• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - Heading North

Sereb looks to Arc. “What now?

Arc slowly stands up. “We need to get to Yakyakistan as soon as possible!”

Ember nods. “I agree. But... your condition Arc.”

“What about it?”

She sarcastically rolls her eyes. “Uh... you have a hole in your side?!”

“No I don't. It's sewn up.”

“I'm serious Arc! Equestria can't afford to lose you right now! I can't lose you...”

Arc winces in pain as he walks out from behind the desk. Sereb approaches and Ember helps him up into the saddle.

“While I appreciate that Ember, this is bigger than just one individual! We're talking about the fate of a country here!”

Ember looks to Arc angrily. “And I'm talking about the fate of a friend! Someone who's been with me through thick and thin! You were always there for me, now it's my turn to be there for YOU!”

“Fine then. You can come with me as my bodyguard.”

Sereb nods. “And I?”

Arc leans forward to pat Sereb's head. “You're coming too. After all, where would I be without my faithful steed?!”


Ember is taken aback! “Woah Sereb! Was that a joke?!”

“It was not.”

Kibitz looks to Arc. “Shall I notify Tight Ship of your plans, sire?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Tell him we'll be taking the new military grade airship though.”

“I'll see to it at once! Shall I send along some warmer garments for you and your party?”

“Yes. Better off too prepared than unprepared! My armor has a good number of thermal regulators built into it. But I would like to be seen arriving without my armor on. Hopefully Prince Rutherford will see that I come in peace.”

Kibitz sighs. “Unlikely sire, as I believe the peaceful gesture will be lost on him.”

“Well, I'm going that route anyways. Sereb, take me to Shining Armor's office.”

Sereb walks down the corridor. “Very well.”

Ember calls out after them. “I'll head over to the Hanger and make sure we have everything for the trip!”

“Thanks Ember! See you in a bit!”

A short time later the pair arrive at Shining Armor's office. Arc knocks and enters, Shining Armor and Twilight are embracing on the couch.

“Sorry. Did I interrupt something?”

Shining Armor breaks the embrace. “No Arc. We were just having a little talk.”

Arc nods. “About this morning?”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Um... indirectly, I suppose. I'm sorry Arc. Looking back on what I said and how I said it... your injury was really my fault!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “It was not Twilight! I acted before knowing the facts! It was my fault!”

“Yes, well... it's in the past. Right now, I wanted to ask if you had any news on either Judge Hawthorne or Captain Decimus.”

“No sir. There hasn't been any sign of Captain Decimus since you sent him away. I've talked to every guard and none of them even saw him leave the castle!”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide! “Could he still be here?”

“That would be very unlikely. But just to be sure I'm leading a full sweep of the castle and its surrounding grounds later this morning.”

Arc nods. “Very good. What about our missing judge?”

“The jailer on duty reported that no one entered of left the dungeon all night. I personally inspected the cell in question and did not find any signs of forced entry.”

Twilight nods. “So, the only way out would have been for somepony to open the door with a key.”

“Yes. Or the culprit was a Master Locksmith. Very unlikely.”

“I hate to suggest this, but could the jailer have let him out and helped him escape?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “I don't believe so, Arc. He's been a guard for many years and has a spotless record. It's common knowledge that the jailers sometimes slack off due to extreme boredom. However he's always been a model soldier and vigilant in his duties.”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “What about magic? Could somepony have used Portal Magic to get into the cell, open a portal and leave through it with the judge?”

“I suppose so. However the only two who know that kind of ancient magic are Arc and Tempest.”

Arc smiles. “Wasn't me!”

Twilight nods! “That leaves only Tempest!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Right. But I doubt she would be involved in something like this. I mean, what would she have to gain?”

Shining Armor sighs. “Arc's right. That's not really her style. But that doesn't bring us any closer to an answer!”

He turns toward the office door. “See what you can figure out while I'm in Yakyakistan. We'll be leaving shortly. Take care of things while I'm gone, Shining Armor.”

“Me, Arc?”

Arc turns back to look at Shining Armor. “Yes you! After myself the Captain of the Royal Guard is next to lead according to the Order of Succession.”

“Yes sir, I'll do my best!”

“Keep going with your investigation, Twilight. I think we're on the right track. Be sure to let Doctor Whooves know everything you've learned so far. Maybe the two of you can come up with something.”

Twilight nods and smiles. “Will do Arc! I'll head over to the infirmary in a few minutes. By the way... thank you for last night!”

