• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 23 - That Which Was Lost...

Arc and Auriel lie down on two empty hospital beds as Rose and Ember take some gauze and bandages out of a nearby cabinet and get to work bandaging their friend’s wounds. As they work Arc does not take his eyes off Twilight lying nearby. Rose helps him remove his heavily damaged armor. Arc calls out.

“How’s it going over there Nurse Redheart?!”

“I’m doing everything I can, sir, but your friend is very badly injured.”

“Anything I can do to help?!”

Redheart nods as she quickly picks up a syringe and taps it with her hoof. “You can start by not bleeding all over my Infirmary.”

Rose tosses Arc’s damaged and bloody armor to the side. “Please hold still Arc.”

Ember looks over her shoulder to Arc from Auriel’s side. “Don’t worry. Twilight’s in good hands here.”

Auriel nods as she lies back on the bed. Ember bandages her wounds. “Just let Rose bandage you up. You may be immortal with the Dragon’s Tear, but losing that much blood isn’t good for anyone!”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Ember does her best to bandage Auriel’s arm before putting a piece of gauze on her cheek.

“That’s probably going to require some stitches.”

Auriel sighs as Ember covers her with a blanket. “I’m just glad all of us made it out of there!”

Arc continues to look over at Twilight as Rose finishes putting antiseptic on his arm. “As am I.”

Rose wraps his arm with gauze and bandages. “Hopefully your wound will head as quickly as last time.”

Brightwing nods. “Yes! That was incredible!”

Sereb looks over as Rose gently pushes Arc to lie down and rest. “Please rest now. You’ve certainly earned it.”

Ember looks over. “Did anyone happen to see what happened to Wiseman?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m sure he made it out safely. That guy is just full of surprises!”

Auriel looks confused. “Who… was that?!”

“Someone we met back on Earth.”

“Your home world?! How?!”

Ember sighs. “Good question.”

“I also met him in Griffonstone. But how he transverses the dimensional barrier like that is a mystery.”

Rose covers Arc with a blanket as the Lunar Destiny makes its way back toward Canterlot. The sun sets and darkness falls over the land as Nurse Redheart continues to treat Twilight’s wounds. Eventually she steps back from the critically injured mare.

“That’s all I can do. The rest is up to her.”

Arc looks over to her, nearly frantic. “Nurse Redheart? How is she?!”

The nurse sighs as she walks over to Auriel to examine her injuries. “The wounds on her chest and belly are very deep, but fortunately for her, not deep enough to have pierced her organs. Probably due to the Roc’s talons catching on her armor. Frankly I’m amazed you were able to get her here at all! From what I could see up here, it’s miraculous that ANY of you made it back!”

Nurse Redheart looks over her shoulder at Twilight momentarily before returning her gaze to Arc soberly.

“Her back however is another story entirely.”

Sereb looks confused. “Her… back?”

“It looks like she took quite the blow from something.”

Auriel looks worried. “Is she really hurt that badly?!”

“I’m not fully sure yet. While I took x-rays a short time ago, I’m still waiting for them to properly develop. Whatever hit her did so with unimaginable force. We should know more about her condition and treatment options soon.”

Arc sighs. “Thank you, nurse.”

Brightwing frowns, having returned to her normal form. “The meanies were strong! But Brightwing and friends were stronger!”

Sereb nods. “That and we had help.”

Arc nods but continues to look at Twilight. “From the Lunar Destiny’s crew, Brightwing and Wiseman. Uh… any sign of him aboard ship?”

Ember shrugs. “No idea. We got back to the ship as fast as we could. Sereb?”

“My apologies, but I was busy taking care of Twilight.”

Rose looks to Arc. “My sensors showed him on the outer deck before I went inside with the others. Perhaps he is still out there.”

Auriel takes a sharp breath as a needle pierces her red skin. “That doesn’t seem very safe. OW! What was that for?!”

“Just a painkiller before I stitch you up, miss.”

Auriel frowns. “That painkiller HURT!”

