• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Truth Laid Bare

Later that evening Arc walks in the front door of his house with the others. Dinky turns to him.

“Do you think Miss Cybil will be okay all alone, dad?”

Arc nods. “I believe so, yes.”

Auriel looks to Viktor. “Was there something wrong with her?”

“There WAS a while back, yes.”

Arc sighs. “I had to carry her in here over my shoulder.”

Dinky wrinkles her nose. “I remember that. She stunk!”

“That was the alcohol, sweetheart.”

Viktor frowns. “And a few other things.”

Auriel tilts her head to one side as she looks to Arc. “Alcohol? Like what Applejack makes in her still?”

“Something like that, yes.”

“I don’t understand the problem. That stuff was pretty tasty.”

Viktor sighs. “That may be. But Cybil apparently didn’t know when to stop.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. She’d lost pretty much everything by the time we found her. Her husband, job, a place to live, all her money, and even her daughter.”

“Is that a problem here on Earth?”

“For some people, yes.”

Ember calls out to them from the Living Room.

“Are you all just going to stand there talking all night?!”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like Ember is feeling a bit left out.”

They move to the Living Room. Ember and Sereb are sitting on the couch.

“Where the heck were you guys?!”

Sereb chuckles. “Yes. I would not have thought such a trip would have taken so long.”

Dinky grins as she holds up several bags. “We went to the mall first to get Auriel some clothes.”

Ember looks the young woman up and down. “Looks good.”

“Thank you.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “So how did Auriel handle her first time out in public?”

“Not too bad.”

“I was a bit nervous when we got to the mall.”

Dinky giggles. “And when we got to Miss Cybil’s apartment.”

Arc nods. “Don’t worry. I held her hand.”

Ember looks soberly to Arc. “Does she have a decent place?”

“Let’s just say it’s better than the apartments you and I went to a while back.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Safe?”

“Yes. That much I can attest to.”

Viktor clears his throat. “Sir? Um…”

“What is it, Viktor?”

“I was just wondering why her place looked so… empty.”

“Well, when you’re just getting started, or a fresh start as far as she’s concerned, you don’t have much to fill your place with.”

He gestures to the room around them.

“I inherited all this from my parents, so I kinda had a head start.”

“Do all parents give their children houses, dad?”

“No, Dinky. Property is very expensive here on Earth. Apartments are how a lot of people get started though.”

“That makes sense. But why did you give her a TV?”

“They’re really not that expensive, and everyone should have one.”

Viktor grins. “It was very Generous of you, sir.”

“Well, there were a couple other reasons. First of all, I was worried that she wouldn’t have anything to do on her days off. Idle hands might have led her back to drinking.”

He looks to Dinky and tousles her hair.

“Second, Angel will need something to watch cartoons on.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! Where do you suppose she is?”

“Still at the Farburg Orphanage.”

Dinky looks confused. “Didn’t Miss Cybil get her daughter back yet?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, sweetheart. Given her past, she has to have her parental rights restored by a judge.”

Ember muses as she looks to Arc. “After a home visit from… what was her name again?”

“Miss Kulara. Her report will be what the judge uses to make his own decision.”

Viktor appears nervous. “Will she have the opportunity to plead her case?”

Arc sighs. “Kinda. The judge will be the one asking the questions though.”


“Yes, Dinky?”

“Um… where would Angel sleep?”

“Cybil didn’t have enough money for both the apartment deposit and extra furniture. But don’t worry. She’ll have time to save up some before the home visit, I’m sure.”

Viktor smiles. “That’s a relief.”

Auriel steps forward. “Arc? I am confused. This Cybil human has a child?”


“But that child does not live with her?”

“That’s about the size of it.”

“Is her situation similar to mine?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nah! You had to leave to stay safe!”

Dinky frowns. “But Angel’s mom hurt her!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I suppose it is kind of a similar case when you think about it that way.”

Auriel appears suddenly nervous. “Does… does my father have to stand trial to get me back as well?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. You’re an adult, Auriel. Angel is about Dinky’s age, I think.”

