• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Aftermath

Cadance gasps. “Is there no other way?!”

Arc sighs. “None that I can see.”

Hammer makes a fist. “Right! He needs to go DOWN! Uh… who’s that again?”

Sereb turns to her. “Remember that stallion you shot in the head back in Ponyville?”

“Yeah. Why?”

Ember nods. “That was him.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “He survived?!”

Arc grits his teeth. “This isn’t the first time he’s come back from the dead, so yes.”

Shining Armor steps forward. “Might I accompany you, Arc?”

“Trixie too!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not this time. You two stay here and defend the Crystal Empire.”

He touches his earring before continuing.

“Flash Sentry?”

“Yes sir?”

“Keep watching for more trouble. We don’t know if the Changelings really are gone or not.”

“Sir, might I be allowed to come with you?”

“To storm the castle?”


“This is going to be dangerous.”

“I know, sir. But I can’t just sit back while you save the kingdom.”

Trixie steps forward. “Sir, I could take over for him.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. This is our job, after all.”

“Very well. Head for The Equinox and meet me in my office.”

He turns to Cadance.

“Can I borrow Raven Inkwell?”

“Of course.”

Arc mouths the words ‘thank you’ before speaking again. “And tell Raven to get aboard too.”

Flash Sentry sounds confused. “Sir?”

“I’ll might need her clerical expertise at some point.”

“Yes sir, I’ll personally notify her.”

“Very good. Um… actually I’ll see both you and Raven after I get a shower and some rest. Arc out.”

He closes the channel and turns back to Cadance.

“Take care of Auriel while I’m gone.”

Cadance nods soberly. “I’ll see to it she’s admitted to the hospital if the doctors deem it necessary, of course. But might I have a bit of your time before you go, Arc? I… need to speak to you privately.”

“Yes, of course.”

Raising a gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Hammer, Ember, Sereb, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Trixie walk through it together. Appearing back in Arc’s quarters aboard the Equinox, he turns to them as Rarity moves to stand by his side happily.

“All of you get some rest.”

Hammer frowns. “What about you?!”

Rarity gasps. “Yes, Arc! You’ve just been through a battle for Celestia’s sake!”

Sereb nods. “They have a point, Arc. You have a tendency to push yourself too hard.”

Cadance smiles at them. “I’ll keep our conversation brief. Promise.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Well, I’m waiting outside the door to make sure you get some rest as soon as that’s done.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Rarity, would you please wait outside with the others as well?”

Rarity looks surprised. “Oh! Um… yes, of course.”

Shining Armor looks to Cadance. “Trixie and I will be in the corridor.”

Trixie salutes. “We’ll escort you back to the castle when this business is complete.”

Bowing, the pair leave the room with the others. Closing the door behind them, they stand on either side of it resolutely. Meanwhile, Arc gestures to the couch.

“Would you like to sit down, Cadance?”

“No thank you. But I do wish you would.”


“You appear exhausted, Arc.”

Arc yawns as he allows himself to be taken by the hand. “Yes well… I’ll rest on the way to Canterlot.”

Cadance pulls him over to the couch and gently pushes him down onto it. Frowning, she looks at him.

“Might I see you without your armor?”


“I apologize. But what I have to say… well… I need to be able to look you in the eye as I do it.”

Nodding, Arc recalls him armor. Cadance sits on her haunches, which puts her at roughly eye level with Arc.

“First of all, I wanted to thank you again for safeguarding me when escaping that ship back there.”

“Just doing my duty.”

“It was greatly appreciated. Second… I… um…”

She fumbles for the right words before continuing.

“I… understand that Aunt Celestia has done some very… questionable things since returning.”

“You could say that again.”

“She’s greatly overstepped our laws numerous times since then!”

“Well, that will stop when I get to her.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Please understand that I love my aunt very much. However, my love for Equestria and its inhabitants is…”

Arc interrupts her. “You want me to spare Celestia, don’t you?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What?”

“I want you… to do your duty as the Hero of Light. Do everything you can to stop an out of control princess from destroying everything. No matter the cost.”

“That may come to blows.”


“And you’re okay with me potentially killing her?”

Cadance bows her head. “I’ve known Aunt Celestia for nearly my whole life, Arc. She’s the kindest, gentlest, most understanding mare I’ve ever met. Believe me when I say that she would rather meet her end by your hand than live as a danger to Equestria.”

