• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Loyalties

That evening, Arc enters the Audience Chambers as the last citizens leave for the day. He looks to Twilight whom is visibly fatigued. The rest of the Mane 6 appear equally tired.

“Looks like we all made it.”

Twilight forces a tired smiles. “Somehow, yes.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “That was a LONG day!”

Applejack sighs. “I couldn’t believe just how many ponies needed a judgment!”

Pinkie leans back in her chair. “Yeah! And most of them were over almost nothing!”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “Well you have to remember that Arc took care of the more challenging cases.”

Rarity turns to him. “What kind of cases did you get, Arc?”

Arc counts on his fingers. “Property disputes, divorces involving large amounts of assets and/or foals, admiralty…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “What’s that last one?”

“Disputes over something that happened in large bodies of water.”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide in amazement. “Wow. So ponies even argue over the water?”

Arc shrugs. “Mostly about what happens in or on it. In this case a couple of nobles crashed their yacht into someone’s private pier.”

Pinkie gasps. “How?!”

“Not having someone at the controls while the anchor was up.”

Twilight sighs. “Thanks for covering that stuff, Arc.”

Applejack facehoofs. “Yeah. We wouldn’t have known what to do about any of that stuff.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “What kind of audiences did you get?”

“A lot of petty squabbles. Minor damage claims, intellectual violations, and a few misdemeanors.”

“How did you do?”

“Not the greatest.”

Applejack chuckles. “Don’t sell yourself short, Twilight.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yeah! You did GREAT!”

Rarity giggles. “Agreed. I certainly couldn’t have done it.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Me either.”

Rainbow Dash looks around the group. “Anypony else hungry?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her belly. “Staving.”

Arc frowns. “Didn’t you break for lunch?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Kibitz suggested it, yes. But there were so many cases that we all just ordered smoothies from the kitchen and chugged them between two audiences.”

Rarity turns to him. “What did you eat, Arc?”

“Uh… actually nothing.”

Applejack gasps. “Why not?!”

“Probably for the same reason. Just so busy.”

Twilight stands from her throne and walks toward him. “Well, let’s see if we can fix that.”

She leads the group toward the door as Kibitz enters.

“Well done, everypony! That catches up audiences completely!”

Arc grins. “So tomorrow will be much easier, eh?”

“It should be, yes. But there’s more to that though.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “There is?”

Kibitz nods. “Yes. Colonel Flash Sentry is preparing a report as we speak.”

Arc sighs. “How long until it’s done?”

“Not long, sir. Lieutenant Hammer and Dragon Lord Ember have been helping him compile it.”

He looks to the others assembled.

“Might I recommend adjourning to the Dining Room until then?”

Pinkie bounces toward the doors. “Sounds good to me!”

Applejack follows her. “Me too!”

Rainbow Dash runs after them. “Let’s go already!”

Twilight nods. Kibitz opens the doors to a contingent of soldiers. They form a perimeter around them as Arc’s squad stands closest to him and Twilight. Offering his arm to Twilight, she takes it and motions for the procession to move out. As they walk down the corridors, the mares talk amongst themselves. Fluttershy turns to Rarity.

“I wonder what’s for supper?”

“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful!”

Twilight giggles. “Agreed. After all, I’ve never had a bad meal here.”

She turns to Arc.

“That reminds me. I’m told your former chef from Light’s Hope has returned as well.”


“Yes. She was most eager to serve you again.”

“And I’m most happy to have her back. Soups and salads can only take me so far in the dietary department.”

He looks suddenly pained.

“Um… everyone?”

Applejack turns to look over her shoulder at him. “What is it?”

“If Saffron is back it’s likely she’ll be cooking me something that isn’t a plant.”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow. “What are you saying, Arc?!”

“That it’ll likely be meat.”

Rarity frowns. “And you think that’s a problem?”

“I just don’t want to… gross you six out.”

Fluttershy smiles at him. “Different creatures eat different things, Arc. For example, Barry the bear sometimes catches fish outside my cottage.”

Applejack grimaces. “I’ve seen him do that before. Gotta admit, it really freaked me out the first time though.”

Pinkie sticks out her tongue. “Yeah, I remember that! There was blood EVERYWHERE!”

