• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Luna's Confession

Twilight smiles at Luna as their meal concludes.

“Thank you for your time, Luna.”

“Anything I can do to help, Twilight.”

Ember looks at the clock. “Audiences will be starting soon.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “Considering the new guests, should they be cancelled?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “No way!”

Rarity nods. “Agreed. We can’t put things on hold every time something comes up.”

Applejack grins. “Right. Nothing would ever get done.”

Twilight smiles. “Audiences will continue as scheduled unless events warrant otherwise.”

Pinkie gives the pony equivalent of a ‘thumbs up’. “Good call!”

Luna stands. “Well then, I believe I should let all of you get to work.”

Twilight turns to her. “Will you be joining us for audiences today, Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “I don’t think so, no. Today’s paperwork is my current calling.”

She looks to Arc before continuing.

“Might I speak to you privately though?”

“Sure. Shall we go to your office?”

“I’d actually prefer somewhere a bit more conducive to the subject at hoof. Might we speak in my room?”

“Alright. Lead the way.”

Luna opens a dark portal and the pair step through. Rainbow Dash flies over to Twilight as it closes.

“We need to stop them!”

Twilight appears confused. “But why?”

“Because they’re heading to Princess Luna’s private suite!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “And that’s a problem how?”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah, Dashie! It’s not like Arc’s never been in there before!”

Rarity gasps. “He has?!”

Applejack frowns as she turns to Pinkie. “When?”

“To pick her up for their date a while back!”

Twilight stands suddenly. “Date?!”

Ember holds out her claws and makes a downward motion with them. “Whoa there, everyone! That was purely platonic!”

Fluttershy looks to her. “Do you know what transpired, Ember?”

“Shining Armor asked Arc to take her out for an evening. It was sorta an annual thing that Decimus used to do for the princesses.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth angrily. “How does going OUT have anything to do with him being IN her room?!”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Perhaps he was simply there to pick her up?”

Applejack breathes a sigh of relief. “Most likely. After all, Arc is certainly a gentlepony.”

Fluttershy giggles. “That’s sweet.”

Twilight turns to Rainbow Dash. “You don’t really think he has some kind of relationship going with Luna, do you?”


Ember rolls her eyes. “Then don’t you think he would have, oh I don’t know… SAID SOMETHING?!”

“He might be afraid of how we’d react to a princess joining the herd!”

Pinkie points a hoof. “What about Twilight?!”

Rarity nods matter-of-factly. “Remember, she IS royalty.”

“That’s different!”

Twilight frowns. “I’m sitting right here, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “You know what I mean!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “No, I don’t think we do.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Then why don’t you just spell it out for us, Rainbow Dash?”

“A princess is used to getting whatever she wants, right?!”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yuppers!”

Fluttershy shrugs. “I suppose that’s true.”

“So she might have seen just how awesome he is and decided that she wants to make him hers!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “You think she wants to join the herd?”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “I don’t see a princess sharing!”

Twilight groans. “Again, Rainbow Dash… I’m right here.”

“Other than you!”

Ember facepalms. “So let me see if I understand this. You think that Princess Luna is romantically involved with Arc AND that she wants him all to herself?”


Applejack narrows her eyes. “What exactly are you basing this on, sugarcube?”

“Things I’ve heard around the castle!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “The Hoof Maidens like to talk about royal gossip all the time! Arc and Luna’s names come up a LOT!”

Fluttershy gasps. “They do?”

Pinkie hops up. “What kind of things do they say?!”

“About how different Princess Luna is when Arc is around, for starters!”

Twilight sighs. “I admit, she can be a bit… abrasive sometimes.”

Ember grins. “That’s her best quality in my opinion.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof at the now closed door. “I know that, Twilight! And I wouldn’t have brought it up except for them going back to her room after I heard something just this morning!”

Rarity makes a circular motion with a hoof. “Which is…?”

“Several Hoof Maidens agreeing that Arc is probably the only stallion in Equestria capable of taming Princess Luna!”

Ember nods. “That’s probably true.”

Applejack turns to Ember with a withering look. “What are you…?”

“She’s strong-willed, royalty, has extremely powerful magic, a well-known reputation, and is rich beyond words I would imagine. No one other than Arc could even come close to her in all those categories.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “So you agree with me then?!”

Ember shakes her head as she stands and heads for the door. “Nope. Arc’s loyal to the herd idea.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Luna reappear in her room. She closes the portal and turns to him.

“Thank you for giving me a bit of your time. I’ll try to be brief.”

Motioning to a very posh looking couch with a wave of her hoof, Luna and Arc sit down. Arc is the first to speak.

“It’s no problem, Luna. Now tell me what’s on your mind.”

