• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Continued Education

Arc and his Honor Guards, along with Natalya, walk down the corridor together. The last of the sun’s rays lighting their way.

“I can’t believe the general wants me to go back with you!”

Arc chuckles. “I’m glad you’re happy, Natalya. It was actually pretty easy to convince him.”

“You did that?!”



Arc shrugs. “Well, I’m sure you’d like to spend time with your brother. He may put up a brave front, but he still needs you. Especially now.”

Ember nods. “It isn’t easy to all of a sudden move to another country populated by another race. Trust me, I know.”

Flash Sentry smiles. “Indeed.”

Arc looks around and lowers his voice. “That and I’m a bit worried the rebels will make another attempt to recruit you.”

Natalya shudders. “Thank you, sir. That’s been on my mind lately.”

Ember turns to him. “We should be getting back, Arc.”

Arc holds up his gauntlet. “You’re right. I want to check on Glynda and Ginny before it gets too late.”

The jewel in Arc’s forehead glows as he focuses his energies and opens a portal. They step through and find themselves in the Ponyville Hospital’s Waiting Room. The group quickly makes their way to the familiar hospital room. Arc knocks as they enter.

“We’re back!”

Gallus looks up. “Hello sir! Did everything turn out alright?”

“It did! And I brought someone back with me!”

He steps aside and allows Natalya to enter. Gallus looks surprised to see her.

“Natalya?! What are you doing here?! I thought you’d have work to do back home!”

“Lord Arc spoke to General Blackbeak and convinced him to let me come back.”

Gigi looks confused. “Why?! How?!”

“I guess a representative of the Griffon Kingdom needs to be here to supervise these younglings.”

Gallus looks suddenly downcast. “Oh…”

Natalya walks over to her brother and puts a talon on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Gallus. We’ll do it together, okay?”

“Thanks. I’d like that.”

Arc walks over to Glynda. “How you feeling? Any better?”

“Much! I’m still a little tired though.”

Arc nods. “That’s your body trying to fight off the last of the infection. You’ll be good as new soon.”

He turns around to face Ginny.

“And how about you? Feeling better after your surgery?”

Ginny happily points to a freshly bandaged wing. “Very much so! Doctor Horse said I can go home with Glynda tomorrow as well!”

Natalya smiles. “Well, you both should get a good night’s sleep though. Part of healing is resting, you know.”

Gallus looks out the window at the rising moon. “She’s right. We should all get to sleep soon.

He turns to Arc.

“Sir? I hate to ask more of you, but could you take Geoffrey, Gigi and Natalya home with you? I’d like to stay here with Ginny and Glynda.”


Natalya turns to Gallus. “I’ll keep you company, little brother. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”

Gallus looks confused. “We do? Like what?”

Arc nods. “The results of my meeting with the Council of Lords.”

Geoffrey looks nervous “Do… do they know we’re here?!”

“Yes. But don’t worry. I’ve received special permission for all of you to stay here for now.”

The younglings cheer as Arc looks at his pocket watch.

“Well, we should get moving. These four need to get some sleep, as do I.”

Geoffrey runs toward Arc with his friends close behind.

“Yes sir!”

Gigi looks up to Arc as she points a talon to her bedridden friends. “We’ll come back for the them in the morning though, right?!”

Arc nods. “Right. We’ll come by tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.”

Natalya and Gallus wave as they leave. “See you in the morning, sir!”

“Yes. Thank you very much for all your help!”

Arc leaves the room with the younglings and closes the door behind them. Gallus turns to his sister.

“What exactly happened at the meeting?”

Natalya shrugs. “I’m not sure. Lord Arc didn’t really go into detail. All I know is something about a treaty of some kind.”

Ginny looks over at Glynda. “Do you think it had anything to do with us?”

Glynda shakes her head. “I don’t see how. After all, we’re just a bunch of orphans no one wants!”

Gallus frowns. “Glynda, don’t you ever say that!”

“But it’s true!”

“No it’s not! After all, I want you!”

