• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - Lover's Guise

For several moments no one speaks. Eventually Rainbow Dash breaks the silence.

“So you want Twilight here to be your… you know…?!”

Luna nods. “Only as part of our ruse.”

“But… but why me?”

Applejack sighs. “I’m with Rainbow Dash on this one. Rarity would probably make a much better choice for this.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Why thank you. I’d certainly be willing to go along with this, your highness.”

Pinkie frowns. “But how would something like that even get started?!”

Fluttershy smiles. “We could always say that Rarity was measuring Princess Luna up for a new dress. After all, measurement taking is a very up close and personal matter.”

Derpy looks to the princess. “Rarity could even do it in front of some Hoof Maidens. They could be talking and laughing before the princess invites her to lunch, or something.”

Rose nods. “That would certainly be believable.”

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. That and Rarity is much better looking than I am.”

Luna looks Twilight and Rarity over. “That is true, yes. However a princess being involved with a seamstress, while indeed scandalous, isn’t exactly what I would call ground-breaking. My sister would probably hear of it, yes. Something like that might be enough for her to insist on some sort of correspondence via letters.”

She walks over to Twilight and looks down at her before continuing.

“But… should she hear that her sister is romantically involved with, how did she put that...? Oh yes… her most faithful student Twilight Sparkle, why, she wouldn’t be able to resist summoning you.”

“Um… summoning me for what exactly?”

Rose appears nervous. “Yes. Would Princess Celestia be angry or happy?”

Luna shrugs. “I don’t really know for certain. But she’d either be ecstatic or just plain furious.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “With Twilight or you, Princess Luna?”

“Either… both… her… me. Who’s to say?”

Rarity frowns. “I’m not certain Twilight is up to this.”

“Right. I don’t really know much about love.”

Luna sighs. “Neither do I. So it appears we’ll be winging it. Now then, I won’t order you to do this, Twilight. But I would certainly look on it as a great personal favor to myself, Celestia, and Equestria if you were to agree to become my lover.”

Pinkie’s eyes grow wide. “LOVER?!”

Applejack gasps. “I just thought you two were going to pretend to be marefriends, or something!”

Rarity shakes her head. “Marefriends aren’t really big gossip. It’s viewed as a bit… blasé.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head vehemently. “But this is a PRINCESS’ marefriend we’re talking about!”

Luna nods. “Indeed. But we need our story to be enough to get Celestia’s attention. I’ve had… special friends over the years, of course. However, never a lover. My sister will certainly want to know all the details straight from the mouth of her most faithful student.”

Fluttershy looks to the others nervously. “I… guess that does make sense.”

Applejack frowns. “Yeah. But I still don’t like it. This is an attempt to deceive Princess Celestia, for crying out loud!”

Rarity sighs. “But she’s the best candidate for this!”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “That she is! Oh, I can’t believe the egghead is going out with her teacher’s SISTER!”

Derpy grimaces. “That too. It just seems so… wrong!”

Rose looks to Twilight nervously. “I have mixed feeling about this as well, mother.”

Pinkie grins. “Best… plan… EVER!!!”

“Now then, the only thing left to ask is… will you do this with me, Twilight?”

The unicorn looks all around the room at those assembled before drooping her ears and sighing.

“Fine. When do we start?”

“Right away. One moment please.”

Luna walks over to the wall and presses a button. A moment later a guard responds.

“Yes, Princess Luna?”

“How is security outside my quarters right now?”

“No trouble, your highness.”

“Good. Are all the guards still present and accounted for?”

“Um… yes. Was there something you needed…?

Luna interrupts him. “Send somepony to the dining room to inform the kitchen staff that I will be eating supper there this evening with my lover.”

“Y-yes, Princess Luna! At once!”

“Carry on.”

She presses the button again and turns back to the others.

“Twilight and I will handle things on this end. The rest of you may stay the night and be about your own tasks tomorrow morning. I’ll have a meal delivered to your room.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Might they eat with us? The dining room is plenty…”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Twilight. For this plan to work the guards must believe this to be a dinner date. If they were to come, it would look more like a social outing.”

Pinkie raises both eyebrows seductively. “Or that Princess Luna was forming a harem!”

Applejack hisses. “Pinkie!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “But wouldn’t something like THAT get Princess Celestia’s attention that much faster?”

