• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Knowing Thy Worth

Arc turns the Jeep into the driveway. Ember frowns.

“What are we doing back here?!”

“Everyone head inside. I have to go see someone about getting this money back to its proper owners.”

They get out and go inside as Arc drives away.

“I don’t get it. Why didn’t the commander just return the money while we were downtown?”

Xenos shrugs. “I’m sure he has his reasons.”

Hugh nods. “Maybe he’ll explain it to us later.”

Viktor smiles. “That’s probably it. He wouldn’t keep it for himself! Of that I’m certain!”

Sereb looks up at them as they close the front door. “Yes. Arc is an honorable human. Thievery is beneath him.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes the quick drive to the Angel Grove Police Station. He finds a nice side street a block away, parks, cloaks and steps out onto the street. Cherry ‘looks’ around.

“So, what ARE we going to do, Arc?”

Arc walks toward the Police Station. “See my old friend.”

“Can you trust him?”

“Yes indeed. I’ve known him since I was a boy!”

As they approach the station’s front steps Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward and decloaks. Cherry is suddenly nervous.

“Arc? What are you DOING?!”

“Just making myself known to the local authorities.”

Arc slowly enters the station and clomps up to the desk sergeant. He appears to be fairly young, perhaps fresh out of the police academy. The officer appears to be going over some paperwork. He does not look up as Arc approaches.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Marshal Raynor.”

“Regarding what?”

“Returning some… stolen property.”

The Desk Sergeant nods and slowly raises his head. “Very well. I’ll… what the HECK?!”

He jumps up and draws his gun! Arc looks at him and responds in an unwavering and even tone.

“Please don’t. The ricochet might badly hurt someone.”

The officer appears to consider this for a moment before putting away his weapon and picking up the phone.

“M-Marshal? There’s… uh… someone up here to see you. Shall I bring them back? Alright.”

He hangs up the phone and looks back at Arc.

“I’ll escort you to the Marshal’s office.”

“Thank you.”

The back of the station looks like something out of an old cop’s television show. Old fashioned desks lined up in rows, wood banisters, and a single private office in the back. They pass a row of desks with officers filling out reports. All of them stop to stare as Arc walks slowly by. A few moments later they stand before Marshal Raynor’s office. The sergeant knocks as Raynor calls over from his desk.

“Come in!”

The sergeant enters with Arc behind him.

“S-sir! “

Raynor looks up. If he is surprised or intimidated, his face doesn’t show it. He pauses a moment to look Arc over.

“Get back to the front desk. I’ll handle this.”

The sergeant wastes no time leaving the office. The other officers shamelessly look through the office windows at the armored creature before them. Raynor stands and closes the blinds.

“Who the heck are you supposed to be?! Little early for Halloween.”

Arc shrugs. “No one of importance.”

Raynor sits back down at his desk and gestures toward a chair in front of him. “Have a seat, stranger.”

"I believe I’ll stand. You’ve seen the news, huh?”

“Probably the whole town did. Those who didn’t saw it on the front page.”

Raynor slides a newspaper across the desk toward Arc.

Cherry looks at the newspaper and telepathically sighs. “So much for keeping a low profile.”

Arc scans the headlines. “News does travel fast.”

Raynor nods. “You got a name, stranger?”

“I do. But I have something much more important to talk to you about right now.”

“Oh? Do tell! You cause any more disturbances that I should know about?!”

Arc sighs. “I was only trying to protect the clerk. The Shards were losing patience with him.”

Raynor leans across his desk and points a finger at Arc. “That right there is the only reason I’m not arresting you right now.”

“Thanks… I think.”

He swivels around and opens a small mini fridge behind him.

“Can I offer you a soda?”

“I’ll pass.”

The Marshal takes out a Dr. Pepper. “I’m having one.”

He opens the can and takes a mighty swig before setting the can down.

“Well, what did you need to see me about, stranger?”

“I have some stolen property that need to be returned to its owners.”

“Okay. Let’s see it.”

Arc pulls the corner of his cloak over the desk to hide his hands. Working quickly, he pulls the envelopes out of his ring. When he is finished, he pulls back his cloak to allow the Marshal to see the spoils.

Raynor looks confused. “What’s all this?”

“Take a closer look.”

He looks skeptical but does so. Picking up the first envelope, he looks at the business name on it.

“The Collar Button? What’s in here? Cloth?”