Natalya nods. “All of you are very well-mannered younglings. Gallus, you’ve done a great job raising them thus far. Keep it up and they’ll grow up strong and proud.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember, Sereb, Flash Sentry and the younglings make their way down the quiet corridors toward the waiting room. Geoffrey turns to Arc.

“Are my friends going to be okay, sir?”

“They will.”

Ember grins. “They’re looking better already!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’m sure they’ll be stronger tomorrow.”

Gigi sighs. “I sure hope so. I… I’m kinda lonely without all my friends.”

Arc looks over at her. “You two going to be okay tonight?”

Geoffrey nods. “Yes sir! We’ll try! But where are we going?”

“Back to Derpy’s house.”

Gigi look up happily! “Will Dinky be there?!”

“Yes, she will.”

Ember laughs. “She should be getting ready for bed now.”

Geoffrey nods. “Could we… sleep in the room with her please?”

Arc nods. “I don’t see why not. You can even have your own bed tonight, Geoffrey.”

“Thank you, sir.”

They reach the waiting room and make their way over to the sigil together. Arc turns to his Honor Guards.

“Ember you, Sereb and Flash Sentry head on back to Light’s Hope and get some rest. You’ve all earned it.”

Ember nods. “Sure. We’ll see you at Derpy’s house tomorrow morning after breakfast.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “I’ll look after the base and give Sandstorm Mirage a break. He’s got to be going crazy by now/”

Arc opens a portal for them. They step through and are gone. Gigi looks confused.

“Where did they go?!”

“I have a base on the outskirts of town. They have beds there.”

Geoffrey looks up to Arc as he and Gigi step onto the sigil together. “Don’t you sleep there?”

“Sometimes. Maybe we’ll have time to see it later. But for now, let’s just focus on getting some sleep.”

Gigi smiles. “Okay!”

Arc powers up the sigil. A moment later they arrive at Derpy’s house. Dinky is just making her way toward the bedroom. She and looks over as the sigil in the corner comes to life.

“DAD! You made it!”

Dinky runs toward Arc and leaps into his arms!

“I was worried you wouldn’t make it back in time!”

Arc holds Dinky close. “Sorry. I got held up.”

Derpy walks over to the youngling. “Hello! Are you two spending the night again?”

Gigi nods. “Yes ma’am. That is, if it’s okay with you.”

“Of course! Any friend of Arc’s is welcome here!”

Derpy turns to Arc.

“Is that little griffon from the other day going to be okay?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She and her friend are on the mend. Ginny needed surgery on her wing to fix an injury she received a while back.”

“Oh my! Is she going to be okay?!”

“Yes. In fact, both of them should be able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning.”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear! How did things go in Griffonstone?”

“It’s kinda a long story. We can talk about it tomorrow.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Arc walks toward his room. “Come along you two. Let’s get you into your nice, warm beds.”

Dinky and the younglings trot over to Arc’s room. He helps Dinky and Gigi into his bed and covers them up before lifting Geoffrey into Ember’s bed

“Good night you three. Get some sleep now.”

Geoffrey nods. “We will!”

“Good night, dad.”

Dinky yawns sleepily.

“I love you.”

Arc leans down and kisses Dinky on the forehead.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

He leaves the room. As the door closes behind Arc, Gigi turns to Dinky.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Can… can you tell me what it’s like to have a family?”

Dinky looks confused. “You don’t have one?”

Geoffrey shakes his head. “Other than Gallus, Ginny, Gigi and Glynda, no. I don’t remember my parents.”

“Who took care of you then?”

He sighs. “My earliest memories are of Gallus taking care of me and the others. He never told me where I came from or if my parents are still alive or not. So, I want to know… what’s it like?”

Dinky stares up at the ceiling for a few moments. “It… it’s like a warm bed.”

Gigi looks confused. “A bed?”

“Yeah! It feels warm and safe! The blankets are like the love my mom and dad feel for me. My mattress is like the support they provide. It protects me from the hard, cold floor!”

