

“Don’t feel too bad about that. To tell you the truth, I had to look into where it was myself! Apparently it’s far to the northeast of here. To get to Ponyville, they first had to travel west to the Crystal Empire and then take a couple VERY long train rides! A one-way trip is probably the better part of two days.”

“That would be quite the journey!”

Coco Pommel nods! “That it is! I’m not looking forward to that home visit!”

“To make sure they are capable of caring for a foal?”

“Yes. That and verifying that they have a proper house. We wouldn’t want transients taking an orphan on the road!”

“I suppose not.”

“But I’ll do it if it means that a foal can have a mother and father!”

Arc nods. “Let me or Raven at Light’s Hope know if you ever need transportation arranged for long range travel like that.”

“That’s okay! I can take the train!”

“I know you could. But I’m worried that the orphans here might have a bit of separation anxiety with you gone that long. Assuming two days there, one day for the visit and two days back! That’s the better part of a week!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “I suppose you’re right. Thank you, Arc! I’ll keep that in mind!”

“Speaking of anxiety, how is your own recovery coming along?”

“Okay, I guess. I haven’t had any… attacks in quite a while, so I suppose my mind is on the mend!”

“I’m not sure how often you get to town, but there’s a therapist that moved their practice to Ponyville. Her name’s Emerald Dream.”

“I didn’t know that! Truthfully, these days I only leave to go to the Train Station for home visits. It… it’s hard to be away from the orphans. This might sound silly, but even now I worry that this is all just a dream! That I’ll wake up back at the New Beginning’s Orphanage to Matron Tempest yelling at the foals!”

Arc notices that she is suddenly shaking. He puts his arm around her.

“It’s okay, Coco Pommel. Believe me when I tell you that all of this is real! I think you should have a talk with Emerald Dream. Maybe she can help you move past this.”

“That would be wonderful! But I really don’t have the time to visit her!”

“I can call her and set up a house call. She can come here and talk to you in your quarters!”

“Does she do that?!”

“Yes. In fact, that’s why she came here in the first place! You see, back when I was still the Lord Regent, a friend of mine was in dire need of therapy. Seeing no other choice, I ordered a therapist be sent over. In fact, Emerald Dream loved Ponyville so much that she moved her entire practice here! Would you like me to give her a call right now?”

“Thank you! I would appreciate that!”

Arc picks up the phone on the end table next to him and dials Emerald Dream’s number. A few minutes later he puts down the receiver.

“She’ll be here tomorrow about 9 AM. Breakfast will be done and cleaned up, and the foals will be well into their class by that point.”

“That would be perfect! Thank you for all your help, Arc! I really am looking forward to the day I can think about my past in Vanhoover without cringing!”

Arc nods. “I know what you mean. Believe me when I say if anyone can help you, she can!”

Coco Pommel looks confused. “You talked to her too?!”

“Yes. I’m one of her patients.”

“What?! But… you’re always so good at helping talk others through their problems! How can YOU need therapy?!”

“We all need to talk sometimes. I’m no exception to that rule! Besides… I’ve gone through quite a bit already as the Hero of Light and Lord Regent. That and my job is not yet over.”

Coco Pommel nods. “That does make sense. I’m sorry, but I never considered just how much you’ve been through! Compared to you, my own problems look rather small!”

“Everyone has their problems and their past. Some had an easy upbringing, while others, like you and the other orphans, had more challenges to overcome. I think it all comes down to how you deal with the situation in front of you. We can either choose to rise above our problems, or let them pull us down.”

“I’m glad you were able to rise above yours, Arc. Hopefully I’ll be able to do the same one day.”

Arc nods. “You’re on the right path, Coco Pommel. Right now you just need someone to point you in the right direction.”

He looks at his pocket watch and stands up.

“Well, I should let you get back to work now. I know you’re a busy mare and all. Tell you what! You’re going to be a bit short handed for supper tonight. Why don’t you and the orphans plan to have supper at Light’s Hope.”

Coco Pommel stands and sees him to the door. “Thank you for stopping by! It’s always a pleasure to see you! And while I do appreciate the thought, won’t that be a lot of work for her?”

“Not really. Back when the orphans were living at my base, I asked her the same question! She tells me that scaling up for them wasn’t much extra work at all! In her words, ‘I just use a bigger pan’!”

Coco Pommel laughs! “Okay then! Thank you Arc! We accept!”