She raises her head to looks Arc straight in the eye before continuing.

“So what I want from you is simple. If it comes to deciding between the country and her… please make it quick.”

“I will. After we retake Canterlot, I’ll retrieve Twilight from Abyssinia and install her on the throne. We’ll re-evaluate the situation at that point. If things look bad I’ll ask Twilight for the dagger back.”

Cadance appears confused. “You don’t have it?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I left it with her for safekeeping.”

“That may have been for the best. After all, our enemies may have wanted to retrieve it from your ring when you were arrested.”

“Yeah, I was kinda thinking that too.”

Cadance nods and smiles. “Twilight has already told me about what she and her friends have planned, you know.”


“Regarding the herd idea.”

“I see. Are you upset?”

Cadance shakes her head. “Not in the least. Her and I have spoken at length about it, and I agree that it’s a sound plan you have in dating everypony separately.”

“I didn’t promise any of them anything more though.”

“That is for the best. But I did want to inform you that should all of you meet with resistance in forming such a herd in Equestria, please know that the Crystal Empire will receive you and your future wives with open hooves.”

“Thank you, Cadance.”

Stepping forward, Cadance wraps her front hooves around Arc’s neck and whispers in his ear.

“Please take good care of Twilight for me.”

“I will.”

“I know.”

She gives him a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back.

“Well, I should let you get some rest.”

“Thanks for the talk though, Cadance. It really put my mind at ease. Regarding everything, I mean.”

Cadance giggles. “I’m the Princess of Love, after all. What else could I do?”

“Try to stop me, for starters.”

“Yes, well… we all have our duties to do. Take care, Arc.”

“You too.”

Walking her to the door Arc opens it and allows Cadance to pass. Shining Armor and Trixie move to flank her.

“We’ll get you back to the safety of the castle now, Cadance.”

Trixie nods soberly. “You can count on us.”

Cadance smiles. “Thank you. Let us be off.”

Arc watches them walk down the corridor for a moment before Ember snaps her claws in his face.

“Ember to Arc! Wake up!”


Hammer eyes him suspiciously. “You were in a daze there. Everything okay?”


Rarity walks over to him. “Anything you want to tell us?”

“She… Cadance just… told me to do what needed to be done.”

Hammer moves her hand in a circular motion. “And…?”

“That’s about all.”

Ember grins. “Great! We have her permission to take Celestia out!”

“I don’t really want to do that.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Why not?! She’s a real piece of work!”

“This land’s inhabitants love her. As does Twilight.”

Rarity sighs. “You may not have a choice though, my dear.”

Ember shrugs. “But you’ll do what needs to be done though, I’m sure.”

“Right. In any case, we all need to get some rest now.”

Hammer gestures down the corridor. “How about something to eat first?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m too tired.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “You sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll eat before we land in Canterlot though. Promise.”

Hammer sighs. “Fine. Get some sleep though. You look like hell.”


He slowly walks into the room with Rarity at his side. Closing the door behind him, Hammer turns to Ember.

“That was weird.”

“Which part?”

“He doesn’t want to kill the banshee that caused him so much trouble, for starters!”

Sereb nods soberly. “That’s just how he is. Arc doesn’t enjoy slaughtering his enemies or getting revenge. Ultimately, he just wants everyone to be safe and happy.”

Hammer looks to the dragon next to her. “Speaking of that… what about your happiness, Ember?”

“What do you…?”

Sereb turns around. “And that is my cue to leave.”

Hammer grins as Sereb walks away. “I see how he looks at you.”

Ember appears confused. “He does?”

“Yeah! You’re really special to him!”

Ember as she turns to look out a window. “I suppose.”

“You… SUPPOSE?!”

“Arc’s… complicated.”

Hammer shrugs. “What man isn’t?!”

“He’s fine with pretty much anything that leads to a happy settlement. Even in the love department.”

“So what is it he’s after?”

“A family.”

“Doesn’t he have that with Derpy and Dinky?”

“I guess. But I’m sure he want’s something more.”

“What’s that?”

“Not sure.”

Hammer smiles slyly. “I can think of a few things.”

“Believe me, I’ve tried.”

“You’ve told me that before.”

Ember sighs. “Well, it didn’t work.”

Hammer walks over and whispers in Ember’s ear. “Are you open to suggestions?”

A grin spreads over Ember’s face at this.