Sereb shrugs. “Or at the very least the same size.”

Arc nods. “The government took Angel after her father died since her mother couldn’t be found and she was an alcoholic.”

Auriel sighs. “This is very new to me. All this knowledge along with an entirely new world.”

Viktor puts a hand on her shoulder. “It’s a lot to take in, I know.”

Dinky grins. “We’ll help you though.”

“Thank you everyone. Um… might I go to bed now?”

Arc appears surprised. “Sure, I guess. It’s been quite a day for all of us.”

“Shall I get supper going, sir?”

“Yes, Viktor. Just something quick though. I’m tired too.”

Dinky heads for the kitchen. “I’ll help!”

Ember follows her. “Me too”

“Let me show you to your room, Auriel.”

She takes Arc’s hand and the pair head upstairs. Ember grins as they enter the kitchen. Sereb turns to her.

“You appear quite happy all of a sudden.”

“That I am.”

Dinky looks over from the refrigerator. “Did something good happen?”

Ember nods. “Oh yes! Auriel found someone she likes.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Did she?”

“Arc, silly!”


Dinky giggles. “Well, she has been holding his hand pretty much all day. I kinda just thought she was scared.”

Sereb nods. “She most likely was. However, I have a theory on her actions.”

Ember grins. “Do tell.”

“It is possible that she now views Arc and security as one and the same. His presence brings her comfort.”

Dinky smiles. “Probably. I know I feel better when my dad’s around.”

Ember nods. “Me too.”

Viktor shrugs. “He just kinda has that air about him. The commander’s always confident. That inspires those around him to act accordingly. But we should probably get supper going.”

Dinky looks to Viktor. “What should we make?”

“Let’s surprise the commander with something he wouldn’t suspect.”

Ember frowns. “He did say something quick though.”

Viktor nods as he heads for the refrigerator. “Don’t worry. I have it all figured out.”

Meanwhile, Arc leads Auriel upstairs to his old room which Cybil left neat as a pin.

“You can sleep here. I’ll see to it your new clothes are properly washed and hung up.”

“Oh, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, I do. When I say I’ll see to it, I really mean Viktor will take care of it.”

“Is he still being punished?”

“Kinda. Truth be told he got off light. Doing something like that in Equestria would of led to a court martial and discharge.”

Auriel gasps. “Oh my! That seems a bit extreme!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not getting rid of him or anything.”

“Thank you, Arc. I really believe he and Xenos thought they were doing the right thing.”

“Well, get some sleep. Tomorrow’s another day.”

He turns to leave but stops.

“Oh! Why don’t I get you something to wear to bed?”

Auriel shakes her head. “That’s okay. I usually just sleep naked. Is… is that okay for a human girl?”

“Um… I suppose so. Just be sure to put something on before heading downstairs, okay?”

“I can do that. But… would it be okay if we talked about something?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

Auriel sighs as Arc sits down next to her. “It’s just… you showed me a lot today. However, the more I saw, the more I got the feeling there’s more to this culture than I originally thought.”

“You mean our culture, right?”


Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Like your dad said, you’re half human.”

“I’ve… never really felt like a demon, or a human. Now I understand why. I’m just a half-breed. The demons don’t want me, nor would the human world if they knew the truth, I would assume.”

Arc frowns. “Hey now! That’s not true!”

“I hypothesize that it is, Arc. But there’s one way to prove it.”


“Let’s go back to the mall tomorrow. You change me back into my demon form and we’ll see what everyone there does.”

“That’s… not a good idea.”

“And why not?”

“Because… no one’s ever seen a demon before.”

Auriel sighs. “Right. I’m a freak.”

“You’re not a freak.”

“Then what am I?!”

“A very nice girl whom just wants a place to call home. Same as anyone else in this world or Equestria.”

Auriel takes his hands and sighs.

“Thank you for saying so. But that doesn’t change what I am.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t. Remember this though. I accepted you as you are, as did the Equestrians. We all knew you were a demon right from the start.”

Arc stands up and heads for the door.

