• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 21 - A Quick Egress

Arc and company make their way back to the entrance of the temple with the help of the map Rose had compiled. Twilight looks to the android leading them.

“Are we nearly there?”

Rose nods. “A few more minutes of walking and we will be, mother.”

Sereb smiles. “Good. I miss the sight of the sky and sun.”

Arc nods. “At this point I think we all do, Sereb.

“Brightwing miss the wind and the smells of food on it!”

Auriel chuckles. “And I miss the lab.”

Twilight looks up at her horn. “I’ll be glad when I can cast magic again.”

Rose turns back to them. “I’m just glad we didn’t have to face any foes down here in the labyrinth. Such close quarters combat would have been especially dangerous.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But if Ahuizotl was right once we leave the temple that will change VERY fast!”

Twilight appears uneasy. Brightwing flutters over to land on her back.

“Friend worried about what lies ahead?”

“No… it’s just… I… well…”

Arc looks over to her. “What is it, Twilight?”

“I… I know this probably isn’t the best time, but… before we leave can I talk to you in private, Arc?”


Arc and Twilight stop and look ahead at the others.

“Everyone keep going. We’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

Ember nods. “Just make it quick!”

Rose look back at him. “Just take two more lefts and a right, Arc. Then you should be able to see the light from the entrance.”

“Thanks. Wait for us there, alright?”

The others nod and continue on down the path. As they round the corner out of sight Arc turns to his friend.

“So what’s on your mind, Twilight?”

“It’s just… I… I wanted to tell you something.”

“Um… okay. What is it?”

Twilight sighs. “This is probably going to be really dangerous! Getting from the temple back to the Lunar Destiny and all.”

Arc nods. “That it will be. And I want you to be extra careful out there! You’re the only one of us who doesn’t have any real combat experience to speak of!”

“I’ll do my best! Just… if something goes wrong and I… I mean… something happens to me, just… just keep going! Don’t look back!”


She holds up a hoof for silence. “This entire situation is completely my fault! All of it! If anyone should be hurt, I’d never be able to forgive myself!”

Arc kneels down in front of Twilight and removes her helmet. He sets it down next to her as she sits down on her haunches.

“Look Twilight, ALL of us are getting out of there together! We’re not leaving ANYONE behind!”

“But… this is all my…!”

Arc puts his hands on the sides of Twilight’s face and looks into her violet eyes. “It was a mistake, Twilight. An accident. What you did… you did for me. And I’m touched that you wanted to make me a human companion.”

“But… but I was WRONG!”

“That may be. But Rose is here now, and she’s here to stay. I’m happy that she’s been able to look past how you wanted to dismantle her and even regards you as her mother.”

“There’s that too! What do I do about this?! I never EVER intended to be a mother to ANYPONY!”

Arc sighs and looks into Twilight’s eyes again. “Just… just be there for her. Like a mother should.”

“That’s easy for you to say. Look at the wonderful job you’re doing raising Dinky! You’re the perfect father figure for her.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Right. The perfect father. Always off somewhere far away doing dangerous things like this.”

“To protect others!”

“All well and good. But I’d rather just be there to tuck her in every night.”

“But as the Hero of Light you can’t always be there to…”

Arc interrupts her. “That’s right! But you CAN be!”

Twilight looks confused. “For Dinky?”

“For Rose! You can teach her, love her and be there for her!”

Twilight sighs. “If we all survive this.”

“Think positive. Now is there anything else you want to say before we rejoin the others?”

She blushes slightly. “I… um… we might not make it out, so I should probably…”

Twilight sighs and hangs her head sadly.

“…so… I should probably not keep you any longer than I already have so we can get back to the ship.”

She turns but Arc stops her.

“Just a minute, Twilight. There’s something I wanted to tell you too.”

“There… there is?”

Arc nods. “It’s like you said earlier. This is going to be dangerous.”

He puts his hands on Twilight’s shoulders.

“Before we go, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate our friendship. You… you’ve always been there to lend a hoof when I needed you. Now more so than ever!”

“Arc… I…”

“So I guess I just didn’t want to march into uncertain doom without telling you how important you are to me.”

He leans forward and gives Twilight a large hug which she returns. They stay in that position for some time before they finally break the embrace. Twilight looks to him as she puts her helmet back on.