Arc sighs as he lies back and patiently waits his turn. “Give it a moment, Auriel.”

In short order Auriel’s arm is numb. Nurse Redheart begins to meticulously clean and stitch up the wound before dressing it professionally. As she finishes wrapping a fresh bandage around the arm she smiles at her patient.

“There you go, miss.”

“Thank you. It feels much better now.”

Nurse Redheart nods as she cleans the wound on Auriel’s face. “Just doing my job. Fortunately this cut doesn’t seem to be too deep.”

As Nurse Redheart makes her way over to Arc there is the sound of hoofsteps approaching. Lemon Hearts enters the Infirmary. Redheart begins unwrapping Arc’s arm.

“Let’s take a look at you now sir.”

Arc looks up as Ember and Rose help him remove his torn shirt. “Is everything alright, Lemon Hearts?”

“Sorry to barge in like this, sir, but Captain Tight Ship sent me over here for an update on you and your friend’s conditions.”

Nurse Redheart nods. “I was able to stabilize Twilight’s condition and she is resting. Hero of Light Arc and his friend’s wounds are not life threatening. Everypony else appears to have bumps and bruises, but are otherwise fine.”

“Do we need to redirect the ship to a nearby hospital?”

Nurse Redheart shakes her head. “That won’t be necessary. In fact, it would be dangerous to transport Twilight anywhere in her condition.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Very well. We should arrive back at Canterlot Castle by tomorrow morning.”

Nurse Redheart nods and goes back work.

“Any damage to the ship, Lemon Hearts?”

“A bit of scratched paint is all, sir. I don’t mind telling you, we didn’t enjoy watching all of you flail around down there.”

Sereb sighs. “It was no picnic for us either.

Ember nods. “At least we got what we came for.”

Arc sighs as his gaze returns to Twilight as Nurse Redheart administers another IV bottle.

“That we did. But at quite the cost.”

“Brightwing knows unicorn friend will be just fine soon!”

Auriel nods sadly. “I sure hope so.”

Lemon Hearts shifts on her hooves nervously. “Sir? There is one other matter that the captain wanted you to be aware of.”

“Is it about the Dragon Lands?!”

“No sir. Captain Tight Ship was a bit… unnerved about your other friend coming aboard.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think he needs to worry about Brightwing. She’s on our side, after all.”

“That isn’t it, sir. This is about the… other human that followed all of you.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide “Wiseman is here?!”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Yes. He’s in Library with Wrangler. She didn’t want him to be able to wander the ship unaccompanied. But considering the danger out there and all he did to help in the battle, we couldn’t ask him to leave either.”

Ember frowns. “I wonder why he decided to stick around this time.”

“All he said was for you to meet him as soon as you could, sir. Forgive me, but this is all so mysterious!”

Arc nods. “It’s okay. You did the right thing.”

Nurse Redheart looks at Arc with an empty syringe levitating next to her. “I’d like to take a blood sample, sir.”

“What for?”

“The beast who bit you may have been diseased. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

“Agreed. Go ahead.”

Nurse Redheart quickly draws a sample of blood from Arc’s bandaged arm and heads over to a desk.

“I’ll analyze this at once sir.”

“Thank you. Can I get up now?”

Cherry groans. “You should be resting, Arc!”

Ember frowns. “What’s so important?!”

Arc slowly sits up. “Wiseman is aboard the Lunar Destiny. This is my chance to ask him a few questions before he gets bored and disappears again.”

Sereb growls as Arc stands, albeit unsteadily. “This is unwise, Arc. What if he should attack you?”

Arc pulls a fresh shirt out of his ring. “If he wanted to hurt me I don’t think he would have gone through the trouble of helping us escape back there.”

Ember frowns as she helps Arc put on his shirt. “Well I for one don’t trust that guy!”

Rose nods. “Nor do I!”

Auriel looks up. “What about your scanners, Rose. Anything you can tell us about him?”

“No. There’s some kind of energy field around him that prevents this unit’s scanners from gathering any data on him.”