“I want you to think about that.”

Auriel nods. “Okay.”

He leaves the room. Auriel sighs and removes her shoes.

“What’s there to think about though? I’ll always be a freak, no matter where I go.”

Standing, she removes her shirt and drapes it over a chair.

“Arc’s very nice to me. Even though he knows the truth about my bloodlines.”

Auriel frowns as she finishes undressing and gets into bed.

“There was so much more I wanted to say to him. But…”

Reaching out with her magic Auriel flips the light switch off. She rolls over onto her back and stares up at the ceiling for a time.

“…but he deserves better.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads downstairs. Sniffing the air he raises an eyebrow.

“It can’t be.”

Entering the kitchen he finds a growing stack of pancakes on a platter in the center of the table. Dinky grins as she sets the table.

“Ready to eat, dad?!”

“Um… I guess. But what’s all this?”

Ember laughs. “Viktor wanted to surprise you with breakfast for supper.”

Viktor grins. “You never saw it coming, sir.”

Arc chuckles as he sits down. “No, I guess not.”

They sit down to eat. Dinky looks to her father.

“Hey, dad? I was just wondering something.”

“What is it?”

“How’d you get so good at talking to people?”

Ember looks up from her food. “That’s a strange question.”

Arc nods. “Yes. One that I don’t really understand.”

“I mean that you’re really good at getting people to listen and do what you want. Even ones you don’t know.”

Viktor nods. “Like when he was Lord Regent?”

“Right. Mom said when my dad spoke at the grand opening of the orphanage everyone took notice and listened intently.”

Cherry giggles. “Well, a lot of those ponies were locals.”

Sereb chuckles. “There were many fresh faces I had never laid eyes on in attendance as well though.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “Was there?”

“Yes, I suppose there was. Dinky, I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘charisma’.”

“What’s that, dad?”

“It’s something that makes others listen and take note.”

Ember frowns. “I don’t get it.”

“Think of it this way, Ember. You often don’t like my plans, yet you go along with them anyway. Why is that?”

“Because I… um… believe you can get the job done.”

Arc nods. “So even if a plan doesn’t have much chance to succeed you’d still go with me?”

Ember nods. “Right. After all, I’m still interested in this whole base infiltration plan. Even though a million things could go wrong.”

Arc turns to Dinky. “It’s kinda like being able to inspire those around you to be loyal. Sorry, but I can’t think of any other way to put it.”

“Like that nice lady at the clothing store?”

Ember grins wickedly. “Meet someone new, Arc?”

Cherry sighs. “It’s not like that, Ember.”

“Right. I was waiting for Dinky and Auriel to get done trying on clothes and this really… talkative woman sat down next to me.”

Dinky giggles. “I liked her! What was her name again?”


Ember and Viktor drop their silverware as their necks snap to look at him.


Ember grits her teeth. “HAMMER?!”

Cherry calls out. “She’s actually very personable when you get right down to it.”

Viktor frowns. “You mean when she’s not trying to kill you, sir?!”

Ember nods angrily. “I’m with Viktor on this one! Why didn’t you take her down then and there?!”

“Why would I?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Oh, I don’t know. Because she’s CRAZY?!”

Viktor nods in agreement. “You could have at least taken her prisoner, sir. That would certainly have hindered our opponent’s forces.”

“And do what with her? Keep her in our basement?”

“There’s always Canterlot Castle’s dungeon, sir.”

Dinky appears surprised. “She didn’t seem like a bad person though.”

Ember grits her teeth. “You didn’t see her fighting with your dad on that back road a while back, Dinky! She’s bad news!”

Arc nods. “I suppose that might be true. However, I can’t help but think there’s more to her than just mindless violence.”

“We’ve seen that firsthand though, sir!”

“Violence, yes. Mindless, no.”

Ember frowns. “As much as I hate to admit it, Hammer and the others always seem to be one step ahead of us. What they do is definitely well planned.”

Victor clenches a fist. “Right. If we could just get a break… find out what it is they’re really up to we might be able to stop them before they get any further.”

