• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 44 - Climactic Conflicts

In our previous volume, Arc awoke with severe depression stemming from recent events. Being questioned about it by the Mane Six he confessed to feeling the weight of his actions on his shoulders. Recommending a break, Arc takes a portal to Abyssinia. Taking Sereb with him the pair walk around the outside of the wall together as Arc talks. Confessing his deeper problems of feeling inadequate in his feelings for the mares that love him, Sereb does his best to reassure Arc that he is doing all he can. Heading to the temporary orphanage, Arc enters and finds Dinky along with her friends. They escort him outside to where Derpy and Coco Pommel are going over supplies. Cozy Glow walks over with an unsigned form and tells Arc of recent events concerning her and Stellar Eclipse. Giving Derpy the day off, Coco Pommel tells her to spend time with Arc and Dinky.

As the little family leaves the orphanage Arc asks Dinky what she would like to do. Admitting that she wants to go out to eat with them and her friends, Arc gives permission for them to come too. The group heads to a restaurant called ‘The Cat’s Meow’. Ordering, they sit and talk about matters important to the girls (mostly pertaining to relationships and sex). It ends with Arc asking Derpy on a date at the behest of Dinky. Derpy agrees to it and they plan to go out that very evening.

Arc and Dinky head for the bunkhouse to meet the others for the date. Asking her father to wait outside Dinky goes inside to see how things are going. She finds her mother in a simple dress with her mane and tail done up. Babs Seed arrives with a jewelry box from Cheerilee and tells them that they can borrow what they need from it. Not seeing anything that would go with Derpy’s features they are about to look for something in the other’s footlockers when Derpy asks to see the jewelry herself. Picking out a simple silver necklace, she has Apple Bloom put it on her before heading out front to meet Arc. After saying their goodbyes to the foals Arc opens a portal and escorts Derpy through. Arriving at what appears to be an empty field Arc tells Derpy the it was ground zero for one of the destroyed buildings. Heading for a pizza place suggested by Pinkie, they sit down and order a large cheese pizza. After it arrives they talk about Dinky mostly. Confessing that she doesn’t know what hobbies are, Arc learns that Derpy does little other than her job at the orphanage and raising Dinky.

Leaving the restaurant, Arc and Derpy do some window shopping. Spotting a jewelry store, Derpy expresses an interest. Entering, she tries on a pair of gold earrings with the salesmare’s help. Liking how she looks, Arc purchases the earrings for her. Returning to the street the pair decide to visit an aquarium. Looking over the exotic fish, Derpy is amazed that such creatures exist. However she compares herself to an unassuming starfish lying on the floor of the tank while noting that the other fish are more like the other mare’s whom love Arc. Telling Derpy that he's not interested in physical appearances Arc convinces her that she’s special in her own right. Opening a portal he takes Derpy to a very fancy hotel suite. After lighting a fire in the fireplace to set the mood the pair talk for a time. Admitting that she’s been dreaming about him having sex with her, Arc assured Derpy that such things are normal for someone whom is in love. Pushing him over, Derpy lays down on Arc’s chest as the pair kiss passionately.

Awakening the next morning, Arc returns Derpy to the orphanage in Abyssinia. However as he does so his earring chirps. Answering it to the sounds of a frantic Twilight he is told that they have received and emergency transmission from Auriel in Redemption Village. Having asked for Arc to come at once he assures Twilight that he will handle it. Opening a portal, Arc and Sereb head through it and to Redemption Village’s Town Hall. Finding Auriel inside, she explains that the entire town is at the Gates of Tartarus preparing to defend the land. Heading for the cave they find Mythic Honor whom explains the situation from his point of view. Unable to enter Tartarus without his cloak, which was destroyed by Celestia when he was attacked, Arc calls for Twilight. Bringing her to the cave with a portal, she is able to create a banishing portal for him, Sereb, and Auriel to us to enter Tartarus. As they leave the arrival temple they step out into a veritable forest. Auriel calls out for Aurora whom escorts them to Vengeance and the demon palace. Entering the Throne Room they are told that during a visit to the Gates by King Malevolence he found that his hand was able to pass through the barrier. Telling Auriel to send for help he kept the matter quiet until Arc arrived.

