• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Cloud Shipping

A short time later Arc and company arrive back at the hospital. Heading for Fluttershy’s parent’s room Bo enters alone as Sereb turns to Arc.

“Do you suppose they’ll be up to talking?

“I hope so. We really need answers.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Yeah. So I know who to gut!”

Scootaloo looks to Ember. “Easy there. We need to be smart about this.”

Rose nods. “Agreed. Wanton violence never solves anything.”

A few minutes later Bo, Rainbow Dash, and the doctor leave the room together. They turn to Arc as Bo speaks.

“It’s a no-go right now, sir.”

The doctor sighs. “Agreed. They’re conscious, but only intermittently.”

Ember appears hopeful. “So could we have a few minutes?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “That isn’t really going to help right now.”

Looking over the charts in his hooves the doctor nods. “The mare and stallion are mostly incoherent. Their daughter is doing her best to be there for them, of course. However the most she can do is hold their hooves and try to encourage them.”

Bo turns to look at the door. “Fluttershy asked for more time alone with them.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Is that wise?”

Sereb groans. “She isn’t exactly the strongest emotionally, after all.”

Rose looks to Arc. “However that may be for the best.”


“Additional company isn’t what they need right now.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Then what are we supposed to…?!”

Bo interrupts her. “Head home for lunch?”

Arc appear surprised. “What about your wife?”

“Mom left a little while ago to check up on Fluttershy’s parent’s house. Take in the mail, water the plants, a little light cleaning, that sort of thing.”

“Doctor, how about the other patients?”

“About the same, unfortunately. Sadly, I don’t think they’re going to be coherent anytime soon.”

Ember groans. “Great…”

Scootaloo grins. “Maybe there’s something else we could do.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“How about we take a walk around town.”

Arc frowns. “What for?”

“Public appearances are important. Especially right now.”

Bo nods. “She’s right, sir. After all, the public is still rather… uncertain of everything that’s been going on.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “Uncertain?! He and the Scarlet Filly SAVED everyone!”

Rose sighs. “That is true. However there is still the issue of whom to trust.”

“I don’t see how after…!”

Arc interrupts. “Ember, they’re right. I need to be seen more right now.”

Sereb frowns. “Doing what though?”

Bo points a hoof toward a window. “Walking our streets with your allies, shopping in our stores, and eating at our restaurants would go a long way in that regard.”

Scootaloo turns to Bo. “Me too?”

“That would help, yes.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. How about I take everyone out to lunch then?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That sounds awesome!”

Ember raises a claw. “I’m in.”

Sereb nods. “As am I.”

Scootaloo takes her place at Arc’s side. “Let’s go!”

“You in, dad?”

“I think I could go for lunch, yes.”

Arc looks to Rose. “How about you?”

“I would like to return to The Equinox and help with maintenance.”

“Are you sure? After all, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to anymore.”

“Understood. But this is what I want.”

Arc smiles. “Alright. But come find us if you change your mind.”

She nods and turns to walk away. Rainbow Dash grabs Arc’s hand and pulls him down the corridor.

“This way! I know a great place just down the street!”

Bo watches his daughter for a few moments before turning to Scootaloo.

“Is this… normal?”


“For Rainbow Dash to act this way toward the Hero of Light?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I guess so? Ember?”

“Oh yeah. They’re really close.”

Bo raises an eyebrow. “Are they now?”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. Observe and you will see that for yourself.”

Bo chuckles as they begin walking. “I think I will.”

Heading out to the street, Rainbow Dash leads Arc towards a restaurant nearby as the others follow. Heading over to a large booth she motions for him to enter first before sliding in beside him. As the others join them a waitress walks over.

“What can I get for everypony?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “We’ll take a family platter and milk for everyone.”

Bo facehoofs. “Now, Rainbow Dash, maybe the Hero of Light would like…”

Arc interrupts him. “Oh no, that sounds fine.”

Ember shrugs. “I’m hungry enough to eat anything anyways.”

Sereb nods. “Deferring to the others, I agree.”

Scootaloo looks to Rainbow Dash as the waitress turns to put in their order. “What is the family platter anyways?”

“A full size tray of grilled vegetables, rice, and bread all served around a huge pot of their signature chili.”

Bo raises an eyebrow. “Chili?”

“Yeah dad. Don’t you remember taking me here when I was a filly? I always asked for this.”

“Oh yes. But I knew there was no way we could have eaten all of that.”

“Well now with everypony’s help, we can!”

Ember chuckles. “So you came here a lot with your dad?”

“Every weekend.”

“If you woke up early enough, that is.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “DAD!”

Sereb grins toothily. “Trouble waking up?”

Bo nods. “Oh yes.”

“Come on! Don’t tell everypony that!”

Scootaloo smiles nervously. “I have trouble getting myself up early too. So don’t feel too bad about it.”

Rainbow Dash gasps happily. “You mean we have that in common?!”

“Um… yes.”