Arc grins. “Agreed. And I think I know just how to do that.”

Sereb chuckles. “Do you perhaps have a crystal ball, Arc?”

“Something almost as good.”

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper.

“What’s that, dad?”

“Hammer’s phone number.”

Ember, Viktor, and Sereb simultaneously start coughing as a piece of food goes down the wrong tube.

“You got her WHAT?!”

Arc shrugs. “She thought I’d like to go out to dinner some night and talk.”

Ember laughs. “Well, she can hope and dream all she likes. But that won’t make you go out with her, right Arc?”

“I was actually going to call her in a day or so.”

Viktor narrows his eyes. “You can’t be serious, sir.”

“I am. Look, there’s a chance she might let something slip that we can use. Maybe I can get her to tell me about herself and her sisters.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “I’ll be there too, right?”

Arc nods. “Of course. This isn’t a real date, after all. I’m gathering intel.”

Ember frowns. “Well, I want to come too!”

“Wouldn’t that blow the commander’s cover?”

Sereb nods. “Probably.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “By ‘probably’ you mean definitely, right?”

Ember glares at him. “This is dangerous, Arc! You shouldn’t go alone!”

Cherry calls out. “I’ll be there.”

“Someone… physical!”

Sereb raises a paw. “How about me?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I’ll handle it.”

Ember grits her teeth. “But…!”

“Look, I’ll make sure we stick to public places. I don’t think Hammer would risk drawing attention to herself by trying anything funny.”

“That and she doesn’t know you’re the Hero of Light, sir.”

Dinky grins. “Right. To her you’re just a normal human.”

“Meaning I’ll be just fine.”

Ember sighs. “You’re going to do this even if I disagree, aren’t you?”


“Fine. Just be careful over there.”

“I can listen in and track you via your earring, sir.”

Cherry groans. “It’s not nice to listen in on a date, Viktor!”

Arc sighs. “Normally I’d agree. But this is what would be called ‘extenuating circumstances’. Stay on comms.”

“Yes sir.”

Ember clenches a fist.. “And when were you planning on setting up this little date of yours?”

“I’ll call her on Monday and see if we can set something up for Wednesday.”

“Why not now, dad? After all, you told me not to wait until the last minute with my school project.”

“Normally, yes. But this is a bit different. If I call her too soon it might make me look desperate. Or like a weird stalker.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “I don’t get it.”

Sereb sighs. “Neither do I.”

“Well, I’m sure you know what you’re doing, dad.”

They finish their meal and pile the dishes in the sink. Arc yawns.

“We should probably get to bed.”

Ember nods. “Yeah.”

Dinky appears hopeful. “Can I sleep with you, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, sweetie. That’s okay for a filly, but you’re a young girl now.”


Ember smiles. “Come with me, Dinky. You can stay in my room. After all, it’s a pretty big bed.”


Viktor runs the water. “I’ll get these done before turning in for the night, sir.”

“Thanks. Just don’t stay up too late.”

“Yes sir.”

The trio climb the stairs together. As they reach the top Dinky turns to her father.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I just wanted to say thank you for letting me come. It means a lot to me.”

Arc kneels down and Dinky runs into his arms. The pair exchange a hug.

“Good night, Dinky.”

“Night dad.”

Arc kisses her gently on the top of her head before standing back up and watching her and Ember head for their room. He sighs and heads for bed.

“Pleasant dreams you two.”

Lying down in his parent’s bed, Arc quickly falls asleep. He dreams of lying in a sunny summer field as Rarity lays next to him in the warm grass. She nuzzles his side as he gently strokes her mane. Neither says a word for what feels like forever. Eventually their eyes meet and they move to kiss. However moments before they connect Arc wakes up. Groaning at the perceived missed opportunity he looks out the window. A warm summer rain pelts the glass making soothing noises which echo through the otherwise silent room. Suddenly something in the bed moves to press itself against his side.

“Did you leave Dinky to sleep with me, Ember?”

She shakes her head and sniffles.

“Is that you, Dinky? Did you have a bad dream?”