Arc and the others return to The Equinox together. Calling for Twilight on his earring he requests her sent to his quarters aboard ship along with the Mane Six, Ember, Scootaloo, and Hammer. After explaining the situation roughly half believe that the demons cannot be trusted while the other half wish to give them a chance. After hearing that the Great Demon Kingdom once stood far to the south Arc volunteers to verify the demon’s claims to the land by flying there. Heading to the Bridge, the king points on the map the rough location of their ancient city. Ordering the ship to head there after notifying those whom would take over in the interim, Arc suggests they start with breakfast.

Heading to the Cafeteria, Arc along with Auriel and her father, sit down for breakfast with the Mane Six, Ember, Hammer, Scootaloo, and Sereb. They tell the king about their plans for form a herd with Arc. Believing that Auriel was Arc’s only lover interest he is somewhat surprised and assumes they are forming for an orgy. However the others explain their desire for a bona-fide relationship with Arc rather than just one of carnal pleasure. Finishing their meal, Auriel and King Malevolence ask to speak to Twilight and Arc privately. Heading to the Observation Deck they speak of leadership matters. King Malevolence recommends that Twilight stop living in Celestia’s shadow and become a leader in her own right. Twilight voices her hope of being able to return to a normal life soon so as to be able to pursue her own wants and desires (take that any way you want).

As they finish supper, Arc is notified that they are approaching the target coordinates. Heading to the Bridge they look at an approaching mountain through binoculars. The king tells them that the old palace is carved directly into the mountain as Arc orders the ship to land. Twilight reveals the existence of a shadowy group of ponies commanded by Celestia that search the land for dangerous artifacts. Not knowing any more than that, Arc raises concerns that he was not told of such things during his tenure as Lord Regent. Deciding that they will enter the ruins tomorrow morning, Arc and the others head for bed. Hammer and Rarity join Arc in his quarters as Arc monologue in her restroom. Lying down with them, Hammer makes a strange request of Rarity. Allowing the young woman to feel her ears, Rarity giggles as Arc looks on confused. Confessing that she’s always wanted to do that, Hammer is surprised to hear Arc admit that pony ears feel like dog ears.

Unable to sleep, Arc leaves his room and heads for the Observation Deck. Spotting Applejack standing there alone he approaches her. She confesses her dream of making a family with someone and watching as Granny Smith holds her great grandfoal. Turing around, Applejack offers to let Arc just go for it even though the science states that such a thing would not impregnate her. Arc refuses as he isn’t ready for such a thing with her. Escorting Applejack back to her quarters, he is met by Auriel and her father. They tell him that they pair have been talking since retiring for the night about their former kingdom’s origins. Arc tells them that he was heading to the Main Hatch to get some air and asks them to join him. Stepping out onto the deck they speak for a few moments before the king senses something moving in the ruins nearby. Calling the Bridge Arc is told that no one else has left the ship and that they cannot scan for things as small as what was seen. Calling forth his armor, Arc leads the pair toward the old palace and inside slowly but surely. Entering they head for the Archives. Malevolence calls out to whomever is sneaking around before Arc spots them with his True Sight Enchantment. Tackling them, he pulls a magic robe off their trespasser to reveal a very angry looking mare. Identifying herself as Daring Do, she tells Arc that she was sent to the ruins of the Great Demon Kingdom to retrieve and artifact known as the ‘Telepathy Orb’. Furious, the king refuses to allow her to take their land’s greatest treasure.

Pressing a tile, the king activates a switch which reveals the ‘Telepathy Orb’. Daring Do demands the orb but Arc refuses to back her up. Asking the king to give it to him, Auriel is handed the relic much to her surprise. Telling her to do with it what she will, Auriel steps outside with the others. Asking Arc to transform, he looks to the moon and goes into his Crimson form. Taken aback, Daring Do watches as Auriel gives Arc the orb on the condition that he promises to return it if at all possible. Agreeing, Arc puts the orb in his ring and returns to the ship with the others. As soon as the two royals enter their room however she attempts to talk him out of keeping it. Rebutting her attempts to speak to him about it further, Arc orders her into a suite for the night before heading to his quarters. A few hours later Daring Do enters his room cloaked. Climbing onto the bed she makes her way over to Arc’s ring. However the mare is stopped by Hammer and Rarity as they do their best to get close to Arc in their sleep. Taking their hands, Daring Do puts them on Arc’s chest. Feeling their warmth Arc puts his hand on their which brings the ring before the trespasser. Trying to carefully remove it, she accidently awakens Arc whom grabs her and Blinks into the bathroom. Putting her to sleep with a spell, he takes the unconscious mare to his office and locks the door. Throwing her onto the desk Arc dumps a bottle of water on her face to awaken her. As she is being questioned Arc is angered by her language regarding his friends. Choaking her, he explains that everyone involved is doing so willing at that he will not tolerate any more slander against them. Releasing her, Arc continues his interrogation. Daring Do admits that she is not working for Princess Luna but that some bad stallions are looking for the orb in order to use it as a key. The pair team up to stop them and leave the room together.