Rarity swoons. “Was there?”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. But when I talked to him about it, he said that he needed the nutrition to fatten up for winter.”

Twilight sighs. “What he did wasn’t out of malice toward the fish or a desire to kill for sport. He felt he needed to eat.”

She turns to Arc and smiles.

“We understand that your diet is a bit more… exotic than our own. That and if we’re all going to be together for the long term… well… it’s just something that we need to get used to.”

A short time later they arrive at the Dining Room. The doors are swung open to allow them access by those stationed outside. Before them sits a newly constructed large round table. It is laden with fruits, vegetable dishes, covered dishes, and several dessert trays. Numerous Hoof Maidens and other various servants stand around the room waiting to assist them should the need arise. Arc leads Twilight to her place in the largest chair and take a seat next to her. Meanwhile the others sit down in chairs bearing their respective cutie marks. Applejack taps the table with a hoof and grins.

“Nice construction!”

Pinkie hops up on top of the table. “I’ll say! We could probably hold a dancing competition on this!”

Rarity grimaces. “Please don’t, Pinkie.”

Pinkie giggles as she hops back into her seat. “What?! I didn’t say right now!”

Fluttershy looks to the others. “Shall we eat?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah! I’m starving!”

Kibitz clears his throat loudly. “It is customary to allow the princess to take the first bite.”

Twilight giggles. “We can do away with that for now. Everypony go ahead.”

They all take servings of whatever strikes them as Arc turns to Kibitz.

“I smell something… tasty cooking.”

“Chef Saffron is indeed cooking you something special, sir. It should be ready soon. Might I interest you in a bit of a leafy appetizer while you wait?”

Applejack looks over with a mouthful of lettuce hanging from her muzzle. “Yeah, Arc! This stuff is great!”

“Well then, I’ll give it a try.”

Filling his plate with salads and fruit, Arc looks around at the others eating ravenously.

“Wow! You six really were hungry!”

Twilight blushes slightly. “I guess smoothies weren’t a proper lunch after all.”

Rainbow Dash drinks a glass of water with gusto. “Nope! But this stuff really makes up for that!”

Fluttershy looks to him. “Aren’t you hungry, Arc?”

“Oh, I am. Just a bit nervous, that’s all.”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow. “About what?!”

“This whole situation. Decimus… Celestia… the direction the country may have to take.”

Applejack appears confused. “The direction of the country?”

“Right. What if we can’t convince Celestia to come quietly?”

Rarity shudders. “I think we all know what would have to happen there.”

Arc sighs. “But can we really do that?”

Rainbow Dash clops a hoof on the table with feeling. “You can, yeah!”

“I know I legally can, yes. But what about the rest of the country? I’d have to tell them that I had to kill their most favored ruler.”

He turns to Twilight before continuing.

“No offense.”

“None taken. That and I know you’ll do what needs to be done.”

Fluttershy nods. “And bloodshed will be your last resort.”

Applejack smiles at him. “After you give her the chance to do the right thing, of course.

Arc pushes his plate away. “Agreed. I’m just not looking forward to her saying ‘no’.”

The doors to the kitchen swing open and Saffron emerges pushing a dinner cart. She approaches Arc and bows respectfully.

“Hello again, sir!”

Arc smiles. “Hi, Saffron. It’s been a long time.”

“Yes sir! Too long! I’m here to make sure you eat properly from now on.”

“Thanks. I’ll need it.”

He gestures to the cart.

“What’s on the menu for today?”

“Steak with a side of buttery mashed potatoes and green beans.”

“That sounds great!”

She sets the dish in front of Arc and removes the cover. On the platter sits a sizable steak with all the a fore mentioned trimmings.

“Thanks, Saffron! Um… did you make more?”

Saffron nods. “Yes sir. I made the same for your human companion and the Dragon Lord. It’s staying warm in the kitchen.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. I don’t know what I’d say if she were to come in here and see me…”

As if on cue the doors fly open. Flash Sentry, Hammer, and Ember hurry inside. Ember is the first to speak.

“Arc! We just…!”

Hammer stops and sniffs the air. “Wait a second! What smells so good?!”

Arc gestures to his plate. “Just like back home.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah! Uh… you going to finish that?”