Arc kneels down to give her a parting hug. “Good! I feel bad enough taking Derpy from you even for one meal!”

“Well, you should probably get Derpy and Dinky now. Afternoon class will be starting soon.”


“Good luck on your trip to the Griffon Kingdom! Stay safe!”

Arc nods as he walks out the door. “I will!”

He makes his way quickly downstairs. The foals are just coming inside from recess. Dinky sees him and runs over! Jumping into his arms, she gives him a hug!

“Dad! You’re back!”

“For the moment, yes! Now I need you to do something for me.”

What is it?”

“Go tell Miss Cheerilee that your father has come to pick you up for the day. You’ll be back tomorrow.”

Dinky nods with a look of confusion on her face. “Uh… okay.”

Arc sets her down. Dinky trots into the classroom and returns a moment later with her saddlebag.

“So, where are we going?”

“To the kitchen to get your mother.”

A few moments later Arc and Dinky enter the kitchen. Derpy is busy washing the lunch dishes. Dinky trots over to the mother.

“Mom! Dad’s here!”

Derpy quickly turns around. “Arc?”

“Hi Derpy!”

He kneels down to give her a hug which she returns.

“What brings you here?!”

“I’m going to be taking you and Dinky on a bit of a day trip.”

Dinky looks at him, wide-eyed. “Now?”


Derpy gestures with a hoof at all the lunch dishes piled up on the counter. “But what about all these dishes?!”

Arc smiles. “We’ll do them together!”

Dinky bounds over to the sink! “I’ll dry!”

With help, the three finish the job in record time. Derpy smiles as she dries the counter.

“I guess I should tell Miss Pommel that I’m going.”

Dinky puts away the last dish. “She’ll be okay with it, right?”

Arc nods. “I already spoke to her. You two will be back tomorrow morning.”

Derpy looks confused. “What is this all about, Arc?”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “I’ll tell you about it when we get there.”

Derpy and Dinky enter the portal with Arc. A moment later they find themselves at their destination. Dinky looks around the room.

“Cherry Hill Ranch?”

“What are we doing here, Arc?”

He heads toward the stairs. “I need to tell Ruby something important. You two should be there as well.”

Dinky looks to him as they walk up the stairs. “Dad? Is something wrong?”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane. “No, sweetheart. Everything is just great!”

The trio reaches the top of the stairs just as Ruby steps out of the kitchen.

“I thought I heard voices over here! How’s everypony doing?”

“Great! Sorry for bursting in on you like this. I needed to talk to you about something very important!”

Ruby motions with a hoof toward the living room. “How about we sit down then?”

Arc nods. “Good idea!”

They make their way to the couch and sit down together.

“How are you doing, Ruby?”

“Much better, thank you! I’m so glad you insisted on having me see that therapist! I… think if I hadn’t… I might have tried again.”

Dinky looks confused. “Tried what?”

“I… I did something after my sister’s death that… wasn’t good for me, dear.”

Derpy puts a hoof on Dinky’s cheek. “Sometimes when we’re sad or angry we say and do things we know we shouldn’t, sweetie.”

Ruby nods. “Yes, well… I’m happy to say I’m on the mend in that regard! How about you?”

Arc stands up and paces the floor slowly. “That’s… complicated.”

Derpy looks concerned. “Arc? If something’s wrong, talk to us!”

Ruby nods “Yes! We’re your friends!”

“It all started when I was getting a faceplate installed on my helmet in Redemption Village. Hearing things no one else could and seeing things that weren’t there made me feel like I was going crazy!”

Derpy looks at Arc, worried! “You never mentioned anything about this, Arc!”

“I’m sorry. But until my last trip back to Earth, I didn’t really understand it myself.”

Dinky frowns. “So what happened?!”

“At the time it appeared that my armor had become… self-aware.”

Ruby shakes her head. “I’m sorry, what?”

“When I hung it up, Eidolon’s Ward started moving all by itself!”

Derpy looks up at him sheepishly. “I hate to ask this, but are you sure?”

“Completely. Ember was there when it happened.”

“What did you do, dad?!

“Ember hit my armor with her spear and scattered it. However, after a few moments it recomposed itself! Eidolon’s Ward removed its helmet and held it toward me in an effort to get me to put it on.”


“To communicate.”

Derpy shakes her head. “So it just wanted to talk?!”