Arc blushes. “Um... yeah sure... no problem. Well I'm off! Wish me luck.”

Shining Armor facehoofs as Arc leaves the office. “You really should think before you speak Twilight. I know what you meant, but still...”

Twilight thinks for a moment before blushing heavily. “Oh my...”

Meanwhile, Arc closes the door behind him as Sereb crouches down to allow Arc to more easily mount him.

“Where to now, Arc?”

Arc winces as he gets into the saddle. “Let's see if Doctor Whooves can do anything about this pain in my side! He should still be examining the princesses.”

The pair quickly make their way to Princess Luna's room. Sereb pushes the door open with a paw and enters the room with Arc. Doctor Whooves is standing over Princess Luna with a nurse, they appear to be trying to move her.

“Need a hand, doctor?”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “Thank you, but no. We're just doing a bit of physical therapy. You see, the princesses’ bodies have been inactive for so long that their muscles are beginning to atrophy. These sessions of exercise will help them in their recovery.”

Sereb appears confused. “Recovery?”

“Yes. Even if the princesses were to wake up right now, it's unlikely they would be able to do much more than roll over!”

“Oh boy. We've REALLY got to figure this mess out! I don't want to be Lord Regent any longer than I have to!”

Sereb nods. “You're doing just fine Arc.”

“Thanks, but I have a family and my own job to get back to!”

“We will of course do our best, sire! But you should know that after they awaken it will be some time before they are again ready to fulfill their duties.”

Arc sighs. “Great...”

“I do wish I had better news for you, sire!”

“Me too. But in any case, do you think you could give me something for my injury?”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “I wish I could, but I still haven't heard back from Doctor Horse on how much you can take!”

“Can you give me some painkillers and then call me when you hear something?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “I suppose so.”

The doctor walks over to his little black bag and pulls out a small bottle of pills.

“Take these. I'll contact you the moment I know the proper dosing for your species. In the meantime, try putting some ice on it.”

Arc takes the bottle and puts it in Sereb's saddlebag. “It's really tender right now. But I'll wait to take these until I hear back from you.”

“Good luck on your mission sire!”

“Thanks. Before I leave though I'd like to take a shower. Can I get this injury wet?”

“Yes. Just make it a quick shower though. Pat your stitches dry when you're done. I'll be over in about ten minutes to re-bandage you before your trip.”

“I appreciate it. See you in a bit.”

Arc and Sereb leave and return to his room. He quickly showers and puts on fresh raiments. As he steps out of the bathroom Arc finds Doctor Whooves waiting for him. He quickly gets to work”

“Better wrap this up tight and thick, doctor.”

Doctor Whooves smiles. “Whatever for sire? Are you planning on marching into battle today?”

Arc looks to the doctor with a serious look on his face. “Maybe.”

“Very well. Although I must again advise against this course of action.”

“So do I. But I'll do what I must.”

Doctor Whooves finishes his task.

“I'm sure this goes without saying Lord Arc, but do try not to get hit there for a while.”

“No promises. Take extra special care of the princesses while I'm gone, would you?”

Doctor Whooves nods soberly. “Yes sire. Well, that's the best I can do. The rest is up to you.”

“Good work. Let's go Sereb!”

Sereb lies down to allow Arc to mount him. “Very well.”

Arc and Sereb leave the room as Doctor Whooves sighs.

“Please come back in one-piece sire! The princesses would be heartbroken if you were to...”

Sereb bears Arc to the Hanger. Ember is overseeing the loading of supplies.

“How are things here Ember?”

“We're almost ready to go. How are you... holding up, Arc?”

“I had Doctor Whooves reapply my bandages after I took a shower. It's the best he could do on such short notice.”

Ember nods. “I ordered extra medical supplies, you know, just in case.’

“Thanks. I just hope we won't need them!”

Sereb looks toward the gangplank. “Perhaps we should get aboard? Arc, this would be a good time for you to get some rest.”

Arc nods. “Sounds good. I hope this bucket of bolts has a decent bed.”

Ember looks toward the ship. “Only one way to find out!”

The trio boards the ship and are greeted by Tight Ship. He salutes Arc and smiles!

“Lord Arc! Welcome aboard!”

Arc winces as he dismounts. “Thank you. Are you the captain?”

“Yes sire. Captain Tight Ship, at your service. Are you... alright?”

“There was a bit of an accident this morning.”