Arc frowns. “Nothing at all?”

Rose sighs. “If one’s basic optical sensors did not register his presence, the only other logical answer would be that he didn’t exist.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Trust me. He’s real.”

Nurse Redheart calls over from her lab table. “Sir, I don’t recommend you leaving the Infirmary in your condition.”

“I won’t be long, Nurse Redheart.”

Rose nods. “I’ll come with you.”

Ember sighs. “That’s probably a good idea. I’ll stay here with Twilight and Auriel.”

“Thank you. Um… Sereb?”

Sereb smiles. “I will stay and watch over Twilight as well.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “I appreciate it. While I don’t like the idea of leaving her right now, it’s not every day Wiseman shows up and actually says he wants to talk.”

He walks over to Twilight’s bedside and takes her hoof in his hand. He gives it a small squeeze as he gently pets her mane.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, Twilight. The others are here too, so you’re not alone. You just rest now, okay?”

Arc looks down at her for another moment before departing from the Infirmary with Rose. He sighs as they walk down the corridor.

“This is all my fault.”

“How so? If it wasn’t for me, you and mother never would have even BEEN there!”

Cherry calls out to them. “No one asks to be born, Rose. None of what happened if your fault.”

Arc sighs. “Right. It’s mine.”

“I don’t believe that either, Arc. Twilight wanted to come on this trip, even though she knew the risks.”

Rose nods. “Just like we all did.”

“If I had been a little faster, or a bit stronger then maybe… maybe Twilight would be headed to the Library WITH me now!”

Cherry sighs. “I’m certain she doesn’t blame you for this, Arc. So please don’t blame yourself.”

Arc shakes his head. “Until Nurse Redheart tells me she’s going to be okay, I can’t really help it.”

A few minutes later they arrive at the ship’s small Library. Upon entering they find Wiseman sitting at a table reading. Wrangler stands dutifully across the room with a rifle in her hooves. Arc walks over to the table and stands before the man.


He looks up from his book. “Arc.”

There is a moment of silence between them as Wiseman looks at Arc’s bandaged arm. The blood is just beginning to seep through.

“Nice shirt you have there.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thanks. It’s a new style here in Equestria. The bloodstains only add to the effect.”

He looks over to Wrangler.

“I think I can take it from here.”

Wrangler holds the gun tighter. “You sure, sir? I’d be willing to stick around in case you need backup.”

“I’m sure. Thank you for keeping an eye on him for me.”

Wrangler does not take her eyes off Wiseman as she walks over to the door. “I’ll be just outside if you need help, sir.”


She leaves the room as Arc sits down across from their visitor. Wiseman looks up at Arc as he sets down the book.

“So how is Twilight?”

“You tell me, mister all-knowing!”

“I never claimed to know everything, Arc.”

Rose frowns. “Then how did you know just when to show up back there?!”

Wiseman folds his hands and rests them on the table as he looks over at her. “When you are as old as I am, Rose, some things you just know.”

Arc shakes his head. “Like that?! Rose was just BORN a few days ago! How could you possibly…?!”

“Really now. As friendly as you two are, I would have guessed that you had known each other for quite some time.”

Arc sighs. “Well… I have other questions for you!”

Wiseman chuckles. “Do you now? Because you haven’t answered mine yet.”

“Twilight is… stable. For now.”

“Stable is a good place to be in life.”

Arc shakes his head. “I wouldn’t know. Now tell me! Will Twilight be all right?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “I suppose that’s up to you.”

Rose looks confused. “But Arc isn’t a doctor!”

“True. But there are many other ways to help others."

Arc looks coldly at their guest. “I suppose that’s true. But I didn’t come here to answer YOUR questions! I came here so you could answer some of MINE!”

“Go ahead.”

“Who are you?!”

“As I said earlier, I am Wiseman.”

Rose sighs. “Really?! That doesn’t clear anything up!”

“Perhaps not. But it is who I am.”

“Fine then! What about that strange power you used back there?!”