Arc chuckles as he slides the plate across the table to an empty chair. “Eat up, Hammer.”

He turns to Saffron.

“I’ll take the other one.”

“Right away, sir.”

Ember frowns as she calls out after Saffron. “Hey! What about me?!”

“I have yet another dish for you, ma’am.”


Hammer sits down and begins to eat hungrily. Arc pushes his glass of water as he turns to Flash Sentry and Ember.

“So you’ve found something?”

Ember grins. “That we have!”

Flash Sentry looks around the room at the servants. “We might want to speak of this in private though.”

Nodding, Arc turns to Twilight.

“Do you agree?”

“Yes, indeed. All servants and Hoof Maidens are dismissed for the moment.”

Bowing, they leave the room as Arc looks to Flash Sentry.

“Go ahead.”

“We’ve just had a breakthrough, sir!”

Twilight smiles. “Oh! Regarding what exactly?”

Ember grimaces. “That tip you got from Platinum Valve does appear to be Decimus’ next plan!”

“Great. Although I was hoping she was wrong.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Uh… which tip was that?”

Arc turns to her. “She believed that our enemies would attempt to control the masses with some kind of magical mass hypnosis like King Sombra did a long time ago.”

Rarity gasps. “But that isn’t possible! Right, Twilight?!”

“The technology really did work though. He used it to control his slave army for many years.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Ponies forced to do his bidding?!”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “But that’s just so… MEAN!!!”

Applejack groans. “He could have ordered them to do ANYTHING!”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “But an army with little to no training wouldn’t be that dangerous. Would it?”

Rarity shudders. “In large enough numbers, yes.”

Rainbow Dash pounds the table with a hoof angrily. “Decimus would have no problem throwing their lives away!”

Ember clenches a fist. “That and he knows we’d be very hesitant to raise a hoof against civilians.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed. This can’t be allowed to happen.”

“Yes sir. We’ve located the location where this new device will be deployed.”

Hammer looks up from her plate. “Yeah. Gotta admit, it was a pretty good plan on our enemies’ part too.”

Ember shrugs. “They’re planning to use something called the ‘Mare Statue’.”

Twilight gasps as she drops her silverware. “WHAT?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… is that bad?”

Twilight nods fervently. “It’s a statue that was commissioned by Princess Celestia herself after our nation’s Unification!”

Rarity grimaces. “The mare is supposed to symbolize the hope of all ponykind.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “And Decimus plans to WEAPONIZE it?!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Indeed.”

Arc frowns. “How so?”

Hammer turns to Arc. “Think of it like the Statue of Liberty back home, Arc. Just like it, this one has a book in one hoof and a torch in the other.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “There’s been some rather… intense renovations around the statue for a week now.”

Twilight looks to the colonel. “What makes you so sure that’s where they’re going to deploy the weapon?”

“Most of the work has been revolving around refitting the torch with a new, especially powerful ‘lightbulb’.”

Arc gasps. “The crystal!”

Hammer nods. “Right! That and they’ve been running a LOT of extra power lines to it. There’s no way it’s just to provide power for one bulb.”

Ember sighs. “We’ve already run this by Lead Sage Sunburst. His preliminary analysis says that the range of the crystal will be the entirety of Manehattan.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “But how long would those under its influence be affected?”

Flash Sentry bows his head. “As long as they stay in Manehattan they would be controlled.”

Fluttershy looks around. “But their army couldn’t go very far then.”

Applejack appears relieved. “Right. So that’s one good thing.”

Ember grimaces. “Not exactly.”

Hammer sighs. “We’ve received reports that the towns of Las Pegasus and Fillydelphia also have similar devices being constructed.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “It’s possible that the ‘Mare Statue’ may be just a prototype.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Or it’s a main crystal that’s set to be part of a relay to other crystals around the country!”

Hammer nods. “If it works, the next logical step would be to figure out a way to make mobile versions of this technology.”

Twilight gasps. “With that they could freely roam the land!”

Applejack grits her teeth. “And it would enslave any forces sent against them too!”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Most of this is speculation. However, are you completely certain of the crystal being in the ‘Mare Statue’?”

“Sadly no, sir. But all the evidence points to it. In fact I’ve just received word that there’s supposed to be a dedication ceremony scheduled to take place tonight just after sunset.”