Ember nods at Tight Ship. “Is there somewhere Arc can lie down?”

“Right this way!”

Tight Ship leads the party into the mammoth ship. Before long they stand before a large and rather ornate door. The captain opens the door and gestures with a hoof for them to enter.

“This is the princess' room. As you can see it has all the amenities of home!”

The group looks around the rather spacious cabin! There are floor to ceiling windows, several couches, a large table and chairs, a rather posh looking bed and an adjoining bathroom.

Arc looks to the bed. “That's a pleasant sight.”

Ember helps him to the bed and lies him down.

Tight Ship walks over to Arc and produces a clipboard. “Sire? I hate to bother you with this, but aviation law dictates that large vessels such as this one must be named and registered before their maiden flight. I have the form right here. All you have to do is sign your name and write the name of the ship on this line.”

Arc takes the paper, thinks a moment, then writes something.


Tight Ship takes the clipboard from Arc.

“Thank you sire. I'll have somepony paint this on the bow before we take off. It's going to be a couple hours before we can get underway. Well, I'll let all of you get some rest now.”

Tight Ship salutes and leaves the room. Arc reaches for the phone on the nearby nightstand, prompting Ember to glare at him!

“Arc, please get some rest! You need to be at the top of your game when you get to Yakyakistan!

“I know, but...”

Ember interrupts him. She looks at him, a pleading looks in her eyes. “Please...”

“Okay then, I will.”

Arc folds his hands over his chest. In a few minutes he is asleep. Ember walks over to the other side of the bed and lies down next to Arc.

Sereb frowns. “Ember, if someone sees you like that...”

Ember interrupts. “I don't care, Sereb. Let them think what they will of me.”

Sereb moves to lie down in front of the door. “Very well.”

“Thanks, Sereb.”

She snuggles up to Arc's side, the one without a hole in it, and smiles as she softly kisses Arc’s cheek.

“You've been working so hard. Sleep well, my love.”

Arc and Ember sleep peacefully together for a couple hours. Sereb pricks up his ears.

“Ember. Someone this way comes.”

She sits up. “Nice catch!”

Ember stands up as there is a knock on the door. She opens the door to see a saluting Royal Guard.

“Please forgive the intrusion. Captain Tight Ship would like to know if Lord Arc would join him on the bridge to commemorate our first take-off.”

“Give me a moment to ask him.”

Ember walks over to the bed and gently nudges Arc.

“Arc? Can you hear me?”

He slowly opens his eyes. “Ember? What's up?”

“We're going to be taking off soon. The captain wants to know if you would join him on the bridge.”

Arc sits up slowly and carefully, holding his side. “Y-yes. I would like that.”

“I can escort you to the bridge when you are ready sire!”

“I'm ready. Let's go.”

Ember helps Arc into Sereb’s saddle. “Rested now?”

Arc winces as he climbs into the saddle. “A bit better than before, thanks.”

The Royal Guard leads Arc and company to the bridge. A skeleton crew appears to be manning the various stations. Tight Ship himself is at the helm. He salutes as Arc approaches.

“Thank you for coming Lord Arc. I hope you're feeling better now.”

Arc nods as Ember helps him dismount. “Somewhat. Are we ready to get underway, captain?”

“Yes sire. All cargo has been delivered and stowed.”

Ember looks around the Bridge nervously. “Not trying to tell you how to run your ship captain, but shouldn't there be more crew here?”

Tight Ship nods. “Normally yes. However, most everypony who was assigned to the ship was given an extended furlough about a week ago.”

Arc frowns. “What?! By whom?!”

“Captain Decimus. He felt the crew needed some time off after training so hard to learn their stations. I agree, but this really should have been done in rotation. Right now we're making do on backup trainees.”

“Decimus again? Very well, captain. Shall we get underway then?”

“Yes sire. Would you like the honor of notifying command of our departure?”

Arc nods. “Sure. How do I do that?”

“Any vehicle that is currently carrying you is known as ‘one’. For example, with you aboard this ship, it's universally referred to as ‘Airship One’. If you were on a boat it would be called ‘Naval One’.

“I think I understand. Now why does this sound so familiar...”

Tight Ship walks over to the Communication's Station with Arc and picks up the radio. “All you have to do is tell them who you are and what ship is leaving.”

Arc takes the radio. “I can do that.”

He clears his throat and speaks into the radio.

“Central Command, this is Lord Regent Arc. Come in please.”

“Command here. Go ahead, sire!”