He opens the envelope and sees the money inside!

“Where did you…?!”

“This is the money the Shards stole from the shop owners today.”

Raynor’s eyes grow wide! “So, you stole it BACK?!”

“I prefer to think of it as ‘liberated’. If you could see to it this money is returned to its respective owners, I’d appreciate it.”


Arc shrugs. “Well, you could just drive over to the Business District.”

“No, no! I mean how did you get this?! Are you working with them or something?!”


Raynor stands up as Arc turns toward the door. “Then who ARE you working for?!”

Arc does not slow down. “The innocent.”

“A lot of these folks are gonna ask who got their money back! What do you want me to tell them?!”

He stops. His hand on the doorknob. “Tell them… that the Hero of Light was responsible for this.”

Arc leaves the office and slowly walks back to the front of the station. The desk sergeant looks over at him nervously as he passes.

“Have… have a nice d-day!”


He leaves via the front door and immediately cloaks. Cherry calls out to Arc telepathically.

“Who was that, Arc?”

Arc recalls his armor. “Marshal Raynor. He’s the lawman in town. Don’t worry. He’ll see to it that money gets back to the shop owners it was taken from.”

“Good! What now?”

Arc gets into his Jeep and decloaks. Removing the magic cloak and putting it back in his ring.

“Now we go home and have lunch!”

Meanwhile, back at the Shark base, Snake and Jackal enter Frank’s office. He appears to be having a talk with Stingray.

“We’re back, boss!”

Jackal nods as he carries the satchel. “Job’s done!”

Frank points to a nearby table with his cane. “Well then, let’s have it!”

Jackal walks over to the table, opens the case, turns it upside down and shakes it. Nothing falls to the table. Frank chuckles.

“Very funny, Jackal.”

Snake looks over nervously. “Quit playing around!”

Jackal looks in the case. “It empty!”

Snake’s pupils shrink. “WHAT?!”

He looks in the satchel himself then at Frank.

“Boss! I assure you…”

Frank motions for his bodyguards to take them! Pacing in front of the pair slowly, he shakes his head.

“Now, boys. Do I need to remind you the punishment for stealing from the family?!”

Snake strains in vain in the bodyguard’s grip. “It was there! I swear!!!”

Jackal nods! “Ya boss! We did just like you said!”

Stingray brandishes a knife. “What should I do with these two traitors?!”

“Take them to the brig! I need a few minutes to decide their fate!”

The guards drag the pair, kicking and screaming, out of the office. Stingray turns to Frank.

“I don’t know why you didn’t just let me…”

Frank holds up a hand for silence. “Now, now my dear Stingray. That’s not how the Shards work. They claimed the money was there so vehemently that I’m inclined to believe them.

“Where did it go then?!”

“That question is easily answered! This way.”

He slowly leads Stingray to his desk. Pressing a few buttons brings up a visage of the inside of the trunk on a nearby screen.

“There is a reason I insist on that particular car being used for this job! Anyone tries to steal from me gets caught red handed on camera! Open the trunk, start the camera.”

Stingray nods. “Impressive!”

Franks pushes the play button. They watch as Snake puts the satchel in the trunk.

Stingray frowns. “It looks full enough!”

“Patience. There’s more footage.”

The next scene is of Snake opening the trunk to remove the tire iron and jack. He subsequently closes the trunk. Frank nods.

“At least he was smart enough not to leave the trunk open.”

“Let’s see what happens next, sir.”

Snake opens the trunk again to swap out the flat tire with the spare. Stingray frowns.

“Wait, why is the trunk still open?”

Frank shakes his head. “His body language suggests he’s talking to someone whom interests him.”

“A girl, perhaps?”

“Most likely. “

Stingray furrows her brow, angrily! “A diversion?”

“Definitely! Now we’ll see who our thief was!”

Both stare at the screen dumbfounded as they see the satchel open and the envelopes seemingly floating away before disappearing.

“What the heck?!”

Frank chuckles. “Perhaps we were robbed by the Invisible Man.”

Stingray cracks her knuckles. “An invisible DEAD man when I get ahold of them!”

Frank turns off the screen. “On the plus side, we now know that our two members are innocent of stealing from us.”

“But it’s still their fault!”

Frank nods. “I’ll come up with an appropriate punishment for them. You can release them from the brig. When you feel like it, that is.”

Stingray nods. “I will… right after lunch!”