Arc, Daring Do, and Auriel walk through the jungle together. Daring Do explains their need to get to the temple first in order to safeguard the items inside. Arriving, she tells Arc to put the Telepathy Orb in a special holster in front of the door. However as he does so Arc is dropped into a room some distance below filled with green gas. Auriel attempts to go after him but fails. Taking out her anger on Daring Do, she attacks the mare with all her might. As the pair fight they hear the sound of hooves approaching them. A number of stallions approach as one steps forward to identify themselves as Doctor Caballeron. Triggering a trap, a wall raises up between his stallions and the pair. Dropping them into the bowels of the temple he uses two pressure plates to open the door Daring Do was attempting to bypass.

Awakening together, Auriel inspects Daring Do’s leg and finds it to be broken. Splinting it, the pair try to find their way out only to discover that they’re in a labyrinth. Overhearing their captors overhead, they spy a caged walkway overhead by which one might escape. Daring Do fashions a simple machine out of vines and torches with which they can reach the overhead corridor. Lacking the physical fortitude to throw the torches high enough to catch their target, Auriel volunteers to try on the condition of a favor.

Asking only that Daring Do promise to apologize to Arc, Auriel hooks the torches on the steel overhead and climbs up. However, her companion is unable to due to her broken leg. Tying the vines around her belly, Auriel is able to pull the mare up to join her. Releasing the stallion left behind in the chest, he tells them that Caballeron is searching for the Idol of Boreas on the behest of a wealthy collector. Auriel tells Daring Do that the idol was given away by her father to a griffon as a gift many years ago. Heading down the corridor together Auriel gives her companion a piggy back ride as her leg has become swollen from overuse. Confronting Caballeron at the end of the corridor, Daring Do and Auriel trick the stallion into showing them the copy of the map he burned. Pulling it to herself with a Telekinesis Spell, Auriel and Daring Do manipulate the stallions into betraying their boss. Fleeing through a secret door, he is chased by his minions as Daring Do goes over his half of the map along with her own.

Reading the maps, Daring Do discovers that there is a trap door nearby that leads to the underbelly of the temple. Pointing out the switch to open it, the mare presses it as they discuss how to retrieve Arc. Failing to come up with a better plan, Auriel decides to hold her breath and just jump in. Sliding down the chute, she falls into a pile of dead bodies. Hurriedly looking for Arc she spots his armor, grabs him, and through a series of Blinks returns to the relative safety of the room overhead. Checking Arc’s vitals she finds that he is alright. Awakening, Arc immediately goes after Daring Do, but is stopped by Auriel. Bringing the pair back to his ship, Arc helps Auriel and Daring Do to the Infirmary where they are examined as he heads for the medical shower. Sitting there under the nozzle he hears someone enter the room. Looking outside the curtain he spies Auriel walking toward him naked. Asking to join him Arc allows it. Asking her how she can stand the sight of him in his Crimson form Auriel admits that she finds it sexy. Assuring him that the rest of the herd doesn’t hold him accountable for his looks in that form, Arc and Auriel share a passionate kiss together in the shower.

However, many problems still remain. Will Arc be able to overcome his emotions and feelings of inadequacy? Will Derpy ever be able to find something she enjoys doing other than raising Dinky and her job? How will Derpy cope with her feelings? What will become of the Great Demon Kingdom? Will Twilight ever be able to free herself from Celestia’s shadow? Will Applejack be able to control herself in the future? What will Luna say when she hears about it? Will Caballeron ever be heard from again? How will Daring Do explain this whole thing to Arc and the others?

Time will tell. Sooner of later… time will tell.

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