Arc smiles at Ember as he continues. “Airship One is ready for departure.”

“Yes sire. What is your ships identification?”

“The airship... ‘Lunar Destiny’.”

“Thank you sire. Your vessel is cleared for takeoff.”

Arc nods. “Thank you.”

He puts the radio down and turns back to the others.

“How was that?”

Tight Ship nods. “Just fine sire. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll get us underway now.”

Arc nods. “Very well. I'll be in my quarters.”

He, Ember and Sereb leave the bridge.

Sereb nods. “That went well.”

Arc suddenly holds his side and gasps for breath! Ember rushes to his side!

“Arc?! What's wrong?!”

He looks to Ember and speaks in a strained voice. “I... need to lie down.”

Sereb and Ember quickly escort Arc back to his room. They help Arc back onto the bed.

“Arc, talk to me! What's wrong?!”

Arc grits his teeth in pain, squeezing his eyes shut! “I... don't know, but this REALLY hurts!”

Sereb frowns. “Perhaps we should call of the mission Arc. Take you back to see the doctor.”

Arc gasps as he holds his side! “No! Our intel shows that the situation in Yakyakistan is almost at the breaking point! We have to go NOW!”

The phone rings. Arc tries painfully to turn over and answer it. Ember puts a hand on his shoulder as she sits down on the bed next to him.

“Please Arc! Let me get this!”

Arc nods as Ember picks up the receiver

“Hello? Lord Regent’s quarters.”

“Hello. This is Doctor Whooves. I need to speak to Lord Arc at once!”

“This is Ember. Doc, Arc is in a lot of pain here!”

“Well, the good news on that is he can take two of those pills I gave him every four hours!”

Ember smiles! “Great! One sec...”

She hurries to bring Arc a glass of water! Ember then quickly takes the bottle of pills out of Sereb's saddlebag and hands Arc two of them!

“Take these Arc!”

Arc grimaces! “Thanks...”

Ember picks up the receiver as Arc takes the pills. “Back again doc! Anything else we can do for him?!”

“Not really, no. He just needs time to heal. If you really want to do something, try talking him out of this errand he's going on!”

Ember sighs as she looks back at Arc. “Already tried that. No luck. Any other ideas?”

“Keep him away from anything strenuous at all costs! If he breaks those stitches things will get messy quick! One last thing though. Those pills will only last a couple hours per dose, so this is definitely not a silver bullet by a long shot!”

“Thank you, doctor.”

Ember hangs up the phone and turns to Arc.

“Feeling any better?”

Arc grimaces as he holds his side. “Not really. I do hope these pills kick in soon! What else did Doctor Whooves have to say?”

“He warned me to see to it you stay away from any unnecessary exertion.”

Arc sighs. “No promises. Anything else?”

“You can take two pills every four hours, but they'll only last about two.”

He sits up slowly. “Great. On the up side I think they're taking effect. The pain's going away.”

Sereb puts a paw on the bedside. “You should still rest Arc. A lack of pain does not mean you are not hurt.”

Arc lies back down as the ship lifts off and closes his eyes. “You're right.”

He sleeps for about two hours. Waking up Arc turns to look at the warm feeling next to him.

“Ugh... Ember?”

She sits up from her place next to Arc and smiles at him. “Right here!”

Sereb walks over to the bed. “Feeling any better?”

“Actually yes! How much longer until we arrive?”

Sereb looks out the window. “I went to the bridge earlier to inquire. The trip should take about four hours total. You were out for about two.”

Ember sighs. “Sadly, there's not much to do in the meantime. Any ideas Arc?”

“Yeah. Can you hand me the phone Ember?”

She picks up the receiver and passes it to Arc. “Here you go.”

A moment later a communication’s officer picks up.

“Yes, Lord Arc?”

“I need to speak with someone at the Little Hooves Orphanage in Ponyville.”

“Yes sire! I'll put your call through at once.”

A few moments later the call is patched through. Coco Pommel picks up her desk phone.

“Little Hooves Orphanage. Matron Coco Pommel speaking!”

“Coco Pommel? It's Arc.”

“Arc! How are things going in Canterlot?!”

“Um... busy as usual.”

Coco Pommel smiles! “Thanks for taking the time to come here and make that speech at the school's grand opening! We've had two couples inquire about adoptions since then!”