Geoffrey nods and pulls the covers tightly around his body. “I… I’m jealous. You’re so lucky to have parents who love and care for you!”

Dinky nods. “Well, for orphans you two are pretty lucky to have someone looking out for you too.

Gigi sighs. “I suppose so. Others back home aren’t so lucky.”

“Does anyone help them?”

Geoffrey shakes his head. “Other than Gallus, no. I know he does his best to feed everyone, but there’s just too many! The town’s orphans all look up to him!”

Dinky smiles. “Like a father?”

“I suppose so.”

“If my dad hadn’t been there for me and my mom, I’d be no better off than you! He took us in when no one else wanted us!”

Geoffrey nods. “He’s a really nice… what is he?”

“A human.”

Gigi sits up, astonished! “Wait! They’re REAL?!”

Dinky giggles! “Yes! I’ve even seen his homeland! There are humans all over the place!”

Geoffrey looks to Dinky, wide-eyed. “He took you there?!”

“Not exactly. I kinda snuck through the portal after him.”

Gigi looks nervous. “Was he mad?”

“Kinda. Mostly because the technology was really new and untested then! The three of us are going back there soon!”

Geoffrey stares up at the ceiling. “To have a family. Well, I guess I can dream!”

Meanwhile, Arc closes the bedroom door behind him and slowly walks over to the couch. He sits down in front of the fire silently. A few minutes later Derpy comes out of the bathroom. She puts a couple more logs onto the fire.

“You’ve had quite the day haven’t you, Arc?”

Arc says nothing, but continues to stare into the fire. Derpy walks over and sits down next to him. She puts a hoof on his knee.

“Arc? Is everything okay?”

“I… something just hit me when I put Dinky to bed.”


Arc smiles to himself. “She called me dad and… then told me she loved me.”

Derpy looks confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s certainly not the first time she’s called me that, or said such things. But for the first time, I realized… I realized that she really does accept me as her father.”

“Why wouldn’t she? You’ve always been there for her. And me as well.”

“Derpy… maybe I just haven’t had much time to think about it, but I really do think of her as my biological daughter. While I know she isn’t, I do love her very much.”

“Listen Arc. Dinky’s said a lot of things since… since she was born. But there’s one thing she never has.”

Arc looks over to Derpy. “Oh? What’s that?”

Derpy smiles up at him as she nuzzles his side. “She has never once referred to Moonlit Dusk as her father. YOU have always held that title in her mind! Never forget that you alone are her father! Nothing will ever change that!”

Arc puts his arm around her. “Thank you, Derpy. I love both of you so much.”

Derpy closes her eyes as she continues to nuzzle him. “And we both love you!”

A few minutes pass before Arc yawns. He looks down at Derpy apologetically.

“Sorry to ruin the moment. Busy day.”

Derpy nods, understanding. “Why don’t we get some sleep? Tomorrow’s another day.”

“That it is. And I’m expecting it to be a busy one.”

Derpy hops off the couch and heads for her mat. She lies down happily.

“Good night, Arc! Sleep well!”

Arc lies back on the couch. “Good night, my friend.”

He stares up at the ceiling long after Derpy herself has fallen asleep. Cherry speaks to him telepathically.

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Well, I’m here if you want to.”

“No, no! I mean, I don’t know what I should think right now.”

"About Dinky?”

“About both her and Derpy. I’m far too young and inexperienced to be a father, after all.”

“While I never had any foals of my own, I’d have to disagree with you. Nopony is every truly 'ready' to become a parent. And you’ve done a wonderful job thus far in raising her.”

Arc sighs inwardly. “Have I really? I’m starting to question my ability in that regard.”

“What exactly brought this on, Arc? Does it have anything to do with what Dinky said earlier?”

“It does. She… she loves me! She loves a human who is seldom around, as he’s always off ‘fighting the good fight’!”

“Do you believe her biological father could do a better job raising her?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Not a chance.”

“So, you’re all she has then?”