“Something like that. I put my helmet on and passed out. In my unconscious state, I was able to speak to it in my mind.”

“What did it say, dad?! Did it want to be friends?!”

“Actually, why don’t I let her say hello.”

He calls forth Eidolon’s Ward.

“If you’d let me out, I’ll let you take it from here.”

To the other’s amazement Arc’s armor melts away and allows him to step out. It turns toward them and makes a small wave. Derpy looks at it, cautiously.

“Um… hi there.”

“Hello… everypony.”

Eidolon’s Ward turn back to Ruby. It slowly walks over to her before kneeling down to look at the puzzled mare at eye level.

“It… it’s been a long time, Ruby.”

Ruby’s eyes grow wide! “S-sister? Is that YOU?!”

“Yes Ruby. It’s really me!”

Ruby lunges forward to wrap her hooves around the armor as the tears flow freely! “But… but HOW?! “

“My soul was drawn into the gem in the chest plate of Arc’s armor. I spent quite a bit of time in his ring before he finally called for his armor.”

Arc nods. “Back then Eidolon’s Ward was just a painful reminder of what I had failed to protect. I didn’t even want to look at it! Had I known…”

Derpy interrupts him. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have left her in there on purpose!”

“Yeah dad! Mom’s right!”

Dinky turns to look at the armor.

“Miss Cherry? Does it… hurt in there?”

“No, little one! I’m just fine! Truth be told, I’m rather enjoying traveling around in Arc’s head!”

Ruby looks confused. “His head?”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Before Arc recalls his armor, I leave it and enter his mind.”

“I don’t want her alone in my ring, after all! She can see everything I do in there! That and now we’re always together!”

Dinky looks at the armor. “Are you a ghost, Miss Cherry?”

“I suppose so, honey.”

Derpy looks worried. “Does it work on others?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… can you go into somepony else?”

“To be honest, I never tried! It’s been so nice being in Arc’s head, I never considered that possibility.”

Ruby steps forward. “Go ahead, sister. Try to come into my mind!”

“Are you sure?!”


“Okay… “

The pair embrace. But nothing happens. Eidolon’s Ward draws back from Ruby.


Ruby shakes her head and smiles. “It’s okay, Cherry! I’m happy just knowing you’re not gone! This is going to take some getting used to, but… I’ll manage!”

“I’m sorry for making you worry, Ruby.”

“Don’t be! Right now, I’m just happy to hear your voice again! Can you stay for a while?!”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its head as they break the embrace. “I’m sorry, Ruby. Arc and I are going on a mission later tonight.”

“Yes. Princess Luna was finally able to arrange a diplomatic mission to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Derpy frowns. “I don’t understand. What’s so important about that?”

“Let’s just say one of their Lords… did something against Equestrian law.”

Ruby nods. “And you need to extradite them?”

“Sadly, it’s not that simple. As a Griffon Lord, he’s pretty much immune to traditional prosecution!”

“Then what can you do, dad?!”

“I’m going there and find a way to make sure he NEVER has a chance to do such a thing to anyone else ever again! Think of this as the planning stage or the calm before the storm.”

Ruby nods sadly. “And… you’re going with him, aren’t you Cherry.”

“That I am, Ruby. Somepony has to keep Arc safe!”

“Do be careful! I don’t want to lose you again!”

“Don’t worry, Ruby! In my current state, I don’t really see what anypony could do to hurt me.”

Ruby breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! But you’ll come back to visit, won’t you?!”

Arc nods. “We will. Count on it!”

“Can you at least spend the day?!”

“Yeah dad! That sounds like fun!”

Arc smiles. “I was hoping you would say that, Ruby!”

Derpy nods. “That does sound lovely! What should we do today?”

“How about I show you how I make my famous Cherry Jubilee Pie?!”

Arc licks his lips. “Sounds tasty! Let’s do that!”

Derpy and Dinky facehoof as Ruby Jubilee, Eidolon’s Ward and Arc head for the kitchen.

“That’s dad for you!”

Derpy laughs. “Well, it’s good to see your father so happy again!”

As they get up and make their way toward the kitchen Dinky turns to her mother. “Yeah! That and we get to eat PIE!”

Derpy laughs to herself as Dinky runs toward the kitchen ahead of her. “Oh Dinky! Your father’s personality is rubbing off on you! And I couldn’t be happier about it!”

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