Rainbow Dash squeals happily as she turns to Arc.

“Hear that?! The Scarlet Filly and I have something in COMMON!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, I suppose you do.”

Sometime later two waitresses carry the massive platter to the table. Setting it down, a third hovers above the table setting their drinks in front of them. They step back respectfully and smile.


Rainbow Dash is the first to grab a bowl and ladle chili into it.

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this!”

Ember laughs. “Wish I could get that worked up over food.”

Sereb chuckles. “Like Arc and cupcakes?”

Arc shrugs. “We all have our weaknesses.”

As they eat, everyone is sure to try every course. Arc grins as he turns to Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like you especially liked that rice.”

“Yeah, it was good.”

Sereb grins. “More so than you think.”


Arc points. “You have some stuck in your fur.”

Picking up a napkin, Arc carefully wipes the mare’s cheeks. Bo chuckles.

“Some things never change.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Oh?”

“Rainbow Dash has been doing that since she was a filly.”

Ember smirks. “Messy eater, huh?”

Rainbow Dash blushes. “A little, I suppose.”

Sereb points. “Then what’s that?”

Pointing a paw at her mane, he chuckles as Arc looks her over.

“That’s surprising.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“A crouton.”

Reaching into her mane, Arc takes the hard bread and pulls it out. Rainbow Dash blushes slightly.

“How’d THAT get there?!”

Sereb shrugs. “Well, you were eating quite fast.”

Ember laughs. “I saw it bounce off the plate, but just kinda figured it fell on the seat, or something.”

Tossing it up into the air, Arc catches it in his mouth and chews before speaking again.

“Still good though.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she stands on the seat and puts her front hooves on the table. “Oh yeah?! What’s THAT then?!”

She points a hoof at Arc’s face as Ember chuckles.

“She’s got you there, Arc!”


Sereb nods. “There is rice clinging to the corners of your mouth.”

Rainbow Dash giggles as she picks up a napkin with her hoof and dabs away the rice. Bo watches silently as he remembers doing the same for his daughter not so many years ago. A short time later they leave the restaurant. Scootaloo grins.

“That was really good!”

Ember gives them a thumbs up. “I’ll say!”

Sereb burps lightly. “I too enjoyed myself.”

Rainbow Dash nods matter-of-factly. “Knew you’d all like it.”

Arc turns to Bo. “Tell me something. If I were looking to buy a gift for someone… something that really personified Cloudsdale, what would I get?”

“Probably something with rainbows. We’re known for controlling the weather here, after all.”

Rainbow Dash beams. “Or some Wonderbolt’s memorabilia! Their training facility isn’t too far from here! Wanna see it?!”

Sereb growls. “That might not be a good idea.”

Ember groans. “Yeah. We’ve had trouble with them in the past.”

Bo raises an eyebrow. “You did?”

Rainbow Dash turns to Arc. “When?”

“One of them came after me recently.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Twice now.”

“Well, that should be the last time.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah. Hammer and I took her OUT!”

Rainbow Das gasps. “She’s dead?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I wanted her alive.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Not sure why though.”

“That mare was just acting on bad information. She’s was a victim too in her own right. But at the moment I’d like to see some gift ideas.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “This way!”

Leading the group toward a number of shops nearby, she pulls Arc into a variety store.

“So what are you looking for?”

“Something for Derpy and Dinky.”

“Like what?”

“I… don’t really know.”

The others enter the shop and look around as well. Scootaloo turns to Sereb.

“This sure is a lot of… stuff.”

“I believe they’re called ‘knick-knacks’.”

Ember looks to the wolf. “What do they do?”

“Decorate a space.”

Bo nods. “Among other things, yes. Some are a bit more functional than others though.”

Ember suddenly grins. “Like treasure?”

“I don’t think most of what’s in here would be considered valuable.”

Scootaloo turns to walk away. “Well, I’m going to look around anyways.”

Sereb chuckles. “As will I.”

Ember groans. “Fine. Let’s go.”

Bo waits by the front counter and watches his daughter point out various items to Arc. Picking out a rainbow snow globe, cloud-themed earrings, a book, and a blanket with a sun on it, she leads him to the counter to pay. After doing so, Ember walks over with a few items along with Sereb.

“Are you sure about this?”

Sereb nods. “Very.”


Tossing over a number of bits, the dragon and wolf head outside to where Arc and the others are talking. They spot Arc putting the items in his ring as Scootaloo looks them over.

“What’s all that for?”

“Gifts for Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle.”

He holds out the book to her.

“And you.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Huh?”

“It’s on various Equestrian plants. I thought you might like it.”

“I would, thank you.”

Accepting the book, she puts it in her saddlebags as Rainbow Dash turns to Ember.

“So did you find something too?”



Sereb frowns. “It’s best left unsaid for the moment.”

Arc shrugs. “Alright. We won’t pry.”

He looks at the position of the sun before turning back to the others.