“Glad to hear it! I hope the others aren't going to be jealous of their friend's good fortune.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem! They've been very supportive of Babs Seed! I think it helps with the transition by coming back here every day for school. We won't know for sure until summer vacation of course! So, what can I do for you today Arc?!”

“I was just calling to see if Derpy and Dinky are there. Sorry to bother you with this.”

“You miss them, don't you?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Coco Pommel nods. “I understand. It's no bother at all! Feel free to call anytime you want to talk to them! I'll transfer your call to the kitchen now.”

“Thanks Coco Pommel!”

“No Arc... thank YOU!”

There is a brief silence as the call is transferred. Derpy hearing the phone ring turns to her daughter.

“Dinky, can you answer the phone please?”

The filly trots over to the wall phone. “Sure thing mom!”

Dinky uses her magic to pick up the receiver and hold it to her ear.

“Yes Miss Pommel?”

“Hi Dinky! It's me.”

“DAD! How are you?! Where are you?! MOM!!! It's dad!”

Derpy trots over excitedly! “Arc?! Really?!”

Arc laughs as he puts his phone on speakerphone. “Put it on speakerphone sweetheart!”

Dinky quickly does so.

“Okay dad! We can both hear you now!”

Arc chuckles. “Good! To answer your earlier questions Dinky, I'm doing okay. Right now I'm aboard Equestria's new airship the ‘Lunar Destiny’. At the moment we're headed to Yakyakistan on a diplomatic mission.”

Derpy looks worried! “Are they friendly?”

“From what I've been told, not really.”

Dinky smiles at her mother. “Don't worry mom! Dad's unstoppable!”

“How are the princesses doing Arc?”

Arc sighs. “They're still out. We've figured out how it happened, now we just have to reverse engineer a cure for it!”

Ember nods reassuringly! “The jobs half done!”

Derpy giggles! “Hi Ember! Are you keeping Arc out of trouble?”

“Trying to!”

“Don't worry you two! We'll be home before you know it! So how's school going Dinky? Making friends?”

Dinky nods happily! “Yeah dad! I even joined a club!”

Arc laughs! “Is it a secret club with secret handshakes and secret code words?”

“Nah, nothing like that! Apple Bloom started it along with Sweetie Belle! We're calling ourselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“Crusaders huh? Are you training to fight evil, sweetheart?”

Derpy laughs! “Yes Arc! She wants to follow in your hoofsteps!”

“Nah dad! We're just trying to get our cutie marks is all! It's a lot of fun trying new things! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle seem really determined to get their marks for some reason.”

Ember nods. “What about you?”

“I think I'm a bit more patient than they are! It's a lot of fun spending time with my friends! If one of us happens to get a cutie mark that’ll just be a bonus!”

“Rarity even sewed them matching capes! Oh, I wish you could see them Arc! The three of them look so CUTE!”

Arc nods! “Hopefully soon I can head back for a visit! I really want to see you two again! Dinky must be getting so big!”

Suddenly Arc clutches his forehead.

Ember looks to him concerned! “Arc?! Are you okay?!”

Derpy gasps! “What's going on over there?!”

Arc looks to the phone in a pained voice. “There was a bit of an accident this morning that resulted in me needing some stitches. I... think my painkillers are wearing off.”

Dinky sounds worried! “Are you sure you're okay dad?!”

“Yeah Dinky. It's... passing now.”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief! “Maybe you should lie down Arc!”

“I've been doing that all morning. But I think you're right. For some reason I suddenly feel very... tired.”

Ember chimes in. “Don't worry about Arc you two. I'll take care of him.”

“Thank you, Miss Ember.”

Derpy nods. “You just rest now Arc. I hope you feel better soon!”

Arc lies back weakly. “Th-thanks. We'll talk again soon.”

“Bye dad. Get well soon!”

“Rest now Arc. Goodbye.”

Derpy hangs up the phone. Dinky puts a hoof on her mother's fetlock.

“Is dad going to be okay?”

Derpy nods nervously. “I'm sure he will be! Your father’s very tough! Let's get back to making breakfast though!”

As the two return to their preparations, neither could shake the feeling of dread they felt about Arc's condition.

Sereb turns off the speakerphone with a claw. “Arc. This is not normal for such a wound.”

Ember frowns! “I agree! Are you sure you didn't hit your head harder than originally thought?!”

He stands up slowly. “My back took most of the blow. And other than my stitches, that region of my body feels fine. Maybe I just need a drink of water and a light snack.”