Meanwhile, Arc pulls in the driveway, parks and heads inside. Ember is waiting for him on the couch.

“Did it go alright?!”

Arc closes the front door behind him. “Yes. The money will be returned by Marshal Raynor.”


Arc looks around. “Where are the others?”

“Making lunch. I hope you like salad!”

“It’s not my favorite. But I think I can take it!”

A short time later the group sits around the table. Max looks over to Arc.

“So how did it go, sir?”

“Fine. The money was turned over to the police, and the Hero of Light took the opportunity to make his presence known to Marshal Raynor.”

Ember frowns. “What did he have to say about that?”

“I don’t think he really likes the idea of vigilantism.”

Sereb nods. “He’s not wrong.”

Xenos sighs. “Agreed. But what choice do we have?!”

“I get the feeling this whole situation has made him feel utterly useless. Right now, he has to take whatever help he can get!”

They finish their meal and return to the living room. Hugh sighs.

“What now, sir?”

“Viktor can keep working on the computer, for the moment.”

Viktor happily heads for the basement. “I was hoping you would say that.”

“Xenos, Max and Hugh can keep monitoring the news on TV.”

“On it sir!”

Hugh nods. “We looking for anything in particular, sir?”

“Information on how we can strike at the Shards would be a plus.”

Ember looks to Arc. “And me?”

“You can either join the TV crew or Viktor downstairs.”

“Can’t I join you in… whatever you’re going to do?”

Arc looks toward the stairs. “I was actually going to head upstairs and… catch up with Cherry.”

“Oh… okay. I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about. I’ll see if Viktor need a hand going through the computer information.”

“Thanks Ember! I’ll be in my room.”

They go their separate ways. Ember makes her way down to the basement where Viktor is printing out documents happily!

“Love this printer thing!”

Ember walks over. “Need some help?”

“Actually yeah! “

He gestures to a large stack of printouts.

“I need someone to help me go through this stuff and sift out the helpful parts while throwing the rest in the trash.”

Ember takes the papers to the nearby table and sits down next to a paper and pencil, sighing. “I can do that.”

“Something wrong?”

Ember nods. “Kinda. It’s just… I was hoping to spend more time with Arc on this mission to Earth. Instead he’s always so busy with everything but me. Now that Cherry is back, he has even less time.”

Viktor gets up from the computer and sits down next to Ember. “That’s how things go when he’s working, Ember. The commander’s a really focused stallion!”

“How do you guys put up with that?!”

He smiles. “We don’t really have a choice. But he’s always been very kind to us! Most commanding officers would leave the really dangerous stuff to us grunts.”

“But Arc doesn’t.”

Viktor nods. “We were just as surprised to learn that he takes care of the most dangerous tasks himself! He does care about you and your feelings. Of that I am certain.”

Max looks over to them from the stairs. “That he does.”

Viktor and Ember look over to see Max descending. Ember frowns.

“How long have you been there?!”

Max chuckles. “Long enough! Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.”

He walks over and sits down on the other side of Ember.

“I know you feel a bit… replaced by Cherry right now. But remember, the commander was planning to marry her before she was murdered! Do you think things would have been any different now if that had happened?!”

Ember bows her head. “I never thought of that.”

Max sighs. “Truth be told, he probably would have had LESS time for you and I after the wedding.”

Viktor nods. “Now he has a second chance with the mare of his dreams! Of course he wants to be alone with her! That’s natural!”

“We don’t have much experience with love. Being full time Lunar Protectors tends to do that to a stallion! But the commander, above all of us, deserves to find happiness with another!”

Ember looks at them. “And all of you are okay taking a back seat?!”

Viktor smiles. “Yes.”


Max stands up. “Because the commander isn’t just our superior officer. He’s also… our friend.”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to his room. Cherry, sensing something is bothering him, speaks up.

“Arc? Is everything all right?”

Arc lies down on his bed. “Yes Cherry. Everything is just fine! I just wanted you and I to have a bit of a talk. It’s been a while.”

“That it has.”

“Maybe you can clear a few things up for me.”

“I’ll try, Arc.”

“The night of your funeral… I, uh… took care of Ruby before going to sleep myself. That night I had a wonderful dream where you and I were children playing together!”

“That does sound lovely!”

“We had a very nice talk. After which… you… ascended into Heaven. Did that really happen?! Did you and I really share that dream together?!”