Rose nods. “And how could you use magic when no one else could?!”

Wiseman looks over at Arc. “You have Dragon Magic, do you not?”

“That’s right. And you have… Unicorn Magic?”

Wiseman shakes his head. “I do not.”

Rose furrows her brow. “Dragon Magic perhaps?”


Arc glares at him! “Then what was that back there?!”

“Something very old that is quite out of your reach. Perhaps someday you will be able to understand it. But that day is not today.”

“Did you have anything to do with what happened to Brightwing?”

“I did not. Although I must admit it was quite the spectacle, was it not?”

Rose nods. “Did you know it would happen?!”

“I knew it was… possible. How and when it would manifest was anyone’s guess though.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I get that you fancy yourself as ‘Wiseman’ and all. But are you at least… somewhat human?”

Wiseman nods. “I am just as human as you yourself are, Arc.”

Rose looks him over. “For a human, you certainly are hard to scan. What’s under that blue cloak of yours?”

“Flesh and bone. The same as Arc.”

Rose frowns. “There must be more to your garb than you’re letting on. Where did you get it?”

“A very dear friend of mine, who shall remain anonymous for now, gave it to me.”

Arc sighs. “Is it magic?”

“That is… complicated.”

Arc rests his face in his hands. “You really are good at NOT giving straight answers, aren’t you?”

“Only because you’re asking the wrong questions.”

“Okay! How do you go from Earth to Equestria then?!”

“Magic. The same as you ultimately.”

Arc looks confused. “But we have the only machine capable of such travel.”

Wiseman chuckles. “Yet here I am.”


Wiseman appears puzzled. “Why what, Rose?”

“Why did you help us back there?”

Arc nods. “And why did you help me back on Earth?!”

Wiseman nods folds his hands again. “Very good. Now you are asking the important questions.”

Rose frowns. “Then answer them!”

“Someone I respected a very long time ago used to say… you don’t need a reason to help others.”

Arc nods. “Very true. So you’re saying you helped us simply because you wanted to?”

“Not exactly. Everything I do is for a reason. While those reasons may not be readily apparent, but I assure you that I am not your enemy.”

“How do we know that?!”

“Rose is right. For all we know, you could just be manipulating these events for your own ends.”

Wiseman shakes his head. “As you did in Griffonstone, Arc?”

“That… that’s different!”

“No different. Only different in your mind.”

Wiseman leans forward.

“I know why you’re doing it, and I approve of your methodology. What happened to Raven was truly reprehensible and should never be repeated. However, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture.

Rose looks confused. “What bigger picture?”

Wiseman shakes his head as he sits back in the chair. “All I am saying is don’t lose sight of your original goal. Nothing more or less will do.”

Arc sighs as he leans back in his own chair. “I’ve probably already said this, but can’t you ever give a straight answer?”

“I do. When the right question is asked.”

Rose nods. “Okay then. What other advice can you give us? Other than about the Griffon Empire, that is.”

“Asking for help now, Arc?”

“If it will save lives, yes! I’m aware you know more than you let on!”

“Fair enough. Don’t take things at face value.”


Wiseman looks to Rose. “Everyone has secrets, miss. Most of them are, for the most part, harmless. However… those in power often hold many… MANY dark secrets! Especially those who have been in power for, shall we say… quite some time now.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Are you talking about the princesses?!”

Cherry gasps. “But they’ve ruled this land for centuries! Are you trying to tell us they can’t be trusted?!”

Wiseman chuckles. “Ah, there’s that pretty voice! I was wondering when you would speak up, Cherry Jubilee.”

“And that’s another matter! How is it you were able to hear me and Arc communicate telepathically?!”

Arc nods. “And see me when I was cloaked?!”

Rose frowns. “Such a thing should not be possible, as there are no known spells that allow for such things.”

“You are correct. There are no KNOWN spells that allow for such things!”

“So you know forbidden magic then?”

Wiseman shrugs. “I suppose that would be one way of putting it. Although how can one unlearn what they have already learned?”