“I… we should probably catch up with the others now.”

“Right. Don’t want them worrying about us.”

Twilight laughs nervously as they continue down the corridor together. “Can’t let them have all the fun, right?!”

“Just… be careful out there, okay?”

Twilight points to his chest plate as Arc tucks the relic inside his armor. “I will! But you be careful too! Just because you’re immortal while you wear the Dragon’s Tear doesn’t mean you can’t feel pain after all, right?!”

Arc nods. “I suppose not.”

The pair rejoin the others who are observing the movement outside the temple from relative safety. Ember doesn’t look back at the pair as they approach.

“You two sure took your sweet time! We’ve got a mess over here!”

Sereb frowns. “It is not as bad as all that, Ember. Although that is complicated by the fact we still can’t use our magic even out here.”

Auriel shudders. “I disagree! That is quite the horde out there!”

Rose nods. “That it is!”

Arc and Twilight walk over and peer out at the courtyard. The statues are up and moving around randomly. Each one flanked by two sphinx. The Rocs flying overhead appear more agitated than before. Brightwing grins.

“Ouchy time?”

Twilight sighs. “I certainly hope not.”

Cherry calls out to them. “If everypony is going to get back to the Lunar Destiny safely, we’re going to need quite the plan.”

Arc nods as he sets down his pack. “Right! Uh… anyone have one?”

Auriel looks over. “What if we just run as fast as we can right down the middle?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Unwise. We could very easily be surrounded.”

Rose looks up at the Rocs flying overheard. “Surrounded on all sides is right! Including the air!”

Ember sighs. “What do you think, Arc?”

“I’d like to know what they can do before we make a plan.”

Twilight frowns. “How?”

“Run out there and find out.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Very funny.”

Arc chuckles. “Not all of us. Just me. With the Dragon’s Tear I’m immortal, remember?!”

Rose shakes her head. “Immortal or not, I should be the one to go. This entire mission was because of me, remember?”

Twilight sighs. “No, it was because of me. I should go.”

Ember frowns. “My dad insisted we do this. So I should be the one to test the waters.”

Sereb growls. “While bound to Arc’s service, I am sworn to protect and serve him. I would like the honor of going first.”

Auriel steps forward. “My extraction technique is really to blame for this. I’ll go.”

“Brightwing go too!”

Arc sighs as he studies their opponent’s movements. “It’s nice to see everyone is so eager to face their doom here.”

Cherry sighs. “Yourself included, Arc!”

“I’m not dying here. And neither is anyone else. We’ll figure this one out.”

They continue to watch their opponents. Rose frowns.

“I do not detect any sort of pattern in their movements.”

Sereb growls. “While I hate to admit it, I believe they really do need to be engaged to see how they react in battle.”

Rose turns to him. “May I accompany you, Arc?”

“No Rose. Stay here with the others. I’ll just be a minute.”

He turns to everyone.

“All of you stay here and watch our opponents while I’m out there. I’d like to only have to test them once.”

Ember nods worriedly. “Don’t get hurt out there, Arc!”

Arc looks out over the courtyard. “That might prove difficult.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts. Come in please.”

“Right here sir. Are you alright in there? We’ve been trying to contact you off and on for hours!”

“Yes, we’re all fine here. Radios and magic don’t seem to work down there. Now I need you to listen to me. We’re going to do something a bit crazy over here. No matter what you see or hear, I order you and the Lunar Destiny not to move from your current position or intervene in any way. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. But if I may ask, what are you planning to do?!”

“A dry run to see what these things are capable of. I just need everyone over there to trust me, okay?”

Lemon Hearts nods. “I understand sir. Do be careful!”

“I will. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and takes a deep breath.

“Okay. Here goes nothing…”

Arc charges out of the temple and down the stone steps to the courtyard. The statues move as one to intercept him along with their sphinx counterparts. He evades their attacks as he runs around the yard. At one point they surround him, but Arc is able to escapes by jumping up onto the wall. Auriel turns to the others.

“So far, so good.”

Ember nods as she nervously bites at her claws. “Come on Arc… get out of there!”

As Arc lands on the wall several Roc’s dive at him. The maniacal birds knock him back down into the courtyard. Brightwing calls out to him.

“Friend! Get up!”