Cherry sighs. “I have no memory of that, so I’m going to have to say it was your subconscious.”

“But it felt so REAL!”

“While I would have loved to share such a time with you, I must confess that the mare you spoke to in the dream was not me. Your love, memories and desires are what created her.”

Arc closes his eyes and nods. “I spoke to my therapist about it. She told me it wasn’t you, but a figment of my imagination. Something about how it was likely my mind trying to achieve cloture.”

“Did that upset you, Arc?”

“It did! At the time, I didn’t want cloture! In my mind that meant that you were… you were truly gone!”

“I’m sorry, my love. This must have been so hard on you.”

“It was. But I did my best to put up a strong front for Ruby. She took your death the hardest. To say nothing for you!”

Cherry shudders at the memory. “It was excruciating, to say the least! But the physical pain was nothing compared to the knowledge of being apart from you! I am glad you were there to hold me in my… final moments, Arc. It was a great comfort to me.”

The pair are silent for a time.

“Those moments stayed in the forefront of my mind for quite some time, Cherry! Eventually, with counseling, I was able to resume my normal duties.”

Arc’s eyes suddenly grow wide.

“That reminds me of something else! Back when I was getting my armor worked on, I heard what I thought was someone crying out for help. Was that you?”

“It was. At that time, I couldn’t really see, hear or communicate like I am now.”

Arc nods. “So that’s why only I could hear you!”

“Only you?”

“Ember and even Sereb couldn’t hear anything! They thought I was just cracking up!”

“What was happening at that time? I felt strange and frightened with no real reason for being so!”

“Mythic Honor and the Hammers were reforging my helmet at the time to add a faceplate.”

He suddenly bolts upright in bed.

“It didn’t hurt you, did it Cherry?!”

“No, dear! I… don’t feel pain anymore. But I must say it was quite a traumatizing experience for me!”

Arc lies back down. “Good! I mean, I’m glad we didn’t cause you any harm, that is!”

Cherry giggles. “I know what you mean, my love! Thank you for caring! I hope I didn’t scare you too bad back then. I was still trying to learn how to appear to you!”

“I remember seeing your earlier efforts as a strange visage in front of my eyes!”

“Yes, I remember you throwing me… your helmet anyways!”


“Don’t be! It all ended well! Now I can talk to you all night long if need be!”

Arc smiles. “Really?! That would have been helpful a while back! Do you remember when I was Lord Regent?”

Cherry giggles again! “I remember those late nights!”

“Sorry for calling at such odd hours.”

“Like I told you back then, my love. I was just happy to hear your voice! No matter the time of night! I think I slept next to the phone more than I did in my own bed back then!”

“Looking back at that time in my life, I wish I had talked with you more! Or better yet, teleported there to see you!”

“You managed to call almost every other night! That’s significantly more than I would have expected! Given your schedule, that is!”

The pair are silent for a time.

“Arc? Are you feeling regret over that?”

“None of us know truly knows just how long we have. But… after you died, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could have spent more time with you! If… if maybe you would have been better off with someone who could be more than a part time boyfriend!”

“Don’t! You made me the happiest mare in all Equestria!”

“But maybe then you wouldn’t have…”

Cherry interrupts him. “Don’t say it, Arc!”

“Why? It’s true, isn’t it?!”

“Arc, I… I need to confess something to you, and I’d like it to stay just between us, okay?”

“Uh… alright.”

“I… um… when you were Lord Regent and I was still just… me… I had similar thoughts.”

“What are you talking about, Cherry?!”

“I thought to myself, that you were the Hero of Light and the Lord Regent! You could have had ANY mare you wanted! Perhaps one much more beautiful than I! Perhaps… one who was a bit… closer to Canterlot.”

“You… felt unworthy?!”

“I did! At the time I felt plain, and distant, and… and… “

She has a hard time saying the words.

“And unworthy of your love.”

“Cherry! I had no idea you felt this way!”

Cherry sighs. “Every night I secretly wished you would call and tell me you had found somepony else who was prettier, smarter, or even just closer to you! But then you would call! And it would feel both wonderful and terrible at the same time! Knowing that you cared so… so deeply for me! And then looking in the mirror afterwards and… and realizing that I was just… a silly, dirty, plain looking farm pony! That’s why I never came to visit you in Canterlot.”

“What?! I thought you were just too busy!”