Rose looks to him steadily. “If you do know that which is forbidden, do you use such power to know when someone needs your help?”

Arc nods. “Like back on Earth? Or earlier today for that matter.”

“Now you’re getting to the heart of the matter.”

“Well? Is it true?”

Wiseman is silent for a time. “The answer is… yes and no.”

Arc frowns. “That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Let’s me just say that I know a great number of… possible outcomes to certain scenarios.”

Rose looks surprised! “Like today?”


Arc sighs. “And how did we do?”

Wiseman shrugs. “I suppose it could have gone much worse.”

Rose frowns. “Are you saying you could have done better than Arc did?!”

“Based on my experience, yes.”

Arc looks at Wiseman, steadily. “Fine! What would you have done to get back to the ship?”

Wiseman thinks for several moments before speaking. “A number of different things. For starters, you could have used your earring to call the Lunar Destiny and have them radio Canterlot for reinforcements.”

Rose shakes her head. “But they would have taken forever to get there.”

“Half a day, yes.”

“And what were we supposed to eat and drink?”

“The crew could have dropped supplies for you in the courtyard. Rose here was certainly fast enough to safely retrieve them earlier, was she not?”

Rose nods. “It would have been risky.”

“And Arc’s plan wasn’t, Rose?”

“I never said that.”

“You also could have all jumped up onto the wall. Then your only opponents would have been the Rocs. It would certainly have been easier to fight them off after you dropped down on the other side of the wall, as the statues and sphinx would most likely have not left the courtyard.”

Arc frowns. “They might have though.”

“True. However it stands to reason that Princess Celestia has them conditioned not to, so as to avoid wanderers.”

Rose nods. “Makes sense.”

“Are you saying there was a way to get everyone back to the Lunar Destiny unharmed?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “Possibly. I guess we’ll never know for absolute certain.”

“Do you feel I made the wrong choice?”

“Not the one I would have made, certainly. But I am sure you made the best choice you could with what you had at hand.”

Rose nods. “We all did our best. Arc the most of all.”

Wiseman nods at him. “I am certain you did. But… there is something else, isn’t there?

Arc looks away. “What are you talking about?!”

“Come now! I know there’s another question you want to ask me. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.”

“You’re right. I… I just wanted to know for certain…”

Arc takes a deep breath and looks straight at Wiseman.

“Are… are you my father?”

Wiseman looks as Arc for some time.

“What makes you think that?”

Rose scowls at him. “Come on! At least give a straight answer to THAT!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well… your demeanor is similar. The fact you know who I am and… I guess I just have a gut feeling about it. So… are you?”

Wiseman sighs. “You haven’t seen him since you were a boy, have you?”

Arc frowns. “Seriously. It’s kinda creepy how you know these things.”

Wiseman picks up his book and stands up. “I’m sure your father had his reasons for doing what he did.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “You know where he is?”


Rose sighs. “Even I saw that one coming.”

Wiseman walks around the table to him as he opens the book. “Someday you will understand, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “Maybe. Be sure to check that book out if you plan on taking it, or Twilight will have a fit.”

He chuckles. “Not to worry. It’s actually one of mine. In fact, I think I’d like to share something from it with you.”

Wiseman pulls a paper out of the book. Rose looks confused as he slides it across the table to Arc.

“What is this?”

“A gift from me to you. This special sigil will come in handy during this particular time. Especially for a very special purple unicorn. In a nutshell, it restore very specific magical enchantments.”

Arc and Rose both look down at the paper for a moment. After a few moments Arc looks up.

“I don’t get it. When would I…?”

He and Rose look around the room. Wiseman is nowhere to be seen. Arc stands up quickly.

“What the…?! Not again!”

Rose sighs. “Does he do this often?”

“Every time!”

She looks again at the paper in Arc’s hand. “What do you suppose he intends for us to do with this?”

Arc folds the paper and puts it in his pocket. “I think I might just have an idea on what the heck that nutjob was getting at. Come on, Rose!”

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