“This is a very… sensitive matter, so I’d appreciate it if you’d keep what was said here to yourself.”

“I understand.”

Luna sighs. “It’s… complicated.”

“Take your time then. I’ll wait.”

“I… I’ve been having some rather… embarrassing thoughts lately.”

“What about?”

“My future.”

“As a princess?”

Luna shakes her head. “As a mare.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I’m afraid I don’t quite follow.”

“As I told you some time ago, Celestia and I grew up in an orphanage many years ago. We were very young at the time so neither of us remembers anything prior to that. However, after we were brought to Star Swirl the Bearded, he spent the rest of our foalhood teaching and instructing us on how to lead. Since that time we’ve spent every day ruling the nation as princesses.”

“And the job is beginning to wear on you?”

“Not exactly. This matter began when Twilight and I conspired to coerce my sister into meeting with us. As you know, us princesses are very… insulated from personal attachments. It’s to protect our nation as a whole, naturally.”


“Twilight made me feel certain… things. Emotions that I had long since forgotten about.”

She blushes slightly before continuing.

“At one point I even believed myself to be in love with her.”


Luna nods. “Yes. However after speaking with Doctor Whooves regarding this matter we came to the conclusion that I was merely starved for interaction with others.”

“You just wanted a friend.”

“Exactly. And as such I latched onto the only one present in my life at the time.”

“Which was Twilight.”

Luna sighs. “Yes. And I am aware of your desire to form a herd with Twilight and the others. Such thoughts made me feel so terribly guilty about the very thought of coming between you two.”

“Coming between us?”

“My idea of a relationship with her, while brief, were totally inappropriate considering her tentative engagement to you.”

“Are you sure those were romantic feelings you had back there?”

“What else could they have been? I certainly care for her very much now.”

“It sounds more like a deep friendship to me.”

“Even if that were true, it would still be morally wrong for me to try and pursue a relationship with her.”

“Luna, there’s nothing wrong with having a friend who’s in love with someone else. Any friendship you have with her wouldn’t trump Twilight and I’s love for one another.”

“But I care for her very much!”

“Let me ask you this, Luna. How do you feel about the idea of intimacy with Twilight?”

“Are you referring to… sexual intimacy?”


“I… don’t believe that is something I would like to pursue with her, no.”

“Then what is it that you would like?”

“To have her by my side for long talks and tea.”


Luna shakes her head vehemently. “No, never! I’m constantly surrounded by Hoof Maidens and servants at all hours of the day! That and Celestia and I are together for hours at a time!”

“That may be true, yes. However, the castle staff are merely here to do their jobs, and Celestia is your family. No real friendships there.”

Luna bows her head. “Friendship.”

“Everyone needs a friend, Luna. Tell me, have you ever had one? Other than Celestia, that is.”

“I have not. Even at the orphanage as a foal it was always Celestia and I whom played together.”

“So you don’t really understand the difference between a friend and a romantic lover.”

“Of course I do! One is a, um… a friend! While the other is… ah…”

She groans before continuing.

“…for sexual pleasure.”

“And which is Twilight in your mind?”

“Not a lover, certainly. While I do find her very pretty, I am not interested in a romantic relationship with her.”

“So she’s your friend.”

“But that isn’t proper given that you and her…!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence as he interrupts her. “As I said, it’s perfectly normal for two... or in our case multiple, creatures to have friends in addition to those whom they are in love with.”

“That just seems like cheating though.”

“Believe me, it’s not. Let me give you an example, Luna. Pinkie Pie has innumerable friends back in Ponyville. Yet she and I are planning to go out on dates at some point. If she were to go see one of those friends, for strictly platonic purposes, what would be the harm in that?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “I… do not really know to be honest. And now I feel absolutely silly for thinking such things.”

“It’s understandable. After all, we can’t really expect you to know that which you haven’t been taught or experienced.”

“Thank you for the talk, Arc. I do feel much better now.”

“And I’ll keep my word and not say anything to…”

He stops and thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Luna, you know it’s never too late to learn something new.”

“I suppose it isn’t. But to what end are you…?”

“You should learn more about friendship.”

“Agreed. But how?”

“By making friends.”

Luna sighs. “That is not possible due to my station as princess.”

“How about with another princess then?”


Arc nods. “She and you have already bonded in the past. No reason not to expand on that, right?”

“It wouldn’t make you feel… uncomfortable, would it? Knowing Twilight and I were trying to form a relationship.”

“Not at all. A platonic friendship isn’t something that I’d ever try to stand against, after all.”

“But what if it becomes more than that?!”

“You mean what if you and Twilight were to fall in love?”

“Exactly! I’d never be able to forgive myself!”