“I… I suppose so. But she deserves so much more!”

“I agree with you. Dinky does deserve the absolute best. However, only the best efforts from YOU will truly make her happy. Anypony else trying to fill your role as her father would only fall short. I mean, look at how she responds every time you come home!”

“Truthfully, I love it when she jumps into my arms. Holding her just makes me feel so… happy!”

“And she feels the same way about you. So please, stop judging your parenting performance with the ‘I can do more’ mentality! You will NEVER be able to live up to your own standards!”

“Thanks, Cherry. I needed that.”

“As always, I’m here for you if you need me.”

Arc yawns. “I think I’ll be able to sleep now. As always, I appreciate the talk.”

“Rest well, Arc.”

Arc awakens early the next morning along with Derpy. She turns to him as she stands up from her mat.

“Good morning! I hope you slept all right on my couch! It isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world.”

“It was okay, thank you.”

Derpy walks toward the kitchen. “Why don’t I get breakfast started while you get cleaned up?”

Arc nods and heads for the bathroom. “Sounds good. I’ll be out as quick as I can to help though.”

He quickly showers and returns to assist Derpy in the kitchen. Dinky, Gigi and Geoffrey slowly walk out of Arc’s room just as the pair finish cooking.

“Good morning you three.”

“Morning dad!”

Geoffrey flies slowly over to the table. “Good morning, sir!”

Derpy giggles as they all sit down and begin to eat. “It looks like the three of you are early risers.”

Gigi sighs. “Back home, you have to get up early if you want to eat!”

Dinky looks up. “Oh? Why’s that?”

Geoffrey laughs. “Because if you don’t, the rich griffons run out of food to throw out!”

Derpy drops her fork on the floor and stares at Geoffrey.

“I’m sorry, what?!”

Gigi looks confused. “That’s how orphans normally eat, isn’t it? From the garbage.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not around here.”

Geoffrey turns to Arc. “Oh? Then how?”

Derpy frowns. “They’re cared for and fed breakfast in a dignified manner!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! My mom and I cook breakfast together for them every morning!”

Geoffrey looks around. “Really? Where are they then?”

Arc points out the window. “At the orphanage. They’re still asleep probably.”

Derpy nods. “It’s my job to cook and look after them.”

Gigi smiles. “Really?! Can I see this ‘orphanage’?”

Arc nods. “Tell you what. After we go to the hospital to get Ginny and Glynda we’ll all go there.”

Dinky looks up and speaks in an excited tone. “You’re coming to my school, dad?!”

“Yes. I need to have a talk with Coco Pommel about a rather… pressing matter.”

Derpy looks confused. “Is something wrong?”

“No, Derpy. There’re just a few things I need to discuss with her privately. That and I’d like to sit in on your class, Dinky.”

“Okay. But why?”

“To see how well Cheerilee is doing as a teacher. She does have quite a few students after all.”

Dinky nods. “Mom helps out too when she has time!”

“That I do! It also gives me time to learn a few things myself.”

“You’re getting pretty good at reading, mom!”

“Thank you dear.”

Geoffrey sighs. “I wish I could!”

Dinky smiles at him. “Could what?”


Derpy looks confused. “You mean, you never learned?”

“No ma’am.”

“They don’t have schools in the Griffon Kingdom?!”

Gigi shakes her head. “Only for those who can afford it! Certainly not orphans, that’s for sure! Gallus was going to teach us when he got a chance! But finding food and shelter are both full time jobs for him!”

Arc nods. “Well, I’ll show you how we do things here in Equestria.”

Geoffrey smiles at him. “Thank you, sir!”

They finish their breakfast and quickly do the dishes. As Derpy and Dinky are about to leave there is a knock at the door. Derpy answers it to find Ember standing there.

“Please come inside. My it’s cold today!”

Ember shivers as she walks past Derpy. “That it is!”

Dinky looks at Ember. “It’s not quite THAT bad!”

Ember frowns. “Says the pony with a thick coat and mane!”