“I’m listening.”

While Ember and Hammer finish their talk Rarity returns to the corridor.

“Excuse me.”

Hammer appears confused. “Something wrong?”

Rarity sighs. “A bit, yes. Might I impose on one of you for a bit of a… personal favor?”

Meanwhile, Arc steps into the bathroom and tosses his soiled clothing aside. Turning on the water, he hops into the shower and lathers up as the ship takes off. Frowning, he muses to himself as he sits on the cool tile floor and allows the water to flow over him.

“That was strange. I thought Rarity would have been happy to join me. Guess I must’ve smelled worse than I thought.”

Sighing, he leans forward against his knees.

“I’m not alone very often. But now that I am things just feel so… empty.”

The bathroom door opens quietly. A moment later the light sound of bare human feet walking toward the shower rings out. Arc smiles happily as he smells Rarity’s perfume and feels two hands on his shoulders. The sound of skin touching down on the tile behind him meets his ears. They gently massage his tired muscles causing the young man to moan slightly.

“Thanks, Rarity. I really needed that.”

Nodding silently, she continues her massage as Arc continues talking.

“Sorry I haven’t had more time for you, what with the country in such a state.”

She sighs, but says nothing.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, mind you. I mean… I’d love for us to be able to go out and get dinner together. See a show, or something too.”

Giggling slightly, she begins running her hands down his shoulders. Arc smiles as she begins kissing the back of his neck tenderly.

“I know I was against you coming along on the expedition originally. But I’m really glad I didn’t stick with that mindset. After all, we need to spend more time together.”

Nodding, she sits down on the floor behind him and gently scratches his back with her fingernails.

“Please understand that I’m not trying to blow off the others. They’ll have a turn too, of course. But you and I… we need to… I don’t really know how to say it.”

Arc thinks for a few moments before continuing.

“I’d like for us to become more… intimate. Kinda like we’re doing now.”

She groans. Arc pipes up quickly.

“I meant everyone! Sorry if I came across as only being interested in you. Do you think that’s a good idea?”

Laying her chin on his shoulder, she giggles sweetly and nods lightly. Arc breathes a sigh of relief.

“I’ll try to word things better from now on. After all, we should be able to more easily avoid misunderstandings that way.”

She nibbles on his ear, causing Arc to gasp in surprise.

“You’re feeling especially forward today.”

He closes his eyes happily as two arms wrap around his midsection. She uses him as an anchor and pulls her body against his, pressing her breasts against his back.

“I love you, Rarity.”

Smiling, she finally speaks.

“And I love you too, Arc.”

His eyes fly open as he turns his head around and gasps.


Ember grins “Yes?”

“What are you…?!”

He moves to stand up, but Ember pulls him backwards. As he crashes to the tile floor, she rolls over on top of him and puts a finger to his lips.

“Don’t talk… listen.”

Ember takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Arc… you know that I love you. How I’ve wanted to bathe with you again since that day we returned from rescuing Celestia.”

He moves to speak, but Ember clamps a hand over his mouth.

“No, no! I’m not done yet.”

Looking him in the eye, Ember speaks again.

“As you know, Rarity was going to wait for you in the bedroom. She declined your invitation to come in here to bathe with you for a little… romantic retreat.”

She grins mischievously.

“You were probably confused when she turned you down. But that was so that she could organize something special for you.”

Ember leans back and grins as the water washes over her naked body.

“She was worried that you’d become tired of just being with her. So she asked if Hammer or I would come in here and give you a little something new to look at.”

Arc appears surprised. “You and… Hammer?”

Ember nods. “Oh yes. She volunteered, of course. But Rarity told her how I’d wanted to do this for a LOT longer. Admittedly I was surprised when she gave in so easily. I mean, I was cool with both of us getting in here. However Rarity said that would be a bit too much for you right now. So I called for Sereb, had him turn me back into a human, sprayed some of Rarity's perfume on me to cover up my own battle musk, and walked in here. Sorry for the deception.”

“It’s… um…”

Ember sighs and looks away. “I know you’d rather have Rarity sitting on your legs right now.”

Arc sits up and looks Ember in the eye as she sits on his lap. “I… I just…”

Ember forces a smile. “This whole thing was Rarity’s idea, yes. But when you thought I was her I just decided to play along.”

<he sighs and looks away.

“I really liked when you said ‘I love you’ to me though. Although it was meant for Rarity, it made me feel… special.”