Sereb growls. “The ground is certain death, Arc!”

Arc jumps to his feet as the sphinx surround him. Twilight cries out.

“Blast them, Arc!”

Arc calls back to them. “Still no magic!”

He swings his spear at a half dozen sphinx. They evade and counter. The broken statues slowly recompose themselves and turn their attention back toward Arc, who is too busy parrying to notice them. Cherry screams.


But Arc does not hear her over the din of battle. One of the statues grabs him from behind to hold him in place while the other slams it’s spear into his stomach. The weapon easily pierces his armor as well as the statue holding Arc. A trail of blood drips down from the spear as it is removed. Rose rushes forth at lightning speed as the statue tosses Arc aside toward a pack of waiting sphinx.

“Everyone stay here!”

Rose calls forth her cannon and blade as she deftly dodges opponents to get to Arc’s side. She slashes at any who approach, grabs Arc, blasts the ground in front of her with her cannon and uses the explosion to propel them back toward the temple. The process takes mere seconds from start to finish. Before anyone else can even react Arc is back with them, bleeding and gasping for breath. Rose gently lies him down a little ways back from the entrance as Arc instinctively claws at his armor in an attempt to get to his wound.

“It’s okay, Arc! You’re safe now!”

Ember and Ariel rush forward and quickly remove Arc’s ruined armor as his earring chirps. Lemon Heart’s voice can be heard.

“Sir?! Are you all right?!”

Auriel leans in close to Arc’s ear. “No! Arc is hurt! Send help!"

Arc winces at the pain of his armor being pulled from his bloody clothes. “Belay that order, Lemon Hearts! I’m fine! Arc out!”

Twilight frowns. “You are NOT!”

Sereb looks at the gaping wound in Arc’s belly. “This is bad!”

Twilight opens her belt and removes some bandages. “We’re going to do our best to help you, Arc!”

She turns to the others as she applies pressure.

“There’s another med kit in his satchel! Hurry!”

Rose nods. “I’ll get it!”

The med kit is brought. Auriel and Twilight put gauze on the wound in an effort to stop the bleeding. Brightwing grabs the blanket from the pack and begins to unroll it. Twilight wipes a bloody hoof on her forehead as she finishes her work.

“I think we’ve got it! Arc, can you hear me?!”

Arc nods weakly. “Y-yes. Thank… thank you, Twilight.”

Brightwing flutters overhead and gently lays the blanket over Arc’s bloody form as Twilight forces a smile.

“Save your thanks for Rose! She’s the one who brought you back!”

Rose nods. “I had to! You weren’t going to make it out there!”

Ember points at the gold pendant around Arc’s neck. “Stupid Dragon’s Tear! THAT’S immortal?!”

Sereb sighs. “I suppose time will tell. If Arc’s body regenerates, he is.”

Twilight does not take her eyes off of him. “Is there anything we can do for you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I think I just need to rest for now.”

Ember frowns sadly. “We should probably get you back to the ship as soon as possible! That wound really is bad!”

Auriel nods. “Right! You’ve got to be suffering from massive internal bleeding!”

Cherry responds in a nervous voice. “To say nothing for infection!”

Sereb sighs. “We don’t even know if that pendant still works after all these years.”

Rose nods soberly. “I agree. You need help, Arc!”

Arc coughs. “A-agreed. Plan?”

Ember stands up. “A frontal attack. Rose and I will draw their attention from either side as Sereb carries you, Twilight, Brightwing and Auriel back to the ship.”

Twilight frowns and looks over as she finishes bandaging the wound. “What about you two?!”

“Don’t worry about us! When you two get back to the ship, we’ll follow!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Unlikely.”

Ember picks up her spear from next to Arc. “If anyone else has a plan, I’m all for it! But I’m not afraid to fight and die to protect the one’s I care for!”

“No. Wait…”

Rose kneels down next to him. “Arc?! Don’t talk! Save your strength!”

Twilight smiles slightly. “I… I think the tear worked! The bleeding isn’t seeping through nearly as much as I thought it would!”

Brightwing looks over. “Friend okay?”

Arc nods, weakly. “I think I’m heading in the right direction.”

Cherry sighs happily. “Your strength is coming back, Arc! Albeit slowly.”

Auriel looks him over. “How do you feel?!”