Rarity sighs. “Perhaps. But I don’t think that’s the kind of attention any of us needs.”

Fluttershy nods. “Right. And it would reflect negatively on the princess.”

Derpy blushes slightly. “Well… should we leave you two alone?”

Twilight gasps. “D-Derpy?!”

“I mean… I’m sure you two have more planning to do.”

Luna nods soberly. “Truthfully, yes. I shall open a portal back to the room all of you used last time. Please be sure to get a good night’s rest.”

Rose turns to Twilight as the others walks through the portal.

“Shall I stay with you, mother?”

“No, Rose. I’d like you to go with the others to the Hayseed Forest and help scan for the missing fillies.”

“Very well. I’ll keep them safe.”

“Thanks. I’m counting on you.”

Rose nods and proceeds through the portal. Luna closes it and turns back to Twilight.

“Now then… there are a few things you should know before our dinner date.”

“Oh? Mannerisms, Princess Luna?”

“In a sense. If we’re going to pull this off, your part of the act needs to be as believable as possible.”

“I don’t understand.”

Luna sighs. “Let’s try some scenarios. Now then… let’s practice walking together.”


The pair walk from one end of the room to the other side by side. Luna nods.

“Very good.”

Twilight appears confused. “But we were just walking.”

“Yes. But you were by my side the entire time. Most subjects know to walk behind a princes and stay a fair distance away.”

“They do?”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You… didn’t know that?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I didn’t. But now that you mention it, I do remember everypony walking at least a bit behind Princess Celestia. Even her guards. Is it out of respect?”

“Yes. For a princess, or any other aristocrat for that matter, to allow somepony to walk by their side is a sign of either marriage, engagement, courtship, or… shall we say… intense physical attraction.”

Twilight gasps. “B-but Princess Celestia always had me by her side! Even as a filly! Are you saying she was… interested in me?!”

“Worry not, Twilight. I believe my sister was merely doing that in an effort to make apparent just how important you were to her back then.”

Twilight trots in place nervously. “But she never told me to stop! Even when I grew up! Now I know why everypony we passed here in the castle would always smile funny! They must’ve thought we were a couple!”

“Some may have, yes. But can I assume she never made any sort of advances?”

“Certainly not! Um… what kind of things would that entail?”

“Hugging, nuzzling, kissing on the cheek or mouth, stroking the mane with your hoof and touching anywhere on the back half.”

Twilight gasps. “We’ve both done ALL those things! Well, other than kissing her mouth, that is.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Really? Might I… tell me Twilight, are you attracted to Celestia?”

“N-no! At least I don’t think I am!”

“You sound uncertain.”

Twilight blushes. “I don’t really know much about love and affection. You don’t think she thought I was… you know… do you?!”

“Most likely not. However I am a bit concerned that Celestia allowed these things to go on without informing you of the breech of etiquette.”

“But why would she DO that?!”

“I can think of only two reasons. First, she may have interpreted your so-called advances as nothing more than a commoner expressing their admiration for someone significantly out of their league.”

“And the other?”

“It is possible, but unlikely, that she was expressing her feelings for you.”

“But I reciprocated! Oh my! I certainly hope she doesn’t think I was coming on to her!”

Luna smiles. “This may actually work out better than I thought.”

“Princess Luna?”

“As I said, her actions were most likely completely innocent, as you are very important to her. But if she truly is attracted to you she’ll very quickly call one of us in for an audience.”

Twilight sighs and looks away before responding.

“Maybe she is.”

“What makes you say that?”

“As long as I’ve known her, Princess Celestia has never once spoken about having a special somepony. Once when I asked her about it, she told me she didn’t need anypony else as long as I was around. Tell me, has she ever had somepony special in her life?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I don’t believe so, no. But I don’t know what went on during the thousand years I was on the moon.”

Twilight again begins trotting in place frantically. “What do I DO about this?!”

“Trust Celestia.”


“Believe that my sister would not force you into any kind of relationship. Nor would she use her position as your teacher to coerce you into doing anything inappropriate.”

“But what about the things I did?!”

“When you talk to her about this just be sure to apologize and state your intent to keep your relationship with her completely platonic. She’ll understand.”

“I’m sure she will. But I can’t help but feel nervous about the whole matter.”