Geoffrey smiles at her. “Good morning, Miss Ember!”

She walks over to the table and sits down next to Arc. “Hello to you too! Have fun last night?”

Gigi nods. “We were pretty tired, so we went right to bed.”

Arc turns to Ember. “In any case. Ready for another fun filled day in Equestria?”

Ember nods. “I am! Today the younglings leave the hospital, right?”

“Assuming nothing set their recovery back, yes.”

Derpy returns to her seat. “Good. They must be ready for a change of scenery by now.”

Ember shrugs. “The hospital might not be the most exciting place, but it’s warm.”

Arc laughs. “Ember, where’s that coat I bought for you back on Earth?”

Ember facepalms. “I forgot about it! Do I have time to go back?”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Sure. How about a shortcut?”

“Thanks! I’ll hurry back!”

Ember steps through. Arc closes the portal behind her as Derpy stands up.

“We have to be going now. Have a nice day everypony!”

Arc nods. “I’ll be by later.”

Dinky waves a small hoof as she walks out the door with her mother. “Bye dad!”

A few minutes later Ember returns wearing her leather jacket.

“Much better! Now I kinda wish I had brought some pants back!

Arc rolls his eyes. “I don’t think they would fit.”

“Good point.”

“Shall we be off?

Everyone nods. Arc leads them onto the sigil in the corner of the room. He powers it up and teleports them to the Ponyville Hospital Waiting Room. Doctor Horse is just walking up to the front desk with a stack of reports. Arc and company step off the portal and walk over to him.

“Good morning, Doctor Horse.”

“Good day, Arc! Are you here about your friends?”

He nods. “That I am. How are they doing?”

“Just fine. The nurses are just finishing redressing their bandages.”

Ember frowns. “Uh oh.”

Geoffrey looks nervous. “Did something happen?!”

The doctor shakes his head. “Oh no. I simply removed them so I could properly examine Miss Ginny’s wing and Miss Glynda’s bite wounds. Both are healing as they should.

Gigi breathes a sigh of relief. “Can we take them home now?!”

“Yes. They’ve been fed breakfast and I’ve already given them instructions on what they can and cannot do. However, they must both stay far away from dangerous and bacteria-ridden places.”

Arc nods. “I understand.”

Ember nods. “It wouldn’t do to have them get reinfected, now would it?”

“Thank you, Doctor Horse. I’ll take it from here!”

“Very well. Bring them back if they show signs of a relapse though.”

“I will.”

Doctor Horse returns to his work as Arc and company make their way down the hall to the room. He knocks on the open door and quietly enters as two nurses leave with a cart.

“Good morning everyone.”

Natalya stands up. “Hello, sir!”

Gallus nods. “And a good morning it is. The doctor just gave these two permission to leave.”

Ember looks at the pair. “They’re certainly looking better.”

Geoffrey runs over to his friend’s bedsides. “How’re you two feeling?!”

Glynda slowly sits up. “Good! I’m ready to get out of this bed!”

Gallus nods. “Take it easy though. Your legs are still injured!”

“I will!”

Natalya helps her down from the bed. Glynda winces in pain slightly as her feet touch the floor for the first time in two days. As Gallus helps her up, Ginny immediately runs over to Arc and smiles up at him.

“I’m all fixed, sir!”

“Good! Not in too much pain though, right?”

“No sir! Doctor Horse gave me some pills this morning and told me it would help with the pain!”

Gallus holds up a couple small bottles. “He also gave us a few extra for later along with antibiotics for Glynda.”

“Good. Is everyone ready to go?”

The younglings nod happily as Natalya smiles at them.

“I guess that settles it.”

They leave the hospital and walk through town. Glynda looks around, wide-eyed.

“Amazing! Is this the rich part of town?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Ponyville houses are all like this.”

Ember frowns. “Other than Filthy Rich’s house that is!”

Ginny looks over to her. “Who’s he?”

Arc sighs. “Someone I don’t really get along with.”