The sniffling continues as Arc moves to rub her back.

“There, there. I’m right here, sweetheart. You just…”

Arc suddenly stops talking as his hand touches bare skin.


Running his hand down her back, Arc feels the supple curve of an adult female’s side and a distinct lack of panties. Frowning he casts a Light Spell and pulls back the sheet.

“Ember, I thought I told you…!”

In the dim light from the weak spell Arc quickly sees his bedmate is not Ember. Auriel’s body lays pressed up against his. Her breathing is erratic and her body shakes with emotion.

“A-Auriel?! What are you…?!”

She raises her head and looks Arc in the eye. Tears stream down her face as she struggles to put her thoughts into words.

“I… I’m sorry… to wake you, Arc. It’s… I just…”

“Calm down. Just… try to think and tell me what’s wrong.”

“It… it was… a dream. At least I think it was.”

“What happened?”

“I… I woke up in my lab back in Tartarus with my father. But instead of being happy, he chased me outside yelling that I was no daughter of his. The rest of the city yelled and threw things at me as I ran.”

“That sounds terrible!”

“Eventually I reached the Gates of Tartarus. As I passed through I saw you waiting for me. But…”

She sniffles as fresh tears begin to flow.

“But you didn’t welcome me like I thought you would. Instead I was pushed back toward the gates. You tried to shove me back across, but my father was there pushing to keep me out. All the while you and him were yelling at me to get my filthy half-breed self out of your lands!”

Auriel drops her face onto Arc’s chest as she cries. He puts a hand on her back and does his best to comfort her.

“You don’t feel like you belong in either world, huh?”

Auriel shakes her head but does not raise it.

“Listen, Auriel. It was just a dream. Your father loves you for who you are. And you’re welcome here on Earth or back in Equestria as long as you like.”

“But I don’t belong there! Or here! Or in Tartarus!”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m a stupid halfling! We both know I shouldn’t even exist!”

“Don’t say that, Auriel!”

“Why not?! It’s true!”

“No it isn’t. You’ve made so many friends in Equestria. We all care about you, and want you to have a stable life.”

“But I’m a monster!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, you’re not. You’re a very kind young woman.”

“I’m not even that! You said so yourself!”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did! You said I look like someone named Diva! Someone very, very bad!”

“I said you LOOKED like her. But you’re not. You’re whomever you choose to be.”

“But… I just… I’m BAD!”

“No, you’re not.”

“Then what am I?!”

“My friend.”

Auriel sits up, a blank look on her face.

“I’m… what?”

“I said you’re my friend.”

“Even though I’m a half-demon?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Because I really like you. And because I choose to be.”


He puts a hand over her mouth.

“Auriel, stop saying things like that. I know who you are. I know your father is a demon and your mother is a human. I know that you’ve made wise and good decisions in the past. I know you willingly turned over the Bloodstone to me, knowing full well that your father would be upset. I know you faced The Dark One in Ponyville to protect everyone. And I know everything you’re doing is for the betterment of everyone in Tartarus and Equestria. Now I want you to tell me something. How much more do you have to do before you stop thinking you’re a monster?”

“I… I just feel like I need to make up for my very existence.”

“Considering all you’ve already done, what more can you do?”

“It’s… complicated.”

“Try explaining it to me then.”

“I can’t. Not yet anyways, as I don’t understand it myself.”

“When you do, I’ll be here to listen to you, okay?”

Auriel nods sadly as Arc continues talking.

“Now I want you to know something. No matter what you dream, or what thoughts go through your head, remember that you’re special to us. To Twilight, to Ember, to pretty much all of Ponyville, and… to me.”

Auriel smiles as Arc wipes away the tears from her eyes.

“Now then, you really should get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

“So do you, Arc.”

She looks away nervously before continuing.

“Um… might I… stay with you tonight.”


“I’m still really scared! That dream just felt so real!”

Arc sighs. “Okay. But I need you to do a favor for me.”

Auriel nods happily. “Anything!”

“Put on some pajamas first please.”

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