“Well, I’d be sad, yes. But you have to remember that you said earlier that you’re not interested in such things with her.”

“But it COULD happen!”

“Luna, you have to understand that Twilight and I aren’t actually engaged yet.”


“Her and I haven’t even had the chance to go out on a single date yet. So I don’t really have any kind of claim on her.”

“What are you saying?”

“That if you two were to fall in love that I would accept it and wish the best for you two.”

Luna tilts her head to one side, confused. “You’d… let her go?”

“If that’s what she wanted, yes.”

“But I thought you loved her!”

“I do. However someone very special recently told me that they too were willing to give me up if it would make me happy.”

“How though?!”

“If I was happy then they’d be happy for me.”

“I don’t understand that though.”

Arc puts a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “You will, Luna. Just take it one step at a time.”

“How do I begin?”

“By spending time with her.”

“But we’re both so busy.”

“It doesn’t have to be anything major. Meals together would be a nice start.”

“I suppose so. However I take those with Celestia.”

“Then invite Twilight to come with you.”

Luna appears to consider this as she speaks. “Yes… yes, that would be a good idea. After all, she and Celestia are already very close.”

“You might also try attending audiences with her.”


“Something like that. After all, you have a lot of knowledge that could help her become a better princess and leader.”

“So I could become her teacher?”

Arc nods. “Exactly. But she’d also be teaching you too.”

“Symbiotic. I like it. However her friends are constantly around.”

“They’ll be heading back to Ponyville soon. I’m told the buildings are almost complete.”

“And then I’ll have Twilight all to myself.”

“More or less, yes.”

“But if we perform audiences together whom will do the paperwork?”

“You two could do it together afterwards.”

“More time together, yes?”

“Right. Now then, if you’d like I can talk to Twilight and ask how she feels about doing audiences with you.”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Arc. That much I should do myself.”

“Very well. I’ll leave it at that then.”

“Thank you for the talk, Arc. It is nice to have somepony here that I can talk to whom is of similar standing.”

“I do what I can.”

“But might I ask you one last thing?”

“What is it?”

“Are we… friends?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I… guess I never really thought about that before.”

“Neither had I.”

“Well, I suppose we do work in similar fields. Both of us have ruled the nation in the past and know many of the same individuals.”

“So we are?”

“If you want to be, than yes.”

Luna nods. “I do. Now then, how do we make that official?”

Arc chuckles. “I think we just did.”

“Oh… I suppose so, yes. It just feels as if there should be more to it than that.”

“Nah. Friendships aren’t about policy or procedure. They’re usually pretty informal actually.”

“What do I do now?”

Arc shrugs. “I dunno. Hug?”

Luna smiles. “That does sound nice, yes.”

Leaning toward her, Arc puts his arms around Luna as she does the same. Resting her chin on his shoulder she smiles happily.

“This does feel nice.”

“You don’t hug often, do you?”

Luna shakes her head as she sits back. “Not generally, no. The last time was with Twilight ironically.”

“How about before that?”

“When I was turned from Nightmare Moon back to my normal self by Twilight and her friends.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But that was before I came to Equestria”.

Luna nods. “That it was.”

“Okay, you need to hug more often.”

“But whom could I…?”

Arc interrupts her. “Twilight, for starters.”

Luna sighs. “That will make the Hoof Maidens talk.”

“Not if you do it often. Make it the new norm.”

“I believe that would take quite some time.”

Arc chuckles. “Then you’d best get started.”

“Yes indeed. However might I also hug you as well?”


Luna stands and motions for Arc to follow her. They head for the door together.

“In that case why don’t we…?”

They are interrupted by Arc’s earring chirping. Sighing, he turns to Luna.

“Excuse me.”

Touching it, Arc speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Doctor Whooves. Miss Auriel asked me to contact you immediately regarding our patient’s condition.”

“What’s happened?!”

“She appears to be slowly waking up. Miss Auriel asked that you be present if at all possible when her mother regains consciousness.”

Luna gasps. “Is Auriel worried that she will attempt to flee?”

“No your highness. But she felt it important that another human be present when she opens her eyes in order to help ease her into our culture.”

Arc nods. “That makes sense. Tell Auriel I’m on my way.”

“Yes sir. But please do hurry.”

“I will. Arc out.”

He touches the earring, severing the connection before turning back to Luna.

“Sorry. We’ll talk more later.”

Luna nods. “I understand.”

Arc hurries out the door as Luna also leaves. Turning, she begins walking the other direction as a certain rainbow-maned mare looks on from overhead. Narrowing her eyes, Rainbow Dash grits her teeth as she seethes.

“Arc is ours, princess! And nopony is going to take him away from us!”

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