“I was! But I certainly didn’t want to show my face in your court! To have everypony see that the high and mighty Lord Regent was in love with… a lowly commoner!”

“Cherry. I want you to listen to me very closely.”


Arc takes a deep breath before continuing. “You, Cherry. You’ve opened up my eyes to SO many new feelings! Things that I never knew I would, or even could, feel! Thank you SO much for that!”

He sighs and pauses to collect his thoughts.

“No matter what the future brings, I will ALWAYS love you! Never forget or question that! I had many plans for you and I!”


Arc nods. “When the princesses were in their comas, there was a point when things looked very bad. It seemed they would be lost forever! Princess Luna told me to find her sister Princess Celestia and restore her to the throne.”

“What if you couldn’t?!”

“Princess Cadance said about the same thing back then. Princess Luna then told me something I will never forget.”

“What was it?!”

“If for any reason I was unable to find Princess Celestia, that I was to continue to rule Equestria… as its permanent ruler.”

Cherry Jubilee gasps! “You… you mean…”

Arc nods. “Yes, Cherry. I would have become Equestria’s King!”

She chuckles to herself. “King Arc. Now I feel even less worthy. What plans could you have possibly had for me at that point?”

“I would have found a way to restore your memory. How, I do not know.”

“And then?”

Arc takes a deep breath and smiles as he closes his eyes. “Then… I would have asked you to stand by my side and rule with me… as my Queen.”

“You… you wanted… me?!”

“Yes, Cherry.”

Cherry responds in a surprised tone. “Arc, I… I don’t know what to say! You would have let a dirty farm pony stand by your side?!”

“In a heartbeat! That’s true love, Cherry! It doesn’t care about social classes or whatnot! I only wanted you by my side… for the rest of my life!”

“What about the nobles?! Wouldn’t they have put up a fuss?! To say nothing for Equestria’s international standing!”

“To be frank, I wouldn’t have cared about their opinions on that particular matter! I’m willing to listen to others on a variety of other subjects. But whom I choose to marry is NOT one of them!”

Cherry giggles happily. “Oh Arc! You’re so sweet!”

“As are you, my dear!”

She sighs. “I’m sure we would have been very happy together.”

“Still can be! You’re here now!”

Cherry sighs. “Listen Arc. I… need to tell you something rather… painful.”

“What is it?”

“You… need to find somepony else.”

Arc frowns. “What are you talking about?! I have you!”

“No, you don’t. You have an incorporeal voice in your head. I can’t support you physically like a living mare could!”


Cherry interrupts him. “What I’m trying to say is… I want you to move on at some point and… marry somepony else, okay?”

“What about you?!”

“When that day comes… I’ll ascend to the heavens and wait with my parents for you to join us. After all, you and your wife won’t need a third wheel like me getting in the way.”

“You’re the only one for me though! We… we can make this work! I know we can!”

“No, my love. Promise me you’ll at least keep an open mind! I mean… they’re so many who care for you deeply! Ember… Derpy… Twilight… and probably many others that I don’t know about! Heck, you could marry one of the princesses and I wouldn’t bat an eye! I’ll be happy just knowing you’re happy!”

“I… I’ll try.”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “That’s all I can ask for, Arc! After all, what kind of mare would I be to damn you to a life of solitude?”

“You won’t be jealous?”

“No Arc. I just want you to be happy!”

She sighs with regret.

“Especially since I can’t be there for you! Somepony needs to take my place in your life… one day! Do you understand?”

“I don’t. But… I do understand where you’re coming from.”

“Thank you. This isn’t easy for either of us! I’ll try not to push the subject any further.”

“Thank you, Cherry. I… I think I need some time to think about this.”

“Do you want me to leave you alone for a while? I can take Eidolon’s Ward downstairs so you can have some time to think.”

“No Cherry. I want you here with me right now.”

“All right. Why don’t you take a nap and rest your mind? You look exhausted!”

Arc yawns. “I am a bit tired. How about we nap together then?”

“I no longer need sleep. But to tell you the truth, I rather enjoyed watching over you last night!”

“Have you tried?”

“I haven’t really thought much about it, no.”

Arc smiles. “Then let’s take a nap together then! Maybe we can be together in our dreams!”

Cherry giggles. “I’d like that!”

Arc rolls over to look out the window as he closes his eyes. “See you in Dreamland, Cherry.”

“I’ll see you there, my love. You can count on it!”

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