“They’ll be time to worry about it later. For now let’s continue with our lesson.”

“Oh. Sorry about that.”

Luna clears her throat and continues. “Now that I’m certain that you understand the rules of this little game we’re going to play, you need remember only one thing.”


“To break them.”


Luna nods. “Every chance you get. Let me see…

Looking toward a good sized rug nearby, Luna motions for Twilight to follow her.

“That will do. This way.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Luna frowns as they walk. “That is another matter. From now on you shouldn’t call me ‘Princess Luna’.”

“Then what should I say when addressing you?”

“Just ‘Luna’.”

Twilight gasps. “I can’t do that!”

“Lovers would.”

“But we’re just pretending!”

“And as long as you treat this as such nopony will believe it. Now then, let’s pretend this rug in front of us is a chariot and that we’re going to take a stroll around the city.”

“I’ve done that with Princess Celestia many times. What should I do, Princess Luna?”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Who?”


“What is my name again?”


“Very good. Now whom gets in first?”

“You do, of course.”

Luna shakes her head. “No. The guard opens the door and you get in first.”

“I do?”

“Yes. It’s to show that you and I are intimately close. Now get aboard.”

Twilight steps onto the rug as Luna follows her. Sitting down, Twilight keeps her distance from Luna.

“How’s this?”

“Is that how you rode with Celestia?”

“Not… exactly.”

“What was different?”

“Well… I was a lot… closer.”

“How close?”

Twilight blushes. “I sometimes leaned against her.”

“Very good. Now then, I want you to do that now.”

Twilight slowly moves closer to Luna. Taking a deep breath she leans her head against Luna’s velvety coat.

“H-how’s that?”

Luna frowns. “Your whole body should be pressed against mine. From the hip all the way up to the cheek.”

Twilight does so. Luna nods approvingly.

“Good. Now put your hoof around me.”

“What?! But… isn’t this enough?!”

Luna sighs. “I don’t like this any more than you do, Twilight. But we need to act the part if this is to work.”

“Very well, Pri… Luna.”

“Very good.”

Sometime later Luna and Twilight open the door to the corridor. The guards stand at attention as they pass. Luna addresses them.

“To the Dining Room.”

The guards nod and turn. Marching in formation, the stallions behind them watch their every movement as Luna turns to Twilight.

“I’m so glad you could finally come for dinner, my dear.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Thank you for having me… Luna.”

The guard’s eyes grow wide as the princess responds.

“It means the world to me that you can be here during this… difficult time.”

“Anything for you, Luna!”

They arrive at the Dining Room. Two guards open the doors and allow the pair to enter. Hoof Maidens beckon them to two chairs across the table from one another. Luna furrows her brow as she addresses the Hoof Maiden in charge.

“What is the meaning of this?!”

“Your highness?”

“I gave strict instructions that I would be dining with my LOVER! Not some milksop stallion! She will be seated next to me from now on!”

“Yes, Princess Luna!”

They hurriedly move the place settings to the chair next to Luna’s. The princess glares at them as they do so.

“My dear Twilight deserves to be treated as my own! Not some common consort!”

Finishing their work they head to the kitchen. Luna turns to the guards.

“Everypony out.”

“But, Princess Luna… Captain Decimus insisted that you and your sister be properly guarded at all times!”

Luna frowns. “Is it asking too much that I’m allowed a nice meal with my lover, without guards watching us?! NOW GO!”

The guards bow and leave the room. Twilight turns to Luna.

“Do you think they bought it?”

“Maybe. Now we’ll seal the deal.”


“By using the Hoof Maidens.”

“I don’t understand…”

Luna interrupts her. “They’re the few whom currently have limited access to my sister. Albeit only a few times a week or so.”

Twilight frowns. “Then why were we acting like that in front of the guards?!”

“Because the Hoof Maidens will go to them to ask about my behavior prior to allowing my sister to hear about this.”

The Hoof Maidens emerge from the kitchen carrying several covered plates. Luna buries her nose in Twilight’s mane as she pulls her close. Twilight leans into the embrace as she presses her own face into Luna’s bosom as she muses to herself.

“I sure hope this works.”