“I think we should head back now. Rainbow Dash’s mother has to be wondering what’s keeping us out so long.”

Bo chuckles. “She’s probably gone home by now.”

Ember looks away nervously. “Yeah, um…”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong?”

“No, I just… think Sereb and I should head back to the ship now.”

“We have certain… things to talk about privately.”

Arc shrugs. “Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

Nodding the pair hurry off. Rainbow Dash turns to Arc.

“What was that all about?”

“No idea. But I’m sure they’ll say something when they’re ready.”

As they turn to walk down the street Bo hangs back and listens to their conversation wordlessly. Eventually they arrive back home. Bo grabs the mail as his daughter continues on with the others. Leading the group inside, Rainbow Dash trots ahead to push open the doors. She looks to the group as they enter.

“So what should we do now?”

Bo points to his home office. “I need to start calling my employees and let them know they can come back to work tomorrow.”

Scootaloo looks up from her book. “Um… I was planning to stretch out on the bed upstairs and continue read this.”

“And I should probably call the ship and see if they can connect me to Canterlot. Make sure everything alright over there.”

Bo looks to his daughter. “Could you tell your mother to come see me in the study, dear?”

“Sure dad. What’s up?”

“I just wanted some personal advice, that’s all.”


The group parts ways. Bo heads to his office and sits down at the desk. Getting to work, he calls three ponies before Windy enters the office. Finishing his conversation, he hangs up the receiver and turns to his wife.

“Everything alright, dear?”

Bo nods. “Oh yes. More so than you know.”

“That’s good. But what did you want to see me about?”

Bo holds up a scroll and passes it to his wife.

“Take a look at what came in the mail today.”

Accepting the scroll she unrolls it and looks it over. Grinning, Windy turns back to her husband.

“He’s finally coming back?!”

Bo nods happily. “Yes indeed. Zephyr Breeze says here that he’s finished with college and is coming back to Cloudsdale.”

“That should make Rainbow Dash very happy! Do you remember how much fun they used to have playing as foals?!”

“Like it was yesterday.”

“But do you suppose our daughter is ready for dating?”

Bo chuckles. “Had you asked me before I would have said no. However, what I saw from her today proved to me that she’s a fully grown mare.”


“When we went out with Hero of Light Arc, she doted on him heavily.”


“Showed her ability to express herself and her inner beauty. When he had a bit of food on him, Rainbow Dash saw to it that it was wiped away with a napkin. That and she helped him pick out several fine gifts later in one of our local shops.”

“But what does that…?”

“She was just so… friendly and helpful. Two characteristics that will serve her well in the future.”

Windy giggles. “As Zephyr’s wife?!”

“We can but hope. I think they’d make a lovely couple.”

“When is he coming?”

“I just got off the phone with him and he’s anxious to reunite with our daughter. I suggested he come to dinner tonight.”

Windy gasps. “Tonight?! I’d better get to cooking then! We have to make a good first impression on him!”

Bo laughs. “Oh yes. It’s not like we’ve known him since he was a colt, or anything.”

“But this is DIFFERENT! He’s all grown up just like Rainbow Dash, and will expect more than just milk and cookies!”

“I’ll leave the food to you, dear. Now then, should we make this a formal gathering?”

“That may be for the best. It would help Rainbow Dash put her best hoof forward, after all.”

“You’re right. Fortunately we both knew this day was coming. The custom-made dress is still hanging up in the guest room closet. It just needs a bit of ironing I would imagine.”

“Do you think you could handle that, dear? I’ll be a bit busy in the kitchen.”

Bo chuckles. “Sure. But you’ll have to help our daughter put it on.”

“I’ll start dinner preparations now and get it to the point that all things will need is a bit of stirring now and then.”

“That I can handle.”

Windy hurries to the door. “This’ll be the beginning of a new chapter in Rainbow Dash’s life!”

Bo holds out a hoof. “Wait! I just had a better idea!”

“How could it get better?!”

“As her mother, should you really be slaving over a hot stove to put on a meal for such an auspicious occasion?”

“Somepony has to!”

“Agreed. But I think that should be somepony else. We can eat out at a fancy restaurant under the guise of having an impromptu family night out.”

“What about the Hero of Light?”

“We’ll invite him along as well. After all, it would be wonderful to have his blessing over the two lovebirds’ relationship.”

“That would certainly help our daughter ease into this, knowing her friend was behind her in it.”

Bo puts his hoof on the telephone. “I’ll call Zephyr and tell him of the plan. We can sit down and bring him in when the time is right.”

“When would that be?”

Bo shrugs. “No idea. We’ll have to play that part by ear.”

Windy heads for the door. “In that case I’ll go ready tonight’s outfits while you call Zephyr and the rest of your workers. Just be sure to leave yourself enough time to get ready for tonight.”

“I will, dear.”

Picking up the receiver as his wife hurries out of the room Bo grins.

“This’ll be a night to remember.”

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