Arc walks over to a nearby table and picks up a glass. He fills it from a nearby pitcher and takes an apple from a bowl. As he turns back to Ember and Sereb, Arc suddenly collapses to the floor! The glass of water falls and shatters as Ember and Sereb rush over to aid their friend!


Arc looks around, dazed. “What... happened? Why am I on the floor?”

Ember helps Arc up and supports him on his way back to the bed. She helps him lie back down slowly.

“This is serious Arc! Something... something is NOT right with you! I'm going to the bridge and inform the captain! He'll know where the closest hospital is!”

Arc looks up at her, weakly. “But...”

Ember yells over her shoulder as she leaves the room. “THIS ISN'T UP FOR DEBATE, ARC!”

She slams the door behind her! Sereb looks to his friend.

“She is... quite passionate.”

Arc winces in pain yet again. “That's putting it mildly.”

Ember quickly makes her way to the bridge! She spots Tight Ship at the helm!

“Captain! Something is very wrong with Lord Arc! We need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible!”

“We're a little over half way to our destination. I'll set a course to The Crystal Empire at once! They have one of the best hospitals in all of Equestria!”

Ember nods! “Good! Is there a medic aboard?!”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “Sorry. She’s on furlough as well.”

Ember grits her teeth! “Decimus...”

Tight Ship turns back to the controls! “I'll take us up to top speed! We'll be there before you know it! Just try to make Lord Arc as comfortable as you can!”

Ember hurries back to Arc's quarters! “Thanks!’

The captain begins flicking switches and making adjustments. Turning back to the front window, with determination! “Let's see what this baby can REALLY do!”

Ember enters Arc's room and turns to Sereb. “How is he?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “He doesn't appear to be getting any better.”

Arc looks up weakly. “E-Ember?”

Ember walks over to Arc's side and takes his hand. “I'm here Arc! Tight Ship will get us to the Crystal Empire as quickly as possible! Just... just hang on!”

“Thanks... Ember.”

“For what?”

Arc looks up and smiles weakly as he squeezes Ember's claw. “For being such a good friend.”

Ember blushes slightly at the attention. “No... no problem. Now just rest okay?! I won't leave your side!”

Sereb nods. “Neither of us will.”

Forty-five minutes pass before there is a knock at the door. Sereb uses his magic to open it from across the room. A Royal Guard enters.

“The captain says we will be landing in about fifteen minutes. The Crystal Empire has been notified of the situation and will have a medical team waiting for us when we land!”

Ember nods as she continues to look at Arc. “Good! I think he's getting worse!”

Arc coughs weakly. “Ember...”

“Yes Arc?”

He gasps for air! “It's... getting hard... to breathe...”

Ember frantically turns to the Royal Guard. Is there an infirmary on board?!”

“Yes ma'am! This way!”

Ember quickly helps Arc onto Sereb. They run as fast as they can down the corridor to the infirmary. Ember lays Arc on a gurney. She picks up a nearby oxygen mask and puts it over Arc's mouth.

“We're almost there Arc! Just keep it together for a bit longer!”

Ember turns to the Royal Guard.

“Inform the Captain that Lord Arc's condition is critical!”

The Royal Guard runs out the door. “Yes ma'am!”

Ember turns back to Arc as Sereb covers him with a blanket. “Does that help you breathe?!”

Arc nods and responds weakly. “A... little…”

Ember begins to cry as she takes Arc's hand and squeezes it. “Hold on Arc! Just a little bit further!”

Arc gasps and looks to his friend. “Ember...”

“Don't talk! Save your strength!”

“Please... listen. My wound... feels like it's... on fire.”

Sereb stands over Arc. “Is there anything we can do?”

“N-no. Just... listen! If... if something happens... to me... tell Shining Armor... he's Lord Regent."

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out his Royal Scepter. He gives it to Ember. She forces a small tear-filled laugh as she takes it.

“I… I knew you did something to hide this thing!”

He squeezes Ember's claw, weakly. “Do me a favor... Ember.”

The tears stream freely down her face. “Name it!”

“Tell them... that I love them... very much.”

Ember tries very hard to control her emotions. “Derpy and Dinky?!”

Arc nods weakly as his voice fails him.

“Y…y… yes... and... Ch... Cherry...”

Arc loses consciousness. Sereb walks forward and puts his head on Arc's chest.

“His heart rate is slowing. There isn't much time.”

Ember squeezes her friend’s hand. “Arc... please... stay with us!”

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