Luna and Twilight “enjoy” their meal together. Deciding to forego dessert, the pair are thereafter escorted back to the room. As they enter Twilight hurries to the bathroom and quickly closes the door. The guards look after her a moment before turning to Luna.

“Shall we call for Doctor Whooves, your highness?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. I do believe Twilight was merely holding in a bit too much during dinner.”

“Yes, Princess Luna. Shall we have the Hoof Maidens awaken you at the normal time?”

“Indeed. However I will require double the normal number of hooves in the morning.”


Luna rolls her eyes. “Somepony needs to attend to my lover. Make her beautiful for me, do they not?”

“We’ll see to it more Hoof Maidens are prepared at the normal time.”

“Good. You are dismissed for the evening.”

“Are you certain you wouldn’t like some guards in here, your highness? Just as a precaution, of course. You sister has grown accustomed to their presence.”

Luna glares at him. “You wish to WATCH Twilight and I in BED?!”

“No, no! Please forgive me, your highness!”

“Leave us!”

The guards back out of the room as Luna slams the door behind them. They turn to one another.

“That mare must be something else to be able to stand HER!”

“Right. Princess Luna is beautiful, of course. But she’s just too abrasive for pretty much anypony to handle.”

“Well, it makes sense then.”

“What does?”

“That she’d chose Princess Celestia’s protégé. She’s smart, well-mannered, and educated in the affairs of royalty. A perfect companion for her.”

“But Princess Celestia views her almost like family!”

“Maybe that’s the reason.”

“What is?”

The guard grins scandalously. “Keeping a tight love circle. Rather than bringing somepony else in from outside, they’re just closing their hooves around somepony who’s already family to them.”

“That’s… a little messed up.”

“Whatever a princess wants, a princess gets.”

Meanwhile, Luna walks over to the bathroom door and knocks.

“Twilight? Is everything okay in there?”

Hearing no response she opens the door. Twilight’s head hangs under the sink’s faucet as she rubs her mane with her hooves.

“Did you get something from dinner in your mane? I can call for a Hoof Maiden to help you get cleaned up.”

Twilight shuts off the water and pulls back. Allowing the water from her soaked mane to flow down her back. She shudders before responding.

“I just… this whole thing is so… foreign to me.”

Luna walks over to Twilight and puts a hoof on her shoulder. “I know it’s hard. But this is for Celestia, remember?”

Twilight nods weakly. “Yes. That’s the only thing keeping me going right now.”

“Why don’t we get some sleep? Things will look better in the morning.”

Twilight yawns. “Thank you. I am pretty tired.”

Luna leads Twilight out of the bathroom and over to the bed.
“That’s alright, Pri… Luna. This is your room, after all. I’ll just sleep in a guest room.”

“We need to stay together to keep up the illusion.”

“Oh. Well, that couch looks pretty comfortable. Might I trouble you for an extra blanket though?”

Luna shakes her head. “You don’t understand. When I said we needed to stay together, I meant it literally.”

“What are you saying?”

Luna gestures to the bed. “That we need to sleep together.”

“We… we do?!”

“Yes. After all, you wouldn’t want the Hoof Maidens seeing you lying on the couch tomorrow morning, would you?”

“Would that be bad?”

Luna nods. “It would, yes. They would assume we had a fight, or something, and be afraid to talk about it to others.”

“So… do I just…”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Just get in.”

Twilight hops up onto the large bed and lies down on the far side as Luna removes her crown and hoof protectors before getting in as well.


“Yes, Luna?”

“Sleeping together means sleeping… together.”

“What should I…?”

“Lie next to me.”

“I… um…”

Twilight sighs before continuing.

“Very well.”

Scooching over, Twilight lays down next to Luna as she turns off the lights.

“Tell me, do you move much at night?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all. The position in which I fall asleep is typically the one I awaken in. Why do you ask?”

“I was just considering the position we should be discovered in tomorrow morning.”

“Should I move?”

Luna nods. “Yes. Put your hoof around my fetlock and snuggle up to my chest.”

“But won’t that look just a bit… suggestive?”

“It will. And that’s what I’m counting on.”

Doing as she is told, Twilight takes the fetlock offered to her and presses her body against Luna’s before laying her head on the alicorn’s chest.

“Is this… alright?”

“Just fine.”

“Good night… Luna.”

Luna sighs. “Good night Twilight.”

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