“It hurts quite a bit. But I think I can take it.”

Twilight looks into his eyes. “Anything we can do?!”

“I think I just need a bit of rest.”

Rose looks concerned. “Are you cold? You’re shivering!”

“A little.”

Twilight gets under the blanket and lies down next to Arc as Ember, Sereb, and Brightwing go back to watching the statues and their cohorts. She smiles as she carefully moves her body next to his.

“I’ll keep you warm.”

“No, Twilight. You’ll get all bloody from leaning against me.

She points a hoof at her blood-covered armor and face. “I think it’s a bit late to be worried about that! Just… just let me do this for you, okay?!”


Rose lies down on the other side of him and snuggles up.

“You had us worried! Please don’t do that again!”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. Thanks for… for coming after me, Rose.”

I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing!”

Twilight snuggles up closer to him. “Please Arc! Rest now!”

Arc lies back and closes his eyes. “Okay. But just a short rest. We need to get out of here soon.”

Ember looks back from the entrance. “Just take it easy for a while. We’ll keep watch here.”


Auriel looks to Ember. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

An hour or so later the sun begins to set. Auriel nudges Arc gently.


He slowly opens his eyes and look up into Auriel’s luminous black and green eyes.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but are you feeling any better?”

“Actually, yes.”

Arc begins to sit up. Twilight and Rose open their eyes as well. Twilight’s eyes grow wide.

“Arc?! What are you doing?!”

Rose nods. “You need to take it easy!”

He touches the bandages on his midsection tenderly. “Thanks, but I’m feeling okay now.”

Twilight frowns. “That isn’t possible.”

Auriel frowns. “Maybe we should change his bandages and see.”

Rose nods. “Good idea.”

Twilight and Rose carefully unwrap the gauze and bandages. Auriel looks the wound over.

“It does look quite a bit better.”

Twilight looks surprised. “That it does!”

Rose scans Arc’s bloody stomach for a moment longer before touching it gently. “I thought so.”

Arc looks over to her. “What is it, Rose?”

“I was just confirming with my eyes what my scanners were telling me.”

Twilight looks up. “Which is…?”

“The wound is completely healed!”

Arc and Twilight both appear surprised. “WHAT?!”

Twilight pokes at Arc with her hoof. “How is that possible?!”

“Huh… I guess the Dragon’s Tear works. Neat!”

Rose looks to him, wide-eyed. “You were TESTING it?!”

“Yes. But not intentionally. My plan was to engage the statues for a bit before retreating back here. They were a bit stronger and faster than I thought though.”

Ember frowns. “But I thought the Dragon’s Tear was supposed to grant immortality! How is it you were hurt?!”

Sereb sighs. “Perhaps the Dragon’s Tear has been weakened over the years. Nothing lasts forever.”

Twilight nods. “Magic items need to be used regularly to maintain their effects. Just sitting here sustaining one creature, who probably already has limited immortality, didn’t cut it.”

“So it’s powers of protection are weaker than we thought, huh? I guess I’d better remember that.”

He slowly stands up a bit wobbily. Twilight and Rose do their best to steady him.

“Easy there! Your wound may be gone, but you still lost a LOT of blood!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Yeah, I’ll try. Let’s see if the others have figured anything out about our little statue problem.”

They head over to Ember and Sereb who are watching their opponent’s movements carefully. Ember does not look over, but smiles at his recovery nonetheless

“Feeling better?”

“Much! You two figure out anything we can use?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Yes and no.”

Ember sighs. “Their movement really are seemingly random.”

“Brightwing not see anything special about them! Other than they are mean!”

Sereb nods. “When Ahuizotl lost control of them, they retained their only order thus far. Kill.”

Ember frowns. “Agreed. Now I don’t like to say it, but I think there isn’t any way out of here other than to just run for it.”

Auriel looks out over the multitude of opponents before them. “We’ll never make it!”

Brightwing giggles. We could fly over the meanies!”

Twilight looks up. “I get the feeling the Rocs would just force us down. Princess Celestia really thought of everything.”

Cherry sighs. “Perhaps she truly did.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “Princess Celestia… THAT’S IT!”

Rose looks hopeful. “You have an idea, Arc?”

“I just might! Now then our opponents are, for the most part, brainless, right?!”