“You are special.”

Ember looks down at the floor and speaks sadly. “Not like Rarity and her friends though.”

Arc puts a hand on her chin and turns it to look her in the eye.

“Ember. You’ve always been special to me.”

“I… I have?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. No matter what happened, you always stuck with me. Even when things got dangerous or you disagreed with my plans, you never once walked out on me.”

“Why would I have?”

Arc chuckles. “Because some of my plans were absolutely terrible.”

Ember grins sheepishly. “Yeah. That they were.”

“Then why did you go along with them?”

“Because I believed in you, Arc. And because I didn’t want you getting hurt.”

She puts a hand on his cheek.

“That and… I don’t think I could have lived with myself if you had been injured. Or worse.”

Arc smiles at her. “And that’s why you’re special to me.”

Ember blushes as she turns away. “You’re the only one who makes me act like this.”


“No, no! I… I really like it! Having feelings for someone special was something I didn’t understand until I met you, Arc.”

She takes a deep breath and looks at him soberly before continuing.

“That’s why… I want in.”


“To the herd.”


“Please, Arc! Hear me out! I… I love you. I want to be with you. And I… I want to make eggs with you, yes. But there’s so much more.”

She fidgets as she continues.

“These things that I want… aren’t just raging hormones or my duty to the Dragon Lands. I honestly want you inside my body because I… I want us to be together forever.”

Arc nods. “And I’d like that too.”

“But Arc, I… wait what?”

“I said I’d like us to be together.”

Ember smacks the side of her head. “Sorry. Think I got some water in my ears, or something.”

“Oh. Well in that case, how about I tell you another way.”

Wrapping his arms around Ember, he pulls her close and plants a passionate kiss on her lips. Her eyes widen in shock, naturally. However after a few seconds Ember reciprocates. Pushing Arc onto his back, she continues the kiss with more fervor than even she thought possible. Eventually she pulls back but continues to lay on Arc.

“That was amazing!”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry if it sounds really shallow, but… I’ve been practicing.”


“Yeah. Hammer and even Lily too.”

Ember grins wickedly. “Lily, eh? Think she’d be into this too?”

“I doubt it.”

“We could ask.”

Arc sighs. “She’s got enough on her plate with Shelly being so sick.”

Ember sighs. “I guess so. But she is really sweet. Didn’t know you were involved with her though.”

“I’m not. She confessed, through Shelly, that she’s had a crush on me for a long time.”

“And you don’t?”

“Don’t what?”

“Have a crush on her.”


“I saw how you two looked at one another. It was adorable!”

Arc frowns. “Well, I know she wouldn’t be into this herd idea. It’s way too much for her.”

“Are you sure?”


“Fine. Then I won’t mention it again.”


Ember grins as she puts her hands on either side of her breasts to make them look bigger. “Now then… do you want to do anything else with me?”

“Actually yes.”

Ember blushes and closes her eyes. “Fine. Go ahead.”


Arc stands up and turns off the water. Stepping out of the shower he grabs a towel and starts drying himself off. Ember opens her eyes as he throws a towel in her face.

“Arc? What are you…?”

“You asked if I wanted to do anything else.”

“Uh… yeah? And?”

“We’re doing it.”

“Doing what?”

“Getting some sleep. I’m exhausted.”

Ember laughs throatily as she stands and begins drying off. “Darn! I thought that was going a whole different direction!”

Arc chuckles. “You wish.”

“So do you!”

Arc shrugs. “What can I say?”

“You’ve really changed since I met you, Arc.”

“We all have, Ember. That and you really are pretty like that.”

“As a human?”

“That too. But I meant your personality. Now then, how about we get some sleep?”

Ember tosses the towel into the hamper and puts her hands on her hips. “Can we sleep like this?”

“Can I be honest with you about something?”

“What is it?”

Arc pulls a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from his ring. “You really do look cute in stuff like this.”

Ember groans. “Please don’t call me ‘cute’.”

Arc grins. “It’s true.”

“And I do like the attention, yes. But could you call me something else?”

“Like what?”

Ember shrugs. “Anything, really. Hot… sexy… stuff like that.”

“Well, I still think you’re cute.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Fine. Call me that if you really want to. But please… just don’t do it in front of the others.”

Arc smiles as he dresses. “I’ll try to remember that. No promises though.”

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