Ember sneers! “Yeah! Because he’s rich!”

“No, Ember. Because he likes to lord it over everyone. I don’t blame him for working hard and earning the money he has. But I draw the line at legal trickery.”

Geoffrey turns to Arc. “Is he a bad pony?”

Ember shrugs. “Kinda. He probably wouldn’t hurt you. But he also doesn’t seem to care about anyone other than himself!”

Arc sighs. “And his daughters, I would imagine.”

Ember shakes her head. “Hmph! I question that!”

Continuing on their way they soon reach the Little Hooves Orphanage. The sound of playing and laughter can be heard from around the side of the building. As they approach the large front doors, Ginny turns to Arc.

“What is this place?!”

Glynda looks at the building intently. “It’s so big!”

“This is the Little Hooves Orphanage. It’s where foals in Equestria go when they lose their parents.”

They step inside the warm Main Hall. Ember sighs contentedly.

“It’s MUCH warmer in here!”

Geoffrey looks around. “What do the orphans do here? Work?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. They live and go to school here.”

Gigi looks confused. “School?”

Gallus nods. “It’s where you go to learn.”

Glynda smiles. “What kinds of things do they learn here?”

Ember laughs! “A little bit of everything!”

Arc nods. “Right! Reading, math, history, science, and arithmetic. Everything a foal needs to be productive when they grow up.”

Natalya smiles, clearly impressed. “Is there a full-time teacher here?”

Arc nods. “There is. Why don’t we go meet her?”

He leads the group into the classroom. Cheerilee is busy at her desk going over some papers. Upon seeing Arc, she quickly gets up and walks over to him.

“Hello, sir! What can I do for you?”

Arc shakes her hoof. “Cheerilee, I’m sorry to come here on such short notice, but I need a bit of help from you.”

“Oh? What with?”

He gestures to the younglings. “I have some new friends here. Their names are Natalya, Geoffrey, Ginny, Glynda, Gigi and Gallus.”

“A pleasure to meet all of you!”

Gallus nods. “Hello ma’am!”

Ginny nervously steps back. “Hi there.”

Glynda offers Cheerilee a small smile. “H-hello.”

Geoffrey looks around. “This room is very pretty!”

Gigi giggles. “It sure is!”

“These small griffons have never seen or attended a school. Would it be all right if all of us were to sit in on your class today?”


She walks over to a row of desks in the back of the room.

“These seats are normally vacant. Would you like to sit here?”

The younglings nod their heads happily and quickly take their seats.

“My students will be coming inside in a few minutes. After they sit down, I’ll introduce all of you to the class before we get started with today’s lesson.”

She turns to Arc.

“What should I say the reason for this visit is? Not that you need one, of course!”

“Just tell the class that these are representatives of the Griffon Kingdom who want to see how we do things here in Equestria.”

Gallus looks confused. “We’re representatives?”

Natalya nods. “That we are! Let’s make our land proud everyone!”

The younglings nod.

“One more thing, Cheerilee. I’d like to speak to you and Coco Pommel about a few things after the foals go outside for recess. Would that be alright?”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes sir!”

“Again, I apologize for the short notice.”

He turns to Ember as Cheerilee returns to her desk.

“Ember, would you please tell Coco Pommel I need to speak with her and Cheerilee later?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

She leaves the room. Ginny turns to her brother.

“This is going to be SO much fun!”

“Right! We’re going to be like the rich younglings! Sitting in a real classroom!”

Glynda looks frightened. “I’m a little nervous about meeting a bunch of strange ponies!”

Gigi nods. “So am I!”

Gallus walks over to them and puts a talon on each of their shoulders. “I’m sure most of them will also be unnerved seeing a bunch of new faces sitting in the back of the room.”

Natalya nods. “Gallus and I will be right here with you four. You’re not alone here.”

Ginny quickly looks over at Gallus as the sound of small hoofsteps approaches the classroom. “We don’t know anything about Equestria! What should we be doing?”

Gallus gives her a warm smile.


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