Ember nods. “I guess. But how does that help us?!”

“They can’t read into a deeper strategy. Any kind of deception or misdirection would probably be very effective on them.”

Twilight shrugs. “I guess we have that much on our side. Do you think it will be enough?”

Sereb frowns. “Probably not.”

Arc nods. “Agreed, Sereb. But I have an additional idea that may just seal the deal.”

Auriel looks worried. “What is it?”

“Something Princess Celestia couldn’t have possibly accounted for. Outside help!”

Ember grins “The Lunar Destiny?”


He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts. Come in please.”

“This is Lemon Hearts! Are you sure you’re okay sir?!”

“Very! Listen, we’re going to need a bit of help getting out of here. These statues, sphinx and Rocs don’t seem very agreeable.”

“Agreed, sir! What can we do?”

“Have Tight Ship circle around the temple. Plot a course that puts the Lunar Destiny at our backs.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “For what purpose, sir?”

“To introduce these guys to the Destiny’s cannons. Wait for my order to begin bombardment.”

“Yes sir! We’ll get into position and let you know when we’re ready to attack.”

“Good. Keep me posted. Arc out.”

He touches his earring again to shut it off before turning to the others.

“Listen everyone. We ARE getting out of here! ALL of us!”

Ember sighs. “Do you think the air support will be enough?”

“I do.”

Auriel nods thoughtfully. “This plan really is sound. The Lunar Destiny should keep the Rocs at least somewhat distracted.”

Twilight smiles. “While they’re distracted, we can get away!”

“Right. With a bit of help from some well-placed shots of the cannons.”

Ember frowns. “Won’t that be dangerous for US?!”

Sereb sighs. “It is safer than staying here.”

Arc shrugs. “Sorry everyone, but that’s the best I can come up with. With any luck we can cause enough chaos to allow us to escape.”

His earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“We’re in position and ready to begin bombardment!”

“Negative. Fly over the temple and see what the Rocs do first. If they attack, shoot them down.”

“Yes sir! Lemon Hearts out!”

Arc turns to the others. “Let’s wait and see what happens.”

A short time later the Lunar Destiny flies over the temple. Neither the Rocs nor the statues seem to mind. Rose nods.

“That answers that question.”

Ember frowns. “Maybe. What do you think they’ll do when the ship starts shooting at them?!”

Sereb chuckles. “Most likely they will go after the ship.”

Auriel nods. “If they have brains, that is!”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think they do, as they’re massed produced magically conjured creatures. But only by doing something will we know for certain.”

Lemon Heart’s voice can be heard over Arc’s earring.

“We’ve completed our maneuver, sir. No movement. Shall we commence the operation?”

“Not yet. Get back into position and await my orders.”

“Yes sir. I’ll notify you when we are ready. It should only take a few minutes.”

Arc turns back to the others again.

“Everyone ready?”

They nod soberly. Twilight heads over to where she, Rose and Arc had been napping.

“Let me get this mess cleaned up before we go.”

Arc walks over to Twilight. “I’ll help you. Everyone else get ready to run like you’ve never run before!”

They pick up the used bandages and blanket. Arc looks over the mass of blood and linens.

“Wow. How much blood did I lose?!”

Twilight shakes her head as she folds up the blanket and puts it back in the satchel. “Quite a bit! Frankly I’m amazed your even walking around after that. Dragon’s Tear or not.”

The mess cleaned, Arc picks up the satchel and puts it over his shoulder. Twilight sighs.

“I guess that’s everything.”

She turns back to the entrance.



Arc walks over to her and kneels down. “Would you please do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

Arc puts his hands on her shoulders as he looks her in the eye. “If this doesn’t work out right, I want you to promise me you’ll keep running toward the Lunar Destiny and not look back. Okay?!”

“WHAT?! I can’t do that!”

“Just… please. For me?”

Twilight sighs. “I… I’ll do my very best to stay safe out there. I’m really sorry, but that’s the best I can do.”

Arc puts his arms around her as the pair share an embrace. “Thanks. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to my first friend.”

Twilight hugs him tighter. “You stay safe too! I know you have the Dragon’s Tear and all, but…”

Arc nods as he puts the helmet back on Twilight’s head. “I’ll be fine. You can count on it.”

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