Arc stands. “Then we have to act immediately!”

Rarity gasps. “Arc?!”

“Colonel, order The Equinox readied for flight and see to it my troops board immediately!”

Flash Sentry nods as he pulls out a radio. “Yes sir. I’ll give the word.”

Twilight appears nervous. “What are you going to do, Arc?”

“Take out this weapon before it enslaves a major city.”


“By shooting it with The Equinox’s cannons.”

Twilight gasps. “We can’t lose that statue, Arc!”

“Well, we also can’t lose our citizens either!”

Applejack turns to Twilight. “Arc’s right, sugarcube.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Historical significance aside, it is just a statue.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “We can always build another one.”

Rainbow Dash jumps up and takes flight angrily. “Right! Innocent ponies are in trouble and they don’t even know it yet!”

Pinkie looks to Arc. “Can’t we just call them and order the ceremony stopped?!”

“There’s no guarantee that our orders will reach the proper individual without being intercepted.”

Hammer shrugs. “Right. And they might just ignore them anyways.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Platinum Valve and Sunburst are still working on a way to destroy the crystal.”

“Working on?”

Rarity frowns. “A stone that large won’t break easily, Arc.”

Twilight groans. “Right. It’s not so much how hard it’s hit, but HOW it’s hit.”

Flash Sentry shrugs as he puts away his radio. “I don’t get it either, sir.”

“Well tell them to get aboard The Equinox and figure it out in the air. We’re moving out as soon as possible.”

“Um… sir… I have something else to report.”

Arc groans. “There’s more?”

Hammer sighs as she puts down her utensils. “There’s always more.”

“The political spectrum in Equestria has shifted as of late. Many ponies don’t know what to think.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “So what?! We have a job to do!”

“That’s just it. The country is currently split on who’s currently in charge. Baltimare, Dodge Junction, Vanhoover, Canterlot, Appleloosa, and the Ponyville refugees have sided with Princess Twilight and you, sir.”

Fluttershy gasps. “And the others have taken Celestia’s side?!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Right. As of now Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, Cloudsdale, Trottingham, Rainbow Falls, and Tall Tale’s leaders have sworn to support Princess Celestia and Decimus.”

Ember appears hopeful. “What about Manehattan?”

“Still neutral.”

Rarity frowns. “But that will change when Arc goes after the statue!”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide. “It’ll look like an invasion to them!”

Applejack bows her head. “Right! But what else could he do?!”

Pinkie frowns. “There has to be something!”

Rainbow Dash jumps up onto the table. “Right! Go in there and expose the weapon for what it really is!”

Hammer shakes her head. “There probably isn’t time for that, blue.”

Arc sighs. “Right. Should our mission fail the population would be turned into Decimus’ slaves along with us.”

He turns to Twilight.

“I’m sorry. But the monument needs to go.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Very well.”

His earring chirps. “Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Sunburst. I’ve done the math, and we should be able to reach Manehattan just as the ceremony starts.”

“No way to get there sooner?”

“Not without ruining the engines again.”

Hammer chuckles. “We won’t do any good dead, Arc.”

“Fine. How long until the ship can take off?”

“Ten minutes, sir.”

“I’m on my way. Arc out.”

He closes the channel as he turns back to the others.

“There’s no more time.”

Twilight’s ears droop. “We… understand, Arc. Go.”

Nodding, he turns to Hammer and Ember.

“Let’s move.”

Hammer grins. “Finally! Some action!”

Ember takes her place at his side. “Right behind you!”

They hurry out of the room as Twilight groans.

“Good luck.”

Rarity sighs. Poor Arc.

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

Rarity looks toward the kitchen. “Oh, yes. But he didn’t actually get to eat his supper.”

Meanwhile, Arc and the others hurry down the corridor together. Hammer turns to him.

“You do realize that Decimus is playing you, right?!”

Arc nods angrily. “Yeah! But what choice do I have?!”

Ember frowns. “Right! We can’t just let all those ponies get mind controlled!”

Hammer groans. “He’s forcing this confrontation. You’ll be vilified in the citizen’s eyes, Arc.”

“As long as they survive… I’m fine with that.”

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